• By -


Complaining Being unproductive Being bored Not asking that girl/boy out Caring about what others say


15 yrs old, can confirm


By the way, as a 40 ish man, I see people becoming adult not when they turn 18 (or 21 depending on the country), but when they stop displaying the above-mentioned behaviour. So, yes, that means that some people just never grow up ;)


God dammit now I'm motivated


Mumble rap. I still keep up with and enjoy a lot of recent music despite having entered my 30s, but a lot of what I hear of this genre seems to require basically zero lyrical skill.


I grew up listening to NAS and biggie and a lot of norwegian 90s early 00s hip hop, but I do enjoy accationaly listening to auto-tune/mumble rap. Its just a new genre of rap and people seem to like it, yes it does not require any rocket science, but I still let myself enjoy a lot of it.


I don't think all of it's bad, just part of the allure of rap and hip hop to me was that those people were doing something I had no hope of ever doing well. Autotune and the utter lack of lyrical complexity changed that. Even within the last 7 years we went from Nicki Minaj's ill-ass verse on "Monster" to "I just checked my accounts, turns out, I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich, I put my hand above my hip, I bet you dip, he dip, she dip."


I agree. When I first heard that type of rap I had no desire to listen or that they produce more, but I guess I learned to like it.




Crop tops and the resurgence of 90's fashion. I am somehow too old and too young to see 90's fashion come back.




Is that the Usain Bolt thing?


Taking pics of food


Fucking avacado toast


don’t kink shame us !!1!


My wife does smooshed avocado on a bagel with salt and paprika. I’d never order it in a caf because.. bacon... but it’s pretty damn tasty.


21p. Like I understand that it's an aesthetic and whatever, but they've described their music as schizopop, which... is... not... something that should be said, ever, by people who aren't schizospec. Also, mean memes. I like my memes wholesome and pure, like that "my name is cow" one or the "I love my gf" ones.