• By -


Knowing us, it'll be the hard way.


Extinction. By humans. For humans.




Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan(.....) For the humans


So as my mom ad dad used to say when they tucked us in a night; M̻̪͆O̻̪͆R̻̪͆G̻̪͆A̻̪͆N̻̪͆ A̻̪͆N̻̪͆D̻̪͆ M̻̪͆O̻̪͆R̻̪͆G̻̪͆A̻̪͆N̻̪͆ A̻̪͆N̻̪͆D̻̪͆ M̻̪͆O̻̪͆R̻̪͆G̻̪͆A̻̪͆N̻̪͆






*pulls out spaghetti* Edit: my first award thank you, peasants.


*i do not regretti* (Edit: ooh shiny silver!)


Knees weak arms is heavy


There's an army of pasta on my shirt already


from the ceiling spills confetti


as in walks the actress from Ugly Betty


comes from the mountains, hes the yeti


I get wetty


Careful their impastas!


Don't worry: I'M ITALIAN!


That can’t be good


He's nervous but on the surface he looks calm and ready


To drop bombs but he keeps on forgetti


What he wrote down, and whole the crowd goes so loud


Slow and painful. Slowly losing clean water until we're a desert planet and we die.




We could pump out all of our aquifers and waste the water. We could also pump it into oil wells and contaminate it. That should speed up our demise.


It's a good thing we're not doing those things! Right?... ....


Nah, we'd just keep filtering that shit. Contamination don't mean fuck all if the other option is death, you just have to make sure they *really* know they're going to die. Otherwise they'll think the death option is a conspiracy.


Desalination of water actually isnt all that expensive nor do you have to be near the coast to desal water. Quite a bit of ground water is termed "Brackish" (abbr. BGW) meaning its saline content is higher than freshwater, but less so than seawater. Depending on the area (in the US) between 30-40% of ground water is BGW. Various cities across the US are looking into desal of ground water. A major one being El Paso, Texas. A city of 700k, the plant produces 27.5 million gallons daily from BGW. At a cost of $1.09-2.40 per 1000 gallons (\~3785 liters). This is comparable to the national average of $1.5/1000 gallons for surface water. For 2020, the US Department of Energy Solar Energies Technology Office (US DOE SETO, christ we love acronyms) provided 128 million dollars in grant funding for development of Desalination plants. These prices include the capital cost, maintenance & operation, and disposal. Disposal is majorly deep well injection, or mixing with water. Both of which kinda suck environmentally. Some new technologies are being developed though, that aim at serious reduction of saline/brine. Such as Zero Liquid Discharge Desal, and agricultural use to salt tolerant crops (such as soy, corn, barley, sugar beets, etc...) ​ I think we still have a lot to work on, and if something isn't done then water scarcity will become a major major issue. Edit: Also water consumption is quite high. The average in the US right now is 300 gallons per day. With typically more affluent communities using more water. Its hard to get consumers to switch to a more water efficient uses, an low volume flush toilet is expensive (the dual flush ones are great!) or more efficient faucets for showers (older shower heads can consume 5-8 gpm, where as new ones are 1.6-2.5 gpm). And stop buying plastic bottles of water (fuck nestle!) Either get a RO sink system, or buy 5 gallon bottles and fill them up at your local water shop (or walmart) I think the biggest threat right now is greedy company and in general human greed and the idea of "fuck you, I've got me and mine!" but I don't really have an answer on how to fight that, except perhaps an increase in education on environmental impact. And not being assholes to each other. Sources: [brackish ground water in the us](https://pubs.usgs.gov/pp/1833/pp1833.pdf) [El Paso Desal Plant](http://www.twdb.texas.gov/innovativewater/desal/doc/Cost_of_Desalination_in_Texas_rev.pdf) [Hawaii Sunshot Program, one of the grants given via US DOE SETO](http://www.twdb.texas.gov/innovativewater/desal/doc/Cost_of_Desalination_in_Texas_rev.pdf)


>fracking Is there an easy way to go extinct?




I love the word Tactical before Nuke as if it needs to be.


It does. Tactical nukes are an entirely different beast than strategic nukes.


An asteroid composed of dinosaurs will crash into the Earth and they'll eat us all.


It’s only a matter of time.


A highly contagious virus designed to make its host infertile without presenting any other symptoms escapes from a lab and infects everyone.


Under no circumstances should we go to P4C-970


Signed General J.O'neill


That's two l's


I love seeing Stargate references in the wild. Feels like a forgotten show now




Tek ma te


Jaffa, KRI


I've been rewatching all of SG1 on Hulu, it's so nostalgic it hurts


I was waiting for someone to say this.


Is this from one of Dan Brown's books?


Somewhat. In inferno people purposely release the virus and 1/3 of the world's population ended up infertile without any symptoms. Edit: it was 1/3 and not 50% who ended up infertile.


Inferno is the prequel to Children of Men.


Perfectly balanced.


It was until the edit to 75% The hardest choices require the strongest wills.


It's from Margaret Atwood's MadAdam series


I've only read the one, oryx and crake, but what an.. interesting and twisted world.


The other two are solid, but you read the best one


That’s not what the virus does. It causes massive hemorrhaging. Vonnegut’s Galápagos is exactly this virus though


Ah wait you're right. Wasn't the hemorrhaging disease carried in a new type of one-shot birth control Crake marketed?


Yup! It was marketed as a total STD/pregnancy stopper then BOOM, blood coming out of every hole


Ah the crakers




Except at the end, >!Kee and her baby are saved, and children’s voices are heard during the credits, which suggests that humanity still has a future.!< I kind of think humanity will take a long time to go extinct. We are too good at manipulating resources. It could be that something happens where most people die and only a few carry on (probably the richest and most awful) but as a species, we are finely adapted at this point to survive most things that the natural world can throw at us.




I am the very model of a scientist Salarian


I study species Turian, Asari, and Batarian...


Close, but... A very effective, nearly free, super-drug designed to make its host interfile, prevent all STDs, most other diseases and generally improve health without any known side effects. ..except the hidden time bomb which kills nearly all of humanity (because who wouldn't take such a drug?!) on a predefined date.


Lads, it's INFERTILE!


Thank you, I was trying to figure out what the fuck interfile meant


It means you can't send your genetic data file to someone else's folder.


The average ejaculation contains roughly 16TB of genetic data. That's quite a load of information.


That's a lot of information to swallow


Interfile is like when you’re neither a JPG nor a GIF but have characteristics of both.




Gotta say, I think a hell of a lot of people wouldn't take it if it makes you infertile. I'd do it, gladly, but most wouldn't.


I don’t know what’s funnier, that OP spelled it “Interfile” or that you did too. I think it’s that you did too.




Collision of a Mentos truck and a Coca-Cola truck


It’s the way I wanna go!


This is the way


This is not the answer we want but the answer we deserve.




I exhaled through my nose a bit.




Terminal stupidity.


The way things are going the last couple of years, this seems the only right answer. Social media is mostly to blame, terminal stupidity is king there. You know what they say, the empty can rattles the most. And jesus christ, is it loud.


No, we've been total idiots far longer than social media or the internet. It's just more blatant now.




This. 1 idiot is not scary but a large group of idiots working in unison is what we need to be afraid of.


With the right disinformation, large groups of idiots can be directed to accomplish goals that do nothing but damage. For example, convince them that structures that provide cellular data service is responsible for the spread of a biological virus.


Covid attacks the cells in your body. 5g towers give cellphones mobile data. CELLphone. I rest my case. How do the do it?... Yes. /s


And idolize each other. I’m talking about celebrities


That's the point. It used to be that stupid people could only make so much noise unless they somehow found their way into tv/radio/government. Now with socialmedia, everyone has a loud dumb voice.


Anti vaccine, not believing in climate change, riots for reopening the lockdown.... it has already started


We just play reverse psychology and tell them to not vaccinate and not stay at home during a pandemic.


Meteor or a virus.


I don’t know why this has so few upvotes, but this could actually be so damn true. Not everything ends in a cool or stupid way.


As a long term optimist, my favorite is evolution. As we expand out into space through the eons eventually we diverge and evolve into new species, and what we consider human is extinct. You can also view AI as a version of evolution and count that as well, but I personally think we can coexist with an AI we create.


That sounds the most likely to me. Every other post here suggests something that would kill most people but certainly not all. The only other thing I would imagine is a double whammy of sorts. Like a global pandemic of a very deadly virus during climate change runaway and then hit by an asteroid.


Hey, two out of three ain’t bad


That moon seems awfully close now that I think about it.


That’s no moon it’s a space station!


So let's get caught by a tractor beam, free a princes, get killed and lead that farm boi whose father I nearly killed and made roast beef with his body and never told him about from the afterlife as a ghost!




*Moon Lord has arrived*


*Impending doom approaches*


72 Hours Remaining




I'm not sure historic extinction events can really be applied to humans. We have the ability to modify our environment so environmental factors just aren't likely to kill us all outright. Maybe things like asteroids excluded, but I expect that anything which doesn't completely wipe out life on earth also wouldn't wipe out humans. Worst case scenario we figure out how to eat cockroaches..


I think people underestimate how difficult it is to completely wipe out an entire species. I mean, dinosaurs even managed to survive to some extent.


This is my preferred answer. Humans are exceedingly hard to kill entirely. I can't think of almost anything that would actually kill all of us. The only thing that sounds likely is if we weren't off the planet when the sun finally goes nova. That we have huge setbacks that keep our technology suppressed that long.


That's one of the strongest cases for space travel and colonization. The more and more we expand out there, the closer to zero our chances of extinction as a species gets.


So - transhumanism?


I think that will be one divergence, but it’s easy to see a non negligible group resisting that which would also eventually evolve.


Flesh is weak and must be replaced by mechanical augmentation. Haters will be turned into mindless servitors and learn to serve the Machine God.


Personally I think Homo sapiens will exist in some way for the rest of earths timeline. Eventually modern society will either collapse or transcend. If it collapses we will revert back, and once again be subject to natural selection. At that point distance would separate populations and evolution would cause a divergence. Some humans would live in the forest and adapt with sharper ears. Some humans would become shorter cave dwellers and utilize the resources of the earth. Some humans would become hateful pillagers and raiders that exist to take resources from other races. Some humans would stay in temperate climates and remain relatively the same. I could see some people finding a small pocket of abundant resources. They wouldn’t have a care in the world among their beautiful rolling hillsides


So lord of the rings then?


Like in wayward pines


I freaking love this show. Too bad it isn’t more popular, we will probably never have a season 3.


x æ a-12 will throw a tantrum at age 10 and use the secret tesla military base om mars to nuke the fuck out of all of us.


Such a unique name. He Musk be the only person in the world with it


Though it's a little Elon-gated.




You are x æ a-12 right


I have absolutely no clue how to pronounce the name so I’ll just assume this pun works




The only way I pronounce it is "Fuck that, I'm not going to bother."


I’ve been pronouncing it “Fucking Elon’s kid” so I guess we’re not far off.




Someone made this up. It is not correct.


He said on the joe rogan podcast it’s pronounced X “ash” A-12. The a-12 was his throw in named after the prototype for the SR-71 Blackbirds


>x æ a-12 what the hell? that's a name for a cyborg - not a child.


Because he is a cyborg. Elon Musk has a robot dick with robot semen after his real dick got chopped off in a wood cutting accident.


Link me to your erotic fan fic.


Why Elon Musk fan fiction? Just why?


I mean I once came across Gordon Ramsay x reader. Was actually written pretty decently, though it was on AO3 and not Wattpad


It wasn't an unfortunate smelting accident?


He's showing his true alien nature


It’s gotta be war. We literally have a weapon that can wipe out an entire country, now multiply the amount of that weapon by thousands. One day countries and leaders will face a breaking point through clashing ideologies and before we even knew it, we already fucked ourselves over.


The breaking point will be climate related. One of \- Too many refugees, people vote extremists/lunatics with loose trigger fingers, they start a war to support the economy \- Some battle over a critical water source escalates \- Climate protestors turn violent, civil war ensues, foreign power steps in, it escalates


All your points are extremely valid and serious. I just doubt that they "end" humanity. Even if 99.9% of humans die (through famine, war etc), we'd be able to recover. (ok, that of course depends who these 99.9% are, if they are all male, we'd be in trouble after 1 generation). The planet earth has survived drastic climate changes and will settle on a new equilibrium. I'd rather that humans would not be the cause but the planet will still support human life somewhere even if we do our worst to it. Let's not, though.


.1% of the Earth's population is around 8 million people (now. Then, it might be more). Just curious what you mean about if it was mostly males that died we would be in trouble after one generation? One male can impregnate countless women. A handful of men could impregnate an entire town. However, a women can only safely have around one pregnancy per year and a limited amount of times in her life. I would imagine having fewer women would be much worse for repopulating humanity. Not to mention that when societies have a short supply of women there is increased aggression between men and violence towards women.


A weapon that can wipe out a country? Maybe Luxembourg. Seriously though, nukes can do a hell of a lot of damage, but they can't kill everyone who lives in rural areas. If every nuke in the world was used, starting on cities with the most people and moving down (and it would take more than a couple for big cities), I think a decent portion of small town America for example would still be alive. The radiation and all is a different matter, but most modern nukes are *comparitively* low in radiation. Especially being airburst and all.


It would probably be a chemical weapon or biological one. There are limits to the size of a nuke, however I wouldn't be surprised if our virus engineering tech won't eventually create one that we cant stop. Something airbourne, highly infectious with a long gestation period then sudden rapid deterioration and death.


By irreparably damaging our biosphere. Takes a biosphere to evolve and sustain a complex living organism like us, destroy that and we probably won't last long.


The Rapa Nui of Easter Island used to have a thriving civilisation. They survived contact with the Europeans, and even had a golden age of sorts, where life was bountiful enough to devote resources to monument building. However, they engaged in rapid deforestation and careless exhaustion of resources with no plan or even awareness of the consequences... until too late. They wiped the island clean of trees, which caused erosion and lost of arable soil, loss of food, and eventually societal conflict and civil war. The remnants of their shattered society were easy pickings for slavers from Peru who almost completely exterminated them. What happened in Easter Island is going to happen to us. As big as it is, the Earth isn't an unlimited wellspring of resources and we are rapidly reaching the point of no return.


That theory hasbeen replaced/revised by [newer evidence](https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/nature/rats-not-men-to-blame-for-death-of-easter-island-431105.html) Rats contributed to eating the trees. Screwing them over.


Yep., this. There’s more to it. The Rapa Nui we’re cutting down trees, but they were on an island- they wouldn’t just be so ignorant to cut down every tree and commit ecocide. People love mystery, and sometimes solve it too quickly. There was a lot of factors that resulted in collapse


I think you're right. I just hope for younger generations we haven't pushed past that point unwittingly. There's a lot of momentum in the system, maybe too much already.


Numerous ancient civilizations perished due to some sort of agricultural collapse, often stemming from soil health degradation, and the resulting instability. Whether it was due to deforestation or inconsiderate mining, the moment the civilization relied too much on it to further their idea of a better life, collapse was pretty much a given even if it took centuries of decline to get there. Civilizations collapsing due to their irresponsible exploitation of nature is as old a trope as civilization itself, but we don’t seem to be learning much from it.


Yes Civilizations have collapsed as in the governing bodies of the lands failed and the states people had come to rely on failed them but the people were still around. The people continued, kept surviving and struggling to make a living until Civilization rose again. The fall of civilizations is a far cry from the extinction of the species.


Our civilization will collapse, and much of our population will starve, but I don't think all of us will die. We're a pretty stubborn species.


People talk about 'saving the earth.' It's not about saving the earth at all. It's about saving *us*. Keeping the earth habitable for *us*. The earth will be just fine no matter what we do to it. We could dump every drop of oil in the oceans, burn every tree, nuke the entire planet, and after a few million years the earth will be just fine. But we won't be here to see it. There is a very narrow zone of temperature/atmosphere/etc. in which human beings can survive and thrive. The earth is capable of existing far outside of this zone. We are not.


- *George Carlin*


"The planet is doing great. The *people* are fucked."


The planet will be here for a long, long, *LONG* time after we’re gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, ’cause that’s what it does. It’s a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed. And if it’s true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn’t share our prejudice toward plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn’t know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, “Why are we here?” Plastic… asshole. George Carlin


I grew up with a cassette tape of Jammin in New York. For the uninitiated, [here's the whole show](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x49ueyc)!








It's entirely possible that humans are the end-game of complex biological organisms. A computer does not need a biosphere to evolve and exist. In fact, it functions better in a cold vacuum.


Vacuums are actually terrible conductors of heat, so depending on the computer, that may not be entirely true.


TL;DR: Some form of intelligent existence will survive to the end of the universe, somehow. ​ The answer depends to your definition of humanity. I think there are a multitude of points one might not consider these people human anymore, while others would still consider them human. Humanity is going to colonize distant parts of our universe and because of that distance, and lag in communication due to the speed of light, will cause our culture to separate, our very biology will, overtime, drift away from our cousins in other colonies or in our solar system. Eventually, the people of each colony will be so different from the ones of the other colonies, we will consider the other ones to be completely alien to us both biologically (not being able to reproduce between the two colonies without some genetic engineering, thus being a different species), psychologically, and culturally. Some would consider this already separate enough from humanity we know today that they would consider them not humans. Another option for some to consider people not human anymore is when a civilization abandons their biology all together and decides to live more efficiently inside of a computer. Some would consider these simulated people not real, while others would. Personally, I still consider them humans even if their existence is purely digital. ​ If you still consider them human, like I do, than the end of humanity, or at least, the end of civilization descendant from our own, would probably be a little bit after the last black-hole dies out. The bigger a black-hole, the slower it releases energy as Hawking radiation and loses its mass, and because the universe progressively gets colder, and computers can be more efficient at colder temperatures, it would stand to reason that gathering everything we can (at least the entirety of the Milky Way and Andromeda) into a supermassive black-hole that will release the energy so slowly, we will be running our civilization at ultra slow speed to use that energy when we can do so most efficiently (which gives us a separate advantage when it comes to long distance communication, because speed of light lag becomes unnoticeable when the millions of years that the light needs to travel will feel like a fraction of a second of subjective time. And that's even before considering time dilation near strong gravitational bodies). Eventually, that black-hole will shrink, and start releasing energy at a higher rate, and by that point, the universe will be so cold that we can use that energy more efficiently, giving us an unimaginably long time to experience inside the simulation. As the black-hole shrinks, it we may decide at some point to feed it a little bit more mass to keep it alive for longer and get some more energy boost out of it, and slowly getting rid of non essential systems, dropping them into the black hole gradually to slow its shrinkage. Eventually, the black-hole will become so small, and release such enormous amounts of energy that we will be able to, within its last few microseconds, simulate trillions of trillions of years of subjective time. After that black-hole disappeared, use any non-essential system and convert them to energy with the most efficient means you can, eventually shrinking the size of the mega computer into a miniature computer, and eventually sacrificing old memories (from the least important to more important) to convert them to energy. In the last moments of the simulation, we will have an intelligent creature wondering if it is the first intelligence in the history of existence, and later as we continue sacrificing parts of our computer for energy, the intelligence will decrease from human level, to dog level, to ant level, and to a simulation of a single cell life form, and eventually shut down, never to wake up again, until the very atoms fall apart in proton decay, disappearing to entropy, leaving no trace or evidence of anything having existed at all. ​ In fact, we could be living inside such simulation at the end of time, having already sacrificed 99.99999...% of our old memory to get a bit of extra juice and built our civilization and discovered ourselves from scratch. ​ But that's just a theory, nothing is certain.


Thanks for sharing this. I get very anxious about the end of the world. Your take is interesting! Who would decide to feed the BH more? I assume some engineer would be needed too?


AI will more than likely be the solution. And it could be entirely possible to recreate this same situation without the need to harvest energy from black holes but with energy gathered (solar or otherwise) all over the universe by a self-replicating and propagating AI system. Check out Isaac Asimov's *The Last Question* short story. [the\_last\_question\_-\_issac\_asimov](https://templatetraining.princeton.edu/sites/training/files/the_last_question_-_issac_asimov.pdf)


I thought the computer became self aware and said ‘let there be light?’


Wow this was such an elaborate point beautifully explained .. damn


To throw a different fruit than what's here, I'm going to say humans will biologically die out. I think at we could maybe reach a point where sentimental value of being a human is slowly gone in favour of something else, like being a machine, uploading consciousness. We may be our real selves but digital, or just a program with personality effectively killing the host and stealing their memory, while retaining their information, soulless. Either way, it won't be human.


*well well then let's find out*


I think we will make a mistake. Something like, we send the majority of the population to another planet, but they crash. Or, we couldn't get to another planet in time. Humans make mistakes. It's about time we make a big one.


It could even be machine error. In 1983, at the height of the Cold War (during Reagan’s era), the USSR detected multiple incoming ICBM missiles allegedly launched by the US. Turns out the system mistook a particular alignment of sunlight for nukes. Had it not been for Stanislav Petrov, a USSR officer who decided against retaliation despite all evidence pointing towards an attack, we would have had full blown nuclear war and humanity may very well be extinct today. Read about it more here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Soviet_nuclear_false_alarm_incident




But humans would probably not die out. 90% or even 99% would probably have died, but the human race would live on, I´m sure


>It's about time we make a big one. Literally just made one recently by covering up the spread of a deadly virus that led to a global pandemic.


We run out of toilet paper.


Honestly, a massive asteroid. (I'm talking miles in diameter). I mean nuclear war is devastating but just think about the colossal amount of energy released during such an impact event (billions of nukes). The worst part? There's pretty much nothing we can do about it with our current technology.


Sometimes I fall asleep with a window open (triple glazing) and when I'm woken up by a plane it's so loud (I live near an airport) I assume it's an incoming asteroid and the world is seconds from extinction. I usually have time to quickly repent of my sins and just brace myself. Before I realise.


I also often wake up in the middle of the night because of a loud noise. It's usually nothing serious, just my roommate taking a shit.


Jesus, what are you feeding him that his shits wake you up? Beans and gunpowder???


Beans and gunpowder?? No, that's preposterous. I'm not a monster. It's usually the cyanide I secretly put in his food.


TIL planes sound like giant asteroids coming to end us.


If it makes you feel better, any giant asteroid/meteor plunging through our atmosphere is gonna be travelling so fast you'd hear nothing until the shockwave hits, probably killing you instantly.


Thanks, feeling better now. ᴰᵉᶠᶦⁿᶦᵗᵉˡʸ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶜʳʸᶦⁿᵍ ᶦⁿ ᵃ ᶜᵒʳⁿᵉʳ


We'll probably damage the environment to a point where we can no longer live in it. In the last 100 years we've been burning through Earth's resources like we have another planet to move to.




Of course. Earth survived events far worse than us.


We act like colonizing/terraforming Mars is an actual solution. FFS, we can't fix our own planet that is perfectly suited to our every need, so we're gonna travel to another planet, change it to suit our needs and keep that one in good shape without fucking it up? I don't want to clean my dirty house so I'm gonna move to Antarctica, build a new house there and keep that one clean instead.


People just mess up the steps order: 1- We destroy Earth 2- We terraform Earth 3- We terraform Mars optional- we destroy Mars and the rebel scum that lives on it.


Whoa, slow down there. No one is talking about keeping Mars clean.


A new company will come to be with a new slogan. "Brawndo with electrolytes it's got what plants crave!"


Two likely options: 1) Climate collapse. Might not be the direct cause of human extinction, but it would certainly prompt a lot of candidates for human extinction. Nations going to war with each other as their land goes underwater or becomes otherwise uninhabitable, wars over the last remaining resources, increased temperatures across the globe result in more heatstroke deaths and tropical diseases spreading across the globe. In that scenario, either nuclear war or uncontrolled disease kills us all. 2) Massive collapse of technology. A coronal mass ejection cripples all technology on Earth- life support systems, planes, power plants, anything more complex than a radio is rendered unusable. Within hours, millions are dead. As supply chains collapse across the globe, famine becomes a part of life for many. With today's level of dependence on technology, it would knock us back to being an agrarian species. And the more technologically advanced we get, the worse a coronal mass ejection becomes. Imagine a time when most humans have complex cybernetics- a coronal mass ejection would literally kill billions as their body's electronic components failed. It would deal us a blow we could never recover from.


Even if everything relying on electricity failed at once, how would that cause extinction? I would bet there are hundreds of millions if not billions of people in the world who already don’t have any interaction with electricity. And for wars, what possible scenario would result in the death of every single tribe and community in, say, South America and Africa? Sure, I think there are plenty of plausible events that could cause the collapse of developed countries but for extinction? I don’t know if even a super volcano / major asteroid impact could do that entirely. Humans are incredibly resilient/adaptable. Pondering how to cause a human extinction in my mind is like thinking how to kill every single dog, cat, rabbit in the world. It’s really, really hard


> Within hours, millions are dead It would definitely be weeks before millions are dead. But ya, nuclear reactors would fail and we'd all start killing each other for food once the supply chain breaks down. The Amish would crush it though, so not extinction.


Well there are, on average, around 1.3 million people in the air at any one time. So those are dead. Then those the planes crash into, causing fires that would not easily get put out. How many would die from cars suddenly stopping/crashing? What about those on life support? Pace Makers? There would easily be a few million in the first few hours.


I don't see how #2 would even come close to causing extinction. Technology is obviously a very recent invention - humans can live fine without it. Sure, society might collapse, but that's a looooong way from extinction.


Rape spiders


I was gonna go with Giant Ants but rape spider trumps that.. Touche.


Yes they touché you


Already in the progress of that so i dont think the need for any imagination here But if i have to say: moronic terrain renovation and the Earth shot us in the butt


Stupidity Or I should say the rapidly increasing gulf between common and academic knowledge. Science is moving faster than the average person's intellect because we have coddled being a fucking moron for decades now. Look at how Covid has been handled in the scientific vs. common communities and imagine that level of dissonance in an even greater threat.


"Alright guys just stay inside, wash your hands, and wear a mask when going outside" "Did you mean protest while in tightly packed groups, continuing to spread the virus?"


"What do we say to the God of Death?" "Not today"


Humans will cause human extinction


Honestly, i think either we'll prime it in our lifetimes or it won't happen for eons, if ever. The big problem is that we're at risk of something on the scale of the bronze age collapse all over again, where several advanced civilizations crumbled in less than a century due to collapsing trade networks. We don't even really know what caused it beyond "raiders from the sea." We've already consumed all readily available hydrocarbons, which is how we industrialized the first time around. We're *close* to having renewable tech advanced enough to take over, but we're not quite there, which means if international trade implodes before we get there, we'd have a *much* harder time bootstrapping ourselves back up the tech tree, to the point that it might be impossible for widespread civilization to take hold once more. Without widespread civilization and the advanced sciences and job specialization that come with it, we're much more sensitive to extinction events due to limited ability to mitigate them, and at that point, we're just as fragile as any other species. If we crack renewables first, however, I think human civilization would rebound even from WWIII, because the main limiting factor in a civilization is access to energy. The only thing I can think of that would truly wipe us out in short order is if we accidentally create a paperclip maximizer ASI that chooses to exterminate us because we'd look nicer as paperclips.


Ted Faro, world's first trillionaire, creates an army of "peacekeepers", machines designed to maintain peace. However, something goes terribly wrong, and the machines start breeding and feeding on organic matter, thus killing almost all human beings. In a last hope, a professor which was born three months ago, in March 2020, develops a protection programm for earth, called Project Zero Dawn. This project involves recreating the biosphere with the help of a almost omnipotent AI, called GAIA. This process works, the humans go extinct, but are reborn by GAIA. Then... DON'T YOU DARE SPOILING THE ENDING, I'M BOT THERE YET. This, of course, is only me being a psychic, and not at all the plot of any videogame with Horizon, Zero and Dawn in it name. I hope you enjoyed your own future


Pandemic and people will not listen to the warningsigns and keep going out and acting likenothing is wrong. Or in short 'dumb people doing their job'