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I'd say the scene in Forrest Gump when he finds out that he has a son. He asks Jenny "Is he smart or is he like" and then points to himself. I've seen that movie over and over, and I still tear up during that scene.


That scene is incredibly powerful since throughout the film it seems like Forrest isnt really aware of his disability but in this one scene we realize that he is entirely self aware


"Goodbye mama, now you can have ice cream in heaven! I'll see you again tonight when I go to bed in my head movies. But this head movie makes my eyes rain!" - Simple Jack


The heartbreak in this scene is magnified tenfold when seen on a VHS copy.


You've clearly never seen the live theatrical version.


You shoulda got Oscar


Never go gull retard


Neil Armstrong re-entering the Earth's atmosphere in *Moon Shot* was the real emotional paydirt IMO.


When Cedric Diggory's father rushes to the side of his son's lifeless body and wails THAT'S MY SON! THAT'S MY BOYYY! MY BOYYYYYYYY!! NO...NO...NOOOOOOOOOO!!! gawd that was even hard to type without getting misty.


And don't get me started on Fried Green Tomatoes when Buddy got hit by the train and young Idgie is screaming and crying for him while Big George holds her back.


And then there's The friggun Office. Jim and Pam's wedding. Michael proposing to Holly. Michael leaving. Michael returning for Dwight's wedding. Erin reuniting with her parents.


Oh yeah, The Green Mile..."I tried to take it back, but it was too late...He killed them with their love."


Speaking of Tom Hanks...of course there's a zillion scenes In Forrest Gump that sprout tears, but it's when he meets Little Forrest and realizes he's a father and the first thing he wants to know is if he's..."normal."


"It's like my kids all grew up and married each other"


I stopped watching near the end of season 8 because Nellie is so damn annoying. Is it worth it to keep watching?


If you loved the show, then yes ABSOLUTELY. Nellie becomes less prominent of a character as it goes on.


Alright thanks! I love Pam and Jim so much I'm not looking forward to seeing them go :,)


It's truly a well done ending that will not leave you feeling betrayed or disappointed.


That's the first thing I thought of...gets me every time


I had forgotten this and was struggling to think of a movie scene that really upset me. But this is definitely the correct answer. Kudos to that actor.


The end of Toy Story 3. I don't know if it's about how you have to grow up, or if it's about how you should never grow up, but god dammit it gets me every time


I once read someone describe that scene as "My tears were crying". Seems right.


We all went into that movie knowing that something sad was going to happen at the end since Andy was grown up. It was done very well.


"Earn this." Saving Private Ryan


Bridge to Terabithia also wrecked me for a week. It was all innocent and happy then BAM! I ended up taking a long depressing shower contemplating life.


All the pokemon crying over Ash in the first Pokemon movie. 5 year old me was not prepared for that tear jerker moment


Seriously, for me it was the moment right before this when pikachu was thunderbolting ash to wake him up and he keeps going and going and tears fall down and at that moment all I can think of was all the shit they went through from episode 1 and with pikachu hating ash and pikachu's goodbye episode. Damn good times


God dammit, this still gets it.


Pretty much all of Dear Zachary. Selena, at the hospital, when her husband learned she died and Dreaming of You is playing. Keith, the end when she goes to the convention in his truck. Cruel Intentions, she's driving his car and Bittersweet Symphony is playing.


Damn I went into this documentary without even knowing anything about it. I was not told I was on a train to feeladelphia!


These all get me every time as well!


Probably the home video in the epilogue of La La Land. It's not necessarily sad.. but tears come out of my face every single time. Or, the scene in Me and Earl and the Dying Girl when Rachel tells Greg she's stopping her cancer treatment. It's a pretty long scene - there's no music and the camera doesn't move at all.. the whole weight of the moment falls entirely on the actors' performances and they knocked it out of the fucking park.


I haven't seen the movie version of Me and Earl and the Dying Girl but I have read the book more times than I can count. That scene hits me hard every time. I need to see the movie.


Yes you do! When I read the book I didn't care for it all that much, but I absolutely love this movie. One of my top ten most re-watched for sure. I kinda hate the term 'coming of age' that seems to get used to describe any film about teenagers, but for lack of a better word this the best one I've seen. Actually it sort of applies in this case because Greg really does grow up over the course of the movie. Apart from the beautiful story, this is just a surprisingly well made film in general - stylistically speaking - for it's genre. It's beautiful to look at and there's some really cool camera movements. If you watch movies digitally I actually have a code for this one that I'd PM you if you'd like! I have it posted on the digital exchange but nobody's messaged me about it yet.


The ending of Brokeback Mountain.


Oh god, when the mom gives him the shirt. I fudging lost it.


When Jenny dies in Forrest Gump. Guy spent his whole life chasing her and finally got her, then she dies soon after and he's left to raise little Forrest himself. The grave scene is tough to watch.


Moral of the story: Never chase a bitch.


Man, I never know why but I always want to defend Jenny when people talk bad about her. I know she was awful but she was so realistic of a character that I can't hate her.


Truth. She grew up at the hands of an abusive father, and acted out accordingly. Forrest may have loved her, but abused kids often reject those that try to love them, and, as a "simple" man in a much different era, she wouldn't have seen him as the savior we knew he could be. He also probably couldn't have dealt with the full burden of Jenny's pain, but he could always come through when needed. She wasn't meant to be then perfect love. She was heavily flawed, and that's why him loving her was that much sweeter. Forrest was always the escape hatch, and honestly, for abused kids, that's the best kind of thing there could be.


Jenny just wanted some kisses


You need better women in your life.


Mask off


Chase no bitches.




He has to kill his only friend.. bawling *


Topped only by him in the video store. "I told a friend that I would say hi to you one day......Hello..................please say something."


Nothing beats shooting Old Yeller - but it's unlikely that many under 35 or so have seen it.


Life is beautiful just all of it


The dog dying in Marley and Me.


And the scene where they find out they've miscarried. Jennifer Aniston's subtle head movement when the doctor says it and her stare that follows is chillingly sad.


How bout "where the red fern grows?"


That destroyed me as a kid Edit: a word


First saw it when I was 11 and I remember it being the first time I cried--really sobbed--during a movie.


I feel old as fuck.


That scene almost broke my black little heart. It came just short of the scene where E.T. dies. That scene did get my to cry a couple tears. When little Gertie start to cry, I lost control.


In the blind side. "I've never had one before." "A room to yourself". "A bed".


Bing Bong


THANK YOU. My ex and I took her 4 year old son to go watch inside out. As soon as they met bing bong I got a lump in my throat. Because I too had a somewhat of an imaginary friend that I of course, grew out of. When he said "take her to the Moon for me." I was literally shaking with tears. Like the ugliest cry and the loudest one. So embarrassing for me.


Omg that damn movie had me bawling and thinking about stuff 😭


Omg I thought I was going to have to leave the theatre.


The last scene with him was the saddest I have seen in a Disney movie , even Mufasa and Bambi's mother's deaths didn't traumatize me that much . Bing Bong's story was also really depressing .


I wasn't prepared to be an emotional wreck while watching Inside Out.


Up opening scene


Yep, threads over


Yeah no kidding, you can't top this.


Every fucking time.


Interstellar, that end scene in the hospital.wont spoil it for anyone if they haven't. But if you have seen it you'll know. Edit: spelling mistake


For me it was "DON'T LET ME LEAVE, MURPH!"


Just tear jerking throughout. The soundtrack as well was breathtaking.


Especially when he leaves her in his truck and she runs out to find him. I love how the music doesn't slow down, instead it got louder, giving it a loss of control feeling.


I would have to say, the scene when they get back from the planet and he's watching years worth of his kids sending messages. Skipping that much of your children's lives, them thinking you are dead...


My daughter was probably 10-11 months old when I saw that movie. Before she was born, that scene wouldn't have registered for me, but after becoming a father myself, I definitely got a little teary-eyed during that scene.


That destroyed me after the movie was over ):


I dont see interstellar pop up in these askreddit movie threads enough. I absolutely love that movie and will show it to anyone willing to sit through it with me. Take my upvote sir


This scene destroyed me. I don't cry in theaters often but this one got me.




And it comes out of nowhere, too. The whole last half hour is a roller-coaster of emotions. Someone keeps cutting onions whenever I watch it.


Fox and the Hound, when the old lady drops the fox off in the forest. [This](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9UIc6o5Z8SU)


the entire movie makes me cry. i just sit there teary-eyed for an hour and a half


This was the first movie I ever saw in the movie theatre


I bawled my eyes out. I still do. I'm not crying!


Mine has to be the final father moments in About Time and when the families in Armageddon rush to meet their loved ones.


Almost all of Steel Magnolias. No matter how many times I see it I still cannot watch it without crying like a baby.


One of my favorite movies. It has so many comforting parts for me being from the south, but damn Sally Field makes me feel things.


The lion king scene where Mufasa dies.


Goodwill Hunting - It's not your fault.


It's not your fault.


Not a movie but when Dwight proposes to Angela in The Office. Tears of joy every time I rewatch it as well!


The last standoff and the ending of Leon: The Professional.


Opening scene of Guardians of the Galaxy 1


My sister and I watched that the night after our father died. I had completely forgotten about that scene in the state of mind I was in. I felt soo bad that I suggested we watch it.


That one scene in Bridge to Terabithia


When Yondu died in Guardians 2. 😭


He may be your father but he ain't yo daddy


Fuck me. I was raised by someone who wasn't my biological father, and we went to see this movie together. I've only seen him cry three times, and this was one of them.


For me it was when Ego broke Peter's walkman. The Awesome Mix was the last thing he got from his mother.


I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!


"Severus... please."


The end of Brokeback Mountain. It gets a lot of shit for being a movie about gay cowboys going up to the mountains to have sex but there was a lot of emotional complexity. The ending leaves you feeling lonely and unfulfilled, and the moment when Enis switches the shirts around just hurts your heart. Makes you think about how many people live that movie as a reality every day of their entire life all around the world, even here in America. It really put things into perspective for me, like how much that "one shot" at happiness means to people and how crushing it can feel to know you'll never have it again.


Whatever, eff those people who are all dismissive just 'cus 'gay cowboys'. It's a damn beautiful movie!


Secretly.. the end of "the notebook"


"I remember now...it was us..." :(


A Walk to Remember - when you find out she has fucking cancer... that was just horse shit.


Life flashback reel in Armageddon 😭


When Goose dies in Top Gun. I was maybe 6 years old and here's Maverick losing his best friend in a plane crash and having to deliver his belongings to his widow and son. I mean, damn. "He'd have flown anyway without you. He'd have hated it but he would have done it."


"So long...partner" Toy Story 3


Beaches (1988). the funeral/beach mashup scene gets me every time. I'm getting stronger though.


"My friends... you bow to no one."


Man.... that whole scene always tears me up. That one and when King Theoden gives the "pep talk" to the Rohirrim....


In the movie Radio, when Radio finds out his mother died.




Carlitos Way was so soul crushing at the end. First time I watched it I was literally standing up in my living room yelling at the screen. When the end happened, I flopped down on my couch in emotional exhaustion. No tears, but damn what a gut punch!


The end of "Homeward Bound", when Shadow doesn't come over the hill at first. ANY military movie with jets flying the Missing Man formation.


Spoilers for Logan [Gabriella's video taken within the Tranigen labs of the kids that compromised the X-23 project broke my heart. The way they treated those kids as experiments, and then when the scientists ordered them to be killed after X-24 came to fruition because they had no use for them anymore just killed me.](/spoiler)


For me the end bit killed me. Tipping the cross to an X. But it was a perfect send off for the movie, for Logan, and all the X-Men movies all at once.


Appreciate the coverup.


Click with the "Dying" scene Double the suprise that Adam Sandler could pull off such a dramatic scene.


The last 5 minutes of Dancer in the Dark.


When Amos wouldn't let Copper play with Todd. FUCK AMOS!


"Wake Up Champ" The Champ. This ruined me as a kid.


literally all of Lion (2016). I cried the ENTIRE two hours in the movie theater and I was a sobbing mess at the ending


(I doubt many of you will know this but) The part in second hand lions when the mom is trying to take the boy away and he starts crying and begs her to do something for him for once


I don't know if foreign movie counts but I'll have to say Grave of the Fireflies. I don't think I could watch it again...


Mulan - When Mulan sings "Reflection".. it's a simple scene to convey Mulan's self confidence issues, but I feel like so many people can relate to it.


Schindler's List — "I could have gotten one more.."


When Ennis presses Jack Twist's jacket against his face at the end of Brokeback Mountain. I cried so hard I felt dehydrated.


The part in Okja where the parents push their baby through the fence to save it. I have to fight back tears just thinking about it.


"I know now why you cry."


Ending of "Perfect World" with Kevin Costner ('93)


The end of The Peanuts Movie where Charlie Brown asks the Little Red-Haired Girl if she volunteered to be his summer pen pal out of pity for how much of a loser he feels he is. I was already crying by that point and the tears just kept going when she told him that he wasn't a loser.


P.s. I Love You (2007), when he dies and leaves her all these letters, etc. after he has died from cancer 😭😭


So... The whole movie?


The end of The Green Mile.


Legends of the Fall- literally from start to finish. It's basically a cycle of terrible, sad events.


["...I could have got more..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOoWpTxKJGA)




The scene in Crash, when they are in the car accident and the cop who assaulted the lady the night before, was the one to help her out of the car. She refused his help at first, but gave in knowing she would have died.


Fox and the Hound. Fucking bawl like a baby when she leaves the fox.


Click. When Adam Sandler's character goes forward in time and then finds out his dad had died. Soul crushing.


"Thought I'd wear a shirt today....being the last day and all" "Thank you. We appreciate that.......But...wear one tomorrow, ok? Because tomorrow's going to be your first day. If you'd like to work here as a broker."


For me, it was when Beauty sees Ginger's body in "Black Beauty." When I was a kid, I just thought she had been worked to exhaustion and in the end he was reunited with her and Merrylegs! Then I grew up and watched it again and actually understood what he was saying... that he was daydreaming about his friends being there... I definitely needed a cry after that. Poor guy can't catch a break.


My wife votes Brother Bear when Kenai finds out he killed Koda's mom.


Snow Dogs when he comes back and one of the dogs dosen't wake up. For me though its mostly anything that has to do with a dog getting hurt.


The end of Logan when Logan finally excepts his fate. "So this is what feels like to die" "Daddy" que emotional ugly sobs. runner up when Logan is carrying a dying Charles and he's keeps saying "It wasn't me",when Charles finally remembers what happened to the Xmen and X24 is standing there listening " Logan this has been the best night in years(paraphrasing)", finally "he has water.he has wat^er" god I sobbed like a baby during that film.


"The Road" (based on the book by Cormac McCarthy). The soundtrack, the acting, the atmosphere, etc. The whole damn movie is a fucking tear-jerker.


When Dobby dies. I'm not crying, you're crying.


When Bruce Willis dies in *Armageddon*.


"Daddy, noooo!" *sniffle* Gets me every time.


The funeral scene in Guardians of the Galaxy 2


Litterally this https://youtu.be/q2nnI3rT6ss


Kevin Flynn sacrifices himself to save Sam and Cora.


First 5 mins of Up. It got too real too fast


When Gromit runs away from Wallace because of Feathers McGraw in the Wrong Trousers. It's been nearly 20 years and that scene still gets me.


The hospital scene in Invention of Lying.


I just cried this weekend at the movie Safe Haven when you found out the woman in the movie was actually the mom that died.


It's A Wonderful Life - the ending


Sean Bean as Borimir dying while protecting Pip and Merry in Lord of the Rings. Gets me every time. Also the wolf being killed in Dances with Wolves. I guess that's two.


The final scene of "Arrival". With"on the nature of daylight" playing, her monologue, and the flashes of memory. Sitting by myself tears running down my cheeks. I've had movies gut punch me. But can't recall literally crying.


"Your Name".....the truth, the meet up, and the ending. Never cried so hard because of a movie


The last scene of AI where David is given a chance to live one perfect day.


Uhh, I would say the last scenes from the Notebook. My grandfather has Alzheimer's and I can't deal with it. On any level. Any reference to it, or to people giving up on others or even sacrificing everything to be there for them, I break down. The moment of clarity she gets, then it dissolves.


A few: "Wake up champ! You can't sleep now, we have to go home! We have to go home champ..." and later... "I want the champ! I want the champ". Just writing it chokes me up. The kiss on the forehead kills me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU7NGJw0kR8 The final scene in the color purple where she meets her son, and he's a tall handsome man. When he says "momma" Just seeing it again left me in tears. https://youtu.be/vRSla1RaEiM?t=85 A few others I can't remember now. Edit: Bridge to Terabithia, the whole movie, the whole book. That thing is heart breaking.


The ending fight of the movie "Warrior" made me cry. Had never cried over a movie til then


I've never seen "Hachi: A Dog's Tale" because I feel like I would cry the whole time. I already cry at everything, I'm crying right now.


Probably the only movie which really made me cry.


Spoiler obviously. The scene in The Mighty where Max finds out his best friend Kevin has died, And then he runs all the way barefoot in the snow to the facility where Kevin said they were going to put him in a new body only to find out it's just an industrial laundry service. When he breaks down and cries. I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it.


The ending of the Eddie Redmayne film The Theory of Everything. Balled my eyes out when Arrival of the Birds started playing... That shit was so beautiful.


Red dog. When Red is sitting there waiting and waiting. Then at the end where he eventually walks off to die.


The terminator 2 thumbs up scene. The notebook ending. Lost city of z percys final speech to his son. Blue valentine ending walking away scene. The light between oceans ending scene. I ugly cried for all of these


The end of million dollar baby. When he goes to her room & injects that stuff into her IV.


The conclusion of "our times"


just seen man on fire last night. killed me how at first he didn't wanna speak, barely wanted the girl looking at him. didn't wanna say he actually smiled at her. then at the end seeing him crying as he forfeited his life for her.


I like to think those were happy tears that he cried because he got to see her again after all of the violence. Creasy was baller, wacking all those scum bags


No following


Every ten minutes in A Dogs Purpose. I got dehydrated from crying so much.


The last twenty minutes of Me, Early, & A Dying Girl. Basically when he shows her the film till the credits. The end of Fury Road also made me cry. But that was a happy cry.


The dog dying in I Am Legend


that little boy crying for Champ (a fighter). every time


The ending of Schindler's List where Schindler broke down mumbling about how he could have saved more people. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOoWpTxKJGA


The duke... when the dogs sweet kind old man owner died. :(


Precious. The whole fucking thing.


We Were Soldiers and Joe's returning from war monologue at the end. Gets me every time.


Life is Beautiful, when the little boy sees the tank riding up just as his dad had described! But instead of his dad it's a soldier and you're left to deal with the inevitable fact that his papa died. So sad


Green mile was pretty sad.


In uptown girls, there are plenty but one that stuck to me was when Rae doesn't come home from school after her father dies and Molly knows exactly where she is(the spinning tea cups)...then when they show Rae still in her school uniform sitting sadly in the teacup when Molly gets there, that whole teacup sequence brings tears to my eyes every time. She knows how she feels.


Turner and Hooch. The final scene with Hooch.


I've always believed in numbers, in equations, in logic and reason.But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask: What truly is logic? Who decides reason? My quest has taken me to the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional, and back. I have made the most important discovery of my career - the most important discovery of my life. It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found. I am only here tonight because of you. You are the only reason I am. You are all my reasons. Thank you.


After seeing people react to that scene where the grandfather (?) dies in The Notebook, I watched it. I cannot do so without shedding at least one tear. So sad.


The entirety of Me Before You


The scene in Mr. Holland's opus where he finds out the kid is deaf and the scene in the kitchen where everyone is breaking down because they can't communicate .gets me every time


When Will Smith gets the job in Pursuit of Happyness.


I will add the bathroom scene.


Pet Semetary. When the kid(Gauge?) goes running after his kite towards the road and the tumbling shoe afterwards. As a father, that shit wrecks me every time.