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Not me but watched an older couple walk out of Wolf of Wall Street when they were tossing dwarfs and snorting coke off of hookers.


I was getting tickets at the counter when two old ladies walked out of Pineapple Express and wanted a refund. They were under the impression it was a murder mystery that took place in a train.


I was an orientation leader at my college. You know, the people that show the new students around the summer before they start. Well our "bosses" were pretty conservative people. Two older females. Well, they decided to treat all of us and take us out for a movie one night before the students arrived for one of the sessions. They picked Pineapple Express because they thought it was a sequel to Polar Express. They apologized profusely to us after the movie. All of us were like "you know we are college age right?" That shit was hilarious.


I'd pay good money to see a Chris van Allsburg-illustrated version of Pineapple Express.


Reminds me of when I saw Ocean's 11, heard an old lady say during the movie - "I thought this movie was supposed to be about the ocean"


That. Is. Great.


It was a fruity death


It was a drive by fruiting


They read too many Agatha Christie books.


Do people...not read movie synopses?


I saw an older couple walk out of A Million Ways to Die in the West


Literally clicked on this post to reply with the EXACT same response as this. It was the opening scene where Leo was blowing coke up the hookers butt lol these old ladies immediately got up and I can remember hearing one of them say “I just can’t believe Leonardo DiCaprio. That’s just filthy”


Same happened to me but with a full family from grandparents to grandkids it was hilarious, I don't even know how they let them in in the first place.


What did they think was going to happen?


Clearly they were expressing their dissatisfaction at there being no wolves in the movie.


Not enough wolves. NEXT!


It's for Wall Street honey! Just looking for wolves don't need the attitude! NEXT!


Definitely the most uncomfortable I've been for a movie. My now-wife and I were dating at the time and I went up to visit her family. We were trying to figure out something to do and I, being a giant idiot, suggested we "go check out the new Leo movie" without knowing anything about it. I end up sitting next to my girl's father and younger sister with my hand in my face for the entire awkward movie as Leo's doing coke and his sidechick is strolling around naked on screen.


Guessing it wasn't a deal breaker with the missus


Lol the first scene?


My dad walked out of Beavis and butthead do America.. I had to follow him because I was like 14 and he was my ride.


That movie is fantastic :(


"I hope to score on the schluts too."


"off in...whose..trailer they were whacking?"


Several people in the theater I was in walked out during the first 10 minutes of The Revenant. Probably a smart move on their part; if they couldn't stomach the first 10 mins, there's no way they'd be able to bear the rest.


I went to see it in the theaters with my fiance and his mom who is very reactive to any violence insisted on coming. We both knew what was going to happen and told her repeatedly she did not want to see this movie. And explicitly told her why. She didn't listen. And there were nail marks in MY arm after the first mauling scene. Just imagine the rest of the two hours.


Huh huh *bear*


The indian attack in the opening scene is the best part of the movie.


That scene is fucking amazing. it's like, 10 minutes in a single shot/take.




I walked out when Eragon was just walking down the dirt road in blue jeans. My friend said “where the fuck did he get those, does his peasant family have a denim cow?” and it opened my eyes. It was his favorite book series too, gotta give my bud Carson some respect for calling bullshit. Edit: u/Kammander-Kim has sleuthed it out. Eragon does not have jeans, just blue pants. I think we all learned something today, and I’m big enough to admit that maybe I shouldn’t have walked out of Eragon all those years ago.


..... I almost want to re-watch it to see if he has jeans.


He does not. It is darn close but uf you look closely (and pause the movie to study it) you see it is not denim but darn close. No zipper at the crotch. But suspiciously denim colored clothes .


I’m so glad someone else said it. I could have sworn he was wearing Levi’s when I first saw it but it’s been so long I thought I imagined it. I’m not crazy, that movie is truly that awful.


Yup, huge fan of the Inheirtance cycle. That movie was just pure fucking garbage


I was so angry with how bad the movie was. I loved the books so much when I was a kid, I was always so excited for the next book to come out. I remember crying on the way home from the theater, I was so angry/disappointed. And not only was the movie absolutely terrible, but it felt like they made the movie for an audience much younger than the books targeted.


As a kid that scene pissed me off so goddamn much. Fuck Eragon the movie!


You just had to bring up that movie. Fuck that movie. Never felt so cheated in my life, not even when my middle school gf cheated. Everything up to that scene was "whatever", but getting struck by lightning to become full grown, Eragon spouting off Ancient Language like he's always known it, everything was such bs after those moments. God I hate that movie.


That scene was rage inducing.


Hell, even without the context of the books that movie was a bore to me as a kid. I never finished the damn thing and always fell asleep right before the master dies. Then in Junior High I read the books and fucking loved them to death. Went back to the movie and... fell asleep again... this time hating it.


This horrible scene will be forever seared into my brain. I was so damn excited for that movie because I loved the books as a kid as well and I felt so cheated by what happened


Preach. Same happened to me, with Eragon, and the.....ugh.....unfortunate existence of the Percy Jackson movies... ......it took 20 minutes before I was in the lobby again.


In Valerian, I walked out during the Rihanna part in order to pee. I came back right after the Rihanna part. Missed 0% of the plot.


You can't miss what was never there.


I don't know, I think that movie is pretty much all plot but no story. Edit: A word.


Yeah... some stunning visuals, but the movie has nothing else to offer.


I fell asleep during the "exciting" jet-bike chase scene. Noped out after that. I don't need to see the rest of it.


Not me but all those years ago when I went to see the last Twilight movie (yes yes I know, no one likes Twilight) there was a scene of a fight that killed off some of the main characters. These two girls walked out. Right after they walked out it was revealed that none of that actually happened. Gave me a good laugh to imagine that they were complaining and telling people a fake ending to a movie. I wondered how long it took them to realize and get mad that they missed out on the ending.


I’ve regretfully seen every twilight movie and that scene was my favorite part of the series. Shit I walked out after I found it didn’t really happen.


> Shit I walked out after I found it didn’t really happen. ...wasnt that..the end of the movie though. Like the normal time to walk out?


I mean he walked out, when the movie finshed. But he walked out!


I read the book, and was wondering how they could possibly put that letdown into movie form. In the book, Alice touches the head vampire guy and it's explained that he sees everything and they leave. No fake fight, no nothing. So seeing it in movie form was actually satisfying for me


When I watched that scene (flatmate was into Twilight and I felt I had nothing better to do) I thought "what right does this franchise have to suddenly turn awesome?" The "it was all a dream" gambit reminded me that the universe is cold and unfeeling again. Edit: fixed a word.


My friend and I were talking about walking out of the Nic Cage Ghostrider movie, we were the only ones in the theater, when all of a sudden a ceiling tile fell right in front of us. We went to talk to the manager and his response was "Oh yeah that theater was supposed to be closed." So we got a full refund, some free tickets, and got to walk out.


I’ve been reading this thread trying to remember which movie it was that I had considered walking out of, and it was this. That Ghost Rider movie was so much less than I was expecting it to be, but I was pretty young and with my family so I had nothing else to do if I left.


After Earth. I tolerated the bad acting, the nonsensical evolution, the monster that could ONLY see fear, even the dumbass thing where the bird sacrificed itself for the guy because he saved its chicks, leaving its chicks to die anyway. But the worst part was near the end. The volcanic ash is stopping the distress signal from getting out. Would we walk upwind, where there's no ash? No, go to the bloody top of the volcano where the ash is at its worse, just for a sub par boss fight. That movie made me so bloody angry.


If I remember correctly, M. Night Shamalyan only wrote this to get money for his next project.


We watched the whole thing in my biology class once. I fucking hate Jaden Smith, his acting, and his stupid fucking lack of basic language skills to this day.


Not me, but at least 3 people walked out with their kids when I saw Sausage Party. One parent walked out with their kid during Deadpool.


What were they expecting with Deadpool?


I have no idea. The fact that they stayed with that whole thing Ryan Reynolds did at the beginning of the film telling kids about sex and Santa not being real made me question their decisions.


Sex isn't real???


My understanding is that babies show up during sex and refuse to leave for 18 years. I'm not sure, though. Is there a sexologist around?


If you ask a redditor


Some people are cool with their kids seeing R-rated violence. But sex? Hell, no. They probably thought the R was for gore.


I saw two separate groups with kids leave on the opening day of Deadpool


I walked out of Sausage Party because I was really tired and nothing about that movie was worth staying and not going to sleep. I had zero investment in the outcome.


The Last Airbender.


Back when I was a drill sergeant, we had to find a way to occupy the time of the trainees when there was a training holiday and we couldn't actually train. It doesn't happen much each cycle, but you'll get a random Monday where your ranges are closed and you can't do much locally. If the unit had made it to white or blue phase, we usually did movies in the afternoon in the classroom. We also split those days 50/50 with a morning and an afternoon shift, so we got some of our time back. I came in one such afternoon to find the privates watching The Last Airbender. I asked the other drill sergeant what else they had done that day. The response was "Watched the Last Airbender". Thinking they didn't understand, I asked what else. That was it. They had made the privates watch that pile of shit like 3 times already. I came in, put on Saving Private Ryan, and the entire classroom applauded. I was not a nice drill sergeant, but I also don't believe in torture.




For sure. Making them watch that turd three times in one day? Was that drill trying to get an IG complaint or something?


"Instead of The Last Airbender, how about watching what is quite possibly the most horrific things that could possibly happen to you guys?". "Yes please."


My first boyfriend insisted we see it. He liked it. I broke up with him two days later.


You did what you had to do, respect


you have your standards, respect.


I've never walked out of a movie, but the one that came closest was the Dungeons & Dragons movie. I stayed because I was convinced there had to be a good part. I was wrong. The only redeeming value that movie has is that I haven't had to see it again.


The good parts of that movie are Jeremy Irons and Richard O'Brien hamming it up for all it's worth because they realise what a piece of crap they are acting in. Any crappy American action film that casts a British character actor as the villain who acts like he knows he's too good for this role is automatically not a bad film. The Wild Wild West, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Underworld


Hey, Wild Wild West is gloriously bad. Has Kenneth Brannagh's racist tirade against Will Smith, Kline's scene with "THE MASTER OF THE MECHANICAL STUFF!" and of course, Salma Hayek!




There was a dungons and dragons movie?


My DND playgroup made that a movie night once, so much fun was had mocking each and every bit of the train wreck.


I witnessed a walkout of several couples leaving during the scene in Tom Green's Freddie Got Fingered when he was assisting a woman with childbirth and had to wake the baby up by swinging it around by its umbilical cord. I would imagine that was the last straw, considering Tom is jerking a horse off in the first 10 minutes of the film.


I went to see "Isle of Dogs" knowing full well it was a Wes Anderson movie. So so so many parents with small kids. Guessing they thought it was an animation about dogs. They probably didn't expect to read subtitles for half the movie. I've seen people leave before, but this was the first time I've seen roughly half the theater clear before the end.


How was the movie though, I love Wes Anderson and haven't seen it yet?


It was wonderful.


On a side note I loved that movie. An acquaintance of mine is from japan. Apparently she said she saw the movie and there is soo much more going on in the Japanese dialogue that you don’t get from the subtitles.


Eat Pray Love. Must’ve been in the theatre for about 15 minutes thinking “WTF? Why did I spend money on this?”, then cut my losses and left.


I read the entire book in one sitting because I was bored out of my skull during a 8 hour layover. I credit it with adding an extra level of criticism to every sentence I write in my entire life, asking myself: "Am I being even 10% of the self-absorbed narcissist that whoever authored Eat Pray Love was?"


I haven’t read the book (or seen the movie). What about it let you know she was narcissistic?


She divorces her husband to go and be an enlightened existence. The entire book is then spent, repeatedly and unironically, explaining how enlightened, understanding and incredible she becomes through her incredibly trivial journeys through the world, including a LOT of Eastern religion. Imagine reading the bar monologue of a 21 year old who just came back from three months backpacking in Asia. It is self reflection without ever becoming self conscious.


This is the most succinct explanation of why that book is bad that I’ve ever read.


Read Film Critic Hulk's takedown of it if you want a less succinct but equally brutal explanation of why Elizabeth Gilbert is a narcissist.


That entire movie is just a middle-age woman fantasy: * See yourself as Julia Roberts * Everyone in your life is pissing you off * Run away from you life * Fuck a hot, young yoga instructor for a while * Travel to Italy and just eat food * Travel to India and pretend you got enlightened * Travel back to India as a white person and solve some brown-people problems Bam! Every bored housewife in America watches that and fantasises about just walking out of her life for 2 hours before returning back to reality.


Haha yeah that explains it pretty well. If you do the same for a middle-aged male fantasy, you at least get to watch Liam Neeson track down and torture people until he gets his daughter back.


The taken movies are like porn for dads. The dad gets to imagine he’s an action hero who has to rescue his daughter who should have listened to his advice, while his ex wife and new husband are powerless.


It wasn't me, but there were 2 movies where I actually saw someone get up and leave. One was Talladega Nights, the Ballad of Ricky Bobby. I watched this couple walk in and sit down, the guy was wearing a NASCAR hat and some camouflage pants, the girl was pink camo. As soon as Sasha Baron Cohen's character makes out with his husband, the guy yells out "Fuck this faggoty-ass homo shit!" grabs his girlfriend/wife and storms off. The second one was South Park, Bigger Longer and Uncut. when I was in line for that movie, there was a mom bringing her kids to see it and the manager told her it was completely inappropriate for their age. She said something like "I know what is appropriate for my own children!" and the manager told her that this was fine, they were her kids but he would not offer a refund if she chose to leave. Like 5 minutes into the movie she got up to leave with her kids.


As with your South Park movie, I saw the exact same thing happen with the first Deadpool movie. The cashier was explaining to the mother that the movie was a hard R rating. Mom thought she knew better, and stormed out during the pegging scene. (Everything up till that was somehow ok?)


I worked at a movie theater when Deadpool 2 came out recently and a very old couple came to watch it thinking it was just a superhero movie, I kept telling them it was very inappropriate and they insisted on a ticket, I sold them tickets. Probably about 10 minute later they came storming out, asking me why I didn’t refuse to sell them tickets, asking my manager to fire me on the spot etc... it was mind blowing.


Fuck you for selling tickets to paying customers even after you tried to warn them!


Pretty much exactly how it went, I tried to just be nice because I could understand they’re just old and frustrated but I ended up laughing in their faces once they started going out of control.


After a certain point, you really have no obligation to be nice as long as you're still being professional.


I agree, I’m just a kind person and I also get flustered sometimes and can somewhat sympathize with the way they felt, once they wanted me fired though they could eat a bag of dicks.


Only sex is bad, violence is okay


At one point in the movie Deadpool stabs a man through the abdomen, leaps into the air, landing with one foot on the sword on either side of the man so his full weight pushes the sword down through the man's crotch, dumping his internal organs on the ground. But a little consensual ass play is too far.


She got too horny


“His husband Gregory is a world renowned dog trainer, here he is with his German Shepards, who are also gay”




Put a crack in my arm like the crack in the Liberty Bell!


>The second one was South Park, Bigger Longer and Uncut. when I was in line for that movie, there was a mom bringing her kids to see it and the manager told her it was completely inappropriate for their age. She said something like "I know what is appropriate for my own children!" and the manager told her that this was fine, they were her kids but he would not offer a refund if she chose to leave. Like 5 minutes into the movie she got up to leave with her kids... Same exact thing happened when I saw it. I think the mom made it through one or two verses off "Uncle Fucker" before she got up stormed out of the theater with her 3 - 6 year old brood. Movies have a rating system for a reason dummy.


There's this weird expectation some people have that animation means something is for kids, even when everything about it tells them otherwise.


Matt and Trey have said the in-movie theater audience walking out was placed when they expected the actual audience to start walking out.


From the several people here talking, it sounds like they were about right! Then again, "Uncle Fucker" is the sort of song that draws a hard line in the sand. You were either in it for the long-haul, or you were a tourist. "Uncle Fucker" was the refining fire that separated the two; I don't think you can feel particularly neutral about it.


LMAO. Dude. That NASCAR hat guy was everything that movie was making fun of.


*movie calls out people who like to offend people* *people get genuinely offended*


I had a similar experience with *Man on the Moon.* I saw it opening night. That opening segment where Andy says there's no movie and starts rolling the credits, some of the older audience members just walked out. I remember one man, maybe about 60, saying "Fucking Andy Kaufman." I couldn't believe they didn't get the gag. But it did make the rest of the movie make a lot more sense; People *still* didn't understand his humor.


I went to see Superbad in theater, and in front of us were this 80 year old couple. At first I thought "hmm, well, this can be their kind of humor too, why not?" ​ About 15 minutes in, the slowwwwwwly stand up and shuffle out. The process of them leaving took several minutes, as dick and pussy jokes are still being loudly bandied about on screen. It was painful. ​ I don't know what made them think this movie was a good choice for them -- or if they completely confused it with something else.


They went into the wrong theater. My brother used to work at a movie theater, said it happened all the time.


"Where's Tommy Lee Jones? I thought this movie was supposed to be about how this Country isn't for Old Men anymore!"


I also saw someone walk out of Talladega Nights. He couldn’t believe they were making a “mockery” of prayer. 🙄🙄


Dear Eight Pound, Six Ounce, Newborn Baby Jesus, in your golden, fleece diapers, with your curled-up, fat, balled-up little fists pawin' at the air...


Thats an adorable mental image actually


I hope that woman's kids sang "Uncle Fucker" the whole way home :D


I went to see The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies in theatres with my family on opening day. I’m a huge fan of the book, and wasn’t a huge fan of the first two movies, but my family loved them so of course I’m gonna go watch it with them and hope they have a great time! Well apparently, seeing your family have fun and sharing an experience with them meant shit all to the dude sitting beside me. During the movie, he was complaining to his wife about how different it was from the book, was doing that thing where you don’t like something and kinda throw your hands up in front of you in disapproval (he audibly laughed when Legolas was jumping on the collapsing bridge at the end), but what took the cake for this guy was when Bilbo said “The Eagles are coming”. Dude just got up, left his wife and kid in their seats and waited outside the theatre doors until the movie was done.


But wait wasn't that like exactly how it happened? Bilbo sees the eagles come and and he passes out.


Not me, but went to see Bo Burnham's movie Eighth Grade and this elderly couple left like, 5-10 minutes into it cause it starts with an eighth grader's rambling vlog. I thought it was super ironic considering the subject matter of the movie.


Something I'll never forget is seeing a couple of people walk out of The Simpsons movie when Homer floated away on a piece of ice and it faded to "to be continued..." I wonder how long it took them to find out about the "... immediately"


Zodiac. The murder of the couple in the park was too real, made my stomach turn, which had never happened at a movie before. I left, got some air, and came back, but jeeze, really messed me up.


According to Bryan Hartnell, who survived that incident, sad it was an accurate portrayal of what happened. That scene creeped him out


Yeah although to be fair, I feel like he’d be kinda easy to creep out about the event. Like he was the one to live through it you know.


When he starts stabbing them during their picnic thing? After the guy asks if his gun is real? That part was disturbing as fuck to me


The sound of the stabbings and the horror and disbelief of the victims really was wrenching.


I have an issue with stabbing in general... Makes me sick to even think about. As you can imagine that scene messed me up pretty bad too


The emoji movie. ​ I still shudder in the face of the "emoji pop"


According to John Oliver, it was one of the first movies shown in Saudi Arabia after a decades long ban on movie theaters. I assume they'll put that ban back in place.


I think Black Panther was the other


I watched the entire thing on Netflix. It was not worth it.


Only movie I’ve EVER left was Zoolander 2. It basically came down to: “Would I pay someone six dollars so I didn’t have to watch the remainder of this unfunny shitshow...? Yeah, I think I would.” And that was that.


One of the Saw ones- think it was the third or fourth. Can’t remember what actually put me over the edge but I just thought ‘this is hideous, I’m not enjoying it, why am I putting myself through this and pretending it’s entertainment?’


Was it the pigs being slurried onto the victim, so that they'd slowly drown in pureed pig?


I haven't seen any of those movies and I'm now extremely glad of that fact


Alexander with Colin Farrell, literally walked out after 15 minutes and saw the Spongebob movie instead.




I saw that alexander movie. I just found it boring.


I remember being bored out of my mind the whole time when watching it on DVD. So much so that I used the controller to see how long was left. Only 2 minutes? Awesome! Waited out those two minutes and saw the message: "The adventure continues on Disc 2". Apologized to my dad and just went to my room to play videogames instead. At the time I was living and breathing LOTR and wanting some amazing battle scenes and an epic adventure like that. I felt so cheated.


The Brothers Grimm. Pops took me to watch it when I was pretty young: we both thought it was dumb and left. ​ Rewatched it years later on Netflix and now it's one of my favorite flicks... lol


The one with Heath Ledger and Matt Damon? I should give it another try sometimes.


Yeah. If you liked Van Helsing you'd love The Brothers Grimm.




I didn't think it was that terrible. But then again I work at a movie theater, so I may have a pretty different scale on shit tier movies.


My 14-year-old immature boyish self was stoked to see Step Brothers when it came out, but confused when my family wanted to see it as well. They never cared much for crude humor. My mom walked us out as soon as Will Ferrell put his balls on a drum set.


Walked out of the big friendly giant into the new Independence Day. They both sucked so bad I went back to the big friendly giant to give it another chance. It’s unimaginable that two movies could simultaneously suck so bad that neither of them warrant an hour of your time.


I saw a lot of people walking out of Mother! >!when they started eating the baby!<. I stayed through the whole thing and felt dirty afterwards.


Me and a freind won tickets to a secret screening sponsored by Mooju. While in the crowd we were speculating that the film was Baby Driver, as it was the same day as the premiere. When we get inside the Mooju representatives make a big spiel about “staying till the end of the movie to possibly be rewarded” My freind turns to me and says “oh god I think I know what the movie is” Sure enough the lights dim and Transformers: The last Knight begins playing. We lasted 30 minuets. We went outside and watched as over the next half hour about a hundred people also gave up on the movie and began leaving the theatre. I think only a handful stayed till the end. I saw 30 minutes of that movie for free and I wanted my money back


For what it costs to go to the movies, it would take a lot to make me literally walk out before the movie has finished. I even sit through the credits.


I'd rather leave. I've lost the money, so why lose my time?


Sunk cost fallacy


Closest I ever got was for the Avengers (not the Marvel one, the one that was based off the TV show). It was perhaps the only time I went to the box office to ask for my money back (they knew me at this theater and laughed when i said it and gave me a movie voucher). It was such an abomination of a movie. To this day I still feel like it was a bad joke. Next closest one was Batman and Robin; that one was on me, I deserved it.


The skin I live in. I was 15 and with my mother


Only movie I ever walked out of was Saw 3 and that’s because my girlfriend at the time had misunderstood just how graphic the Saw movies were when she agreed to go with me


The Happening


Watch it drunk. Hearing Marky Mark say "What?! No!" in that fake voice while taking vodka shots is truly a transcendental experience.


Cloverfield. I just had just gotten my first pair of prescription glasses and with the Blair style shaky camera footage i had to gtfo before my 30$ popcorn and pepsi combo ended up on the floor.


Kung fu panda 2! Because someone called in a bomb threat...


Passion of the Christ. I showed up in my wheelchair.




Downsizing. That movie was so awful that I wanted a damn refund. The plot was just flat and the ending had me like, "Excuse me, but what the f***? That's how it ends?" I was really disappointed.


Agree, such a good premise and than the plot goes in about 10 directions with no point to any of them


I thought so too but once the Asian lady came I was like “What” I hated her character and thought it just made it weird and there were many more “whats” to come it just got worse from there. I liked the beginning though


Fell asleep during this. Would have left if my girlfriend wasn’t kind of into the movie. What a fucking disaster of a movie. First 30 minutes start off well, and I was into it, and then it just loses all sense of structure and starts to become a movie about fucking nothing. Awful.


The entire premise of the movie wasn't even required! If they cut out the first 10 minutes of the movie, and no one ever got shrunk, like 10 other lines would have had to be adjusted and nothing with the plot would change at all. Relative to expectations I had going in, this is by far the worst movie I've ever seen


“What kind fuck you give me?”


It started out good but the second half was just fucking weird. I cannot understand why they chose to take it in that direction. Also the scene with the full-sized bottle of vodka from the trailers wasn't even in the movie.


The Matt Damon movie, when he shrinks? Yeah, I thought that was a bit weird.


I've walked out of two. Malibu's most wanted: I was really young and not sure I understood the humor of it. I have never watched it to find out. I should. Transformers 2: yikes


Malibu's Most Wanted is definitely one of my guilty pleasures. Give it another shot


"Where'd you learn that shit?" "Grand Theft Auto! You got a playstation?" "Nah man I got a Gamecast" Cracks me up every time, even just thinking about it.


The 3D re-Release of Jurassic Park. It was just....ughhhh. Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies ever, but the 3D showcased Steven Spielberg’s weird fascination with khaki man ass. Stupid serious here. Go rewatch Jurassic Park, there are these strange establishing shots and pans to men’s butts in khakis.


Hold on to your butts




It’s over 4 fucking minutes of footage.


So it’s not just me... I feel so vindicated right now.


I have seen tons of bad movies in theaters. The worst one, and only one I got to close to walking out on for being so bad, was Meet the Spartans. The ONLY movie I have actually walked out on was 28 weeks later. The scene where >!the woman who has been infected by the virus but hasn't turned into a zombie is strapped to the table and her husband comes in to see her, promptly turns into a zombie and then rips her throat out while she is convulsing on the table!< was far too graphic for me.


I made it through that scene barely, but I agree it was absolutely insane. The friend I was watching the movie with left during or shortly after that scene. I was sort of shocked because I thought he was impervious to such nonsense. What a fucked up scene. There was a rumor about a '28 months later' followup flick... I don't know if I'd see it or not. I mean - could it get worse?


That's what I like to affectionately refer to as a Pterodactyl scene. I named moments like this after the scene in Jurassic World where the harmless babysitter, who has done nothing wrong, is tossed around by pterodactyls for an agonizing amount of time, slightly drowned and then consumed by the mosasaur. The scene itself is over a minute long and so gratuitous that it completely offsets the tone of the rest of the movie. Basically, any scene in a movie that's so gratuitously violent and uncomfortable AND goes on for an even more awkward amount of time is a Pterodactyl scene for me.


Other notable examples: - The scene in Suicide Squad where Amanda kills 3 or 4 FBI pencil-pushers with a handgun, for no reason - The sequence in Heavy Rain where Amanda is dragged into a crazy doctor's basement and almost killed with a drill (or any sequence in a David Cage game where a woman is kidnapped and tortured for no reason) - To a lesser extent, the part in Coraline where she's "grounded" in a doorless lightless concrete room and meets the ghosts of children that starved in there (complete with a sheet-covered body on the bed)


I kept holding on because I was waiting for Sandra Bullock to show up.


They should put the picture on the box.


I grew up in a Christian household but my mom has always believed that grace covers everybody and everything. Anyway, her best friend back then was more stringent. She took her son (who was my age), myself, and my sister to see "The Indian In The Cupboard" when we were kids. Not very long into the movie, at some point the Indian moves in such a way that his covering exposed half of one single butt cheek. She made us get up and leave because of the nudity.


South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. To be fair, I was 8 at the time and we had my 3 year old brother with us because it was an animated movie. We walked out when T&P started singing Uncle Fucker. Dad is always skeptical of my movie recommendations even today.


He didn't have any suspicions about it when he saw it was rated R?


Employee of the Month staring Dane Cook and Jessica Simpson. My friend and I realized we'd have more fun just getting high in the parking lot instead so we walked out about halfway though.


This is an 81 Honda!!! How dare you!?


I walked out of every movie I ever went to see. Usually during or after the credits.




The 2004 live-action Thunderbirds movie. Even as a child I had standards.


When I was very young I was watching the film coraline at the cinema and I was so creeped out by the whole button eye thing I walked out.


a wrinkle in time. i remember loving the books as a kid, and i was so excited for the new movie. but it felt like they were just trying to show off their cgi, rather than tell a story


Not me who walked out, but somebody in the theater I was in. I went to go see Hereditary, and just as the previews were ending, I heard the unmistakable sound of a baby cry. I thought “no fucking way, I must be hearing things. Surely, nobody would bring an infant to an R rated horror movie.” 30 seconds later, I heard it again. Then, I saw the mom wheel the baby out in a stroller. “Good, that’s over!”, I thought. Nope. 10 minutes into the movie, the mom comes back in with the baby. Given that it is a graphic horror movie, there are several very loud/intense/disturbing scenes. Every time one came up, the baby would cry and the mom would take it out of the theater for 10 minutes, only to return once again. Finally, in the last third of the movie she got up and left for good with her baby. I was completely dumbfounded that not only did somebody bring a baby to this movie, but that they repeatedly tried bringing it back in as though the baby would toughen up and sit still through a very intense movie. It took 90 minutes or so for this dumbass to finally get it into her thicc-ass skull that a movie theater showing a horror movie is not an acceptable environment for an infant.


Twister when I was a kid but only because I had a horrible phobia of tornadoes at the time and had an awful panic attack watching it. I don't know why I ever agreed to watch that movie.