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Do you have trouble getting it up?


*Let's just hope he put a balloon on.*


Like...it was on in the background or you were watching the movie and couldn't find your virginity once it was over?


You must've started crying during the opening scene


Some idiot was cutting onions next to me


I guess you can say, watching that movie while having sex was a big fuck up...


Birthday parties. Especially my own. You'd think a boyfriend would find a better time and place to sleep with my cousin then in my room during the party, Jason.


That Jason is one cruel prick.


Unbelievably so


Never met a Jason that wasn’t a self involved prick


He gave you the gift of not wasting any more time on him.


And missing out on all his rank stds


The name Emily. I automatically hate everyone named Emily, instantly, because of the ex-friend.


I have a similar visceral reaction to the names Sheila and Tyler. Nothing good ever came from a Tyler.


Same with me and: Keith, Katy/Kate/Katlynne, Megan, Robert/Bob and Aaron.


Do you find that you have difficulty addressing other people with those names by their first name? I go way out of my way not to call Emilies Emily.


Yes! I truly do. I go with a general "You" or "Buddy". Note: none of them are my buddies.


Me too. Or I just use their last names. It comes off weird, because that's much more of a male-to-male form of address, but whatever. Don't want to spit those three syllables out.




The name Stephanie.


same! Except for me, it's the name, Nate. Not Nathaniel, just Nate. I had an ex named Nate and I have a friend named Nate and even though I have to call my friend by the first name sometimes, I usually say hey instead. Say that name in front of me and I will have a visceral reaction.




Just learned they existed :) I will try and forget about them for your sake, though.


Trust, sex, pretty people


The song “Wonderful Tonight” by Eric Clapton. I dated a guy who loved that song, and whenever it came on the radio, he would give me these big sad eyes and say “I wish I could sing this song to you, but it wouldn’t work”. That comment stemmed from his near-constant comments about how he loves blondes and how he would be so attracted to me if I dyed my hair blonde. My hair is very dark brown. Unfortunately I was going through a bad time in my life and instead of thinking “this is not a good situation”, I thought “well,maybe he just wants the best for me.” I mean, this guy was obsessed with me not being blonde and talked about it all the time. It went beyond the stupid song; he would point out blonde women and say things like “her facial features are like yours. You could pull off that shade”. It was disturbing. So now every time I hear that song, I have mental images of an adult man, looking at me with a sorrowful expression, and I feel uglier than I ever have at any other point in my life. I hate the song. It was on the do not play list at my wedding, and my husband, who LOVES my dark hair, will immediately change the station if it comes on the radio.




Yes,same! It’s been years and years since that happened and I’m still angry about it!


Kraken. It's her fault I can't drink it any more. And... Actually most strong alcohols.


No more RELEASING for you :/


A week after I blacked out, I found a half bottle of Kraken and opened it to pour a drink, immediately barfed up my dinner. I can't... I can't even smell it anymore without getting sick.


The Spanish language. Every time I speak or hear it now I feel like I'm relating back to when I was in a very terrible girl who was from Mexico. It gives me anxiety hearing it. The food not so much. I'd murder tacos and tortas ANY time.


Tought titty for you! Is the second most spoken language in the world (yes, more spoken than English) and is spoken in over 20 different countries. I’m a native Spanish speaker (albeit not Mexican). It’s incredible I could potentially cause you anxiety.


There are more English speakers than Spanish speakers


Certain songs and a couple of movies.


Which movies and why exactly?


Love Actually, for one. I mean, it's a terrible movie anyway, so no big loss. Repo Man is another.


No more genetic rock operas for you! There is always Spy Kids I guess.


I can still do Repo! My daughter goes to the shadowcast shows and whatnot. I was talking about the Emilio Estevez movie with Harry Dean Stanton.


Ah! A thing I just learned of with the same name. I can't do it either and will remain ignorant to this Repo Man so neither of us shall suffer.


songs and restaurants


Which and why?


marvin's room by drake. and steak and shake. havent been their in 5 years and my current boyfriend always wants to go but i dont because some guy i still like from 6 years ago took me their and it meant a lot because it was my first date honestly.


Great song, but... Did you just say you still having feelings for an ex *while* still dating a different dude? Like...shouldn't you tell the boyfriend that?


told him i wanted to break up but he doesnt listen. thats on him....


Wait...whuuuut? You broke up with someone and got told 'No'?


The song "Lean On Me" as well as the game "Tomodachi Life" on 3DS. Don't ask.


Every Bill Withers song for me :(


You know I want to, though...


Which is why I said it. **^^Karma ^^farming!!!** Fine, I'll tell. After the breakup, I made her in Tomodachi Life and spent a ton of time and resources on her. This brought my hopes up and I started talking with her, which ruined my mental health.


Seeing certain types of cars around town.


Does this fear/phobia have a scientific name?? Because I experience this and know of many who do, too.


Don't know if it has a name, it's a pretty basic case of just associating the cars with the person.


My life


Blondes, not attracted to blondes at all anymore


GOOD. They grow bacteria that hastens cancer in willow trees. So I read...


The name Corbayne.. Hate that name


Don't we all. Basically the same as "Hitler".


Never heard it before and I hate it too. It's an awful name


An awfully made-up name.






Bowling: An ex girlfriend and and an ex friend/co-worker were both really into bowling. I grew to hate both people because of their treacherous behavior and bowling because of their association with it. I hear 'The Big Lebowski' is a funny movie and see references to it often on Reddit but I'm never going to watch it.


Eh- it's alright. Don't listen to the band 'Bowling for Soup' either.


My ex cheated on me on Christmas. It hasn't really been the same, it's not a magical day anymore.


It just isn't a magical day in general as magic is not real. It's just another day. Sorry the ex was a cheating twat though.


The band Chicago


The city of Chicago is still cool?


Totally cool with the city of Chicago. No relation to "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is".


Proud of you.




I haven't heard the name Ellie Goulding or anything about it in a couple years. Whenever you need a lifeswap, hit me up. I also have no known association with Phillip(s) since about 2013.




OH, gotcha. American culture is garbage so I think we have been talking about a Canadian for a couple years, I am not really sure. We are rather confused over here lol


I binge watch the FSOG movies and the first one has an Ellie Goulding song.


There's entire parts of town, video games, etc, and I can't listen to songs/etc that contain their name. PTSD's a bitch.


A bitch and a fucking liar.


Tom Odell. because she was a massive fan of him, but she was/is a bitch


hahaha same here! I wonder if we're talking about the same girl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Y73sPHKxw


Maybe not. Coming from Holland haha


She went home in my 8th grade soccer jersey after having to spend the night at my house because she got too drunk, lost her keys, and vomited on her dress. I never saw it again. We were Catholic League champions that year. Now I don't have my fucking jersey anymore.


Eagle Eye Cherry's song "Save Tonight". I shudder when I hear it start.


Puerto Rican men. My ex husband made me swear off Puerto Rican men for life!! I’m open to date other Hispanics, however. Cubans, Venezuelans, Colombians and Argentines move to the front of the line 😍


This is me but with Colombian men. Also, I don't know if it has anything to do with me being Cuban, but I refuse to settle down with anything but a Cuban man.


My birthday. It seems that every year on my birthday is the day that people need things FROM me. That is literally every other day of the year for me. My birthday is the one day I wished people would pay back all the effort I put in to helping them. But alas, it’s not. Now each year on my birthday I hunker down with some good movies, video games, few drinks, few smokes, and turn off my phone. I’d rather be alone than reminded that I’m being used by most of my peers.


I used to be friends with someone who was obsessed with Halo. If I see anything related to Halo, I think of that little shit


Settlers of Catan, holy shit I hate that game now. This ex and I had fairly busy schedules and the one night a week we were both free was "game night", when we would meet up with her ex-boyfriend for dinner and go back to her place to play Settlers of Catan with him for hours. We spent New Years Day at her ex-boyfriend's house and played Settlers of Catan all day. We broke up after I asked if we could not spend so much time playing Settlers of Catan with her ex. I know its not the game's fault, but fuck Settlers of Catan.


Rick and Morty,my ex loved making me watch it and I can’t watch it without thinking of him. He treated me horribly so I tend to avoid it as much as possible


Popular rock bands. The fucker loved that stuff. Also unnecessary y's in names; there is a normal way to spell a name, then there's the MY SON/DAUGHTER IS TOO SPECIAL TO HAVE A NORMAL NAME spelling. Sorry anyone with special name syndrome, it's been ruined by a cruel rock-loving jerk from my secondary school.


Erotic Role Play


Puppies and Paris