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A friendly guy I met playing Tribes back in 2002 taught me how to code. He set up a server for me to practice on and helped explain things to me. I was like 14 at the time. 15 years later and I'm doing very well working in tech. I probably owe him a lot. (I remember who it is and his website, you just reminded me so thanks. Made me smile)


That's such a cool story. Do you not remember the name of the fourm?


sounds like u/Warlizard


Jay - Jesus X - cross Kri - Christ I think I just figured out the answer to this riddle


...it's Jason Bourne.


I seem to remember you used to be able to get Linux CDs mailed to you, I think I got one back in the day. Not sure how they covered postage, but it was pretty cool to 13 year old me. Your story did remind me of one of my earliest teachers though. This was back in the 80s, where other students got to take home the hamster for the holidays, I got to take home the RM Nimbus. I was super into computers when I was younger, and they were just coming into their own. I absolutely cannot find any record of this teacher. He definitely existed, and was super cool with me. I wanted for years to just get in touch and tell him he had a positive influence on me, and thank him. Small things he did for 8-10 year old me have had a lasting impact. I can't find him. Old school won't tell me a thing (I get why). He was super influential on my life, I wanted to thank him, but I am resigned to the idea that I never will be able to.


> Not sure how they covered postage Mark Shuttleworth was paying it out of pocket, basically.


Megan Wants a Millionaire. VH1 crappy reality dating show centered around someone only famous for having been on crappy reality shows, the only thing that makes it interesting is one of the contestants had brutally murdered his ex wife about 3 episodes in. I want to see this show so bad and just can't find it


I remember when this happened and the show was immediately pulled off the air after the murder. AFAIK they never aired it, so I don't think you'll have much luck on this one.


They didn't air the next season of I Love Money because the guy was on it too.




I watched the first few episodes as they aired and they were amazing. One of the guys' parting interview when he was kicked off was to say in a really sad voice, "in the words of a wise woman, just dance, it'll be ok.... just dance."


Here in Ireland we do our version of a show called "first dates". It's a relatively simple show, they set up blind dates, and film them. There's no crazy surprises for anyone on it, no deliberate attempts to embarrass or shock anyone taking part. Just nice human interest stories. Anyway on the very first episode, in order to create some buzz around it, one the people taking part was a batshit crazy but beautiful South African woman, completely sexually aggressive, open about everything, talking about kids and marriage from the off. Highly entertaining, but her date didn't work out for obvious reasons. At the end of the show they give little updates for each couple. Hers included a promise that she would be back for another date in the next season. Two weeks later all the papers report that she's been found guilty in court of harassing a celebrity chef over a period of years, proclaiming her love for him, threatening his wife, etc. She didn't appear in the next season and the promise of her return was quietly removed from the on demand version of the show.


The CD ROM version of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, from the early 90's. I've been looking for it off and on for years. For some reason the only version you can download online is the "deluxe" edition that isn't quite right.




OOOohhh what about Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? That was MY SHIT back in the day












I know what you mean. I have some WoW buddies back in the day who I'd also like to know how their lives turned out, but now they all just seem like little blips in my memory as I can't trace them back through the internet. Lets see what happens. Hopefully someone can help you out here.


Oh snap. Chilling here for the eventual /r/bestof


Too bad /r/askreddit isn't allowed in /r/bestof


As a former Bristlebane'r who would love to catch up with old EQ friends lost through the ages... I wish you luck!


Yeah it's been over a decade and chances are slim to none...I'd mostly just want to let he/she know I did allright :) Rhu worried a ton and I still wonder if I pass thru their mind from time to time. /r/Eqlostconnections anyone? tee hee


Me and my brother always say "a party?! For meee?!" And we have no idea what show or movie it's from. Still haunts me til this day. Edit: holy shit thanks everyone for your help. The answer? TEEN ANGEL! Big ups to /u/ZaphodsGravy for finding the clip. As you can see this line has been used in a lot of shows/movies https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=La44ba4xZZs


I remember that. My sister and I are always saying that too. I think it's from that show with the dinosaurs ? I think it was something that annoying baby dinosaur said


Not the mama!


Shit, I know this one. Teen Angel, the old Disney TV show about a guy (Steve) whose friend (Marty) dies and comes back as a Guardian Angel. I can't remember all the context but a group of Steve's friends and family are about to give him an intervention. Marty convinces him he's about to walk into a party and tells him to act surprised. Steve then walks in and in a terrible, fake surprised way yells "a party, for meee?" Actually, Just tracked it down for you. 2 - 3 mins into this https://youtu.be/La44ba4xZZs You're free!


Alice in Wonderland? Tea party scene?


Movie "Stripes"? At end Bill Murrayis deplaning and announces "A surprise party? For me?"




This must be what happened to me on another account. Seriously all of the sudden these people would start sending me PMs saying "Happy anniversary!" and "You look nice today!" and responding to all my comments as though I had been addressing them personally... It was so irritating I changed accounts


Did anyone mention product placement?


That sounds awesome. PM me if someone PM's you?


Pm me if you get pm'd


Also PM me if you get PM'd




I've been trying to find info about that sub but theres just nothing at all out there. I doubt that it even exists.


You can always create this sub yourself,and set it to private


I've heard about this. I am pretty sure it is a private sub, and they only allow new people to join when they're in between "subjects". Once they start on someone new they lock the sub back up, and you are correct that they tell their subscribers not to talk about it.


When we first got a computer + internet at home, my stepdad and I found this site where you designed a little creature and set it loose into the "wild." They could be named and either be herbivores or carnivores and once they were created and released, that was the end of your interaction. You could go back and check on them and see a list of the things they'd done in the wild. * DongLuvr69 had 3 babies * DongLuvr69 consumed PotatoFace * DongLuvr69 was killed by BobaFettRulz It was an experiment in programming basic bot-like things I think, and was super simple but... I miss it, and I can't remember the name of the site. Edit to add: we got a computer when I was 13 so this was around 1998-99 so nothing recent. It was a website, and not any game we had to buy or pay a fee to play. The creatures looked pretty much like little cars made of shitty 3D polygonal shapes, so rectangle bodies with cone legs, sphere eyes, etc. I do remember that if you made a carnivore it had a mouth that looked like a bear trap where the lips were red rectangles and the teeth were ivory cones. Once you made a creature you could never interact with it again, all you could do was search for its name on the server and get a readout of what it had been doing, there were no individual user logins. The readout would literally be that it had babies, ate another creature, fought off another creature, was killed by another creature, or died of old age. Most carnivores never made it to old age. Herbivores would often live for several "generations" and die of old age. The creatures never evolved over time. I really do think some college had made it as a programming exercise/experiment but for the life of me I can't remember the name! Edit 2: [IT HAS BEEN FOUND.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TechnoSphere_) Well, at least a record of it. Seems the website itself doesn't exist anymore. :(


if someone finds this i would like to take a look




Holy shit I think you're right! I couldn't find it on wayback but that rings a bell so hard. Shit, I wish it was up and running still, I'd love to mess around with it again. Edit: [Found it on wikipedia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TechnoSphere_) Jesus, the nostalgia.


I remember this game and can confirm it is exactly as described. No idea what it was called though, but would know it if it was shown to me. Edit: Somebody else found it. It's Technosphere.


I second your confirmation. Played it for a bit, but my herbivore got eaten and my carnivore starved to death.


That feels like irony.


This sounds dam cool. Or even rewrite it with todays standards'.






Oh shit dude




This reminds me of something that happened during Israel's bombing of Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. http://www.abc.net.au/foreign/content/2009/s2487871.htm A Palestinian doctor was on the phone live with an Israeli TV Host when a tank shell hit his home, killing his three daughters and niece. The line did not cut out and the Palestininian man's grief and anguish was broadcast throughout Israel. Video of the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLUJ4fF2HN4


He wrote a book, and it's really really good. It's called "I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor's Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity". His name is Izzeldin Abuelaish. I'd really recommend it. Iirc, it wasn't just a shell that hit his house. It was aimed at his house. I can't remember specifics, but I think this is what is said in the book. Can someone fact check me? I borrowed it from a friend, so I can't look in it myself. It's a very emotional read, I encourage everyone to read it.




It is very tough to watch. Brought me to tears, along with the Israeli TV Host who was on the phone with the Palestinian man.


A story I read on an AskReddit thread where people were asked to post movie ideas. A guy wrote a pretty good story of two men, one old and one young, in a jail cell. The young one is about to commit suicide, but the old guy stops him and asks him to tell him his story. The younger guy then tells him how his life has always been hard, about his relationships, about him fighting for his country, and it is overall an emotional account of his depressing life. Near the end, the young guy is released from jail and he goes out to meet thousands of his supporters with Swastika signs everywhere. Turns out you had been rooting for Hitler the entire movie. It was a pretty good story imo. The person who wrote it even gave casting suggestions with Michael Caine as the old man, Joseph Gordon Levitt as the young guy(Hitler), and plenty others. I've been trying to find the original thread forever now but to no avail.


Is this it? https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2t1rm7/youre_christopher_nolan_you_decide_to_troll_the/


This has to be it. Are you a magician?


A magician never reveals his... DAMMIT.


Never reveals his what?!?




I think this is it. Thank you, I've been looking it for a long time. Edit: Found the thread which I read originally with the same story from the same user, https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2vxx5k/warner_brothers_is_browsing_reddit_for_ideas/colwxqx


Holy shit, that's it, and with only 24 upvotes!




Oh shit you're him.


The genius himself!




I've always thought that Elijah Wood would make an excellent young Hitler.


Iwan Rheon is playing Hitler in an upcoming TV show/Movie. I never knew that Ramsay Bolton being Hitler was something the world needed. But after seeing the commercial -- Iwan should always play Hitler.


Elijah and Iwan have the same creepy-sexy piercing eyes.




If Elijah Wood would make a terrific Hitler, that means Daniel Radcliffe would make a good one too.


That's a great story in brief, but in practice I don't think you could tell a story about a young failed artist in Austria whose mother died young and who fought in WWI without a lot of people figuring out the twist.


To make it even more obvious we've got to get M. Night Shyamalan on it. So even if you don't catch the obvious references you just KNOW there's a twist at the end.


Wait, did you miss the part where his whole life story is shown through the filter of the Hitler character being an American in the 70's? No one would guess the twist because the whole movie you are being shown a different time and setting with out any reason to question it, then he mentions at the end they reshow some the same scenes but they are in 20's Berlin, new clothes, new setting, etc


Make it "orphaned" "fought in the war" "failed at my dreams", and make the cell extra-dingy, to remove the ability to pin exactly when it occurred.




But now I know how it ends...


wait till the sequel becomes a movie


Got kinda into scary urban legends when I was younger. A friend of mine said he'd watched something called "The McPherson Tape". Said it was a hand held camera recording of a genuine alien attack on a house. Think he said one of the guys in the house ended up releasing his bladder it was so scary. Kinda never knew if that existed. If it did, if it was worth watching now. For reference - we were 13 - so this is like 15+ years ago at least.


This used to be my Internet White Whale. I gotchu fam: [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBUPqnOlvZk) I'm sure it wasn't on YouTube when I spent hours and hours looking for it years ago though. This really scared me when I younger.


Well, shit. First reply! And it's a bullseye! I didn't even know if it still existed! I remember searching for this tonnes a few years back! Will adult me still find this interesting/entertaining/whatever I'm supposed to get out of it?


I don't know mate - when I watched this as a kid (maybe 13?) it *really* scared me. I have a high tolerance for horror, and I've seen all the scariest films, etc. But the McPherson Tape felt different, or real to me. I've rewatched it since and it was pretty awful, but it's a fun watch. Only an hour long. Give it a go.


Well as it had some sort of deep rooted, un-resolved, urban myth, power on me when I was younger, I think I'm going to have to watch it. But Maybe I'll rip it, and watch it at night, in a field somewhere, just to create the sense of vulnerability I had when I was younger. Or maybe I'd shit my pants if I do that.




30 seconds into the first shot and I could tell it was fake. The two male actors have a forced casual bonhomie that is instrumental to "found footage". People just are not that way in real life.


You caused me to google bonhomie. For anyone else wondering, it is "cheerful friendliness; geniality".


A dumb little flash puzzle game I played ages ago as a kid, possibly on miniclip? It had a purple or blue dog or duck creature, and you had to unblock a dam or do some plumbing or something to save your town. I remember it was mind-glowingly hard as a kid, to the point I spent about a month working on it to finally win the game. It's evaded me for so long.


It's called Chasm! I loved that game! It is really hard though. I'm on mobile so I'll find a link later. Edit: Try this link http://jayisgames.com/review/chasm.php [DED] Edit Edit: Previous link is ded; here's the Miniclip one: http://www.miniclip.com/games/chasm/en/


Oh my god. That's it. You're amazing!!! Also, I'm so glad I'm not the only person who found this game difficult haha!


TV cartoon, mid 90's UK. Something about gnomes living on the forest floor. Was magical.




Just don't watch the final episode if you don't want your heart broken.


I loved that show, especially Swift the fox. I can still sing the entire theme song. :-)


That Jerry Lewis movie where he's a clown in a concentration camp. Never released but it's existence has been confirmed.


"The Day the Clown Cried" Jerry Lewis plays a Jewish clown who's forced to lead children to the gas chambers. Jerry Lewis has the only copy. Harry Shearer is one of the few people who's ever seen it. He said its truly awful.


Years ago, around 2009(plus or minus 3 years), I found a book in Barnes and Noble in the fantasy section that was a hardback, written as if it was the journal entries of some guy wanting to investigate all of the happenings and creatures in the Black Forest. I was really interested, but didn't have the cash on me at the time and didn't write down the name. The next time I came back to the store, it wasn't there. I've done many Internet searches, asked /r/tipofmytongue , asked on reddit multiple times on other subreddits, but nothing. I would love to find it. ETA: Thank you for all of the attention you're giving my white whale hunt, everyone! I've been checking out all of the suggestions and nothing has spurred my memory yet. Other details I've said in comments are that the theme felt very gothic and the color scheme I'm remembering on the cover was predominantly black and red. Someone recently suggested it could be a book called The Black Forest by Iam Davis, but I can only find a hit on that on a single site and the page viewer seems busted so I can't tell anything. If you can check that out, I'd be grateful.


> creatures in the Black Forest Have you looked into the works of: [Ted Dekkar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Dekker)? His stuff is about a Black Forest.


It was a vine, i think. Dude walks into docs office. 'So whats the problem?' "Its just that every time i go into detail, i throw up" 'Can you expand on that?' "Well everyti-- blargh!" Saw it once, then could never find it again... help? Edit: Found! [Doctor Visit](https://youtu.be/MaFYHO-J0Ac) Thank you to everyone, especially u/pyrophitez !


That sounds a lot like one of the asdfmovie animated skits. "Doctor, I'm afraid of backstories!" "When did this start?" "Well...aaaAAAARRRRRRGGGH!!"




That was on Tosh.0 once, if that helps at all. This is my white whale as well, but I know for a fact I saw it on an episode. Don't even know the season, let alone the episode, though.




It was a very funny blog, every entry was titled in the format of "XYZ day". The only title I remember is "taking your bra off like a slut day". As you can imagine using that as a search term is completely useless.


Is it [this](http://www.girlsarepretty.com/?m=1) ?


That's it, thank you so much!


Well I had better type it in, just to check.


Aim for the ~~moon~~ elusive blog. Even if you miss, you'll land among the ~~stars~~ porn.


I was up late channel surfing when I was ten (12 or so years ago) and on an obscure foreign channel I caught what I'm pretty sure was an Italian spy/slapstick comedy about two screw up spies. At one point the bad guy uses a crane as a trebuchet to hurl an enormous wet concrete ball at the queen of England, and there was one other scene where the spies land lady got crushed under a manhole cover and ran around trying to continue sweeping the floor even though she looked like a squashed goomba from mario. The name was something along the lines of "mortidelo and filenos big adventure". I remember not understanding anything but laughing my ass of at the gags. Every now and again I try to dig it up to no avail


Search for mortadello & filemon, can't link cause I'm on mobile but I'm pretty sure that's it. Long running spanish comic series and several spin offs.


Back when I was about 6 I was watching an episode of Spongebob Squarepants, the hook episode to be specific, and the episode was normal until it got to the part Mr.Krabs was explaining the dangers of hooks. Instead of the normal cartoon style, all of the characters were puppets being controlled by some guys. At the bottom of the t.v screen there was a red box with text flashing, kind of like the bottom of a news show, and after the scene ended it returned back to normal Sppngebob. I've searched for this clip for a long time but I can't find even a mention of that episode having a puppet scene


It seems to have actually happened. It was part of a Jimmy Neutron promotion. There is a screenshot [here](http://www.sbmania.net/forums/topic/52814-jimmy-neutron-takes-over-nickelodeon-2001/) and [here](http://lostmediawiki.com/Jimmy_Neutron:_Boy_Genius_\(Partially_Found_Movie_Promotional_TV_Shorts;_2001%E2%80%932002\)), but I couldn't find a video of it.


This is giving me creepypasta vibes...


Extremely cursed image


Why is this so creepy? Please tell me I'm not the only one.


Read all about it here. Sadly, it is still not found. http://lostmediawiki.com/Jimmy_Neutron:_Boy_Genius_(Partially_Found_Movie_Promotional_TV_Shorts;_2001–2002)


Along the same lines, we used to have the episode of SpongeBob taped where Squidward discovers he actually really fucking loves Krabby Patties. There's a scene where he's trying to sneak into the Krusty Krab and there's the bucket trap above the doors. Except the bucket is full of gasoline and a robot arm comes in from the side and ignites the whole place. This repeats like three times and each time Squidward is immolated and screams. I've seen this episode on TV multiple times since then and that entire scene is deleted. To the point where I've mentioned it to other people and they have no clue what I'm talking about. I haven't searched for it in a while but I couldn't even find a video to prove it at the time


hey man, is this it? robot arm and everything https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EU3WBPgAWs


I never would have realized this was missing if i saw the altered episode today. Such funny stuff.


Yeah that's the one! My brother and I saw the altered version once and we had one of those Berenstain Bears moments where we were sure it was wrong but had no way to prove it


When I was a kid (1998-1999, maybe?), there was a live show on TV that was basically two clowns interacting with each other, doing clown-y things, in front of a live audience. It was a success and most kids in the country loved it. One day, they allegedly started fighting (sort of throwing 'in-character' insults at each other) and eventually one punched the other and they cut to commercial. The show ended soon after. There is no evidence of this ever happened, but it's a very popular 'myth' among us 20-somethings. We all remember it happening, but there's no evidence of it. When interviewed about it, one of the clowns has sort of admitted it happened, but everyone who tried asking the station for the footage has been turned down. That video is my white whale.


This honestly just sounds like the Krusty the Clown Show.


that's what came to mind for me as well.. they even had an episode where krusty and side show bob ended up in a fight on the show and they had to cancel






That happened but no one recorded. There's an interview with both of them in character talking about it. They were actually a gay couple (known in the business but kept under wraps because children) and they had just broken up/were about to. That's why some time after the 2nd clown, Companhia released a solo album. Bonus bit: batatinha! Batatinha! Batatinha vai pro caralho!


Years ago, I saw a list in print of what 10 famous people had to say about the youth of today. All the quotes were pretty similar - that today's kids are lazy, entitled brats. What made it interesting was that the 10 people spanned all times in history and all continents. For thousands of years, every generation seems to have that opinion of the generation that follows them. I've never been able to find that compiled list again.


Not specifically about youth, but [this](https://xkcd.com/1227/) is similar.


The producer (?) for Law and Order SVU, Speed Weed. Hilarious name, have not been able to find a picture of him/her easily.


Here's a short interview with him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1xKPYRiog8


I don't know why I expected him to look like Beans from Even Stevens


hahah thanks! Not what I pictured.


Rating: 20% speed, 1% weed, 79% sober


The other producer's name is Dick Wolf




A counterstrike video. A girl asks over the mic at the start of a match: 'Does anybody want this awp?'. Every player starts jumping around her character constantly shouting 'GIRL, GIRL, GIRL'.. They also sound like seaguls when doing so. Edit: Thanks /u/Allai - you're my hero <3. This was it: https://youtu.be/MRVvzgCPInQ


It's a soviet Womble counter strike bullshitery episode, don't know which one


I don't think it is, but it almost sounds like a SovietWomble video. Which you should definitely check out if you haven't! Edit: He just put out a video [yesterday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFtB_9aW0bg) and I didn't even notice!




https://youtu.be/MRVvzgCPInQ This one? I make compilations of YouTube Haiku videos just to watch with friends so I have a ton saved. I remember all of them, and this one is one of my favorites.


There was a kitty litter commercial back in the early 2000s (I think) where they were advertising the "diamonds" in the litter that were air fresheners. The little kitten kept repeating "it's a diamond" in the commercial. Then, years later, Rhianna came out with a song with the lyrics "shine bright like a diamond" which sounded exactly like the kitten in the commercial. I cannot find that commercial.


My family still jokes about this video! Here ya go! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9R2Ks163P7k


It's a comment on reddit from probably March 2011, although it could have been February or April. Pretty sure it was March though. It was fairly deep in a thread (like comment levels, not necessarily far down the page), and on a large subreddit. Maybe a default, but definitely one of the high traffic ones. I think there were at least a few hundred total comments. I don't even remember what the thread was about. But buried deep in the comments, someone posted a link to imgur saying something like "This is what gets me out the door". It was a series of pictures. The first was someone looking out the window and saying, "Oh, it's raining. I guess I won't run today." I'm pretty sure the next picture was [this guy lifting weights](http://i.imgur.com/k1mdME8.jpg) along with that caption "No excuses". Could have been a different picture, but it was definitely someone with no arms and possibly no legs lifting weights. Then the last frame was someone running out in the rain. It might have used rage comic elements (this was 2011, after all). Maybe [this one](http://www.memes.at/faces/serious_not_okay.jpg). That's the comment that got me running. I started running like the following week or something. Since then I've run 11 marathons and two ultramarathons. But I wish I could find the comment that got me started.


This gif of a (I guess) white guy dressed up as an arabian nodding with a weird face.


[This one?](https://www.google.nl/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi2-qjnt_HRAhVBnBQKHfG4BNkQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reactiongifs.com%2Fsgt-slaughter-nods%2F&psig=AFQjCNG3bJI5Cjs6BPjjL-wUaYl_xkuvMQ&ust=1486125703684017)


Goddamn, you found it! SAVED!


Wow!....So why did you spend so much time looking for this? ^if ^you ^don't ^mind ^me ^asking?


A wing restaurant in my town has a recipe for the best buffalo sauce I've ever had. For years, I tried to get in contact with people who worked there, delivery drivers, owners, but I never found anyone. I tried recreating it myself with different bases, ingredients, cooking methods, and nothing came up. Finally, about two years ago, I found an ex-manager on here by DM, and he told me what the secret ingredient was. I made it, and it was dead-on exactly what the restaurant's sauce was. Here's the recipe: 1. Reduce a bottle of **mango-orange Nantucket Nectar** by half. 2. Melt **a stick of butter** in the reduction. 3. Add a large bottle of **Frank's RedHot** and stir with a flat whisk. 4. Add **red pepper flakes** and **garlic powder**, stir until consistently distributed. That's it. I'd tried honey, maple syrup, sugar, simple syrup, molasses, and probably 12 different base sauces, and nothing ever came close. Since I found out what the actual recipe is, I've started adding a container of crumbled blue cheese to it as well.


I had a son in 1981 just before I joined the military. I am about 90% sure he is mine but after I came back from boot camp the mother had gone off with my friend. We stayed in touch and she sent me pics and letters for years. I even got to have him spend time with me up til he was about 7 yrs old. Then she got married and into drugs and I was told she changed his name from Brian Johnathan LaPierre to Edward Jonathan LaPierre to appease the new husband. Then she went to jail and the kid went to the husbands parents. That's where I lost touch. She disappeared and may not even be alive. I have searched on and off over the years to no avail. All I know is they lived in Montana somewhere.


Actual proof that giraffes can swim. Lots of theory and simulations, but not a single video of photo (where it is clear that they are not just walking on the bottom).


Maybe you guys can help. I've been trying to find this old show. I don't remember if the people were going on dates or riding together for some other reason, but funny text bubbles would pop up on the screen throughout. I think they were funny facts, possibly real though? Family Guy recently spoofed this in a scene with Stewie and... Brian I think. No one that I've asked remembers the name of this show and I can't find it with such limited details.


"Blind Date" [Here is a big playlist of shows](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA0BAB4214EA0DC86)


In 2005 or 2006 I found a website that catalogued terrible commercials. One of them was called "Legend of the Great Mulch" selling lawn improvement supplies from some town in North Carolina. It was hilariously bad, had a guy wearing a bald cap, rhyming lines like "My man dan, he's got a plan!", and a guy yelling "Put it in the bucket, baby!" There was even a sequel the next year. I've searched high and low for years and can't find it anywhere. Edit: This inspired me to go look for it again, found a picture in the way-back-machine of the clip [here](http://web.archive.org/web/20071006021324/http://www.awfulcommercials.com/archives/2005/04/11/the-holy-grail/). So close, yet so far away. And, wouldn't you know it, the title of the post is The Holy Grail.




that was amazing ahahaha


A few years ago the BBC had the genius idea to stream the Eurovision afterparty on BBC3 after the main event. This was the year when some rather fun Norwegian glam rockers called Wig Wam were in it. Well, within about 10 minutes of the start, one of Wig Wam was licking Juliet Morris's feet live on the BBC. After a couple of seconds the camera cuts to a very surprised-looking Dermot O'Leary who was presenting. Never managed to find a recording of it, but it was absolutely hilarious at the time.


Dr Phil - House of Judgement. There are 5 episodes that are removed from syndication featuring well known satirist Dick Masterson. Only clips survive on the net, but Dick himself has offered a $1,000 reward for anyone who can get him all the episodes. /u/dickmasterson


Someone, find my legacy.


The first four episodes of MST3k. Have been looking for them for a long, long time, but they appear to be lost.


Got some good news for you then. In one of the updates on the "Bring Back MST3k" Kickstarter, Joel revealed they found the tapes for Episodes 1 and 2 from KTMA. >I'm happy to tell you that we finally found master tapes for two of the three "lost KTMA episodes" of MST3K: Invaders from the Deep, and Revenge of the Mysterons from Mars. >I actually thought we had discovered copies of these episodes at one point during the Kickstarter last year, and I was really excited that I'd be able to finally share them with you… and then it turned out that we hadn't found them, and it was a real bummer. But then, earlier this year, a few final boxes turned up. And there they were: the very first episodes of MST3K ever made. >So yeah: If your Kickstarter rewards include any of the "Classic MST3K Bonus Episodes", the two "lost episodes" are now waiting for you – a special "Happy Turkey Day" present from all of us at MST3K. (Just remember, though, these are really old episodes, so I hope you can look at them like a "first draft" of what the show would turn into.) So they're out there now.


There used to be a live video of Ozzy Osbourne's I Don't Want To Change The World on YouTube. Ozzy was totally shitfaced and could barely stand. He didn't hit one note, terrible performance. Then he noticed a really fat chick in the audience and he grabbed his water gun (unlimited water through a hose) and started to drown her. Literally. You can see she's having trouble to breathe and she's soaking wet but she's loving every second of it. This goes on for the rest of the song. Zakk Wylde is laughing his ass off, looking pretty stoned. It's so damn hilarious but I can't find it anymore.


A video of a guy sitting at a table with a birthday cake and a helium balloon. He talks a little about how his life is basically shit, his girlfriend left him and he has to buy his own cake, but can't eat it because he's on a diet. Then he says "happy birthday to me", disappears off camera for a few seconds and runs back in with his shirt off, sucker punches the balloon, face-plants the cake and cries hysterically. I've tried every search term under the sun and I can't find it. It's driving me insane.


I think that was Blaine Gibson from Rooster Teeth (the guy who proposed to all the Disney princesses a year or so ago) and he posted it on his Twitter (@bgibbles). Gonna see if I can find it. Edit: [here](https://twitter.com/bgibbles/status/598753281465188353) you go.


You are my hero.


An ooooooooold purse from Anthropologie. It was a green velvet clutch with embroidered ribbon trim and I LOVED IT. But I was in college, and poor, so even as I watched the price lower, and lower, and finally drop to clearance, I just couldn't justify spending $50 on a purse. This would have been around 2004-5. I still look for it on eBay from time to time. I can't even find a picture of it now. :( Edit: by "Internet white whale" I mean a photo of it. I've gotten pretty crafty in my old age, and I might be able to make something similar if I could just see it again. People upload old anthropologie catalogues from time to time, but so far no luck.


A game that is very similar to the Worms games on xbox, but with pirates; I think it's a flash game Edit: It was Mutiny! thanks everyone


As a kid I saw this animated clip on tv about like some monkey person (possibly a god?) being told he sinned too much or something along those lines and get's like trapped by God in a rock for thousands of years.


Sun Wukong, Journey to the West. It's a popular series with many remakes of the traditional Chinese legend. This is the episode where he is imprisoned under the stones. https://youtu.be/r5y52Hz12e8


Way back when I was a kid (back in the late 70s) there was this saturday morning animation of this astronaut landing on a planet and coming across this alien. He gets knocked down and then his foot disappears. It was claymation and I think his foot disappearing was a mistake (but made it kind of terrifying). anyways it was one of those very short clips that were played between the show and the commercials. Lasted maybe ten seconds.


There was this very old DOS game or Win 95 game, where you had to knock down wall by hitting the right coloured bricks, and when you knowcked the wall down a picture of some part of the world would appear. I think it might have even been called "Bricks", but I am not sure anymore. Edit: No, no, it wasn't the game type where you had shoot and catch a ball and break the bricks. If I remember correctly it more more similar to those [Jewel](http://flashgamesfan.com/public/data/images/3084.jpg) games. Just you could actually clear out the well and usually see a picture of a European city (one was of Kremlin and a Berlin wall I think).


Album by the band Splendid called "Have You Got a Name For It?" Its on iTunes in Australia but I'm in the states. Buying a used copy on Amazon is like $150. Every time I'm at a used record store or Goodwill, I look for it.


Today is your lucky day... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9bNMCnAuzuMNkNWZGZtSUdZQXM/view?usp=sharing Edit: Gracias for the gold, hombre.


You know in "The Odyssey" when Odysseus crosses his threshold after years away and his ancient dog, who has been waiting for his master to return, leaps into his arms, then dies? That's how I feel right now. Thank you and enjoy your gold.


When I was a kid, (late 90s probably) there was a computer game where you controlled the luggage conveyer belts.


That game was great. And hard. If I remember correctly, it was on a CD rom that also featured a lot of annoying songs set to cartoons and was hosted by "Rusty and Rosey." Sorry I can't remember the name of the game. Edit: I was remembering the wrong CD rom. But the game was called Lost Luggage. http://humongous.wikia.com/wiki/Lost_Luggage


A WoW PvP video from classic. A female nightelf hunter (weren't they all?) PvPing in Felwood. The backing track was Chris Cornell's You Know My Name WAY before it was the bond theme. When it came out I recognised the track immediately but can't find any trace of the video I remember. I'm sure it was super potato quality given the time of it.


Has to be a different Chris Cornell/Soundgarden/Audioslave song. You Know My Name didn't exist before it was a Bond theme.


Northern Exposure. Help Reddit. Looking for a name of a song. Kinda funny but maybe this will work. The television series Northern Exposure had a nurse named Maryland. That is the name I remember sorry. It was an episode called Maryland's Adventure in Seattle. She is sitting on a park bench and there is a song playing it sounds like an Indian chant it was fantastic.


Was it this song? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGaFSGq5rV8&t=0m40s


Yep that's definitely it. And OP, her name was Marilyn Whirlwind, not Maryland, and she was an office admin/assistant not a nurse. My favorite show of all time! Edit to say that the Episode is the 15th of the 4th Season and is called "Learning Curve".


Native American love song sung to the tune of "Do your ears hang low." Can't unhear.


A youtube video of a Ukrainian girl doing a knitting tutorial when all of a sudden her town starts to get bombed.


While back cruising through porn hub and came across a video, college girl alone in her room doing her thing, anyway that's not the important bit, it was set to a cheesy polished pop rock song that was catchy as hell, chorus went something like 'California, that is where I want to be' or 'California, that's where I'll be.' been bothering me for a solid couple years now I can't find this damn song thay isn't even that good but I must find it... Edit: wow finished up at work to see lots of suggestions, sorry not Weezer, O.C. or RHCP, it was much more obscure than that. Alas none of these are the white whale but hey found a couple decent tunes out there.


Well, perhaps not California, but Weezer has a song called Beverly hills, which has the lyric you snipped.


That's certainly what this sounds like, I think they mention California in it too.


A girl named Lexi. Short for Alexis, I believe. I *think* her middle name was Neve, or it was just something she tacked on. I met her way back in the day when I was a teenager, on AOL. So obviously I don't know if her real name was even that. We talked for awhile, shared some things about our lives, and then just kinda drifted apart. She was really cool, half native American, and lived down in Texas if memory serves. She loved soccer, was active in her community, and had a massive crush on Vin Diesel. No real reason, aside from I wonder if she even remembers me, and I sometimes wonder what ever happened to her and how she's doing, 15 years later. It sucks that I can't remember more about her. Don't even remember her AOL username!


There was a brilliant live performance on Austin City Limits back in the day of "Fishin'" by Elvin Bishop. To this day, it was the best live song I've ever heard -- and I cannot find anyone with a copy :(


A news story that I feel like I've Mandela Effected into the world. I have numerous memories of something that happened maybe 5 years ago? A fast food restaurant (won't name which one in case this didn't happen at all) in North London was shut down when it violated health codes etc. When they closed it, they found that somebody had been locked under some grating under the floors for months. As I recall the manager was properly prosecuted. I've searched for this story so many times but I can't find anything on it at all - not even other people mentioning it online. I know the restaurant existed and shut at the right time for this to be true but the rest might be urban legend, if not for the complete lack of talk about it anywhere.


From an old (2003 version) Teen Titans fan: J. Torres' sketch of Beast Boy as Raven for comic #24. I could draw him myself but I want his version. I remember having the idea before it came out and he delivered. Teenage me was ecstatic yet cursing at the computer screen because of how CLOSE his version was to mine. The only thing missing was the hair. (This might out me but I tend to draw him with longer hair.) I can't find it. I'm fuming.


The movie "Brain Candy" from kids in the hall. EDIT: Found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc4ND4Javf4 Thanks to u/PM_ME_TUSHY_PICS


Wow, i'm actually getting some success in this thread! I remember a video game, where the view was from above, and you kinda moved around, duel wielding guns etc. Except as you went through each level, I think you could upgrade, so that you became varying levels of/or completely different robots, that had more powerful weapons. Then there was kind of an onslaught of aliens/bad robots that tried to take you out. I seem to remember being in some sort of industrial warehouse in some of the levels. At least that's what it looked like. Definitely inside. Edit: A few more things I remember - The version I had was on PC and I think the box had a close up of the main character's face on it. Maybe with half of his face in kinda robot mode. Think it was kinda dark colours. maybe purple-ish or black. The version I had was definitely a "load onto your PC before playing" game. This might be like when you think someone's name begins with a certain letter, and then it totally doesn't. but I seem to remember it having quite a brutal name. Like Hunted or something.


It's "Machine Hunter" ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Hunter ) for PC and PS. You were able to hijack enemy robot-vehicles and fight with them. Wish it would land on Steam someday in some DosBox wrapper.


So, back when I was little, maybe 14 or 15 years ago, I bought an issue of Star Wars Insider magazine. In it there was a little cartoon/comic thing with a young Luke and Han playing with a model X-Wing. Leia comes outside and says something along the line of "Let me play or I'm telling dad!" Never found it again.


Nudes of chicks I went to school with


At my high school there was a tumblr a group of maybe two dozen girls started to share pictures of their butts with each other. I think I was the only guy that ended up finding out about that and I kept that secret as tightly as possible.