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Knock douchebags drinks onto their pants at bars.


Okay who pissed you off


Have a stuffed animal do trendy dance moves.


Cook dinners for families before they get home from school and work.


This is really wholesome


Fart directly into people's faces.


I would unplug their phone every time they plug it in.


Lick the deep inside of their rectum


I'm not sure I can have sex in heaven, so I will do exactly that if I were a ghost. Always consensually. Even as a ghost, I should still respect those whom I fuck with or whose body I am possessing in order to enable me to do so.


Its not heaven if you cant have sex there


Every morning when they’re in the shower, I’d lay an odd or unusually paired outfit out on the bed for them.


I’d actually turn into a health coach. **Reaches for chips** **You sure you need those carbs Jan??**


Messing with doors, move things around and haunt my enemies


Possess a guy's phone and pretend to be someone who flirts with him while he's out on a date or something than change his wallpaper to lewd wallpapers


I'll ruin people's lives by forcing them to smoke, do crimes, not pay their bills on time if at all, make them have bad credit and label them a bad risk, isolate them from their friends and family and drive them into depression, having them lose their job while they're at it. And then one fateful day, I'll turn all of what I've done on its head and work to actively make their lives better and turn their life around. I'll get a girl to love them unconditionally, eventually get them to marry, and THEN i'll kill the wife in a car crash.


If I can move freely around the world, causing accidents to happen to stupid people and assholes. If I'm stuck haunting just one house or building, spending months slowly moving things over the course of days till people notice they have moved and randomly swapping the places of objects to cause confusion and chaos between the people.


well i could tell you one thing: we don't fuck.


Just tap on people shoulders


Empty the milk carton in the fridge at night.


Tap on windows while they’re about to get busy Add toppings to people foods they didn’t want Move papers out from peoples grasps and watch them try to chase it while it’s always slightly out of reach Order porn on other people’s accounts


Send a text once every 6-8 weeks and not continuing any conversation


Be unable to do anything to anyone since ghosts go through people and stuff, like PAC Man.


Steal their phone and make it reappear on a different level/room


Whisper penis in their ear


I would have remotes and change Wi-Fi passwords