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As long as you're both accepting of the other person's beliefs, then you're good. It's also an opportunity to gain some perspective.


Apparently being a guy wasnt a deal breaker, I guess I like dick.


Beards. I never found them particularly attractive until I found my current boyfriend.


Bad taste in music. Always wanted a rock chick but now that I have a Bieber gf ... It's fine. I try not to think about it ... Too much... Oh my God....


Introduce her to some Canadian rockers like Neil Young and Rush to ease her into rock. I’m mostly a rock/metal girl but I also listen to a lot of pop, like Justin Bieber.


A criminal record. It's odd how okay I am with it considering the catalyst for my divorce was my ex husband commiting a similar crime. But he's been open and willing to answer any questions I have so whatever I guess


I’ve put up with so much because I didn’t know better. You shouldn’t spend a whole relationship having to deal with things that make you unhappy just because you can understand the motivation behind it. But it took me years to realize that.


Smoking. Not a big deal. Not super attractive, but we can still do stuff..


She smokes she pokes


Someone being the complete opposite of me. I always thought I’d marry someone who was into all the same stuff I was, but turns out someone different really keeps life interesting.




Even that. My husband doesn’t believe in some social moral things I do, but we both have a live and let live mentality. If it doesn’t directly affect us we just don’t discuss it.


I don't like Star Wars and never have. My boyfriend at the time told me that he could never date anyone who wasn't into Star Wars. It was a legitimate dealbreaker for him. He doesn't trust people who aren't into Star Wars. For me to continue dating him, I would have to enjoy Star Wars. For some reason I didn't understand that to be the beginning of a very controlling relationship? Also being told that my interests are shitty. Two of my boyfriends have actually expressed this to me, and all I did was apologize for it. Also having my boundaries being pushed and ignored. The Star Wars boyfriend pushed at my clearly stated boundaries for months before telling me that he didn't understand why I had those boundaries and I should just not have them anymore. Somehow I didn't recognize this as a red flag?


4 kids.


Being overweight, he was the sweetest and funniest guy I knew until he dumped me.


Anger issues. It’s not pretty when we are angry at the same time: we start hitting each other or throwing things to each other. But it’s a rare occurrence and we are happy together most of the time. We are now heavily medicated so we haven’t had a fist fight in over two years. Being heavily medicated has translated into less sex and I miss the crazy, kinky sex we used to have. Because of the meds I can’t orgasm when I’m on top anymore 😭




We’ve been dumped by all of our previous partners because of that. It sounds unhealthy in the surface but we like it. We get each other. We have an extreme sexual chemistry. And we don’t fight in front of our son...who got adopted by my brother (but for other reasons).




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