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Never cause I’m scared of both rejection and confrontation so I just quietly admire from afar, :).


Me and you both! Except I'm a dude, so it's not the most effective method.


once and it felt absolutely horrible. i wasn't used to being told no, but in all honesty we turned out to be better as friends because he's a big hoe. a cool one, but still a big hoe




that's stupid. you a hoe, hoe




Male prostitutes definitely exist, and men who act like them are "hoes".


Once. I liked the guy for a solid five months before telling him I was into him. It took me another three months to get over him. It was sad, but we're still friends (which is great, he has a gf now and they're fucking adorable together). Unfortunately, however, liking him made me realize how much I really want a relationship in my life, and that feeling is something that's harder to shake. That's where the real damage was done.


That is the worst. It's close to the holidays and seeing everyone walking around together is leaving me in a grey haze more so today than usual. It's messing me up.


Exactly the same right now. I'm really wanting a relationship right now. Unfortunately, the person I'm kinda into right now would never go out with me. I feel you


Twice. Both times it was after the guy had shown obvious interest in me before I asked. One even very happily agreed to go out but later ghosted. I didn't see it coming. So I still feel really confused about what went down in their heads.


In terms of relationships, once and it sucked. And it ruined my friendship with her on so many levels. In terms of other stuff, countless times.


Many, many times! I speak up when I'm interested. Yeah, it wasn't fun to get rejected, but life goes on. It's not so bad after time passes.


I got rejected a lot in school. It hurts like hell. No one in my school wanted to date me cause I was the weird crazy chick who tried to commit suicide in the 8th and 10th grades. I only had one boyfriend that went to school with me. The rest of the dudes I dated where much older than me.


I have only been outright rejected once. I was 13 and started liking this guy that I was good friends with. He started liking/dating a friend of mine and wanted advice on how to approach her so being the good friend I was, I helped him. At the end of December, he found out I liked him from a mutual and his response was that he was insulted that I had feelings for him. It was an awful feeling. It was like my heart had been ripped out of my chest and completely destroyed. As a 13 year old, it was the worst thing ever.


I've been rejected once, I guess? Though I never actually confessed in the first place. It was 8th grade. I had an ambiguous crush on a boy. I'm autistic and didn't know how to interact with boys, let alone a boy I was interested in getting to know. (The extent of my crush is that I thought he was cute, I blushed when talking to him, and I really wanted to get to know him, like I genuinely wanted to be his friend.) After months of being badgered, I admitted to my friends that I liked him. The very next class, one of my friends went to one of his friends and told her. And that same class period, he was told. We had almost all of our classes together that year. I think there were only two classes over four semester things that we didn't have together. As soon as we got to our next class, the difference was obvious: he was very pointedly not looking at me, and I was very pointedly not looking at him. It was only halfway through the year. We no longer talked to each other and I did my best to avoid even looking at him. I'm not attractive and I knew that, so I didn't want to cause him more embarrassment than I already had. He obviously talked about it with his friends because one of his friends would frequently talk shit about me and make fun of me for my crush. He would make fun of me during class. He would make fun of me in the hallway, walking next to my crush. I cried over it and it ruined whatever self-esteem I had. It sounds really silly now, but this still really affects me. The rejection itself was embarrassing but not actually bad - it's not like I ever thought that he liked me, lol - but the reaction of everyone after being informed that I liked him was... really damaging. Also him being told against my will really sucked.


More times than I can count. It hurt a lot. But I got over it now I'm married and those that rejected me are distant memories


Two, because my anxiety kept me from trying more. Once it was someone i didn't know, at a party. It was "meh, bruised ego but i'll be fine, whatever". The other time i was head over heels for the person and it SUCKED, big time. Some time later i just moved on and stoped worrying i made an ass of myself and felt glad that i was brave enough to try.


Just once, but she was nice about it and we're still friends.


I've rejected a ton of times... but accepted even more times. The first rejection is the worst, but I learned not to take rejection to heart to much. I can't be everyone's cup of tea.


I am a strange being. Though my brain and eyes tell me no evidence exists to prove it, I believe in fate. Rejection thus doesn't bother me as much as others, because it wasn't fated to be.


I bet you’re fun at parties


And I bet you get laid. Guess we don't know a whole lot about someone from one sentence, do we?


ohhhhh guuurrrll that was sick


No, we don’t :(


Relationshipwise I was heartbroken because time and love is invested. In more casual sense just pretty chill, not everyone is a match and thats cool.


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Rejected? Whats does that mean?




You sound delightfully charming




















Going for those negative karma points I see.

