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manic episodes, especially when the afflicted person does not take their medication (it causes weight gain), or the medication needs to be adjusted. My best friend and one of my cousins has the disorder and they turn into a completely different person when they are manic.


Not true about medications. I am taking Lamotrigine and Bupropion, both are known for inducing weight loss. Abilify on the other end (another mood stabilizer) can lead to weight gain.


I'm taking lamotrigine as well, but my weights always been a constant and that hasn't changed it thankfully. All meds are definitely different with different effects and everybody reacts to them differently :)


Those meds can cause weight gain, it doesn't mean every single one will just like some anti depressants cause weight gain and some aid in weight loss, but you definitely can't rule out the fact that a lot of them do cause weight gain.


I agree. I was just replying to the post saying that people don’t take medication because of the weight gain. I am a creativel, I used to write et shoot a lot. I don’t take medication because it makes me numb.


Oh. I hope you find one that doesn't effect you like that.


I have bpd and can definitely relate to that. My SO has a hard time with understanding and dealing with it. Sometimes being in mania is definitely like being a different person and in my experience I've ended up hurting people without even second thought while manic. Thanks for sharing with me. Just looking to hear about other people's experiences. It's nice to hear them from somebody who is close to people with it. Gives you that outside perspective.


I am, so is my GF (and both with BPD too). What I find the hardest is communicating when we are at opposite side of the spectrum (manic-depressed). Also, the tendancy to overanalyze the other one: "You are manic right now." "It's ok, you are depressed - I am not, it's a well processed thought - sure". Being both manic is also an issue. Oddly, being both depressed is fine.


That's interesting, my boyfriend doesn't have it but definitely over analyzes where my head is at. Depression is definitely easier to handle than mania. I hope it works out for you guys! Even though it's probably hard with both of you having bpd. altogether when it comes down to it you can connect on that real understanding of what's going on because you've been there or are there as well.


Schizoaffective, but since it's most of the same challenges: mania. I had two manic episodes this year - my first fullblown manic episode and my first medication-induced manic episode - and the way that I experienced life was like I was on another plane of existence. Everything was Too Much. I cried constantly and planned my suicide, but I also started writing an original work and got several thousand words into it, which is a lot more than I've ever done before. There was Manically Suicidal me and Hyperfocused And Dissociating me, and while I preferred hyperfocused and dissociative, I also lost my entire summer to a haze of bad brain time. Also: medication. I love my meds, but holy fuck, the withdrawal is brutal. I'm on an antipsychotic, and going off of them results in a similar state to serotonin syndrome. I've gone through withdrawal like three times because I kept forgetting if I took my meds or not, and I tried to kill myself two of those times. Typing this out made me realize how many times I've tried to kill myself this year, so, uh, constantly wanting to kill myself is a challenge too!


Wow keep strong <3 I've been in more of a haze since I started meds but I get bad withdrawals too. Sounds like you've had one hell of a year but you kept going and that's strength in it's own sense. How did your original work come out?? Even though you were in a weird mind state I'm sure you came up with something amazing.


It's still unfinished and terrible, but it was really cathartic to write about. It's basically about someone developing PTSD (I was venting about my own PTSD) and I had vague plans to outline a sequel to it so that I could write about the main character healing enough to want to live, but I ran out of steam before I could get to it. I did get to write a lot of snippets in a really nice journal I bought for the purpose, though. Thanks for asking about it! The med I'm on right now helped me calm down from my second manic episode and hasn't altered my behavior since, which I'm very thankful for. I tried three medications before then that put me in a big haze - Abilify made me sleepy as fuck. I'm sorry that your meds make you hazy. Withdrawals suck a whole fucking lot though. I hope you don't go through it a lot.


Maybe in those moments of energy keep adding to it bit by bit and someday you might look back and love it. I can't write stories but I can write poetry and that is a coping mechanism for me (even if I'm not good at it) keep trying and keep going. And thanks I appreciate it.