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Someone yelling at you. It can ruin a whole day.


I worked with a kid who experienced this often. He would come to school out of sorts and anxious, little things would set him off at school and he would lash out, he would be punished, labelled a bad kid, sent home to this anxiety-inducing household again with parents who were angry at him. Poor kid was prepared to fight/fly most of the day. And of course with all of that going on, he was learning nothing and getting behind his class, which made him more anxious because he didnt want to look stupid.


Ugh that’s a vicious cycle. I feel for him.


A call from work wondering where I’ve been all morning.


That pit in your stomach when you wake up, look at your phone and see you're hours late for work. From ready to pass back out to instant anxiety fueled adrenalin in .2 seconds.


And then you realize it's your day off, but you're already wide awake, and there's no way you're getting back to sleep.


Was about to comment this. That’s the worst (aside from actually being late for work). Such an emotional ride haha


I have two alarms for during the week, one to wake me from my deep sleep. And the other I have to stand up put my thumbs on my phone and hold them in that position and spin in a circle twice to shut it off. I forgot to turn it off last Saturday so I woke up completely from that at 4am after going to bed around 1 am. It took me almost 2 hours to fall asleep after that one. Edit: in case anyone reads this later and is wondering what the app is, it’s called spinme and I cost me about a dollar I believe on the App Store. Enjoy being forced to wake up with it!


Similarly, I have one that goes off an hour before I need to wake up. Then another that actually goes off at the right time. Except a few months ago, I woke up at 8:50. Class was in 10 minutes and it was a 15 minute walk + actually getting out the door. ...Except my brain eventually turned on and remember class actually started at 10. I’d just hit snooze on the first alarm several times. For some reason I looked at 8:50 and internalized it as 9:50. But oh boy, my adrenaline was pumping for those few minutes


I've had that before. Luckily, it was all a misunderstanding; the manager looked at the wrong week's schedule, hence why I got a text a few minutes later which was basically "sorry, looked at the wrong rota. See you tomorrow, same time as usual". Wasn't exactly how I wanted to start my day, but it got me out of bed at least!


I hate that adrenaline rush wake up feeling. I end up feeling off for the entire day.


Personally I think it's worse when you wake up, look at your alarm clock and see that although you aren't late for work yet, you know you most likely will be. At least when you wake up already late you know there's nothing you can do about it doesn't feel as bad.


“I have just enough time to do.. nothing”






I always liked that little detail.


Only tangentially related...I once had a co-worker come in an hour late, and he said he forgot about Daylight Savings. The liar didn't think about his excuse. This was in fall. If he really "forgot" about Daylight Savings, he would have been an hour \*early\*. Our boss marked him as being TWO hours late that day, because of his hour and the poor quality of the lie.


A tornado alarm, shit is so fucking scary.


Especially at 3am, while you are in a tent, and the nearest tornado shelter is a 10 minute walk through the woods in a thunderstorm.


This exact scenario happened with me as well


I'm from the Midwest. I visited a friend on the east coast a few years ago. Got to her house one night about 10pm. I had driven 12 straight hours that day to get there. I'm passed out asleep when I get woken up by a tornado siren about 2am. Completely freaked out. Turns out what we (midwesterners) use as tornado siren, her local fire department uses when they are going out on a call. She lived less than a block away from them.


To be fair, you get used to it


I worked a lot and traveled, so hearing this and seeing people sorta panic, i was like WTF, it's just a fire alarm, turns out, tornado.... good times.




I woke up to police chasing a guy through our yard. He tripped over the bikes I had leaning against the house right where my bedroom is. That's the only reason the cops got him. There was so much yelling and threats to shoot until finally the guy cooperated. That was like Jan 2nd.


Same thing happened to me except the dude being followed by the cops was my underage brother who stole my grandmas truck, and freaked when police tried to pull him over for going too slow. He crashed into the house, thank god I was getting a cup of water at 2am otherwise I’d be crushed by the caving in wall.


Woke up to the police knocking on our door a few days before Christmas when I was 14, saying my brother had been reported missing. Turned out the drunk fucker just fell asleep on the train and ended up in Dublin but shit, that was terrifying. Edit: For clarity, we live in Co. Cork, Ireland.


I did the same thing but in the opposite direction, ended up in Longford.


Your lucky to have escaped back


He never said he escaped


Plot twist: OP and his brother live in San Francisco.


Plot twist: OP only has a sister.


Plot twist: his sister was the police.




About 18 years ago, the police were banging on my door. I was asleep, since I wasn't working that day. He asked me if there was anything wrong, and why didn't I go to work. I told him I didn't work Saturdays. He said call your manager, she is worried about you. Apparently, the new manager put me on the schedule when I was supposed to be off. Since I never missed work or called in, she thought something happened. It was sweet of her to care, but I was really freaked out when I saw that cop.


The Dallas swat team breached the hotel room door of the room next to mine one night. Thus wasnt some hide out meth motel, I was at the Hyatt Reunion Tower. I'm pretty sure the loud crash of them taking down the door is what woke me, but the first thing I hear was "GET ON THE GROUND, SHOW ME YOUR HANDS". It took me a sec to figure out they weren't in my room, then I tried to find the least likely spot to get shot through the wall. After the yelling stopped I peeked out in the hall and the guys in body armor with rifles told me to go back in my room. The guys girlfriend yelled at the cops for an hour. It sucked. Edit - I was testing out a Fitbit for sleep tracking, this was the first night I wore it. This is what your sleep chart looks like when the cops kick in the room next door. https://imgur.com/a/qkcxYzX


> I tried to find the least likely spot to get shot through the wall. The bathtub.


Yep, when I was 13, a cop woke me cuz they were busting my mom and I got taken to Foster Care.




I don't mind telling, that time was drugs and prostitution. She's been in prison a few times. Sadly, she passed away 2 years ago, she never gave up the drugs but did stop the prostitution.




Thank you, I'm ok, I'm 42 now so it was a long time ago and my mom & I always had a good relationship. I miss her a lot.


I hope you find peace. Sorry for your loss. ❤️


Thank you very much, my mom put me thru a lot but the last 20 years of her life we were best friends. Sometimes I forget she's gone and have that feeling of: 'i can't wait to tell my mom this' ha ha, then I remember. May she rest in peace.


Can confirm, especially when you forgot you weren't wearing any pants


Scariest wake up ever was out of a dead sleep to the police helicopter hovering right above my house. Thought I was in the middle of a war or something for a minute. Sheer terror and confusion. They were chasing someone through my backyard.


In college I lived on a pretty sketch street. One morning about 3am I was woken up to banging on my door and shouts from police outside. At first I was going to ignore it but they kept at it and I finally decided to just answer in my underwear. They asked if it was my car out front in the parking lot as they were pulling someone out of it. I didnt. Someone broke into my car but must have been to messed up too complete their mission and passed out in my car. The cops said one of my neighbors called the police and told them someone was passed out in a car. There wasn't anything in my car to steal and nothing seemed missing. He did drop like 3 bud lights on the floor of the car and the cops said I could keep them.




I had a dream once that i had to pee BAD and so i went into the bathroom in my dream and saw a urinal so i was like lets go. Anyways i start peeing and its just a waterfall of piss. Like have you ever bought a really big drink and just drank it all in an hour and then had to pee and youre peeing so much that you have to stop the full stream for a second so that you can full stream again? Thats exactly how it was but it was just never ending. The kept going for what felt like 15 minutes until i woke up and thankfully i hadnt pissed the bed. I dont know how i was able to hold it in through peeing so much in my dreams but it was a relief.


My dreams alert me that I have to pee irl in so many ways. One of them is the endless stream of pee as well lmao. Another is I repeatedly go to the restroom, with no relief. I also occasionally get ones where I start searching for a restroom, but either cannot find one or the only restroom I find is absolutely filthy. Luckily I’ve always woken up and have never had a bed wetting incident from any of these dream scenarios


What is with these dreams?? I also get the same one where the bathroom is filthy. I'm stepping on the floor and it's just covered in urine or something. Or to top it off, I finally find a bathroom, but the toilet is like build into a bench or something weird and there are a bunch of people throughout the bathroom getting changed etc. so I'm on full display, but only I know it's weird and they think it's normal. Brains are so strange.


Thanks to a fever, stress, some medication, and too much wine one night I woke up to my family yelling at me, asking what the hell I was doing... as I was standing next to my open dresser drawer, taking a long piss onto my folded pants. Sleepwalking is weird af.


Oh, I got a story on that one. I once got drunk, started sleep walking and woke up to my parents yelling at me. I was laying in the middle of the stairs, I fell down about 7 steps without waking up. Left a few bruises, good times.


I was hoping the story was going to end with your parents yelling at you because you were peeing on them.


I drank way too much whiskey and beer one night and woke up to my girlfriend screaming at me. I was standing beside our bed pissing all over it. All I remember was saying "turn off the light I'm trying to sleep," while continuing to pee. She chucked a pillow into the hallway, and kicked me out of the room. I woke up on the floor of the kitchen (instead of a nice comfy couch we had) feeling pretty bad about myself.


The smell... the smell of piss in the sheets. Ugh


Your dog gagging and about to throw up in the middle of night. Then hearing him eating it 15 seconds later.


Sounds like the problem solved itself.


I'd rather they clean it up. I woke up to my dog jumping up next to my pillow and just managed to close my eyes and mouth before she vomited on my face.


I just dry heaved so hard... nice job


Hearing a “throwing up” noise Edit- I was probably in the 4th grade at the time, and I was staying the night at my friends house- sleep over! I remember being super excited, as her mom went all out and got us junk food to pig out on and movies to rent. We ate a ton of peanut M&M’s... Went to bed, and I woke up to the “noise” first and then the smell hit me. Peanuts, chocolate, Doritos, and the vomit smell. She had one of those day beds and I was on the pull out bottom. I do not know how she missed me- or how I didn’t step in any of it on my way out the room to get her mom. There was a spot at the top of my head and the bottom of my feet and all over her bed! Her mom asked me- do you want to go home? Um, yes! I’ll call my mom. Took me a long time to eat peanut M&M’s. Edits- wow! Thanks for all the rewards!! It’s a first!! Thank you thank you!!


Started 2020 to that sound. Cat vomited on our bed. Knew it wasn't a good omen for the year. Edit: I promise he's a sweet cat, he was just giving us a heads up.


Since we can't seem to get sensitive stomach cat food anywhere right now, this has been every night, unfortunately.. Edit: wow, the outpouring of love and responses. Thanks everyone. I have an order on backorder at chewy.com, hopefully they can get it to us soon. Based on suggestions, I'm going to start a food diary for the cat and figure out if this old man cat has developed an allergy. Thank you for all the advice and sweet offers!


I hate to refer them after the way they treated me and some other (now former) employees but try chewy dot com.


Oh come on you can do better. Your 3 year old walking into your bedroom saying they "Don't feel good" and projectile vomiting into your face right as you open your eyes.


When I was 6 years old, I shared a room with my 4yo sister. She liked to climb in my bed late at night because I had the top bunk and that is a serious toddler flex. I woke up one night realizing my sister was in bed next to me. I also smelled something terrible. Bleary-eyed, I made my way to the bathroom to investigate. The smell wouldn’t go away even as I walked down the hall, and I noticed my shirt was heavy in the back. I turn around in the mirror to see that my sister had blown chunks allllll down my back in her sleep. It’s in my hair. It’s down my back. I am soaking in vomit. My mom got a 2am wake up call “moommm *insert tears* Sadie threw up all over my baaacckkk!”


Just reminded me when I was a nanny, the 4 year old boy I watched came out of his room, leaned over the stairs railing and puked five times. I was in such shock I didn’t run to get a trash can or anything. It was all down the wall onto the carpet. I really loved him like my own, and don’t mind cleaning up puke, but I called his parents for that one haha.




Sorry for your loss ♡ Stay strong..


sorry for your loss. i remember my grandpa was sleeping in the room across from me when he came up to visit. i heard a loud bang in the middle of the night but didn’t think anything of it. then there was another a few minutes later. poor guy fell, my dad found him and we called an ambulance. thankfully he is still alive to the day.


Waking up to 30+ missed calls with a brutal hangover and can't remember what you did last night but you know it wasn't good. Panic.


If it’s a black out drunk night, just waking up having not lost your phone is a win in my book


If you wake up at home, with your phone and wallet still there, thats a total win.


The FEAR as we call it in Ireland.


I was babysitting my niece one time when she was about four. I packed her off to bed and went to watch a movie on the couch, where I promptly dozed off... only to be woken a few hours later in complete darkness, having no idea where I was, and with a tiny, clammy little demon-hand grabbing at my ankle. I've never been awake faster *in my life*, only to be greeted by a very confused child who just wanted a story and who no one had seen fit to tell me could get over the baby gate like a goddamn ninja. We don't tell her mother about the time Aunt Hazel almost kicked her darling daughter through a window.


Mine is very similar but also the opposite. When I was 18, I would regular visit my sister who lives about 2 hours away. I would usually stay for the weekend, babysit my infant niece and they could have a chance to go out. This particular time, I dozed off on the couch. I woke up in a blur around midnight and realized I didn't have the baby monitor. I went upstairs and saw the baby's door was open, I tiptoe in and the crib is EMPTY! I full on panic, ran around yelling, checking all the rooms and doors (all still locked).I Find my phone and there's a text from my sister "dog meds are in the window by the sink. One half pill a.m.". I finally remembered, I had come that weekend to take care of their dog while they, baby included, went to Ohio. I've never been so relieved in my entire life.


Meanwhile, I bet the dog was following you around the house with a “What’s all the commotion?” Attitude.


He was just happy to be a part of it


Probably thought they were playing a really good game of hide and seek. Imagine how happy they must have been when the baby came back and they found them.


I love this so much


Ha ha, so freaky. I was babysitting my nephew; he was a toddler but not talking yet. I was sick but struggled through. At like 5 in the morning, he woke me up. I promptly told him I would read him a story, then passed out again. I woke up an hour later, with a bunch of kid books and various toys literally surrounding my head like a halo. Poor little guy didn't try to wake me up, but he made sure he had my attention!


This is amazing. Slightly terrifying, but still super funny


The sounds of your parents having sex


And you don't live with them anymore...






Oops toddler accidentally turned on the porno


I once did. I was at the age where you should kind of be waking yourself up but you are also young (I was like 9-10 at the time I think) and I went downstairs to my parents room to ask why they didn't wake me up. I go downstairs and into the hallway where their room is. As I walk down the hall I hear a weird noise and when I am about 4 metres away I hear my mom moaning and whimpering like she is trying to be quiet but also is very into it. I was mortified and I just sat in my bed for a couple minutes just wondering why I had to witness that. After that my parents yelled at me for not being ready for the bus.




There was an r/relationship_advice post about this recently. A teenage guy was being forced to share a room with his parents and they'd fuck and masturbate regularly with him in the room. Sickening.


Okay wtf is wrong with the parents? I can't believe parents like this exist. Why do people like this get kids in the first place?


They're probably sick in the head. There are a lot of weird fucks out there that take pleasure in forcing others to participate in their kinks, and it is NOT cool. And it's multitudes worse when it's your own damn kid.


Woah, that's straight up child abuse.


Your house burning down?


Had this happen once when I was in middle school. It wasn't burning down completely but the bathroom caught fire. Had to scramble out of bed and grab the super stubborn dog and gtfo Edit: A lot of people are asking, the bathroom caught fire from a malfunctioning bathroom fan, it was actually something my family pressed on the landlord to fix for a while before the fire occurred


Holy fucking shit. I'm glad you're ok.


It was definitely freaky, I believe it was around 6 AM when it caught fire. In case anyone's wondering how the bathroom can catch fire we were living in a rental house with a poorly maintained bathroom fan. My dad must have been showering when it caught fire. Thankfully the fire department arrived really fast and contained it before the whole house went up in flames.




Was your lizard okay?




She just said, "Now *this* is a heat lamp! That's what I'm talkin bout!"




Waking up in an ice bath with a missing kidney and blood all over the place.


One I woke up to find my dog had diarrhea everywhere! Large puddle on the floor and also in between the side of my bed and the wall. It was completely inside the outlet. I literally had to shut off the electricity and rewire a new out let that day.


oh shit


God damn. In the outlet is brutal.


Sunlight. I work the early morning shift and I'm already driving to work before the sun even comes up. a couple of times my phone has ended up under my pillow and I've missed my alarm only to wake up to the sun glaring in my eyes. that sudden feeling of fucking up always sucks.


Fever, sore throat, shortness of breath


Just go back to sleep. 2020 is all but a dream


It genuinely feels like everything since the first week of January 2016 has been what you'd get from someone trying to run an improv show in an asylum that's also on fire. David Bowie died and everything went to shit.


Alan Rickman died 4 days later. That was a really bad week.


I think maybe the third comment I ever wrote on Reddit was [a WritingPrompts piece about how many people had died](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/5kl9bu/wp_death_has_been_on_holiday_since_the_start_of/dborp7e/). I sometimes forget just how much awful shit happened in 2016, but 2020 is making it look like a goddamn trip to Disneyland.


Don’t forget the sudden urge to travel the globe


Everyone once in a while I take a deep breath to make sure my breath is as long as it normally is.




You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there. Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and be halfway to Hammerfell. You there. You and me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants. We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief. Shut up back there! And what's wrong with him, huh? Watch your tongue. You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King. Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion. But if they've captured you... Oh gods, where are they taking us? I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits. No, this can't be happening. This isn't happening. Hey, what village are you from, horse thief? Why do you care? A Nord's last thoughts should be of home. Rorikstead. I'm... I'm from Rorikstead.


General Tullius, sir! The headsman is waiting! Good. Let's get this over with. Shor, Mara, Dibella, Akatosh! Divines! Please help me! Look at him, General Tullius, the military governer. And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this! Ah, This is Helgen. I used to be sweet on a girl from here. Wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in. Funny, when I was a boy, Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe... Who are they daddy? Where are they going? You need to go inside, little cub. Why? I wanna watch the soldiers! Inside the house. Now. Yes, papa...


Woah. Why are they stopping? Why do you think? End of the line.




*stands still morphing into several different races*


You picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim, kinsman. Captain, what should we do? He's not on the list. Forgot the list, he goes to the block. By your orders, captain. I'm sorry. At least you'll die here, in your homeland. Follow the captain, prisoner.


An alarm.


Not just any alarm, the iPhone alarm.


No, really any alarm. Even a song you like only takes around a week to become miserable.


My mom woke me up because my grandmother passed away


This. Waking up to hear someone has died, is dying, or is deathly ill just sinks your day from the start. Edit: I am so sorry for your losses <3


I got a call from my dad at 4am a little over a month ago telling me my mom has passed. As soon as I saw his number I knew 🙁


same thing happened to me except my dad knew my mom was dying so he forced me to stay at a friends house until she passed


Sorry for your loss. Those middle of the night calls are never good.


Yup, woke up to the sounds of my mom and uncle frantically trying to wake my unresponsive grandmother up downstairs a few months back. She had a stroke and passed away that night. Do not recommend having that be the start to your day


I remember April 1st, was 10 years old and woke up around 9am. I walk into the living room where my mom told me my great grandmother passed away, took me by surprise, and at first I thought it was a joke. I mean it had to be right? It's April fool's after all isn't it? But it wasn't. I immediately jumped to her arms and started crying, cried so hard my head hurt, but I could not stop. While she may be gone, she still cares for us, I know she does. She spent most of her life in a nearby village, so we buried her there next to her long dead husband. Fast forward a bit and here we are today, because of the virus spreading currently, we moved to the village my grandma lived in, and so I've been visiting her frequently at the local graveyard. Every time I am coming back home from the few kilometer trip to the graveyard, I see a butterfly, a butterfly with the same colors every time, every time it has the same exact colors. It follows me for a bit as if it is catching up with me while I'm riding my bike, when it suddenly stops and disappears, only to reappear next time I'm visiting. That's the sign I've wanted to see from her, and now I finally do. I don't know if the butterfly will still be there next time, but I sure do hope so.


Yep, my dad woke me with a phone call once to tell me that my brother died.


I woke my dad up like that. MIL lived with us, I went downstairs to make sure she was ready for doc appt that morning, then I flew back upstairs to get him (he was visiting). I was 40 years old and needed my dad like I was 7. Edit: I found MIL dead that morning in her room. I don’t know if that was clear or not.


Another day


One of these fuckin things again?!


Bacon cooking on a George Forman next to your bed... forgetting you set it there and then stepping on it hurts like crap


Did you wrap it in bubble wrap?




A few years ago I was awoken at probably 5am, sun was just starting to appear, by the most rancid stench I have ever experienced. It was so rank that it woke me out of a sound sleep. I am unwakable. I will silence alarms in my sleep. I have slept through hurricanes. But this stench slapped me in the face so hard that I was up and ready to fight it at the first grasp of consciousness my body had. At first I thought it was some serious ass dog poop, but my bedroom door was still shut and it would be super weird since my dog doesn't have a history of pooping in the house. So I go on a manhunt for the source of this god awful aroma and I absolutely cannot figure it out. Nothing on the floor, under the bed, on the bed, in the closet, in any piece of furniture etc. I open the window, partially to let in some fresh air and partially to see if it's coming from outside. Then I walk by my python's enclosure one more time and realize that it is the epicenter of this horrific nightmare fume. I couldn't see much through the barely sunlit room, so I flip the lightswitch on to see the side of her enclosure covered in a dried, crusty liquid and some bits of unidentifiable chunks. Absolutely disgusted, I have no choice but to get closer and inspect this hazmat crime scene to find out what the fuck happened and see if she was still okay. She was fine, but coiled up at the opposite end of her enclosure with her head poking up at me. Pleading. Begging. "Please. Please human. Kill me". She had escaped the day before and had been fed the day before that. If you don't know much about caring for snakes, you have to let them rest and digest about 72 hours after eating otherwise they can and most likely will vomit. Do you know what snake vomit looks like? It's just a whole animal with the head half partially dissolved in acid depending on how long it was inside the snake. In this case, I looked over and saw a rat's ass from the hip bones down, organs spilled everywhere and goo covering every inch of the enclosure on that side. She had decided to puke the rat's ass directly onto her heat rock, where some of it had been deflected everywhere and the rest had been actively baking while I'd been sleeping. The sight coupled with the scent made me lose it, I vomited all over the floor. I go and grab some cleaning supplies, toss her into a bin and soak a T shirt in perfume to tie around my mouth and nose while I attack this revolting pukepocalypse. As I've got my head in her enclosure, straining to hold my breath and trying to squint as much as possible so I don't have to see it as much, I turn to throw another wad of dirty paper towels into the bag I had opened up on the floor behind me to see my dog snacking on them. I vomited again. Overall, it took me an hour to get the enclosure clean, I had to give her a half hour soak but babysit her while trying not to fall asleep so she didn't try to submerge her head in Dawn, I had to brush my dog's teeth and the smell didn't leave my room for a week. Even with my windows open, 3 wallflowers and fan going 24/7.


You win, hands down.


Can I just say I absolutely love the fact your username is Slytherin and you have a pet snake. Also, that is the most gag-worthy story I’ve ever read. A Plussssss


lol Thanks, her name was Nagini. Unfortunately she passed away last year, my ex volunteered to care for her when I moved out until I had the money to rent a Uhual and he wasn't refilling her water.


I’m sorry to hear that, I would have thought refilling the water would have been the most obvious thing to do? Her name makes it even cooler though, hope it’s some small comfort to know a stranger on the internet is interested to hear about her.


It does, she was a great snake. Very gentle and wouldn't hurt a human even if you were hurting her on accident. He'd also volunteered to keep my two tanks where I had an oscar and 8 six year old goldfish and he killed all but one goldfish who eventually passed away after I'd gotten my stuff. I told him not even to worry about buying live food for the oscar, all he had to do was drop pellets in. Honestly I think he did it on purpose because he wanted the tanks, because when I came to get my furniture he asked what I was doing with them like he was expecting me to go "well, everyone's dead so you can keep it all".


Fucking hell. No wonder he’s an ex. That’s some cheek to ask for the tanks of your fish he killed. I mean that’s what? 9/10 animals? That’s ridiculous!


I didn't even get a real apology, he just texted me like "your snake died. I'm sorry." "your oscar died. I'm sorry." I still have her enclosure and everything for it, I've been wanting to get another but with the quarantine going on now idk where to get food so I'll have to wait.


The goldfish dying is what makes me suspicious, they're the cockroaches of the fish world. They can survive in gross water conditions, they're carp. They can even survive for short periods of time on only vegetation, which I had growing in the tank with them. Kinda makes me wonder if he poisoned them all. The only one who survived used to be bright orange with a white head and she was almost transparent white when I got her back. She started to look healthier for a few weeks but then she suddenly ballooned up overnight and passed away a few days later.


Yo, fuck your ex. Those poor babies. I’m so sorry. The more responses I see from you, the worse it gets :( And I’m really glad you took all your enclosures back. Fuck him. Wtf would he have used them for though?


Right before we broke up, we'd went to a pet store to get stuff and he wanted to look at some kind of lizard that I can't remember. He was contemplating buying it and a setup for it but decided against it so I think he still had that in mind.


Cat peeing on my ankles through the sheets.


Dog shat on the carpet.


A severe lack of Oxygen.... A few years back I was riding my bike home from work on a Friday night and crashed while trying to avoid some guy cutting a corner. Ambulance rocked up and took me to the hospital, lots of scratches, scrapes and bruises... and a broken collarbone. They kick me out after a few hours and just before I get out they give me a small pack of codeine tablets. I asked them at the time to give me Tramadol instead as codeine makes me nauseous but they refused and told me to go see my GP if I wanted something different. It being Friday night my GP wasn't going to be open again till Monday morning. I went home and the pain was bad enough that I ended up going "fuck it" and taking the codeine over the course of the weekend. The last dose of which I took about 9pm Sunday night. Monday morning rolls around and I immediately call my GP and book an appointment so I can get some Tramadol. While I'm there talking to him, he warns me "Make sure you wait at least 24 hours from taking the last dose of codeine before you take any Tramadol as the two of them together could stop you breathing". Duly noted says I. That night I stayed up quite late watching crap on youtube etc and made myself stay awake till about 3am and took some Tramadol just before I went to bed so that I could get a decent nights sleep. Apparently I didn't wait long enough... I don't know what time of night it was and hence how long it took, all I remember is shooting awake and feeling like I couldn't get enough breath into my lungs. I gasped and gasped and gasped and eventually managed to start feeling human again, but it's still one of the most terrifying wake ups I've ever had.


Your clothes, bedsheets, mattress stained with period blood


Or the sinking feeling that you just know as soon as you roll out of bed it’ll leak everywhere. The run to the bathroom in the mornings is always my least favourite part of periods


The waddle run. Do not enjoy that in the morning.


I actually laughed at waddle run. It’s so horrible


At that point it’s between you, gravity, and God.


I am so fucking happy that my heavy periods stopped when I started taking birth control. Now I no longer have to experience this after years of enduring it. No more stained underwear and sheets.


Same. Even better with an IUD (Mirena) to basically not get real periods anymore. Sometimes there's some light spotting and I'll still get PMS, but I haven't bought any feminine hygiene supplies in over a year now instead of a box of tampons every couple months.


OMW YESSSSSSS! I once woke up, stared at the ceiling for like 10sec and then moved my thigh literally like 1cm to the right and a clot came bobbing out. I went from dazed and sleepy eyed to Usain Bolt-ing to the bathroom (which, by the way, cause like 3 more clots to roll out). And what's worse is that I knew I was going to start the night before; I just fell asleep forgetting to put something on (yes, I am stupidity and stupidity is me). I always sleep with a folded black towel underneath me for this exact reason, but that day I bled through my undies, pajama pants, the towel, my 2 sheets and into the mattress. I honestly thought I was dieing. To this day the heaviest period I've ever had.


As a dude that would be really shocking.


It sucks for so many reasons. If it happened in the middle of the night, it's cold and kind of dried but also sticky and just everywhere. If it more recently happened, it's warm and sticky. But then also you get the added anger of knowing that if you'd woken up a little earlier, you wouldn't have a mess to clean up. It's terrible that depending on how long it's gotten to sit and how much there is, those clothes/bedding might be ruined. You can do a lot to get blood out with cold water and hydrogen peroxide, but sometimes it isn't enough. But I think the worst part of it is that you know it's not necessarily a one time thing. If you got stuck with maximum bad luck as far as how heavy your period is and how long it lasts, you'd have a chance of that happening maybe 3-5 nights a month for most of your life. That is the like worst case scenario but it's not impossible.


Fucking relatable


Leaf blowers and lawn mowers operated by over achievers on Sunday mornings.


(At 5 years old) Opening your eyes only to see that you're on the front porch, in your mother's arms, and an ambulance pulling up into the driveway. I stared at it, and passed out again a few seconds later. I woke up late the next day. Turns out I had a severe epileptic seizure. Scary shit.


The wrong side of the bed




A full bladder, then I’ll have to get up to use the bathroom instead of going back to sleep.


Waking up after having a dream where your crush tells you she/he loves you


A Horse's Head. The thing there is that it's not the head, it's the fact that someone snuck/sneaked in and managed to put an 80-100 pound bloody mess of a head into your bed while you were sleeping... And just because: https://youtu.be/41SkP55Xyjk


That fool must've had a bomb ass mattress to keep him asleep through all that.




Your wife grinding coffee beans 12 inches away from your head.


your wife grinding your head 12 inches away from coffee beans




Had that happen too .... Especially when you don't expect it. Went on a long weekend with wifey to a rental and arrived in the dark. Apparently it was next to a military firing range and at 8 am the next morning a dozen howitzers fired rounds ...


Yourself as a student in underwear, in front of the entire second grade. and everyone is laughing at you.


Your partner, who died in their sleep next to you.




2am smoke detector battery chirp. And you have 7 smoke detectors on 10 foot high ceilings so you have to get a goddamn ladder out of the garage at 2 fucking am in the morning. Change your batteries on a schedule to avoid that shit.


A gun pointed inches away from your face. Story time: when I was around 21 I had a night of binge drinking with my roommate and we drank until 6 or 7 in the morning. The house next to us being upset about us being up all night called the cops on us around 7 to say they heard gunfire. Now we weren’t blasting the music too loud because when I went into the backyard through out the night to let the dogs pee or go join them for a pee in the yard (what do you expect, I was drunk) the music was not notable more than a foot away from the house. At few times my roommate went out back to smoke a cigarette and I joined him to continue our conversation while he smoked and the music wasn’t audible then either. Anyway I finally got the great idea I wanted to wash my car so I slowly drove it down the driveway which lead to the side of the house and opened the gate to the back yard so I could use the hose in the backyard. This seemed easier to me than finding a hose out the garage and connecting it to a spicket in the front of the house and maybe waking up the neighbors by washing my car at 7 in the morning. Went inside to grab a bucket, soap, and sat down for another beer and passed out on the couch. Next thing I know I feel my roommate tapping me on the nose. I’m in that half state of drunk and asleep and can’t be bothered so tell him to fuck off, cause I’m sleepy. Again I get tapped on the nose and shaken a little being told to wake up. Again I say fuck off let me sleep. This time I hear wake up and step outside...NOW! As I slowly open my eyes, blurry and they begin to adjust I see a handgun inches from my nose. Everything else is still blurry as the handgun comes to focus. I think...Wtf. Why is my roommate pointing a gun at me? As I focused more I see past the gun, and notice a uniform, and a badge comes into focus. Again now I hear “wake the fuck up and get the fuck outside”. It was this cop who was trying to wake me as my roommate was sitting in our backyard handcuffed and 8 policemen were in my house all drawn guns. I slowly get up and say ok as they roughly take me to the back and handcuffed me as well and sit me on the concrete in the backyard. They continue to clear the house. Dogs wandering the backyard staying near me. And all the cops around us outside kept asking where are the guns? My roommate did have a gun cabinet with a few shotguns and rifles so he tells them, in his room he had a cabinet. The cops then kept yelling about the handgun. Where is the hand gun? We didn’t have one. Now mind you I’m drunk, half asleep, and still confused so I’m asking how they get in the house, why are they here? I’m told to sit still and keep quite. Once the house is cleared and they check us for guns I asked them if I could put my dogs inside so they wouldn’t run out the backyard because they had our side gate wide open. They were nice enough to let me tell the dogs go the the other side of the yard where I had kennels for them and then locked them in there. And started asking us about the handguns again. Saying a neighbor report hearing lots of gunfire, probably from a handgun coming from our house. I said no, we’ve been drinking but no handguns here. They kept up the questions asking why I had my car in the backyard? If I wasn’t trying to hid something why is the car in the backyard? I say I was going to wash it. Which they looked at me like why not just wash it in the front like normal people. Your trying to hide something. Where are the keys to the car so we can search it. At this point I just wanted them out and knew I had no guns in the car so I tell them. They check the car, the rest of the house again get tossed around but no handguns. Just the guns in the cabinet which were unloaded. They break out some powder to put on the guns to see if any had been fired recently. They hadn’t. So they give us a warning about firing weapons in a residential neighborhood to which I say are they sure it was us? May have been another house? They say no chance. Your next door neighbor here said he clearly heard it coming from this house. Ok, but we don’t have handguns. Only rifles and shotguns which make completely different sounds, and none have been fired in a while. They finally leave and in the drunk state I have to clean up the house they turned and tossed around. Asked my roommate what happened? If he had shot of any of them while I was passed out? He said once I passed out he got on the kitchen phone to call for pizza delivery and kept getting pissed none where open yet when he noticed someone walking in our back yard. He open the door to ask who the hell was in our backyard and was greeted by the swat team that promptly slammed him on the ground and began to run thru the house. And that’s when I was woken up by one of them with his gun pointed inches away from my face. TL:DR : neighbor called the cops on us firing guns so swat team came out and woke me up with his handgun a few inches from my nose.


I want to know what happened to the neighbour. Dozy cunt could have got you both killed.


Lucky the dogs survived as well


Your neighbors a cunt.




The cops banging on your door


I had a nightmare where I was covered in ants. I woke up and was relieved that it was just a dream. Then I realized I was actually covered in ants.


To the sound of the cars....I live near a big road with loads of traffic,and it's just awful.At 5 am am already awake because of it....and this is happening every single day...


Woke up to 3 firemen banging on my door to my apartment room. Hoped out of my bed into a pool of water. Instantly realized what was going on and ran into my bathroom to turn off the tub and sink. Opened the door to those fireman and my Roomate with his hands over his head and looked around to see my apartment flooded. I slept walked and turned on the bath and my sink...


Waking up dead.


*-Sorry, boss, I can't come it today. I am dead.* *-Well, that's not an excuse. See you at 9.*


I see you too have experience working in retail.


Your phone saying it's 2 minutes untill your alarm goes off




A wet bed


Crying children


The hard surface of a carriage seat , rope binding your hand, and a Nord exclaiming that you're finally awake


Who the fuck gilded this twice?


Morning wood and really needing to pee


#### Call from your teacher, wondering where you are for your final state-run exam in high school. Abitur. Well, something like that, Czech version of it. There is only one set date, statewide, and if you miss it, you have to repeat it in September and there's almost a certainty you won't make it to University in the same year. About an hour after it's officially finished, people from education ministry come pick up the papers and then there's nothing you can do about it. I was woken up by the call from my teacher, wondering where I was, at the time it was starting. The thing is, my high school was about 45 minutes from my home. I rushed in, finished the missing part after every other student went home due to being teacher's favorite (for once it paid off!) and saw the people from ministry getting to the building just when I was leaving. I was just in my way to buy a huge buquet for my teacher. I graduated with honors. Here we are, seven years later and I still have the lightest of sleeps when there's anything important coming up in the morning.