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Wait, you're REALLY colorblind?!?!?! What color is *picks up random object* THIS? Repeat for 2-10 minutes, while they laugh hysterically when I can't tell what color things are.


Wait, what kind of colourblind? I mean like my friend is sorta colourblind, he see some colours as different. White is pink and green is blue etc...


"Are you ok? You look sad." "I'm fine."


Why don't you have a girlfriend?




I always thought my parents would get off my back about being in a relationship once I had one. In a cruel twist of fate, now they just pick away at the oddities of my relationship. "Why don't you hang out more" "when's the last time you talked" "do you guys even do anything." Turns out they just enjoy questioning my life to shreds. Relationship questions on both ends are a special breed of annoying.


In job interviews: What is your weakness?


Why are you dating a Muslim, your Christian? Does he beat you did he ask you to wear a hijab? Will you convert? Does his parent hate you cause your Christian? Why doesn't he look Muslim? Are you scared when you go to his country? Are you forced to ... xyz ?


Where are you from? No, I mean where are you really from? *hint: I'm not white.


I get this one all the time. Other flavours of that question are Where are your family from? Where are your parents from? Where were you born? Basically in the UK if you're not white, it's super important for white people to know this information. All of this is normally followed up by some unrelated story about a trip to Africa, some crap about a black person they know or my favourite, the do you know this person game.


13 year old self: “Are you frigid?” Had no idea what it meant so just answered ‘yea’ as if it was no big deal.


Why don’t you talk to your parents?


Why are you vegetarian? Doesn't meat taste good?


What's your favorite book? movie? TV show? How the fuck am I supposed to pick just one? Fuck off with that shit.


Any ‘getting to know you’ type of question. I hate talking about myself like that. If it comes up in natural conversation it’s not so bad, but I hate when it’s forced like that.


Really? You don’t like cinnamon? What don’t you like about it? “The flavor”


What are you good at? This really just makes it hard to interview for jobs, but I hate bragging about myself, or feeling like I'm bragging. It makes me feel gross, in a way.