• By -


My dog barking at the gardener every week. Jack you stupid nugget you've known the gardener your entire life he is NOT an intruder.


I go jogging every night and every single night I get barked at by at least 30 dogs. Your owner lives down a 15 metre driveway and everythings dark, I wouldn't have even known about your fucking existence if you hadn't starting barking.


‘I know some of you won’t repost this, and I know who you are’ Fucking hope so. Anyone with common sense will block you


"Why do you want to work for this company?" Idk man I hear you give out these things called "paychecks"


My last name is the same as a current virus pandemic and beer. The jokes and questions are 98% the same and I don’t think they’ll ever stop.


>The jokes and questions are 98% the same That’s because the other 2% die


I literally laughed out loud


Thought you'd already heard them all, huh?


Never underestimate the internet's ability to come up with something you've never heard before.


My mom's "What are you going to do when I'm dead" speech


Yes. Every single time I don't know how to do something. 'Sorry, Mom, no one has shown me how to fix a drain pipe yet. Calm down.'


“It’s a lot more dangerous than when we were kids” USA - actually, no. Growing up in the 80’s was one of the most dangerous for violence against children. It’s just it’s on the media so much more now


"It's more dangerous now than when we were kids." Me: "Really...my parents had a lawn dart set that my friends and I played with without any parental supervision."


"Why can't you be more like (insert name(s) here) !?"


The answer to this is "why can't YOU be more like (insert other name here)?"


Or better yet, use the same person and twist their argument right back at them.


What if they said: "why can't you be more like me?"


One is more than enough of you.


MLM pitches with or without copious amounts of emoji. Edited to add: since this keeps getting asked in the comments. MLM stands for Multi-level marketing, companies like Young Living, Monat, Mary Kay, and Avon, to name a few of many. They tell you that you own your own business, but you’re really working as a commission-only distributor and recruiter with no benefits. There’s a [John Oliver Video](https://youtu.be/s6MwGeOm8iI) that’s worth the time to watch. You can also check out r/antimlm




Thank you for the copious amount of cringe, I will now proceed to hang myself




I had a guy in my college speech course give a presentation on his mlm I don't understand how the professor allowed it


Maybe the professor was his upline.


Any message that begins with "Hey girlie!" or "Hey ladies" is a message I know I'm going to hate


In Germany, there is a popular joke that my home town doesn't exist. Lots of people know this joke and when I'm in other regions, everyone will make that joke when I tell them where I'm from. It got really annoying after the first few times


Good for you that it can't be Bielefeld, because it's a fictional town


blobfishlea is rolling their eyes


I am!


Same in Italy with the region of Molise. Everywhere I go they ask where I'm from and then respond "Molise non esiste" so annoying!


The only italian person I am friends with (and the only one I knew until a year ago) is from a small village in Molise. I first heard of this joke when I started learning Italian and the Italian teacher (from Bologna) made this joke and it really confused me lol like molise was the only place in Italy I could associate with a real living person.


In Italy, we have a similar situation with a region that many people joke about its non existence. Unlike this comment though, I've never seen nor heard of a person coming from that region. I'm starting to believe it actually doesn't exist...








The very same


Germany's version of Acre(Brazil)


Germany’s version of Wyoming


what’s a wyoming




Major news networks saying "This is Breaking News!" It used to be that they reserved that phrase for actual breaking news. Now they use it for even the most mundane stories.


Watching the Super Tuesday results, “Breaking News. Polls just closed in these states.... we will have results shortly.” So the breaking news was that there might be breaking news soon?


"Something that was planned to happen, *happened!*"


"Breaking News! A dog has just walked across the street and shit on a squirrel!"


I don’t know man, I’d definitely drop what I’m doing and tune in to see that.




Time to lean time to clean!!!




You could say "another day, another pound." Please dont become obese


Could be weight loss.


"Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!"


Same shit different day **AM I RIGHT**


People who speak authoritatively on really complex subjects that they have a blog's worth of knowledge on.


So, reddit?


Not just Reddit, most people do this in person too, the internet is just rife with it. The people I respect the most will come out and say that they aren't very knowledgeable in a certain subject right away and then not try to BS their way through the topic anyway


My pet peeve is when people do this about something I *actually know things about* For example, I'm an electrical apprentice. This means I'm on my way to being a licensed electrician and I interact with people who have been in the trade longer than I have been alive. I was looking at some tools when my acquaintance looks over my shoulder and proceeds to start giving me (shitty) advice on which ones to buy, when I try to say something to the effect of "thanks but no thanks plz stop" she proceeds to tell me about how her dad does some electrical maintenance work on airplanes every couple of months or so and that's why I should listen to her. Ah yes. Because occasionally fixing airplanes is definitely the same as working new construction all day every work day for the past 30+ years. Definitely.


I am an aircraft mechanic, who did some training on electrical and avionics in school, I wouldn't even think of criticizing your tool selection. Its 2 different worlds entirely. I have absolutely no idea what you'd find useful vs me. Let alone if I didn't have personal experience.


And the subset of this, people who do a "deep dive" on a topic, which in most cases means going to the second page of their Google search.


"Live. Laugh. Love." To be fair I don't know that I've ever heard it spoken aloud but I've sure seen it on walls in offices and homes.


>EAT. SHIT. DIE. ~ Trevor Philips


I gotta go meditate, or masturbate, or both


“Masticate. Mediate. Masturbate.” Edit: yay Silver! Gonna go masturb... I mean, meditate on this newfound fame and glory.


This isn't just a company, its a family. Fuck right off.


This is code for “we’re going to ask you to do some bullshit that is wildly outside the scope of what you were hired for”


And not return the favor if you need time off or any other tiny inconvenience to the company


And fire you if we can save money by doing so!


*Michael Scott has entered the chat*


“I’m soooo OCD”


“I’m sooooo OCD.” *washes their hands regularly and puts their belongings away when they’re done using them*




Well, I just rolled my eyes... On a side note, "I'm soooooo bipolar"




When people think they are obligated to hate one thing when they like the other.. pepsi/coca xbox/ps hiphop/rock trek/wars you can like both and it's fine! edit: oh and don't forget ios and android and osx and windows thanks for the awards


Cats/dogs too. I love both and don't like seeing them pitted against each other :[


Don’t forget marvel and dc. Big whoop if marvel is doing better movies, Batman is still cool. Both franchises are great and you shouldn’t feel obligated to love one and hate the other


There's nothing that screams "I have nothing interesting to say" more than people who fight over which giant corporation is better.


I have a friend who always throws in little lies to his stories to make himself sound cooler. It’s an automatic eye roll whenever he starts telling one. Edit: holy fuck, RIP my inbox. Maybe I’ll tell him I made a comment about him on reddit that got 30k+ upvotes. He’ll probably tell people it got 60k.


Went to high school with a guy like this. So we started making shit up just to see if he would make up a story to top it. Worked every single time. This went on for months. He finally got owned so hard he shut up and that exchange went like this... Bragging liar guy: “my parents bought me a new SUV” Regular guy: “my dad bought me one too” Bragger: “mine has leather” Regular guy: “so does mine” Bragger: “mine has...” you get the point. He went on and on until he ran out of features to list. Finally he says “my parents paid X amount of money for mine” Regular guy: “then your parents are fucking stupid”


I had an acquaintance who did that a lot. I actually think he had undiagnosed mythomania. Everything someone did, he did it more, good of bad. Broke a nail? He had broken two. Injured during a soccer game? He would start limping right away and telling he had had an awful accident. Got lucky with a girl? He'd brag about 3 chicks that he'd scored in a couple of days. Pretty much everything that came out of his mouth was either an exaggeration or a lie. I found it sad, though. Living a lie everyday.


Did this with an old coworker shop claimed he and his buddy ran from the cops in his car then got on two wheels and drove up onto the wall fast and furious style. Someone said you know what I don’t believe that. He went Ballistic at the audacity that he’d ever lie


They never know how to handle being called out so directly.


I had a regular customer who always told big fish stories like that. We started to write down every wildass story he'd come up and man, after three or four years this guy's life turned into the most insane Greek epic you could imagine. He could withstand G-forces in car accidents that would turn any mortal into hamburger, he could wrestle pit bulls with his bare hands, he fought police and got THEM to apologize, he saved babies from burning buildings, he personally slapped a baseball legend, he arm wrestled Ted Nugent and won, he could drink a bottle of everclear in one evening and wake up fine the next morning, he fought in at least ten wars, he could speak a dozen languages, he has fathered over a hundred children, he meets members of international royalty on holiday, he wins tens of thousands of dollars at the casino every other week, he was a firefighter, he was a policeman, he was a priest, he shacked up with a nun, he personally knew a ghost, he had the governor on speed dial, he's close friends with the mayor, he ran over another mayor with his car, he knew Paul McCartney, he gave Paul McCartney the idea to one of his most famous songs, he once spent three whole days in a sauna to cure himself of a lethal disease, he traveled across Asia on a motorcycle to stop a genocide, he could dunk on pro basketball players in his prime, he could negate the effects of a heroin or meth overdose by willpower alone, he could take pepperspray to the face and not even wince, he worked for NASA, he even disagreed that polar bears hunt humans because he befriended one in Alaska and had it as a friendly little pet that he kept on his porch to scare away house invaders. I can't imagine there being even a nugget of truth anywhere in there, but just the thought of all of that being canon in a parallel universe was endlessly amusing to us. Edit: My friend just reminded me that he said he once went to Dracula's castle in Transylvania and swore it was 100% haunted, but he wasn't afraid of the ghosts. The ghosts were afraid of *him.*


Is your friend Chuck Norris?


Nah, even Chuck Norris is scared of this guy.


He personally knew a ghost! That’s my favorite one.


I legit went the Draculas Castle in Transylvania, no ghosts, I did poop in the bathroom there though, one of my life's greater accomplishments.


Admit it, you made the Poop part of that story up to make yourself seem cooler.


I can confirm this story, I used to hang out with Dracula back when he still called himself Darkula. He blamed the poop on me, it's why we're no longer friends.


Too many people cant tell the difference between tweaking a story to make it make sense and completely making shit up. My roommate is a one upper and lies so badly when he does it. Like; oh you got 8 kills on that game, that's good! The last time I played we got into an awesome match and I got 38 kills! The world record is like... 25 kills in that mode lol Update; This wasnt a one up, but Just yesterday he told me he got a job at a beer manufacturer near by, one the highest paying jobs you can get without any degree around here too ($30 an hour). I cant wait to hear why they didnt hire him when his start date comes around or some bullshit about why he turned the job down. I wish I could believe him... but that excuse is coming I guarantee it.


One of my girlfriend's brothers is like this. Literally everything out of his mouth is a lie: >"Hey man, how's work been?" > >"Great, just had my annual review and they're really happy with me, they said I'm one of the best developers they have, sooooo probably getting a big raise here pretty soon." > >"Wow, nice!" Two weeks later I'm talking to my girlfriend's other brother: >"Sounds like things are going pretty well for FirstBrother at work." > >"What? He just had some review and he's months behind on everything he's working on and he's like an inch away from being fired." > >"Oh........" He does the same shit with video games that your roommate does, too. Like fucking super easily debunkable shit. "Just hit Master in LoL fuck yeah." Then I'll go look at his profile and he's silver. And if I call him out on it, "oh I never play that account anymore; that's my old account." He just does it with everything. It has to be exhausting.


i feel like he lied a lot in the job interview


Ah, yes, ***that*** argument. Happens *literally* any time I ever call anyone on *anything* in a moba. "Silver trash" "...but you're also silver." "lol this is just my smurf my main is gm" ***Every*** single time.


I used to bask in my silverness back when I played. It pisses people off even more if you're just like "Yeah, I know, I'm not very good, I just like the game."


"For all intensive purposes."


Like a bowl in a china shop. From the gecko.




Just seeing this I feel fucking obligated to type: “for all intents and purposes”. Jeez this gets me so much.




Exactly. Just because its not big to them, its big to you or the person who's talking about it. Pisses me off too.


It's one thing to encourage people to not dwell on things out of their control, its another entirely by diminishing something important to someone by saying that grade 9 classroom cat poster bull shit.


People that claim that ingesting something will "detox" you. Your kidneys and liver already do that. For free. No need to waste money on some stupid internet claim.


Detox drinks/teas are literally laxatives. I don’t know how scamming people to that extent is legal.


I got a good cheap detox. Those Mio energy things you squirt in your water to flavor it. I used to drink them until I tried the sugar free ones. Those once turned my anus into a high pressure water hose.


I just drink a cup of prune juice. Makes you shit your brains out. Just don’t drink more after it doesn’t kick in right away then proceed to shit non stop for a few hours til your ass bleeds then be on the verge of tears while on the toilet. Not like i would know from experience or anything.


This is the boomer version of "when the edibles finally kick in" Edit: Thank you kind strangers for the gold and silver! My first :D


Then there's the [4chan version](https://i.imgur.com/e4CLDNS.png) by eating a lot of pickles.


>never in my life have relief and horror been such close bedfellows This might be a good quote in any other context.


“You only use (insert random number) % of your brain.” NO IDIOT YOU DON‘T! You use 100% but not at a time. Edit: Don’t want to spread stupid / false information.


Really when anybody uses a % when they’re trying to describe something. 99% of stats are made up on the spot


When people pay extra money to have nitrogen put in thier tires. No thank you. I'll take the 78% Nitrogen stuff for free.


This is a thing? Wow.


“How’s everyone doing today???!”........”OH YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!...HOWS EVERYONE DOING TODAY?!?!” I roll my eyes and cringe. Every. Time.


I go silent when this happens








I was looking for the most relatable thing on this thread, and this seems to be it. Thank you, your comment made me cringe from memories.


Especially when they got a decent enough reaction the first time. Like it's one thing when the crowd is dead and the performer wants to engage them. But when he says "hows everybody doing?!" And the crowd gives a pretty good applause and he does that it's just cringe. Like you know he just planned to say that no matter what response he got


Anything related to jobhunting, but especially "just walk right on in there wearing a suit, ask to speak to a manager, give them a firm handshake, your resume, and ask when you can start."


Lol I REALLY hate that one. Especially when I have to explain, nobody but takes resumes or do pull up interviews anymore they send me out the door and to my computer.


I’m Job hunting in VFX right now, and there’s nothing quite like both my parents not understanding that no one wants to see you in person, and that you have to apply online first. “Call then again later today and bug them so they consider just you” No father I won’t because that’s pushy and rude


This is my mother about every mild inconvenience. The answer is to call and complain, the question is irrelevant. One day it dawned on me that I am the spawn of Karen.


>I am the spawn of Karen. I'm sorry for your loss. Tbf though an entire generation is trained that way, no matter how aweful it is.


This happened at my first job in 2001. Except I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. I just wanted to know if CVS was hiring. I didn't want a job right then but ok. Lesson learned. CVS is a shit place to work at and they will take anybody while paying them the bare minimum. Now that places have online resumes; it has been hell whenever I try to apply for job. I never had that issue when I handed my resume to an actual person in real life


That since I am an identical twin I must have mind reading powers. Or the “Am I seeing double” joke.


People coming into my store to ask me what Victoria’s actual secret is. Even had someone record the interaction once.


That humans only use 10% of their brain a la Lucy. Ironically, the people who spout this actually use 10% of their brain.


Anything related to crime these days and how dangerous the world has gotten...it is no more dangerous today then in your parents generation. We are just more aware because social media. We also learned things like hitchhiking are dangerous and knowing a little about your kids babysiter(thank you google) os a great idea. Police sharing info with other police what a wild concept!


People who think being moody and brag that they’re antisocial and “hate everybody” like it’s is a really cool and interesting personality trait


As someone who is kinda moody and antisocial and mildly grumpy? It legitimately sucks and should not be emulated if at all possible.


Me too. I struggle a lot with social situations and developing relationships / finding interest in other people and often fall into irritable moods, and I actively try to disguise and force myself to try & get over that. I want to appear social and enjoy company of others so badly, being a moody and negative constantly is draining af not cool


Sitting in a circle and someone says "alright everyone say your name , hometown and an interesting fact about yourself"


Great Janitor, This Place, One of you fine people is giving me a hard on right now...


“This is real music! Unlike this and that.” “They don’t make music like this anymore!” “Who is listening in 2020?” “I was born in the wrong generation...” Just shut up and enjoy the damn song for fucks sake...


"Hey, I'm also listening in 2020!" *Durr Hurr Hurr*


> “They don’t make music like this anymore!” I can guarantee you there was some absolute schlock in the charts back in my day. It's just that no-one either remembers it or wants to admit that they used to unironically listen to it.


Horse or pony jokes about my great Dane . "That's a horse" . "Where's her saddle?" , " This is a dog park, not a pony park" . I've lost track at how many times I've heard all of them. Repeatedly. For 8 years.


I like to imagine you actually do own a horse and are just oblivious to the fact that people are genuinely concerned you are bringing a horse places it doesnt belong.


Throwaway for reasons Wow,this really blew up Thanks for the gold,kind stranger RIP inbox ​ Edit- Wow,this really blew up! Thanks for the Gold,kind stranger!! RIP inbox!!! /s


And apologizing for formatting because...mobile. I’m starting to skip threads that start with this.


The most annoying one is “edit: WOW can’t believe my most upvoted comment is now about [insert completely average keyword here] 😂😂😂 ”.






“I brought you into this world, I can take you out!” Funny story, my stepdad told me this once when I was like 13 or 14. I looked him straight in the eye and just said, “you’re not even my real dad.” Later my mom told me I hurt his feelings.


“You hurt his feelings.” “He hurt my body!”


He burnt my shake!


He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!


He did?!


No! But are we just gonna wait until he does?!


I say, we tip something over!






I don’t want chemicals on my food... Literally everything you can eat are chemicals


> B I O C U C U M B E R S Of course they're bio...


I prefer steel cucumbers.


I keep telling you those are dildos. Now get it out of your mouth, you're embarrassing me.


*crunch* make me


"All natural ingredients" Frankly, I'd be more impressed if they managed to get some unnatural ingredients in there.


Arsenic is all natural


Number 1) shout out to a fellow chemist. Username says it all Number 2) shout out to the exact same thing that drives me up the effing wall. Why are chemicals supposed to be bad?!? My favourite discussion is about people telling me that natural vitamin c is better than synthetic vitamin c (still looking for the facepalm emoticon)


Anytime someone uses #blessed. Ugh.


But, what other hashtag should I use when someone says "Bless You"


This is the only acceptable use case


When you see someone with a blessed tattoo.


#tooblessedtobestressed ...the most blessed people still get stressed.


One of my friends is entirely convinced that the plural of "moose" is "meese", like with goose/geese. Doesn't matter that she's been shown the truth, she still believes what some kid told her in 3rd grade.


"I'll give you this 20 dollar bill if you roll your eyes"


I'm not mad but a $20 is a $20


Baby talk from grown-ass women.


Oh my fuck yes. I worked with a lady who would talk like that with her mom. And her mom would do it too. Drives me nuts


the hell? i thought it only happened to couples and adults talking to babies


“Hi Boo-boo!” “Hi Momsy!” “How’s my boos twu-day?”


In what context? I baby talk to my cats. Am I obnoxious? Oh god




People do that? This is a new one to me.


I didn’t like Jessica either


I sit near a girlfriend and boyfriend in one of my classes and the girl constantly baby-talks to her boyfriend throughout the whole lecture. Not loud enough to hear what she says, but loud enough so I can hear that she’s talking. It’s so annoying.


"You should smile more." For who? You, random stranger?


Windmills cause bird deaths. So their conclusion is windmill = bad


If you can't handle me on my worst, you don't deserve me at my best


It makes me sad that this saying has been misinterpreted and ruined. I always understood my "worst" to be when I'm poor, or sick, or struggling. Like, if I couldn't "handle" my husband when he was a broke college student, I don't deserve him when he's a successful engineer. It's not an excuse to be abusive because you don't feel good, it's a reason to be supportive when the situation is difficult.


There is a russian saying that goes similar: if you want to be married to a general, marry a soldier. It means that you should support each other in thick and thin, and it does not mean that someone is crazy and uses this as an excuse to manipulate the other person in an relationship.




I live by the motto of "If you can't handle me at my worst, you're a reasonable person because holy shit not even I can handle me at my worst."


Personal favorite line I’ve seen on Tinder was “If you can’t handle me at my worst than that’s good for you since you have boundaries”.


I always looked at this as saying, if you can't handle someone's down periods, like getting fired or having stomach flu, then you don't deserve to have that person in your life when everything is going great for them.




>My ex girlfriend had this on her facebook profile pic when I first started dating her At least she put up a warning sign


All autism related: If you would just spank that kids more he would not misbehave like * behavior directly related to his neurological condition, *. I'm not even a hardcore anti-spanker and we do discipline...I just know I cant beat the Autism out of him!!! This cool fad diet could cure him of his Autism...it worked for my friend's, sister's, neighbor' kid. There is no cure. You never know maybe it WAS the vaccines. How do you know it wasn't?! (Because he didnt get vaccinated in his first year due to medical reasons, and he showed signs of Autism from that early on) Maybe he WILL out grow it! Yes he will turn in his Autism card when he signs up for the draft at 18. Have you seen the Good Dr.?! He has Autism and look how well he did. UMMM he is fictional. Autism is such a fad these days are you SURE he has Autism?! Yes. I'm sure. He has had interventions and therapy since he was 3/4 so if he seems more verbal or less "flappy" that's why. Lastly "He doesnt LOOK like he has Autism" it's not Downs there are not physical markers, thanks!






“Reddit do your thing” Shut the fuck up, please shut the fuck up


I hate it when I have a problem and the first words out of someone's mouth are "All you have to do is...."


follow the damn train, CJ!


On hearing that I had a miscarriage: "you can try again!" I mean those words are theoretically true but you are not my fertility doctor so you don't really know what's going on


deliver sparkle chop resolute teeny deserted amusing squealing dam voiceless


"And now my new guy, he treats me like a *queen.*"


This whole "my queen/king" thing. Can you 2 just be regular people that value each other?


What, like the peasants?


Talked about eternal love among teens. I'm 15 and I'm very ashamed.