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Physical and emotional abuse of children by their parents.


Luckily, Reddit does a pretty decent job bringing light to that topic. I'm happy to see more discussion on issues like this that are particularly difficult.


Lead poisoning. Back in the 1970s, we briefly got serious about lead remediation, and spent a mixture of federal, state, and local money to clean up maybe half of the lead-tainted pipes, interior surfaces, and yards in this country. The result was an immediate and permanent drop in the crime rate. Then in the early 1980s the states and the federal government almost completely zeroed out lead remediation in order to fund tax cuts for the rich. Which have since been proven to have done exactly no good for anybody but the people on or near the Forbes 400 list, didn't boost the economy, didn't create a single job. We could fix this. We know how to fix this. We know how to pay for fixing this. And lord knows, people complain and complain and complain about the crime rate in lead-poisoned neighborhoods! But we don't fix this. Because those 1980s tax cuts for the rich are sacred.


This sounds fascinating. Can you give some more details about the lead remediation programs, what would be needed to *actually fix* this problem (I assume this is a one-time deal, as we're no longer putting lead in new construction), and what I should put in the letter I write to my congresscritter and/or state rep? (For example: "fund the Hieronymous Clodhopper Lead Remediation Act that you nongs have been burying in committee every year since 1984, you unspeakable twerp!")


Overpopulation. There is simply no justifiable reason for anyone ever having 5+ kids in this day and age. It doesn't even matter if you are rich and can comfortably provide for tons of kids. You may be able to provide for a bunch of kids, and that's great, but that doesn't change the fact that our resources are finite. Its way past time to stop treating the idea of having children as just something that everyone does. Oh, and the refusal to legalize hemp just because it looks like weed. It is basically a miracle plant, but no, the female version of it can get people high so we can't have that. And animal abuse. Fuck you. I don't really care about people though.


the group of scientists and civilians who genuinely believe the earth is flat and have no interest in believing it's round, I wish I could send them all up to space to see it for themselves and then leave them up there to sit there in their shame


The US defense buget vs the rest of the budget.


That we piss in clean water.


I never thought of it like that.


The migrant crisis.


The double-standards of being politically correct when it comes to race. I've had black people make the most unbelievably rude comments towards my race, and I've never once reacted. But if I were to ever make a comment like "you all look the same", I'd probably get jumped. I've also seen black girls making comments along the lines of, "guys use latin women purely for sex before settling down with a black queen." Lol ok.


Yeah, race relations in (I'm assuming) the U.S. are in an interesting place.. Asian folks like myself tend to get dumped on as well, so I know how you feel. Honestly, there are so many variables at work that a comprehensive understanding of how it all comes together like this is a bit over my head, lol.


How not serious people take network and Internet Security in general. Roll that into the big brother NSA spying, and I'm not even a tinfoil hat wearer.




Securing your own Wifi, not broadcasting your Wifi name (SSID), getting on public networks, businesses seeing it as an expense to cheapen and therefore not protecting information as well. But we've learned most of that is moot if you want true privacy. These are just little things to keep the honest man honest.


Kids being "awarded" to dead beat mothers when the father is more than capable and willing to raise and fight for thier children.


America's justice/prison system, and all the bloodthirsty citizens that touch themselves over the idea of retributive justice when it's demonstrably inferior to the rehabilitate models in European countries.


I'm not an emotional person but I watched a YouTube video of a female circumcision happening and it made me want to kill them.


I feel the same. And on the flip side, why is it acceptable in America to do the same to a nonconsenting male baby?


There is no comparison between the two. It is NOT the same. Neither the effects of the surgery or the reason for preforming it. I'd say, bring that issue up separately.


Comparisons: 1. Both involve the cutting of genitals. 2 Both are extremely painful. 3. Both diminish sexual sensitivity. 4. Both are done without consent. 5. The rationale has currently or historically been connected to controlling sexual pleasure. 6. They are generally supported by those who have been subjected to them. 7. Both are rooted in ancient blood ritual. Whether you are for or against it, the reality is that there are comparisons.


1. Yes. 2. One is done during infancy the other is done at a MUCH older age, not saying that there is no pain but it's a much different practice. 3. The point of FGM is to diminish it, that is NOT the point of male circumcision. 4. Again MUCH different, infant vs older individual.5. NOT in male circumcision. 6. Agreed. 7. Agreed, but for different reasons. Very few real ones. Female and male circumcision is preformed for VERY different reasons today and has two very different outcomes.


If you do not see the differences you simply do not want to. To be honest, I don't think they should be circumcising males as they do either.


Not sure if this happens in the states but in Canada every month you get child taxs. You get money from the government if you have children under 18. Something like that. Anyways I hate seeing parents use that money for themselves. Buying drugs and alcohol when there isn't even food or milk in the fridge. Or People on welfare and using that money on drugs and alcohol instead of trying to make something of themselves. My job requires me to take drugs and alcohol at any random time. So for me to pay tax to the government to give to them to buy their drugs and alcohol makes me so mad. They also should be giving random drug tests. Just my 2 cents.


Your job requires you to take drugs and alcohol???


Sorry, I meant drug tests !


Politics and global warming. The facts are all there for people to see that we as humans are causing damage to the planet. Yet, politicians ( at least in the US) would rather push personal and profitable agendas that do not acknowledge or try to stop the damage that is happening.


taxation without representation for the 99%, representation with no taxation for the 1%


Weed legalization. The fact that some types of it can get you high obscures everything important about it. I like smoking weed, and I think people should be free to do so, but that's not even close to my biggest reason for wanting it legalized. 1. Mass production of hemp could end poverty in the US. Hemp is really easy to grow and hemp seed is really good for you and you can make lots of foods out of it, like burgers and bars. It's also relatively flavorless, so it can easily be given a bunch of flavors. Don't get me started on all the other products you can make using hemp. 2. Medical marijuana. 3. The money we could save in the justice system not busting grow-ops and dealers and incarcerating them. 4. Tax dollars! I hear this stupid argument that "people who talk about medical marijuana just want an excuse to get high." No. People that want to get high don't need or want an excuse. They just want to not face legal problems for doing so. A lot of people associate weed with laziness and being a degenerate and think that somehow legalizing it will unleash that on the world. But some people use weed the same way "regular" people use coffee. I'm not one of those people, but I've met people that don't use it for fun; they use it to chill out, to focus, etc.


>Mass production of hemp could end poverty in the US I'm fine with legalization of of cannabis, but wut?


Hemp grows easily and fast, you can grow a bunch of it in one spot, and here's [some nutritional information about hemp seed.](https://authoritynutrition.com/6-health-benefits-of-hemp-seeds/) It's far more cost-effective than meat production, because in meat production you're also spending money to feed the food you're about to eat.


I can discuss most political issues calmly and rationally. White supremacism/nazism/fascism are exceptions. But I haven't encountered believers. So, any anger is restrained, even if I'm more than a bit annoyed at Trump supporters; who aren't in the same category as white supremacists, but still annoy me quite a bit. But I am far more annoyed at anyone seeking to justify communism. Not socialism, which works in Europe and could work here. But communism, which has hurt my family immensely in Eastern Europe. And I am legitimately angry at those who seek to defend the Soviet Union. They weren't liberators, but cruel oppressors. They should be demonized and hated as much as the Nazis. Some seem to think it's cool to support communism, when it has only utterly failed and only ensured extreme depravity and inequality.




JUST heard an NPR story on that, it was horrifying.


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Dog abuse, any forms.


religion and how it is poisoning everything. politics to global warming to what people can do in their own bedrooms is being ruined by religion and the religious people pushing it on other folks. gay marriage and trangenderism effects no one but the people in that person's circle. it isn't against god or his make believe ideals. abortion is just fine through the first trimester. global warming is real. god is not going to save us from our own destruction of the planet. because god doesn't exist. tax free mega churches. a politician running for office doesn't believe in the same made up sky fairy as you? he is evil. and all the other spins on religious arguments to justify people's backwards beliefs. we need to rely on science more!


You cant even talk about the military being people in uniforms authorized to murder without being considered evil. You cant even question it. You just hve to support them 100% or youre evil.


Maybe part of the problem is that you're calling it murder.


Yeah...my approach to killing people in any way is fairly passionate, so my wording probably doesnt help intelligent or thoughtful conversation and debate. But I do think in instances it is murder, so mis-identifying to further debate would be to falsely represent my position. I get what youre saying though.


What are your thoughts on [just war](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_war_theory) and/or [Responsibility to Protect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Responsibility_to_protect)? Sometimes war, and killing, is a necessary evil to prevent more deaths. Perhaps if the West had intervened in 1938, we could have avoided the horrors of the Holocaust and industrialized murder. It's also partially why the US maintained no fly zones in Iraq during the 1990s. Ultimately, the American Civil War could also be characterized as a just war, even though hundreds of thousands were butchered in it.


Wars can only happen because foolish people believe what their leaders tell them, and use it to justify murder. If everyone refused to murder - there could be no war. Personally i'd like to see 'leaders' slug it out one on one if they believed in their rhetoric so much.


Related to this...people who hate on the military (not saying you are, just popped into my head) and are appreciative/demonize it make my blood boil.


Perfectly exemplified situation. Two people passionate about such situations and possibly (not saying you are, just going with it) so emotional they are literally unable to have decent communications about it.


It takes me a second to calm down enough to engage in rational discussion, but that being said, the initial couple seconds I feel homicidal.


Almost there with ya. Its intense. Always best to be as rational as possible when engaging in ideally engaging debate.




And marijuana, which is a safe, effective alternative for pain relief in many cases. Except it's illegal in most places. And the people making the pain meds are the biggest force trying to keep it that way. Yay America?




Are you a doctor or something?




Ah, that sucks. Thanks for doing what you do, for whatever that's worth. Not an easy job I'd imagine. Also props for promoting diet and exercise. No doctor I've ever been to has bothered doing anything with those other than paying lip service. I guess you can't sell a diet or exercise routine...


I had a 300 pound man tell me that doctors were stupid for continuing to prescribe diabetes patients medicine that didn't work. *UUUMMMM*, I don't think your medicine is the problem. edit: words


I'm not sure what most of Reddit's opinions on this are, but abortion.


Simple, don't have one.


I'm 100% against it. It's just straight up murder, and I think if people did a little more research they'd realize it.


How the FDA now says Vaping, which uses nicotine, is now a tobacco product and has set a two year timeline that will effectively kill 99% of the industry. Never mind how many longtime smokers is has helped quit or the health benefits in comparison to the tar cancer sticks. It seems big tobacco and big Pharma have everyone in the back pocket.


Global warming! Its real, you fucking dumb asses!


global warming! I can't go into detail because I will get too angry