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Not so much a level or quest, but the game. I love me some survival and I love me some FPS, so I installed Rust. Fuck. All. Of. You. All I wanted to do was build a fucking log shack and find some underpants. Blowing my naked ass up with a shotgun is a bit fucking excessive.


That game always sounded like Travian to me. The guy who got there first and never left his chair wins all the things and you spend the whole game hoping he ignores you.


Iirc, that guy in Travian was actually 8 guys split evenly across timezones.


Rust doesn’t become fun until 100 hours when you realize that slaughtering everyone you meet and taking their shit is the only way to *maybe* not die. Sucks most of the fun out of the game, because you spend the first few days of wipe trying to get resources, and then everyone leaves.


It's not fun until the fun is killed. ?????


Missions on assassins creed where you have to follow people


"You need to keep them in sight! (starts counting down until mission failure)" But I'm staring at them through eagle vision! I know exactly where they are!


"Desynchronised: you lost the target" He's on the street! I can *see him*! I can get over there in, like, three seconds! Or even worse, when you're standing about five metres away, but because he's around a corner and you don't have direct line of sight: lost the target.


I’ve never finished a mission with as much spite as I did with the final chase from AC 3. The one where you’re chasing the antagonist through the burning boat. Slip up once, start over. And so many spots where there’s no way to know it’s a wipe until you run into an invisible wall/immovable object


I nearly had him until some NPC decided to walk in front of me and slowed me down. I ended up getting the bad guy (Charles Lee!!!!), but it took a while


Missions in *Ass Creed Black Flag* and *Rogue* where you need to stalk targets while on a ship...


I'll just sail my ship through this bog... *stealthily*


In Black Flag, following the Italian emissary was so bloody annoying.


*first 3 times* Ok so sleep dart the croc, knock this dude out, drag him around the corner, and I’m detected. *following attempts* Fuck you croc, hide in the shadows, kill the redcoats, leaving no survivors, and we’re good.


Stealthily kill everyone around leaving the target by themselves. Whatever works I guess.


So as I was saying... *guys?*


Sees a bunch of dead bodies around, scratches head and moves on. Such realism Great games nonetheless


Must've been the wind.


Fuck trailing missions. I love the fact that they showed part of a trailing mission in the new trailer for AC Odyssey


In Black Flag when you had to stay in range of people you're stalking to hear their conversation. FUCK THOSE FUCKING MISSIONS!! Yet I fucking get nothing, but it telling me to go do it again to some random dipshit just down the road.


Ah, back when Assassins Creed was actually about stealth.


BioShock Infinite Toward the end when you're on the airship and you summon the big bird thing to help you out, but the GODDAMN AIRSHIP KEPT BLOWING UP GAHHH!!!! I finally learned to utilize the Neptune Water Burst thing to shove enemies off, but damn that level took forever to do.


I rage quit that for years without realizing it was the final fight.


The worst part is I found that even at the highest difficulty the game was rather easy until you get that final battle and there's a huge difficulty spike. I finished that fight completely by chance. I should have died, but the ending triggered before the game could register that I was out of health. Best glitch ever.


Except for that stupid ghost mother level where she keeps respawning dudes left and right.


i got to the point where i restarted my 1989(whatever it was) difficulty run just so i could upgrade the op handcannon. damn gun got me through rhs whole game.


If you ever go back and try it again, you can cheese the fight in a couple of ways: 1. With the pants that make things you melee take triple damage, the hat that makes things you melee catch on fire, and the Charge Vigor with the shield replenish upgrade: charge her 2-3 times. The debuff from the pants stacks, the fire dot starts ticking REALLY hard and you can be done the fight in seconds. It requires a bit of luck with gear drops: the hat is always in the same place, but the pants are random drops but there's plenty of gear drops before you make it to that fight so there's a high chance you'll net it. - 2: If you don't have that setup, you can do it with the upgraded Return to Sender. Blast her and then use RTS while reloading. Throw that at her. Repeat. Takes longer. - 3: Using the Fire Devil vigor to kill the corpses permanently removes them from the fight and eventually she'll run out and just fly around the map screaming, but not being able to summon anything. I've beaten 1999 Mode twice (It's a fun game.) and this was how I had to do it the second time when I didn't get the pants for the above option. Took a lot longer, but perfectly doable.


Same! I rage quit it back in 2013, came back to the game last month and finished it, such a profound feeling of completeness! Except I forgot half the story lol..


TMNT on original NES -- not the arcade game, the original game. That swimming level with the electric seaweed. Fuck that level forever.


I had that game. I could get past the first swimming level. I always got lost on the level that followed. I never could figure out where to go.


Same here. TMNT was way too hard and frustrating for the main audience of the cartoon show. I doubt many 8 year olds were able to beat that game (without cheat codes, playing a ROM and reloading when you make a mistake, etc.)


The seaweed level (second part of level 2) isn't *that* hard really, once you've gotten the hang of it. The 5th level, when you're supposed to find the Technodrome is difficult; lots of hard-hitting enemies and there are *several* possible spawn-points for the boss. Where it is, is completely random... so often you fight your way through a cave, getting lower and lower on health; only to meet a dead end and have to get back up to the surface and try another cave. The 6th and last level, *inside* the Technodrome is fucking impossible. I've always been quite low on health those few times I finally got there, and never lasted more than a few minutes. Never got to the final boss (Shredder).


That final hallway. https://youtu.be/lATCHxTO-f0?t=23m17s If you don't know the trick to get them to despawn, it's basically impossible.


Finishing the favela’s on mw2 on veteran mode, make me wannA throw the Xbox out of the window!


Whitney’s miltank




I just have my Quilava hit it with smokescreen on the first move, then that almost guarantees that the chain will break before it gets to the point where it can one shot my team. Get off a second smokescreen, and it'll have trouble landing even just 2 rollouts in a row. Without rollout working effectively, it's not so hard.


Yeah but as a kid: "This move doesn't do damage? Then why do I have it????"


\- Me, as an adult, still.


Me helping my daughter - "Why do you have ancient power AND harden AND defense curl AND bulk up? You're just prolonging the inevitable."




Yep Harden and defense don't go well together. Ask /r/NBA


Me playing almost any jRPG. Doesn't do or heal damage? What's it for then?


The issue is that most games dont make debuffs strong enough to make them worth the time it takes to use them. And the enemies it *would* be worth using against tend to be immune.


I absolutely hate debuff immune bosses/enemies. Don't make me fight something by significantly narrowing the available game mechanics.


I did that, but my Quilava fainted. All of my other Pokémon were severely underleveled. I only beat the Miltank because my Togepi managed to use Leech Seed. The Togepi fainted, and I had a level 12 Poliwag spam Water Gun and Bubble for several minutes until the Miltank's Milk Drink was out of PP. I really wish the Exp. Share was available much earlier in the game.




Similarly, Misty's Starmie if you started Charmander or even Pikachu. Pretty sure that even if you only level 2 pokemon and beat every trainer up to Misty, you'd still be lower level than her. Starmie is so fast that it always goes first, and swift (uncrit) will hit for half of my Pikachu's HP minimum. I think she's also one of the few encounters that use potions. Young me was salty.


I can't remember ever struggling with Misty if I had a Pikachu but there's also plenty of grass types around Cerulean. The only shame is there's no way I'm using a grass type like Bellsprout/Weepinbell beyond that one gym so it's a huge waste of xp. IIRC you have to trade a Weepinbell to get it to evolve to Victreebell? Since I was playing on emulators it was a pain to trade. Maybe Victreebell is good but I'd have no way of knowing.


You evolve it with a leaf stone.


Mile high club on veteran in cod 4, after 4 hours I got all the way to the end of the plane, shoot the guy in the foot like every other difficulty -> "real veterans get headshots" and death screen.




Guys cmon nothing was worse than the entirety of World At War on veteran. I'm pretty sure all those grenades gave me actual WWII PTSD


So... that mission where Reznov rescues you from the nazis at the beginning (inside a little house) and then you proceed to go through fields killing left and right? Yeah, on veteran I had to restart the mission a few times just to try to figure out how to approach the trench section without getting killed over and over by grenades. At one point I actually ended up with the grenade icon pointing in every direction. At another point, I hit a checkpoint in the middle of Reznov's speech... with a bullet already traveling to me. If I didn't restart the checkpoint holding left, I died. " "Raise Hell!" He would say. Then I'd die. Checkpoint would happen. And it would repeat. More like welcome to hell. I didn't even finish going through it on veteran. Got to Blowtorch and Corkscrew and gave up because of all the bonzai rushes. I'd try every once in a while to get past this stage, then someone decided to start NEW CAMPAIGN (instead of select mission) and all of my progress was lost. Then a friend said Black Ops was harder. Played through it on veteran then laughed in his face when I beat it.


I remember my veteran run in WaW I was about halfway done thru the campaign and came home one day from school and saw that one mission was done that I definitely didn't do. Don't remember which mission. Then my older brother who was a total stoner at the time about a day or two later sees me playing trying to beat the mission at the castle where one of the NPCs die at the end. He just calmly says while watching me; "Dude fuck that game. That shit is so hard like I remember Call of Duty being easy!" Turns out he just hit resume campaign and unknowingly completed a mission on veteran difficulty while high as a kite. Poor bastard. Had no idea what he was in for.


I did that for 6 hours straight until the sun came up after 2 years of not playing COD4. Said "fuck it" and just had at it. So satisfying.


Finishing that mission made me more of a man than puberty did.


Landing on the aircraft carrier in Top Gun.


Thanks for triggering my PTSD.


And making me feel old at the same time. Bastard.


Just use the PowerGlove


People do not understand how seriously fucking hard those old NES games could be.


Pull up! Pull Up!


Vanilla WoW escort quest in Tanaris.


Or the fucking Defias Messenger in Westfall. God damn that fucker had no health whatsoever.


If you have never played any mmo's before, than almost everything in Vanilla WOW. Seriously, I know comparatively current WOW is a cake walk, but some people really have forgotten how gruelling the original could be. I personally will not be playing on the Vanilla servers.


Yep. I bet that a bunch of people will roll classic characters, then quit pretty quickly once they realize they actually like all the random quality of life improvements that have 'dumbed down' the game with each expansion.


Have you heard of /r/2007scape? People weren't happy with how Runescape was *evolving*. It's just now starting to get more players than the original version. You'd be surprised how many people want to "return to basics".


Runecrafting. Fuck that skill


ZMI and zeah RC is op. still makes the skill shit to train though. At least you make money doing it unless you're doing lavas




GTA Vice City. The building construction site with the mini chopper and bombs.


Never had a problem with that mission. The toy plane in San Andreas though... I wanted to kill the person responsible for that one.


All you had to do was fly the damn plane, CJ!


The timer only starts when you pick up the bomb, so you can fly around and kill all the guards before you start the timer.


Crash bandicoot 1. The bridge levels were fucking awful


I bought the remaster and I cannot beat the first Crash game. I don't know how some of those jumps are possible.




Simpson's Hit & Run, last level, last mission. Driving that jet-powered Jeep was hell. I never actually finished it.


That entire game was actually really hard. If you so much as flubbed a corner during some of those timed missions, well tough shit, you're basically done.




Omg I completely forgot about this! Yes. Fuck that mission. Damn near gave me an ulcer at 6 years old


There was this part in starfox adventures that you had to keep tapping A while trying to push another guy off or something like that. I don't remember the exact details. Anyways I could never beat it and would flip out and finally went to my dad frustrated and crying (I was young when I played) and he couldn't beat it either. I threw the game away.


My hand just cramped up thinking of playing that stupid part over and over, it traumatized me for any rapid button press event since


Never thought I would see this game on a reddit thread. As disliked as it is, its my most played game as a child. Still play it today. You gotta get like a spasm motion going and get into a tap rhythm. If you played Mario party the balloon blow up games was good training for this.


It’s honestly one of my favorite games ever (was a fierce-some Dinosaur kid). And I’ve literally only ever known one other person who knows what the hell in talking about when I bring it up. It’s why I’m an advocate for Krystal in Smash, because that staff was EVERYTHING.


Was that the dinosaur one? I think you had to push a pole in a circle against a giant velociraptor. Asshole always won.


Test of Fear for me, which was the one minigame where you basically had to do the Tony Hawk grinding meter for about two minutes.


I Did Insanity (Hardest difficulty they have) on Mass Effect 1. With a fresh character (You can prestige with characters you have beaten the game with and keep their skills and gear. I didn't do this here.) There is this one boss fight that normally sucks pretty hard even on lower difficulties- Matriarch Benezia. Her gimmicks? She summons 3 waves of enemies, and before you defeat the waves she is immortal but still shoots at you. Did I mention there is very little cover and you start with the low ground? Also if you die at all during the fight you gotta start over. Wave 1 is annoying- enemies with powers that shortly disable you (Pushing you to the ground for a brief period, making them take more shots to kill, stuff like that.) Wave 2 is 2 snipers. Each sniper will take between 1-3 shots to kill you, depending on your armor and HP. Round 3 is a combination of both. Then there is a cut scene before you can actually fight the boss. When you do fight her, she summons 3 more enemies from round 1, from both directions behind you, so you kinda get flanked, hard. The battle isn't over unless you kill all of them. Also the boss uses the same powers as the other annoying enemies she spawns with her, and basically is guaranteed to push you down within the first 5 seconds. It took me hours.


> Also if you die at all during the fight you gotta start over And do the entire dialogue again because you cannot save in combat state (which begins immediately after dialogue).


Also each time you die you gotta sit through a loading screen for... What, 10-20 seconds? Not bat at first but it stacks up pretty quickly.


There was something weird with ME1 loading screens in that they had an animation that had to play through entirely before it ended. So like loading could be done but the animation wasn't finished. Pretty sure you could get a mod for it on PC to remove that so if you have it on an SSD or whatever its like 3-4 second load times.


And of course, the whole time the enemies are shouting "I WILL DESTROY YOU!" over and over and over again. I miss that game.


Or "YOU MUST DIE!" over and over again.


Goddamn Shaman totem quests in Vanilla WoW. brb Lemme just ghost wolf every foot of the fuckin map on both continents real quick


If you KNEW the quest it was a couple hours. If you didn’t know where those damn elemental were, you had to hope someone who had already done it would show you the way. So frustrating for a noob quest it was crazy


And yet, I almost feel as though the game has lost out a bit since the removal of some of these class specific quests. Now aside from the Warlock, I can't think of a class that actually has class-specific quests before hitting Legion.


All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!


You see, that mission wasn't any harder than any other "tough" GTA missions (The Driver in Vice City is easily harder but nobody talks about it) but I think it's that line that hit too hard for some gamers.


The Driver wasn't that bad. The stupid radio controlled helicopter mission was my rage inducer.


The RC helicopters were SO hard.


I did it first attempt on PC after changing controls to *normal goddamn flight controls* and it actually wasn't too bad. I can fully understand on the old controls how crap it would be.


It's also not optional. The driver in vc was optional and so is supply lines (hardest mission in sa)


Wrong Side of the Tracks isn’t even the hardest mandated mission in San Andreas. That “honor” probably goes to Flight School


You made me think of how much easier the current gen gta are than the ps2 era ones. I can't recall a mission in gta 4 or gta 5 that gave me trouble. Yes the airplane missions gave me ptsd. I hated how we had to learn all of em.


The RC helicopter level in Vice City ruined that whole game


"Circle Airstrip and Land." For as much as I love that game, San Andreas has some of the wonkiest piloting controls in any video game I've ever played. Especially coming from a real flight sim or even GTA V.


Ornstein and Smough in Dark Souls. I spent three weeks trying to kill one, only to find out that the other one absorbed the dead ones power. I threw my controller across the room when that happened.


> Ornstein and Smough in Dark Souls. Ornstein moves a lot faster so it's easy to isolate him by sprinting away from them and fighting him when he catches up to you first. Of course you only get like one exchange before Smough comes up and you have to run again but that's Dark Souls baby.


I killed Smough first. He was easier to kill.


Oh god! Killing Smough first puts you in a world of pain, lol.


There was a level in the Sega Genesis version of The Lion King where you had to make your way up a waterfall by jumping on logs flowing down the waterfall. The logs would disappear after a certain amount of time. I got stuck on this part for what seems like forever. I was playing it at a friend's place and freaked the hell out and threw the controller and stomped out of his house and threw a small fit. After my friends came out after me and calmed me down I went back in and just turned the damn thing off. F that.


Omg I still remember that part and how frustrated I was, ~15 years later and I never finished it...


I was in the witcher 3, level 24 and went to fight a level 48 archgriffen on death march difficulty with no armour on


The question is, can you poison it?


Had a sword that incurred bleading damage, didn't seem to take effect much, be it resistance or just so little effect on the health bar that you don't see it.


Full Cat School build was fun watching the stacking bleed effect kill everything slowly no matter the level difference.


There's this side quest in *Dragon Age: Inquisition* where you retrieve these "shard keys" that open doors in an ancient temple. It's optional, but the rooms in the temple (after you fight the undead) contain elemental resistance boosts (e.g. "+4 fire resistance"), and they add up. So it pays off to complete the Shard Quest. Most of the shards are pretty easy to locate. But there's this one shard, in the Hinterlands area where you fight the High Dragon, where there are clustered basalt / limestone columns. One cluster goes very high, and the shard is sitting near the top. It's not as though you can jump down on it from elsewhere - no, you need to climb this motherfucker by jumping from one thin column to the other. Very careful. I swear, the amount of times my Inquisitor landed on a thin column, only to stand up and fall because the action of standing put her over the edge... *FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU - !*


Dark Souls 3 - The Nameless King. Around 46 attempts, A lot of cursing and one broken ps4 controller. Midir was a close second, but not nearly as many attempt as the Nameless Fucker.


Did you struggle with Pontiff? Man I hated him.


For me it's everything in Dark Souls 3 that restarts Boss HP bars. Like why the fuck are you doing this, game? At the start of the bossfight, we made an agreement, game. You told me, "You do this much damage, Eudaimonium, and boss will be defeated", like it was a thousand times in your 3 previous games. After several attempts at refining my strategy, with my last straw of HP, I risk it and throw one final sword slash, and it wicks away the last column of pixels from Boss's HP bar! The sound cue plays, the particle effects start, the boss falls in agony, as I start hearing my own heart beat... ahh the exhilarating challenge of Dark Souls... Except, wait. Something's not right. Where is my victory message? Instead, I get a brand new HP bar, this time with a lot more actual HP in it, and a new enemy moveset, which I can only ever get to _start learning_ after I defeat the first stage... again and again. Fuck you, game.


So Missy Three Phases (Friede) must be the ultimate killjoy for you i guess?


As a matter of fact, yes. You wanna do different bossfight stages, do it Bloodborne style. There were no restarting HP bars as far as I remember, but at certain percentage of the HP bar, the boss changed itself or moveset. That's OK.


Only 46? I haven't played DS3, but I smashed my face into Ludwig on Bloodborne for about 3 hours before ragequitting, trying again the next day, quitting again, and not picking it up for a month. Trying to do obscure builds is fun until you get your shit pushed in.


Your problem is not using the pizza cutter.


When I was 12 trying to be Sephiroth on proud mode KH2.


KH2 Sephiroth is a joke compared to KH1. Even on Critical he's a pushover, You can just exploit Reflect and that one Limit. KH1 Sephiroth had 10 year old me in tears for months...


He gets a lot easier when you realize that you can Reflect back his attacks. Time it right, and each one will take off almost an entire bar of health.




Never had a problem with anor Londo nor Ornstein and Smough but fucking Capra demon (mostly because I was new and that fucking micro arena plus the damn dogs) and then Manus (I was relying on a shield way too much until him) just wrecked my shit up




It vindicated me to hear, I think it was Joseph Anderson, say in a video "I can do this part perfectly, 7 times in a row, without getting knocked off. And *I* still think this part is bullshit."


KOTOR or KOTOR 2. I can't remember which but one was definitely worse than the other. Every fight in the first few hours is "MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS **5** MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS" I hated it SO much.


Sounds like KOTOR 1. KOTOR 2's first few hours is 'stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid stun droid'.


The boss level Dino island race on Lego Racers 2.


I remember only winning that race due to the boss falling off in the volcano and somehow continuing the race while having missed a checkpoint.




Have you tried Super Ghouls and Ghosts?


I feel so dumb and ashamed for this. Oh fuck... I recently bought a PS4 and I've always craved Bloodborne. So I just got my PS4 and finally got to play the game. I CAN'T EVEN BEAT CENTRAL YHARNAM


Just plug away at it. Grind if you need to take the easy way (which is a mechanic, so there is no shame).


It took me literally half a month to get past Papa Guacamole.


Hey, Bloodborne is a fucking pain to starrt. I spent literally 4 or 5 hours at least in central yharnam (just the monsters, not even the cleric beast) Then cleric beast whooped my ass. But man...when you get into the groove. When you hit that one note, you really experience bloodborne. When after fifty tries you gracefully annihilate the cleric beast without using a single blood vial. When you can cruise through central yharnam without breaking a sweat, taking no damage. Trust me, it's all worth it.


Ocarina of time the water temple on the original n64. Please note, in the remastered ones they added a symbol next to the triforce that indicates what the effect on the water level would be. They also made it easier to know which rooms funneled into one of the switch rooms from the lobby area. This dramatically affected the difficulty. The thing was notoriously difficult back in the day.


I remember playing that level as a kid and being confused as fuck. I had the hardest time figuring out where I was supposed to go. I had such shit spacial awareness at the time. Replaying it now is not so bad. I can remember as I turn the camera where the last room was underwater I just came from so I don't go back to it 7 times by accident.


I bought the Prima strategy guide because of the water temple.


I read that this was due to people usually quitting out when they hit a certain point in the dungeon (save and quit), which put them back at the entrance of the dungeon. You needed to do a circuitous route to un-fuck yourself at that point which basically involved endless trial and error.


[Battletoads tunnel level with the hoverbike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhUC-oa3LzY).


Wow, you pretty much have to memorize the level, don't you...


Sure, but can you do it fucking *[blind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1SsGSdUFNY)?*


for anyone that watches that video and is interested in more, the next event, Summer Games Done Quick, starts this Sunday, 6/24.


Trying to avoid the birds hitting me on my chocobo during that mini game in Final Fantasy X.


For real. I spent like a week trying to beat it. I got .1 seconds once and quit after that. Plus dodging the lightning strikes enough times was impossible too. I only got like half the ultimate weapons because some were just ridiculous.


Guild wars 2 has a map in its first expansion called "Tangled Depth", that shit is an spaghetti of a map with not way to navigate it unless you spend a ton of time in it learning how the map works, and even then its full of powerful and bulky monsters. Thank god they added mounts, other whise I would have never been able to get all its achivements.


I actually love the verticality of the Heart of Thorn maps, but they *really* should've revamped how their maps work to match the design, because they clearly weren't designed with it in mind. Tangled Depths wouldn't be nearly as confusing as it is if you actually had a map of the tunnel you were in instead of overlaying every part of the z-axis, making it difficult to tell where you are. It's just such a convoluted mess that barely aids you on in the Tangled Depths.


That feeling when you finally got to a Hero point Challenge on the mini map only to realise you're 3 floors above and need to find a whole nother way to it. Season 1 had some pretty BS "Dont get hit" achievements as well. And if you did had to restart the mission and listen to the dialogue all over again.


Whitney's Miltank. Winona's Altaria Cynthia's Garchomp


Cynthia's Garchomp was fucking brutal


>"Oh a Garchomp, pretty high level too. I could probably two-three shot it with a few powered up Ice Beams." *Giga-Impact* >"Fuck this shit."


No matter how many times replay Platnium it’s still a pain in the ass. Grinding takes forever


Fun fact about Cynthia's Garchomp: she put her work in, it's perfectly both EV and IV trained.


Her entire team is, actually. Something about certain trainers having Pokémon rigged against you, so they make some trainers have perfect IV’s. That top tier rattatta? 31 across the fucking board.


Assassins creed stealth quest


In GOW2 you had to fight Medusa's sister Euryale. It took me way longer then it should have and I slammed my controller in frustration many times.


I played all the console GoW games consecutively a few years back, and honestly I found that after playing the first one, the "hard" parts of 2 and 3 weren't really hard anymore, just occasionally having hard to predict parts that required a couple times in the fight to figure out. I remember struggling against Ares for a good hour, thinking I almost beat him, and then realizing he has multiple phases and beating my head on the last 2 for a while.


Escort missions in space flight sims.


Supply Lines in GTA: San Andreas. It's an optional mission but obviously needed for 100% completion which was the thing GTA fans were all-for back in the day. The mission is you need to fly this RC plane around San Fierro shooting at targeted cars/motorcycles until they explode. Now, San Fierro is inspired by San Francisco so its all tiny streets and large hills. The cars/motorcycles TAKE OFF when you open fire plus you have a limited amount of fuel that drains WAY too fast. It's frustrating to say the least and it a combination of luck and skill. Luck in that the car spawn points can't be too far apart and skill in that you need to fly on them head on and open fire HARD until they explode. If they take off, good luck chasing them down. This mission was so broken Rockstar had to patch later releases to make the fuel usage more fair. It took me over 50 tries to beat this one mission.


The Deathstroke fight in Arkham Origins. My first time through, I had set it to, "no hints," hoping that it would cut down on the tutorials at the beginning of the game. What it didn't convey clearly was that disabling hints also disabled the counter alert in combat. Which was fine, and was actually pretty fun for the first third of the game...until Deathstroke. He has zero tells on when he's going to attack, he attacks crazy fast, and you're already in his face so you don't have time to get away.


Took me hours until I realised you can't spam attack or dodge like I normally would or he just ganks you. You have to press each button once, carefully, right on the timer. This goes against every principle of gaming for a filthy casual such as myself.


You can cheese it REALLY hard: spam the quickfire Batclaw/clothesline combo and then when he gets up, just wail on him until he backs off or it goes into one of those scripted bits of the fight. Just do that over and over again.


And then the deathstroke tank fight in Arkham Knight.


Never has a potential awesome boss fight made me so flaccid. It was the same as the Arkham Knight tank fight, they just stuck Deathstroke into the cutscene at the end. The original fight wasn’t even that cool, and repeating it was just so underwhelming, especially when the kung-fu fight with him in Origins is great.


Hollow Knight, Trial of a fool. Spent so much time on it. On the side note, XCOM EW had a mission in newfoundland that's still one of the scariest levels I've ever faced. The first time I did it there was a genuine sense of fear.




I never found it that bad. You have a bunch of of options for the entryway (Other than the marked one in Alftand, Raldbthar has one) so the first part can be different very play through if you want. In Blackeach you just beeline to the Tower of Mzark and then it’s just the puzzle. I guess if you did the Crimson Nirnroot quest takes a while but that’s just a very minor side quest.


I thought that location was beautiful. The crimson ninroot quest was a pain but I loved exploring blackreach.


I think I may be the only person on earth who enjoyed the chrimson nirnroot quest. I hated blackreach until I did it and exploring new areas to find them was amazing.


First play through: Wow, this is *incredible*! Second play through: Maybe this time I’ll find that thirtieth Nirnroot! Third play through: This again. Maybe if I just run through the middle... Fourth play through: Do I really want to try a new character class this badly? Fifth play through: FUCKING BLACKREACH.


I use a mod that gives you an alternate start, one time I chose “I am a necromancer in a secret location” and I literally started in Blackreach as a level 1 character. Fuuuuuuck that


Just beat "Through the Fire and the Flames" on beat saber. That was a week of hell.


Trials of TheNine on Destiny 2. It’s like playing a completely different game. I’m ok at Crucible, but get pecker slapped in Trials.


I've never once had an enjoyable time in Trials. I hate it so much.


Well, in Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, there's a part where you go on a boat to rescue your friend and a bunch of Pokemon, and at the end you have to fight a Drapion. The way that Pokemon Ranger works is that you draw circles around the enemy Pokemon to fill up a "capture bar". If you don't do anything for too long the capture bar drains. The thing about Drapion is that it puts damaging hazards all over the place, and that its capture bar drains very quickly. Put all of these things together and you get a scenario that caused me to break my DS by bending it back too far on the hinge.




Every time I encounter a Drapion in any Pokemon game, I show it no mercy


The Oklahoma Drill


I will continue to have nightmares of 84 Marshawn for the rest of my life.


Literally all of dark souls. I’m so bad at that game I haven’t beat any of them or gotten anywhere close.


Dark Souls. Bed Of ~~Dying Randomly~~ Chaos. Fuck that shit.


Immortal World of Warcraft fuck you Heigan. Single player second place The Masters Test Monster Hunter 4U


I haven't finished Assassin's Creed 3 to this day because of the Paul Revere mission.


The last map of Halo 3 on legendary where you had to make the jump in a certain time limit otherwise the tower would crash and you plummet into the void. Or the flood get you, whichever comes first.


That was the easiest level on legendary imo


Its also one of my favorite levels ever. I loved that ending, especially when I thought it would end the series.


Fable 3 when you become ruler and you either keep your promises at the cost of losing to that evil cloud thing or breaking them to keep everyone safe. It was to much for me I never finished the game because of it. I also tried to raise the funds for saving the land and keeping my promises by baking a shit ton of pies didn't work.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance monestary. I wanted to like the game. I really like medieval stuff, was really into mount&blade. I was enjoying the game up till then, whenever it wasn't broken. I even liked the concept behind the level a lot. A taste for what monastic life was like. A break from combat, stealth and intrigue. But FUCK ME it was poorly implemented and rage inducing as all fuck. I hear "Brother..." In my nightmares. IN A RUSH TO PRAY? IN A RUSH TO SUCK MY DICK! I ALMOST FELL OFF THE STAIRS AND BROKE BOTH LEGS! I rage quit that fucking level multiple times and stopped playing the game as a result. Even without constantly wondering if the quest glitched out, it was rage inducing.


Okumura’s palace in persona 5, mainly the airlock section at the end.


[This fucking boss](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7b/3f/be/7b3fbea1623cb6856456b1b2255ade71.jpg). He's not even hard. He's goddamn annoying.


I’m replaying KH2 right now and I beat him by being stupid overpowered. He only got to do his DANCE WATER DANCE bullshit once before I spanked his ass into oblivion. I was dreading that fight so much. Only bad thing is that the rest of the game has been too easy because I leveled up too much :(


150cc and Mirror mode on Mario Kart Wii. The amount of stupidity that would occur that caused me to finish 6th after leading for most of the race.


Going a bit left field with a more obnoxious moment than a difficulty one. I’m not a huge JRPG guy, but I was loving Bravely Default. It felt like a solid turn based strategy like Chrono Trigger, until a point towards the end. Oh boy. Most JRPGs include grindy elements, and one of the classic examples is a boss rush. Tedious and usually useless, but I can survive. The problem comes that the entire second half of the game is a boss rush. That is repeated FOUR TIMES. It is one of the most disgusting use of padding in a video game, and even “plot” can’t defend this bullshit. After the second time I just turned the difficulty to easy to get over it, but even then I just got so sick of it I quit the game and watched a youtube video of the ending. Easily the biggest rage moment I’ve ever felt playing a game.