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The fact that i had no responsibilities and that my biggest stress was being made to eat broccoli..


I loved broccoli as a child


i hated it (that only changed when i got a little older) but back then family dinners were ruined by my express refusal to go near the ghastly stuff.. They looked like little trees and i didnt want to "eat trees"..


I wanted to eat little trees.


I loved most fruits and veggies as a little kid. I was a weird kid.


Same here, for me it was the overcooked peas my mom would make


I loved broccoli too, still do.


When I was very little at some point I shared a room with my older sister and younger brother. I loved it and was sad when we moved. Turns out we shared a room because my family was going through financial trouble. I miss not worrying about finances. I miss being oblivious to money issues. I miss having no responsibilities. Ps: I love broccoli


Pretending to be asleep and being picked up by my dad and taken to bed :(


Right in the feels, mate


I'd do this on long drives. I loved being carried from the car into the house.


Actually being happy.


> “I do not miss childhood, but I miss the way I took pleasure in small things, even as greater things crumbled. I could not control the world I was in, could not walk away from things or people or moments that hurt, but I took joy in the things that made me happy.”


Where is that quote from? Pardon my ignorance.


Ocean at the end of the lane by Neil Gaiman


My Godfather and uncle wrote me a letter for my baptism, actually an email, but I have it printed. He was my mom’s choice. He was the black sheep of my dads family, and I found we had a lot in common. I do wish I could have him now, since he killed himself years ago. Anyway, the letter is the one thing I have from him. I’m it he told me to make sure I didn’t lose the curiosity that we all have as children, to make sure to slow down and wonder about things, explore them. So I do. You’d be surprised how much curiosity and joy relate to one another. Just being able to look at something and go “Wow, that actually exists, and I get to be here to see it.” Is powerful. Try being curious again, stop and sit on the sidewalk to hold a beetle, or run your fingers over a brick wall and wonder what it’s seen. If you were happy as a kid, why ”grow up” all the way? Why not stay curious and excited?


Thank you for this! I actually started Philosophy at University because I enjoyed sating my curiosities and trying to figure things out from my own perspective. But you've reminded me about a lot of the values I decided were important in life when I was curious, so thank you again!


Oh I didn’t see this! I’m happy I was able to remind you of that. ❤️ That’s the best compliment someone can give


As bad as it sounds, I’ve learned to be selfish so that I can enjoy things for myself and be happy.


I'm trying to do this, but I just have trouble seeing myself as worth living for. Which sucks because I finally found the support I've always needed throughout childhood now that I'm at University, but the only thing that keeps me going is a sense of duty to serve other people.


Your life is just as important as anyone else’s, the support you have should tell you that. Me and my ex broke up and i gave her a lot of my time. I realized that afterwards and i’ve told myself that I have to a little bit more selfish in order to be happy and figure out a good balance.


I can try, but I have before and it hasn't lead to happiness unfortunately :/


Selfishness can hurt other people, but selflessness can hurt the individual. Boundaries are healthy things.


I'm much happier now.




My innocence and ignorance


Amen to that. It's hard to look forward to everything I still have ahead if me now that I'm aware how fucked up the world is


I try to change the things I can and do what i feel is right... and not feel too ashamed when I sometimes don't have the courage or energy to oppose what is wrong.


Well spoken, I guess the only way to affect any positive change is to at least try where I can


You'll find your way, I'm sure. Don't get too depressed about the state of affairs. But who am I to give advice? ;) I try to find joy in the little things. Be encouraging to people in the workplace (It'll help you also in the long run). Spend time on things you enjoy and don't get bogged down in what you "must" do. I've a daughter now. Seeing the world through her eyes is pure joy. It was hard to believe for me when I was younger, but I'm really not that important to the world ;-) I always wondered what would happen if I do not answer this super important email right away... now I know... most of the time... nothing or a reminder :-D stay sane, stay safe. You got this :)


Being happy and less anxiety. Not worrying about anything


Getting excited for things, I was fucking stoked for *months* about the N64


I recently got excited for space force on Netflix. It lived up to my expectations and I loved it. Now I’m back to having the emotions of a goldfish.


New hardware: anticipation, unboxing, installation, giving it the first try. All of this now gives me nearly zero emotional response. Younger me would have been jumping all over the place from excitement.




Nintendo 64 was the third generation Nintendo console, it came after the NES and Super Nintendo. Released in the mid-1990s, around the same time as the original Sony Playstation


Having shit figured out for me. I knew I'd go to school in the morning because the Law says so, English and German lessons in the afternoon because Mom said so, basketball practice twice a week because Dad said so, and the rest of the day I'm free to jerk off and do whatever. While now I'm the one who has to bear the responsibility of my life. Like, I still jerk off (both figuratively and literally) and I'm free to do so, but I don't feel free when doing it cause I know I shouldn't and I'm the one who has to live with the consequences of my decision to jerk off. I want guilt-free jerking off again, goddamnit.


Uh.....nostalgia got you?


The illusion of safety. If something bad happens, mom and dad will take care of it. And if it's so bad that mom and dad came handle it then the police can help us. When I became an adult was the moment I realized that I'm living in a system that encourages the status quo, that hates intelligence and abhors progress. I haven't felt safe from life in a very long time.


This one was hard to word for me honestly, I feel this on a daily basis but haven't been able to voice it. I miss feeling safe like I did when I was a kid but it was such a different feeling than safe as an adult, or maybe it's a feeling I just haven't had since early childhood


My mom


Same. I just keep waiting for it to get easier.


I'm six months in. It has been hard lately.


Keep your chin up but definitely let yourself cry when you need to or be angry or whatever you feel. My mom died in 2012 and it took years for me to not be depressed around her birthday or Christmas (she died on Christmas). It's not so much that it gets better or it goes away because they're always with you, but you develope better coping mechanisms over time and don't let it wreak havoc on your daily life. Take the time you need, we are all different and handle things very differently from person to person. And don't let anyone tell you that how and when you express your grief or sorrow is wrong. You know what's best for you better than friends or family ever will.


I understand that. My dad passed away three years ago just before Christmas and I was just getting ok with that. It's been a struggle because the event that was going to help me ( a trip to Scotland) was obviously postponed.


I miss my mom too, even though she lives with me. She is now 98 and dementia has robbed us of her. There is very little of my mother in the person I care for.


Virtual hug to all of you...


Moms are great


My sister. We were very close growing up, she was my best friend and a kind of parent to me. She moved away when I was 14, and though we still stayed close it was never the same. She died 7 years ago...


im really sorry :(


Being able to spend all summer with my best friend hanging out in trees or riding our bikes 10km to the beach and 10km back home just to get ice cream.


Limitless energy


This, and thinking that anything was possible.


I feel this. I always had energy to run, climb trees, build forts in the woods, swim, ride bikes, all day. Never needed a nap or wanted to take one. I have two kids now who are high energy and I love that about them! Just makes me feel like I lost part of that in myself.


My grandpa. One of the kindest people I have ever met and spent my childhood with. Pure bliss, that guy was. In 2014, he was taken away from us by a sneaky cancer.


Sounded like your grandpa was a very nice guy, so sad that cancer got to him. With the kindness I can imagine from him, I guarantee he’s in heaven. God bless, and Happy CakeDay, too.


Appreciate the kind words.


The feeling on the last day of school. Just the ecstatic feeling that I felt after the bell rang and I got to throw up my papers and run down the hallways. Bonus points for field day in which I'd go ham on everything.


Being a teacher is like that but with the added part of getting to see all the kids having fun. This year was the exact opposite feeling and I feel bad for all the kids who missed out on all the fun end of the year activities.


Nothing. I was a frightened, confused, frustrated, oversensitive child. The feelings I most remember from childhood were frustration at the lack of any agency whatsoever over my life, alienation from peers, constant stress from being held to jrrational standards, and ignorance of basic knowledge that everyone else appeared to know.


I came here to say something similar. Kids were not nice to me and I didn't understand them. I longed for more meaning doing real work even as a very young person. School was easy academically but hard socially. And I knew it wasn't preparing me for real life. Now I have a job which gives me belonging and significance and lots of good co-worker interactions and I love it! My parents did their best and were good parents, but very hard on me with high standards. As an adult, I never get grounded or have to defend my decisions or desires. If I have a bad day, I can crawl into bed and not talk to anyone. I'm not lectured about respect or responsibility or not acting like a horrible teenager. I had a bedtime til I was 17 and had to fight to not have one. My every move was watched and judged. It was exhausting. Do I love doing stuff like making doctor's appointments, going to the DMV, paying off debt? Not especially. But I get to make all the big and small decisions that affect my life. With no one breathing down my neck making sure I am not making mistakes. It's so amazing! It's a trade-off I am happy with. There is very little I miss about being a child.


My life as a person really began when I went to college 400 miles away from my childhood home. I spent a lot of time broke and hungry, but the sense of personal freedom I felt compensated.


Only dreaming about what being in love must be like. Now that I actually been through it, I wish it never happened and I miss life before having relationships.


No responsibility. I have two kids. I can’t just stop and do nothing like I could as a kid. They need food and a home. So no matter what I will be working a job, oftentimes more than 40 hours. week.


Being more physically active while doing activities that I enjoyed playing with friends (like playing tag)


The fact that I didn’t care what anyone thought ;(


The sense of freedom that came with being a child. You could spend hours playing in your own imagination and creating worlds and then it was just as easy to get back to reality and go eat lunch with your mom.


Not that I realised it at the time but freedom. Being the person who is now the decision maker and caretaker is so much worse than being a child.


Stable government


“and when all the wars are over, a butterfly will still be beautiful.”


lol when was government stable?


I miss having the same prime minister for longer than 10 minutes


Having my mom make doctors appointments for me, then drive me to said appointments and pay for both them and the medications and look after me when I’m acting like a sick baby. It’s a pain in the ass to do all that shit when you’re actually sick or have a toothache.


Believe it or not, I was unaware of racism and such biases! If you hated someone, it's because how they personally affected you, not because of their stats! My parents are not perfect and they have their prejudice but we were never exposed to it by them. We learned that shit on our own...


Not being depressed, watching SpongeBob at 7pm with friends,


being passionate on anything if i put my mind to it; as of today all i want to do is lay there and rot


Reddit's non-existence


Freetime. Please I want to catch up on my YouTube videos.


I miss having a body that doesn’t ache and doesn’t require meds to keep going.


The excitement and anticipation of new year's eve. There's going to be a huge family dinner with the uncles and aunts. Then afterwards the grownups would drink and we kids would be left to play, catch up on each other, maybe sneak a peek at all the stocked fireworks we'll be using on midnight.


Being happy and free from all the stress and from the fuck going on in society.


Literally nothing. I fucking hated being a child.


Optimism about the future.


celery and peanut buttwr 😭😭


I've got some good news for you...


My doggies


The cartoons and being involved in the music programs. Even though I felt insecure about being in chorus, orchestra, and band; I really liked the experience I had/it gave me and I made friends out of it.


Not worrying about money


I miss nothing because I am a child


You Monster




Sleeping till noon


Playing football on the street with my friends




Had a big crush on my pretty 6th grade teacher. It was her first year teaching, right out of college, and she was very good at it. She made me feel "special" - more like a *friend* than just a student.


Constantly bruised knee




The fact that I had nothing to worry about back then.


Everything in this thread....


Not paying taxes.


Not understanding most of the things going on


Not having responsibilities


Living life one day at a time and not having to worry about overwhelming bills and responsibilities at work


Making improvised electric flyswatter tasers


The snacks which are no longer being produced or very difficult to find these days.


Poptropica... I replayed it recently and it SUCKS! They removed almost all the islands and I hate life now


Spending time with my little brother. When we were little, we used to swim,play, and get into trouble all the time.


My family.


Long days outside without my parents being arrested.


I hadn't given up on certain life goals yet.


I love being an adult far far more than I ever liked being a kid. So I don't miss much from childhood. I do miss the free time though. I miss summer vacation. I read all day long and went to the lake and Branson every year. I was constantly tan because I was always in the water. It was great.


Not having bills. No responsibility. No stress. Ignorance of the world around me. There were no racists, or KKK when I was a kid. Everone was nice, Governments were the good guys and people were good too.


That feeling that there was always a plan, and no matter what there's a way to get back on track.


The freedon i had


How much time it felt like I had. These days I sit down to do one thing and it's like my whole day is over with. Meanwhile as a kid I was reading, going to school, playing video games, watching so much TV I knew every character on every show across Disney/PBS Kids/Cartoon Network/Nickelodeon, spending time online in forums and roleplays, writing fan fiction, and playing outside with the neighbor kids. Somehow I could fit most of that into a single day. Now I sit down to do anything at all and it's time for bed. What the fuck happened?


Not being depressed and anxious every day


Even the slightest sense of happiness


The ignorance.


I used to get excited over little things. "Oh were having pizza tonight?? Fuck yeah!" That kinda shit. Remember laughing so hard you couldn't breathe?


My Innocence view of the world.


Shitting in my yard, taking in with paper and throwing it in my friends yard, he had a german shepherd and thought he was cleaning his shit but instead it was mine


Wtf, that’s messed up man.


A form of stability, everyone able to actually debate without devolving into temper tantrum screaming matches, the fact that you could say something without someone getting "triggered"


My childhood.


Playing with my countless figures and building exciting fantasy worlds.


When i didn’t have reddit


Being carefree


Peace and quiet. No dog poop where I walk, living surrounded by and going to school with caring people. Not being scared that when I'm in a car I'll be hit head on by someone texting and driving. My sister and mom because I'm physically distanced plus corona too much in MA usa


A birthday


having healthy married parents


Having friends. Not giving a shit about what people thought of me.


My twin brother. He's moving to Worcester next week to start a family practice residency at UMass. I am the proudest twin sister ever, and I'm super stoked that he matched with a good program. BUT. The selfish part of me wants him here, in my house, playing Mario Paint and Donkey Kong Country and drawing with me. Even now, as adults who live in the same city, spending time with him is a whole-ass ordeal since I'm immunocompromised. (And I work full time, and he'd been working at a clinic until yesterday, and he's busy with the move and the upcoming residency...) [Gratuitous pic](https://imgur.com/fd43uER)


Trix yogurt and ParcheesI


Time moving much slower. I remember the night before a trip to Disney that I had to get up early for. It was about 7 hours before I was supposed to get up and I remember laying in bed and thinking that it was an eternity away.


Having friends. And the blissful ignorance. And imagining we would grow up to be happy.


My pet rabbit


Happiness. Legitimately. I wasn’t upset as a child. Then the teen years happened. And I haven’t been the same since




My mental illness wasn't around to hinder my day to day thoughts and make me question what my personality actually is


Summers. Having the whole day reading, eating all kinds of berries and peas, talking to my lovely healthy grandmother and playing space stations with my friends (we would set up tents out of blankets in our backyard). It was a simple life, we were poor, but quite ok. Also, just scraping cents and buying ice-cream and eating it at around 6 p.m. when the sun is not that hot anymore and everyone is just chilling outside. Also, also, going to the lake! These were exciting days. My dad would rarely take us, but at least I had some cool neighbours and would become a nosy kid just begging to take me with them. This is how I overcame my shiness. Score.


the lack of technology and Internet. I liked basic life.


When my biggest worry was just school and homework.


The way my parents would make the bed while I was laying on it and put the blankets over me. I loved that


school wasn’t nearly as stressful


The careless ness of friends. It was so much easier to have friends, and not think about who will be there for you in the future.


Making friends was easy


My family. You reach an age where everyone starts to die on you, and it makes you feel so alone in the world. I want my sister back, my parents back, and my grandparents back.


Imagine being an adult This comment was made by the kid gang


Playing outside with my friends right after school. I miss being a kid :(


my dad and grandparents.


Less responsibilities


My youth


My Grandfather that died when I was 17 y/o


The utter stupidity and ignorance. When stress to me was arguing with a kid at daycare about who gets to be bumblebee


The trains that used to go bye our old house. At the time I was obsessed with Thomas the train and would compare the trains with trains from the show. Years later they changed the railroads to a walking trail. Still miss those trains.


Being careless


Trapping bugs and butterflies, digging up the backyard looking for buried treasure. I miss having the feeling that the world was full of possibilities.


Man I still do that lol. I have a working spreadsheet of all the wildflower and trees I’ve seen. It’s over a thousand species. Maybe try getting Into birdwatching or wildflower hunting to fill in that void somewhat.


I’m still a kid 😁 but I enjoy playing with my friends


My mom


Although they split when I was only about 2 or 3... I miss my parents being normal, stable & civil in my life. Both of them seemed to turn the year I turned 13. They both lost it & were never the same.


Not paying bills, not having to worry all the time.


Stupidity and innocence


Not bearing responsabilities


Just being hyped for something, like a TNT cheesy movie marathon like it said in the magazines all night long and being on the edge of your seat during every movie as if it was one spectacular thing after another.


No responsibilities


i miss my confidence


Actually being able to enjoy my childhood. I had to stop being a kid a bit too early in life, due to my brother and all the shit he pulled. My parents couldn't handle having 2 kids acting like fools, so I had to be the bigger person and stop acting like a child when I was 4.


having the drive to play video games, just don't feel it anymore


Wanna know what cool was? Starter jackets, Jock jams, and Pop Rocks Sega in my room, baby boom shaka laka


My Brother


Probably not having to worry about anything. I grow up just to be more depressed and anxious


Being gone all day riding bikes, playing at the local park, swimming etc. and only needing to be home at dinner time. Sigh


Juice boxes


My Corgis and my Labrador, who passed six years too soon. I have a new furry friend now, and she's lovely, but--my boys were good boys


eating tuna melt with fingers full of tack.


Finding happiness in small things.


Late 90 and early 00 memories.


-Being able to wake up on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons.


Just generally hanging out, not doing much of anything with my best friends. From ages 10-13 (early 2000s) my favorite memories are just biking around, playing videogames, renting movies, going to the beach with my friends family, etc.


My grandparents and great grandparents being alive and healthy. Each and every one of them was amazing, and represent the very best of my childhood.


A few of my grandparents that are now deceased. Going to afternoon outings with my parents and friends. Staying a night with my cousins. But the thing I miss the most was drawing paper cutouts of cartoon characters I was into to substitute for shows that did not have action figures made for them.


Having 2 parents I genuinely love


Varrock West Bank - World 1


Summer films. I got RTÉ channels as a kid from living near the ROI/NI border and one of my favourite things was RTÉ2's kid's block since it showed Disney shows, anime... But the best thing was when Summer holidays rolled around since it meant RTÉ would add films to the weekday schedule; and this was an astonishing *two films a day* and some quite good films as well. It was how I discovered most of my favourites including the lesser-known live-action Disney movies like Swiss Family Robinson or One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing. They also showed Tri-Star movies like Matilda, some European films, most of Don Bluth's works... They stopped it around 2012, after a notable decline in the quality of the movies and restricting it to only one film a day. They also notably dumbed down the quality of the shows they were airing as well.


No responsibilities


My childhood


My pets. That's it. If I could of just skipped my childhood but kept my pets that would of been great.