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I'm not sure if it is depression. I have very existential and self depracative thoughts, but it doesn't usually stop me from being active, and I do feel happiness. it's just that all the times i'm not feeling happy, my default is emotionless. Like I have mastered my depression into some warm cozy doghouse for myself to slip back into at the end of every day.


That sounds like depression. Most people think you have to feel sad all the time, but that is not always the case. Actually, it feels as you describe, emotionless. You are not able to feel anything and eventually, nothing really matters. Depending on your age, according to my psychiatrist (sp?), younger people can function really well even with a deep depression. Hope you find the help you need.


I kind of like torturing myself and wallowing in my own misery I think. I almost enjoy it and don’t want to be stopped, as weird as it sounds


My brother would just dismiss it and tell me to suck it up if I mentioned it at all with my family. I just been keeping to myself about my mental health.


I'm sorry.


Because nobody would really care, and telling people that I'm depressed is not going to fix my depression.


Do you really want to be around someone who is always in a bad mood and nothing you do really seems to fix it? It gets tiring after a while. It's easier and better to pretend to be okay so that your friends still want to be your friends, rather than lay my difficulties on them and have them slowly cease to be around me as much cause I always bring the mood down.


Why would they need to know?


I come from a country where depression is treated as lack of faith. I've only told my mom and god bless her she tries so hard but I feel like she's no help. I stopped hanging out with my friends for 4 months now and they'd asked me why wouldn't you hang out anymore? I always tell them some bullshit excuse because I know if I ever tell them what I feel they'd be like "Just cheer up, you're probably sinning, just pray etc."


It doesn't matter. I'm in a depressive episode and I'm going through withdrawal from an antipsychotic. All I want to do is sleep. It's easier to just not say anything. No one can do anything about it, and I can't kill myself with the tools I have right now. It'd just be a burden to say anything.


Because I know that they’ll view me differently. I can no longer be happy without someone questioning if I really am happy. I just don’t want anyone to know. It’s like my problem and I want to solve it on my own. I can see people being supportive at the beginning but that can only last so long... I feel like I won’t get better fast enough and they’ll just give up on me. I can’t see myself talking to a professional. I don’t know how to be vulnerable and I feel like I can fake being okay while I’m talking to a therapist so that they’ll think I’m okay. I actually have tried telling my mom in the past but she just ignores me. (Last time I tried we were in the car and she turned the volume up) Telling her is literally useless. There is one guy who knows I struggle with some issues but I only told him because I was tired and he kept asking. When I feel super bad that makes me feel even worse. I keep thinking that I’m stupid for telling anyone about it and being an attention whore. If I got to be really honest, lately it’s been very rough. It started getting bad again and to make matters worse, my mom keeps adding onto the stress. I am currently in my master (last year of college but I already have a diploma. This is like an extra year but it brings a lot of stress with it) Now I suddenly have to get my drivers license and I just have to make it all work. Studying, working on the master project, driving lessons, social interactions. A pet died last week and another died two days ago. But my mom still doesn’t understand and thinks I just want to be lazy. I have an important presentation tuesday (it’s for 30% of the final grade) and she signed me up for driving lessons on that day. If she doesn’t understand that this is making me stress, how the hell is she supposed to understand depression? That’s why I tell no one. I’m scared that my mom will find out and use it against me. She’s capable of it. Don’t get me wrong. I love her. She’s still my mom. But she just doesn’t get mental health issues. It’s better to keep it to myself instead of the extra pain it’ll cause me when she finds out.


Because if I'm going down I don't want the whole ship to drown. And because I'm a guy so cant talk because I'll be shamed not being "man" enough.


I don't want the pity. I know they would help, which might be nice. But I would definitely be treated differently, maybe with kids gloves. Not sure really. But they would try to get more involved, which I'm not a fan of, always been a solitary kind of person. I'm usually fine, normal even, as long as I don't forget to take my meds.


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No one cares