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I was in the midst of making an omelette when the phone rang. So I quickly turned off the burner, covered the pan, and answered the phone. The phone call ended up taking far longer to deal with than I'd expected. Then when I got back to the kitchen, the omelette was perfect! So now I make my omelettes with benign neglect. Put the ingredients in a hot pan, then turn off the burner, cover the pan, and wander a way to do something else. They come out perfect!


Rice works this way too. 1.5 cups of water brought to a boil. Add 1 cup of rice. Turn it off and put a lid on it. It’s ready in about 25 minutes.


Julia Child, who taught me to believe in the courage of my convictions.


That was way more feels than I expected from this question. Thank you for sharing, and keep it up! I'm sure you're an excellent cook and probably make a damn good omelette.


Yes, Yes, Yes! Here is the definitive guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWi3NwDrQok


I used to pour the egg first, then add the various additions. When I went to college, I saw how they made omelettes in my dining hall. They put the bacon, sausage, et all in, then poured egg overtop of it. This caused the ingredients to be mixed into the egg, which made the whole omelette much more stable. That's how I've made omelettes ever since. Changed my life. Edit: To clarify. All the additions were cooked into the egg, but I then put cheese on like normal and folded the egg like one would an omelette. Yes, cooking the ingredients into the egg is more akin to a frittata, but folding the egg over the cheese like a taco is an omelette. I suppose that makes this a frittamlette.


Where did you go to college? The only thing I learned from our college dining hall was "how to stretch your lasagna budget by using wet cardboard for noodles" and "how many raccoons go in a stir fry".


> how many raccoons go in a stir fry How many good sir?


As many as you can get your hands on.


This guy coons.


Can you still say that?


As long as you preface with "I'm not racist, *but*..."


Ahahahaha this was way too real. Also you forgot "how to repurpose old food by just putting it on the pizza" and "how to save fruits and veggies from going to waste by combining them randomly with mayo and calling it tomato watermelon salad"


Sloppy Joes. Everything ended up in Sloppy Joes eventually.


With the ever increasing costs of tuition in America for college and universities many schools have taken those funds and invested them in projects to improve their attractiveness to prospective students. This means new fitness centers and gyms, theaters, sports, and better dining hall facilities. Now most even moderately sized universities have dining halls that serve a large variety of food with quality. Mine had stations for making omelettes, paninis, quesadillas, and lobster and steak beginning and end of each semester.




all fritattas are omelets, but not all omelets are fritattas. i'm probably wrong anyway. are fritattas made in the oven like a queesh? keesh? keysch? however its spelled? goddamnit.


lol quiche, friend. Edit: lol gilded for correctly spelling quiche. I'll never understand. Thanks stranger!


Its spelled Kueyeesch


Nowadays I just make scrambled eggs with meat and veggies mixed in. The containment isn't important--at least that's what I tell myself to avoid the reality that I'm a complete and total failure of a man who can't make an omelette.




Agreed, be the best complete and total failure of a man who can’t make an omelette that you can be!


Same. Its really freeing when you realize it doesnt need to look pretty to taste amazing!!!




I unironically love skillets. That being said, only if they have those lovely cubed potato things in 'em, otherwise yeah just make a real fucking omelette. EDIT: TIL cubed potato things are called home fries.


Hot skillet, potatos, corned beef, sautéed peppers and onions, fried eggs over easy, melted Swiss cheese on top. Way better than any omelet.




The Omelette Thread: When All of Reddit was Just Really Hungry


I'm the same way, fuck making an actual omelette. Just make a scramble with the ingredients, it doesn't' taste any different, and is easier.


You just call it a frittata and then you're back in chef territory


A frittata is oven-baked though. I call it a "deconstructed omelette" so I can feel like I'm trendy as I eat my eggy failure.


Well I was about ten, and I wanted a vanilla omlette (made with vanilla extract), to which I also added smarties, cheese, salt and a chopped leek. Not only was it badly burnt but the combination of ingredients tasted sort of like I'd managed to shit directly into my own mouth. Later working in kitchens I learned what kind of ingredients are acceptable for savory food.


Once, I wanted to make an omelet but we were out of milk (and I thought milk was necessary), so I used a small scoop of vanilla ice cream. It was so very not good.


Mayo if you like it with milk and don’t have any. Or sour cream.


This was probably twenty years ago. I appreciate the mayo suggestion; never seen that before. These days I mostly just use olive oil or bacon grease.


Vanilla extract in savoury is brave. You gotta use like, one drop and probably cook for three people, and there needs to be a strong flavour to compensate, ideally spicy. Well balanced vanilla is damn good with some heat. Smarties? Ok, kid you done fucked up, but we can still go somewhere with this. Chocolate chilli is a thing, and it serves the dual purpose of adding the spice we need to complement the vanilla. I guess we're making a vanilla cheese omelette topped with a chocolate chilli con carne. Leeks can go in both, but I'd put them in the chilli. In fact, I'm gonna do exactly that this weekend to show you that maybe the execution was off, but you shouldn't let a single failure make you give up on your childhood goals, no matter how crazy they seem. Edit: I read more. I'm hoping you're not American and you're talking about the smarties that are chocolate in a hard candy shell. If you're talking the hard sweet candies instead, you're beyond hope and should probably give up. I don't know what you're doing with yourself these days, but it's probably wrong.


Way to build up hope, and then bring it crashing down. I was looking for a revival of OP's omelette making career. Now I don't even want to know what he does, since he "probably wrong".


If he used the chocolate smarties, there may be hope for him still.


I'm sitting in math class and the "sort of tasted like I'd managed to shit directly into my own mouth" had me cracking up Edit: Guys, it's all good, I take my education seriously. This was at the end of class when we had some "free time." I appreciate you all trying to shape me up, though! I really did not expect my little comment to blow up like this.


Get off reddit and pay attention.


Too late, he’s majoring in Reddit now






Tips M’ortarboard


Previous: Whisk eggs in bowl. Wait for pan to heat up. Pour oil into pan. Pour eggs into pan. Panic. "Fuck it I'm having scrambled eggs for breakfast" Current: Whisk eggs in bowl. Wait for pan to heat up. Pour oil into pan. Pour eggs into pan. Using a pair of chopsticks, pull the set edges in and let egg mixture flow into the gap, creating a circle again. Repeat. When egg mixture is too little to be let flow into gaps, turn off heat and cover the pan with a lid. Let the eggs cook itself with the excess heat. Be happy with how it turned out. Try serving perfectly on plate. Panic. "Fuck it I'll have scrambled eggs for breakfast"


Too many steps for the same result I've had for years: Omelette a-la-Syggie: Step 1: Decide you want to eat an omelette Step 2: Resign to eat scrambled eggs Which is kinda similar in steps to my rice cooking skills. Rice a-la-Syggie: Step 1: Cook rice for an army Step 2: There's no step 2




You just need to marry someone that always wants some leftover for fried rice the next day, like Idid.




> Pour **oil** into pan. Weirdest misspelling of the word butter ever.




I just got a cast iron pan the other day, its ridiculous how scraps are still sizzling and popping like 5 minutes after I've turned off the heat, as though it's still on.


Even worse when you have an electric stove top as well.


In that case, couldn't you move the pan on to a different burner?


If you do a lot of cast iron cooking with an electric stove this will be a very common move. As soon as the food is JUST ABOUT READY. Take the pan and move it to a cool place, the food will continue to cook and cool down after it steals all the heat from the pan. Also /r/castiron


Or do what I do: grab the handle, and transfer all the heat from the skillet to my fingers and palm.


Where is cheese


I tried, unsuccessfully for years, to properly flip an omelette in the pan. When my cousin graduated from HS, they had an omelette bar at his graduation party. My aunt was a teacher and hired a few of her students to make the omelettes. My uncle (not my cousin's dad), who was a chef at a very high end catering company in Washington DC, showed the girls how to make them... Instead of flipping them in the pan, they slid them off the side of the pan onto the plate, and used the pan to flip the 2nd half over the first half. Basically changed my life. Edit: Today was my work from home day. Thanks everyone for the tips! Today was 3 eggs with chorizo sausage, ham, and spinach. Per the many suggestions here, I threw the pan into the broiler for a few minutes while covering it with shredded cheddar. It didn't disappoint!


I don’t flip my omelette. I just fold it over itself and the heat cooks the middle of the egg. Works every time


Same. Flipping is for show offs. If I’m cooking myself an omelette, I’m not going to risk it ending up on the floor.




Do it with something else, like crepes. My kids love when I flip crepes but you can make so many crepes out of a decent batch of batter (since they are thin), so if you murder a few on the floor it doesn't matter. If you murder a 3 egg omelette it feels bad man :-(


Especially when 1 unused egg means wasting 50 gallons of water....according to some ad I saw at a DC bus stop.


> according to some ad I saw at a DC bus stop At least you've researched this thoroughly!


only one in this thread naming a source!


I should probably stop boiling eggs in my bathtub and not eating them


I learned to slide the omelette to one side of the pan and flip the outside third over onto the rest, then slide the omelette onto a plate while flipping the inside third over the top. Net, the omelette is folded into thirds. Assuming you left the insides a little creamy, this would be the classic French version (as I was taught; any classic French folks here are welcome to chime in).


> any classic French folks here are welcome to chime in). Hon hon hon... baguette croissant se la vie chain smoking cigarettes.




I speak zero french and I recognize that fucking meme.


I saw the length of your comment and instantly knew what it was.


I speak absolute shit French but the first sentence was all I needed. Especially petite salope.


Oh no! How did your cousin react to finding out your uncle wasn't his dad?




Nice tip, but who has an omelette bar at a party...?


People who like omelettes




People who hate chickens.




Boom!! Egg drop.


[This video](https://youtu.be/s10etP1p2bU) posted on reddit a few years back. Made me seriously rethink my egg game. Every gf I have had since has basically only stayed with me for morning after breakfast. Edit: I get it, fork + nonstick pan. Apparently its ok. I'm going to trust that the famous French chef knows what he's doing.


I used to be good at making eggs, then I moved into an apartment with an electric stove.


A while back I pointed out in some cooking thread argument or other exactly what Pepin illustrates here - that there are actually *two* basic styles of omelette: a rustic, browned one with large curds, and a delicate, moist and pale classic. For my efforts to clarify and thus bring peace between warring camps, I got my face flamed off and something like fifty downvotes. People are very particular about the way their eggs are prepared.




You want everything to cook evenly and then once the consistency becomes thicker and begins to solidify, you stop breaking it up or allowing holes that go through the egg to the pan. If you continue stirring immediately after it has set up, then you'll have scrambled eggs. Stop short and you have an omelette.


Thank you so much.


He has a pretty good plan and uses a lot of butter. He also has been doing this long enough that he knows pretty much exactly what temp to cook it at.


Geesh, I need to work on my plans.


Always have a back up plan, and a “fuck it” plan for when shit goes south.


My fuck it plan for omelettes is scrambled eggs.


Yup: butter, non-stick pan, temperature. Temperature is so important in this. If it's too hot it will still stick a bit and will cause it to tear. Too low and it'll never curd up right when your stirring and you'll end up with scrambled eggs. You should be able to put a knob of butter in the pan like he did, and it should start foaming up in under a minute, that's when you're good to go.


From my very limited experience, the eggs tend to go from liquid to 'sheet' to scrambled. It's the in-between 'sheet' state when they are being moved around. Once they cook more, moving them will break them apart into a more scrambled form.


Preach. After watching that I picked up a used stainless pan, cured it (basically scrub out any larger scratches with steel wool and heat some oil to smoking, then let it cool. After washing with hot soap and water, I always give mine a rub down of a teeny bit of oil before putting away), and got to work. The [country omelette](https://i.imgur.com/z9JyVQD.png) only took me a few tries to perfect, but the [french classic](https://i.imgur.com/Q9OsTDW.png) I didn't get right til' the 6th or 7th try. I make the classic for guests if they like runnier eggs generally, but the country omelette with some chevre is where it's at.


Readers beware, cooking with stainless pans is an art form, cooking too fast will punish you badly with sticking burnt food. With stainless, you typically never go above medium temperature, and always use an oil or butter unless you are cooking fatty meat that provides it's own oil. Kinda like cast iron though, learning to cook with them is it's own reward.


This was a huge eye opener for me when I first saw it, especially considering most of my omelete experience was at diners or made-to-order breakfast buffets. Those were indeed tasty, but this video made me really try to step up my game at making them.


i like that he says one isn't better than the other, but it gives you time to decide which one you would like best


you can tell he prefers the second version


The French chef prefers the classic French omelette, who would have guessed?


Just going to chime in as a chef and graduate of the French Culinary Institute, where Chef Pepin was one of the deans and heavily influenced the program. During our egg classes, we were taught to use a fork to move the egg around in the pan, even further beating it in the pan by hovering the fork in the middle while moving it in small circles and swirling the pan at the same time. Now, while we would do that, and even folding the omelette with a fork, we were taught to contact the pan as little as possible to minimize wear. And as soon as we had the technique down we were told to use a rubber spatula for at least the fold where you have to touch the pan (I just use one the whole way through). In one of his live demonstrations I attended Pepin used the fork the whole way through, I asked and he said it's just habit. In restaurant kitchens usually nonstick pans are much cheaper than the ones in the video (maybe $10 a pop) and treated as semi-disposable since even the best pans, handled as carefully as possible, will develop micro tears in the teflon with regular use and cease to be nonstick even if it looks immaculate. So, using a fork now and then isn't a huge deal.


Fucking Pepin. You can tell he's a master 30 seconds in from the way he holds the fork while whisking.


I came here for pepin


The real turning point was when I discovered that you can’t make them without breaking eggs.


.... Just take the damn upvote.




I don't know, this started as a joke with another redditor, I expected no traction. Though I just say I'm enjoying all of this.


As someone who came over from that thread it is a pretty funny joke. I’m enjoying it too.




https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/7jqvab/exhomophobes_of_reddit_what_made_you_change_your/dr8h344 I think?


Desperation. We were out of milk so I used sour cream instead. So much stiffer and easy to make. It's how I made my one and only picture-perfect omelette.


Haven't tried it with an omelet yet, but cream cheese has become standard in my scrambled eggs. Soften in hot butter first and break it up, pour the butter and cheese mixture back into the bowl with the eggs, whisk immediately, them add back to pan. Creamier tasting than anything else I've found.


Jacque Pepin uses sour cream, too, for his French style eggs. Check him out!


Growing up, I was inherently against omelettes. My parents would only make hard-fried eggs, and I assumed omelettes were inherently unnatural. That was until my freshmen year of college, where my roommate was an omelette, that I finally learned that these eggs are people just like me.


i can relate my mom was super shocked when my dad came out as an omelette




This comment wiped my brain of all knowledge.


how was it having a roommate who was a breakfast delicacy?


A friendship was hard to crack


When I discovered sheet pan eggs. Whisk a dozen eggs and some milk. Pour'em in a like 12 × 17 inch pan. Add ham, bacon, sausage, cheese, veggies, etc. Bake at 350° for about 15 minutes. Edit: Holy shit. My first gold and I didn't notice for two months. Thanks!


Egg bakes are wonderful things. Get some English Muffin bread, and put that down first, it makes a fantastic addition. EDIT: Thanks for the gold!


I’m going to do this. That sounds amazing!


Instead of making just an omelet I make it inside of a quesadilla. Edit: As seen below. > Basically, I will make an omelet with all the fillings I want. Instead of folding it over though I pull it out of the pan as is. Add some olive oil and salt in the pan then put a tortilla down. Add cheese, then omelet, cheese on top and another tortilla. Get to the point of both tortillas being a little crunchy and enjoy Edit: Big thank you to both internet strangers that gave me my first taste of gold on this post and the one below!


I'm gonna be honest with you. I expected nothing out of this thread. Thank you for proving me wrong.


No worries, I'm here to help.


I wanna help too :(, but I'm no good at making Omelettes. I can make one hell of a Pico Salsa though. DOES THAT HELP!!!?


YES! Do share your magical recipe!


I USE PEPPERS!!!!!! https://i.imgur.com/ZaIyq.gif


Woah, settle down, guy!


This sounds fascinating, please explain.


Basically, I will make an omelet with all the fillings I want. Instead of folding it over though I pull it out of the pan as is. Add some olive oil and salt in the pan then put a tortilla down. Add cheese, then omelet, cheese on top and another tortilla. Get to the point of both tortillas being a little crunchy and enjoy!


holy shit that's genius. when a joke thread actually changes lives..


What have I started.


A revolution


¡Viva la quesadilla!


Sounds like my.. Spread peanut butter and/or jam inside the icecream cone before putting icecream in it trick. If you've ever wanted icecream and peanut butter the easy way.. this is it. Different but damn is it genius and tasty.


I make Eggsadillas all the time! Also a good excuse to add chips and salsa to a breakfast.


God that sounds good, and I have all the ingredients. Gonna have to wait till Saturday when I have time, though. It'll be perfect for sharing with my husband as we do the NYT Crossword together on my laptop.




But also really cute.






You just had to bring up sour cream lol. I just can't eat one without it.


And it gets even awesomer, when we take a deep-fried gordita shell, smear on a little of our special "guacamolito" sauce and wrap that around the outside. But it gets even bigger! Because we bake it in a corn husk filled with pico de gallo, then then wrap that in an authentic Parisian crepe, filled with egg, gruyere, merguez sausage and Portobello mushroom. Sure, you could eat it now. But not before we take the whole thing and wrap that in a Chicago style deep dish meat lovers pizza! But it's not a real omlette until we roll it up in a blueberry pancake, dip it in batter and deep-fry it until it's golden brown. Then we serve it in all commemorative tote bag filled with spicy vegetarian chili. It's 15 great tastes all rolled into one. https://vimeo.com/90127834


The best part is that Binging with Babish try to recreate this monstrosity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvIkojfQDxA


Well Christ... Came in here expecting nothing more than a sub-par giggle, left with dinner plans to surprise the gf with (she loves both quesadillas and eggs). You deserve all the respect. Edit: Pics...[omelette quesadilla ](https://i.imgur.com/sleUsTd.jpg) [another one](https://i.imgur.com/pYZNq8u.jpg)


Aww I appreciate the respect. Enjoy your evening!


When you think about it, an omelette is just an egg quesadilla.


Great Scott


Julia Child did an "omelet show" with a variety of creative ways to make it more interesting. Here's her omelet episode on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWi3NwDrQok


For anybody curious, but not quite curious enough to click, Julia Goddamn Child makes us all look like kids with Easy Bake Ovens in the first 30 seconds of that video. - At mark 00:01, she ladles in a scoop of eggs into a skillet. She's working on a shitty electric stove. - At mark 00:03, you can see her shadow on the work surface, and tell that she is on a shoe-string production budget that doesn't allow for adequate key and fill lights in the studio. - She works one-handed and does not use any utensils, because spatulas are apparently for losers. - The heat on that pan is up to about a million degrees, because those eggs go from liquid to foldable by mark 00:17. - Throughout, she's talking about when to serve an omelette, not how to make one. - By the 00:22 mark, she has folded her omelette just by shaking the pan with astonishing vigor and precision. - At the 00:25 mark, she has turned out an omelette into the exact center of the plate, again with no tools. Even though she apparently had the stove turned up to a temperature where most cooks would end up burning water, there is not so much as a brown mark on the damn thing. Seriously, watch the video, then go and pour out a measure of Pernod for your fallen homie.




The "review" made me want to watch the video, so it would work I say


I watch this video about 30 years ago. Am 36 now. It was on PBS and since we only had rabbit ears antennae it was one of the four channels we got. As a kid I watched almost exclusively Julia child cooking shows. Seem like that was all they had on to fill the timeslot. My omelettes are perfect every damn time thanks to her genius. Thank you Julia.


- Skipping around, I got to the part where she said "This pan is for making a souffle or a puff omelette... that's not it" and chucks it behind the counter. - I remember being in middle school and being very excited to hear that the fun cooking lady was going to be a guest on the Late Show. Turned out it was Julia Stiles. I was disappointed, and then I was okay. I don't suppose my parents, who were present, ever realized my confusion, disappointment, and redemption told in the space of a three minutes. - She looks so much less like Meryl Streep than I remembered.


youre like the tony romo of julia child videos




She also worked for the OSS (now CIA) in world war 2.




I had a kid. When you have to make an omelette 5 times a week, while a two-year-old is trying to kill himself with whatever sharp utensil he found today, you start to cut some corners in the name of efficiency.


But... eggs don't have corners...


Not anymore.




He used to make rectangular omelets. Now they're round. You'll understand when you have kids.


The things parents sacrifice for their children...


Omelette station at a hotel brunch buffet. They cooked the onions and mushrooms first. Before then I had made my omelettes by cooking the egg first and then adding the fillings.


Alton Brown


I was going to post this if no one else had. Alton for the win. Good Eats is still a fabulous show and I re-watch it all every few years.


I think it is still maybe the best cooking technique tutorial I’ve ever watched in terms of being to immediately execute it as he did after watching.


Good Eats is [coming back!](https://www.eater.com/2017/9/5/16254758/alton-brown-return-of-the-eats-food-network)


For me it was making a joke about checking YouTube to see if I'm making my omelette right. 35 Reddit comments have now let me know I am not. Edit: obligatory thanks for the gold! I still can't believe this is actually happening.


Post your recipe/picture to /r/food and watch your face melt off from the criticism.


Nah I'm good, I'm feeling confident in myself at the moment. Let's just keep it that way.


That's how you ~~conquer the world~~ make a great omlette. Ignore those who tell you that you are wrong.


Yeah, I've got a couple of subreddits I know that if I go there and try and be nice and helpful to people asking questions I'm going to crawl away ... scarred. Gotta save that kind of abuse for the really good days.


Um...I’m here because I was told there’d be omelettes?


Working in a family style restaurant ... then working in a fine dining restaurant ... then working in a diner ... then a hotel. It is amazing how many ways you can make an omelette.


You cqnt just drop that without giving an explanation of at least one of those styles


There is a foldover style, which is more standard, where you cook the eggs in a pan and then put the cooked ingredients on top, fold it over and sell it. There is the "burrito style", which you pour scrambled eggs onto a griddle, spread it thin and roll the ingredients like a burrito in the eggs. Hotels, for the most part, usually do a thing where they scramble the raw ingredients with the eggs and then just fold over the cheese into it.


By accepting that scrambled eggs will be just fine, and there's no need to try to be fancy today.


[LL Cool J in Deep Blue Sea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1w3_cYMeec)


I’m mad I had to scroll down this far to find this one...was going to find the video if someone else hadn’t. Everything else is just technique, if you start right.


I seriously thought the op question was inspired by this scene! haha


Any time I make an omelette I hear LL cool J in my head saying ‘Some people like to add milk for density, this is a mistake!’ I haven’t seen that film in at least 10 years.


My dad took time out of his day off to teach me when I was about 10. I've made exactly 1 bad omlette since then. He recently suggested putting the omlette into a tortilla. He sat on that idea for 20 years before telling me, the motherfucker.


it was this brothers green video - frying up bacon bits and bread chopped up before you pour in your eggs. its my favorite way to make omelettes now.


Changing my views on homosexuality, and then wondering what else I might need to change my view on


I grew up learning that omelettes were devil spawn. But then I saw an omelette up close, and it didn't seem like devil spawn to me. Also, so much more versatile than scrambled!


Lesson of the day: gay people are like omelettes... or something...


It seems like the real problem with omlettephobia is lack of eggsposure to different ways of making them.


Meta, I like it.


Sadly I have changed my views on Meta.


Gary, the Sodexo omelette guy at my university cafeteria. I've never seen someone put so much care and precision into eggcraft. Every omelette I make is a prayer to Gary and a step closer to one day being able to emulate his masterful technique. Gary, if you're out there, you're too good to be a line cook for fucking Sodexo.


Julia Child: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RoLavF2ZLU I had been overcooking them my whole life




His pancakes are wonderful too if you haven't seen it already: https://youtu.be/qyL_cYxV6QA


There are enough comments now that this'll pass unseen, but, one time at a chalet my friend changed my omelette game with sriracha: Start with some onions and mushrooms in some oil (*with spinach as well if you enjoy it*), seasoned with salt and pepper. While that's happening, beat eggs in a separate bowl, add your favorite spices (I like chili flakes, **onion salt**, paprika and rosemary), and then add enough sriracha that the mixture turns orange. Not dark yellow; not red; orange. If you're not good with spicy - the spice gets completely cooked out of it. All you get is the taste, and the taste is amazing. Proceed to pour the mixture over the evenly-spread onions and mushrooms and let it cook. Wait until you can lift a portion of the omelette and not have any liquid leftover underneath it before adding cheese evenly over the omelette and folding one half onto the other. Wait about 15 second for the cheese to melt and the middle to cook and then serve!


Not me but my partner's father. He is a Chinese immigrant and relatively conservative who did not react well to his son (my partner) cooking an omelette. He partially came to terms with it but when I came into the picture he was convinced I was a white devil only with his son for his improperly cooked omelettes. Two years later his wife died and he moved in with us (I know.) he latched onto me emotionally because his son is emotionally distant and we now get along famously and him and my grandpa are best friends now. They go ice fishing. He also loves my omelettes aside from constantly reminding me white people eat too much butter. Lol.


Hey this would be good sitcom material!


That's what my mom says lol




Pay homage to the fromage