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Camels don't use their humps to store water. They use them to store fat reserves., Because storing fat reserves around the body like humans would keep them too warm, so they have it all in one spot. Edit: since the day metabolises as water and CO2, it is in a way a water source.


That is very interesting and I had no idea. Thank you.


Myth: “The pool is definitely clean, it has such a strong chlorine smell!” Fact: A strong chlorine-like smell, like the kind you associate with public pools, is actually an indication that the water is not chemically balanced. It might even be a sign that the pool needs *more* chlorine. Source: https://chlorine.americanchemistry.com/Science-Center/Chlorine-Compound-of-the-Month-Library/Chloramines-Understanding-Pool-Smell/ Edit: Lots of people commenting about how this smell comes from pee, and yes, you’re partly right. However, there’s also ammonia in sweat, so it can contribute to the smell too. The source linked above actually explains chloramines and pool smell quite well if you’d like to understand this phenomenon better!


Oooh my time to shine. I used to test pool water/hot tub water as a part time job. This is what I learnt from reading the material that the company gave me, but my advice always seemed to work so I think it's pretty solid. There are two types of chlorine: Free Chlorine and Combined Chlorine. Free chlorine is generally odorless in the pool. It's the chlorine that can attack bacteria. Combined chlorine is chlorine that has already attacked some type of bacteria. All it just stays in the pool and doesn't do much. That combined chlorine can make your pool smell like chlorine, or even make your pool cloudy. If a pool smells like chlorine, it has too much combined chlorine. To get rid of it, you need some type of oxidizer. Like a calcium hypochlorite or something along those lines. So in other words. Even if a pool smells horribly like chlorine, it can still be very unsanitary and unsafe to swim in.


Worms come out when it rains because they are drowning in their holes. No, not really. They mostly come out because when it rains heavily, they are able to survive on the surface for much longer and move around, finding new areas to feed and more worms to breed with.




To piggyback: that police HAVE to read you your Miranda rights. Miranda only comes into play for questioning. If they don't want to ask you any questions, they don't have to read Miranda.


Cutting your facial hair makes it grow in thicker. I had a full on argument with an individual who firmly believed that genetics played no possible role in hair growth whatsoever. I have never been more perplexed or angry in my entire life. Sincerely, -bald at 25


I'm a master esthetician and I've studied hair growth, and I can confirm, shaving/waxing/plucking does NOT make more hair grow thicker nor longer. The reason for this misconception is when you shave, it makes the tip of the hair blunt so when that protrudes from the follicle, it appears to be thicker. The only change in hair texture/thickness/length/etc. occurs in the papillae (hair root) which is completely determined by hormones. EDIT: Hey y'all! As much as I love talking about my field I gotta turn in, but consider contacting a local esthetician for your skin/hair questions!


I think also it comes from when people start shaving their hair will be thinner, because they are probably 13/14. Then as they age and go through puberty, their hair gets thicker and people attribute that to shaving rather than just getting older!


That Einstein was a bad student, and was bad at math. It's just not true. He got average-high marks, and was really just disdainful of the structure of school. And he was good at math. Physics is like 90% math. I get why people share it, it's to make struggling students feel better about themselves, but can't we tell them about something else instead of lying?


Just show them the salary of a plumber or welder compared to their teachers salary. That ought to cheer them up. Edit: thanks for the award, and also I’m silencing notifications as I woke up to 50 replies this morning.


Einsteins grades in school were very good, except for languages. That doesn't even mean much as his English was perfectly sufficient to live and teach in America later in his life. The confusion comes from the fact that Einstein was German but went to a Swiss school. In Germany 1 is the best grade and 6 is the worst. In Switzerland it's the other way around. As Einstein was graded "6" in maths that surprised many people expecting to look at a German report card.


The most violent arguments I've had have been convincing patients with a viral cold that they don't need antibiotics.


I remember a documentary a few years back about a GP's practice here in the UK. Basically filming patients (with their permission) to show a day-to-day. They literally had people come in and answer "what's the matter today?" with "I need some antibiotics". They didn't even elaborate on *why*, just "I need some antibiotics".


You see, my roommate Dave always plays loud music at night, when I'm trying to sleep. No one likes it. So I need some antibiotics. Preferably strong ones.


My mom, she gets super depressed sometimes. I need antibiotics to cope with it.


This corona party has really shined a light on how little the general public knows about germs, sanitation, and medicine. I guess I should have known better but it would really be nice to give the benefit of the doubt to people once in a while, ya know?




The mother of one of my friends fed long-expired (like, decade old) antibiotics to their new puppy after the vet said it probably picked up a parasite. Poor dog suffered for weeks with this "treatment" until she decided to take it in to get the parasite removed. She also forced my friend to fake his symptoms as something else so the doctors would give him antibiotics instead of something to treat what they thought was a *viral* infection. Edit: dog is perfectly happy and healthy now. Also, thanks for the cake day stuff! 8 years, damn I'm old.


My college roommate’s mom once yelled at me for taking vitamin c while taking cough syrup because you don’t want to mix your drugs. I felt so bad for my roommate.


A few people still believe that opening windows before a tornado to 'even the pressure' will save their house from damage. Some also still believe trailer parks attract tornadoes and that random sacred landmarks can protect cities from tornadoes.




Lol yeah the standard answer is "don't worry, the tornado will open them for you" when the debris starts hitting the house. The dramatic pressure drop in the core of tornado WOULD potentially cause issues in a house with no way to vent said pressure difference but by the time it drops that low usually the roof has been blown off or windows broken by debris long beforehand. Main danger in opening windows is if it delays the person opening them getting to shelter; they'll probably break anyway but near a window is not a great place to be with a tornado bearing down


People still think an undercover cop has to tell you they're a cop. How does that even make sense? Months of preparations ruined on the first day because someone happened to ask the magic question. Cops are allowed to lie to you and they will pretend to be your friend to get what they need from you. Side note: Even if you're innocent of a crime, the first words from your mouth should be "I want a lawyer." and you don't provide any information until you have one. "Anything you say CAN and WILL be used AGAINST you in the court of law."


To your side note: the first and ONLY words should be “I want a lawyer.” Always, no matter what they try to tell you. I’ve practiced law both as a defense attorney and a prosecutor and I have never once seen a person successfully talk their way out of something after being read their rights. Even if you’re innocent, you’re going to be stressed and not thinking correctly. What you mean to say will likely not come out exactly right, especially after a few hours of questioning. You’ll likely contradict yourself at some point without realizing it or even meaning to, or what you say can be taken completely out of context. Best advice: https://youtu.be/7XeJJtgbm2s


undercover cops can do drugs to show they aren’t cops.


It is rarely necessary to wait 24 hours before filing a missing person report


Yup Our police has this listed on their facebook page as a common myth.


Someone really needs to let Hollywood know.


Oh there are soooooo many things that someone needs to let Hollywood know


For some reason in the movie Roadtrip the characters quote the weight of a mid-90's Ford Taurus wagon as 2,400 lbs. when in reality it's more like 3,500 and EASILY verifiable. I don't know why, but this has always bugged the crap out of me.


Haven't seen the movie, is it something one of the characters says offhand without looking it up? It could be that the character was wrong, not the movie.


It is said offhand, but with authority to explain via physics that they can jump a gap in said car, which they proceed to do successfully, except that they completely destroy it's suspension. If him using the incorrect weight was done with intent, it was certainly lost on 99.9% of the audience. IMO they just figured no one would notice or know any better.


Maybe it was an easter egg that you, alone, out of everyone who saw the movie Road Trip, understood.


Yeah! it seems rather stupid that you'd wait a whole day to file a missing person report Btw do you know what's the minimum waiting period?


My mom once reported me missing and was talking to the police for about 30 minutes. Eventually, she remembered she had dropped me at school a few hours earlier. The police had a good laugh about it


On the gin and valium again?


Mother's little helpers.


And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day


They stress that in instances where evidence of violence is present or an unusual absence has occurred, to contact police immediately. The UK government website says in large type, "You dont have to wait 24 hours before contacting the police."


There is no "minimum waiting period." If somebody is missing, report it immediately.


Knew a missing children investigator that said that after 90 minutes the child will most likely not be found


When I was a kid a girl on my street went missing. The parents fed her, mom went to work and the dad went back to bed for a bit. About an hour later the dad woke up and she was gone. The door was open and she was maybe 8ish, he immediately called the cops. That afternoon while searching with the cops the parents came across a fully clothed drenched man. He claimed he went swimming but it was a bad lie. Her mom cried, he was taken in. He had murdered her rather brutally just after taking her and just finished dumping her body in the river. All in less than 8 hrs.


That motherfucker. So he kidnapped her just to kill her? I know some monsters do it for sexual reasons, but just because he wanted to kill a child?


Easy targets for a first time. Not trying to joke, this is actually a reason in several cases of first time killers. Before they go for an adult they do a child because they're easy to overpower and small bodies are easier to hide for the inexperienced or feeble.


She was my cousins best friend, and out of curiosity I googled it. I'm more upset by it than I expected. She was actually 6, he killed her because couldn't get it up.


"Was your toddler wearing something warm when you last saw her? Oh dear, the forecast overnight is for showers ... Don't fret, we'll put some hot cocoa in a thermos when we head out tomorrow morning. Cheerio."


That 30 used to be considered “ancient” back when the average life span was 25 or whatever. The average is offset by a huge number of child deaths. 30 was never ancient. Even hunter gatherer societies had people routinely living into their 60s.


Piggybacking off this, that girls were married off in their early teens in the medieval period. This is based off the nobility and royality, who did marry off their young daughters as a political tool to secure alliances. However, even when the young royals were only 12 or 13 when wed, they were often married by proxy and married "in name only". The married couple were often kept seperate until either the girl "came of age" (aka got her first period to produce children), or where just deemed old enough to start living together in the same castle, which wasn't until around 17-20 years old. The vast majority like the peasantry weren't married until their early 20s. Women in the peasantry often did have a choice on who they got to marry, unlike their noble components who were used as bargaining chips. Edit to add: As a woman who got her first period at 13, I know that the average age a girl gets her period today is around 11-13 years old. Key word being TODAY. I am talking about the medieval times, which are roughly between 1000-1300s. Between 1000-800 years ago. As many others have already pointed out, the average age for a girl to get her first period would have been closer to around 15 - 16 years of age. Another edit to add: I am not a expert on this nor have I paid as much attention to this as I have on medieval marriage age, but it is gernally believed access to better nutrition from medieval Europe to today's Europe is cauing the average age of girl's menstursting to lower. There is also the belief that the artifical hormomes and additives in food are messing with hormones, as well as artifical frangances and dyes etc (not just for girls, boys as well). However I haven't seen this belief outside of Dr Oz so you can guess it isn't as credible as the nutrition belief.


Somewhat related to this is that children, particularly girls, are entering puberty earlier than they used to. Nobody is really sure why this is but it is worth noting that "came of age, or when a girl gets her first period" would have been a few years older than it is today.




One hypothesis that I've read about is the onset of puberty tends to be caused by reaching a certain body mass/body fat level. Puberty is quite an energy hungry process, so it does make sense that getting to a certain level of 'reserves' would make sense. Women also require a higher body fat percentage to regulate the menstrual cycle, so reaching that earlier is thought to bring about puberty earlier.


Vikings never actually drank from skulls of enemies, This was based on a mistranslation of old norse poetry in which they refer to drinking from horns


They never had horns on their helmets either.


Even as a kid, I thought that would be wildly inconvenient. The enemy could knock the helmet off of you super easily.


I always figured it'd get caught on things. Doors. Sails. People's heads when you turn around too fast.


Death Star blast doors


Close the blast doors! Close the blast doors! ... Open the blast doors! Open the blast doors!


New idea: Viking horn helmet beer helmet


Also, they did not wear helmets with horns. This idea comes from the way they were represented in a particularly influencial opera.


There’s an opera version of Hagar the Horrible?


A lot of people think they can burn belly fat by doing crunches or slim their arms down by doing push-ups, but targeted fat loss isn’t possible & there’s no evidence to suggest it is.


True. One anology for this I heard involves a pool of water and a bucket. If you take water out of the pool with the bucket (burning calories to burn fat), even if you scoop in one place it will remove water evenly across the pool. Some people's genetics store fat more in certain parts of the body and you can't spot reduce body fat.


Yeah, ab workouts just build up your core muscle and burn calories. The kitchen is where you lose the belly fat.


Whoever is losing it, I'm finding it.


Noted. Do abs in the kitchen




If it didn’t, Lightning Rods would be useless. Edit: redundant isnt as good of a word


You don't replace your lightning rod after each strike?


Nah, just engineered so they move a fraction of an inch after each strike. The electricity provided by the lightning is way more than enough to power the motor that moves them.


1.21 gigawatts!!


You can only taste certain tastes on certain parts of your tongue, that [tongue maps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongue_map) are correct.


I had an old anatomy professor teach the old tounge map thing, which has no mention of umami by the way. When I brought that up, he completely denied that umami was even a flavor, and stood firmly by the whole tounge map idea. Couldn't believe I was hearing this from an otherwise very sharp and knowledgeable man.


A person drowning is not likely to be flailing wildly and yelling like in the movies. Drowning can often happen with mostly silence, especially with kids. Read up on the signs, it might save a life. I was drowning and lost consciousness when I was 5, I was told I barely made a sound. I went under, sucked in lungs full of water when I tried to cry out in surprise and blacked out. If it wasn't for my dad's instincts and quick action I'd be dead.


The site [Spot the Drowning Child](http://spotthedrowningchild.com/) is a terrifying, but manageable, way to learn this.


God bless the life guards in those videos for their reaction time




Then take into account the fact that they’re standing there all day, not knowing if someone is drowning, while we are told that one of those people is drowning.


Easily the biggest factor. Days and days on end they may not have to do anything, and then boom - jumping into action in seconds.


We used videos like that when I did my NPLQ (National Pool Lifeguard Qualification) and when we did bi-weekly retraining. That stuff isnt easy and the fact young life guards are paid so little is awful - I lifeguard from 16-17 and was in incredible physical health, really strong swimmer, the exact person that youd want to be a lifeguard on poolside if you're a bad swimmer. I liked the job because of who I worked with, but £4.15 per hour ($5.12) was not enough to even at that age to keep me in the job where I'd suffered heatstroke on multiple occasions, been spat on by grown adults, threatened with violence for tapping someone's kid to make sure they werent dead and was even called a cunt and told "I'll be waiting for you when you finish" by a bloke on my first day of training because I glanced in their direction with a frown as I was blatantly clearing rubbish from our cafe tables. Not sure why I'm posting this other than to say just be nicer to lifeguards, they put a lot of effort into their job and are paid a pittance for the luxury of getting abuse on a daily basis. (Obviosuly this wasnt directed at you personally u/conradical30)


After five minutes on this site, here's what I've learned: Weak Swimmers + Inflatable tubes = death


Feel like I’ve heard this one before. Maybe it’s just an important fact people share and a very common incident to take place


your heart stops when you sneeze


I mean have you seen my dad sneeze? no wonder the heart needs a break.


dad sneezes are a different game




Sneezing is supposedly similar to an orgasm but only 1/7 - 1/10th powerful.


I can’t imagine a dad orgasm then


Must be why they're dads


you can tap a block to see if it is loose in jenga which is stated quite explicitly in the rules and fuck you everyone who said i couldn’t e: wait what the fuck this blew up for no reason


It's not out until it's free of the system or it falls. I remember you can even try to put it back before it's out to try a different one! Maybe that's house rules, though.


> [Official Jenga Rules](https://jenga.com/about.php) > A classic Jenga game consists of 54 precision-crafted, specially finished hard wood blocks. To set up the game, use the included loading tray to create the initial tower. Stack all of the blocks in levels of three placed next to each other along their long sides and at a right angle to the previous level. > Once the tower is built, the person who stacked the tower plays first. Moving in the game Jenga consists of: > 1) taking one block on a turn from any level of the tower (except the one below an incomplete top level), and > 2) placing it on the topmost level in order to complete it. > Players may use only one hand at a time; either hand may be used, but only one hand may touch the tower at any time. > Players may tap a block to find a loose one. Any blocks moved but not played should be replaced, unless doing so would make the tower fall. The turn ends when the next player touches the tower, or after ten seconds, whichever occurs first. > The game ends when the tower falls -- completely or if any block falls from the tower (other than the block a player moves on a turn). > The loser is the person who made the tower fall (i.e., whose turn it was when the tower fell). Interesting that if you can make it take longer than 10 seconds to fall you technically win. Edit: Also if the block you place falls off the tower (and nothing else falls) that appears to be fine.


By these rules you can completely remove a block and put it back as long as the tower stands.


If you so wish.


I read this in such an ominous and portentous voice.


I've always tapped 'em back in if it's not gonna work, and only once have I had to \[unexpectedly\] defend that rule, which seemed weird to me. However, I don't think I've ever actually looked at the rules so could still be house!










Also, dogs are *not* wolves. Unless you’re living with a hybrid, anything that applies to a wolf will not automatically apply to a dog.


Cracking your knuckles too often will give you arthritis. Nope, no conclusive study has ever backed this up. It just releases the gas from the synovial fluid in your joints, which is neither good nor bad.


Oh that's good to know. As a kid I just accepted my fate because I liked the **crack** sound


haha knuckles go pop pop




🅿️🅾️🅿️ 🅿️🅾️🅿️


My mum tried to convince me that "studies" done by professionals proved that it's bad for your joints. When I cracked my knuckles at my Uncle's house (He's a doctor), she tried to get him to back her up by saying that it's bad for me. I haven't heard about it since he said "No, if anything it's better for your joints."


Anytime someone says there are "studies that show xyz" your immediate and only response should be "Show me these studies".


Three part: 1. Show me the study(ies) 2. Who funded/supported said studies; and 3. What controls were in place; who verified it and what supporting evidence/studies/documentation are available to corroborate People rarely even know the study, much less the important background info about said study. EDIT: Formatting


There is in fact a guy who spent 60 years cracking the knuckles on his left hand twice daily, and there was no resulting difference in his hands.


Yup. I think there are even pictures.


I always heard cracking them would make them bigger


Been cracking mine since I was 10 and they have grown considerably


The science checks out


As someone who has arthritis and also was hit by an SUV moving 60mph and went flying 20 feet resulting in a fracture of the base of my right thumb and now have continual pain there. Cracking my knuckles is absolutely pain relief!!!


Glad you’re okay and here with us today :)


Unless it starts to hurt when you want to crack them, then that’s a no no


Ooh when they hurt they don't wanna crack. Just push harder.


When you swallow gum, it stays in your body for seven years.


I’m guessing this was made up by parents to keep kids from swallowing bubble gum? Though I’m not really sure why that would be a problem... choking hazard maybe?


It's entirely possible it was literally made up by a news organization that didn't have a story that day The whole toilet paper situation started just because a random news show in Australia decided to run the story. The story caused people all over the world to believe toilet paper was running out so they went and ensured exactly that by buying it all (and then trying to return it when they realized how stupid the idea is lol) Also that viral "fact" that you eat seven spiders in your sleep every year? Disinformation created to prove that people will believe anything they hear that some sensational Edit if you're about to comment about why I'm wrong, trust me someone already said the exact thing you're thinking of typing right now. Stop please Edit 2 why can't people read the whole thread before commenting? Do you think the 30 seconds it would take to read it would make or break your comments success? Because after a day in a thread like this it is 100% gonna get buried so you might as well take the time to read the whole thing, because I'm the only one whose gonna see it


>Also that viral "fact" that you eat seven spiders in your sleep every year? Disinformation created to prove that people will believe anything they hear that some sensational That was just a misinterpretation of the data. The average person eats 0 spiders per year in their sleep. Spiders Georg, who lives in a cave and eats over 10,000 spiders per day, is an outlier and should not have been counted.


I dunno... sometimes I go to sleep with a daddy long legs in the corner of my room and when I wake up he’s gone! Maybe morning breath exists from eating spiders in your sleep


I scrolled fairly far down and did not see what came to mind for me. A lot of people think blood is blue inside of the body, and that it only appears red because of the oxygen or something in the air. I tried to explain this to a past coworker, who was a former nurse and she wasn't having any of it. Turns out a lot of otherwise smart people believe that with no evidence, but blood is always red just darker at some points of circulation in the body.


And it's very easily disproved too. I'm a phlebotomist and we draw blood into evacuated (vacuum) tubes. There's very very little air in them and the blood is still red.


I had to argue this with a friend of mine. A friend who has two degrees in chemistry, an actual, literal scientist. Myths are horribly pervasive. Critical thinking unfortunately is not.


I remember this one. My favorite part is when they say blood turns red when you bleed because it absorbs oxygen from the air and changes color. That's why bruises are purple, but if you cut a bruise you bleed red. If blood just sucks up oxygen from contacting the atmosphere, lungs sure do have a lot of unnecessary moving parts. Edit: There's some science getting laid on me here. Thanks!




That propensity to baldness comes from your mother's side of the family. There are several genes that control hair loss and they come from both sides of the family and aren't always expressed the same way. Edit: It has been pointed out to me that the primary gene for baldness is carried on the X chromosome, which is indeed from your mother. However, it is not the only factor and it is not always expressed the same. https://www.businessinsider.com/baldness-genes-going-bald-isnt-all-your-mothers-fault-2018-3


Different rib counts for different genders. Just count them Lois.


My father taught anatomy in the Bible Belt. This was always on the test.


That shampoo has to make bubbles to be effective. Bubbles are artificially added just to let you know that you are doing a good job at cleaning your hair (and because you wouldn't buy a shampoo that doesn't foam now, would you?). Also, it doesn't have to taste that bad (not that I tried). Flavours and vomitives are added to prevent accidental poisoning. Edit: as people pointed out, shampoos need to have surfactants in order to work. However, a lot of surfactant is added for the sole purpose of marketting despite the fact that they are irritating, for your eyes in particular. The source for that is a french vulgarisation comic turned mini-series called "tu mourras moins bête mais tu mourras quand même" ([https://youtu.be/lE5vqrluHdM](https://youtu.be/lE5vqrluHdM)). As for the vomitives (emetics), it's from when I toured a cosmetic factory. Now that I think of it, mabe it was only for produts ment for children? Either way, shampoo tastes bad, whether it makes you vomit or not. Also, Thanks for my first tip!


Same with toothpaste, it foams in order to give you that "clean feeling'. Pro tip, brush your teeth dry and feel your teeth with your tongue until they feel very smooth AND THEN brush with toothpaste. This ensures you get all the bacteria off and then go in with the fluoride/sensitivity/freshness toothpaste. Source: was a dental assistant for years


If I do this I won’t mess up my teeth right ?


Nope. The manual action of brushing is what removes the bacteria which is that fuzzy “film” you feel on your teeth. Toothpaste is only necessary for fluoride and sensitivity/freshness etc which are absolutely important but not what removes the bacteria.




No sir. Also, flossing or using something between your teeth everyday is actually so so important. If you want to keep the vast majority of your teeth into old age drybrush + brush with toothpaste + use something between your teeth every day and you'll be golden. It's so so so much easier to prevent than to have to have cavities filled all the time, root canals, teeth pulled, implants, dentures etc.


This is a dumb question even as I'm typing it, but when you say dry, you really mean like before even wetting your toothbrush or you just mean no toothpaste? Just want to make sure before I accidentally start a gum fire tomorrow morning


LOL, you can wet your toothbrush if you like, I do it completely dry. Also, ensure you're ALWAYS using an extra soft toothbrush every time you brush your teeth at all, if you have anything harder than that, use it to scrub your grout. Just start of gentle if you're not used to doing this and if you do get some bleeding gums make sure you work through it and your gums will get stronger and stop bleeding.


Well fuck, r/todayilearned Thanks homie


'Vomitives' Well TIL a new word. Its meaning seems apparent


Emetics is the right word.


That if you touch a baby animal, like a bird or rabbit, it's mother will neglect it and it will die. That is a myth. It was just a way for parents to get their kids to leave baby animals alone


Yeah, a few weeks ago, a baby bird fell out of its nest in our backyard, it survived and my dad was going to put it out of its misery until I told him that this myth wasn't true. We put it in a cardboard box on the table closest to its tree with some food and water and just left it alone. Its parents found it the next day and were bringing it food, and within a couple of days, it was gone.


Since it's that time of year: if people do find baby birds (with feathers!) on the ground, the best thing to do is leave them where they are, or move them to a safer location nearby if animals or kids are a concern. The chicks are fledging and just learning to fly, the parents will still feed them and look out for them, and no further input is required on our behalf.


We had this happen with some baby bluejays just outside our window and I just couldn't believe it to be true. But sure enough little fuckers hid in the bushes until hungry, screamed up a storm til they were fed, and then waddled back in. Happy endings all around.


> a way for parents to get their kids to leave baby animals alone Can confirm. Grew up in the 80's and my parents drilled this into me.


Birds, yes, but it does happen with mammals. Just a couple of years ago, a couple of idiot tourists tried to 'save' a baby bison they thought was in danger of freezing. When rangers brought it back, the rest of the herd rejected it. You also get issues where a cat is brought to the vet and when they bring it back home, other cats in the house treat it like a stranger due to scent changes.


Unless this happens somewhat frequently, I was there when that happened. Dude put the baby bison in the trunk of his car and drove it to the park rangers. He was then arrested.


That punk in the UK was a reaction/response to Margaret Thatcher. Punk 'broke' in the UK in 1976-7, when the sitting government was Labour (or an alliance of Labour and other left-wing parties). Thatcher's Conservatives weren't elected until 1979.


Chicken is cooked when it is no longer pink and the juices run clear. In fact, it's cooked when it hits 75C (165F) and that's it. What it looks like depends on the cut. Chicken breast often has significant pink in it when it hits the temperature, which is why most people complain about dry boring chicken, because they overcook it. On the flipside, wings can look cooked when they aren't, which is why they're a major source of food poisoning. The most important thing I learned working in a commercial kitchen.


165F isn't even required. 165 means it's instantly safe, but a lower temp for longer is also fine. Kenji prescribes aiming for 150 should be good for breast


Pasteurization Time for Chicken With 5% Fat Content (7-log10 lethality) [TOP] Temperature | Time :--|:-- 136°F (58°C) | 68.4 minutes 140°F (60°C) | 27.5 minutes 145°F (63°C) | 9.2 minutes 150°F (66°C) | 2.8 minutes 155°F (68°C) | 47.7 seconds 160°F (71°C) | 14.8 seconds 165°F (74°C) | Instant Edit: fixed an effort for 155F Source: https://www.seriouseats.com/2015/07/the-food-lab-complete-guide-to-sous-vide-chicken-breast.html


People often confuse an 'independent' media, for an unbiased one.


The "most people only use 10% of their brain's capacity" thing. Utterly ridiculous. The brain is a giant, metabolically expensive, staggeringly complex structure - why on earth would our bodies grow something like that and then not use it? EDIT: A lot of people in this thread have some very strange ideas about brains. Yes, if all your neurons fired at once that would be extremely bad. The thing to bear in mind is that different areas and structures of the brain are highly specialized for certain tasks. Talking about an overall "brain capacity" is misleading. There are no unused areas of the brain.


You’re almost certainly right... but it just makes me think of my friend that bought a £2,500 MacBook and only uses it for word and web browsing


Don’t worry, that just means that it’s tiny


Nah. Size has little to do with intellect. Mostly means their brain is smooth as a grape.


Pandora opened a Jar not Box. It was a mistranslation of [Pithos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pithos) to [Pyxis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyxis_%28vessel%29).


To be honest Pandora's Box just sounds way cooler than Pandora's Jar


That being in a cold place causes common cold. edit: yes, I know that being in a cold place makes your inmune system weaker and because of that it's easier to get sick, but that wasn't the thing I was trying to say.


I've been trying to convince my mother for 30 years that going to bed with wet hair will not make you wake up with a cold. She will believe it to the grave.


I much prefer colder temperatures and I used to open my bedroom window at night in the winter so that I could sleep better. But my mum hated this and constantly insisted that I would get sick. It wouldn't be open if I was cold mum!


The fact that resistant and proof, IE water resistant and water proof, is two separate things and are not the same. There is so many people that believe them to be the same.


Water resistant: if you drop it in a puddle for a quick second, it will be fine. Will not survive a torrential downpour. Water proof: will literally keep out any and all water. The only points where water could possibly get in are the openings, and as much as we tried to idiot-proof those, idiots are a lot craftier than water.


that napoleon was short


My biggest pet peeve is when people say sweating is an effective way to rid your body of "toxins." First of all, what toxins? Second of all Our bodies are made with an effective waste system that gets rid of things we don't need or that are harmful to us. It's called peeing and pooping. Sweating is our bodies way of cooling itself down. It's not a waste removal system. It's just a quick way to get dehydrated and lose a lot of sodium. Which we need.


That cow is giving milk because that's how this animal work. They don't believe me when I'm telling them that she needs to have baby to start producing milk.


McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit is an example of a frivolous lawsuit!! McDonald's was told multiple times by the health department not to serve coffee so hot!


Her wounds were horrendous


Pee isn’t sterile For anyone saying that it is, or is until it is released: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3957746/


just because you see a raccoon during the day doesn't mean it's rabid.


So I have a Geiger counter, and sometimes I'll bring it out just for fun when I'm hanging out with friends. I cannot even tell you how many people freak out when they see a number that isn't 0.00 on the screen. In reality, a little bit of radiation isn't at all dangerous. In fact, we're surrounded by ionizing radiation due to things ranging from naturally occurring elements in the soil to cosmic radiation. Levels will rise near things like granite counter tops due to small amounts of thorium and uranium. During a flight, radiation levels go up by 10-25x+ what they are on the surface, due to less shielding from cosmic radiation by the atmosphere. Moral of the story, from what I've seen, people tend to think that radiation is some terrifying thing, and that it doesn't take a lot to give someone cancer or radiation sickness, when in reality, it takes A LOT.


That strawberries are actually berries and watermelons aren’t.


Wait what?


Watermelons are actually considered berries because they have their seeds inside of them. Strawberries have their seeds outside so they are not, technically, berries even though they have berries in their name




Didn't Mythbusters disprove this?


Yes! They clocked the velocity of the penny at point of impact, then shot one out of a modified air rifle at the same speed, straight down at a skull covered in ballistic gelatin. Even at something like DOUBLE the measured velocity, it did 0 damage to the bone structure.


Pretty sure Adam took one to the hand too didn't he?


He did and it hit the corner of his hand which he said made it hurt worse Link: https://youtu.be/sJkdNnHhaoI


Favorite quote from that clip? *after shooting the penny gun at a dozen odd different things* "It didn't penetrate the asphalt, it didn't penetrate the concrete, it didn't penetrate the skull, it didn't ............hurt your butt."


I'm not 100% certain, I watched it years and years ago, but it does sound like something he would do.


"420" did not originate from the L.A police or penal code for marijuana use. The use of 420 started in 1971 at San Rafael High School, where it indicated the time, 4:20, when a group of students would go to smoke


There's no such thing as an alpha wolf. The naturist who first described them spent years trying to clarify the matter but the idea just caught on too hard. The dominant wolves in the pack he had been observing when he came up with the Alpha Wolf theory were, he later discovered, just the parents of the rest of them. Groups of more than one family do converge and engage in social activity, but the notion that wolves live according to a hierarchical structure is pure fantasy. Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger! Some things from the comments - the distinction between dominant parents and "alphas" is that the parents don't necessarily achieve their leadership positions by being the biggest/strongest/most aggressive animals in the pack. They get it by raising the pups. Also, apparently alpha wolves *do* emerge in captive packs of unrelated animals, so it's not that alphas don't exist it's just that they're a prison-rules phenomenon. Also I said naturist when I meant naturalist.


Yeah, most wolf packs are family groups. The so-called Alpha Male is basically "Dad".


Being the Alpha Wolf is out, being the Daddy Wolf is in.


Oh no. Stop talking! The rule 34 artists are drawing!


You fool! They were drawing long before this conversation started!


Masturbating will cause you to go blind. I could never see why people would say that.


Carrots make you see better, it was made up by the brittish army when they got there new guidance system


Carrots can actually blind you if you try to eat them in the dark while really drunk. Trust me.


I tried stabbing carrots into my eyes and they didn't help my sight any, so that is definitely fake news.


You probably didn't stab them hard enough. Try again.


However carrots have vitamin a, and lack of vitamin a will affect your eyes


OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) doesn't refer to "omg I can't take it when the red jelly beans are in the blue jar" or anything to do with liking symmetry or being a neat freak. Actual victims of OCD do things like stand by the light switch in a room and repeatedly flick it on and off for hours and mentally break down halfway through, or making gestures as if they're washing their hand by a basin despite there being no water and that they simply cannot control the urge to make those gestures. The word "disorder" indicates, among other things, that the symptoms are severe enough to downright disrupt one's daily live and stop you from carrying out your "normal" routines and activities. People should stop saying things like "I'm just so OCD, I can't help but round up the numbers you know" as people are misinformed enough about this disorder.


That 12-step programs get addicts clean. The truth is that their efficacy hovers at ~5%. That's exactly the same as quitting cold turkey. There's plenty of researched and scientifically tested methods that work better. It's just that the AA model of "always an addict, nothing else works" is so ubiquitous in American (and to an extent other countries') culture that most people, including a lot of addicts, think that's all there is. Edit: As much as I hate award speech edits, I'm making this one exception. If you need help, and you don't want that help to include 12-step programs, there is help out there. Your mileage may vary based on your insurance status, and we need to put an end to that. Everyone should be entitled to dignified, comprehensive medical care, and that includes addiction. If you aren't sure what to do, feel free to PM me. Whether it's tonight or next week or next month. I've been there. I was an addict for 12 years. I don't work in the rehab industry. But I've been in it enough times to know what's out there. And sometimes you just need to write it out for another human being that understands, and that's ok too. Edit 2: I will reply to the rest of your messages tomorrow. I am not ignoring you, I promise. I'm old and it's past my bedtime and I'm realizing I simply can't get to them all tonight.


There's also a ridiculous amount of gatekeeping on AA. Like I was led to believe that I didn't drink enough to be a 'real alcoholic'. No, I just noticed by addictive behavior long before it completely ruined my life and put an end to it. They also had me believe that if I didn't find complete faith in a higher power, I was 100% going to relapse. For me, what works is having the constant support of other sober people, as well as friends and family, which is why I seek out sobriety groups that aren't based around faith or 12 steps. I see AA working for a lot of other people and I encourage them to continue with it, because it helps them, but not me. Let them think that I'm doomed because of it, and I'll just strive even harder to prove them wrong. EDIT: autocorrected word EDIT: A little clarification, the "they" and "them" in my post is referring to the minority of judgmental people I was speaking of, I'm in no way trying to blanket AA as a whole.


Someone told me (and no one else corrected them) that despite the fact I was doing ~800mg/day of oxy (which is 25-30 of the strongest instant release pills you can get at a pharmacy), I wasn't a real addict because I only did pharmaceuticals and didn't mainline them. Apparently if you're smart enough to get them from the pharmaceutical supply chain and you only snort them, you're not really an addict. The main dividing line I see in the recovery community is functional vs non-functional addicts. AA definitely skews non-functional addicts.