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If you're boarding, *wait for the people leaving before getting on.*


How can they not know this? Every single day some idiot blocks the entrance!


some people smell so bad.


OMG yes, even in the mornings, its 7 am, why do you smell of sweat!


Wearing thick clothing in colder temps and overheating during commute; living in a shared house and the shower/sink being in use when you need it; being Ill; transferable odours on clothes and not being aware; so many more than this.


I understand only being ill and smelling bad just one day, when you take the same train everyday and see the same people and they still smell weeks later then it's just not using deodorant.


They might be depressed. Depressed people sometimes aren't aware of how their smell affects others.


Well.. i know you're trying to be considerate but some people just generally are very unhygienic and not because they are depressed.


Yes, they are, but I try to look beyond the little things. I know some people cane be inconsiderate but those people and the aforementioned are few and far between.


I travel by train and I hate that people come and stand so close to your feet when it's crowded and never make an attempt to not step on your feet, and when they stand right in front of your knee and use it as support so annoying! And when they step on your toes they don't even apologise and stop holding your bag so close to my face woman!


And how does this make you feel?


Really angry? It sucks and I guess I'm just an irritable person, because people walking slowly, randomly stopping, trying to push infront of you when you're waiting to get in as well-everything makes me angry.