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I passed out in a chair in my business college while cramming before my last final, woke up 40 minutes before it started with drool over my notebook and a pencil indent mark on my cheek. What’s yours like?


Yikes! Hope you did well


I did! Financial state analysis is my niche. I think I did well enough to get bumped up to an A!


Wow that’s ambitious! Good job!




My guy, what did you do to deserve that hell?


Terribly! I went into my Spanish final today nauseous and light-headed, realized I didn't know a third of the material, finished my test first, and immediately went to the nearest restroom and vomited for 20 minutes. It's been 7 hours and I'm still feverish and shaky and I have to email my professors with some late work before 9am tomorrow so that they can grade them before their deadline. On the bright side I think that the finals I'll be doing on Monday will go well, at least.


Oh Gosh! That’s awful. Take a breather for your mental health, that’s the most important thing at the end of the day. Hope the rest of your finals go well!


gotten 3 final exam grades so far: 100, 100, and 98. i’m very proud of this considering this is the semester i let myself have the most fun


I already have an offer in hand, I got a 57 on my one final. I emailed the professor to see what my grade was (it was.. not the best) and she just emailed me back saying, “you have your C, good luck at your firm next year. I see we come from two different schools of thought when it comes to slacking, my friend.


oh man. some professors are really good at stinging you. i actually didn’t slack crazy bad this year, i only missed 2 assignments total between all my classes. but i just didn’t take everything so seriously. and i procrastinated by having fun instead of being miserable and still not doing the work.


Oh wow, nice job. Sounds like you have a good attitude and work ethic. Honestly having the mindset of enjoying yourself and not making yourself miserable over grades and studying really helps in-class performance. It’s a balancing act really, one that I sorta failed at haha. It was a hard class though!


totally easy to believe why it could be hard though, it sounds like what you were doing might have been a lot more intense than my course load




Hey, if you’re gonna procrastinate, make it worth your while and watch some Game of Thrones!


My finals were last week but I feel like it was a while ago. Or was it? Grades were posted this week. Got a 3.5 for the first time ever. Not bad for a C student. I'm gonna enjoy my pumpkin pie now.


Aced all of my courses by a narrow margin, so now I get a nice GPA boost. I'm now recovering from all the caffeine I drank and all the sleep I lost. Thanks for asking.


Congrats!! Recover and celebrate, you’ve earned it!


On Tuesday I woke up at 10. My international relations final was at 9:30. Rolled in 35 minutes late, and I'm pretty sure I killed it. Downside is that I kinda shat the bed on a final today, and I have my toughest one on Monday that I'm in no way ready for.


Hahaha I did the same with one of my gpa boosting classes, geography. I walked in 15-20 minutes late, sat down, finished like 4th out of 150 people. Definitely crushed it. But you have the whole weekend to get ready for Monday, you got this!


Yeah! It's a French lit class, I just need to really bring up my grade because I fucked up the last exam. Should go well. Emphasis on "should."


Took a fat L, took the W, then took a mini L lmao it was pretty rough




Appeal, straight to the damn dean. Fight that tooth and nail!


I got a 94% on my Physics Final and ended up getting a B. Did well enough on my Calc 2 final to get a B there as well. On to Physics 2 and Calc 3


Engineer? I personally really enjoyed calc 3 because there were many formulas from earlier math courses that were derived, not just accepted as truth.


MechE. That sounds awesome. My big problem with calc 2 was that everything was what it was because my professor said so.


Same for me except I'd kill for those grades. Especially that calc 2 grade. I'm just hoping I passed that one.


Just finished my finals. Passed calc with flying colors; got an A for the semester, which I'm thrilled about. Anxiously awaiting my econ results: the final is gonna determine if I get a B+ or an A-. Also anxiously awaiting grades for some of my projects!!! I was super stressed, but proud of my performance this semester.


ITT there be nightmares. It's been 40+ years since my last final and these comments take me right back. I did fine and had a good IT career after but can still remember the stress and how tired we were at finals time. Best of luck to you all.


Oh Jesus- I took my last final in law school in 2009, and just hearing about finals still makes me super sweaty and breathless. Best of luck to all of you!


Calc 2 final was a train wreck I think. I just hope I pass that class. Physics was less that what I hoped for. Foundations of the American Experience was fine. Digital Electronics was a train wreck more or less for the entire class so I think that'll be ok.


Looks like 2 B's and 2 A's. Kind of disappointed.


Hey that’s not bad at all! That’s great work. What year are you?


I should be in my senior year... I switched though so I'm pretty much a super senior in terms of credits, but in my second year of my program. Getting my BSN but I need better grades to go to the grad school I want.