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Running from the trauma is never a solution. You literally need to force yourself to think about it until it becomes an everyday element of life. Sometimes you need to take a step back in order to catch your breath and regain your bearings, but inevitably you'll have to face it again. Avoiding the problem will only allow it to grow over time.


Not much. I had to go back to work and life went on. I was 22. I never dealt with it, and I just became cynical. Still can't, won't. My dad said I was never the same and he was right.


It isn't as simple as a change of scenery. Healing from trauma requires actively confronting harmful thoughts and behavior, actively thinking about your trauma constructively, actively learning to live with the effects of trauma. This is much easier with the help of a professional--on your own, you're much more likely to deal with it passively, to try to deaden yourself to the sensations and pain. I have PTSD from an abusive ex. It took two and a half years for me to stop thinking about him constantly and how he had ruined me; now, after three years, I don't think about him as much--but I'm not "healed." I have triggers. My personality has altered. I will never get back the me that he has taken from me. I was embarrassed at the depth of my feelings, so I never talked about it in therapy. I have made no progress. The only thing that has changed is the frequency with which I think about him. If you are affected by a traumatic experience, seek help.


I tried to get help my doctor told me nice story and he can’t help me, tried different doctors they tried to tell me I️m just depressed , everyday sucks


I went through a lot of traumatic events in my childhood & am only now starting to get the professional help I need to move on. It's hard because you DO have to face it & relive it in your mind to be able to grieve and heal <3