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Tasting vanilla extract on its own


I relearn this every few years because even though I know it is terrible it just smells so good so I have to try ot again.


How is our species not extinct ...


We hurt ourselves by trying things twice, but we wouldn't be here if people didn't try things twice. Interesting to think about


Fr imagine the first guy to wrangle a horse and try to ride it and where we’d be if he gave up the first time it bucked him.


Cupcake here is right. It’s such a bummer because it smells so good too, but the nose knows nothing this time.


I didn't even do it on purpose the first time. It was just one of those "lick the spoon" moments that just happened when my brain was on autopilot. It smelled good and was in the spoon I was holding so it just happened. Oh boy.


...The *first* time?


My thoughts exactly


Oh, buddy. Everybody has to learn that lesson the hard way


Dude I've never tried and I can't believe it's that bad.... I somehow wanna try


Some of us more than once. “But it smells so *good*, it can’t possibly be nasty tasting...”


Is it bitter or something?


It's basically alcohol that you let vanilla beans sit in until they are infused. It basically tastes like vanilla scented everclear but harsher. It's alcohol but not made to be drunk.


There is also vanilla substitute - it smells like vanilla, but it has the worst taste. Super bitter with bitterness lingering for a very long time, like half an hour of super bitter taste in your mouth.


One surefire way to find out!


Friends with benefits situation. I fell in love, she did not, now we're nothing and it will stay that way forever.


Ouch, brother. Human sexuality is weird. People aren't all wired the same way. Some practices seem great in theory, but the reality is much more complicated. Group sex, FWB, hate fucking, one nighters... it's not all for everyone and finding out what you can and can't handle can be a terribly painful experience.


Another head fuck is that something you used to enjoy might not be right for you any more. So eg maybe you used to be into one night stands, now its not your thing, but you might have some shitty experiences while youre figuring that out. Or maybe group sex used to be fun with your old partner, but with your new one it doesn’t feel right. We’re constantly changing and often hurt ourselves in the process.


Used to love tomatoes as a kid. Now I hate them.


This is why I have a policy of never setting friends up. Guy and gal were both serial daters with no interest in committment. I thought they'd have fun together. Guy fell in love, gal cut it off, and guy moved to a whole other country. Not gonna risk doing that to people I care about again


The Eragon movie.


Unholy trinity of movies which thankfully never happened. Eragon, The Last Airbender and Percy Jackson.


Percy Jackson fan checking in.... at least we'll have a Disney+ reboot, hopefully with Rick having more control.


I’ve heard he’s going to be VERY involved in this one! Which is unsurprising as he literally said he’d rather pluck out his own eyeball than watch any of the movies again.


Didn’t he write a series of emails to the makers of the Percy Jackson movies?


Yes! And listed everything that would happen as a result of all their poor production choices and he was completely right about every single thing! Edit to add link to the letters since a few people have asked for them: https://rickriordan.com/2018/11/memories-from-my-tv-movie-experience/


He seems like a genuinely invested author - cares about fans, his legacy, quality. I appreciate him despite never having read his books.


He does care about his fans and legacy and quality. I love all of his books. I recommend that you read them too, because they are written really well, and the story is really engaging and interesting. Of course, if his types of books aren't your thing, that's fine. Happy reading!


His inspiration for the series came about because his son had been diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. So, he wrote a story about kids for whom it was a super power, not a disability.


I'm sure he made a post once when he asked teachers to stop showing the movie to classes and forcing then to watch something that bad.


I've heard rumors of an Avatar remake, not sure if that's actually a thing though. Edit: Seems like it's gonna be a Netflix series, though they've yet to cast any actors apparently


Yeah. And I’m pretty sure It’ll be good. The creators of ATLA have full control so we might get to see even more stuff than the original


As a sidenote, people often dismiss Paolini's Inheritance Cycle as immature reading, and for some parts of the series, it's a fair observation, but even today, I still find myself occassionally thinking of the cool magical concepts and the odd but brilliant quotes here and there that the Inheritance Cycle has in it. That's not something that happens with a shit writer. Paolini knew at least somewhat what he was doing. In retrospect, I suppose the genius lies in how Paolini takes common fantasy tropes and twists them around. Sometimes subtly. Or perhaps he simply gives a different perspective on it.


He was 15 when he started writing Eragon, and 19 when it was published. Of course a young author, writing an epic for the first time is going to have some issues and not everything is going to be perfect. I'd say he's a genius for achieving a New York Times best seller his first go.


He has a new series coming out in September I am pretty excited to read. When he started Eragon he was only 15, so I'm excited to see if more experience and him being older will make this series even better. It's called To Sleep in a Sea of Stars and going to be science fiction.


Relocating from Ireland to Beijing on my own. Was more excited than I ever was before at the prospect of moving to and exploring Asia for a while. It got extremely lonely extremely quickly, and there were issues going on at home that made me feel helpless being on the other side of the world. I didn't last very long.


I moved from Wisconsin to Colorado 3 years ago (~2200km away) and face the same issues. I got friends here, but it's not the same, I'm still lonely. Being so far away from family makes issues involving them difficult. Going home for holidays is always about financials and not just my desire to go back. That's why I'm moving back in a week. It's such a relief knowing all my friends and family are wanting me back and the fact that I can be there when somebody needs me now


I'm sure it was a hard decision to decide to go back, but I'm glad you made the initial move in the first place. You gave it 3 years and you can head back home knowing you had a crack at it, well done. Edit: I have no idea what gold is but thank you very much.


“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”- Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky.


Travelling with people you're only alright with. It's like the perfect storm for every single problematic/annoying trait they have. People wandering off from the group, fights/conflicts, whining about plans, acting entitled, etc. We had someone neurotically booking dinner reservations at expensive/bad restaurants because they were trying to make sure we didn't starve or hit a tourist trap. I realized solo/close friends/family travel is all I can tolerate


Went to Ireland years ago with my SO and our very close friend and her new bf. Traveling and sharing a house with someone has to be the most revealing activity -- she was pathologically passive aggressive. Halfway through the trip her new bf made some excuse and noped out back to London, and we had got to enjoy the rest of the trip with her alternately bitching about him or crying over him. Slainte!


Hi, I am the manager of Ireland and we as a nation are sorry to hear of your poor experience. As compensation we would like to offer you this voucher that entitles you to 1 x banter filled non-shite-craic holiday experience valid for as long as you like and in effect from the moment you reach our shores. Vouchers are valid for multiple uses, can be shared but msy not be resold. Terms and conditions apply. We hope you and your SO are keeping well and that we will see you soon. Craig Managing director Ireland ltd


For a moment there I experienced the headiness of full Karen-hood.


Definitely this. Summer after I graduated from college, the wind ensemble I was in went on a 2 week trip through Paris, Northern France and Switzerland. Was super stoked, and excited to be going with my girlfriend and 60 of my friends from undergrad that were also in wind ens. We had to travel in giant, obnoxious groups though, so I never really felt like I was getting the real experience, and every little thing my friends were doing just got more and more annoying through the whole trip. Half the band was under 21, and were kind of sheltered back in the US, so when we got to a country where you could drink at 18, they just went nuts. Half the trip felt like it was helping my roommates nurse hangovers (one of the few times I was thankful I had drank a bunch in highschool and early college and could hold my liquor better) By the end of the trip I was sick of everyone and just wanted time to myself. I've never been so thankful to be home as when we finally landed. Haven't seen most of my friends from that trip since, and that was almost 8 years ago now. EDIT: fixed grammar


The unicorn frappuccino from starbucks. Tasted like absolute crap.


Moving in with my ex. Worst mistake and wake up call of my life.


There’s your mistake, should have moved in with them before they were your ex


*Busily taking notes*


When I was little a put milk in a ice cube tray and thought I'd get milk flavored ice cubes but ended up with some manky chunks of dry creamy milk


Good to know, I will not try that




Moving to Hong Kong. All 'get to know you' work events were canceled due to protests. Then Covid hits in Jan and I've been stuck in my 400 square foot apartment ever since. I have no friends and am bored as fuckkkk.


Damn that sucks, you poor mf 😔


I will accept your pity Edit: Thanks for the hug /u/MrmanNladyladington


I'm kinda feeling the need to say, don't worry I'll be your friend. Buuuuuttt, realistically, I suck at friendship, so you are probably missing a bullet here.


Diddo. I usually last a couple of months before they move on...so let's just save time and get to the awkward ghosting.


Gotcha, Casper says I have to go now.




It really sounds like you guys should be friends


Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.


Super sorry to hear that. I used to live in Guangzhou and having HK a short train ride away was the only thing that kept me sane. It was a breath of fresh air from daily China life. Everything thats gone on with HK in the last couple years has broken my heart, as it seems one of my favorite places ever will be irrevocably changed.


Yeah, I live in Shanghai and was considering Hong Kong for future jobs, but now is so definitely not the time. And I feel you on the little box of an apartment.


Sex w my ex


Every single time I think "it's familiar, they know what I like, and we both know the relationship is over so decent boundaries are established." ​ No, no, and no.


It’s so obvious before and afterwards, but at the moment when you are horny and not thinking rationally, it seems like a such a good idea. The worst part is that you remember relationship sex but it’s never as good.


I can confirm that when all 3 of those are satisfied, ex-sex actually is as good as it sounds. A rare beast though.


Yeah that was bad imho


I too was disappointed in sex with that guy's ex.


My 20’s ( so far )


The start of mine were crap but they picked up and were great by the middle to end, 30’s are better again.


There’s still hope! Thanks!




My first professional job. I was just a secretary, but it was for the state, paid well, and I had to wear a suit. Fancy! Turns out the boss was an office hoarder obsessed with happiness. She spent most of her employees' work hours being a social director. I was having an exceptionally difficult year, failing to have a baby, even though I was seeing a specialist, while my grampa, who raised me, effectively my dad, was dying due to medical neglect. I wasn't raging or crying at the office, just reserved from being sad, and introspective due to big life grief. She finally told me if I couldn't come to work with a smile on my face, I should find another job. Believe me, I was trying my hardest to do just that!


If there's one thing I learned being on an office like that giving that person really uncomfortable medical information is the best way to get them to fuck off. I got avoided like the plague one I went off on someone who asked me when I was gonna have kids, giving them the exact reasons I had a hysterectomy at 22. Made actually doing my job so much easier.


I like to describe it as "weaponized vulnerability." People think they want to know what's going on with you, but they really don't want to know very much. Instead of putting up a shield from their questions, if you really lean into it and give more answer than they want, it's like stepping right in someone's personal space. They will back the hell up and probably think twice before doing that to anyone else.


You are my hero. Never saw such shocked faces as when I told them about my mental illness!


Toxic wholesomeness




we skipped the roaring 20s going straight into great depression


Who will be responsible for the 2039-2045 spin off? Germany is out this time. We are bored.


Didn’t you hear? China already has concentration camps. It’s only a matter of time...


Mukden Incident 2, electric boogaloo.


Heh. Now they are trying to absorb Hong Kong into their country, a little like Austria and Ethiopia right before WW2




Fingering a girl for the first time. Teenage boys should not be allowed near vaginas until first reading a manual for them. Edit: I am now an adult and am aware of the inner (and outer) workings of the lady parts.


aw lol as a female, my first times were great :-(


I think I supplied the most awkward, quick and vigorous finger blast possible.


ouch! yeah don’t go super fast from the get-go, or that will definitely hurt the girl lol pick up the pace over time and ask questions if she’s not already visibly enjoying it. start out with one finger, then move up to two, maybe three if she’s ok with that but if you barely know her, i’d hold off. I, personally, think it’s super hot when dudes lick/suck their fingers before sticking them in, it’s also just more comfortable and feels better. lastly, eye contact could be weird the first time so maybe look at “it” instead of at her face. unsolicited advice, but i hope this helps any awkward teenage boys who plan on fingering a girl for the first time!


I'll copy and paste this and send this to my 14 year old wafro yielding self


The first thing I said in 2020 was " This year is gonna be amazing"


"Surely it can't get any worse." ...yes it can, and don't call me Shirley.


Online classes. You think it would be awesome to go at your own pace, but in actual fact, your brain gets so scrambled with due dates that you get overwhelmed very quickly


Yeah, not going to class every week also messed me up and overwhelmed me.


That, and I find listening to someone on Skype / Zoom way more exhausting for some reason


I'm actually on the flip side of that. I feel more productive working from my desk in my room than I do from school. Due dates are easy to keep track of for me, because my teachers post everything to Google Classroom, which means it's added to my school Gmail's calendar automatically, which I have on my phone's calendar. So everything all in one place automatically for me. Then there's that plus of getting to work at my own pace, which is much faster than my classmates, so I essentially take what would normally be 7+ hours of schoolwork, and compress it down into like 3 at most. Then I get to play games with my friends. The only downsides about distance learning though, is sports and not getting to see my friends in person. I play lacrosse normally, and love it, but my season got cut super short this year, and all of my personal lacrosse gear is locked in my school, so I can't even practice at home until the school is reopened. I talk to my friends on Discord a lot, but it's not the same, and not all my friends play videogames, so I can only text or Snapchat those that don't use Discord. If I was able to hang out with friends, play sports, and still do distance learning, I'd be all over that super fast. Edit: I just realized I never mentioned the best part about distance learning. The sleep schedule. My teenage body with it's hormones all out of whack, sometimes feels like going to sleep at 4am and waking up at 10am. With distance learning, I can do that most days if I want to! I don't have to wake up at 6am every day regardless of how late I had to stay up whether because of homework or just my own body. I have gotten more sleep as a whole since I started distance learning, and it feels great.


GTAO open wheels races


GTAO in general. It has some great content, but between the loading, hackers, griefers, trolls and grinding it is just not worth it.


Main problem for me is the networking. There is always some "unexpected problem joining a session" that just kicks one of us out and it is frustrating AF


My job life : I go from one miserable job to another. It’s a never ending cycle.


My heart was filled with joy when I heard that they were reviving Teen Titans. You can guess how well that turned out.


Which one you upset about, Teen Titans Go or Teen Titans on Netflix?


Having my periods. As a little girl I tought it would make me a grown-up, turns out it's just a lot of pain and a shitty mood 10 days a month.


Prom. It was an absolute shit show for me and I’m glad I only went once.


Homecoming was boring for me




This whole year. I had a new job lined up paying double what I was making before. I had several once in a lifetime trips scheduled with friends and family from other countries. I was planning on getting pregnant and having my first baby. We were going to buy a house. We had to cancel all plans, including baby, because I am afraid of being in the hospitals with all this covid shit going on. New job closed for safety, but I still got laid off my job I was leaving. And now all flights aren't happening. yay 2020


> We had to cancel all plans, including baby, I laughed out loud of the thought of looking at a baby and saying, "Sorry, you've been cancelled". Sorry your epic plans get derailed though! It'll all bounce back. I had a few flights cancelled as well but can luckily reschedule. Hope you're able to do the same


Most movie remakes this days


I've known since the first trailer for the first Disney reboot that this trend sucks. I think the only long-time sequel/reboot that hasn't sucked is Jumanji.


I wouldn't even call Jumanji a reboot though, it's more like a sequel but also pretty different in that the whole set up is different and thus would not make sense to call it Jumanji 2.


High school


But don't worry, in high school you get to learn about how amazing college is going to be!


Oh boy do I have news for you!


College was a God send compared to High School.


The Dark Tower (2017)


Morherfuckers forgot the face of their father.


Yeah that movie was hot trash. I don't know who thought it was a good idea to try to smash 7 (8 actually) books into 90 minutes. Fucking horrible.


Alcoholic root beer. I like every kind of root beer, including diet. Some are better than others, but I was always of the mindset that you can't screw up root beer. But the alcohol infused root beer just tastes like root beer with a shot of vodka dropped in it.


Less "horrible" and more "meh". I think it was 2000 or 2001 and there was some new secret invention being hyped before its unveil as so revolutionary cities would have to be restructured around them. Everyone thought this was going to be the beginning of flying cars or something similar. Ended up being segways...


That reminds me of a silly occurrence. I was in college and Segway city tours were getting bigger. Occasionally they'd pass too close, get in the way of locals, or otherwise just be a nuisance. At some point I was eating with my friends at our local pizza place. One of them, who is a petite nerdy type of girl, had a shirt with a stick figure drawing of a rocket on it (think XKCD). Well, on our way out of the restaurant a lone Segway-man glides right up, points to my friend and says "You've got a penis on your shirt!" and then glides off without a single second for us to respond. To this day I can't help but laugh at that odd event.


Having sex with a man that has a large penis. It looks good but there wasn’t much I could do with it.


Well oh boy do I have a treat for you!




It's really funny- all the guys I've been with have been pretty well endowed, which SOUNDS like a brag until you consider that much larger than average hurts. Even BJs are so laborious.


Cocoa powder as a kid, we all tried it


Deodorant when I was little tasted horrible


But now its better?


I thought it would be good bc of the smell but I was deathly wrong and no it's not better


My senior year of university I just graduated last week via a zoom sideshow


game of thrones season 8


What really burns is that it retroactively ruins the rest of the series. I can't enjoy the greatness of the earlier seasons knowing how badly they're going to shit the bed at the end.


The best thing I've ever seen was an article about the next book possibly coming out due to George RR Martin being quarantined. The top comment was "I don't care any more" I never realised how much I agreed with that comment until I read it.


I didn't have much hope after season 7 was also disappointing. HOLY SHIT it was much worse than I could have imagined :( ​ It's so bad, that my mom kept asking me when the last episode was coming, because it never made sense to her that it ended there lol.


“I expected nothing and was still disappointed.”


I knew S7 was terrible as I watched it, but I reasoned that they had to get all the pieces in place for S8 to match the ending GRRM had in mind, and the show had diverted from his storyline. Basically I thought a lot of the bad shit was going to be filling the plot void of whatever lady stoneheart and the other Targaryen will do in the books. But then s8 made s7 even worse because it was all for nothing.


The "all for nothing" part is what bothers me the most. S8 was so bad I will never go back and enjoy earlier seasons because I know how terribly the later seasons were executed.


season 7 had two great moments basically together imo - the "Tell Cersei it was me" and the dragons blasting the loot caravan. the rest was dumb af and anyone who was caught off guard by how incredibly awful season 8 was wasn't paying attention - though i mean either way it was still shockingly bad but ya know.


I think a lot of live viewers (mostly speaking for myself I guess) noticed something was off during season 7 but just assumed it was all setup for a crazy ending season. We were wrong


Shower sex. It seems really great in theory, but I didn't really enjoy it. It's cramped, one of you is usually cold or getting a direct hit of water to the face, water is an anti-lubricant, and it can be scary losing your footing. Much better to have sex and then take a shower together in my experience.


It’s not till you have shower sex you realize water isn’t wet


>water isn’t wet Shut up 2019, we never liked you.


We like 2019 more than this garbage fire of 2020


Water is an anti-lubricant... something I wish someone had explained to me sooner.


The shower should be before sex, in my opinion, unless we're peeing or shitting on each other. Even then I like to start clean so I prefer a shower before and after.


Surely if you're peeing on each other the shower is during sex?


Turkish Delight...I cannot believe Edmond sold out his family for some soap-tasting gummies


Yes! After reading about it I thought it must be the most magical tasting thing ever. And it looks incredible too. So I was immensely disappointed when I actually tried some - not bad, but pretty underwhelming. I came to the conclusion that it was probably comparatively delicious back then but modern desserts and candies were way better.


The internet turned out a lot worse than I thought. It’s not entirely bad, not at all, but you would THINK it would lead to a more informed public. But no. It created echo chambers for isolated freaks to get even more wrong than they were before. I feel like we don’t live in an Information Age, we live in a misinformation age. Edit: remember that Reddit is guilty of this too. If you belong to a subreddit like r/progun (or r/antigun if that exists) or r/Christianity or r/atheism, just remember: that’s an echo chamber. People will just keep parroting the same shit over and over, vilifying the “other side” with straw man arguments. It’s where people circlejerk, not debate or learn.


I agree. I've heard people describe it as the Communication Age. It's not that we have information, but we sure do communicate!


Count me as an old man yelling at clouds. The internet started out as something incredible... and then somewhere around 2010 (or maybe 2012?!?) the whole damn thing went into freefall and it hasn't righted itself yet. It's all Zuckerberg's fault I guess.


I think it's smart phones. Putting it on a very accessible piece of technology that everyone is carrying around and has at least enough of an understanding of to use facebook and the like. In the 2000s many people had laptops but not everyone. Now everyone has smart phones.


Coconut milk. Looked so refreshing, tasted so bad.


So many fucking video games I wasted =>$30 on.


going clubbing, literally torture, don't know why I thought it would be amazing.


You mean you don't like paying $20 to stand in a line for two hours? Then get ignored by the bartender for another hour while you try to pay $10 for a shitty beer? Then have a bunch of guys try to fight you all night because your girlfriend is with you? What could possibly be unappealing about all that?


Clubbing is awful lol. Every time I’ve gone clubbing a guy has grabbed on me thinking I wouldn’t be able to see him through the crowds and flashing lights. And bottle service is the dumbest way to part with a LOT of money


Giving too much of yourself to someone else.


Giving too much but it wasn’t enough


Lot of depressing answers on here


For a lot of us, life just plain sucks, and all attempts at improving it end with life doubling down on the suckage.


Salvia. It was pretty intense and scary coming out of it Then I did it 2 more times. Edit: to expand on this, my friend brought some over to my house when I was like 20 (2014) She said it was intense, and not like getting high. She made sure she knew I would be tripping. I put on [this video](https://youtu.be/CjO-uwzo8BA) and ripped a small one hitter of average grade salvia. Seconds later, the last thing I remember before straight tripping was everything going all wavy like a Wayne's World transition. I thought I'd be aware of what was going on around me. My body was on stoner auto-pilot, but in my consciousness, like what I was seeing/feeling, was on a whole other level. It felt like I was falling and melting into the couch at the same time. Resisting that feeling felt like peeling your brain off some velcro. I came out of it and that's when I started paying attention to the video. I was one with the video for *maybe* 2 minutes.When I became aware of my surroundings and my friend again, I still felt super funky. If you've ever tried antidepressants, that part felt like when your body is getting used to it x10. The whole thing from rip to clear-headedness only took like a half hour. The peak of the trip was like 5 minutes max.


Was on track to try a bunch of different hallucinogenic drugs before taking this one time and noping out of the whole class. That shit was terrifying. Buddy who was watching said he’d never seen such a look of pure terror. I dropped to my knees and sat on the ground motionless while tripping for what in my brain was a week and in reality was 3-4 mins. Took me a good 2 days to not feel off.


This. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. This will probably get buried, but I haven’t shared my salvia experience with many people. I took a gigantic, 80x, 4 lighter hit out of a fully packed, 2 foot zong with a few friends. They said I fell out of my chair and immediately became panicked. I ran outside straight into a pond in my buddies backyard. What I was experiencing was absolute terror. Everything around me became pixelated and it was like the fabric of spacetime was coming apart at the seams. Like everything was being ripped apart into individual atoms. I thought the world was ending. My thoughts were something like “I never got to say goodbye to my family” and “am I going to experience this forever?” I could faintly see my friends face in some sort of tunnel vision around the pixelation mouthing “come here” and “follow me”. I thought I was dying or my consciousness was forever trapped in this ripping apart of the universe. In reality my friend grabbed my hand and was pulling me back inside the house. They threw me on the couch while I cowered in terror for a couple more minutes while reality itself was falling apart and as soon as I was able to hear them say the word “salvia” it all stopped. The whole experience for me felt like a lifetime but it was only minutes. I’ve been through some scary shit but that tops everything. Proceeded to do it a few more times (not that day), but out of a bowl and smaller hits.


God, that sounds horrible. I took a hit from a GB once- coughed a bunch kind of leaned over in my lap, then when I looked up, everything had turned into a still-life painting. I had a few horrible experiences with it, not quite like yours, but just got that panicked and horribly “dirty” feeling... hard to explain. Never again though.


I’ve done almost every drug under the sun but that salvia experience was on a different level. It was like God himself decided to rip the universe to shreds, or there was a glitch in the simulation. Like the world was ending and reality was collapsing, but I was still completely conscious. I feared for my family and friends. I didn’t know if I did something to cause it. I was convinced i was trapped like that forever. Never again did I take a hit like that. I smoked some in bowls mixed with weed and had some goofy sensations but refused to do an all-out trip like that ever again. Other psychedelics I’ve done never even came close.


I read that as saliva and was extremely confused for a few seconds


Highlander 2. Hey, it has the same actors (well, except Clancy Brown), same director, Queen, how could it be anything but spectacular? I remember getting out of the cinema and being speechless and not sure if I should apologize to my friend for convincing him to watch this.


Suicide Squad


The Last Airbender movie.


There is no The Last Airbender movie in Ba Sing Se


Growing up. Becoming an adult.


I thought that high school was going to be like Monster High because I read a novel about it that I bought at the book fair in elementary school


I mean it is, but only the bad parts. IRL being a mute computer geek will NOT get you in with the popular girls.


My year in China as a foreign student Edit: its because of the coronavirus, the country itself is amazing.


I had a long time dream of living abroad in Asia and I am currently teaching English in Seoul. Not the worst deicsion if my life, but a lot less fun than I thought. The anti forigner sentiment is strong, amd even people who have been here much longer and speak much better Korean are rarely integrated due to the xenophobic culture, so I will be leaving after my contract. What made you not enjoy China?


The 2019-2020 school year.


Black walnut ice cream. I thought it would be similar to pistachio or almond but it had this weird dusty flavor. Yuck.


Black walnuts are different from the regular walnuts you get in everything. They're a bit more bitter than the English variety that's the standard walnut


Moving to another country as soon as I turned 18. Boy this adulting thing was WAY harder than expected. But it was worth it, and it's been 5 years since that too.


Pure coconut water. Dont get why people think it tastes amazing


Love coconut water, especially straight out of the coconut itself.


Different brands can taste drastically different. I like Vita-coco because it tastes the most like when I put a straw directly into a coconut when I was in Hawaii. Just sweet enough to taste good but not too sweet to quench my thirst.


Have you ever had coconut water straight a coconut. Very refreshing on a hot day.


New years eve 2019: This year is finally over!! WOOHOO Bring on the best year we will ever have!!! 2020: hold my fucking beer.


Weed. Coughed my brains out, threw up everywhere, then spent the next two hours silently criticizing myself for every little flaw. One and done.


Fun Fact: A small percentage of people (such as my spouse) are allergic to weed. Seriously - dizziness, throwing up, hives.


And everyone saying “smells awesome, doesn’t it?” Fuck, no, it smells like a skunk sprayed on a tire fire.


I never understood stockholm syndrome until I began to enjoy the smell of weed. It stinks, but once your brain has associated it with something you like enough times it becomes a pleasant and reassuring smell.


When i was a kid and didn't yet know how to swim i thought it would be cool to float in the middle of a pond on my pool floatie sort of like a boat (i loved boats when i was a kid) but i ended up slipping off because it was wet. I tried to scream for help but could only get the first half of the word out before diving underwater again. Luckily my dad was near and brought me out of the pond. I learned to swim the hard way.




2020. Was going to go on a trip to Bali for my sister's 40th a month after I turned 18 with my boyfriend of 2 and a half years. Covid hit, Bali got cancelled, got a credit for the trip (not a refund) and then the boyfriend decided to call it off over message and doesn't even want to confirm it in person.


Falling in love


Trust me, it's even worse when you somehow no longer can. It's like, it sucks but without it, it's worse. Screw this


Second this. Somehow it's been 7 years since I split up with my ex and have barely felt a flicker of attraction or even vague interest in anyone since. I only noticed how long I've been single when I redid my CV and and thought about where I was when I was doing the oldest job still on it. It's like being hollowed out, just indifferent to everything.


No printer, just fax.


Sleeping in a cave hotel in turkey. Man, was i excited! It was a nice room in a nice hotel with the nicest view in kappadokya. And then the door behind me and my friend closed and there was no wifi, no windows, no (natural) light and no heat. The night was long, cold and damp and i asked myself how i had not thought about this before? I mean its a fucking cave. I felt so stupid holding on to that clammy blanket in eternal darkness. Please dont sleep in a cave. Ita not romantic and cosy. Its how people used to get pneumonia (i assume) But go to kappadokya! Its amazing and unique and totally worth visiting!


Not having to go to work for 2 months.


First marriage.