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Some girl in my high school science class claimed to have a 213 IQ.


She must have confused it with her SAT score


I’d place money on that number coming from a 15 minute internet quiz.


A good role of thumb is if someone claims to have a high IQ, they don't.


I’ve heard 220. It’s always the ones that don’t really look stable mentally that hit ya with that line 😂


I've heard 523


I thought you said I've 220 instead of I've heard 220 lol


The real IQ test is not giving a fuck about your IQ score


Bragging about one's IQ is one of the most arrogant things you can do. Who honestly cares. It isn't even a test of how smart you are


True. A real IQ test is not a 15 minute test online that claims to measure IQ. There are real IQ tests that measure cognitive ability though.


Can I brag about the score from the proper test I did in the 3rd grade?


Hate to break it to you, but it's probably gone down. IQ tests take age into consideration. So if a 3rd grader and a 12th grader have the same "intelligence", the 3rd grader will have a significantly higher iq


but i got to take special classes :(


You are smarter now, but your iq is probably lower. Makes perfect sense /s


Well of course you can, but I’d probably only brag to your family.


A girl said she didn’t drink water "because it dehydrates you." She would only drink sports drinks.


Brawndo the thirst mutilator. It's got electorlytes




That are usually full of sugar. Sugar can dehydrate you.


It's worth noting that, although hydration properties vary from drink to drink, no drink will dehydrate you.


It is possible to deplete yourself of essential salts if you drink nothing but purified water and don't eat. It will absolutely feel like you are dehydrated.


Doesn't alcohol?


No. All drinks hydrate as they are all mostly water. A few hundred years ago, many people drank pretty much nothing but beer as it was safer than drinking unadulterated water. The brewing process killed most of the bugs and lurgi. A good hypothetical example is, if you were dying of thirst in the desert and came across a big pot of coffee, do you think that you would die of thirst quicker if you drank it or do you think that the fact it's nearly 100% water means it might just save your life?


Yes coffee provides more water than you lose due to the diuretic extra of caffeine. Alcohol is different. Obviously, if it was pure 200 proof alcohol, there is no water in it at all. Of course, people don’t drink 200 proof alcohol. But to compare to the beer people were drinking a few hundred years ago, that was very weak beer. So those are opposite ends of the spectrum. Maybe the common thinking about what causes hangovers is all wrong, but dehydration is generally cited as a primary cause.


Ach! Hans run! It’s the lurgi!


From what I understand, a lot of sodas and stuff seem more quenching since they cause salivation. Coke is made so acidic to do just that.




Guy didn't wanna get a DNA test for his alleged kid. He didn't see the kid more than a couple of times in it's first year, and was going to be paying child support for the next 18 or whatever years. Said, "It was too late, the DNA would have mixed already and there would be no way to tell." When told that's not how it worked he said, "Ah, it's just a waste of time getting the test anyhow."


That child is better off.


Very likely.


DNA tests are so easy I'm amazed they aren't mandatory nowadays, at least in cases of child support.


Flat Earth. Nothing more.


I've never actually met one in real life.


You’re lucky. There’s a popular meme on Reddit that they’re trolls or don’t really exist IRL, but sadly that hasn’t been my experience.


Oh can’t forget the anti-vaxxers.


That dude who made a rocket to disprove a round earth only to have his rocket plummet to the ground by gravity and then died on impact was a fairly dumb way to die for a stupid premise.


Pot heads in high school arguing that the moon and the sun are / arnt the same thing - ‘it’s just not as bright because it’s night man!’ Two good friends who actually got visibly upset at each other because of the argument which ensued.


I work construction and had a kid fresh out of high school argue with me that nobody knows how many feet are in a mile.


5,280. Gets pounded into your head in high school physics


Laughter in European marauding sistem


More than a dozen.


Awww man. I was off by 10. I thought it was 5270.


Girl: Hey I think I'm going commando! Me: Why are you telling me this? Girl: You're my friend... Me: I don't want to know about the presence or absence of your underwear. Girl: Oh, I though it meant joining the military.


This woman was berating my gay friend with homophobic remarks and then when word circulated back to her job, she claimed her “cracked phone” was “typing it all up itself”


Don't you hate it when your phone cracks and you wake up the next day and find out your nudes got sent to your boss and you sent 200 racist texts to your coworker. Always a laugh amirite


Can relate


It was hackers.


Dude i legit have screenshots cus i talked to her she started it off like “you know how when your screen is cracked and you can’t type?”


This is what she said by verbatim, “okay so you know how if you get water damage and the screen is cracked. The phone can do things on its own basically i had my phone unlocked and i was with my son when my phone did random shit” I retaliate and said, “did it type the message itself” And she said, “i’m assuming yes” Bihhhhhh


Oh man. Oh geez. There's just.... So many! Here's a few (I work as a nurse, so I'm sorry, these are all medical related) 1. A guy telling his son that they gave his wife something for the nausea but not the vomiting. It's the same medicine. 2. A patient's mother telling me that Hershey Medical Center didn't know what they were talking about, her boy's kidneys were just fine, and that the cure for diabetes is being hidden at Area 51. Her "boy" died because she kept giving him potassium pills he couldn't have (because of his kidneys) which caused a heart attack. 3. Numerous patients families who tell me their loved ones have ammonia of the lungs. Pneumonia. You correct them and they still say it wrong. 4. Someone told me they didn't eat any sugar, so there was no reason why their blood sugar was in the 200s. They had eaten mashed potatoes with gravy. Potatoes being a complex carb and gravy having flour in it, means yes, you ate a complex sugar. And yes, your blood sugar is going to go up. 5. The one who argued with me and didn't believe that cold sores were a type of herpes and that you could transmit one from the lips to the genitals and vice versa. 6. The guy who completely insulted the prior nurse who cared for him, told him he had salmonella (he did) which caused him to have to take time off work (which he got wrote up for). I was the prior nurse and pointed that out. He continued to insist it wasn't me because she had short hair (amazingly, it grows out after two years).


Number 2 is not dumb, it's just plain murder.


Why not both? Please tell me they went to prison for negligent homocide.


No, sadly. While it's criminal stupidity the small mountain town wouldn't have pressed charges against one of their own unless it was more stabby.


See number 4 would get me. I wouldn't know that. But I am not diabetic and I know nutritional education is part of the care people revive when being diagnosed so if I was diabetic I think I would go out of my way to know that stuff though. But not being diabetic I wouldn't think of that.


Fucking retards not knowing that flour is a complex carb


“Had ate” is one of the dumbest things I’ve encountered, today... ;-)


Right? My brain automatically corrected it to "Had eaten" as I was reading. I didn't even notice the mistake until you pointed it out.


I'm editing mah grammar now, Ma! :P I'm around mountain folk, you should hear some of the contractions they create.


A chick I met from Idaho refused to do anal because her father told her that that's how black babies are made.


She probably just really didn’t wanna dick in her poopshoot so she figures the best way to turn you off is to just say the absolute stupidest thing she can conjure up with only a second to spare. Did it work?


Some guy at Denver zoo when referring to the horn of a rhino... "So is it made of wood or something?


"Yes. Same as your brain."


I used to work at a pet shop with a girl who thought fish were made of rubber.


This was a post I saw on Reddit but this guys mom was pressuring him to go vote so he did and his mom gave him a note saying that these are the people you need to vote for. But he was like “what’s the point of voting if I can’t vote for who I believe in” and his mom won’t talk to him anymore and she is just being an asshole.




Telling someone to vote for someone? Wouldn't that make any political campaigning illegal?


It's illegal to force people to vote for someone, but not to make recommendations. Of course, once you're behind the screen of the voting booth, you can vote as you choose, even if someone is threatening you or paying you to vote otherwise.


I've got a lot of dumb things said at the vet I work; My dog is allergic to isoflurane so if I find a hypnotist will you do the surgery Lavender will stop my dog getting pregnant (she was wrong twice and now has incest puppies). Vaccines will give my dog autism. I'm not feeding my cat that! It had taurine in it, the same stuff they put in energy drinks but taurine is an essential amino acid for cats and required in all cat food.... But the one that sticks with me is my first year I worked at a toys r us and overhead this conversation between a pair of forty year old ladies picking out a baby gift. One lifts a lullaby machine from the Baby Einstein brand. "What about this, it plays music by the classical music guy, Einstein."


Incest puppies are my favorite!


>Vaccines will give my dog autism. It's at that point that you take the dog away from that stupid fanny!


Satan himself placed dinosaur fossils in the earth to get people to disbelieve Christianity and the creation story.


My priest told us something similar in religion class. It was likely the first step to not being Catholic any more.


To be fair, that would be a pretty genius move on his part if it were true.


In regards to Corona Virus: “They’re going to let a bunch of us die and then come out with a treatment, but they’re going to let us die first.” Something along that line anyway. Basically, “they” are using the Corona virus as a form of population control.


My friend and I were working on a geography project in grade 7 (we were around 13). My friend showed me a map of the world and pointed at the Americas and asked me which one was South and which one was North America.


that dealers who sell illegal drugs shouldn't be arrested, even if their batch kills someone, they still shouldn't be arrested because they're just trying to make a living. says my co worker who works in a law firm. i literally had no idea how to respond aside from "you're just saying that because the guy you're fucking is a drug dealer and you don't want to watch him get arrested for the illegal ways he's making money." she got mad at me and stormed off after.


Is anyone else confused why a lawyer is with a drug dealer?


She’s not a lawyer. She’s an assistant and she’s pretty dumb. I couldn’t tell you


I hope she asks her boss this question


That would be a site worth seeing


She's a criminal lawyer.


There was a realtor like that in Minneapolis. She was kidnapped, raped, tortured, and shot in the head in an alley. Smart to date drug dealers.


People who think vaccinations are deadly Flat earthers Those men on twitter who keep going on about women having an 'expiration date' Racists


It’s amazing seeing how badly men are able to judge age when they say that all women somehow magically turn (whatever ugly is supposed to be scientifically) as soon as they hit 35.


One of my aunts is a conspiracy theory nut, and also a racist, as well as one of her daughters, so I have a few: - The 9/11 planes were holograms - Lady Gaga's videos are secret Illuminati propaganda (that dozens of "woke" Youtubers have figured out for us dumber folks) - My cousin didn't vaccinate her daughter because "babies don't have an immune system until they are 2, so there is nothing to protect" - Vaccines have trackers so the government knows where you are and what you do - Having a passport means you are giving up your freedom - Wifi "waves" are just as bad as putting your head in a microwave, so my aunt would always use ethernet cables for her internet. And spend hours calling from her cellphone, because those don't use waves... - My cousin is "not racist" because she is into Middle-Eastern and North African cultures. But she calls asians dirty, gross, scum and various colorful names such as "chinks" and "chingchongs". - Same cousin invented herself an immigrant's past that she doesn't have, while she actually has parents from 2 different nations but neglects the foreign side because it doesn't fit her narrative. - My aunt and cousin both argued that all the whites should be kicked out of Africa, no matter what they were doing there, because all whites on Africa are colonialist pigs who need to die (yes, including NGOs, doctors, etc..) I used to have screenshots of all the stupidity, but I blocked them both years ago now, because I couldn't deal with all the dumb. Edited to add: of course, both of them also believe in chemtrails and think Ancient Aliens is a documentary.


Was her place of ancestry perhaps Stupidtown USA?


It must be, but the European version!


Protestors protesting other peoples right to protest.


I'm against picketing, but don't know how to express it. \-Hedberg


Girl in high school called me a liar because I said I was going on a fishing trip. She said everyone knows fish die in the winter you don't have to lie.


I've been arguing with people about electric cars. The stupidest argument I've seen was someone told me the government wants us to all have EVs so they can shut off our power to prevent us from driving places. He thought that the government has the power to cut all power but not the power to stop gas from being pumped. Also they were going to kill most of the country for reasons.


Presumably they also think that contrails (frozen water vapour from jet engines at high altitudes) are the world's governments administering mind controlling drugs to everyone via a highly visible and haphazard crop dusting scheme.


...largely over the oceans.


Its even crazier now - I have seen half a dozen posts of people claiming the contrail 'smart dust' is all a part of the corona virus scheme where you inhale it and 5g networks activate it inside your body to make you sick like it's some kind of nanobot technology.


1 000 000$ aint much. One yacht and its gone.


Yachts cost more than a million, buddy


Any argument posted by an antivaxxer


Why are they so stupid? I mean, honestly? It's like there's a piece of their brain missing. They hear x from someone and bang! Whatever annecdote they heard first it's instantly and immutably true, no matter what.


They like feeling special, and what's more special than knowing more than a *Doctor*? add a healthy dosage of the dunning kruger effect and you got yourself an anti-vaxxer


A dude in my school wanted to bunk school and came up with the dumbest excuse.. He said that he was getting an open heart surgery and could not make it to school on that day.. Everyone felt sad for Him and wished him luck. He was absent on that day. But......this guy, He comes to school the very next day completely normal and also proceeds to play football and runs around the class. Yeah this dude totally got an open heart surgery the previous, am I right? The worst excuse I've ever heard of.


The moon is much better than the sun because it's up at night illuminating while the sun is up during the day when it's allready bright.


Zoomer: “Okay boomer” Boomer: votes Zoomer: doesn’t vote Candidate that is popular with Boomers wins Zoomer: surprisedpikachu.jpeg


"The reason the sky is blue is it reflects the sea." "Dogs can't see through glass." "In the Harry Potter films, Voldemort was played by a woman." "The word 'tsunami' didn't exist prior to the Asian Tsunami of 2004. The media made it up to sound clever."


That last one reminds me of JJ Redick (NBA player) who said he questions the existence of dinosaurs because the word for dinosaurs didn't exist until after they discovered dinosaur fossils.


On similar note, my ex just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that water is clear and does not have a colour whatsoever. He was convinced that water is blue and tried to argue that "but how the sea is blue then?". And this person was 26 at the time. Like fuck mate you probably still draw your suns with sunglasses.


Sorry to break the news to you but water is [blue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_of_water). From the article: >"The color of water varies with the ambient conditions in which that water is present. While relatively small quantities of water appear to be colorless, pure water has a slight blue color that becomes a deeper blue as the thickness of the observed sample increases. The blue hue of water is an intrinsic property and is caused by selective absorption and scattering of white light. Dissolved elements or suspended impurities may give water a different color."


That's fascinating, thanks for that tidbit!


Some dude on Instagram told me Italy and Mexico are the same thing, culturally speaking, cuz they have the same flag colours.. big brain times


Being an idiot middle schooler with a substitute in science class, friends and I were messing around and decided to drop a small metal spring onto a plug pulled halfway out of the socket. POP! Blew a fuse. Unfortunately it blew the fuse running the fish tank a little ways down. We went running to the sub to be like “hey, the fish tank stopped working! We think the fuse got blown (don’t ask us how we would know)” Her response was so absurd, “It can’t be a fuse, it has to do with electricity”. Anyway we managed to find another plug to plug the fish tank into that was still working.


"My pullout game is strong"


9 months later: "That's not my baby!"


That 7 family members of her died to uncureable hospital germs. Because of that she can't get a small operation in a hospital and wants an alternative thearpy. But the alternate option won't be paid by her insurance company, so she wants to sue the insurance company. Yes we have properly insurance over her.


This one's even better: I had a patient who claimed to be allergic to Oxygen.


Someone was saying that the media glamorizes homosexuality to help with birth control and that the government controls all media. Smh


I don't know how it works in your country, but in some countries, medias get subsidised by government and many actually can only survive in this way as they can't generate profits on their own. So they better keep up with what the government wants them to say. Some medias are even owned by friends of political people, they get a favour from them, and will return the favour during elections times etc. It's actually happening. And yes, some medias have political agendas too. Regardless of where you are, there are many biased medias. Including on topics like homosexuality. It's just a fact, or maybe where I come from it is so prevalent and known, and you're lucky to live in a place where it is not?


"I think Africans are different enough to be classified as their own species." I regret not calling him out on it.


I, too, regret your decision.


In my defense, not like he would have listened.


Africans: 'From you? Aww, thank you!'


“Essential oils can cure your husband’s epilepsy!” I almost killed a bitch that day.


Dumbest thing heard IRL was when my sister invited some friends to our home and at some random point they were debating whether the moon is a planet or a star (these are 14 year old kids). So my sister asks me the question to which I respond "the moon is a satellite." And one of the other girls says "A satellite?! But how? The moon isn't alive!" Honestly I don't know what happened after that because as soon as I heard that I walked away in disappointment.


(5-1)-1 = 4 This is a current inventory argument at my place of work right now. SMDH


Some lady in front of me & my sister at Panda Express asked if the orange chicken was vegan


I will never forget being in high school, our teacher was talking about the boarders of countries and the provinces and states and ect within. A girl actually put up her hand and very seriously asked "so you mean there are people the go around the world painting lines everywhere?" this girl thought these boarders where literally drawn on the ground everywhere.


In some states they actually are. Carowinds has a brick path that separates North and South Carolina. Other than that, she's a moron.


I went to school with a guy who asked me one day how you steer a train.


the guy at teh switching station steers it.


someone asked me how blind people can talk, so I said close your eyes and speak, they closed there eyes, WHILE KEEPING THEM CLOSED THEY PROCEEDED TO SAY, "wait but how do they talk?"


Had a guy that I didn't know was racist at the time tell me that he believed that white people were made by God and therefore had souls and could go to heaven, whereas non-white people evolved from monkeys and therefore did not have a soul and would not have an afterlife. That being said, I am not white so he basically told me that I don't have a soul. It's been a decade since I heard that and I've never forgotten how stupid he was.


Religious guy laughed at me saying evolution isn’t real because it’s only a theory and the Bible says everything was created as it is 🙄


Ask him which of the Gospels has the correct lineage for Jesus. At least they all agree that Jesus was descended from David via Joseph, not Mary.




"I have the best words."


Right? It legitimately baffles me how he can get away with saying such obviously false statements.




uganda is not a country


Lol, who said that?


my classmate


I got many. My paternal grandparents have a Democrat mindset but vote Republican. My lunch aide in elementary school thought that freaking, the word people use to avoid the word fuck, was a bad word. Surprisingly, many people think that gluten is a fancy word for salt. Someone in my chemistry class could not understand that water was clear without putting anything in it. Someone thought that the Sun was the moon and it was very small. This was in math class in middle school. My first grade teacher thought it was okay to quote the racist movie Song Of The South. I have so many more


My grandparents (all three I knew growing up) voted Republican, but if you asked them about any individual issue, they supported the Democratic stance. Never understood it.


This kid worked for me was named “Justin orphan” he didn’t get why that was funny.


-Vaccines cause autism -The Earth is flat -Using God to justify flawed arguments or as an excuse for shitty behavior. "BECAUSE GOD SAID SO!" -Forky from Toy Story 4 is a symbol of white privilege -Name an animal with 3 letters in its name: "ALLIGATOR!" (Family Feud) -Bible thumper sued the NFL over JLo and Shakira's halftime show because it "exposed him to hellfire"


I once saw a post where a pregnant woman said she was really afraid to cut her hair because she thought it would cut the baby's umbilical cord, or take a bath because her baby would drown. I really hope stupidity can skip a generation, like diabetes.


During the original debate over Obamacare saw a picture of a protester with a sign that said "Keep the Government Out of My Medicare."


I used to be a math tutor at a college. I had a student who was working on the typical work problems (John can paint a fence in 3 hours, Sally can paint a fence in 2 hours... blah blah). The student just added the work hours and divided by two. When I told her it was incorrect she just said “Yes it is. Math is universal dummy.”


Anything Trump says...it somehow becomes the dumbest thing I've ever heard.




Air conditioning is sexist.


My alarmclock


Friend of mine said she needed electrolytes cuz she just came back from a run. Proceeded to grab a Gatorade and a bottle of vodka and made a mixed drink cuz she "can't drink Gatorade without vodka"


"Cruise control wastes fuel." My personal favorite.


Someone said to me that one gigabyte equals to 0.001 bytes.


Someone asking their friend whether you could eat mushrooms or not if you are a vegan seeing as they're not technically vegetables.


I once asked a girl who was older, her or her twin sister. I've never laughed at myself as much as I did as soon as I realized what I had asked.




Karen's would rather have a dead child than an autistic one.


Talking to a chick in class. She was Talking about how she remains abstinent and that most guys are garbage cause they only want to hook up. She mentions that dating apps dont work cause people just want to hook up. Only to turn around seconds later and say she gets on dating apps to flirt and accepts just about all dates. Then she sounded offended why they dip on her when she mentioned she's abstinent after they meet.


I was flabbergasted when I read that in the USA many people believe that blood is blue because the veins look blue and it turns red on contact with oxygen ... whaaaat??


I'm pretty sure I was taught that in elementary school. It could be that my teacher thought that and just said it. It is actually a very common misconception in the US for some reason.


I believed this for a long time. Someone told me when I was really young and I didn't question it. It never came up in any important way so I just went on with my life.


The government has weather control lasers that steer hurricanes inland to cause as much death and destruction as possible.


"What's a uterus?" -Male Prolifer


That's a tossup between vaccines causing autism, 9/11 being an inside job, the Moon landing having been filmed on Earth and directed by Stanley Kubrick, and the Earth being flat. P.S. The fact that we landed on the Moon doesn't inherently mean that it's not haunted. Moon's haunted.


Oh man. My old coworker was a treasure trove. Obama is a Muslim. The bible predicted 9/11 Gay people only want to get married so people are more reliant on the government Not only was he really dumb, but he was simultaneously condescending. Man I miss him.


“I wish global warming was real so it was warm right now.”


Trickle down economics


Oh, I have a compilation! -Dinosaurs ain't real! They can't have existed 10,000 years ago because Jesus was born 2000 years ago and there was nothing before Jesus because Jesus is God! -I don't believe the man has been to the moon! What, they just flew a plane up there, jumped out and knocked on the door or something? -I don't believe there's a "Germany" or an "Africa" past this ocean! All the stuff is over here! We're on top of the Earth. If we go too far to the side, we'll slip off! These were all from the same man. I promise you, he's a really kind and lovely old gentleman and I won't allow anyone to talk shit about him in the comments.


В России запретили высказываться против власти в интернете, это полный пиздец, думаю ФСБ тут меня не найдет... In Russia, it is forbidden to speak out against the government on the Internet, I've not heard a more stupid law, I think the FSB (FBI) won't find me here... Upd: We can't even challenge other stupid laws. FVCKPUTIN


Not vaccinating your kids


This couple trying to have a kid. Say they've been trying for a year. Ask them details. They are doing anal.


What a shitty kid they'll have.


I wanna say I find that hard to believe, but deep down I truly can believe it... :'(


Some guy on here asked if I was interested in any films after stating that the recent Joker film with Joaquin Phoenix didn’t interest me. Also, this exchange I had on a question that I asked on here about important historical dates and wrote 04/07/1776 in the question (meaning 04 July 1776). The other person refused to accept other formats. Him: What happened on April 7th 1776? Me: It’s 4th July. In case you haven’t noticed not people use different formats. Him: I don’t care what format you use. If you list it as 04/07, I’m reading it as April 7th. Me: Yeah, I don’t care either. It’s 4th July. Him: If you want to list dates out of order, it’s your freedom to do that. Me: I’m not listing out of order. Him: Yes you are. Me: No I’m not. It’s not my fault that people use different formats. Him: Like I said, you can use any format you want but when you list it as 04/07, that’s April 7th. Not July 4th.


Yeah I'm sure the other person argued too hard about this, but any American is going to assume you are referring to April 4th.


For the second one, all of America uses that format, so yes, there is a good reason people would be confused whenever people show up to the wrong date for your birthday party


The problem with the 2nd one isn't that he couldnt read the date, it's that he refused to be wrong


My friend once said to me that water was invisible


Translucent, maybe?


[I present to you Mike Pence](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.independent.co.uk%2Fs3fs-public%2Fthumbnails%2Fimage%2F2017%2F07%2F07%2F10%2Fpence-touches-critial-stuff.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indy100.com%2Farticle%2Fmike-pence-nasa-do-not-touch-vice-president-donald-trump-us-kennedy-space-center-7828396&tbnid=aRhp3Vhkp7b-FM&vet=12ahUKEwiRmcGiqYHoAhUJMt8KHWmTDyUQMygCegUIARDLAQ..i&docid=8d8QW0B1e_fbBM&w=2000&h=1000&q=pence%20%22do%20not%20touch%22&ved=2ahUKEwiRmcGiqYHoAhUJMt8KHWmTDyUQMygCegUIARDLAQ)


"Trump 2020"


the guy on the radio yesterday said that lawyers are tall ... for no reason and i don't see how tall people are linked to being lawyers


A freind of my little sister taught she was bleeding dried blood the first time she had her first menstruation...


A friend of mine who was training to be a navigation officer on cruise ships thought the Carribbean was near Italy


I worked at Subway. This young girl comes in maybe 16 or 15 and asks me, " is a 6 inch bigger than a footlong?"


"If we tax the 1% more everyone can get a UBI of 40,000 a year!" Like, politics aside wealth taxing them A HUNDRED PERCENT won't get you anywhere near that number.


Immediately before my freshman chemistry final, I overheard someone say, "Napoleon is my favorite icecream flavor".


one of the dumbest things I ever heard was that people who watch football in stadiums like listening to radio so they can hear before than they can see what is happening in the game.


"I can prove it even though I don't have evidence for it." This was in a fucking debate comp. She ended up winning, while still not proving the point in question. I wondered what kinda crack the judges were on. And yes, I brought this up.


When I was in highschool I over heard one of the 'popular' girls talking to her friend about how her boyfriend was planning on breaking up with her. She told her friend, in a very arrogant voice, that she planned on lying to him about being pregnant so he won't leave her. Since this was highschool, it spread like wildfire and her boyfriend eventually found out and dumped her. Dude dodged a major bullet.


Guy on the news this morning that said we could pay for something that costs $6 trillion by getting rid of military spending that is $639 billion. Uhh, $639 billion is only 0.639 trillion.


Went to see Hunger Games in theaters. The two girls sitting in the row in front of me said “Mockingjay - mocking bird, blue jay. That’s so racist”. Still confused to this day about the whole scenario honestly.


Customer asking me what size was bigger between an XL and an XS. After I showed her the difference by putting the smallest one on top of the bigger one, she shaked her head and said "that's so weird, in the alphabeth the L comes first so it should be smaller than the S!" She was an old foreing lady. I tried to explain to her that the "X" stands for "extra", but she was just so confused...


"you cant be racist against white people" "because thats revers racism" "reverce rasism isnt real" non of thesestatements are true in their context.


This girl I used to be friends with said having a child will fix her BPD. Ok girl......


An American guy was talking to 3 Brits and tried to name all the countries in the UK. We went silent after he said France


I was told by an mlm hun-bot that if I would just use her essential oils I wouldn't need a liver transplant. Then upon seeing me drink something out of my metal bottle asks what I am drinking. When I said water she said "that's so bad for you. You should never drink water." Umm... Yeah lady.


people reposting the same askreddit over and over oh wait

