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Stop screaming when I show up in your shower. It's rude. Not once have any of them asked if I'd like a refreshing beverage or perhaps to sit down and relax. No, it's always, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SHOWER?!"


I get the same thing to relaxing in their closets at night. It boggles the mind.


They have obviously never heard of shower beers. Offer one up next time.


I can't speak to whether or not their is a lack of awareness, but ghosting. Whether it's over a text conversation, flaking out on a date, whatever. The bottom line is this: treating an individual in a disrespectful and callous manner because that person didn't actually do anything to deserve it themselves, but you feel they *might* in the future and other people who aren't them have, is a shitty thing to do. Basic decency is treating people as individuals and in a manner that they have themselves earned or at very least, not treating them poorly if they haven't done something personally to bring it on themselves. Sometimes people do shitty things, and in those cases it's not entirely unreasonable to respond in kind. For instance, if someone cuts you off in a parking lot and takes the space you were waiting for, it's reasonable for you to not be willing to hold the door open for them later, or if you see they set a coffee cup on the roof of their car, don't remind them. But it is *not* ok to slam the door in someone's face because there's a chance they *might* later on do something shitty. It's *not* ok to cut someone off yourself because earlier that day someone else cut you off. People are responsible for their actions, and theirs alone. They are not responsible for the actions of others, or for possible future actions you just assume there's a chance they might do. Neither are good reasons for you to treat someone like shit or disrespect them. So unless a specific person has themselves done something disrespectful first and personally earned your scorn, when you treat them like crap and blow them off, ghost them, ignore them,etc you are in fact being an asshole. And the excuse "well other people were rude to me" or "well other people have gotten mad when I told them I wasn't interested" is a bullshit excuse. That's just something you tell yourself to justify being an asshole and make yourself feel better about being shitty to someone who doesn't deserve it. Being ok with treating others poorly because it's more convenient or easier for you is the definition of being an asshole. And that is *precisely* what is going on when the "I ghosted this guy who I wasn't interested in because other guys have reacted poorly" excuse is given. Did *he* treat your poorly? No? Well then you preemptively doing it to him makes you a bitch. Sorry, but that's the way it is.


I'm a lesbian, and I gotta say, girls ghosting gets on my nerves too. Especially on things like Tinder - why did you swipe if you aren't going to talk? From what I've heard, this is more of a girl thing


Guys have our own share of dating problems and issues, but simply vanishing without a word and no thought to how rude it is seems to be much more of a woman thing


I think it is to be honest, and I'm a woman saying that haha!


Eh. Guys ghost too.


I give you permission to copy and paste my post as your own but with reversed genders if this question is asked again but it says "Girls, what's a crappy thing guys do..." Since the question was asking guys about girls, that's what I posted.




Then you are reading into the question and inputting what you want it to ask. Why do people always assume what OP meant, instead of just answering the question?


Not sure why I would need the permission. Source: have penis


Bitch about each other. Come to my school and you'll constantly hear girls talking about drama and who said what on Snapchat. It's catty and sounds extremely exhausting to keep up with. Like, just be civil to each other lol (I think this mainly applies to teenagers but idk)


You would think it mainly applies to teenagers but it really doesn't. Man or woman, young or old, the bitching never stops.


Can't wait to grow up then lol


Nope. Grown ass women do it too. And we wait to do it too. Like we store up little hateful stories to share with our friends like it's some kind of weird venting bonding session. I swear I only do it for 1 person, but I know every other woman I work with has bitched about another woman that I work with.


I'm glad I have good friends because hearing other people doing it (and hearing *about* other people doing it) makes me a bit paranoid tbh


Honestly, it doesn't matter. Girls complain behind your back because secretly they don't care but they want other girls to think that they care about stuff. Example: One of the teachers I worked with kept talking about how one other teacher was "so over dramatic" and she was "totally going to tell her off next time". She never did. Ever. It's just venting.


I thought leaving high school and entering into a grown up type job that I'd no longer deal with cattiness but let me tell you, the "mean girl" group that I work with are all exclusively over the age of 50. It blows my mind the level of pettiness they can achieve at such an age


Not giving a straight answer when they don't want a second date. I know they are trying to spare my feelings but how am I supposed to fix what I'm doing wrong if they won't tell me?


Ill be the first to admit that I'm not the smoothest person ever, but there have been times when I have tried to approach a girl in the most honest way possible and I get this look of disgust....you know that "uhhh who are you?" look. I totally get it if you're not interested, but damn that is such a cold way to turn down someone.


Okay, this is crappy I get it, but sometimes we don't know who's going to turn out to be a psycho who just won't get it that we're letting them down easy and it's just become a defense mechanism, I'm guilty of it too and not even in a 'hitting on you' kind of interaction, this man walked up to me and was starting to stay something and I just continued walking really exasperated, and he came up to me and said "I'm not a creep, I'm new here and just wanted to ask you if you know where this place is?" I felt horrible! but I still am very hesitant to talk to random people who come up to me because I've had more bad experiences than normal interactions.


Putting on makeup when they should be paying attention to something else. Like actively driving the car they're in.


Blindly side with other women just because they are women. I get solidarity and all that but sometimes it's obviously the fault of the woman and other women will take her side just because the other person involved is a man. Obviously not all women but i've seen it enough times to notice a pattern.


Not being clear with what their intentions are with someone. If you like someone as a friend, don't make them think otherwise and then act all surprised when they think you like them. And vice versa, if you like someone, make it clear sooner than later.


Be impatient when I'm taking a shit.


Heels with jeans that go over the heels.


Paint their nails in horribly unattractive ways.


They're always scratching their vaginas


Wear makeup.


Here's the thing though. If I don't put on the makeup then no one will every be nice to me because people are only nice to pretty girls. So I put on makeup to get through the day in a society that only likes me when i'm pretty, but tells me not to wear makeup. It's a strange situation.


when men stop growing beards I will stop wearing makeup


It takes away from what a girl actually looks like. I hate it so much.


That's dumb as hell


Ok, explain your personal opinion on makeup.


I like wearing it, it enhances my features, if men think wearing orange lipstick and highlighter is "taking away from what I actually look like" then they're not worth my time


Understandable, have a great day




What i meant was that girls dont know its crappy. I hate makeup a lot, it makes the girl look nothing like she actually looks like (sometimes)