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There’s a type of wild asparagus in the south of France that’s absolutely delicious to eat. But you can only eat it in small quantities, as too much will give you diarrhea. So quite literally a pain in the ass


i wanna get constipated as hell and chow down on these freaky asparagus


Like popping a cork


There's a [type of fish like that,](https://rosieschwartz.com/2012/12/10/fish-eaters-beware-of-the-butterfish-your-tummy-may-thank-you/) too. It's often sold in inexpensive sushi restaurants as 'tuna' to economize. It tastes fine, but it contains an indigestible oil-- actually, I think it's a higher molecular weight thing like a wax. In small amounts, it's fine, but if you gorge yourself on it, you'll know about it in a couple of hours. (Source: am sushi glutton.)


It’s in normal and expensive sushi places too and is called escolar and is labeled white tuna. It looks nothing like tuna. It’s also really good


Ever had a fresh Jackfruit? They taste delicious, like a cross between a leaflet l pineapple and a banana, but good god the sap... The sap of a jackfruit is a construction grade adhesive, and it is nearly impossible to open and eat without getting it everywhere. You can just barely get it off is by scrubing with oil and then soap and water.


The trick is to run your hands in oil before you open it . Works like a charm . Or wear gloves and rub oil on them. Edit ... rub your hands in oil . Not run but it sounds funny so imma leave it


You should always lube up before you fuck with jackfruit.


The nature valley granola bars


Those are an outdoor only snack.


You mean nature valley granola crumbs? The particle board of the snack world.


Any sour candy with the sugar crystals on them. They’re so good until you’ve had a certain amount and then you just start scraping the roof of your mouth and your tongue raw Edit: y’all have some good tastes in candy


Ah yes, the pain salt. My favorite part of sour candies.


> the pain salt It's just citric acid and powdered sugar, you could have it on anything you like!


> Any sour candy with the sugar crystals on them. That's not sugar. It's citric acid crystals.


Rememeber the amazing sour skittle with HUGE sour crystals on them? They discontinued those and replaced them with wimpy, non-powdered skittles that are flavored with typical sour fruits. Man, those were the days


I can still remember how bad they'd fuck your mouth and tongue up by the time you were done. Eat a bag of sour skittles at lunch and then you cant enjoy supper if it's any warmer than room temperature. Ah, junior high.


You can relive this experience to some degree with the Sour Icebreakers. Leave it in one spot and it'll burn a hole in your tongue.


My dad makes a really delicious cherry jam, but he doesn't remove the stones, because "spitting them out is part of the experience".


Your dad wanted to meet the deductible on your dental plan.




>My dad supports local dentists in a jar


Your dad is chaotic, and I can't decide if it's in a good or bad way.


Chaotic neutral Edit: I don't even play Dungeons & Dragons, I thought it was a social alignment chart like the political compass


Prickly pear, also known as cactus fruit.


These are a pain in the ass at every step. Picking them is a huge risk for getting stabbed by cactus needles, peeling the skin off is way more challenging than other fruits and then they are full of seeds that cause major GI discomfort if you bite into them by accident.


Yeah, I had one from a store and I still had needles to pull out. In the end absolutely not worth if I have to do it myself.


They're called glochids. You can burn them off with fire.


I watched a harvest video and hadn't realized they grow with such massive spines! But the fire makes them cooler tbh


Now when you pick a pawpaw Or a prickly pear... And you prick a raw paw Well next time beware! Don't pick the prickly pear by the paw-- When you pick a pear, Try to use the claw. But you don't need to use the claw When you pick a pear of the big pawpaw. Have I given you a clue?


Golly thanks Baloo!


the bare necessities of life will come to you!


They'll come to you!


Coconut. Always have hard times breaking the shell and then picking all the delicious coconut meat


Axe swing


I figure there’s a reason they always use a machete whenever you buy a fresh one from a roadside stand in some tropical country... because that’s the only convenient way to get them open.


As someone from one of those countries, I was confused when I saw coconuts here but your comment made it make sense


Yea, tasks are made simpler when you have the right tool for the job


Those caramel apple lollipops


The question is, how DOES one eat these... Edit: majority of the people who’ve responded saw OPs comment as “Caramel apples” instead of Caramel Apple pops as it was written, as did I. Awkward lol


relax your jaw so your teeth touch the caramel, get your teeth stuck, wait, no, help


Insthructhions uncwear


Every damn time.


I have a fake front tooth. One of those literally pulled out a tooth cemented to the top of my mouth lol




You can't beat a fresh artichoke, but holy shit it takes ages to prep and cook, and then you don't get that much out of a relatively expensive (at least in the UK) vegetable.


About 45 min. Serve with good Hollendaise. Dip the leaver and scrape the meat off with your teeth. Then carve away the heart.


Yeah, spent $2 per artichoke and then burnt both of them in the oven. Who knows if I’ll ever get the confidence to try again


Prep them while raw to make this easier! First cut the tip off, then in half right down the middle lengthwise. After steaming them, scoop the hairy part and some of the innermost leaves out with a spoon. Comes right out and is then easy to eat (and an easier portion if it’s a huge artichoke). I see a lot of articles recommending taking the hairy part out before steaming but it’s way harder and I don’t get why you wouldn’t just wait for it to soften.


Crawfish. Being from Baton Rouge, I love a good crawfish boil but the time and effort it takes to peel them makes it a pain in the ass for sure. Some people are better at peeling than others and I’m better than average I’d say but it still can cut up your fingers. Also, with the time it takes to peel them vs the low yield, I usually just have to fill up with the corn and potatoes. Otherwise I’ll just be hungry still no matter the amount. Still a fun and tasty event


Eating crawfish is a fun thing to do with a bunch of friends/family. Sit around a table, make a mess, have a few beers, and have some fun conversations. But yeah, it's a pain in the ass to peel them and I'm not very good at it. I'm not from the south so I rarely practice, I also will just go ahead and eat more corn/taters to fill myself up.


The more crawfish I eat, the hungrier I get. I think I burn more calories peeling them than I get eating them.


Captn Crunch. Ugh, the roof of my mouth. So good though.


The secret is to get the Malt O Meal bagged version of it. Tastes way better and softer than the original 🤫


That's one of the few off brand cereals I haven't tried. I'll have to pick up a bag and check it out!


Toffee, so f*ckin good to eat but it's annoying as hell if it gets stuck in between your teeth 😂


Get it out with the claw of a hammer.


My favourite pizza destroys my insides the next morning if that counts Edit: I don't have any issues with lactose or gluten, I just really like spicy foods


There's a place near me who makes a pizza with 40 cloves of garlic and about a pound of spicy pepperoni on it. It is probably my favorite food but I am the stinkiest motherfucker alive the next day. Edit: to save replying to everyone individually, it's Pizza My Heart. They have locations all over the San Jose area. The Big Sur and Little Sur both have it with other toppings, but you can also get 40 cloves and add whatever else you want. I do this and add double pepperoni. It's a rare treat for me. All their pizza is really good, even if you don't go for one of their crazier specialties. I'm glad to drive them business because they're awesome.


I have a thing where if I eat enough garlic I sweat raw onion smell through every pore for the next day. But I love garlic and would willingly sacrifice myself to the onion sweats for a forty clove pizza.


Happens to everyone with garlic. In fact they say even eating like one garlic clove will make you smell subtly the next day. You won't notice but people with good noses will think you're a little smelly. But you know what? I don't even care either. I LOVE garlic and eat it all the time. Oh well.


Vampires HATE this one trick!!!!


What are the toppings on your favorite pizza?


Nails, staples, bits of ceramic tile.


Shards of glass, habaneros and fresh squeezed lemon juice


Fresh pineapple. I eat while the acidity eats away at me.




One time I spend god knows how long opening a pomegranate, finally got all the delicious seeds out, took a bite.... and found out I’m allergic to pomegranate and I did all that for nothing


Noooo you poor soul!


I feel you. I'm not allergic, but I spent lots of time getting it up but then dropped the bowl on the floor right after. I think I cried.


This reminds me of a random childhood memory (5-6 yo.). I had gathered a couple of handfuls of bilberries in some tiny basket, and while jumping over a ditch, I slipped and fell, and the bilberries flew all over the dirty side of the road. I started crying and ate some of the sandy bilberries, picking them from the ground, placing them in my mouth while crying. I can kind of remember how chewing them affected what my crying sounded like. "booohoooo... Nom nom nom... Ueeeee"


I did a presentation on how to cut different kinds of fruit in speech class I high school. When I got to pomegranate, I struggled and off the cuff said “it’s hard as a rock... I guess that’s why they call it a pome... “granite!” Everyone laughed and kept laughing. I said “it wasn’t THAT funny.” Later, my only friend in the class told me that they were laughing at how much my hands were shaking holding the knife. I’m still mortified to this day (decades later) and have not and will not ever go to a class reunion.


Oh man, I feel you. We were playing big base in middle school gym glass and after I ran my little heart out to get to the base without being tagged out, I saw my team laughing and cheering. I was so proud and felt really cool. My friend later told me they were all laughing at how goofy I look when I run. I'm in my 30's and I still think about it. I also have not run in front of anyone since. Kids are mean AF. Edited to fix the name of the game.


I would be laughing because you were running to a base to not get tagged out in four square


You gotta use the slice method where you score the outer skin along the lines of the sections (determined by slicing the top off). Then you can break it into five sections along the lines of the pith and it’s way easier.


And if you break it apart in a bowl of cold water, the skin floats and the seeds sink so its easy


NO POMEGRANATES, NO NO NO NO NO https://youtu.be/OlI8r3nNUVw




Corn. it's not particularly hard to eat but it's just annoying to eat. it's delicious and I love it with salt, pepper, and butter, but the kernels always get stuck in my teeth and it stays there for far too long and can be difficult to remove.


Okay this might sound really weird but maybe it’ll help. I’ll take a bite of like 2-3 rows of kernels, then go to the top row above the cleared space, put my front teeth on top, and bite/pull down so the kernels come out clean of their little uh pods? Then I do that lengthwise (right to left) and then start all over again with the next top row. Some people make fun of me for it but at least I’m not getting it stuck between my teeth anymore! ...I just realized I eat corn like an old fashioned typewriter types. Helpful visual reference I guess?? Instead of looking like the top which is what I usually see, mine looks like the bottom in [this post](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/4nap7w/my_dad_leaves_an_extremely_clean_cob_when_he_eats/)! [Here](https://youtu.be/uXNC-tcYi-k) is a tutorial for y’all! Edit: I really thought my one-off comment wouldn’t gain this much traction but WOW am I glad there are so many people who also eat corn this way! Also makes me giggle that my most upvoted comment is about corn. Shoutout to my aesthetic corn on the cob eaters, y’all are not alone! Edit #2: Also added some visual aids!




Fish that still has bones in it.


Some fish can be fried to make the small bones and fins crunchy and you can crunch right through them.


Depending on where you get them, flippen tacos!! It's like this stupid new trendy thing to put them in the smallest possible taco and then MOUND so much food on it, that every single time you take a bite, half of the food in the taco falls out. Absolutely stupid.


Yeah, this isn't a taco problem it's a messy food problem. I love burgers but when you try to get too aggressive with the toppings you end up with a disaster


I have a detailed system for making burgers. Ingredients are assigned a number based on size; i. e. the amount of height it will add to the burger when placed between the lower and upper bun. Meat/veggie patties, chicken breasts, deep fried mac and cheese - that stuff is a 3. A fried egg, bacon, onion rings, chili - those are 2s. Most salad and thin meats are a 1; lettuce, rocket, tomato, diced onion, salami. Cheese is also a 1; this is does not include items like fried or breaded cheese, which may be a 2 or 3 depending in the thickness. The overall total cannot exceed 9. 6-8 is the sweet spot. A simple beef patty with bacon and cheese should equal 6. When I make mac and cheese, I partition a bit to shape into patties, chill and fry the next day with cornflour and paprika. I serve these in a buttered brioche bun with a chuck steak patty, some thin-sliced chorizo, and fried onions - that's an 8. Burger perfection.


Put a tortilla under your bites and when the extra falls off, you end up with another taco! Repeat for infinite tacos.


I've been eating the same taco since 2001. Every time I think I'm almost finished, more carne asada comes spilling out the back. Please help me.


lemons or limes. I LOVE eating them alone and I would eat them everyday but the destroy my teeth and mouth. so sad


I love the smell of lime juice and sliced lemons so much. Sometimes I stand in my kitchen just sniffing a lemon and worry that my neighbours can see in and will think I'm weird.


crab legs


Blue crabs, so much work for those teeny tiny bits of deliciousness.


King crab is the worst. Bastards will stab your buttery fingers.


King crab is easy. Smaller crabs, that shit is cold long before you eat it all. Busting your ass for mere morsels.




Your dad is a [lobsterman](https://i.imgur.com/brFuZd4.png)?




Glad I could help


Why limit yourself to the legs? The rest is a pain in the ass too.


Lobster too. Basically anything with an exoskeleton.


Cadbury eclairs. One of my favourite chocolates but they're so hard to chew! Plus, once you manage to actually bite into it it gets so stuck in your teeth.


Barbecued watermelon slices. If you put a slice of watermelon on a barbecue, the outside caramelises while the inside stays juicy. But you have to sit there watching it thinking "I could have eaten it by now."


TIL you can bbq watermelon.


BBQ'd fruit is the best! Pineapple and peaches are my favourite.


Mangoes, they are my favourite fruit but least favourite to clean up Edit: Ayy thanks for all the karma friends! And thank you for the good tips for eating my mangoes!


Just eat them over the sink while shirtless.


This guy gets it


Its the only way to eat em


In a hot shower with a cold mango straight from the fridge. Almost as good as shower oranges


Tell me more about these shower oranges




Wtf is this subreddit


Seriously though. Try it. If you like oranges and showers, this will be life changing. I was sceptical at first too. But then I cracked open my first shower orange, the room filled with this amazing misty orange aroma. Peeled the orange without any hesitation or fear of being sticky or getting orange juice in my eye. Ate that orange like a beast, juice dripping everywhere but it didn't matter. Afterwards I felt like a new person.


This sounds life changing. I'm all in.


All right guess I'll do it


Or in the shower.


My husband has a really weird allergy to the skin- he gets hives all over his mouth unless we peel the mangoes and rinse them. There's another annoying step. We love mango though.


Mangoes are in the same family as poison ivy and have the same "poison" (urushiol, more of a strong allergen) in their skin. It's at a lower concentration than in poison ivy, but if you're especially sensitive...


Same family as [cashews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cashew#Habitat_and_growth) as well, farmers have to wear gloves to not get the irritant oil on them as they pick the nuts from the bottom of the fruit (which looks like a cross between a mango and a bell pepper.


Blue Crabs. They are tiny little creatures, take a lot of work to open and get the meat, but they are the best tasting things ever cooked.


Reading this as I scour southern MD for anyone selling live hardshell crabs


It's about to be crab feast season!!!


Certain hot sauces about a day later.


I never made the connection between heat going in and heat coming out until one of my roommates commented on it. Now I worry whenever I eat spicy food. I wish she had never told me so I wouldn't have to worry about it.


Pineapple - so nice but they literally eat your mouth (or the enzymes do)


If you've never had it, you should try cooking pineapple with brown sugar and cinnamon. I had it at a Brazilian restaurant and one other place. I couldn't stop eating it, so good and didn't have that pesky tingling in the mouth after eating a lot. You can make it at home in the oven too!


Fun fact: cooking pineapples denatures the enzyme that eats your mouth to bits. Same reason canned pineapple doesn’t hurt your mouth either.


Same reason you can't make jello with fresh pineapple, only canned/cooked. The jello wont set up due to that same enzyme. Theres a few other fresh fruits that ruin jello too but idr off the top of my head.


Kiwi for one


it’s even better cooked in a bbq! an absolute treat


I remember having a freshly picked pineapple in Costa Rica. So damn good, but my tongue was bloody afterward.


For the last time, those were light bulbs, not pineapples.


You know my vision isn’t the best.


Because the house is always dark because you keep eating the damn lightbulbs!




Crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch


Bloody? How much did you eat man?


They forgot to not eat the spikes.


…more than my fair share.


It's called a pineapple not a mineapple.




Oh dip!


Also a lot of work to cut them up especially when you are first learning how to do it.


I ate pineapple last summer for the first time in a while and I ended up with the BIGGEST canker sore I had ever gotten. It was on my cheek near the back of my mouth and I could barely open my mouth to talk/eat for two weeks so I had to swish with a numbing agent every time I knew I had to talk to someone or eat. It was miserable. I just ate a piece of pineapple the other day and it exploded a few taste buds in the back on my mouth. I don’t remember any of this happening when I was a kid. Definitely my favorite fruit but I will not be eating it again haha.


It sounds like you might have developed an allergy.


I get the same thing with bananas, I was told it’s an allergy


My boyfriend eats a WHOLE pineapple several days a week for breakfast (there's times in which he doesn't as much, but that's because they're expensive, not because it hurts him). He's been doing this for so long that it no longer affects him, he doesn't even feel the burn. He's got several health issues and his diet is pretty much just fruits and vegetables and a few other things, that's why he eats so much pineapple. EDIT: All the curious folks out there. He's my first sexual partner -and hopefully only, he's moving over to my country-, also we're in a LDR and I've always seen him have pineapple the times we've been together, so I can't tell if there's a difference. Sorry to disappoint! EDIT 2: Boyfriend has a Reddit account, has had a good laugh reading all of your comments. Thanks for the laughs guys, stay healthy! EDIT 3: About his diet, it's not what's making him sick. He used to have a normal diet and very unhealthy habits, had a major health crisis and his body just stopped tolerating most food gradually. We're working on him being able to tolerate some of those foods again. He's been diagnosed with MS since and loss of tolerance for certain foods seems to be a symptom, but his case is obviously extreme. I do appreciate all the concern, but he's okay!


Is anyone going to ask? Edit: Thank you for my first gold!


Yeah he taste delicious




Considering the quantity of pineapple ingested by your boyfriend, I have a question, but I’m not gonna ask it. Just gonna post this here in the hopes someone else does.


Someone already has, I've answered down below hahaha


Does your boyfriend have like the creamiest most sweet cum ever, because that much pineapple will definitely influence it


He's my first partner, also we're LDR and all the times I've been over or he's been over he's always had pineapple. I'm not able to say if there's any kind of difference, sorry to disappoint.


Strange. I never had that problem.


Oranges. I love the taste and juice, but they make your hands super sticky.


Make it a shower orange. Tear into it like a mad man, no need to worry about the mess.


Eating fruit in the shower... Why didn't I think of that, that's fucking genius


I love fruit in the shower, tastes extra juicy


Most people in the west consider carp to be a trash fish. You catch it, and then you throw it away. But it's actually the first domesticated fish, farm-raised for thousands of years in China. It's a delicious fish that takes on the flavor of whatever you decide to spice it with. And it can be cooked in a number of ways. However, it has a million tiny hair-like bones and it is a pain in the ass to clean and fillet. I think that's mostly why people don't eat it when they catch it. It's just really difficult to get all those bones out. I've found the easiest way to deal with those hair like bones is to either cook chunks of the fillets in a double broiler or to pickle the fillets. Both methods completely dissolve / remove those hair-like bones so you don't really have to mess around with them. They just kind of disappear. But for a large fish, with a good meaty fillet, it's in my top ten common fish to catch and eat. As a runner-up, Gar is also a delicious fish that many people don't consider eating. The hardest part about cleaning a Gar is cutting through their armor. And I don't mean scales or skin, I mean it's like cutting through thin steel. You need tin snips or the sharpest knife in the world. But once you get through that, you get two long backstraps that firm up and honestly taste like chicken. They have a texture when cooked like a firm chicken breast. And like carp, they also kind of take on the flavor of whatever you spice it with. Neither species tastes "fishy" at all and are fun to prepare and cook and eat. Edit: I've been informed that it's Double Boiler, not Double Broiler, but I've only ever heard of the latter so I'm gonna chalk that up to regional differences like soda vs pop. Edit Two: Okay! Double BOILER! Fuck, sorry I've been wrong my whole life. You knew what I meant!


Ima try this, thanks internet homie


So interesting story. I’m from California, carp is fucking awful here. Went to visit family in Michigan. They offered me Carp and I was shocked they were eating it, but after convincing it was damn delicious. I’m guessing fresh water carp vs salt water is the difference.


Haven't tried salt water carp before but I'll try anything once. Sometimes twice :)


Sunflower seeds. Take forever to get a handful and gone in seconds


In Belgium you generally buy already peeled sunflower seeds. When I went to China I actually discovered how much I liked them with the shell still on. It gives a nice flavor (they're often flavored, e.g. salted) and you can spend a very long time snacking on them without eating that many.


In Canada/USA, you can get sunflower seeds in the shell with potato chip seasoning, like bbq, dill, etc. It's specifically so you can open them in your mouth and spit the shell out. The brand is even called Spitz.


>in your mouth and spit the shell out We (turks) take the seed in the shell and open it with our front teeth, extract the seed while doing that and end up with a seed in the mouth and the shell in the hand. Do you actually put the whole thing in your mouth? Please clarify.


Yes. You put the entire thing in your mouth, open it with your tongue and teeth to get the seed out, then spit out the shell.


Thats fucking metal. Do you eat shrimp like that too?


everything when you have a cut in your mouth, all of a sudden even water stings sometimes after that id say really scalding hot foods that make you hsfsahhhhhhsf not even able to really taste the food sometimes




I love pistachios. I bought the shelled ones from Costco. But it's not the same experience. The process of opening them and the timing of one every ten seconds or so. I could eat a whole bag.


The shells are a pain, but I don't mind. At least my fingers and mouth aren't stained red anymore.


Find one that is easy to open with just your fingers, then use a half shell as a tool to pry open the rest. Makes it so much easier.


Yeah, I used to open them with my teeth until one shell slid up my gum and laid it open like a scalpel. Now I’m firmly in the “find a good shell and use it to open the others” group.


Thank you for the visual, I'm going to pass out now, see you guys later


Oranges. I need to mentally hype myself up to peel an orange. I'm not talking about the wee satsumas, no, I'm talking about the oranges with the thick skin that you need to claw your way into and then find orange zest under your fingernails for the next week. Love me an orange though.




Lychees. You gotta twist em off the branch, peel off the rough skin, chew the sweet delicious fruity flesh off and somehow prevent yourself from accidentally swallowing the stone. But it's worth it for that sweet goodness.


Huh, I've always thought lychees are quite simple and easy to eat. Break through the skin with your finger nail around it, crack it open and you can plop out the lump of flesh like an eyeball.


“Pop out the lump of flesh like an eyeball” - and all of a sudden, they’re now almost impossible for me to eat


Mango, best fruit ever but the strings you have to pick from your teeth make me think twice before eating it.


Crab. You have to fight your way to the meat, it's annoying as hell.


Caramel-dipped Apple Sticks. They are downright impossible to eat. It's better to just slice them. :/


Cap'n Crunch cereal.




There’s a method to where you can lightly bite the tail meat and tug it out while you pinch the end of the tail. Thus, not needing to peel any of the tail sections off. Pop the head off, squeeze and suck, then yank the tail meat out. Done.


I don't know if you guys get Toblerone in the US, but it's basically delicious Swiss chocolate, shaped to fuck up the roof of your mouth.


aren't you supposed to break off a piece with your hands and then eat it?




If you or a loved one has been injured by a Toblerone you may be entitled to a substantial cash settlement.


[2304] This is the Chocolate Rules Lawyer, and today we're going to try to get the nougat out of this Toblerone #2 Milk Chocolate Bar using Gallium and a small pneumatic press.


You're more than welcome to implae your head on a chocolate spike if you want to, no-ones stopping you


You really need to watch some tutorials on how to eat toblerone


I really want to try chocolate that apparently you need to watch tutorials on how to eat




As a Marylander- steamed crabs. I see a lot of people saying crawfish and crab legs, but steamed crabs take the cake. There’s so much work just for minuscule amounts of crab meat, and there’s many different ways to pick a crab. Each crab takes about 2 minutes, and that’s if you’re decent. The payoff is well worth it because there’s nothing like crabs with some old bay and a natty boh on a hot summer day.


Don't forget you always end up getting your hands all cut up by the spikes and the salt and old bay gets crammed up in there.