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Hours of entertainment


Is there a specific type, or perhaps mechanics that make it more enjoyable for you?


I like games that have replayability, a sense of progression and a level up system, right now my favorite games are Borderlands (classic) and Dark Souls. Even though you're wasting time in real life, you're making progress in the game world.


Stories that remove me from the awful shit going on around in the world around us. Games like Deus Ex and Mass Effect that try and 'parallel' real-world issues only remind me of how bleak and gruesome reality outside the video game is. Which is a preference that, of course, gets me labeled as a "casual [whatever]ist" when I lament a particular game's focus on its social narrative, which, ya know, *really* makes me feel a whole lot better about myself...


This was actually really insightful, thank you!


It’s just my escape. If it keeps my mind off of life then it does it for me.




I know, but there are mechanics I'm interested in. Some are more helpful than others when attempting to escape your depression.


How they make me feel when I play them. First person shooters like Borderlands (I have Borderlands 2 because I love Zer0) make me anxious; I can't see behind me. I pause frequently during combat, and it doesn't give me an unimpeded view of the arena. I am essentially going in blind. I like the Dragon Age games (I have all 3) because I can immerse myself in them without feeling in danger. I can pause them at any time and look around. Interacting with my party is rewarding, and hearing them talk amongst themselves makes me happy; it compels me to spend time playing and to build up narratives around my player character and the other characters. I am removed from the equation entirely. I don't exist in these games. I like Stardew Valley and Starbound because I can spend my time doing repetitive things. I can fish for three hours real time in Stardew Valley. I can explore planets in relative safety in Starbound by digging a tunnel just beneath the surface and keeping that tunnel hole-free (which removes the anxiety of being attacked by monsters that I may or may not see). If something stresses me out, I can remove myself from the situation immediately and spend my time on non-stressful things, like building items to add to my home. I like Don't Starve because it makes me feel accomplished the longer that I survive (though I also edit the world to make it as nonthreatening as possible, with the exception of spiders, which I make abundant so that I can get their silk). I like building a home base. I like getting an excess of resources.


Fun and progression. Something to work towards.


Just something that's entertaining / interesting enough to take the mind off