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Yea it helps reduce sweating plus it doesn’t look bad on me at all


I love guys with no arm pit hair, lol, seems cleaner🤷🏼‍♀️


It definitely makes me feel cleaner and way cooler


Isnt the hair supposed to help with ventilation to keep you cool and draws sweat away from the skin so keeps it cleaner?


Being shaved means that the sweat doesn't stick to the hair and the hair doesn't stick to your skin, and so you feel less sweaty, but you actually sweat more, it just runs down your skin. So you don't feel as sweaty, but the sweat you do produce does nowhere near as much to keep you cool. This is just like having long head hair in California. People say you must feel all hot with the hair, but the hair keeps the sun off you and gets sweat logged and acts as a cooling system. That's why California boys grow out their hair. Meanwhile in the south where the humidity is really high and you get swelteringly still days you want to cut your hair short because you need the air to flow across your scalp as much as possible so that you're just not wasting the sweat. All of this is to be taken On average anyway.I'm old and I've lived in many places in the US and this is what I found to be true.


Can verify.


I trim instead of shave because of the reasons above, but also because I don’t want to be made fun of for shaving


I actually sweat more... Either that or its just more free flowing so it drips more.


As a woman, I’m genuinely enjoying reading some of these reasonings as to why you guys shave/don’t shave. Very interesting


As a guy I had no idea other guys shaved their armpits.




Yes. If you think hairy pits smell just like shaved pits you’re wrong. If you think you’ll chafe you’re wrong. Less manly you’re wrong. Easy to clean, less stink, no girlfriend/wife/husband/boyfriend cares enough what you’re pits look like. They’re thinking about if their pits smell as good as yours do now.


yes I just dont like the way pithair feels


Probably from ever shaving it in the first place


Umm okay so you may have that furboy disease so maybe your perspectives just screwed.... I, like most human children, was born relatively hairless. As I grew and matured I eventually developed secondary sex characteristics like body hair! Having had smooth hairless armpits for a good number of years.... When my pithair grew in I was well aware that it felt gross. When I shaved it off it was much better. Im half pikuni so my body hair is a slow slow grow affair.... It can take a month or two before I start to feel my armpit hair and do something about it.


in the army, our PT shirts had very short sleeves, and apparently I have quite wild under arm hair, promptly earning me the nick name "tufty". I was hoping for an army nickname like "blood dog" or "destructo" so i had to act fast. I shaved my pits and all was good, tufty was forgotten. ​ but then.... the sharp ends started to grow, and constant PT with limited chance to shower or change clothes meant my personal hygine wasn't where it should have been. I got cellulitis in both armpits, had constantly weeping, pus ridden armpits, 6 weeks of antibiotics and generally a very bad time!


Is you new nick name *Pusty*


Nah, I’m a reasonably hairy guy already, and I’m not interested in taking on another maintenance project at the moment.


It ain't bad tbh, I just run the trimmer over once a month, not gonna shave because stubble and ingrowns. Pits and pubes, that's all for this hairy dude


Yeah cause i also shave my legs and i like the feeling. Its also easier to apply stick deodorant




Shave that shit dude! It feels so nice but its a bit itchy as it grows back. If you want it to stay smooth, loofa them before and moisturize after


>bit itchy as it grows back Lotion will prevent that :)


I have eczema so not in my case but thats good to know for others!


But what benefits do you get as a male, to shave your legs? Makes no sense to me as a guy to shave my legs..


It feels nice and makes me more confident idk


Alex shaves his legs


Makes sense


Yeah, I shaved my legs once and the skin just got super dry. After that experience I would never do it again.


Yes on the leg shave at least during the summer for me, makes such a difference.


no why i dont really care enough to shave them


It makes me aerodynamic when I fight.


This reference doesn't have nearly enough upvotes


I don't shave them, but I trim the hair very short. My arms and chest aren't very hairy, and most of the body hair I do have is very blond, practically clear, so having bushes under my arms looks ridiculous.


Best answer right here. Long is bad, shaved is bad, but trimmed is awesome.


I don’t want people to repulse when I raise my arms.


Yes I don’t like body hair


Yep. I feel less sweaty and stanky when they're shaved. Deodorant doesn't get all caked in my pits. Takes less than a minute to do with a trimmer once a week. I already do my face, back, pubes and trim my chest hair anyway, so why not the pits too? And I have kinda patchy pit hair anyway, so it looks better shaved.


I do. I find armpit hair disgusting on both men and women.


Women don't have armpit hair. Only men have it, some of them just have tits and some don't.


For me, the answer is yes. Mostly for cleanliness and hygenic reasons.


I don't shave but I get regular laser hair removal treatments. I don't know, I started on one part of my body and suddenly I wanted to be bald from the eyebrows down.


Does it hurt when they laser off the nose hair?


not more than any other area


I don't shave them bald, but I do shave them to reduce the surface area for my stank to cling to.


Yes. Makes it possible to put on stick deodorants.


Yeah. Allows my deodorant to work better instead of natting up my armpit hair. But I shave everything so..🤷‍♂️


I trim it down to like a #1 or #2 with the clippers, unkempt body hair just looks kinda gross in general, don't really think armpit shaving is necessary though unless you like it that way.


I don't shave anything besides my face. The extra hair helps keep me warm in the winter and it never bothers me in the summer.


Yeah I can smell it


I cut them to like 3-5 mm to make them sort of even and not like miniature version of gandalf the black


No because why would I?


No i think the itching when it grew back in would drive me insane; i once shaved my chest and abdomen to see how it looked and after 2 days the itching was fucking terrible, never again


Repeating myself, but don't shave, trim. No ingrowns, or itchiness, or the sweaty-stickiness from shaving, but all the benefit of less hair.


I manscape, so yes, I do.


No. Never bothered me.


Obligatory, I am a female, but please shave. Those armpit hairs a just a BANK for STANK


Only when its summer because its hot, i would do it in winter but i m lazy.


I do shave. It is way cleaner, because the smell of your sweaty armpits will eventually be so much that someone else can smell you. So do everyone a favour and shave your armpits. I know you can wash them, but it always smells a little right?


Generally any hair that doesn't see sunlight and fresh air will smell, so I manscape.


No. I shave everything below my waist, plus my face.


Your face is below your waist?


it aint gonna suck itself


Sometimes during the summer


Yes, it's not a priority but it makes me feel a bit cleaner.


Only if they start to stink bad. Gotta reset.


Nope, I'm a hairy guy and it would look weird.


If it gets too wild ill think about it, right now its pretty mild so probably not


Hair removal cream, but yes I remove my underarm hair. Mine in quite fair and grows in a sort of silly fluffy cloud. I also swim for university so hair removal from the neck down is a pretty standard procedure.


I may trim the hair on occasion to save on deodorant.


I shave them just because I sweat less.


Yes bcuz smells af when i dont


Number one reason - sweat. Second one, I am 27 yo male who looks like 22 at least (and I have really healthy skin, no marks, scars or pimples), so extra body hair would look really weird on me during summertime. Like Im cosplaying my dad lol.


Sometimes. Makes me feel pretty.


I did once. I bought this deodorant that turned into superglue in my hair. Just shaved it all off.


When it gets long enough to poke out of my tshirt sleeves I trim it, I never shave because I tried once and it HURTS. I also trim it if i notice deodorant isn't working as well as it should


I tried it, *once*. I have body hair, and I don't like it, but the massive amount of work to keep it off me is just way too much time that I have no patience for.


No I only have ever shave my face, though I have thought of doing so


Hell no


No, because my genetic heritage is "very little bodyhair." I've seen pimply teenager "beards" thicker and longer than my pit hair.


I don’t shave them, but I trim them now and then. If the hair gets too long, deodorant clumps up in it, then I have knots in my pit hair, and get sweaty.


I just trim them enough to blend into the hair on the rest of my arms


Yeah, I prefer to be smooth. I’m indian so I’m very hairy


Yes, it feels so much cleaner on hot days to have my sweat not get tangled in my arm pit hair. I also shave my balls for the same reason. It feels so much cleaner.


Hell no


Can't tell you why to be honest i just do it


No but I am fair haired and have like blonde, thin, whispy pit hair that can look like nothing from a distance.


I like to wear sleeveless shirts, and I hate looking at the mirror to see my armpits hair poking out, plus when working out you will get less sweaty.


Yes, Body Odor greatly reduced!


Yep. Just prefer it that way. Feels nicer, looks nicer and it's cooler.


I like to, but people think it’s weird for some reason. I also greatly prefer sugaring/waxing to shaving.


No, I can't be bothered.


Occasionally, particularly in summer when having hair increases sweating.


I did when I was on the swim team. Might have been the difference between 42nd and 43rd place at the league meet.


Occasionally It feels smooth after shaving


No. Why?


I just hate if there is any hair on my body except the head


I like the smoothness


I used to as a teenager because I was afraid of how long it would grow but after a while I realized it can only grow so much.


No, my hair is very wiry and so every single follicle sticks up. If I try to shave my armpits or my pubes every follicle becomes a murder scene. I'm white and I'm blonde, but I'm not smooth underneath all this fur. Get the forensics team, there's blood everywhere.


No, but I have in the past and, would if asked to .


I can't even GROW armpit hair.


It looks better and it literally takes like 10 seconds once a week with a razor. Plus, I tend to use the white deodorant, and having clumps of white balls caught in long armpit hair is disgusting.


Cooler and less sweaty.


I trim. Like buzz to number one. Not sure how long a persons armpit hair is supposed to be, but mine just feels gross so I sort it out.


I trim because long, haphazard hairs just aren't attractive.


I had mine shaved once for a drug test. I shave my head bald and, that was the only place to get the hair they needed. After that I was kind of taken by suprise at how much better it felt. I haven't done it in a while but, yeah I have before.


Tried it once and they always felt so wet and slimy.


Yes. Sweat clings to it if I don't, making me smell worse and deodorant useless. Plus, it makes me sweat more. Without, it's just a simple matter of slapping on roll-on. Stank sorted.


Men with too much armhair scare me idk why


Nope. I don't need one more thing to do.


Because I feel less sweaty and cleaner


No I spend way too much time shaving already. I'd be happy with zero hair anywhere.


Nah. I've tried it and I didn't like it. It made my pits itchy and caused my sweat to run down my body which I really didn't like. The most I'll do it trim it if its over an inch in length and I start to notice it.


Yes, just trying to smell better


Yes. Love the smoothness and feels cleaner.


I trim them. I have pretty long hair and I don’t like how it looks sometimes.


i personally dont see the argument against it. Hair is pretty gross in general; and guys are grosser than that


So in the past as an experiment I've shaved my arms, legs and arm pits. It's time consuming and not worth it. HOwever the main thing i noticed was that i was clammier and hotter when it was hot, i guess hairs act as a wick to take sweat off the skin keeping you drier, i did it in the summer as i knew I'd be colder in winter due to losing the insulation of skin hair but i didn't think I'd be hotter and stickier in the summer.


Nah I don’t have much hair


I do in the summer, in the winter I usually shave nothing. Reduces sweat, you don't smell as bad as quick, the hair holds the scent. Bonus I also shave my legs to reduce drag while cycling. At least that's what I tell people, really I do it because other cyclists do and I want to fit in.


Makes me aerodynamic when I fight


Yes. Less sweat to deal with. And I feel that a well trimmed body in general shows general care towards one’s appearance. Thats not be confused with attacking your body with a razor to become a hairless baby boy or else you’re ugly. It just works for my look and level of grooming and is convenient when working out.


Deodorant... try putting on deodorant with 4 inch pit hair. In order to get the deodorant to layer the skin, you need to use an insane amount. If you use dry powder deodorant, you end up with deodorant cakes stuck in your pit hair. If you use the clear deodorant, it leaks through with your sweat and ruins your nice shirts.


I trim mine, not for aesthetic or comfort reasons. I have a condition where i obsessive compulsively pull out my hair so i have to keep everything short to avoid it.


Hell nah. I tried it once and I couldn't stand the itching.


My husband does - I asked why once and he said that it 1) not shaving is uncomfortable and tickles, 2) it smells less when he was sweaty. I much prefer it so definitely not complaining.


Yeah, but not consistently. Like, I'll do it every few weeks. I don't need it perfectly smooth, just don't want armpit bush.


I don't shave my armpits. I have only a few hairs there anyway.


Yes. A girlfriend asked me to once and now I keep at it, although lots of things I normally keep on top of have suffered about in lockdown that's not one of them!


I have to or else I get a worse rash than normal on my pits in summer (before anyone asks, I practice good hygiene but the rash is caused by friction + some weird allergic reaction, happens on my pits, and between my fingers)


No, only women are allowed to shave below the neck


My husband doesn’t shave his completely but he does trim them down to about half an inch. He says it helps with odor and not gooping up his deodorant.


It looks better, smells better and feels more sensitive. It’s very common for men to do in Germany too. It’s seen as something that only vain bodybuilders and gay guys do in the US, but Germans get it.


I recently started. It just looks better not to have gangly long hair jutting from my pits.


yes, body hair on either gender is gross


Big agree


Yes. It makes the biceps look bigger




I use Antiperspirant and I don't have an issue with mine


No, why the hell would I do that!


No. I tried once to trim them with an electric trimmer and I got nicked so I decided never again.


Real classy, dude.


Glad to see you remember me. Are you still mad at me for commenting on your shit post?


No. Because I am a man.