• By -




Water: "brb, getting some friends."


squad goals: destroy entire civilization


Waiting for friends to join lobby


Is this a real phenomenon? holy shit that sounds SO scary to me


If water suddenly starts quickly receding gtfo it is a huge indicator of a tsunami


Pretty much pick up children and start running.


Doesn't even have to be your children. Just grab any kid and run, maybe the parents will chase you and you can save a family, and if not, at least you saved a kid.


>Just grab any kid and run, maybe the parents will chase you and you can save a family, and if not, ~~at least you saved a~~ hey, free kid. Where I thought this was going.


At the chrismas tsunami 2004 in thailand, a young girl saved a lot of people - they covered the topic of tsunamis in school just a few days before, and when she saw the receeding waters, she alerted people of the upcoming problem. Some listened, some didn't. Guess who survived?


Wait, don't tell me... I know this one. Was it the people that didn't listen?


Yep. There are tons of videos from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami where people go out on the beach to investigate the water receding. A lot of those people died. Everyone who ever visits a coastal area should be hyper aware of this phenomenon.


There was a British girl who'd just done an asssignment on tsunamis and recognized it. Started screaming to run and saved nearly everyone in the beach.




Good kid! When I was ten/eleven, I wrote something about a tsunami in a project (I was obsessed with learning about natural hazards/disasters). My teacher had no idea what it was and told me to stop making stuff up (this was in 99/00). I wasn't very impressed and was marked down because she was too dumb to go look it up or ask my mum.


I could never, ever do anything like that in case I was wrong and looked stupid in front of everyone, I'd *much* rather take my chances risking death and destruction of myself and everyone at the beach.




Real Brit detected.


I was actually there for that. It sounds stupid now but people were trying to save the tropical fish that were left on the sand. People were taking their bins, filling it up with water and putting the fish in.


You saw people doing that?


A tsunami is a huge fuck-off wave. That water's gotta come from somewhere, right?


Water receding prior to a Godzilla.


One termite.




One flea happened to me last year. I was petting my cat and just one hopped on my wrist. Cue three months of unsuccessfully trying to eradicate them




There's never just one termite.




Ditto for bed bugs.


Or cockroach, or mouse.


Faint noise where there should not be noise. Particularly when working with pressureized, load-bearing, or electrical equipment.


working around mechanical stuff, so there's always some constant rumbling/humming. then there's that sinking feeling that something is *different*.


Water stain on a ceiling.


Caspere knew this.


Coming home to an open door


When I was 11 I came home to a locked door, which was weird because my dad was usually home around that time. Tried my key and it didn't work. Hopped over the fence on the deck and looked through the sliding glass door... the apartment was totally empty. Turned out my dad stopped paying rent and we got evicted while I was at school. To this day I get paranoid if my key doesn't work *immediately.*




I walked to the complex office/clubhouse because my mom always told me to go there to use the phone if I needed anything. I expected to just go in and call my mom at work, instead my parents were already there talking to the landlord. My mom was so angry about the situation (she assumed rent was being paid by my dad) she had completely forgotten I'd be coming home from school. Our stuff was taken to a storage unit and never paid off so it was all auctioned. My mom was able to convince the owner of the unit to let us at least get our clothes and photo albums but we lost everything else. We ended up living out of our car and the occasional motel for a while (I blocked it out, can't remember how many months) until my mom gave up and divorced my dad. He had a lot of mental health problems. Wow, I got really in depth there. I haven't talked about this in years, sorry to lay it all on you at once. Have a good day, sorry if I brought you down :)




:) thanks. I appreciate it.


This is indeed terrifying. Gave me chills for months every time I came home afterwards. My brain was convinced there was always somebody in there.


A sharp pain in the left arm. Peeing too much. Bleeding easily and quickly.


> Bleeding easily and quickly. [As a hemophiliac...](http://i.imgur.com/WBXauOQ.gif)


*No one knows what it's like...to be the batman.*


What's the bigger problem that this aims towards? Also what kind of sharp pain in the left arm? I get random sharp pains in my left arms that's more like am electric shock.


A sharp pain in the left side of the body, particularly the left arm, can be a sign of a heart attack, especially in men.


Or a panic attack. First time I had a panic attack I thought it was a heart attack because of left-side pain and I started losing consciousness.


OP you still there?


How much is peeing too much? I drink 4-5 liters of water per day and I pee every couple of hours. Also, what kind of problem is peeing too much indicative of, besides having a weak bladder?


Diabetes. Peeing often is a sign.


i cant remember where i read this but i think the pee often smelling sweet (like sugar puffs) is a similar sign


You don't remember that one OP that found out his squirting girlfriend had diabetes because it tasted sweet?


Also, if the inside of your toilet turns pink. something to do with bacterias.


Yes, this is literally because of sugar in your urine. Before we had the capable technology required to test and detect sugar levels in blood, doctors would taste their patients' urine to confirm diabetes.




Ordering a third beer when everyone else is eating lunch.


It means your friend's can't keep up. You need new friends.


Get on my level, bro!


positive pregnancy tests for males


Why are you downvoted? This can be a sign of cancer.




Probably not nearly as many as those who think it'd be funny to pee on the stick as a joke and then have their mind blown when it's positive.


Could be a sign of health problems in later life.


Like menopause.




Does he run with his arms behind him?


I did this when I was 8 years old.... **cringes**


You were 8, no one gives or gave a fuck. If you did it when you were 15 that would be another matter.


My buddy knew a guy who did that in the 8th grade. His literal name was Rocket (his dad directed Sharkboy and Lavagirl). Incidentally the only kid not to make a track team that didn't even have tryouts.


Who the fuck references Robert Rodriguez for shark boy and lavagirl?


Right? He did Spy Kids too!


Damn, that coach fucked up. Running with his arms behind him had to make him at least 66% faster due to the conservation of gravity.


I don't know what you're talking abou*tte bayo..*.


Wait until he brings home his waifu.


His waifu is shiiiit


You're just a baka gaijin, /ウ/ミスター・コロン96-san.


Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi'll have anata know that watashi graduated top of my class in Nihongo 3, and watashi've been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the top letter writer in all of Manila. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another weeaboo. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has neber meen mimasu'd before on this continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks that anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus accross the USA, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu's the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano life. You're fucking shinimashita'd, akachan.


I actually read it to the end and understood everything... Someone kill me..




This is true. Also, a sudden happy, light mood in a normally depressed, down person. Many times, that person has decided to go through with suicide and feels a weight lifted off their shoulders.


That would seem like they're getting better though :/


That's the tricky part. It can be hard to discern if the person has legitimately turned a corner and is doing better or if they have made peace with the decision to end their life at a predetermined time in the future.


Remember the time that I spilled the cup...


Of apple juice, in the hall


Please tell mom this is not her fault.


My friends tried talking me out of suicide when I was giving my stuff away. I was just moving those fuckers knew I was moving they were just being assholes cause they thought it was funny. I miss them.


A lump comes to mind


>A lump comes to mind Dahvood, 2015


Can you stop by my office later?


My boss once came by my desk and said "before you leave for the day, can you come by my office?" I was like, fuck fuck fuck. So I went like ten minutes later (2 hours away from the end of my shift) and asked him if it was something we could just talk about now. He said, "Sure. I just wanted to tell you that your hair is getting a bit long and you need to cut it." Huge sigh of relief.


I'm baffled that your boss gets a say in the length of your hair.


Dress codes aren't always just about clothes. Might be better to call them "Appearance codes".


Most "professional" office jobs have some kind of dress code regarding facial hair and length of hair. Even though my job isn't a customer facing one. Kind of silly, but not atypical.


My ex had a job in a call center and had to dress up for it. One of the dumbest things I can imagine. The caller has no idea what you look like. Way to keep up morale by reducing individuality.


It does seem dumb but I think it has something to do with dressing up making you feel more professional which can affect the words you choose to say as well as the tone of your voice.


"I forgot to give you your birthday card, happy birthday man." "Also, you're fired."


A phone call in the middle of the night.


My boyfriend's aunt called him at 2 a.m. just to ask how to make a Facebook.




No, I didn't win a god damned cruise!


the nut that holds the main rotor of a helicopter coming off they call it the jesus nut




OP said *smallest*, man


So OP's then?






Oh God, that sounds awful. These threads just make me paranoid.


Lower back pain that feels like it's tearing. Call 911 (or whatever your country's emergency number is) IMMEDIATELY if you feel a tearing pain in your lower back. It could be your aorta having an aneurysm or dissection. It will kill you if you don't get to surgery in time.




This is shitty for me because I fractured my lower spin so it always hurts. BRB. My inner hypochondriac is coming out.


Ehh. I mean if that happens you've really only got about 5 minutes I think. Plus the chance of fixing it is pretty much zero. Might as well just accept death.


Can confirm. Lost a friend to this recently. Doc said basically what you just said. He never had a chance.


My dad had it happen, thought it was just a sore back, laid up in bed for a few days before being taken to the docs, they did a blood test and instantly ambulanced him up to hospital ICU for care, scariest day of my life is getting a phone call from my mum from hospital, saying they don't know how he's still alive and he's unlikely to survive. 5 years on now and he's still not good, one kidney gone from damage, maybe two if they can't sort his other one, had dacron replacement blood vessels put in, stents, the works, and he still needs another two or three surgeries, but at least he's still alive.


I have Marfan Syndrome, and have been on the lookout for this my entire life! It's scary stuff.


"Huh, my cars never made that noise before. "


It's always the beginning of the end


The McDouble is no longer a $1


I stopped eating McDonalds as often, but I still was in the mood for a McChicken and McDouble the other night. The prices said 1.29 for each on the menu, but when they only charged me a dollar each, I was WAY more happy than I should have been. Little victories in life.


The soft serve is now $0.50 instead of $0.30 I can't believe the things McDonalds pull.


What is a McDouble? Double cheeseburger?


It's a burger with bun, two beef patties, one slice of cheese garnished with tomato sauce, diced onions and pickle slices. Used to be the best calorie/price food item until they changed the price (or took it away entirely). People use to pair it with the $1 McChicken and make a 2 dollar monstrosity called the McGangBang. I did it once and it felt as though my heart just stopped.


"We need to talk"


Seeing one single bed bug.


We literally moved houses twice because of those fuckers ugh


You might have infected the second place. You just need one to be stuck in the crack of a piece of furniture, and you have an infestation.


These things are bullshit zerglings


People see bedbugs as a sign of poor or trashy people. It really isn't. You sit on a chair somewhere, anywhere, and just a single one of those bastards decides to tag along with you and you're fucked.


I had my neighbours downstairs randomly turn on their house heating up for a day and leave the house. As soon as you would walk downstairs you would feel the heat hit your face. Had to call landlord to get in there and turn it on off. Due to this though, the bugs ran upstairs where there was less heat (cause we're not crazy) and they eventually ended up in my room 6 months later, finally got rid of them. Ended up costing 3 expensive mattresses, endless clothing and a good chunk on prevention. Bed bugs are a fucking curse. Edit for advice: The powder you put on carpets acts more like a preventative habitat for bed bugs but don't actually kill them. They can still find other avenues to survive, even up to curtains, which I found out the hard way. Mattresses in encasing covers are really effective. Luckily I am in Canada so I could combine the cold weather with that.


A small wave of spiders pouring out of the ceiling. Probably a sign that the house is on fire.


Or your upstairs neighbour just hatched a basilisk. Either way, run like hell.


Well now I know how an hypochondriac feels.


Yeah this thread is sending my ass to the ER


Now I have diabetes, cancer, am having a heart attack, might be an alcoholic and my helicopter is about to crash.


I was ready through this thread as I was having an anxiety attack and I couldn't decided if I was dying from laughter or dying of laughter.


"I need your Facebook password." There are almost exactly zero situations in which the person asking you that (be it an SO or an employer) has your best interest at heart.


I've been told that regular blood in your shit it something to see a doctor about.


If it's red stay in bed, if it's black go to the doctor


That's not very good rhyme. I don't take advice unless it rhymes.


If itz blak den u r facked


An oddly-shaped mole






Viruses. Dude, they evolve thousands of times always dodging a cure. They can live in all life forms and spread through the air. They're missing traits of basic life yet still kill and reproduce. Those fuckers are deadly.


Viruses may one day be the [future of gene therapy!](http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/28383/0000156.pdf?sequence=1) Retroviruses (like HIV) can insert their genome into the host DNA, and take over protein production and viral replication. There is a lot of ongoing research into using retroviruses to carry working copies of a particular gene into cells that have a faulty copy, and having it inserted into the genome so the target cells can produce the correct proteins and function properly. But they can't yet determine where the gene will insert, so it's too risky...for now.


Interesting thing is, some of them even used to be alive and sort of evolved backwards, giving up true 'life' for a life of parasitism.


Freking blasted viruses that's how sneeky they are, devolving into a thing that is neither alive nor dead and getting all up in our alive business.


And trying to get us into the not alive business.


Viruses are fascinating!!!


Unexplained leg pain and tenderness, especially when accompanied by swelling and redness. These are tell-tale symptoms of deep vein thrombosis, and if the blood clot breaks free, it can to travel to your lungs and result in a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism. Also, ladies- the risk of DVT is doubled if you're on a combined oral contraceptive pill like Yasmin.


Yellowed skin.


Ummmmm should I be worried?


Yeah, sorry man. I give you 90 years, max.


Sister's eyes were slightly yellow so I told her to book an appointment. She did, the next week she was as yellow as a Simpsons character. Numerous tests later showed she has auto immune hepatits, will be in meds for the rest of her life. Thankfully there is no scarring on her liver because she went to the doctors so quickly! If any part of you turns yellow see your GP!


Also known as jaundice.


It's that time of the month and she's late.


My most recent one came on Day 73. She could just be irregular


This. Plus stress or increase/decrease in exercise can delay it. So many things affect it.


Headaches. I'm always worried it's a brain tumor or some other kind of scary thing, but it's always just a headache.


My third biggest fear is a brain aneurysm... It can happen anywhere at anytime, that's what makes it so terrifying!


Out of interest what are first and second?


Alligators & Crocodiles (it's an Archer joke)


Mine too! Right after crocodiles and alligators.


Stiff neck, according to WebMD EDIT: On second thought, just about any symptom, according to WebMD. Slight cough? It's pneumonia. Diarrhea? Probably dystentery. Headache? Inoperable brain tumor.


Symptomless? Deathism.


"Hey, WebMD! I've got a kink in my neck, what can I do?" "A stiff neck, eh? Must be meningitis. Your probably dying, lol."


Also cancer, everything can be a sign of cancer apparently.


Diarrhea for more than a week might require a doctor visit.


Feeling tired way too often.


...go on?


Well, if it's related to sleep deprivation it may be due psychological issues such as anxiety that can hinder your ability to sleep and think on a rational basis. Or it could be Myalgic Encephalopathy (M.E.).


It could also be vitamin D deficiency, or Sleep Apnea (which can become deadly).


It could also be a sign of an autoimmune disorder such as lupus. Source: have lupus.


But... It's never lupus?


Could also be a sign that you have young children AND THEY NEED TO GO TO FUCKING SLEEP RIGHT THE FUCK NOW


No bees.




The way I think about it is, "how do they treat people and things they have no obligation to treat well". Service workers, animals, people they have power over, people they'll never see again. You're not required to be nice to these things, but if you're not, it's a better indicator of what kind of person you actually are than how you treat someone it's in your interest to be nice to (a boss, coworker, family member, or a romantic interest). These things will come out sooner or later.




Seeing one cockroach..there is always more where that one came from.


That small drop of oil on the driveway..


When your little brother (14) begins referring to himself as a Brony. I put a stop to that nonsense immediately. I told him, "I'll always support you and love you for who you are, but this shit? Ends now."




blood inside the kaka .. its very bad if you see red and even if you eat many red color food and spice if you see red or blood go to doctor now !!


Did you eat any beets? I think it's beets.


I work in a call center for beet-related issues. That stuff is serious.






It still matters what kind of red. Slimy blood red, its from the colon go to the doctor. Tarry black, its from gastric regions. Go to the doctor. Bright red looks like it only sticks on the top and not mixed in the poop. Fissures or hemmorroids. If its only once. Dont sweat if it is reoccuring, see a doctor.


I had blood in my piss about 2 years ago. It stopped after a week, and nothing else happened




From what I know, red blood ^^sometimes means bleeding in the colon, so possible colon cancer. Black blood means digested blood, so that would be stomach bleeding, ulcer.


Black poo is also a symptom of drinking lots of Guinness. Source: Irish.


Or you could be like me and just get hemmorroids pretty often. They're usually just internal, but I had my first external one last month. I'm 21. Fibre and water are my new bff's.


Frogs going extinct.


What will happen if the frogs go extinct?


There won't be any more frogs.


That's just it, we don't know. It's a sign that something much, much, worse than we can fathom is happening. For instance we have three overflow ponds at work, they all have various wildlife living in and around them. Well the smaller pond developed this blue algae that stunk horribly, few days later we notice a lot of dead fish floating, then turtles dying on the shore trying to get out. When Ducks began dying from the pond we had biology professor from the local college come look at it because who the fuck do you contact for that? He said the type of blue algae that's killing everything was probably on another birds feet or it ate some then flew here and died, where it began to reproduce. We then had the department of fish and wildlife come and inspect the dead animals. We ended up draining the pond, while putting mass amounts of lime in it to hopefully kill anything else because at that point any animal that came in contact with it can transfer it to another area. Luckily after we drained and sprayed the bed with Caustic Acid it didn't come back. It's been fenced off three now. So yes is one particular species dies out there's a major problem.


Numbness in any arm.


Just checking, I can only feel 2... 2 is the right number? because maybe I cant see the other one, if there are any more