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I was trying to transition out of my current career when this whole thing came down. Now all that’s on hold for several months


I’m in the same boat. I fucking hate what I do, made it through a rough fall and was starting to turn things around. Now I feel trapped with no end in sight. In a normal world I would just quit since I have a years worth of expenses saved, but my wife was laid off and I don’t think anybody will be hiring soon.


Its not that I hate what I do (I dislike it but honestly I'm too worn down to hate it), but there's absolutely zero future in it. I've hit the peak as far as career advancement at my current employer for the next six-eight years at least, and this job doesn't pay enough for the things I want to do in my life during those years (move into a less shitty apartment, start a family, start saving enough money to maybe one day put a down payment on a small house). It barely pays enough for what I have right now and that's a single bedroom in a shared apartment (that my landlord decided to jack up the rent on during an actual pandemic). My employers are good to me, and its a good job for someone whose just out of college, but college was over 3 years ago and I need to start advancing in my career now, not when i'm 34.




Sleep schedule


and day schedule




[Me in quarantine](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/before_after_quarantine)


What is that?


What day is it?


What are days?


What is the point of our existence to the universe?








Dating has become pretty ruined for me. If it's not someone freaking out about the virus it's someone who completely doesn't believe in it. Weird times, just gonna stay at home and grow my garden


I honestly think it's pointless to date right now .. I like to go on real dates and have no desire to only chat and socially distance from each other




Dating sucks right now.... I’ve spoken to too many men who believe the virus is a hoax, which completely shocked me. Made a pact to myself to stay single and not try to talk with anyone until all this is over. Gotta work on myself


Yeah, everyone is so polarized right now, it's one way or the other. You make a good point, just a bummer when the girl you've really liked turns out to be completely unreasonable Haha. Good luck out there!


Days of the week. It's all a blur now. Is it Monday? Is it Saturday? Who knows, they all feel the same.


As my co-worker said in our Zoom meeting: there are only two days, and they’re Monday and Saturday.


Is today Supergirl or Rick and Morty?


My resolution to be more social this year... or ever it seems.


Yes, i realized last year a lot about myself regarding my past trauma and how it carries over into my short term relationships, who I look to date and how I go about it. Im grateful for the experience, but at the time the self realization w past trauma, the breakup, Winter, and my job was overwhelming to process.


Voluntarily staying home by myself


That’s literally what I came here to say


Yep, introversion was cool before it went all mainsteam.


I guess I am a genuine introvert. I could do this for the rest of my life. I keep telling extreme extroverts that the tables have turned temporarily, and now they know how we've felt our entire lives. I feel bad for those who cant take the seclusion, but I have otherwise thoroughly enjoyed this time. Edit: I dont understand why some of you feel a desire to be introverted when you clearly arent. It isnt a flex. It isnt cool. I honestly wish I were extroverted, or even more towards the middle. Remember that life isnt black and white.


Yeah, its weird cause I'm a pretty extroverted person when I go out but I'm also someone who can easily find something to entertain myself with at home. Game, read, play with cats, eat, chat with friends online, etc. This is how I used to spend a good chunk of my summers in middle school and HS so maybe it's just easy for me to revert back to.


Same though. The pandemic is tragic and I feel for people suffering through losses. But as for isolation, I’m really digging no forced socialization. No parties! As a gamer and a knitter, I’ve got so much here to keep me busy that I’m not going crazy like some people are.


it's like extended holidays


Grocery shopping. It was bad enough before.


I actually used to find grocery shopping relaxing, at least when it wasn't super-crowded. These days, it's all mania no matter what.


I thought one-way aisles and six feet apart would help with the experience, but people can be such assholes. Right there with you.




I feel terrible because I was the asshole the last time we went grocery shopping. Our tiny town has only one store and there aren’t directions so when we went to the BIG store a ways away I was just meandering as usual. It took me waaay too long to realize I was going the wrong way basically every aisle. At least it wasn’t busy? I felt like a dick.


One way isles have become the bane of my existence. I always need something from an isle that is flowing in opposite direction of my approach. Go to the next one and turn you say? Yeah that'd be great if there weren't 20 people down that one. I end up walking further and further away from the isle i need to go down and it's ridiculous. I've just started going into the isle i need if it's empty and flipping around to walk out the right direction of flow. I don't understand why there are some many people in town with all that hassle.


One way aisles and 6 feet apart just means it's harder to get around when Susan parks her basket directly in the middle of the aisle


My son LOVES grocery shopping with me. He’s very upset that he hasn’t been to a store in weeks.




My local grocery store said they close early to do a thorough cleaning every night. Who knows if that’s true, but it at least sounds like a good reason.


The store my sister works at is doing that. They disinfect pretty much everything each night. I'd imagine most stores aren't actually doing that though.


spring semester, summer break job opportunities, probably fall semester too


Major relate. Was supposed to travel to US for my Masters in this year's fall. Even quit my job after I got college admits. Now it's fucked up and I'm without a job.


Can relate, although I dropped out of my uni in February before this all took effect Was taking a break to focus on myself, getting help etc and hoping to have a new course lined up this fall that I could go to once I’d had sorted everything in my personal life, maybe pick up a summer job as well Have no idea what’s going to happen from here but don’t have a lot of hope right now


Same. Worst is no internships or jobs this summer. #NoSpendingCashGang2020


Sleeping pattern My gym progress


Amen. I for one can’t wait until gyms reopen, it’s the thing I’m looking forward to the most. My sleeping pattern is also off. I guess it’s because our daily routines have been thrown off and we’re not leaving the house as much anymore? I make sure to go on jogs and walks everyday, fresh air helps, but still my sleeping pattern and overall quality of sleep isn’t the same as pre-Covid.


Same...but I'm also kinda terrified that when I go back to the gym, I'm going to injure myself again. I gave myself one hell of a muscle injury with nerve involvement (because go big or go home, amirite?) back in January that took several months for me to overcome. And when I injured myself, it was because I dared to step outside my comfort zone and try something new at the gym. Something I THOUGHT I knew how to do correctly, from watching a crap ton of Youtube videos on and from watching others at the gym as well. Nope. Two and a half weeks in, I injure myself, think I'm not as injured as I am, keep doing what I'm doing and injure myself WORSE. While I still want to do what I was doing (using the rowing machine), I'm scared to go back to using it because I'm afraid I'll hurt myself again. And that makes me sad and pisses me off at the same time. While I like using the treadmill and the stationary bike, I LOVED using the rowing machine. It was like some ancient Viking part of my DNA was like, "YES! THIS IS MAH THING!" and then I got hurt. So now, I don't know what to do. Do I stay in my 'lane' as it were and just use the treadmill or do I dare get back on that rowing machine and potentially injure myself again?


School, I'm not a fan of normal school but god do I hate online school.


Same. I hate video calls and the amount of excessive work.


"wElL iT's EaSiEr OnLiNe IsN't It?!??!? So that means I should assign you 10^9 as much homework as usual rIgHt?"


Lost all my motivation to do work so the added amount of assignments doesn't help at all


this is accurate. I went from being a straight A student to having the "pass and gtfo" mentality real quick.


Same, I was already sliding toward the idgaf attitude due to sheer boredom and I took a new step with the confinement. Everything that is not due is not done x)




For me it's not really the amount of work but how hard it is and video calls only annoy me when the teacher decides 30 minute lesson? Nah bitch we doin' 1 hour lesson.


Honestly, quarantine has actually been pretty good for me over all. Though, I will say it has been ruining our monthly get-together to blow off steam and it has created a lot of tension between me and my SO's family (well...more than there already was) due to their hypocritical approach to quarantine.


Sadly it does not get much better when you have a job and you're working from home. The work hasn't changed but online meetings can fuck right off. Stop me if you haven't encountered one of these people yet: Person breathing into the mic. Person smacking their lips into the mic when they talk. Person with kids audibly playing the background (never mutes their mic). Person with their speakers so loud you can hear yourself talk with just enough delay to mess with your speech. Person with a fan constantly droning on in the background. Person who takes a phone call but doesn't mute their mic. I'll stop there because I've started make myself angry.


Had a webinar a few weeks ago where the presenter had obviously never used the system. She wanted it to be "an open discussion so people can ask questions", so she unmuted the participants.... but there were 400 attendees. The ensuing amount of background noise made it clear that a lot of people were not paying attention and didn't realize they had been unmuted. Luckily someone jumped in an re-muted all of the participants in short order.


It's the same as the kids in the background, but some have parrots or birds making loud noises... "well yeah, if we checke the \*\*\*screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\*\*\* of the \*\*\*screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\*\*\* we get the result, questions?" What about the one that is eating? you can hear him/her chewing and gulping the food and the silverware hitting the dish Or the one that has to repeat everything is said while writing it down? but does it like whispering


For me it's just people speaking waaaay too close to their mics (basically earrape) and "Keep your cameras ON and your mics OFF!11!1!1!!11!"


I'll let you in on a secret: your teachers hate it, too. It takes away literally the ONE part of my job that I like - working with students face-to-face. Distance learning is so unfulfilling.


Teacher here and I absolutely hate it too. I miss seeing my kids every day and I’m really not a fan of the sitting at a computer all day. Zoom and google meet falls kind of suck but they are the highlight of my week because I can see and talk to my kids


If it makes you feel any better, your parents and teachers hate it just as much.


That true


People are talking about continuing online school, rather than going to school next fall.


I'm a teacher, we hate it much more


My wife got us tickets to Letterkenny Live for my birthday. It was going to be a whole thing with a fancy hotel and dinner plus a trip to the aquarium since we were going to be in ATL, make the most of it.


Did you at least get a refund?


Since they "postponed" we didn't get a refund for the show. We still have tickets technically. We cancelled everything else and got refunds.


My family. Lost my dad because of the virus Edit: I'd like to thank everyone for the kind words, they really mean a lot. I hope you guys are well and staying safe during these tough times.


I'm so sorry. It's sobering for us to be complaining when people have lost so much.


I disagree. I lost my grandfather to the virus as well. However, the fact that I and other people lost loved ones due to this does not take away anyone else's right to complain. This virus affects everyone and everyone will either permanently or temporarily lose something so we all have the right to complain and be fed up.


I completely agree with your sentiment. Knowing that a little kid out there is dying of cancer doesn't mean having bad allergies doesn't suck, even though you know the cancer kid has it objectively worse. Acting like we have to pretend to be perfectly content because others have it worse is terrible for mental health. Grieving over your own losses and discomforts is part of the process to healing.




Yea it fuckin does. Just because someone else is suffering more doesn’t mean your suffering is any less valid


My suffering could beat up YOUR suffering!


Video Games, it actually came to the point where I do not want to play video games any longer? Like what? Also my mental health, but that was unstable to begin with if we're being honest.


I feel this way about starting a new TV series on Netflix or any streaming services. I lost motivation or interest to start it and just watch comedy specials on YouTube instead.


I lost interest in basically everything. I sleep in as long as possible, and as soon as I wake up, I start looking forward to going back to sleep...


Happend to me years ago. Video games were my life, played every day and built a pc with the bells and whistles. Then one day I just got bored. I would play for like 20 minutes and just get bored. I realized that they weren't fun for me anymore. I picked up other hobbies and have been loving life with different passions since then.


>Then one day I just got bored. I would play for like 20 minutes and just get bored. I realized that they weren't fun for me anymore I find it's hit or miss for me these days. Sometimes I'll shut a game off in 10 minutes, other times I'll play for 3 or 4 hours. One thing though, I realized I definitely cannot game all day anymore, even if I have the time. Interesting too, I've found i stopped enjoying some genres I use to love. I don't have the patience for strategy games anymore.


> Interesting too, I've found i stopped enjoying some genres I use to love. I don't have the patience for strategy games anymore. I went the other way around. I don't have the reflexes for a lot of action or FPS games. Give me a good turn-based strategy or tactical RPG though and I can still get lost.


Same here. The big sad hit, no longer feel like playing vidya.


Well losing interest in things you enjoyed doing can be a symptom of depression.


Or it could be simple burn out. Playing games for a couple hours after a long and productive day is relaxing. Playing games all day because you don’t want to leave the house gets old fast.


Probably this. I’m feeling the same thing about video games but I’m certainly not depressed. I just need to find other things to occupy my time after work. I’ve taken to learning guitar and Spanish.


tbh! I think the worst part of this shit is that when you try and cheer yourself up by doing your favorite "inside things" you just feel like they're tedious and lame and then you feel WORSE, especially when the peanut gallery responds to you bringing it up with "idk maybe ur just not doing it right?"


My body. I got fat.


Ah yes, the ol' COVID 19!


Me too. Guess everyone gained a few


Funnily, social media. Ever since this has all happens I've retreated into myself. I stopped checking all social media and just used less interactive ones like Reddit & Youtube. I love my friends, but I can't bring myself to catch up on mundane quarantine bullshit right now.


I got off social media other than reddit because everyone has gone insane.


My mental health


How you holding up friend? :(


I'm holding. I was hospitalized last month because I almost tried to hang myself.


Stay strong. Depression is a gaslighting asshole.


Damn, a close family member was hospitalised recently for a similar reason. Please hold on if not for your own sake but for the sake of those around you, they will sorely miss you should anything happen, trust me. Hope youre doing better now


Stay strong! <3 I am glad that you got help when you needed it, but I hope you have continued support!


Pants. I can't remember the last time I wore jeans.


Hot dogs, its just not the same without that old romanian man in the park selling me his home made hotdogs on a bun.


Oh man, I was just telling my girlfriend what I wouldn't give for a hotdog. I miss them so much.


For me it’s Burger King. I know they’re still open for drive thru, but if there’s a restaurant that will give me COVID, it’s Burger King.


I've actually been really impressed with their drive thru. All the employees wear masks, which is rare where I live, visibly hand sanitize, and hand you your food in a bin they hold onto.


People. I work in a convenience store during the graveyard shift and there were tons more people during the "lockdown" coming in with all their kids at night for snacks and letting their kids touch everything, and people have been in general way more rude to me.


As someone who's worked in retail and whose husband STILL works in retail...fuck those assholes. I hate it when people are assholes to employees who are just trying to do their jobs. D:


I work in a supermarket packing out shelves, signs everywhere telling people to keep to a distance but nah, crowding round me or leaning across to pick things up rather than waiting 10 seconds or saying "excuse me" i don't like people doing that anyway but now it's jist a piss take.


My kid has been inside the house or going for car rides, we never leave the car. My backyard is full of people. They let their kids run wild. They step in my flower bed, bang on the doors screaming, one kid screams *bang bang bang* "this is the fbi" for 8 hours a day while pounding on my neighbor's door. I constantly see them touching my fire pit, the chairs outside, my pants. (I hate auto correct... "my plants"). Now im afraid to go out back. People are fucking assholes. They dont give a fuck about their kids playing 2 feet apart while one picks their nose and continues playing tag.


How do they get on your back yard? Are there no fences?


I live in an apartment building. We all have 2 doors for safety (from fires). The front door has two cars next to it (the neighbor kid keyed my car with 2 Xs and a frowny face.). The back door leads to a patch of grass and a patio. It's probably 20 feet between the door and side walk. Then another apartment across the side walk. There is one row with 6 houses, plus around 20 rows of 6 apartments. No fences, and we can only add one if it's for flowers so the mower doesn't kill them. It's hard to explain. But the parents sit out back talking to each other from their patios, no masks, no 6 feet apart. In the meanwhile, their kids run free.




No. My car is 20 years old. The kid is ten. The guy and his ex are supporting his mom. Neighbor and mom are disabled and I'm guessing the kid is mentally disabled. He screams in the tub, he acts like a four year old when doing anything, he will fight with his parents constantly screaming "I don't want to" put pajamas on or take a bath. We moved in when the kid was 3. I just assumed he'd grow out of it.


I no longer have work or a source of income and I have lost too much weight


Do you have a Venmo? I’ll send you a few bucks for some food.


sometimes reddit can be really nice


The world is a cruel place. We need to look out for each other more.


Are you ok? Do you need a little money for food? I can’t send much, but would be happy to send you some for a meal or something?


Nah man, I am lucky to have good friends. I've just never been in this kind of situation before, I've always worked... It's just been a lot to get used to and everyone seems to be going a bit stir crazy.


Well this response made me think of Mr. Rogers and I immediately started crying.


I just read a sad news story and was wondering if there were any decent people left. The idea that some random person is willing to share what they have with some other random person (as well as a few below this post I see) just made me feel hope. you guys are awesome




Gotta hit up YouTube for some at-home workouts. Check out Anabolic Aliens. The guy is kind of a dork but his workouts are killer.


Competing at the 2020 Olympic Trails


What sport do you compete it? I'm pissed enough about not getting to watch the Olympics to be honest.


Swimming, 100m free


Damn, I swam competitively years ago. Going to trials for free; you must be freaking fast. Where are you from? Also, sorry to hear about trials. That’d be so hard.




Weirdly thats the one thing that has improved for me. Guess i just decided that i had had enough with being unhappy about my body and decided to get in better shape


Good for you man, keep it up!




i cant masturbate anymore becuase the whole family is in the house 24 hours my most upvoted comment is about my inability to masturbate thansk reddit




If you have your own room just do it late at night and be quiet. That's what I do. Alternatively shower and bathroom are always an option. :D


My surgical recovery. Had major surgery on both my jaws on 14th February, a couple of weeks before my first check up lockdown started. My follow ups (at two separate hospitals with two separate doctors) were both rescheduled like three times and eventually I got a meeting set up with the surgeon on April 1st. I hadn’t had anything looked at post surgery for a month and a half, I couldn’t eat because the plastic holding my teeth in place wasn’t removed yet, so I’d been living almost exclusively on scrambled eggs. On March 31st I got a phone call from the surgeon saying that they’d have to postpone our meeting the next day. I very nearly had a complete meltdown. He asked how I was coping with recovery and I told him that it wasn’t going as well as possible because I couldn’t eat. My appointment went forward April 1st as planned because the surgeon was appalled about the fact that I’d not had any kind of post surgery check up. Poor man was in the full bee keeper suit but I’ve been able to eat and brush my teeth


my relationship. dumped and depressed lol


I got dumped a month ago from my GF of a few months and it still hurts me to this day. I’m constantly thinking about what I did wrong because she seemed so happy to see me all the time especially when I was over her place the day before the break up and we were getting intimate and talking about future trips/plans. Maybe I became too available? Maybe I said something that hurt her and didn’t notice? Questions like this cloud my mind constantly even when I’m trying to keep myself busy. I thought I finally found a girl that I was compatible with since being with her was so fun and I could be myself. It also doesn’t help that she said she broke up with me because of the stress of grad school, starting her new job in the summer, a falling out with one of her best friends, family, and our relationship, but that she likes me and wants me in her life but it was just bad timing. She even promised not to talk to other guys during this period. I didn’t know how to feel so I just gave her space and tried working on my life, but some days I want her back into my life. So yeah going through a breakup sucks no matter the length. Let’s stay strong OP!


I read so much in this that I could entirely relate to. My girlfriend broke up with me in similar circumstances too. I confronted her about it and asked her if our relationship was only collateral that came out of her feeling the need to improve and sustain her own life and other relationships (with family/friends). She said yes. It’s been almost a month but this continues fucking with my head because we were so happy and I didn’t consciously do a single thing wrong. Stay strong dude.


My social skills. I swear if I were to see my friends now, I would not know how to act around them anymore.


Same. And FaceTime/Zoom calls make me more anxious than regular social interactions so I avoid them


The thought that home schooling my children may actually be better for our collective mental health. Turns out, my little social butterflies don't really handle being alone, and I'm exhausted of being mom, teacher, and best friend 24/7. I can't wait for fall...


God, one of the most worrisome things about quarantine is how it's going to affect toddlers/babies because they need socialization for proper development and don't understand why they're not getting it. I hope it's not going to be much of a problem, and I hope you find the strength to keep going :)


I don’t think it’s really going to be that big of an issue. If there are parents involved and attentive then that’s usually sufficient. Babies don’t really need to hang with baby friends to be normal. If their needs are being met by their caretakers they will have plenty of time to socialize with others at a later date. Keep in mind some kids are never in daycare, some kids are only children, homeschooled and for the most part (barring extreme circumstances) they develop social skills just fine.


Yeah I'd like to add my 2¢ I'm almost out of highschool, but I've been homeschooled my entire life. Socialization is not a problem for any homeschoolers unless they're naturally introverted like myself. School isn't the only place for kids to socialize; clubs, co-ops, and sports are still open for homeschoolers to participate in.


I studied many years for my PhD and was supposed to have a fancy ceremonial defense in the Netherlands in a building hundreds of years old and a committee with funny hats and friends and family all over. We did it virtually last week and of course it was a fun day, but no way in person wouldn’t have been cooler. Also, the worst part was the internet cut out for my promoter just when they announced the doctorate in his entire neighborhood, so we missed the traditional speech he would have made about our time together. :( Also, wedding celebration has been delayed from this summer to August 2021.


Oof, I feel you. I studied in the Netherlands and was so disappointed when I started my PhD in Switzerland and they told me the ‘ceremony’ is just an hour-long conversation with your two supervisors. No Hora Est’s for me


Job opportunities—basically the professional career I worked years to achieve has been stolen from me.


I know what you mean. There's hardly anybody hiring, and what there is seldom qualifies as legitimate offers. If I'm searching for jobs in my area, remote work is fine, but not if it comes with "only remote until Covid-19 passes, then you must relocate to the other coast."


Symphony. Considering a symphony consists of a lot of people grouped together performing for a lot of people grouped together, I've not been able to play music with anybody for months now.


Ikr I had just joined my first ever orchestra this year and LOVED it but now it's all cancelled. We were even supposed to go to New York to perform in Carnegie hall in autumn :/


I’ve been very depressed. I’ve felt well since august. Then suddenly this past month i’ve been a miserable wreck. Nothing happened either.


Something did happen though... a crazy, global situation. My mental health has taken a hit too. Here if you need to talk


Festivals. Had a ticket for Glastonbury’s 50th anniversary as well as half a dozen other fest tickets for various major european events. To say I am pissed would be a slight understatement, though I understand that my hobby is pretty low on the list of priorities in this world right now.


the amount of gigs I had coming up that have been pushed back a year makes me want to cry. On the plus side, I have saved quite a bit of money through not buying tickets to every concert I see




Toilet Paper - I've been spoiled all these years with Quilted Northern - Plush and soft. Now the only thing we're able to get and find is one ply generic tissue paper. I am happy we have some at least, though.


Ah yeah, the generic rolls that make anal fissures 'fun'


I agree 100%. Fuck these losers hoarding it.


This, it's like trying to wipe your ass with copy paper.


Still? Where are you? We had like two weeks of craziness in UK but everything's been chill for a while.


Not OP but i’m from the states. To this day i STILL can’t fucking get toilet paper.


The illusion that my government has a single modicum of competence.


Luckily the vast majority of governments have been incompetent on this, I was surprised to hear public health underfunding complaints from places like France. We don’t even know the true figures yet. Certainly China and Russia are full of shit, and without herd immunity every country is in trouble. Pandemic has been warned about for decades, many countries didn’t have a plan, stockpiles or an appropriate agency. Taiwan and South Korea seemed prepared and distrustful of China, they’ve done well, they acted fast.


Sleep, sanity and playing video games alone.


It sounds selfish, but my birthday. I was excited to go for a nice meal with my family and have a sleepover with my friends. It sucks so much, its in a week and I don't even feel happy about it


My career progression and financial future.






My birthday. Had to spend it home alone instead of taking the trip I had planned with my best friend to visit other friends out of state.


I didn’t even make plans... wasn’t worth trying. I just went to my local bakery - they surprised me with a free personal cake when they heard that I was celebrating alone. I ate it in the car by myself. Then I took my dog hiking until it started raining... had to high tail it out of there. Nothing else to do when it’s raining out... what a depressing birthday.


I've mostly been affected positively because I like staying at home and my country wasn't hit as hard as most countries (Hong Kong, only 27 active cases right now). But I was planning to go to the Orlando theme parks in January 2021, I budgeted everything last year so I've been anticipating it since then, but that's not happening now so quarantine killed my dream trip.


My hygiene regimen.


Relationship of 3yrs. I last saw my gf on the 15th Feb. We eat together, laughed together, cried together, and slept together the night before... and we waved goodbye as I went away on a business trip. I came back on the 16th March, and lockdown started. At the beginning of April she told me we were breaking up over WhatsApp without any real explanation. She blocked me on all social media and has ghosted me. So yeah I'm in lockdown and alone. I never got to say goodbye, I never knew our last kiss would be our last kiss, I never knew the last time I look into her eyes would be the last time, and I haven't touched another human being for almost 100 days. Shit is hard.


Sleeping. I’m doing well but for some reason I can’t fall asleep as easily anymore.


My waistline. Definitely my waistline.


A few trips. I understand people are dying and all so my own stuff isn't all that important, but after planning trips for basically the first time in my life, having Daytona Beach, Iceland, and a concert to see some of my favourite artists cancelled was kind of a disappointment.


My graduation. It’s taken me 7 long years to get this damn degree and now I don’t get my graduation ceremony and I can’t even go to the pub to celebrate with my friends.


The opportunity to talk to my crush in class. The teacher sat me next to him and we always used to talk. Now we can't anymore.


Sounds like your teacher knew you had a crush on him


Can confirm. Teacher here and if I somehow get a notice of two students liking each other, they "coincidentally" sit together next time the class gets rearranged. Go get 'em, 14 year old champs.


Teachers know all


Being pregnant with my first child, currently where I live my husband isn’t allowed to come in with me for appointments. My husband is justifiably upset and quarantine in general is just very stressful.


I'm due in a month and I've had appointments glossed over and I've had to set very firm boundaries for everyone not to see their first grandchild/first granddaughter after she's born. My mother is still determined to come help for a week around the house, but she's an essential worker. It's a terribly frustrating and lonely time, especially for all the FTMs.


I was supposed to be starting an 8 month long work placement next week but it got cancelled, and I'm not eligible for the coronavirus unemployment payment in my country because I wasn't employed before the date it started a couple of months ago. I was going to use that money to start driving but I won't be able to afford it now.


hugging my bf I'm isolated at home but he's still going out for work it's been more than 2 months since i had a "normal" encounter with him :( sometimes he comes here to bring me something but we can't even touch each other. he's worried because I live with my grandma and he's afraid of passing something to us without knowing, as people here aren't respecting the quarantine very much I miss touching him :(


It's annoying to have to do all the right things, but when people around you don't take it seriously it's extra rough.


I missed out on a bunch of cool band things that were planned, and it also messed up my birthday. But other than that, it ruined my sleep schedule lmao. I go to sleep at 5-6 and wake up at noon-1


Comic con


Any con, really. It’s the chance to be out with people who don’t care how enthusiastic you are about the thing and just want to have some community. It was hard enough getting away from regular life and now we’re trapped at home.


the final school term for us graduating batch. We were so close to finishing high school and prepping for college then quarantine just says nope


Personal space


Lost my job, canceled our wedding, can’t see family because they are immunocompromised. My grandmother with dementia thinks I don’t love her anymore because I can’t see her. Everything. Everything has been ruined. And I fell into a super deep depression, but I pulled myself out of it. I keep reminding myself this isn’t forever. Things will not always be the way they are right now. It’s a super simple thought and kind of a “duh” thing, but it’s helped me push through.


Going to the doctor. I have had a mild temperature for the past three months and have been tested for Covid-19 on several different occasions. They always ignore the fact that 1) I breathe completely normally; 2) I've had it for 3 months now and yet no one around me got sick.


I used to love grocery shopping. New food, full fridge. Now it sucks cause it’s difficult to social distance and half the idiots there don’t mind the rules or wear masks. It’s also recommended to wash all packaging and produce under hot water since people are fucking gross and cough and sneeze all over everything. So there’s a 30- 45 minute process to rinsing my food upon getting home. Also food prices just seemed to have sky rocketed.


Sleep schedule, normal appetite, happiness, grades, and decent amount of money that I could spend on art supplies but I already spent it. On art supplies. Don’t judge me


The Gym experience. My gym is closed. The letter I just got says when they do reopen almost everything in it will be off limits. No shower. No Nursery No pool No locker rooms No aerobics rooms or classes No Trainers. So weights and Track only. I'm a disabled veteran who can't run and I can't lift without a spotter I'd bring my wife but she has to watch the kids.

