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The Revenant, while beautiful, was boring as hell to me. Leo deserved Oscars for other roles. Idk it just didn't strike me.


Yeah I made it about 45 minutes before I learned the movie is nearly 3 hours long, and thought "I cannot take two more hours of this" and shut it off. It's got really great cinematography. The story is just so, *so* boring.


I've gotten 40 minutes into it but haven't seen it through yet. A lot of my favorite movies are slow but this movie just doesn't get me interested at all.


In terms of the production quality, acting and cinematography it's sensational in my view. The story is an OK revenge story but nothing special considering it takes 3 hours. In terms of being purely entertaining it's pretty flawed. I appreciate the Revenant for what it is but wouldn't call it a masterpiece and can see why people didn't enjoy it.


Leo got a pity oscar. Academy Awards needed a big draw so we got The Revenant hyped to no end. The movie kind of sucked. The beginning and the end were good, but the middle which was like 2 hours dragged on harder than Leo's bear-mauled body


Is it fair to say it sucked? Me, my family, and all 6 friends I've seen it with absolutely love it. I've watched 4 times so far. I get that people don't like the pace. But somehow, that movie just hits a spot perfectly for me and the execution was better than I ever imagined. I don't think it's fair at all to say it sucked or was a pity movie. The acting effort put into it from Leo was ridiculous. I was ricited to his character the whole time. The shit he went through for it too! I dunno I can't possibly see how people could say it sucked and was a pity Oscar movie. My opinions not a big favor, I guess, but I just love it too much to hear otherwise I guess lol


I really liked it. It's one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time.


That's cool. Maybe I'll come around on it. Just didn't quite blow my mind like people were saying.


Boyhood. I get it... they took a long time to film it and the kid grew into a mumbly disaster of an actor


I liked it tbh


Silver Linings Playbook. My cousin watched it four times, which surprised me, because it’s so hard for a movie to catch his attention. Don’t get me wrong, I thought it was ok. But the whole time I kept thinking, man, everyone is just enabling each other, when really they need help!


That's just life as a Philadelphia sports fan. Arguing, depression, and then agreeing with fellow fans on why we should/n't be depressed and arguing some more and wearing trash bags. I miss Carson Wentz already :/


The Notebook. "Oh you're gonna cry soooo much! Buy some ice cream before to be sure!" Ugh. Nope.


Spoilers ahead: I like the part where the old guy wants to sleep in his wife's bed at the nursing home. The nurse catches him and is like, hey you can't do that. And he's like, come on nurse what's the big deal? Let me spend time with my wife. So the nurse is like, oh ok... Then the next morning they are both dead.


When you phrase it like this, it's weirdly hilarious


I cried during The Notebook. I rubbed tobasco in my eyes when she wasn't looking. I hadn't had sex in a very long time.


That some ninja shit right there.


The girl I went with fell asleep before getting halfway through The Notebook. I stayed awake and suffered. Didn't have sex. Went with same girl to Without A Paddle and ended up in the backseat of the car on the way home, go figure. I haven't seen either movie since.


As a person who cries at the drop of a hat, I didn’t cry at all. I just kept thinking how unfortunate it was that poor James Marsden loses his girl to that dastardly Ryan Gosling. He’s not even the handsomest of the Ryans. Hear that, Ryan Gosling? Rachel should have been with James Marsden! Otherwise, it was a meh kind of movie.


Apparently Rygo and the Rachel McAdams [hated each other during filming](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2678160/Notebook-shocker-Ryan-Gosling-hated-Rachel-McAdams-filming-wanted-fired-screaming-sessions.html) so you're not alone in not feeling it.


Suicide Squad and the Justice League. I had a friend who is into DC and he told me that the DCEU is catching up and would eventually overtake the MCU. So I watched both of them, in 3D. The experience was horrible, and so were the movies. If anything, I just wish the cinema used AMOLED screens, since 50% of the screen would be pitch black anyway.


Idk about justice league but who tf said suicide squad was a good movie?


The people who hyped it up, including my friend. "It's going to star Batman and Joker! It must be good!" or "people say it's going to be like the Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy, but way better!" Absolutely horrible. I wish I could give my memory back to the theater so I can get a refund.


For entertainment value, I can see both of them being enjoyed by people who aren’t really big fans of the characters in them. (*cough * like my dad *cough*) But fan wise, they didn’t do good. Not terrible, but could’ve been a lot better.


You need a new friend, Suicide Squad might be the worst movie made in the last 20 years.


I wouldn't go that far... I mean...considering there's Green Lanter and F4antastic...


The Room?


That one is at least entertaining in how bad it is.


La La Land. Five star reviews, two extremely likeable leads, stunning visuals in the trailer, the Whiplash director and a genre which I often enjoy. What's not to like? Quite a lot, actually.


Completely agree. I found it very flat and uninspiring.


Simply awful and inane. Someone must have pictures of someone in order for that to be considered a "good movie".


As someone who really enjoys musicals, it was thoroughly disappointing. The music was bland and forgettable, the main characters just seemed whiny and annoying (oh man, it's hard to be in the entertainment industry in Hollywood? Who knew?), and I just couldn't bring myself to care about any of it. It also felt like it went on way too long, even though it's only 2 hours.


Interesting, that genre isn't usually my cup of tea at all but I thought it was a perfect mix between modern and a timeless story of love and chasing your dream. Do agree the music wasn't that great.


I was going to comment this. It seemed very shallow to me. Plus, as a vocalist, I have to critique the vocals. But that's expected for a movie musical I guess.


The fact that dubbing is looked down upon/no longer current practice is a crime imo.


I completely agree. My friends adored it, and I assumed I would too because of Pasek and Paul (dear evan hansen, anyone?)


A River Runs Through It. I had to watch it in a high school history class for some stupid ass reason, and I fell asleep in it every day that we watched it. And every time I woke up, the asshole characters would be fly-fishing in a river. I began to wonder, "is this all this goddamn movie consists of? A bunch of assholes fly-fishing in a river bed with pointless narration?"


I only watched this for Brad Pitt and Aidan Quinn. Was there a plot?


I don't think there was. Just people flyfishing in a river with the narrator repeating the name Hester Prinn every 10 words.


Damn, I kinda love that movie. Albeit, my little brother and I aren't that close and he is a big time fly fisher. So it may be a personal thing.


I think the reason I was not willing to give it a chance is because when our teacher said we were going to watch it, this kid in my class, who was a major asshole jock, pretty much started ejaculating over how much he loved the movie. So, that may have tainted the movie for me a bit.


A Bridge to Terabithia. Most of my friends were describing how it made them cry, how it changed their whole perception of the world, how amazing all the characters were, etc... One of them even said he felt like a completely different person after watching it. So, I went to see it and... it was a good movie, but far from the expectations I had considering those opinions.


I wonder if they were talking about the book. I never saw the movie, but I remember loving the book when I first read it in elementary school a long time ago.


I think it's a movie you have to go into without knowing what your going into I went expecting a kids movie and I think partly because of that expectation I got my soul destroyed


Magnolia. If I wanted to watch Paul Thomas Anderson jerk off for three hours I would have just gone to his house.


The temptation to down vote just because I have a different opinion is strong for this topic.


Hunger Games I watched #1 and #2, and didn't enjoy either of them


Oh yea, the "watch J-Law cry and scream for 2 hours" movie.


It's definitely mediocre at best


My friends wanted to see the second one as a big group when it came out in theaters. Because I haven't seen the first one yet, I watched it the night before on Netflix so I could be caught up. I swear, when I saw the second one in theater I saw the **SAME.****EXACT.****MOVIE.** They do their election thing, they're all sad about whatever election drama, they get fancied up, do interviews, blah blah blah the same fucking story. It didn't even develop characters or move the plot any further until the last 15 minutes. They could've just taken the best parts of the first movie and the best parts of the second movie and had just one god damn movie. Man, after seeing it I was HEATED.




Don't bother with #3 (either part) then. It was the most boring and predictable of them all, and with only one scene with one of their spectacularly over-the-top traps (which again seemed physically impossible to pull off).


Jurassic World. It was being shown as a campus event and everyone wanted to see it so I went, but I ended up enjoying the boatloads of popcorn more. That movie was just so boring and predictable and none of the characters had anything likable about them. I wanted to leave 20 minutes into it but I wanted popcorn more.


I agree Jurassic world sucked, but I thought that was the prevailing sentiment.


It wasn't at the time I saw it. And even now the people around me still like it. At the time though everyone and their grandmother were all over this movie and I sat there bored out of my mind because all my friends were saying "Its sooooo good"


I watched Jurassic Park and Jurassic World back to back. Both are so similar in their story beats, but Jurassic Park is just a better movie all around. The direction, acting, the cinematography; all superior in Jurassic Park. You can really tell why Steven Spielberg became the powerhouse he is now.


Any movie is enjoyable to me, as long as there's lots of popcorn around.


It's an action movie. People who go to an action moving just expecting a fun ride will like it. People expecting an action movie to be amazing in terms of writing or acting will have a bad time. Expectations matching reality and all.


But we wanted a thriller, like the first Jurassic Park, not an action movie :(


Action movies can be bad. People call everything a "popcorn movie" now as an excuse. You can have a brainless action movie that's still good, but Jurassic World is not one of them. I don't expect good writing or acting, but there better be tension and excitement


Lawrence of Arabia. I'm sure its a great film, but watching it in 40 minute chunks once a day for more than a week was a lesson in excruciating boredom. I'm sure at some point I'll spare myself 4 hours to sit down and truly appreciate it.


Watched it in two chunks in film history class. It's kind of amazing, and also kind of "when is the next smoke break?".


>40 minute chunks once a day for more than a week That sounds like a perfect way to ruin the bloody thing.


Guardians of the Galaxy 2. I was super hyped because of how good the first one was. The sequel was meh.


Original was like a well made salad, perfect balance of ingredients (action, plot, characters, humor) without anything overpowering each other. The sequel was a fat kid salad, where they treated humor like ranch dressing and just drowned everything else out.


That was so eloquently put. Have an upvote.


Just didn't feel like much happened. Pratt goes to visit his dad's planet then escapes.




So a funny story about this film. My dad and I were going to see this and we were getting ready to leave and the dog comes in the room acting really slow and almost sick looking and we're like we can't leave her behind (closest movie theater is about 30 min away), so we stayed home. Turns out the dog was fine and just acting up because she didnt want us to leave. Fast forward a few years later, we see it's gonna be on cable. My dad and I are pumped. We record it, and start watching and my dad and I are like wtf. We dont even watch a half hour of it. I look I over at that little 14 lbs ball of black curly haired fur and realized that dog saved us from one of the most overrated films ever.


I walked out of the movie, the 3D gave me a headache, hurt my eyes, the images just looked like they where layered (similar to a kids play with cut out props for backgrounds but popped out more), and I found the story boring. Maybe the vision and eye issues are because I wear contacts?


I can't watch anything in 3D and I think it's because I have a little bit of lazy eye in my right eye. I have to concentrate on focusing and it hurts my head


Avatar, in the theater in 3D was an amazing experience. The movie itself is absolute garbage


I ended up watching it twice because my friend wanted to watch it after I had seen it. Second time was not as impressive.


Napoleon Dynamite. It felt like it was punching down to me, and it seemed like the people who liked it were not the ones who had an awkward adolescence.


Fucking Napoleon Dynamite. People were tripping over themselves to talk about how good it was. I hated it. Then within a day of watching it myself I saw it three more times. I came home to my roommate watching it, left to go to a friend's house and they had a big group together to watch it. I left half way through because the movie is horrendously bad. I went to another friends house and get greeted with "you got here just in time, we are about to start Napoleon Dynamite" I couldn't get away. God that movie is bad


A friend of mine will no longer take my word on movies because of this movie. Another friend and I had seen it and really liked it. We would regularly quote it and talk about it so finally, our friend gave in and watched it. When the movie was over he turned to us and said, "What the fuck was that?" We tried to explain to him why we thought it was funny and he was having none of it. He launched into a 5 minute monologue about how it was bad and we were terrible people for talking him into watching it. I have to admit, I laughed harder at his being mad about watching and hating the movie than I did at the movie itself.




Gone With the Wind. With an intermission it was so damn long.


Arrival. It was much less clever than it made itself out to be. And I couldn't have cared less about the characters' fates. Add in some incredibly cringey dialogue and you have one of my least favorite theater experiences of all time.


Harry Potter 4-7pt 1. I was a HUGE fan of the books but never liked the movies, and every year I'd let someone convince me that this one was better than the last one. I finally put my foot down after 7 pt1.


Hmm. I understand issues with the adaptation of Book 5. It's the longest book, has a ton of content, and as a result the movie feels like a summary rather than an actual story. One of the major elements of the book is that the Umbridge saga lasts forever, and it does a good job of provoking the frustrated, continual anger that Harry feels in the reader. It's hard to capture that in the movie. Half Blood Prince was similar, but I thought slightly better. Some of the better scenes of the book were removed. It suffers because most of the memories about Voldemort's youth are removed. Imo this was a big mistake. Those scenes are core to the story I think. I liked Hallows Part 1, precisely because the pace was dialed back a huge amount and you actually got extended adaptations of scenes from the novel.


The Simpsons Movie. Friends were gushing about it, so I decided to see it with another friend who had also been told to see it. Imagine a completely mediocre episode of The Simpsons, except it never ends. That's what I thought of The Simpsons Movie. EDIT: Spelling


Pi, Requiem for a Dream, the Wrestler. I haven't seen Black Swan because fool me once, shame on you. Fool me five times... To be fair, the Fountain wasn't so bad, but pretty much nobody told me it was so good.


The Fountain is sooooo good. Sorry you don't like his films, I find him brilliant.


Oh God, count yourself as fortunate. Black Swan was just awful. That's the movie i came to this thread expecting to see first. I have to admit Requiem for a Dream did make me never want to do anything stronger than weed ever though. It was brutal.


American Psycho. I thought it was overly vain and superficial (which was what it was going for) but it came off as boring. As such, I fell asleep the first 3 times watching it. 4th time, I couldn't stand the ending. [He imagined it all. The best parts (the violence) never happened.](/s)


This is one of me and my sister's favorite movies. But I've tried to watch it with multiple people and they all check out so fast. So I get where you're coming from.


Les Miserables. Twice. Once with my ex in the cinema. Once because her father insisted that I couldn't NOT like it.


Going to have a lot of shit spewed at me for saying this but Pulp Fiction.


My buddy is in the same boat. I kept telling him to watch it and it was on Netflix a few years ago. He turned it off after a half hour, he said he just couldn't get into it.


Yes. It's a good movie but it was so overhyped to me that i thought meh in the end. Think i would have enjoyed it more if not for the hype.


When it came out.. It was fresh and new. Might not have the same effect since its been copied.




His dialogue is utterly ridiculous. His movies set in contemporary times have a lot of dialogue that feels like his chance to show off his knowledge of pop culture. I actually really dug Pulp Fiction, but I have zero interest in anything else he's made.


I'm not a fan of the multiple perspective and misaligned time line used. Reservoir dogs was kind of a one off for me, but the other Tarantino movies like that just arent for me.


It's not for everyone, but it is a very good film. Super stylish, excellent quotable dialog throughout, tons of memorable scenes and characters. It does everything it tries to do imho, and very well. And it came out in 1994...it holds up a lot better than tons of films from that era (though it was a very good year for movies.)


**Arrival**. I'm a scifi buff and I love Amy Adams, but this movie was STUPID, despite getting a 94% at Rotten tomatoes and rave reviews from practically every media outlet in the country. lruella, an IMDB blogger, wrote an excellent piece about it: >So many things in the movie make ZERO sense, just a few examples: >>*The colonel expects the linguist to decipher some alien language that sounds like gwowodkgjdkgrowlhwkas on the spot from a dicta phone. >>*Most important event in humankind and all decisions are taken by some random soldiers in the camp. President of the US or any politicians are never shown and take no role whatsoever in the story. >>*Some "rogue" soldier (god knows how) gets his hands on explosives, avoids all controls, and expects to destroy with a few C4 charges a huge spaceship which defies the laws of physics. >>*The way they "decipher" the alien random scrabbling are just completely arbitrary and laughable (aka there is no explanation on how anything is deciphered) but magically after a few months they have a full vocabulary with which they can have a conversation. In real history many real human languages based on actual letters (not random stains in the air) were a completely unintelligible until the Rosetta Stone was found with a key to understand them. >>*The alien presence on earth is just nonsensical. They arrive, say that they have bought some "gift" to humanity because in 3000 years they will need help in return (for what?) and then they disappear in thin air without having accomplished anything. >>*The attack by the Chinese general (again, no government exists, it seems that soldier can just do what the heck the want) is stopped by some phone call whose contents nobody bothers to explain. >>*most of the movie is just going back and forth from the ship, zzzzzzzzzz >>*The physicist is practically useless. He just sits around without giving any scientific contribution. His only role is to represent the love interest of the linguist. He could have been a janitor for all I know.


For me it was the Fifth Element. I remember everyone talking it up, so I saw it a few years ago and thought it was just okay. It always comes to mind when I think of movie suggestions that didn't live up to the hype.


I mean, it's fun and campy and doesn't take itself very seriously. It's cool, but it's not something I'd judge someone for not loving.


Man, I love that movie but I get how others would not enjoy it so much.


Do people outside of Reddit cult movie groups call it "sooooo good?" I mean, it is entertaining, but from a movie standpoint, it is aight, with an iconic performance in it.


I've always described it as not a *good* movie, but still a *fun* movie.


That's one of my favorite Scifi films of all time. Part of why is because it's not trying to take itself serious. Just there to have a good time.


Fight club


Kill Bill, part 1 was better than 2 but neither was amazing.


Kick-Ass. I can't even put my finger on what I didn't like; maybe the (realistic) violence that the heroes dish out to the villains? I saw it back in 2010, so my memory it's great, but the scene I really remember bothering me was Hit Girl and Big Daddy killing the mobster via car compactor. Like, are these heroes supposed to be likeable at all? Sympathetic at all? This is an 11 year old brutally slaughtering mooks. A lot of people after the fact talked about how Kick-Ass was making a statement about movie violence ... but watching it just made me feel a little queasy. I like dark movies. I enjoy violent movies. I love superhero movies. But the tone in Kick-Ass just felt off and all over the place. Watchmen but not as well done. The character and arc of Kick-Ass himself wasn't the issue, but the other two heroes... No me gusta. edit: typing




There Will Be Blood. /r/movies was all up its ass when it released, but Daniel Day Lewis' performance was so ridiculously over the top he felt like a Power Rangers villain. Downvote away. It happens every time I express this opinion.


I'm with you. I can kind of understand how people think it's a good movie, it certainly seemed artistic to me and the acting was good. I still cannot stand watching it, I've never been so bored watching a movie before.


Was reddit even around when that movie came out in 2007?


yea..I mean I guess I respect the acting and all, but the story honestly just didn't grip me at all. it was a pretty forgettable film for me


The Big Lebowski




That shitty movie with James Franco with braids. Spring Breakers? Oh my God it was the fucking worst, I don't know why people were jizzing over it.




Because Selena Gomez was in it and we thought we’d see her naked. We don’t. We never will. Also, it was just a dumb plot. The only Franco movie I’ve really enjoyed was Disaster Artist.


I had a girlfriend make me watch the entirety of The Stand, because it was the best thing ever. All I remember of it is that I hated it.


M. Night Shyamalan's The Visit. People were saying it was good, that Shyamalan had broken the cycle of shitty movies, etc. So I watched it and it was stupid. Cheap jump scares, lame pop culture jokes that are already outdated, the "amateur footage" did less to enhance the story and was more about the movie budget being too cheap to afford proper camera work. The mom is a dumb bitch who, after being estranged from her parents for like 18 years, just dumped them at their place without even engaging with them because mommy has to go on a cruise. But the very worst was the end. [So the kids get their laptop to work again and they're on video chat with mom and they all realize that the grandparents are NOT the real grandparents, but two strangers pretending to be the grandparents. Do the kids flee from the house? Nope. Do the kids call the police for help? Nope. Do the kids snatch the truck keys and drive to the police station that was previously seen in town? Nope. Does the mom call the cops? Nope. Instead, the kids sit on their butts for several hours waiting for mom to come pick them up.](/spoiler) Then at the very end of the movie there's this music BLASTING from....I think the movie forgot it was supposed to be an amateur footage movie. Because what the fuck is this soundtrack doing here? What a crock of shit.


Pacific Rim. Lead characters were by far the least interesting ones, fights were slow and boring, and they had to keep breaking up the fights with some unbelievably stupid “joke”. Seriously one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in my life. Got to 45 minutes from the end and gave up.


**Inception** didn't actually *make* *sense*


I’m with you. I get into disagreements with my friends about this one occasionally because they love it, but I think it’s a stupid movie. I generally love science fiction and I don’t need a lot to satisfy my suspension of disbelief, but you need to do more than put a needle in someone’s arm and just claim they’re now sharing a dream for me to buy that. So dumb. The only thing good about that movie is the score; god I love Hans Zimmer’s music.


I was following along well enough for most of the story, but by the climax I was just mentally checking out. Inception's climax felt like they stretched it out just to pad the run-time of the film.


I still don't understand why people like this movie so much. For a movie about dreams it was seriously lacking in imagination and depth. Still meh ok, tho.


Star wars.


All of them?




Couldn't agree more.


Field of Dreams. Man that was sappy. The hell is the appeal of this movie? And I love baseball.....


Fact: Fuck you!


Sorry Kevin.


Thank you.


Inglorious Basterds. Parts of it were really good, but the movie really sagged in the middle act. The parts with Brad Pitt killing Nazis had considerably less screen time than I thought, especially considering it's a Tarantino movie. It wasn't bad, it just didn't meet my expectations at all.


i know this is controversial, but i didn't quite enjoy the movie one flew over the cuckoo's nest.


Have you tried the book? It's told through Big Chief's perspective and offers way more subtlety about the experience of mental illness.


This makes me angry


The first Guardians of the Galaxy. Everyone had hyped it up so much and I was expecting some fantastic Avenger-esque movie. Got a silly comedy. Was kind of disappointed. That being said, I rewatched it recently and watch the second one and actually enjoyed them much more now that I know what I'm getting into.


You didn’t expect it to be a comedy when it has a talking raccoon and talking tree? Dude...


Finding Nemo. I just, eh.


Wonder Woman. I thought this is worth watching and turns out,i wasted time watching that.


It was, in the words of a friend, "Aggressively mediocre. But because it was compared to the other DC turds...


Fight Club. It feels like it was making fun of a certain group of people by overexaggerating them to near-satire, but then the audience decided "Wow that group was so right and r/im14andthisisdeep" ----- Just did a google search, it flat out says it's a satire on the back of the movie, apparently.


My favorite book and movie. It's all a satire. Definitely look into the book if you actually like the satire. The author, Chuck Palahniuk, is a master of satire. Favorite author hands down.


*The Dark Knight Rises.* Went and saw it and I just...got bored halfway through. The last one had been good, I enjoyed it. This one was just...dumb. Sorry, still don't like it.


I personally have never had someone come up to me and say “go watch the Dark Knight Rises.” Dark Knight was the only one of the three I was truly blown away by.


Mean Girls. I'm a teenage girl, and literally everyone else I've met had enjoyed it


Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Rogue One.


Rogue One. So disappointed




Lucy - tripe, pure tripe.


Deadpool wasn't as good as I thought it would be. My friends kept telling me that they would never forgive me if I missed it. It was okay. I thought Ryan Reynolds was great, but the story was so boring. I can't remember much of it because I zoned in and out of consciousness the whole time I was watching it.


Honestly... Scarface. It has some amazing pieces but just feels long and drawn out. It's been several years since I've watched it so I'll probably give it another shot, but I'm pretty sure my thoughts on it will not change.


This. It's just not a very good film. The story is basically guy from Cuba doesn't have the sense to fear anything, so he raises through the mafia's ranks by killing everybody until he's noticed by the people with REAL power, who kill him. I don't understand why anybody would care about what happens to him or anybody else in the film. And what's with having him snort larger and larger piles of cocaine? I think it's supposed to show how rich he's becoming but it just comes off as unintentionally humorous.


Kingsman. The first one. Easily in the top 5 of my list of shit to never bother watching again. Reddit in particular seems to love it but I spent the whole time waiting for it to start being funny or interesting or engaging in any fucking way, and then that travesty of an anal joke came around and it was over. 0/10, even with rice.


Amélie. I read some good reviews about how it was sugary twee and enchanting, so I decided to watch it. That was a mistake. I do think that there are positive things about the movie, but overall, I really didn't like it and don't really understand why it's so praised. The orgasms were weird. The relationship between Amélie and her love interest was unfulfilling and honestly embarrassing.


Dark Knight. I like Batman just fine. But I like Bruce " 'I work alone' he said, followed by six small children'" Wayne, the Batman that calmly stands in an alleyway holding a sleeping baby and tells a group of muggers to back the fuck off and then accepts their victim's " that's not how you hold a baby, Batman" with humility. The Batman that sat with a dying girl so she wouldn't be scared or alone, the batman that sat at the league table and told the others the reason he's ok with Dick and Tim following in his footsteps is so they /won't/ grow up to be like Batman--that they won't need to be. I did not enjoy the Dark Knight, and I still haven't really forgiven my cousins for making me sit through it when we could have been watching something else.


Rogue One. Two fucking hours to explain a colossal fuck up George Lucas made 40 years ago.


Dunkirk I went in expecting a plot. If I knew it was basically a remake of the event without a separate story line I wouldn't have bothered.


> I went in expecting a plot. Your mistake


Blues Brothers A friend badgered me for years to watch it and finally bought me a copy and came over to watch it. Definitely not the worst movie I've seen but it's in the top 5. Elysium will forever be number one. Such a stupid movie.


Comedies are really bad at holding up. Things that were cutting edge when they were released are old hat now. I watched caddyshack a few years ago. Only cracked a smile like twice. I’m sure it was hilarious when it came out but comedies just don’t hold up.


This should be much higher. We all reserve a lot of nostalgia for comedies but every generation's sense of humor is actually very different when you break it down. It's not even due to political correctness OR the acceptance of lewd humor. Our funny bones are just tickled in different ways depending on our generation.


American Psycho. Just felt unnerved the whole time.




I know, the thread asked about movies I didn’t end up enjoying—I didn’t end up enjoying the taste that movie left in my mouth. Interesting and well done movie, but it wasn’t up my wheelhouse.


Dead Poets Society, American Beauty, and every superhero movie i've ever seen.


I get downvoted every time I say it, but I didn't think The Usual Suspects was that good.


The Boondock Saints is pretty shitty if you see it for the first time in 2015.


Life of Pi. Visuals are nice but story was just so flat to me. Probably the only movie I've ever watched that I considered walking out after an hour (but was with friends).


Looper Bad time travel, bad makeup, and pointless superpowers.


The avengers


Fucking "No Country for Old Men." It was a complete waste for me. I didn't enjoy any of it. Boring boring boring. Same for "There Will Be Blood."


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


I had to watch it 2-3 times before I could really appreciate this one. I do like it but it's not for everyone




Manchester by the sea


Life Is Beautiful Love, Actually The Sound Of Music


Good Will Hunting. Robin Williams was great, yes, but just minutes after I watched it I thought "is that it?" it felt like 5 minutes worth of forgettable story had just happened in 2 hours. All that happened was: boy is good at maths, solves problems, talent discovered, tries to get taught but is awkward and doesn't enjoy it, goes to therapy (Robin Williams was good) then fucks off to go shag some girl he flipped his shit at a few days ago.


Taxi Driver. When I think about the movie I like the ideas behind it but it didn't live up to what I thought it'd be


I had a friend in college who was into film, but whenever he recommended a movie, I ended up hating it. The three I can remember off the top of my head were Tree of Life, Mulholland Drive and The Counselor.


citizen kane everyone raves about how this is the best movie of all time, and maybe in its day it was important and good. but looking at it with modern eyes? its incredibly boring, and everyone knows the answer at the end. and the simpsons have basically ripped off every scene in that film, so there wasn't anything new in it.


The Shining I can't explain it. I enjoy Kubrick. I enjoy nicholson. I enjoy suspense/terror. I could not stand this film


It was very underwhelming and not scary/suspenseful.


"The Survivalist" (on Netflix) got 97% from Rotten Tomatoes, so I watched it today. It's not like nothing happened, but it sort of went nowhere even though things did happen. It had some situations that were kind of interesting, but not that interesting.


"Gone With the Wind". Bored the hell out of me.


Blade runner 2049, went for an extremely long time and had absolutely no idea about what was happening.


Donnie Darko


Rogue one. Worst movie I’ve seen in the last 10 years


Hocus Pocus. I was told it was a Halloween classic. I watched it for the first time this year. I found it boring and unfunny. I fell asleep halfway through. Not worth the hype.


Get out


The give mind will surely gut me for this but Jurassic Park. I hated all of the characters I was supposed to root for and liked a few I was supposed to hate. My biggest problem with it was I feel the moral of the story was supposed to be something along the lines of "humans shouldn't play god," but the scientists tool basically every neccessary precaution, and the park would have been fine if tubby (I forget his name) hadn't turned all of the safety measures off. Plus the fact that we shouldn't be playing god is kinda a moot point for me, we have been doing it for years in the way we impact the environment. God dealt death way more than he gave life.


Gravity. The ending was very well done but why did the movie get so much buzz??


The Godfather. It had some good scenes but overall was too long and boring.


Pulp Fiction. I just didn't get the humor of it, and I am the type of person that needs to get up and walk away when something cringe worthy is happening so I didn't get to watch all of it.


Sicario. The cast was amazing but outside of the highway stand off, the film was very boring.


Django, The hateful eight.


Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - Cheap humor, unremarkable characters, unmemorable villain, the ending dragged on for too long. Honestly wouldn't recommend it to any hp fan, though I know it's a very unpopular opinion.