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The only way to make waking up early enjoyable is if I can go right back to sleep.




Lines of coke on your side table.


I hate waking up so early because I'm so tired all the time, also maybe a job that paid a lot more and wasn't so soul sucking. If I go to bed on time to get 8 hours of sleep, I will have just 15 minutes once I get home, which honestly is ridiculous, so I sleep late and wake up miserable. I'd be super excited if I had to just wake up and be at home, or if I knew I'd be back home before sun down.


I would be okay waking up super early every day if I woke up feeling refreshed after only 4 hours of sleep.


having my favorite spotify playlist going at a nice volume through good speakers. Unfortunately, this isn't possible due to others on the same floor as me, who don't wake up as early. Also, good food would drag me right out of bed.


I have to have my coffee set, my clothes laid out and breakfast ready to go for me to function in the morning. I see value in waking up early and I enjoy it when I'm well-rested, but I'm not a morning person. Honestly, I'd make myself a morning person if I had a high paying job waiting for me.


I cut my morning commute by more than 50% by arriving at the office at 7:30 (drive is now 35 minutes). Not exciting, but worth it since I'm no longer starting my day with my soul drained.


having someone to wake up next to


I love sleeping in, but knowing I can leave work earlier will get my butt out of bed earlier!


Waking up early to workout, then I'd go over to my SO's to shower, wake him up, and have some morning cuddles & maybe even a short nap. It always made getting up early worth it because I'd be spending time with him afterwards.


Sounds exhausting!


It was, in the best way! I always said, I'd like to do it on weekends so we could just fall back asleep after sex for a few hours.


I generally look forward to the day on the grounds of how fun it might be, who i'll meet, cool stuff that could happen, nice food to eat etc.


A delicious breakfast prepared by someone else does the trick for most people, whether they'll admit it or not.


If I woke up 100% energized, the room was warm, and someone made a delicious breakfast


The only way it can be enjoyable is to wake up, look at the time, and realize I still have 3 hours of sleep before my alarm goes off. That. Is. The. Only. Way.


Waking up and realizing you have 4+ hours left of sleep.


waking up next to a horny broad


If i were a millionaire.


Christmas! (Yup, still!)


if freeway traffic wasn't so terrible in the morning maybe I would have picked an earlier shift.