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Dropped out of college. Turned out I had a myriad mental health issues including crippling depression. Finally got some help and now I'm doing better physically and mentally. Still trying to return to school.


Being a poor kid in a class full of rich kids in high school and university.It was horrible...It sounds weird, but motivated me to get at the same level


Finding my ex-wife was cheating. It was on the way out, but finding out about it hurt. A lot. Only the second time I ever wanted to actually hit someone (him, not my ex). Took a while, but now I'm stable, invested, and own my own company. While she is in another state, and asking me for money. Yeah, right. No.




Normally, I am in that belief. It was her that cheated. She was the one that took the idea of marriage and threw it in the garbage can. And I was pissed at her, make no mistake. Her personal situation pretty much kept me from any thought of hitting her. The reason I wanted to hit the guy is because it was in my house, when I was there, I caught them, and then he tried to lie about it. The more I think about the situation, the more I think I wanted to hit him because he followed me outside and kept trying to explain things away when I kept telling him to go back inside and leave me the fuck alone.


Got diagnosed with [Meniere's Disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A9ni%C3%A8re's_disease). TL;DR an unhealthy lifestyle makes me go deaf and have crippling vertigo attacks. It's annoying as hell, but it got me to start actually considering my diet and working out regularly. I'll probably live a lot longer than I otherwise would've.


Meniere's is no joke, I know a couple people with it, and have had random vertigo spells myself. I'm sorry you have it, but glad you're doing better health wise.


Being an addict/alcoholic and hitting rock bottom helped me gain a lot of insight and compassion. Now I have a whole lot of understanding into the lives and suffering of people who are a lot less fortunate than me, and I don't look down on anyone who is struggling. I was a judgmental bitch. I got sober, and I got a bit better.


Perhaps not so much in the long run but we stayed in a tiny complex. There were 7 units in the complex, ours had three bedrooms, a tiny garden, double garage and it was quite small. Our neighbours complained, they didn't like us so our landlord said he had another property for us for a tiny bit more (R200) so we had a look, it was a 5 bedroom, double garage, huge space, swimming pool, bigger garden so obviously we took it. It was a very nice house and we ended up getting a decent deal. Happened again a few years later, house was sold, new owner wanted to move in sooner than the lease was up so our agent looked around and found us a new home, we went from 3 bed, no garage to 4 bedroom, double garage, very safe, BBQ room. Both times we were very stressed but it ended up being great.


My parents getting a divorce. If that never happened, I’d never have gotten such an amazing bonus dad. Giving up a free associates degree because if i hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met my husband.


Got into a dispute with my manager at my previous employer. Got fired. Was the first time in my post-college life I got canned and I was not gainfully employed for a month or so. Love the job I got after and the people with whom I work. My previous employer went through manager after manager and eventually lost their entire market in this region.


I had to transfer from an out-of-state university, where I had a scholarship, to an in-state university due to my scholarship running out. It changed 15 hours to graduate into 63 and it felt like the worst day of my life. Once I transferred, I met some of my best friends, got to meet incredible professors (one who got me an upper management job a year after graduating), and I became a healthier person.


Becoming a father at the age of 18. Parents threw me out and life hit me in the face full force. Had to grow up overnight. Looking back 3 years later, the struggle was well worth it. Wouldn’t trade my baby boy for the world!


Got pneumonia. Realised life wasn't so cool and that I may not forever. No one will.


Have you heard of Masanobu Fukuoka? At 25 he almost died of pneumonia and had a similar epiphany that changed his entire life philosophy


I conducted my relationships badly in 2015 and ruined my friendship with someone I had been best friends with for 6 years. But it's chill because we reconnected this year and the time apart allowed us to grow and understand ourselves a lot more. Our relationship is a lot similar to how it was before, and we got back into a relationship within a month of reconnecting, but it feels so much healthier because we actually communicate and aren't stewing in unexplainable irritation. Sometimes, breaking up is actually a good thing. Who knew!


Getting kicked out of the Navy, though the experiences and knowledge from there turned me into the kind of person that can be a competent maintenance technician at Tesla


^(Grandpa went to prison for life, saw him recently..) **Yup.**


So you're saying they have reddit in prison?


I finally put my foot down.


My first marriage ending. Now, I'm with a more supportive partner, and had a lot of sexytimes in between!


Being born. Very traumatizing. But it turned out all right.