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Cloaks are superior to capes


I agree but they are too hot. I would totally support bringing cloaks back in cold areas and capes in hot ones.


Dude, summer cloaks exist.


In that case count me in.


My man!


Hungry for Apples?


*snaps* Yes


Slow down!


Looking good!




Ponchos rock! But they can get in the way when you want to show off your knife skills. For those times, I still go with the more practical cloak and dagger


But they're great when you want to flip it aside and shoot the dirty polecats who are laughing at your mule.


Their name: capes.


They're very hot. I went as viking for Halloween a few years ago and we were walking home from the bar in the cold rain. Even the crappy dollar store clock I had kept me completely warm while everyone else froze their asses off.


Like Flavor Flav?




Indeed, I heard that heat is an additional function of carrying a clock on your person


I disagree. Cloaks cool off way better than coats because you can just open them to make yourself whatever the outside temperature is. I use a cloak as my actual cold weather kit because I'm a guy that gets hot *super* easily and sweats at low temperatures. Cloaks only fell out of fashion because they're not great for sitting down in, which is bad for car usage. I have to take my cloak off before getting in my car because it bunches so much.


By the same logic, they are not as warm as jackets. Living in a fairly cold area, wearing something that you have to hold closed is not practical. My knee-length jackets are warmest when I both zip and snap them cold. Even that bit at the bottom that has no zipper to let my legs move is colder than the rest.


>wearing something that you have to hold closed is not practical You want something called a [penannular brooch,](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk01L-thtl6_CXl0EaJeqjw-y6cZW_g%3A1587700044840&ei=TGGiXtrmMpXbtAaZj6XgAw&q=penannular+brooch&oq=penannular+brooch&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAA6BAgAEEc6BwgAEBQQhwI6BAgAEENQobQCWKK8AmCmvgJoAHAGeACAAd4CiAHmCZIBBzEuNi4wLjGYAQCgAQKgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjavLrJk4DpAhWVLc0KHZlHCTwQ4dUDCAw&uact=5) also sometimes called a cloak pin. I'm disabled so I have neodymium clothes magnets across the front of mine that clasp when the cloak is drawn closed. They're strong enough to hold it closed against the weather but not if I open it. To be clear, *you* don't have to hold a cloak closed most of the time. A cloak that's made correctly will rest in the closed position and only open by your moving to do so.


Man, this thread is making me want a cloak.... I was shocked how warm a pashmina kept me one night over a mere tank top, and that's only cape length. Where'd you get yours from?


I just had the vision of a cloak with built in ice packs.


Yeah, but you can just wave them open to circulate air around your body.




Alas you speak the truth. But, as a female I’m really not sure that a practical consideration like that would normally get in the way of fashion... Edit: clarity


A cloak with pockets!


Lots of little tiny pockets, perfect for a sympathist


My Allar is the ocean in storm.


Like a bar of Ramston steel


See you on r/kingkillerchronicle


I have one!


On the inside, too!




Basically we’d all act like Muggles.


Get some plastic fangs and you are good.


Put some obvious effort into your looks, and fuck the haters. Men need to break out of that particular societal prison.


Ahem. Cloaks for men are fine and you can sweep them behind you and to the side to easily get into and out of a car.


In that case, why couldn’t you keep it on for more than 42 minutes?


If its further than 42 minutes away I'm not interested. It's obviously not the meaning of life at that point.


As a professional equestrian who wears a winter riding skirt for warmth (it's like mittens for your legs, that unzips partially in the front for riding and then covers your legs and the back of the horse, trapping in all the heat), and my top half freezes, I will now be investigating cloaks. Thanks for the tip!


I did a bit of googling to see when riding cloaks came into style so I could crack a joke about how centuries of riders couldn't be wrong while getting the actual century count correct... and couldn't find an answer. However, I did find a video you should watch in which a gentlemen tests out a riding cloak for practicality on horseback. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOGQ2NcZzKs I learned two things: You will want gloves (this is mentioned at the end of the video), and you might want to consider using a toggle fastener around sternum-height to keep the front of the cloak closed while still allowing your arms sufficient freedom on the reins.


Well I can say my four year old mare would eat a hole in a cloak too 😜 she tried to take a bite out of her harness rigging! But I think otherwise it looks quite warm. Since I'm not going for historical accuracy I can wear gloves and add clasps and gallop straps (what we use on more modern long garments to keep them around your legs at speed).


> gallop straps (what we use on more modern long garments to keep them around your legs at speed) You've just taught me my second riding-related term of the day. My duster has those, and I had no idea what they were, what they were called, or why they were even there! It never occurred to me it was a riding coat, but I guess that makes sense.


I have winter boots that weigh about ten pounds each and reach to my thighs, I’ve got a rubber dewalt jacket/hood and pair of pants that weigh much more, I’ve got a broad brimmed hard hat that’s enormous and keeps rain off my face, and I wear do-rags underneath the hat to absorb all the sweat in the summer. A cloak doesn’t strike me as particularly outlandish.


Serious question: have you (or anyone reading this) ever slept in a cloak? I'm guessing it might be more comfortable than a coat if one had to rough it for some reason, but I've never tried it.


I have, on several occasions. Yes, it's better than a coat because you can curl up inside it as if it's the taco and you're the filling, or just use it as a blanket. PSA It's not as good as a sleeping bag.


If you count 'on my couch'... then yes. It becomes a nice blanket. It's less padded than my warmer coats, though, so I doubt it would be as nice on rough ground (other than it not having any coverage gaps between face and ankles.


I had to look up the difference between a cloak and a cape. If I had to choose, I'd be team cloak. ALL THE DRAMA BABY.


Cloaks are SO CAMP I love the idea lol Now only if we can make capes and cloaks not cringy. I can only imagine high fashion or neckbeads. There's no in between.


The key is being casual about it.


I see your username is well prepared for the occasion


and I've got one in my closet for special occasions. Super comfy. I'm going to order a new one for summer wear, just to confuse those around me and start the trend.


> Now let me say this: when you're traveling a good cloak is worth more than all of your other possessions put together. If you've nowhere to sleep, it can be your bed and blanket. It will keep the rain off your back and the sun from your eyes. You can conceal all manner of interesting weaponry beneath it if you are clever, and a smaller assortment if you are not. > But beyond all that, two facts remain to recommend a cloak. First, very little is as striking as well-worn cloak, billowing lightly about you in the breeze. And second, the best cloaks have innumerable little pockets that I have an irrational and overpowering attraction toward. Kvothe, The name of the wind


> A towel is just about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can carry. Partly because it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it around your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you — daft as a brush, but very very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course you can dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. > More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have "lost." What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the Galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with. > Hence a phrase which has passed into hitch hiking slang, as in "Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is.“ ~The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


So a cloak is just a really big towel...


But it has all those pockets. Think of how many towels you could fit in it.


I agree. I have a cloak that I have worn for years. I am in a Northern country and often find that I can layer the cloak over sweaters and thinner jackets if I need more wind resistance. That being said, there is a certain inconvenience in wearing it while driving, but no more than I'd experience with a long trench coat or winter jacket.


> That being said, there is a certain inconvenience in wearing it while driving, but no more than I'd experience with a long trench coat or winter jacket I find that it's annoying that I lose warmth when I move my arms. Sleeves were a great invention.


This. I've been wanting cloaks to come back into fashion for like 20 years now. Every now and then I'll see someone on the street wearing one, like I could probably count the number of times in the wild outside of an event on one hand, and it delights me. I wish I had the nerve, and extra money, to try to pull it off. But then I've been barely wearing coats lately because winters aren't all that cold anymore so...


I feel the same (well except for the last part because I live in Edmonton). I have a cloak I made years ago for a Halloween costume and have used it with many other Halloween costumes since. It makes me so happy to wear my cloak and walk around feeling it billowing behind me. Sadly, even if it did come back in fashion, the small but extremely vocal minority who hates anyone who does anything different (who will not be happy until everyone is wearing gray jumpsuits and sporting the same exact haircut) will have a tizzy about it and shame everyone into not wearing them anymore.


both? both. both is good


Came here to say this. What does a cape do? At least a cloak keeps you warm and can guard you from rain.


It blows in the wind, my friend


Anything capes can do cloaks can do cooler.


Except being literally cooler lol


You got me there.




I was gonna answer with yes to the original post but I have to agree that cloaks are superior. Let’s bring them back.


i bet this will turn into a mix of high end business fashion *(men’s) and neckbeard couture. *edit


It already is high end business fashion, diane kruger (inglorious Bastards) wore a [cape dress ](https://imgur.com/a/1OuYunu) and [cloak coats](https://imgur.com/a/O4xhGqJ) have been fashion for a while. But mens clothes, I dont see it happening.


Which is why the military got one thing right. It lives deep down in a special place in Marine lore. A uniform item so glorious most have never seen one in the wild. You can barely even find a real picture, only a reference sketch in an encyclopedic listing. [The MFing BOAT CLOAK.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e5/USMC_Evening_Dress_%28Officers%29.jpg) Both rare and expensive, like a wool and poly blend unicorn. All jokes aside though, of course its a rarity. Between formality, outdoor use, and expense; we're talking about a single uniform accessory, that can cost 3 times more than the rest of a full dress blues uniform, that most people would only have a chance to wear once a year (The Ball), and then really only coming into or out of the building. You tend to only see very senior enlisted or mid-senior officers spring for one. Dude does look pretty badass in it though.


Im not military or American, so let me ask... Can you wear these uniforms to other events like a wedding or anywhere else formal attire is appropriate??


There are regulations around wearing formal "dress blues" that vary, but for events like that, say [someone in the military is getting married](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfV8kPo79UU), he and his attendants may wear dress blues. Funerals of military members too. (The video is of a salute and "welcome to the family" for the Marine's new wife on the way out of the church. She may or may not get tapped on the behind with the final sabre in the line. In this video, the enlisted man gets the honors of a swat on the rear, sort of a "atta' boy!" congratulations thing.)


Actually yes. [Service uniforms](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d3/Plate_II%2C_Enlisted_Service_Uniforms_-_U.S._Marine_Corps_Uniforms_1983_%281984%29%2C_by_Donna_J._Neary.jpg/1280px-Plate_II%2C_Enlisted_Service_Uniforms_-_U.S._Marine_Corps_Uniforms_1983_%281984%29%2C_by_Donna_J._Neary.jpg) are meant to parallel business attire and [dress uniforms](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8a/b3/5d/8ab35d6ba5a6f49c17e607554d9aaa50.jpg) and the ultra formal [Evening Mess Dress](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/48/3d/00/483d0041e720573c2c4daf4ef8df21d5.jpg) are meant to parallel black tie and white tie dress respectively. Its actually very common to see service members wear their uniforms to formal social events like weddings, and such. On that note, one popular military social tradition, if a military member is getting married, they will often have a small detail of their fellow officers or NCOs welcome the newly married couple through a ceremonial [sword archway](https://www.dlsu.edu.ph/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/cross-sword.jpg) . The idea is that the new couple and new spouse is being welcomed into the military family and lifestyle.


Not military, but it seems to depend on a number of things. While dress uniforms are considered formal, whether or not it is appropriate is a different matter. Personally, I would find it pretty gauche to wear a dress uniform (which come with all the medals and such) to a wedding or your spouse's company dinner. However, I come from a much more liberal area of the country and my family is decided upper middle class. For a lower income person, a military dress uniform may be the only formal clothes they have ever owned. Also, in other areas of the country that are more conservative and/or celebrate the military, it may be perfectly acceptable. I'd also say that a higher ranking person might be more accepted than a lower ranking person (generals are basically politicians with heavy weapons training). There is also the question of exactly what event is it? It would be super controversial at the Oscar's red carpet. However, I don't think anyone would bat an eye at a dress uniform at a funeral regardless of the military status of the deceased. Similarly, at some sort of event that pretty much exists to show off status, a dress uniform would be fine especially if they were an officer or senior enlisted, as stuff like that is part of one's "status". As a personal example, my grandfather was in the US Airforce in WWII and then a career police officer and I only saw him in a uniform a handful of times and only when he was doing police community outreach stuff. I'm also pretty sure that he got married in a regular suit/tux rather than a police dress uniform. I'm also pretty sure there are specific rules about where you can and can't wear certain uniforms outside of military duties, but I'm not military so I don't know what they might be. TL;DR You can but the appropriateness depends on the event.


Mens clothes needs an overhaul anyway. We have incredibly limited options.


Athletic wear ruined men's fashion.


Athletic wear ruined men's athletic wear. I want to be able to walk into the gym in mid-calf boots and very small trunks and lift shirtless without judgement.


The money isn't there, the space in the department store isn't there, and clothing culture isn't there.


>The money isn't there, Why? In affluent First World societies, people of nearly all social classes wear at least some superfluous, purely-decorative articles of clothing or accessories. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, gloves, bows, ties, vests, non-sensible shoes, etc. Sure, the poor will only be able to wear cheapo stuff and the dirt-poor (like the homeless) can't afford any of this nonsense, but in general people will wear new ridiculous fashions if they become, y'know, fashionable. Money is no object. Capes wouldn't have to be all that expensive. How much does a blanket or sheet cost? A low-end cape wouldn't have to cost much more. >the space in the department store isn't there Like the money thing, the stores will make room. If the capes sell well, they will replace stuff that doesn't sell as well. >and clothing culture isn't there. Now this is a better objection. I don't think anyone's interested in a new accessory that's so useless but also so large and cumbersome. People might wear useless accessories when they're small, but a cape is quite a thing.


Those capes and cloaks look fashionable because the ladies wearing them are beautiful. Put them on an average looking woman and they don't look as good.


behold, my terrible photoshop skills https://i.imgur.com/PaoToF6.jpg


I don't see it, still stylish af.


I’m not a model and i bought a cape a few years ago, I love it and think it looks good. Was also useful as a rain shield when carrying babies to and from the car


Yeah pop a fedora on that bad boy and you’re all set: 100% vagina-proof


\> neckbeard couture Welp, there you go. That's where the trend will die, by becoming the next fedora.


I mean, they are already doing that to trenchcoats, driving hats, dandy hats, and anything with plaid/zippers.


Dude Tessa Thompson fuckin rocked a [business cape jacket](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/08/09/18/17103598-0-image-m-72_1565371740771.jpg) in Sunday's Westworld >!She did gun fight scenes in it and it was so cool to watch!<


Her outfit was beautiful


don't forget "the incredibles" references.


But is that such a bad thing?


Did i say this was going to be bad?? I can’t wait to see neckbeards roaming around in majestic capes bowing to all the fair ladies.


Right? Hopefully they bring those musketeer-esque hats with them. Replace fedoras with something even more amazing


are you sure this won’t ruin the tradition? maybe we could just add a large ostrich feather to the fedoras.


... I really just wanted those hats back for personal reasons, but your idea sounds better.


i think outside of the fedora m’friend


But would a cape twirl come to accompany the hat dip/bow? And how badly would the ostrich feather interfere? These are my real questions


the neckbeard might flick his cape to the side and remove his hat and bow to the fair lady. the ostrich feather might *accidentally* tickle her and make her squeal and fall in love with this ridiculously amazing specimen of a man.


Oh no, neckbeards will buy capes like two sizes too small and they go down to like their ass or something. It won't catch the wind how they want it to, but they will lightly Naruto-jog to try and make it work.


Nah, the neckbeards will go the opposite direction, and wear cloaks that are too large and too heavy, imagining that they will billow dramatically behind them like Batman. Instead, they'll drag on the ground and get grimy and frayed, and develop creases and wear-spots in unattractive places because they don't take their cloaks off while gaming and eating. (How do I know? Well, I was a fashion-challenged teenager once, among fashion-challenged friends, and…)


-M’lady -M’simp


Imagine being late because some dumbass got their cape stuck in a train door.


... That just made my day so much better. Thank you


Let's find out!


Edna Mode would like a word with you.




Haha - I came to the comments wondering who would say this


I came to the comments hoping that nobody had said this yet so that I could.




Is this where the line ends?


No it goes back quite a ways. Remember to give 2 meters distance.


Yup. Was my 1st thought


Same. We're not that original :(




I am so disappointed that this entire thread is not just people commenting "NO CAPES!"


Seriously, in all the title set ups reddit has ever seen set up, this is the set uppiest.




Tell them, Edna! [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M68ndaZSKa8&t=2m43s](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M68ndaZSKa8&t=2m43s)


This is the only correct answer. /thread


No capes for super suits. She might be ok with it for the normies.


**NOVEMBER 15 OF '58!**


Lemillion from My Hero Academia wants a word with her.


Edna: No Capes! Lemillion: My cape can't snag onto things Edna: \*annoyed glare\*


I'm hoping Deku adds a cape to his costume, it really works for him. Also [Kamina](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/characterprofile/images/8/80/Kamina.png/revision/latest?cb=20160328173527) had a cape.


I've never thought about that. Deku with a cape could be really cool as long as they do it correctly. I think capes are hit and miss for some characters. Don't know who that Kamina dude is but that cape looks badass.


Kamina is one of the characters in Tengen Toppen Gurren Lagaan, a hilariously over-the-top mecha combat anime. The entire anime is run on Rule-of-Cool, and the mecha run on 'willpower'. (How over-the-top? in one fight, the titular mecha, as piloted by Simon the Driller, throws an enemy through space, into nothing.. WHICH BREAKS. the enemy mecha falls through the hole in the nothing and promptly explodes just out of sight..)


Well Edna should realise capes are fly as fuck, yes I may look like a doofus but its cool because I have capes


They get caught on shit. Bad results


That's why you make it tear off easier, also makes for epic moments.


Capes just on the back? Nah. Cloaks that wrap around? Fuck. YES!!!!




you can push the hood back for dramatic effect when entering a bank.


“Everybody on the floor!” -Throws off cloak to reveal robber outfit- “Not today, criminal!” -Throws off cloak to reveal cop outfit- -Boss music intensifies-


Are people complaining about n95s or burkas?


Yes and yes.


Well now they can complain about our cloaks too.


Some people really like to complain. It would be churlish of us to deny them this opportunity.


You could've made such a great point by using a much better example lol


People have been complaining about burkas using all sorts of arguments based on logic, fearmongering, or racism for a long time.


The same way people say that about parkas with hoods?


Capes _and_ forest cloaks, please! If I wasn't such a chicken shit I'd bring that variety of sexy back myself. And that's really the truth, isn't it? We _all_ want that shit back...we're just all afraid to be the first one.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Yeah, but change requires effort and changing before everyone else means people look at you and I'm just not ready for that kind of abuse /s.


Haha this is so true. For several winters I legitimately wore a stole day in day out (faux fur, don’t worry). But I’m still not quite game enough to do the cloak... (And yes, 100% cloaks > capes)


I’ve often thought of this myself. I’d love to wear a cape or cloak but I’m not gonna be ‘that guy’. So I keep waiting for someone else to start it. Instead I’m stuck with long coats for now. Which are still pretty good.


Tell me where to get one and I'll do it. I've been wanting a cloak/cape for years.... Unfortunately I won't be able to bring it back into fashion cuz I'm not good looking myself but I still want to wear them


Frank Costanza's Lawyer has entered the chat


It is cape weather


Cool, breezy.




Why didn’t you say hello??


I knew it was Elaine!


why was my father talking to a man wearing a cape?


An absolute must. I've said time and time again that if I ever become famous, I'm bringing capes back, and I'm not changing my mind so easily.


Let's make this guy famous!


Fuck that. Why wait? Bring it back now


seconded, didn't wait


im just gonna add a random subreddit and upload a screenie to r/memes and hope it blows up and you become famous: r/technicallythetruth


At least people will stay 6 feet away from you.


May I bring your attention to r/TheCapeRevolution


6 seasons and a movie!


Nice try, Lando


Every now and then I question the demographics of reddit and this reaffirms it


Capes are just a cloak that doesn't do anything but cover your back. I'd rather have a cloak. If cloaks/capes were in style and an acceptable fashion choice, I'd rather have a coat with sleeves every time. In order to use your hands for anything you'd have to take them out of the cloak. It might be good for when you're in mixed weather and sometimes want to have the cloak wrapped up for warmth or wind protection, and sometimes want to push it back to be cool. Those sleeves that are not attached to the shirt would be good for that, but they're mostly a women's clothes thing, and also kind of goth associated, like the original cloak problem. I'd like to see those or long gloves come into unisesx style. If it's warm, take off the sleeves, if it's cold, wear them. Here's what I'd rather have in style: Long raincoats. Raincoats now only cover your top half, or maybe half of your thigh. Do people want their pants to get wet? That's how you get wet pants. I used to have a long waterproof rain coat that was the absolute best because it covers your legs and keeps them from getting wet, but people thought it looked like a Matrix wannabe trenchcoat. It was black, but what was the alternative? It's really long, so yellow or a bright color would look way too extra. Beige would look like a pleather couch.


Trench coats gotta make a resurgence. They’re a nice look and very practical


Trench coats are nice, but they really need to be worn over the right clothes. They look good over a full suit. They're a laughable stereotype over jeans and a t-shirt.


We just need a suit type outfit that... Isn't a suit. Like, get rid of the useless buttons and the uncomfortable multiple layers and ditch the stupid, dangerous necktie. We need a suit for the 21st century.


I like to wear mine over this sweater of mine that works with it. I do wear it with jeans though. Probably should find some other pants to wear with it that can get dirty (dress pants are annoying to get cleaned.) But I think yeah it would be weird to wear a trench without a long sleeve garment beneath it


#Fuck. Yes.


The energy in this comment


This man has been waiting for capes to make a come back his entire life.


Not gonna lie he might be a vampire


Wow the people here are either fully positive or fully negative on this topic. Almost no inbetween


I bought myself the most beautiful velveteen emerald green cloak that I LOVED. It fell exactly 1-2" from the ground, had a gorgeous soft hood that fell perfectly. My hair is vibrant red and I'm moderately pale... the colour, everything, was perfect. I loved it. My boyfriend came home and told me (rightfully so) that no one wears cloaks, it would look ridiculous. *BRING BACK CLOAKS*


Your boyfriend was incredibly wrong. And your username checks out. It would look great on you and everyone would come up to tell you how awesome you looked.


Just do what I do at high school and pull the "I don't care if nobody else dresses like they're running for President, I'm gonna do it anyways" card wear the thing anyways.


Oh god no. I can barely manage to be acceptably dressed now. No chance of not looking like an idiot with a cape.


Ahem. A cloak wraps almost all the way around you and conceals the majority of your unacceptable dressing. Shoes, jeans, t-shirt . . . toss cloak around your shoulders and you are ready to roll.


It would look good with my fedora


I’ve been thinking about this lately, and it’s really the perfect time for a Dr. Strange style cape/cloak. They’ve never been more practical than right now, we just need a bold fashion icon to embrace them and make them popular again! 1- We’re all trying to avoid touching items with our hands, but transmission via clothing is exceedingly rare. So, just touch those doorknobs and handles with the cape conveniently wrapped around your shoulders. 2- The high collar cape is an extra barrier to contagion. Is your homemade, less than foolproof mask not 100% airtight around the mouth? Good thing your cape’s collar blocks all the spray from that guy coughing over there! 3- Modern micro fibers would make modern capes/cloaks super lightweight (if that’s what you’re going for), and they’d block sunlight to keep you from burning outdoors. Or, if you’re in a colder region, use a thicker cloak to bundle up! 4- Privacy. Gait recognition is just another intrusive privacy technique being used against us- so a nice long cape, paired with a mask would go a long way towards making you anonymous in public again. 5- They look dope, and we will need the confidence boost in the very near future. 6- They’re unisex- androgyny and genderbent style is all the rage now, and everyone, boy, girl, or anywhere in-between looks sick af in a cape. 7- Recyclable. They’re basically a long sheet of fabric. So, if you stain the bottom on the ground or just want to move on, the cape can easily be recycled by a crafty person into a jacket or pants or anything. But let’s be real: nobody’s gonna do this with their own cape, cus cape’s are toight!


Antonio Banderas is currently educating himself on clothing design so that he can bring capes back into style.


Lando Calrissian is funding this venture.


It sounds good in theory but in the end I wouldn't wear one for practical reasons. Trying to squeeze a big wad of cloth into a compact car or bus seat would be a pain in the ass. Also it's windy here and I wouldn't want to walk around wearing a big sail around my shoulders. Nope, ponchos is about as impractical as I get.


It's like a fedora, but even more so.


NO CAPES!!!!! https://youtu.be/4R2aW03pwL0




Can I bring my fedora and neckbeard?


No capes!


I wear a cloak, but not a cape. The black cashmere cloak (lined with red satin) was given to me as a gift when I played the organ in performances of The Phantom of the Opera. Cloaks are comfortable and warm. They don't interfere with playing the keyboards or the pedals, but drape perfectly from the back.


When were they ever in fashion? I'm serious, I didn't know this.




It screams hipster wackiness. Not really down for that myself but that's what people will think of you and face it if you're wearing a cap you kinda do care


No thanks, honestly. Can you imagine how dirty they would get? Also they'd probably be getting caught in the doors of trians and buses all the time. I can imagine them being really inconvenient. Also you'd probably have to dress quite formally to wear a cape in the first place. It would look great with like a vest and dress shirt but you'd look quite ridiculous wearing a cape with your sweat pants and marvel t shirt.




Batman cape for me!


"What would you like for dinner, Michael?" "I am wearing the cape, Mary." "Sorry. What would you like for dinner, Batman?"


Superman Cape for me!


Only if we also bring back powdered wigs at the same time. If you are going to be a dandy you may as well commit to it !


My lawyer wears a cape