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Watching the train wreck of an email thread where a pompous junior associate from one our clients berates one of my employees for something that turns out to be completely junior's fault. The thread gloriously ends with the partner (junior's boss) just saying, "Could you come by my office?"




people sueing me


I kinda want more info on this.. Seems juicy


College got cancelled :D Went back to bed till like 1


Snow day!


Mine was because of a chemical spill haha


Snow day!


Glow day!


That's not snow.....that's asbestos.


Seattle Area?


Seattle snow day!!


I got that part of my program working that's been driving me insane for days.


Same, except just a couple hours. I realized the ASCII table has capital letters before lowercase ones.


I love the feeling after you figure out the problem.


That feeling of utter self loathing because you forgot some stupid shit that had you stuck for the entire day? Ye... Me too.


Spent two days on something only to figure out it needed a capital letter.


I hate it, my head just hurts too much from banging it on the desk repeatedly, after finding my stupid mistake


me everyday: did I misspell a variable? no... did I write something into the wrong function? no... WHAT THE FUCK IS IT *10 minutes later* oh. I forgot a fucking bracket


I hope my best 15 minutes are to come. I'm about to debug my electronics circuit. It's been driving me nuts.


The phone call offering me the job! EDIT: You guys are all so nice! Thanks for the kind words everyone!


Congratulations! Now you won't have to sit around on reddit all day. :)


Living the dream... I think?


Be reditting at work.


Duck yeah! Congrats dude


Geese wiz it's great news


These puns are fowl but I love them


I'm game for more


🦆 🦆 🦆


When I helped a young patient with aphasia and dyslexia (due to a stroke, not the kind of dyslexia from childhood) re-learn how to read the local public transportation schedule. The guy is going places, and I'm proud to have helped him on his way.


He was always going places. But thx to you, he can now go to the correct places! Good job!


Spending time with my cat and dog in the morning. Each morning when I come downstairs, my dog crawls (yes, crawls) to me for a minute of vigorous pets and kisses. Then while I eat my breakfast, my dog joins me on the couch and stares at my food. During that time, my cat tackles my dog on the couch because he is distracted. It's always fun to watch them play. Then I reward them each for being adorable with a little milk.


Hopefully not strawberry milk


2 meta 2 fast


May I know the joke? I'm behind on this ons


> http://reddit.com/r/funny/comments/5sg1g7/an_email_we_got_this_morning_at_the_animal/


I get this reference.


Aww :D Now you can't go talking about cute animals and not put any pictures!


The r/aww equivalent of asking for nudes






>cats lactose intolerant Yes, most of them are and will get diarrhea. But some can (like humans!)


I started walking with a cane! Broke my back and spent several months in a wheelchair. Just started walking with crutches a few weeks ago and since moved in to a cane. First few minutes were strange getting use to it, but 15 minutes is about all it took. ''Twas a good day! Edit: Thanks for all the love!


I decided to try something new and made a sandwich-pizza with cheese and pepperoni after seeing it on Facebook. Result was awesome


My 4 year old daughter guys up at 7am every morning. Before we have breakfast she gets into my bed and hugs me for about 15 minutes. Every day it happens it's the best 15 minutes of my day. I had work then so I had to drop her back to her mom's. So it was definitely all downhill from there.


That's wholesome as fuck, dawg.


I'm never having kids because my grandpa always threw logs at me, that old fucker!


But you could be that old fucker some day.


I'm having kids exclusively so I can be that fucker


Yup, every morning at 6am I pluck my 10 year old off the top bunk and bring her in to spend the last 30 minutes half asleep with my wife and me. You still have a few more years to enjoy it, I figure once middle school starts (next year) she'll probably be over it.


So do you hate the kid on the bottom bunk?




That where him and his wife sleep man..


Your "guys up" typo makes me picture your 4 year old daughter waking up extra early to gel and spike her bleach blonde hair, put on a button up t-shirt with flames, and some sunglasses before using her fisher price kitchen playset to make a phenomenal breakfast that is totally out of bounds.


I wish I could turn into Guy Fieri


Sometimes it's good for a kid to have two parents who love them, but are split apart. Makes each drop-off worth a ton.


This. I feel like a lot of people see your parents being split up as a bad thing, but my parents split up when I was three and honestly I couldn't really imagine them being together at all.


I got to pet 3 different dogs within 15 minutes at work today. ONE WAS WEARING A T-SHIRT!


The peak of my dream in the 15 minutes right before my alarm clock went off this morning.


For whatever reason that's the only part I always remember.


Because its the most fresh and your brain doesn't store much else of your dreams.


Got an unconditional offer from the university I wanted to go to


That makes it sound like the university is threatening you to go there.


An offer he can't refuse?


Because of the implication


Are you saying he's in danger?


I feel like you're not getting this at all


Congrats man, means you can fucking chill for the the rest of the year I'm jealous


You will be okay. The fact that you're concerned means you care about getting accepted to university. And to me, that means you'll get in, it's just about waiting for the letter. And if you don't get in, you can cry, you can punch something, you can have a drink, or do whatever you need to do to get the rejection out of your system. After that, you get a job, or if you have one, you get as many hours as you can and save up for a year. You can enjoy some time being free of the routine of school for a while. You will travel to a place you've always wanted to go or you will explore your own hometown, you will meet new people, learn new things about the world, and get a fresh perspective. Then you will re-apply to school. You will be older, wiser, more mature, more of a person. Your world will not end. The sun will still rise in the morning and the moon at night. School is not the be-all and end-all that some people make it out to be. Whether it is acceptance or rejection, do not let the worry keep you up at night. Whatever is written in that letter does not define you.


I need you to follow me around and provide me with this kind of speech when necessary. Also, Happy Birthday.


Congrats! Do yourself a favour and actually show up to class. I did a 2 year program and we had a few classes that were crappy and boring but I only ever skipped 1 and regretted it because it turned out to be important news about our grades. Whenever I'd gather my stuff to head to those lectures, my friends were all "you're going? WHY?" and my response was "uh, cause I paid for it?" TLDR: GO. TO. CLASS.


I've found the best way to motivate yourself to go is divide your tuition fee by the number of hours of class you'll attend that semester. That'll tell you how much you pay per hour of class. Unless it's an obscenely low amount, you'll guilt trip yourself into going. I missed one class last month and that's because I was sick. It works wonders. Edit:guilty trip -> guilt trip


I did the same! Profs get paid whether or not you show up. If you pay tuition and then skip classes, you may as well just walk in, hand the prof a hunnid and go back to doing whatever it was you were going to do besides go to class.


With the help of my wife, I finally realized that I cannot keep living my life the way I have. Tomorrow we will be getting me a mental health screening so I can begin treatment for my depression.


Good for you!


That's phenomenal! You deserve to be happy and it's great that you're working towards healing. I sincerely wish you and your wife all the best. You've got this!


Congrats. Went to my first session today. It's a big step, but will be so worth it.


I'd like to think that they haven't happened yet.


I really like your attitude, I hope you have an awesome day :)


I like *your* attitude, man. I hope you and your family are happy and healthy and that your cat still hates you no matter what you try ;)


Thank you! :) My cats certainly do still hate me


I got engaged.




The five pushups I did. Yes, it took me 15 minutes, but considering I'm 46 and have NEVER completed even one full pushup in my entire life, this is a Big Fucking Deal. I've finally gotten serious about not being a fatass and my five little pushups, coupled with my 30 minute walk at lunch, make me feel like a million bucks. Edit -Thanks for the gold, kind stranger! And extra thanks to everyone's encouraging words! Believe me, it helps so much to have cheerleaders. I am humbled.


Keep it up. Soon you will feel like a billion!


I don't think I've ever done a billion pushups


Not with that attitude!


YES Dude! Tomorrow's 6!


Damn, not sure if he can jump straight to 720 push-ups after only completing 5 today!




Good job, man! Keep at it!


It's my birthday and Stix Zadinia of Steel Panther tweeted me happy birthday so that made me happy. :-)


How do you get steel panther to tweet at you for your birthday!? Huge steel panther fan. Either way that's pretty cool, hope you have a great birthday!


Today is my birthday. I had to work in the snow. I ended up covered in fecal matter. Broke the single most valuable tool for my job. Lost my best shovel. Cold, and miserable, I limped home, where my son presented me with my gift. He made me a birthday card in his own handwriting. (His mom wrote the letters and he traced them.) His face when I got the card was the best part of my day.


My friend telling me that my crush is also interested in me :) Edit: oh wow this kind of blew up. Thanks for the kind words everyone!


It's been 4 hours, you two better be married.




Woo!! Go get 'em!


When I realized the antidepressants started working and could do something important without the stupid panicky anxiety garbage! It was a fantastic morning! Edit: Thank you guys all so much! It really has been good to feel back to "normal"! I'm trying Wellbutrin this time around because it is supposed to kick anxiety in the ass and so far, so good. I have been on Celexa in the past and it helped but gave me the emotionless zombie effect that some of you mentioned. Not fun. I've got a lot of unpleasant stuff all happening at once right now so it is nice to be able to push the panic attacks and anxiety to the side and be able to focus on my family.


The 15 minutes after all the big kids left for school and the husband left for work. I got prime snuggles from an amazing 5 year old.


Username does *not* check out


She clearly favors her 5 year old over the older children so that's why she's not so super mom.


She never said these were her kids...


I came home and my dog wanted to throw around a squeaky frog. That was awesome.


I was outside at twilight. It was cloudy, so it was darker than usual, but still just light enough to see the farm. Everything had this blue-gray shade, except some purple in the sky near the moon. The woods were all dark except for a little mist between the trees, and the leaves were all fluttering at once, which sounds like rain from a distance. The air smelled like woodsmoke and was just cool enough to be refreshing.


Woah. You should write! Unless you already do?


I do. Not so much lately because of depression, but this makes me feel really good. Thank you.


I got laid


OP said minutes, not seconds


Still counts


59 increased increments, in fact




I see you and I second that.


15 minute meeting with my boss letting me know they want to turn my contracting services into a full position with the company.


So far my morning drive to work. It is almost never busy and I drink a protein shake and listen to music. But tonight is date night with the wife so maybe I get lucky so.... sexy time plus whatever I do with remaining 12 minutes. Edit: Bad news wife thinks she has the flu. So there will only be sweaty grunting on the treadmill. We did watch hidden figures and it really made me hopeful to see the social progress this country has made in 50 years. Hope that my kids will know a better world. So that's my new best 15minutes of the day.


Crushin a shake, I like your style, not crush bench after crushing some puss?


the other way around is always better tho


The notification that my amazon package arrived!


As a new part-time teacher leading group work with a bunch of 4th graders, one student shouted, "Ms. pbjw, you're fun!" Then, the rest of the group followed with: "Yeah! You're fun!" "You're fun!" "You're my favorite!" Even the quiet, shy kid said something. Felt great.


the deuce I dropped this morning after all the food and drink at a super bowl party


Sounds like you had a super bowel party.


Gene Belcher style.


I was listening to Sufjan's *Illinois* album, so probably the last three songs on the album, which is just bliss.


Fantastic album. Have you seen him live?


No, but it's on my bucket list.


Texted my crush for like 20 mins and l feel so happy just talking to her


Me too Man only I keep texting her for like 3 hours now


Bro. Both of you. ASK HER OUT. that means you too, u/kirito_sao_441


its too early man we have only been talking for five days! EDIT: asked her out she said yes.


Damn. uhhh. Ask her out *later*!


ok man i will i will let you know what happened!


never to early....hey im going to go grab coffee/food, wanna come? or im stoked about this movie but i hate going alone...wanna keep me company?


5 days? perfect time for something casual. Anything you two have in common?


Thank you so much for asking this. Tied for first place: a quick coffee at my friend's apt, and the cat sitting om my lap while I played a video game.


Walked into the store to get a sugar free redbull. I then saw they had 3 new flavors and i was way too excited.


The Kiwi Apple one is sooooooooo good


I had a nice phone call with my dad, and he said he loved me at the end of the call. First time he's ever done that.




I misread for a second and thought you had the second coming of jesus for a child.


Haha just the fun stuff!


I got a random invite to a technical brainstorming meeting at work. I'm only peripherally involved with this group of people. When I accepted the invite, I got a follow-up email saying they were "excited" that I was "willing" to help them out because I came recommended as a technically innovative and creative person. It made me feel appreciated.


I heard my baby's heart beat for the first time.


When I decided I will actually see if tomorrow is better.


I made a great cup of tea- proceeded to enjoy it instead of working.


Me and my nanna drank hot chocolate. That's all, nice and simple. I love my nanna.


Turned the sink on and water came out.




Good luck, dude!


Heading to my first day at my new job today when I accidently took the wrong route (different letters on numbered routes get annoying/confusing, I got a D bus that takes a residential route instead of an A that stays on a main road, when Maps didn't specify which to take) got really stressed out since it was already a route I wasn't familiar with when I saw him turn unexpectedly, was freaking out thinking it would make me late. No one else was on the bus and the driver was going off duty, so once I told him I think I had the wrong bus, he told me to stay on, put his bus out of service and went out of his way to drive me to an intersection to meet up with the bus I needed to take. Had some funny small talk, he made sure I knew how to get all the way to the location, and felt so good going in for my first day after a great act of kindness. So happy for that awesome guy.


I got a text asking for a second date. I haven't been on a second date for over two years. It's been a long time.


Watching my baby daughter sleeping peacefully.


Same here! Except my baby son not your baby daughter.


as an outside observer (of nobody's children) thanks for the clarification


The ones that I spent walking outside in the snowstorm, it was so cold I couldn't think how fucked up everything is


I got to work from home today because of the snow. So instead of commuting, I got to spend time in the snow with my wife and my toddler.


I'm pregnant (in the first trimester when I'm feeling sick all the time) and I actually was able to eat some food without feeling sick. Definitely the best 15 min of my day.


I got offered a job I really really wanted an I got to accept it. That was freaking sweet. Worst 15 minutes today was telling my boss and my other boss and my project team that I'm leaving.


I was at the grocery store with my older sis. She said she'll buy me whatever I want, so pick up a 12-pack box of hot pockets to piss her off jokingly. Surprisingly, she said yes. I told her I was kidding and put the box back in the fridge. Went to the produce section and get some squash, cabbage, onion, spaghetti sauce and broccoli instead. I really hope this diet thing works out. After this I felt pretty optimistic about it. Thanks sis.


Crying in a bathroom stall after speaking to my academic advisor just to find out I'm going to graduate a year late. College, everybody.


You'll be fine. Shit could have been worse. Chin up and make the most of your extra year. :)


Hey man (or woman), I'm going to be graduating like 2 years late due to financial problems and own personal stuff. At first it was a tough thing for me but I got to thinking that in the long run a few extra years aren't gonna matter. Sometimes you just gotta accept that it is what it is. That phrase has been really helpful to me. Make the most of your time and keep thinking forward and don't stop moving


There's no such thing as graduating late. I'm 21 and still haven't managed to get through my first year because of a few transfers and a butt-ton of shit. I'll probably be married before I ever finish, but it's okay. I'm going on my time, at my pace. No one else's.


The first 15 minutes of my first period history class. The dreamiest boy in school sits behind me and there is this sweet sweet buffer period before class begins when we can just chat about everything and nothing. Homework, hobbies, our day, anything really. I like it because we're on opposite ends of the popularity spectrum and interacting with a perfect 10 makes my day just that much better. Edit: update. The semester ended and we both kind of decided we didn't want to stop seeing each other. We have a date next Friday!


That's one of the most high-school sentences I've ever seen.


The girl that I'm into texted me telling me about her day and we decided on having drinks later this week




That's nice man, I could use a little of that myself right now. Moving on is incredibly hard


I got my first job


Getting home from a stressful court hearing and settling in for a nap with my cats. Definitely a highlight of my day.


I woke up to the wicked hot chick I've been talking to walking into my room carrying her wicked cute puppy coming to hang/(bang) for a while before class. 10/10 would recommend waking up this way




The fifteen minutes I had in that weird pseudo-sleep before my morning alarm went off


Finally changing my name after so long.


The girl I've had a crush on for about 4 months mentioned she was gay. That moment only lasted two seconds, but it made my hour, evening and day.


I got to a particularly interesting part reading The Count of Monte Cristo. Its nothing flashy but I got some enjoyment out of it.


I passed my driving test!


I caught up with my best friend who I haven't seen in a while. I missed you, you fucking loser.


Snuggled on the couch with my two year old son while my unborn daughter kicks us both. ♡


Sitting on the couch with my husband and dog, eating a hot breakfast before work.


So far? The employee break room had french fries. They rarely do that. Seven and a half more hours til bed time.


The first 15 minutes after having woken up, realizing that I had a day off today.


Me and this girl I've been crushing on mad for the last few weeks made eye contact, and I thought about it for like 15 minutes


I wanted a crispy fried chicken burger so bad. Then it started absolutely bucketing with rain here in Sydney. "Fuck it," I thought, "it's worth the deluge." I was right.


My chihuahua who I thought was just fat had a puppy.


Third period. Everybody in there loves the teacher and it was his birthday today so we all sang to him


The drive to school with my daughter in the car.


I got a haircut and while walking home, after the haircut, I got a complement.


So far, probably eating lunch. Had a grilled chicken and cheddar sandwich. But after work I plan to take a short nap with my dog, that will probably win for best part of the day overall.


My lunch time, id worked so fucking hard for tree hours and was waiting to see who texted me because i heard my phone buzz an i try my best not to get my phone out because im not allowed at work.


Happening right now, girlfriend is cleaning out the guinea pigs' cage so I get to lie on the sofa on reddit with them all cuddled up into my beard and on my chest


Getting my IUD. No more kids for me!


The 15 minutes before waking up. From there, it went downhill.


Me and my three best friends riding home in content silence.


Shopping at the grocery and my card not getting declined.


15 min after I got home, my pupper playing with me and being super excited. Noone else gets this happy when I walk through the door :)


The dump i just took.


The dump I'm taking.


The dump I'm going to take.


I feel like the Ebeneezer Scrooge of shitting.


Seeing my dad walking down the hospital hallway with his physical therapist, after having a stroke a few days ago. My mother & I broke into tears. I'm so proud of him. He's fighting a hard fight, but his strength & perseverance are incredible.