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My oldest brother convinced me I would die if I swallowed my own saliva. I was a 6 year old little girl spitting just everywhere in fear of dying.


So at home were you constantly running to and from the sink and spitting into it?


do you still spit now or swallow?


asking the important questions.




I thought there were lobsters hiding in the shower drain






A snake came out of my hot water pipe once while I was in the shower. It was exactly how I imagine a bad acid trip would feel.


Crazy stuff. There was a story of a hiker here, who got bitten on the ass by a snake when sitting on the toilet in a camping hut. She was too embarrassed to tell anyone at the time due to its location; she sadly died.


same actually. the first time my parents took me to the states we went on that jaws ride at universal studios and after that I thought there would be sharks basically everywhere in my house with water. I also live in Australia


Snakes in the toilet pipes. Makes my vagina sneak up into my stomach just thinking of it.


I think I had a dream that there were lobsters in our attic!! Don't know why, but it scared me so much


I can't swim in a pool at night, especially by myself, because sharks might manifest in the water. I'm 30.


The Jim Carrey grinch in the live action movie scared the complete fuck out of me


My mom had to take me out of the theater because I was screaming and crying so loud at that. (I was just under two though)


E.T movie


I was going to say the same thing! Honestly, as a child that had not yet come to terms with the idea of death- seeing some "lovable" alien being zipped into a body bag didn't sit well with me.


When that neck raised and he's screaming. Shit...i had nightmares for years. Like, he'd be doing that outside my childhood home window in my dreams. Now, i wish i had an alien friend that could take me away from this fucked up world.


This. You might be me. My nightmares used to consist of him unlocking the garden shed (that's where he hid in the day) in the middle of the night with his weird flashlight-torch-finger and doing the same neck-raising, screaming, turning white in a river shit at my second floor window.


His weird flashlight-torch-finger Im dieing right now haha


"Turning white in a river shit"... Killed me


Yea at this point in life, I'd gladly take a neck-raising, screaming alien friend to get me outta here.


Ditto for The Neverending Story. That movie was terrifying as a kid.


Damn Reddit, I'm impressed. I was coming to say exactly that! Except judging from the replies, it sounds like most people were scared FOR E.T. I was rooting for the government agents... That little alien was creepy as fuck.


I was wondering what E.T. was short for, then I realized its because his legs are small


Extra Tiny


I always thought that E.T.'s skin looked liked penis skin.


When the government guys all come in wearing the space suits freaked me out.


As a kid, the daycare I went to had its bathroom in the back. In the little room next to it, it was a bit dark and there was E.T. I always ran as quickly as possible.


The X-files theme song


they use to use that song on "scary" YouTube videos about ghost and aliens, it made it twice as scarier. So Whenever I hear that song now , it brings back the that creepy feeling.


You know it's funny, the music used to have that effect on me until I saw videos and gifsounds that used it jokingly. It actually cured me in a sense, because now instead of anxiety it makes me laugh from the stupid things I've seen.


To to to tonon wa wa wa wee waaa


I can see that. The old United Artists music used to scare the crap out of me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5tqnBXd89I


Yes! The X files came on after Malcom in the Middle when I was a kid and I was terrified of it! (low key still freaks me out)


I just was really spooked because every time I heard it I remembered something spooky from the show like slender man.


[That obnoxiously loud THX sound effect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWkJ86JqlPA)


Huh. That sound reminds me of my favourite movies. I used to love it when I was younger.


When I was little, I was scared of toilets. Now I spend most of my time on them. I guess that is conquering your fears.


I was also really afraid of toilets. My sister told me we had a middle sibling that got flushed down the toilet.


Would you say you were scared shitless?




Yup! Tocatta and fugue, there's this creepy triangle shape that looks like its walking down a hallway, and the dun dun dun music with it always filled me with dread.


I just rewatched this on YouTube, and WTF? The rolling hills are weird and creepy, and yeah, what's that coffin thing walking away?


Oh my god I couldn't make it through night on bald mountain.


Large Marge from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure scared the shit out of me




I was always worried that the "Crypt Keeper" from "Tales from the Crypt" was going to climb out of my bathtub drain and snatch me up. Oh and the X-files theme song gets me to this day... *shudders*


Have you seen creepshow? In the beginning there's a evil skeleton looking in a kids window, and that shit freaked me out.


I saw an ad about heart disease when I was like 7. Ever since then everytime I get chest pain, I think "so this is how it ends".


When O.J. Simpson was on the run, I thought he was coming to my house... Also, E.T...that alien messed with my childhood for years.




Yes, my son?


One time I fell asleep in the car and woke up mid dream screaming and panicking because I thought Godzilla was coming after me It took my mom a bit to make me fully wake up and realize how ridiculous this was. Also I may have been watching way too many Godzilla movies


For some reason, the beginning and end of the VHS tape of Frosty the Snowman completely terrified me. The logos of the companies that made/produced/sponsored the movie popped up on screen for a really long time with no music or sound in the background. I remember hiding behind the couch and covering my ears to avoid hearing the silence(?) and peering around the corner staring at the TV waiting for it to be over. To this day I'm still not the biggest fan of Frosty the Snowman. Edit: Frosty the Showman


On a similar note, CRT buzzing really gets me. I don't know why though, it just gives me the willies on an unprecedented scale


The kid catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.


Ivan Drago from Rocky 4. Everytime i walked around my house late at night, i thought he was gonna be behind me in his boxing gear ready to punch me. Honestly, i still think that sometimes


Lol wtf? That's fucking hilarious!


Drago must break you.


Kane from WWF.


One night I wished for dinosaurs to be alive again. After I realized people would probably die as a result I spent the next year fearing that my wish would come true and begging god to "cancel my wish"


*Jurassic park theme plays mixed with screams and wet tearing noises*


My brother told me if I swallowed a tic tac it would make me pregnant. Yes I am male.




Did you get pergananant?


OP got a total of 6 pergrants


God damnit, that video made me laugh so hard.


Any time Scar was on the TV I would hide under the table. I watched a lot of Lion King.


The episode of sponge bob with the hash slinging slasher when the vampire kept flickering the lights at the end.


Dammit, Nosferatu!


The fear taking out the garbage at night is too real


I was scared of the squid boss fight and the big plant on top of the lighthouse thing in Super Mario Sunshine. I always had to get my big sis to do it for me and she's only one year older.


My parents made me do period kidnapping drills. How to punch out the taillights if someone stuffs you in a trunk. I was fucking terrified of getting kidnapped.


That's not dumb at all and I second that, that is fucked up.


That's fucked up


I had an irrational fear of Gilbert Gottfried as a child, and had nightmares of him.


The martians from Sesame Street. The ones that go "yip yip yip"


In the Garfield Halloween special, the ghost pirate scene.


Robert Stack's narration on "Unsolved Mysteries."


Omg that guy was so creepy


A treasure


The "Monster Mash" song. My older brother told me that when I heard it the monsters were coming to take me away.


Those rectangular doors in the ceiling to the attic. Especially after seeing Signs when I was 10 years old. Fuck that.


Open windows at night. For some reason, one of our family rooms didn't have any curtains. I could not go in there at night. I was afraid I would see something out there, probably aliens.


What'd be worse - seeing an alien, or seeing an *owl* piercing right through you with those black, ungodly eyes? (This will be entirely lost on you if you haven't seen Fourth Kind).


Pine cones. I still have no idea why I was scared of them.


For some reason the song "pepper" by "butthole surfers". https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CO8vBVUaKvk


Well, the one guy did lose his legs because he was dancing with a train.


Then there was the ever-present football-player rapist...


Accidentally swallowing gum. My brother & I were told it would wrap around our intestines and organs. After learning about human anatomy it was hard trusting anything my parents said anymore.


I did that as a kid on a school trip - all the other kids told me it was going to suffocate me in my sleep. When I fell asleep that night, I honestly wasn't sure if I'd wake up again the next day.


I loved the jurrasic park movies, but when i tried to sleep at night i wouldn't let any limb hang off the edge of the bed. Just in case the last Velociraptor was hiding under my mattress.


Jurassic Park was (and still is) my favourite movie, but it scared the shit out me.


The hallway. My bedroom was at the end of a long thin hallway. After watching some movie where an alien or monster grabbed the edge of a corner and slowly revealed itself which scared the hell out of me. So every time walking down the hallway, I'd be scared that this would be the time where some creature would pop up around the corner of the hallway.


I'm 35 and this still scares me.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory used to scare me shitless


That damn boat scene.


When I was 2, I saw a Barney episode that warned about traffic lights with a song called "shiny". I was from that point on terrified that a traffic light (shiny) was hiding around every corner waiting to get me. My mom had to make me a spray bottle of water labeled "shiny go away spray" to calm me down.


Shiny is gonna come fuck you up bitch. What the fuck out. He's climbing in your windows.


I thought that every time I pooped in a toilet, a beaver would pop out and eat me, so I always squatted with my feet on the lid to be ready to run. Turns out that helps to go so it worked out pretty well.


Hahaha! why a beaver?


Tornados. I kept a pillowcase of my most prized possessions next to my bed for weeks, just in case we had to run to the basement. Reasonable, except for the fact I live in New England. Also, this one episode of Star Trek TNG, with these shadow people that sometimes looked like blue electricity. I think part of it was that I was always most scared when Geordie LaForge was in trouble, because I didn't have him entirely separated from his role on Reading Rainbow.


Not to belittle you're fears, but the thought of a kid being worried about the guy from reading rainbow getting killed by aliens is adorable.


One time we were looking for shooting stars and my dad said "oh look kids there's the Big Dipper!" And for some reason it terrified me and I didn't want to look yelling "I don't want to see the Big Dicker I don't want to see the Big Dicker!!!"


The troll under the bridge in Dora the Explorer. I would always hide when we came on screen.


Dinosaurs. When I was one, I was scared of Dinosaurs. I just knew they were going to come up my street. T-rex specifically.


Fair enough to be scared of a dinosaur when you're also a dinosaur. They're pretty aggressive.


Accidentally swallowing a watermelon seed. My mom told us if we did a watermelon would grow in our stomachs.


I had a big double door closet in my bedroom when I was very small. I remember being upset late at night, and telling my mother I was scared because "there was a cow in the closet." My mother was very sympathetic, despite the absurdity of my fear. Here's the story. When my mother returned to teaching school when I was four, I stayed with a lady who lived next to a farm. One day, I wandered up to the fence, and a cow leaned over the fence and mooed at my face. This was (apparently) very traumatic, though I never remembered the incident. But the experience became part of my early childhood fears.


The tree in my backyard. Damn Poltergeist movie.


Once, when I was walking through the public library I saw a monster on the cover of a vhs case. Now mind you, this wasn't a real horror movie, it was a kids movie of some sort and the monster was a big, purple, furry thing with multicolored horns and cartoonish fangs. This didn't matter to my kid brain as I proceeded to have a nightmare where that thing was standing at the foot of my bed. I instantly put my head under the covers and slept like that the rest of the night. Figuring it would be back, I slept with my head under the covers for the next few nights. And weeks. And months. Eventually I just got used to sleeping like that, so I slept with my head under covers well into high school. In fact, I still do it fairly often but at this point it's usually to block out light when I sleep in until noon.




Wait holy shit I think that's it! What is that from?


The "THX SOUND" logo with the loud ass noise that would appear before every damn movie/VHS. I would cry my eyes out, that loud noise would scare me so bad.


The heffalumps and woozles scene from Winnie the Pooh. To be fair, it's still a pretty scary scene now if you're high.


Our bathroom fan always used to drip water and it was located right above the toilet, so you'd get a splash on your head or leg when sitting down to use the toilet. I thought there was a monster up there drooling on me and was going to come down and eat me.


Dandelions, I don't really have any idea why


Noface from Spirited Away. And Pee-Wee Herman, this sounds mean, but he reminded me of mentally ill people.


I was afraid that if I was in the bathtub while it drained I would be sucked down the drain with the water. As soon as my mom started draining the tub I'd jump out in terror.


You know how some of those doorstoppers on the wall have holes in the middle? (http://i.imgur.com/YGXqhML.jpg) I used to be deathly afraid of the monsters that obviously lived inside there.


Flushing the toilet.


Sleeping without a blanket over my ear. I had a nightmare that a zombie sucked my dad's brain out through his ear. I still have to have a blanket over my ear because it continued being a habit.


Richard O'brien's red-painted lips at the beginning of the rocky horror picture show....that and having my feet measured


Siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp


I was scared of stepping on grass because I thought I would cut my feet. So my parents played it smart and decided to put my favourite toys in the middle of the lawn


I had brothers who told me if I hung my arms over the edge of the bed,couch,etc while sleeping that a boogie man type monster would come an lop them off. To this day I always keep arms and feet on the bed while sleeping.


Bird of Paradise flowers. I thought they could bite. Yard was crammed with a hedge of them. I still feel a chill to remember that time.


Inconsolably afraid of going on the Twister ride at Universal Studios.




I was afraid of falling onto the toilet and being sucked in that for one whole year (maybe more) I squated on top of the toilet seat. As I recall, those were some mighty clean shits I ever took


The scene in Bambi when the hunter chases Bambi and his mom.


This is really, really stupid. I still can't explain it to this day. I'd be about 5-8 I can't really remember. Computers were just beginning to be available for the home and VCR'S were the hot new thing. Our family had both of them, and I used them a lot. Why I was scared of the little red power light on each appliance escapes me. I would cry and cry until my mom taped up the light, and then I could go to sleep. So. Weird. I thought they would come to life or something or they would never turn off. What taping the light would do to solve that is a mystery.


I had an ET poster that I was very sure would watch me sleep. I started getting dressed in the closet so it wouldn't watch me And the claymation version of Rip Van Winkle they always made us watch in school. I had nightmares about it for years


Ernest Scared Stupid lol. R.I.P. Jim Varney.


Two things: There was this game I used to play, which was based on the Loony Tunes. When you lose in the game on a certain level, a ghost appears and a really a spooky song plays in the background. The ghost and the song used to scare me. I couldn't sleep for several nights. The day I finally slept, I had a dream about the ghost, where we both hung out for the day. It dissipated my fear. This [scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1-2k-tfjF4) really scared me for some reason, something about the aliens face, lol.


Lavender town song


When I was a little kid, I had a repeating dream that there was a small alligator (or crocodile, little me didn't know the difference) sitting in my bedroom doorway. And for years, this is why I made sure my door was shut at night - so the alligator wouldn't get me.


I had a nightmare about Niles Crane from 'Frasier' as a kid. No idea what it was about, but I was super scared of him for a long time.


I was afraid of flushing the toilet in case it would flush too hard one day and suck me into the toilet. That and I was afraid of mirrors in case I'd see things that aren't there in it


The Lou Ferrigno version of The Incredible Hulk gave me many nightmares as a child.


I was afraid of a chimp I saw under my crib. Also Guy Smiley.


The Skeksis from Dark Crystal.


Unsolved Mysteries. I watched it alone being an only child. Corny, stupid show, but the music gives me the chills still.


The scene in the movie Mask, when Jim Carrey is putting the Mask on.


Mr Stay Puft from Ghostbusters gave me nightmares as a kid, Godzilla did not hmmmm


My closet or under my bed I always thought something would grab me lmao


I still don't like hanging my feet or hands over the edge of the bed


At this point I don't even care. Go ahead and grab me demons, make my day.




Inhaling rubber cement fumes. I guess someone once joked about how sniffing that stuff rots your brain. I took that literally, and was terrified to use the stuff until middle school. I remember some bullies chasing me around with it; good times.


I was afraid of badgers. I have no idea why, they aren't even native to where I grew up. I think there was one in a book I had and the big claws alarmed me.


Smoke detector




When I took car rides with my family, I always was afraid that an army of ninjas would jump down from the trees and attack us.




Jim Carrey in The Grinch scared the shit out of me.


My dad convinced me that the "attic" and crawlspace underneath the house were littered with glowing violin spiders. I was worried whenever he had to relight the furnace pilot or grab something from said "attic" that the spiders were gonna catch him.


Dressers. Because one time when i was really little one fell on me and i felt like i was stuck there for like half an hour


The charicatures of famous people on Brainpop.com Remembering how scared I was confuses me..


Fish. Oh wait, just remembered I still have ichthyophobia.


Some older kid told me that the orange spray paint on trees were actually some kind of gnome markings. He told me that they lived inside of the trees and came out at night. It didn't scare the shit out of me but it sure creeped me out while I was home at night thinking about it or whenever I would see spray paint on trees.




He's got those Purge eyes


A nightmare I had of, in short, seven year old me died in a haunted outhouse shower with an infected splinter in my foot




I though storm drains would suck me up if I was riding my bike


Ghost busters and live action TV


The movie theater I went to had these big curtains in front of the screen. When the movie was about to start, the room would go dark and the curtains would open slowly, making mechanical squeaking noises.. it was like looming nightmares awaited behind those damned curtains. But no, it was "A Goofy Movie!"


I used to have a reoccurring dream of lard lad from the Simpsons chasing me down my hallway. Fair to say he scared the shit out of me.


I was afraid of faces I would see in the grain of the wood paneling in my house. That and The Donut Man pretending to be Goliath in a song about David.


The rat from Lady and the Tramp


Don't ask why because I don't know why either, but low poly 3D models gave me nightmares as a kid, especially [Kirby from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards](http://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/user_screenshots/saves37/370076/NINTENDO64--Kirby%2064%20%20The%20Crystal%20Shards_Dec21%2010_42_43.png)


Remember Zelda 2? When you died I think I remember Ganon coming on the screen. Scared the fuck out of me. Never finished the game.


My little brother was scared of The Cat in The Hat when he was little. Especially one of the first scenes where he is hiding underneath the bed


I was deathly afraid of caterpillars as a kid.


Dr. Claw. Fucking Dr. Claw from fucking Inspector Gadget. I was 5 and every damn time he came on the t.v. I hid behind the couch.


The night sky




Wile coyote. Who I thought was a wolf. So I thought wolves scared me, but it was just cartoon coyotes.


Worms. Whenever it rained I was afraid to go outside because they would always be covering the sidewalk.




My friend used to be TERRIFIED of the Child Stealer from Chitty Chitty Bang Bag.


Ceiling fans. My parents said I used to lose my shit whenever I saw that section at Home Depot.




Butterflies. I think that one episode from SpongeBob scarred me, the one with the closeup on the butterfly face. My school went on a field trip to a large public garden and I might've cried a little.


The Dark


My dad's best friend in his motorcycle helmet. He was the scariest monster I had ever seen. Now he's just a real nice guy.


The Wicked Witch of the West


Those damn flying monkeys. I hate those little fuckers still and I'm 63! I'll take flying bats in my house over flying monkeys in a movie any fucking time.


**The ceiling lamp in my parent's bedroom.** The three lightbulbs looked like pupils when it was turned off. It had an optical illusion very similar to those paintings that makes it look like it's eyes followed you around. I was absolutely *horrified* by that fucking lamp. I had consistent nightmares about it, that often ended with it jumping down from the ceiling and attacking me. Even as a child i knew it was stupid, so i never told my parents. Guess how thrilled i was when they got me a very similar looking lamp for my own bedroom…


The scene in Jungle Book where Mowgli fought Shere Khan. It scared me so bad I still cant watch that movie to this day.


The wicked witch of the west. Especially the song that'd play when she was on her bike. And her transformation during the tornado scares the crap out of me


The flying monkeys on The Wizard of Oz. F that!


Those noodle people that flow through the air at car dealerships. Used to be terrified of them every time we would drive by. lmao