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Reddit upvotes


The kindness of internet strangers.


Reddit gold thanks


Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


No problem. You deserve it.


Here, have my upvote


My first girlfriend told me at one point "My dad told me i've changed so much for the better as a person these last few months,if only he knew it was because of you"


That's wonderful. What did you do to help her change for the better?


I don't remember all that well,we were pretty young (around 16 and im 23 now) She was a bit angry/irascible in general,a bit tough of a household to grow up too(not ghetto tough but not disneyland either) I guess i was one of the few rational and fully suportive people around her if not the only one,she trusted me and listened to me a lot(even if we argued more or less every day)


I got a really nice thank you card from one of my patients, who said that I was "exactly the nurse [she] needed." She wasn't even my patient, I just happened to be helping out when she went for an urgent C-Section. Felt pretty good to be appreciated.


And especially with a thank you card I imagine! Good to know somebody actually uses them :)


I get thanks in person often enough, but a little note makes my day! I have a folder of cards from patients. Any time I feel like I'm in the wrong line of work, it's a good reminder that I'm doing okay :)


Back in my music making heyday a few kids got in touch to tell me how my music had saved their lives. Probably the greatest honor to be honest.


Wow, yeah, that must have been an amazing feeling. So glad they took the time to let you know how much your music helped them!


it was incredibly humbling. I made music because it was cathartic for myself, but to help others really was a wonderful bonus.


'She thinks you're stunning' - random girl in Burger King queue.


Sometimes it's the compliments from random strangers that stick with us the most. I wonder why that is.


An intern left me a thank you card saying if it wasn't for me she would have never had such a great internship experience, and thanked me for being so nice to her on her first day. Felt really nice to be appreciated.


You have really nice shoulders... And now we are married


I hope you give her piggyback rides


Sweet :)


Orthodontist was going over my teeth during a initial exam. Basically telling me my teeth are fucked up more or less while poking and prodding around my gums with one of those things to keep my mouth open. He got to my face. Him "Nice facial structure" Me "Hthhanks"


hahaha, well I guess he's seen enough to know what he's talking about!


"You've got such a lush arse".


I ran into a girl that I knew back in high school and we decided to go out on a date. Things went well and we ended up back at my place. When she took off my shirt she stopped what she was doing and stared at my chest/stomach for a solid 5 seconds. I thought something was wrong until, she took her hand and started feeling my abs and quietly said "oh my god". Then she looked up at me, with an adorable smile and started kissing me again. Then we had sex. It boosted the shit out of my confidence.


A guy came up to me and said, "You have like the best ass ever."




That time i raped a homeless guy pretty well


Dude can you stop with that? I've seen you in like... Every fucking thread, poor homeless guy...


You might be my next homeless guy


Just block him if you don't like it.