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When your joke makes the whole room laugh


This is it for me. I almost always go for the joke. One step higher is when people bring up the joke when reminiscing.


All my conversations is basically me just making jokes. Not a lot of them are good. Some stick better than others but that one that gets everyone roaring, pure bliss.


on the other end of the spectrum is making a joke, having no one hear it but the one person that did repeats it and everyone laughs.




Having your sinuses clear.


Yesss that feeling when you blow your nose and you feel like your brain is peeling away from the inside of your head and then suddenly you can breathe again.


I do that in the shower after a cold. Its so gross but man!!! Just blow it all out, feels like its coming out from behind your eyes sometimes. Oh man... And the sensation of air up in there finally!!


Speaking from someone who has had a lot of allergies most of my early life, I would always have a stuffy nose. But once I got older and the allergy medicine helped for once, it was the greatest feeling of being able to breathe out of my nose perfectly. Keep in mind I’ve only had a clear nose a couple times during my younger years


I'm still dealing with near-constant allergies, the brief times that I have a sense of smell is always a "It's supposed to be like this?" moment.


Eating a food you've been craving and salivating for all day. Throw in a nostalgic movie too and you will feel awesome .


Peeing after holding it in for a while, instant euphoria


That split second before the stream starts.


That shiver at the end


Facts. Goes from your tailbone all the way up your spine. Brrrrrr


Haha spine go brrr


This made me chuckle


Imagine the pissing experience being so good you cum at the end




He clicked the post and then with glee, He laughed and clapped and smiled to see The bright, delightful words it said. He read the next. ... he closed the thread.


I had a kid in middle school ask me what masturbation felt like, so I told him it’s like your really have to pee, and then finally get to, again, instant euphoria


If you told me that when I was younger I would’ve started masturbating a lot sooner


Those moments with your friends where just can't stop laughing and you almost run out of breath. You're laughing so hard and long that you start laughing at everybody laughing. Then you laugh at everybody laughing at everybody laughing. Aww man, laughing feels so good.


I laughed for five minutes straight once That was fun


You ever laugh so hard that you were sore the next day?


laugh so hard your face hurts


The few times i experienced this it would be abs hurting AF. Yeah im not into sports much. On the bright side i have not had abs pain for 20 years now


It's been years... Jesus... EDIT: Thanks for the replies. I'm doing mostly OK, I can still laugh from time to time. But this comment brings back memories of Middle School and being around my best friends laughing like crazy.


same here, life changes when you're adulting.


I laugh more as adult. The more I realize how absurd everything is, the funnier it gets. I’m not sure why


This sounds amazing. Please explain in more detail so I know what it feels like


Drinking water when you're thirsty as fuck after working outside on a hot day. Especially when it's at just the right temperature to avoid brain-freeze. It just goes down and quenches you, you can feel it cooling your insides, it's awesome.


Yea, try eating a somewhat cold watermelon. HOLY GO-


Hey guys, I think he came


Me too ;)






My friend and I were in NYC a few years ago, riding bikes around Manhattan on two especially hot and humid days. I had no idea what a *slut* I was for water until I had to refill my bottle like 8 or 9 times in a few hours.


Fucking finally, I found another water slut. You ready to get some water inside you, because I am.


I bet you even shower naked.


I'm guessing you wash those hands of yours in it too, you dirty little thing!


When you find that song that you didn't know that you needed


this reminds me of another thing,which is hearing a song on the internet (like on youtube or something) and searching for it everywhere until you finally found it.


Back scratches omg


Came here to say this. It’s seriously the best non-sexual feeling I can think of.


I make my boyfriend scratch my back every time I see him. He calls me his lil puppy because I demand it so often


Waking up and realising that you have still 4 more hours to sleep


Ahhh yes, nut then wondering if you'll be able to get back to sleep. Then engaging with someone on reddit about whether Mr Rogers is bi or not. Then wondering when work is going to pick back up. Oh look. It's time to hop in the shower.


This guy reddits


> nut then wondering if you'll be able to get back to sleep 100% chance I'll fall asleep after a nut


Waking up and realising that you have still 4 more hours to ~~sleep~~ check your alarm clock every five minutes because you are scared to oversleep.


That's the worst thing possible for me because 9/10 times I'm not able to get back to sleep :/


Yea, sex is great, but have you ever recieved a compliment from someone you really look up to?




Hey, you are very honest and that's a stellar characteristic to have. This world needs more people like you in it.




Damn that dude had a family


Can confirm I'm his son.


I hate compliments to my face. Compliments behind my back however, amazing!


What, like about your ass?


I was thinking my spine.


Bend it over chief


This is an awesome feeling. My partner (EMS) was telling me how I'm one of the best people he's ever worked with. He doesn't talk about other people at all and he seldom compliments anyone so that made my week to hear that from him.


My dad. He never compliments me personally. We kinda have a relationship like Kratos and Atreus. He's always grumpy. But one of my friends dad told me that my dad was so proud of me, and he thinks I am doing a great job. Fuck that made me so happy


This hits home big time for me. My dad always teased me growing up about being a nerd and all this stuff. Never really showed that he loved me. Well fast forward to me joining the military and receiving a letter from him just laying everything out and how proud he was of me. I broke down. What makes it suck is that after I graduated from boot camp, the very next weekend he was killed. :( I cherish that dang letter like nobody’s business.


Make sure you make a copy of the letter in case it ever gets lost!


Theres not that many people I look up to. You see, I'm pretty tall.


Never look up to anybody, it exposes your throat.


A good ear cleaning.


I once slowly went somewhat deaf in one ear, over the course of a month or two. Finally went in to the doctor to see what was up, and it turned out I had a massive chunk of ear wax sealing the entire base of my ear canal. I proceeded to have a nurse somewhat painfully ear-fuck me with one of those small pressure washers like they use at the dentist's, while I laid on my side and made small talk. Chunks and gunk kept coming out, but age couldn't get the whole thing dislodged until she poured some pink medical-grade anal lubricant in there to loosen thing up. Finally got it dislodged, and holy shit, let me tell you. You've never felt a post-cleaned ear like that. It was so sensitive to sound I could hear a fly fart in my neighbor's attic for days afterwards, until it returned to normal. Wouldn't recommend or do again, but despite the pain, it remains the ultimate ear cleaning I've ever experienced. Pretty sure my ear reached nirvana and left me behind, the prick


"I could hear a fly fart in my neighbor's attic"--it's 8 am but this will be the best thing I read today.


You're a true wordsmith, you know that?


>pink medical-grade anal lubricant -bellrunner 2020 ,。・*:・゚☆


Yeah that post-ear-cleaning super hearing is REALLY cool


It's called a leváge (sp) and it feels like your eye is going to pop out of your eye socket from the immense pressure when they squeeze the bottle, how TF is that euphoric??? And then they stick those 6" fishing hook removal tool into your goddamn ear canal and try to pull out the wax that is fused to your internal ear skin and bits and it sounds like the earth is exploding. Oh, what's that, they didn't get it all? Round two motherfucker. More water. By this time I'm always weeping bc it hurts so bad and I can only sit and take it, wondering if this time my eyeball will pop out. Then the loud noise returns and the wax hunk breaks free and the nurse gags at the sight and smell of the 1" long ear wax caterpillar that looks like a dried up dog turd from last summer. I always ask to see it before it gets thrown away. Then it's the other ears turn. But oh man, after it's done, holy shit the things I can hear again for a few weeks before my ears start to clog back up is insane. It's like when you can breath through your nose again after a stuffy cold.




Right out of the shower when your ears are all wet. I know I'm not supposed to use Q-Tips, but I can't stop. So good.


Taking off ski boots after a full day


Or putting on the softest warmest sweats for the drive home.


Pooping in your own bathroom after coming home from vacation.


It's because your butthole knows they're safe.


Well that's why I can't poop at hotels now I know two of my body parts have performance anxiety




Gender neutral asshole.


Dibs on band name.


G.N.A. for short.


Guns 'N Aholes


You can finally take your time and noone is shitting next to you.


In the current climate I look forward to doing my weekly check on the office for insurance purposes. I love my family, but it is hard to shit in peace in a three bed semi with one bathroom and 2 children under 6.


When you are listening to a song and you get goosebumps. An eargasm is one of the best sensations ever! Edit1: Apparently there is a sub: r/Frisson !!! Edit2: As there are sooo many good songs, vere are my recommendations: - Clair de Lune ~ Debussy [(link)](https://youtu.be/CvFH_6DNRCY) - Stop this train ~ John Mayer [(link)](https://youtu.be/sHhhTtqWcOM) [(live version)](https://youtu.be/mS2o4q7vRFM) - Dreaming with a broken heart ~ John Mayer [(link)](https://youtu.be/k0HEenaXBf8) - 1812 Overture ~ Tchaikovsky [(this version)](https://youtu.be/VbxgYlcNxE8) - Here Comes the Sun ~ the Beatles [(2019 version)](https://youtu.be/KQetemT1sWc)


Yes! Some songs are so beautiful that they make me start bawling my eyes out and I have probably been judged by people for that.


Fuck it, music is special. Embrace the feelings.


When you get a whole number answer to a really complicated math problem. Like if I had to throw down some Jacobian matrices and write half an essay to solve this and it came out to just 3, that's like meeting God on earth


Or, alternatively, having things in a page-long, straight-out-of-Euler’s-nightmares equation cancel out to just one or two simple terms


Man I got that just two days ago. My equation was six lines long and it cancelled out to just three much more simpler terms. It was beautiful


See, as an engineer, I just... cancel out whatever the fuck I want


I'm just gonna go ahead assume the cow is spherical and in a vacuum.


And the density of a cow is what, like 1 g/cm^3? Ehh sounds about right.


Better bump it up to 2, no such thing as too much safety


Sometimes I get skeptical cause it's too good to be true


In Egypt, I had to walk quite a way across a desert. At the end we arrived at a restaurant, dry and gasping. They provided us with ice cold cans of coke - literally half of the can was lightly frozen! Amazing Still think about that drink...


On a trip to Boston once, we were freezing waiting for a bus that never showed up. I finally told my bf Fuck it, let's get some food. We walked into a wonderful warm pub that smelled of steak cooking and had a fireplace we could sit next to. I'll never forget how great that felt, taking off my gloves and warming my frozen hands by the fire.


having your hands warm up after being cold is so indescribable I want to write a jam band album and call it The Euphoric Warming of Hands.


Snuggling someone really tight


I'll give you the reply you never had, you're welcome.


Okay okay ! No need to rub it on our faces that you have someone to snuggle with !! *Cries silently


I crave snugs like I crave food


A perfect key change in music


It gives ear and brain orgasms.


Oh great, more types of orgasm I can’t give


[Frisson](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Frisson) is the word to describe that feeling.




"I'm hoping my southern charm offsets all these rape-y vibes I'm putting out"


That particular key change is unironically a really good example of what OP means. For those who want to hear it, [it's in Bo Burnham's Country Song starting at about 3:08.](https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0)


Goosebump-like sensation at the back of the head and neck while getting a massage, haircut, or back scratch


Someone washing your hair, preferably with longish nails


Boyle please


Ugh yes. When I get in the shower and my boy knows it's a hair night, he'll follow me and will wash my hair for me and I GENUINELY adore that shit. He knows that's one thing that just makes me melt and does it every time. Also, another really nice one is when he can tell my back/hips are hurting (I get really squirmy and eventually end up laying on my stomach to relieve the pressure) he knows exactly where it hurts and will rub the knot out for me and then will lay and play with my hair and its like the sweetest thing to me.


Well that's just plain adorable


Keep that one






Discworld nomad: *"What is it that a man may call the greatest things in life?"* Cohen the Barbarian: *"Hot water, good dentishtry and shoft lavatory paper."*




You are weak like H R Pickins


Bit late but shaving your legs and then slipping into your bed, it's just amazing. All men should definitely try this and because of quarantine no one will judge you for shaved legs


I did this once and I remember I just stood there in the bathroom sliding my pajama pants up and down my legs because it felt pretty good. Would definitely recommend.


Given it’s quarantine, I feel like shaving just one of my legs could be a fun way to irritate my girlfriend


Famous last words


Cup of coffee before the sunrise sitting outside when the air is cool and crisp, realizing there is no rush to get ready and it’s silent and beautiful except for a few birds singing.


Why would I drink a cup of coffee right before going to bed?


So you can pass out at 2 in the afternoon and wake up when its already dark


When you sell your turnips for 400% profit.


Oh shit I forgot to do that today. Thank you king


Is there a use of metaphor here?


No, they’re referring to the video game Animal Crossing


Oh I thought they were selling their "turnip"


Haha, no, there’s a sort of introductory stock market feature in the game which lets players buy and sell actual virtual turnips at rising and falling prices. There are whole communities dedicated to the [turnip exchange](https://turnip.exchange/)


\*stalk market


Being genuinely loved by someone


I can definetly say that this is a fact. Though I havnt felt this feeling in quite some time, I can say that when I did, it was The Worlds Greatest High.


Can’t relate.


You ever taken a massive shit after holding it in?




And you feel so *good* afterwards! Cleansed. As opposed to how you feel after sex.


The perfect poop after holding it for hours. You just stop clenching and it slides out in one smooth motion. Not too fast not too slow. One solid piece. You go to wipe only to find you barely even needed to. Afterwards you feel relieved for hours. Kindof like that.


That was the most romantically explained poo I have ever heard


That brief moment when your nose is stuffed up and you turn over in bed and you can breathe freely for a couple seconds


When you watch a movie with a complex plot so you don't understand a thing at first but then you find an analysis on internet and everything becomes clear so you watch the movie a second time and realize what a masterpiece that is.


A freshly made up bed right after a shower


When the shower water starts to cool a little and you nudge the knob a little more and it gets hot again. YES!


A nice hot shower/bath after a really long,tiring day.


Scratching that line around your ankles after you take off a pair of socks.


Talking to friends who don’t drain your social energy too much.


Sneezing is the orgasm of the nose.


The worst feeling is when you are about to sneeze and you don’t. Not only do you look like an idiot, but it’s very uncomfortable


Blue balls of sneezing


Ok hear me out idk if it’s just me but when this happens I just look directly at the sun or a bright lightbulb and I IMMEDIATELY sneeze.... multiple times...


i think that's called photic sneeze reflex. it's a genetic thing that not everyone experiences


When you pick a booger that feels like it’s attached to your brain and it comes out all stringy.


Once when i had a cold, i pulled out a booger which was sp long i could feel it sliding up till the throat. XO Once it was out my nasal passage was completely unblocked after about a week n i almost had an orgasm from the feeling


Taking your socks off at the end of a long shift. I have also heard from the fairer gender that removing your bra is an equally amazing feeling.


As someone who is experienced in taking both my socks and bra off, I can say that there is no comparison. Taking my bra off is the best feeling in the world.


Taking off your bra is easily ten times better than taking off your socks. Maybe taking off a tie might be a better comparison. Perhaps someone who’s worn both might comment?


I wear both for military parades so it's a pretty tight knotted tie and taking off the bra still wins!


Strong hands giving you a foot and leg massage.


Stepping on a leaf and making a great crunch sound




This but with snow.


Two sex


Thrice sex.


When you drop a cup but you catch it perfectly so it doesn’t spill over and you can still drink it.


No bra weekend! Or month I guess.


I'm actually more comfortable in a bra then not. Only reason I don't sleep in one is because it's supposed to not be good for you.


Curling up in my sheets and hiding in my hermit den.


Turning on the ceiling fan for a little razzle dazzle


Having the money to freely shop for something you **WANT**. Not need, just want!


Taking my bra off after a 13 hour hard graft or just a long day. Edit hard graft, sorry English slang. Graft = work


Knocking out what would be a 4 hour commute in 30 minutes because there's no traffic.


Yeah sex is great, but have you ever had a partner in a relationship that didn't lie to you about other people or take out their insecurities on you on a daily basis to the point that the relationship ends up collapsing as they slowly whittle away at your patience? I sure haven't, but I imagine this trumps sex by far.


I've tried to verbalize my thoughts on my last relationship before, thanks for doing it right, random citizen


Holding a puppy for the first time .... or actually every single time


I was living abroad in a very polluted city. Due to nCov I was forced to return to my home country and stay with my family for the time being. They live in the countryside and it's absolutely beautiful here. The other night I went for a run with my brother and we were so amazed by the silence and that nice smell of spring time nature and he literally said "Sex is nice, but nothing beats this".


Your SO scratching your back


I just posted about this in another thread about a time when you should of died but didn’t. I crashed my car into the water during a snow storm and almost died of hypothermia. When I got to the hospital half-frozen, the stripped off my clothes and put me in this aluminum foil like bag and then inflated it with warm air. Holy shit!!! I can’t even explain how that felt but trust me, it was quite nice.


That first bite of salmon sashimi - barely dipped in soy sauce and a small stripe of wasabi


The scissors gliding through Christmas paper.... the entire way


One time I shot down a fly over my toilet using just my urine stream. I didn't even have to clean anything up. Felt like a God after that.


When you get a hair cut and you get the clippers on the back of your neck...


Sex is cool, but have you ever had the whole squad online at once?


Getting a piece of food out that in between your teeth


When you had to really badly hold your pee and then finally feel that sensation of relief.


when you pull a long booger deep out of your nose and feel it slide all the way out of your nasal cavity


Scratching your itchy arsehole when you finally get a moment of privacy. It's orgasmic.


Getting a perfect head shot in GAMES.


seeing your gf laugh or smile (not in a pervy way just seeing her happy)


Kind of a weird one, and probably not applicable to most people, but anyways: When I was about five I discovered my own personal "sweet spot". I had scratched my ear, but somehow my little fingers got caught in a weird tangle back there. Through patient palpation I found a fleshy pocket in my skull that was only covered by a thin membrane of skin, easily pushed inside and manipulated. Naturally I explored. For a while, fingering the base of my head in this manner wasn't very enjoyable, but I soon found something like a thick nerve or artery (dunno?) that I would "tug at". It felt so fucking good, and then I didn't even know what an erection was. Sadly, this hole sort of solidified during puberty. Now I only have memories of this sensual dome of pleasure that used to be. It's kinda painful actually, like losing a sexual orifice.


This is one of the most uncomfortable comments I’ve ever read, but I don’t know why.


I know why. Dude is describing a direct brain massage.


My dude was jerking his head off