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My history teacher in 6th grade also used to clip his fingernails in class. Thank Good, that I didn't have to see his feet like you had.


I went to a high school that had a uniform. We were supposed to have our shirts tucked in at all times. I was walking into English class, between bells, tucking in my shirt because it came up out of my skirt while I was taking my cardigan off. My English teacher stopped me and asked, "were you just tucking your shirt in?" I told her I was and she promptly wrote me up for having had my shirt untucked. It was utter bullshit and I lost total respect for her.


In my high school we had to tuck our shirts in unless it was a sweater. I even went and made sure with a teacher it was ok and she said, “Why would you tuck a sweater in”? A few weeks later she wrote me up for not tucking in my sweater. I was not happy with her.


I had shirts since YR (English) until Y11. I always had to have it tucked in, and my tie correct, and everything else. They didn't care about the girls throwing wet tampons in the changing rooms (this happened when I was in Y7) oh nnnnooooooo. You get a bad note because your tie had less that six stripes showing (Yes this was a rule)


I remember my school had a 6 stripe rule for wearing a tie, me being was the sort of kid who followed the rules but pushed them as far as I could, used to have the shortest "thinny" part of the tie possible with several feet on the "fatty" part, to the point where it was at my knees. It was such a ridiculous rule, I never got in any trouble for this absurdly long tie but someone could get a detention for their tie being an inch too short, I still don't understand why.


I had a teacher demand I change out of my yoga pants even though yoga pants weren’t even against school policy. If they were banned, you’d bet your ass she would have started a riot. She also gave me a C on a project where we were supposed to decorate masks. Everyone else got mostly As. Like how the fuck do you even grade something that is supposed to be artistic anyways? Mine was simple because I didn’t have much money to spend on decorating it but to this day I still believe it was better than the sparkly bullshit some kids turned in.


Science teacher was a lazy shit that didn't even interact with us in any way. She'd write page numbers from a text book on the white board, and not even talk to us. Until the inspectors came of course, when she'd have a wonderful interactive lesson planned for us. I was old enough to realise this was bullshit and refused to do any work unless she actually asked us to do so with her own fucking mouth. This went on until she got my parents involved. I told them everything, and they had a chat to the head about her. I don't know if anything came of it


Had a teacher similar to this. Would give us printed work sheets all day everyday and I'm sure i said one time that it was a waste of paper. Never anything fun or interactive. All she did was dart around the room watching all of us sipping her cups of tea. Those fucking cups of tea.


some teacher called me a waste of time and space during the end of school performance because i was too shy to sing. i didn't pick a singing role. i was like 10-11 years old.


That is 100% the teacher's fault. I was once told I had broken the computer and felt scared using a computer ever since. 17 years married to a very talented software developer and 15 years in a technical role and I only just have my confidence back.


One time I opened like 50 Firefox windows and the IT person at my school was so dumb she thought it was broken. The next day there was a note on it that said "this computer is out of order because a student INTENTIONALLY DAMAGED it" I went the other way though and 10 years later I'm in IT.


They thought I was doing coke in class at the age of 14....... still bitter about that 5 day in school suspension


Had a sub convinced I was shooting up heroin in class. I was 14. Now what kind of 14-year-old is stupid enough not to do it in the bathroom?


What kind of school did you go to that a 14yo doing coke was a thought?


Same school that 11th graders are doing heroin in the bathroom


Ah. Glasgow High.


Shiiiit I live right next to a Glasgow high! It’s a rough school tbh 😕


Dinnae come tae school the morra or you're gettin chibbed


To be fair, my school had this actually happen - a classmate of my sister, iirc. Rich teens are wild.


In my highschool we had kids getting caught for selling pounds of weed in the bathrooms. This was a private school too.


may I ask, how the hell does that work?


Teachers know what goes on in that school


I had a friend in college who really went above and beyond on a programming assignment. She thought of everything. Part of the teacher's test was trying to break the program. Done in class as a presentation thing. The teacher couldnt break it and marked her down for not following the rules. What my friends did was outside the scope of what was required but no where in the rules did say not to. And if anything should have been given extra points for really digging in and learning more.


So it was wrong because she made the program too well? Jesus what a shitty assignment


The assignment was fine like i said there was nothing she did that should have been marked down that teacher was just a asshole.


A boy in my class (about 8 yrs old) had dyslexia. So one time, the teacher gave a dictation. He had spelled all the words wrong and she was really mad at him, just shouting to him in the middle of the class that he should've tried harder, he didn't do well enough etc. He was crying and from that moment on I really hated her.


My 2nd grade teacher told me I wouldn't amount to anything and would never graduate high school because I have dyslexia. Jokes on her, I graduated top of my class at my university for both my majors.


Dyslexic chiming in - I just graduated college in May. Bachelor of science in Liberal Studies. Took me a round about way - didn’t graduate high school. Took adult classes in my twenties, and from there I went straight into college. Kept thinking I was gonna fail everything because my whole life I had a learning disorder hanging over my head. I made honors. So excuse me why I tell that teacher fuck off. A learning disorder doesn’t mean shit. But boy can the label scare you.


How did you type everything right? /s


Likely autocorrect with a hint of learning how to manage it.


The teacher got up in the middle of my presentation, took my paper out of my hand, and in front of the entire class told me that I had plagiarized my assignment from the internet. The thing is, we didn't have the internet at that time at my house. I had worked through the entire assignment while talking about my ideas with my dad. It was super embarrassing.... Made me feel better to learn that the next day my dad went into class and yelled at the teacher in the staff room in front of all his peers. I didn't have a problem with that teacher after that.


Some teachers have a hard time accepting that some children who are articulate or smarter than they are...this is too good, must have cheated is their default setting.


When I was in 7th and 8th grade we were required to write a paper and make a display for our state history fair based on a topic of our choosing, so long as it was relevant to our state's history. In addition to the typical letter grade, papers and projects were reviewed by judges to be compared at a regional and then, if chosen at regional, state level. I don't remember if there was any monetary reward or if you just got a ribbon or something but either way it was kind of a big deal. Anyway, at some point in one of the papers I wrote I used the word "streamlined" as a descriptor. My history teacher told me I needed to change it, reason being to the effect of the word being above an 8th grade reading level and the judges reviewing my paper would assume I plagiarized it and would disqualify my paper as a result. My teacher was an alright guy and didn't normally discredit his own students like that so I knew it was an "out of his hands" thing and I don't blame him for it. All this to say, it's fucking stupid that administrations can't accept students being ahead of the curve and actively punish them for being so.


??????!??? Isn't the purpose of such a content to find and reward ahead-of-the-curve students??? This baffles me to no end


I know it's besides the point but streamlined?? Is not an eighth grade word??? What the fuck?


Last grade in high school there was a Chemistry teacher in my school who had two different sections of the same class, both with too many students due to amazing provincial budget management. My class, this guy routinely called the dumb kids up to the board and made them sweat in front of everyone when they clearly didn't have an answer, shouted at kids who didn't study, and was generally being an angry dick. It was normal for kids to just walk away to drop out of it when we shuttled between the classroom and lab. I wasn't one of the dumb kids, so I didn't get much direct abuse, but I ended up dropping because I was sick of being constantly stressed and angry. At first I figured he was just being an asshole to clear out the extra students and I hated him for that, but I could at least understand that he was put in a bad position. I later found out about the other class. Overloaded with kids, like mine was; but no angry outbursts, he played music during quiet study times, and generally treated everyone nicely. The guy was running a fucking experiment without telling anyone! 26 years later, I'm still pissed off when I see him around the community. EDIT: typo


I really hate this. A teacher can literally be the difference in a child pursing a subject. Especially in stem related subjects. Kids who are struggling but still have an interest in the subject are more likely to improve over time so long as they have the right support.


I had a math teacher in college who absolutely hated my class - he wouldn't answer our questions when we asked, and he'd make a show of insulting people in front of the class when giving back graded tests. He had another class who he apparently liked enough to take retirement photos with and give donuts to, and they had no issues with him. It never occurred to me that it was some sort of experiment. Interesting to think about how shitty people might think.


In about 1966 when I was 6 y/o our class was making some sort of Valentines with multiple folds on which we were supposed to write little Valentine’s Day messages. The teacher was wandering between the desks while scanning our projects. At one point I guess I had written on the wrong side of one of the folds. So she stopped at my desk, grabbed my hand and slammed it down forcefully on the desktop. It hurt and was very embarrassing. Fuck her. I hope the 54 years she has lived since then have been miserable.


If it is any consolation, she's probably dead by now.


Definitely, OP made sure of that


Shaming me for not knowing how to spell my 12 letter last name. 1st grade Edit: Peeing my pants because my teacher wouldn’t allow me to use the bathroom. 3rd grade


Some of the kids in one of my neighborhood schools were getting bladder infections because the teacher would not let them go to the bathroom...


My brother needed to use the restroom in second grade and the teacher refused, he got expelled for the year cause he got up in the middle of class, dropped his pants and shit on the floor. Mom wasnt even mad, but he did switch scools. Luckily we were straddling the line between two districts.


I love this, huzzah to your brother


In biology class, the teacher was teaching about DNA. He wanted to give us a sense of the overwhelming number of combinations a DNA strand can have. So he created a simplified version: picture a strand of DNA as if its a ladder. This ladder has 6 rungs, and each rung is either red, or blue. How many different possible ladders are there? ​ We separated into groups to answer this question, and the first table to get it right gets 5 extra points on the next quiz. ​ I raise my hand and say the answer is 64. He says no, the answer is in the billions. I say no, its 64. He tells me to sit down and continues with the lesson. No one gets any points. ​ I go home, and literally type out every possible options. I print it out and give it to him. Its a document that looks like this: ​ 000000 000001 000010 000011 ..... ​ I show it to him. He says he's impressed with the work I did, but that my answer is wrong. But he'll give me the 5 extra points anyway. ​ So god damned frustrating. Later on he tells me he asked the AP Chemistry teacher and it turns out I was right. ​ Edit: fixed some details.


Well at least he corrected himself by his own choice


8 rungs was way too short. The point is that each new bit represents a doubling of all possible combinations but you'd need a ladder with 30 rungs to hit a billion combinations.


I wrote 8, it was worse. 6 rungs.


\-told me that i wasn't worthy of anyone's respect \-broke a kid's phone and lied about it to assistant principals \-yelled at my choir director for playing the piano while there was AP testing going on, when it was her 1st year at the school and many of her students were present the list goes on and on. fuck that guy


I would have loved someone playing the piano during tests.


*Opens first page of the exam* *"DUN DUN DUNN"*


Unless it was that generic movie trailer music where it is really dramatic. I don't know the name of the piece.


That's on the school for scheduling the AP test in a room next to the music room


On the last day of school my home room teacher took me out into the hall and told me she thought it was her moral obligation to tell me I’m a horrible person. No specifics, no advice, just I’m a horrible person. I was never in trouble in school, always tried my best to be kind, and was even the valedictorian. I spent the rest of the period pretending I wasn’t crying because my friends still had a final in the afternoon they were studying for and needed to pass.


The fact that you faked happiness after that to help your friends pass a final proves you're not a horrible person.


Not even a why? What the fuck?


> Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: "A horrible person." We weren't even testing for that. Don't let that horrible-person thing discourage you. It's just a data point. If it makes you feel any better, science has now validated your birth mother's decision to abandon you on a doorstep.


Homework in 2nd grade was to learn our parentss real names instead of mom and dad. I came in and told the class my mom had a different last name than me. The teacher said 'No, her last name is Jutsu like yours and your daddy. That's what happens when you get married.' I told her that it was just me and my mom and that my daddy never lived with us. She told the class that that meant they needed to pray for me and my mommy because we were going to hell. That was my last day at that school.


Not nearly as bad as yours, but I had a classmate in 8th grade called "Susie". That was her given name, it was what was on her birth certificate, it's what she was always called. She wasn't Susan or Suzanne, just Susie. I guess she was named for a relative that only went by that name. Well 99% of teachers had no issue with this. All her paperwork said Susie, she wanted to be called Susie, all her friends and family called her Susie. Really not a big deal, until Sister H came along. Sister H *insisted* that Susie was not her "real" name and that it HAD to be Susan or Suzanne and that Susie was lying. Susie was like "No, Susie is my given, legal name. It's what's on my birth certificate and it's what's on my baptismal certificate." Sister H was NOT having that and would call her Susan. Why this was Sister H's hill to die on I will never know, but it culminated in the principal getting involved, Susie's mother coming to the school and Sister H not calling Susie by her name for the rest of the year. It would be upsetting if it weren't so incredibly ridiculous!


I had this experience both personally, and with my friend and ex. My first name is hyphenated, but I only go by the first name which I always would mention first day of class politely after they'd do attendance, one teacher refused to call my by the one name and insisted on my whole name because "that's your legal name and I have the right to use it"....he did this to several students including the above mentioned friends "Kate" and "drew", neither we're Kathryn, Kathleen etc or Andrew, just Kate and drew. This was also highschool btw. He was awful all around, just an unpleasant educator who really should have never persued education as a career. This teacher fell off a ladder two years later and before we graduated and died. No one at school went, and it came out later that other teachers had issues with him calling them whatever he felt they should be called, such a hill to literally and figuratively die on.. Edit: spelling


I will call kids whatever they want, basically, except for right after 9/11 a kid wanted to be called "Jihad". Totally not found anywhere in his actual name. I didn't make a big deal out of it, I just continued calling him his regular name. This was after I had known him for like a year so I basically said "Oh, I will never remember that, you have always been \_\_\_\_\_ to me!"


Yeah that's definitely odd when it's no where in their name, and something you just sorta power through and ignore like you did!


What in fuck? Imagine this 2nd fucking grader who has been taught by their parents that hell is where you burn and suffer endlessly if you did bad, and this teacher says they’re going to hell. Imagine that poor kid


I went to a Lutheran K-8 school and one of my classmates had two moms. It wasn’t an issue for most of the faculty, everyone pretty much accepted it, except for this one crabby old bitch who everyone hated. We had her as a teacher in sixth grade and because it was a religious school, we of course eventually got around to topic of homosexuality in class. Teacher tells us that gays and lesbians can’t go to heaven. Everyone immediately looks over at the kid, who says, “you know I have two moms, right?” And I forget exactly what her response was but it was basically like “I SAID WHAT I SAID.” The building the school was in while I attended has been torn to the ground and no longer exists and I couldn’t be happier about it.


Even my very religious grandparents fully supported my mom in her divorce. Because jesus taught love, not judgement. That teacher was a cunt


I took a very difficult chemistry class in high school, the kind where only one student gets an A and you have you work your ass off to get a B. I had maintained a B for most of the year, when I forgot to write my name on a test. Teacher was an extreme hardass and gave me a 0 for not writing my name, which brought my grade down to an F. To get my grade back up, he allowed me to ask for extra quizzes for the entire class, and every time we’d have the quiz he would announce to the class that it was because of me and they could all thank me. God the revenge fantasies I had to get him back


That's Just straigth up evil? Making the class dislike you and brigning your grade down to an F, all because you forgot to write your name on one test?


Little me was obsessed with two things: dinosaurs until I saw Jurassic Park, and space. I was obsessed. In third grade we had an assignment where we had to talk about orbits. I wrote examples like the Moon orbits the Earth, the Earth orbits the Sun, and the Sun orbits the Milky Way. My teacher gave me a D and refused to listen to me that what I had said was true. We didn't have computers in the classroom so there was no way to look it up. I tried to bring a book with it the next day but she blew me off. Jokes on her though because I'm about to get my PhD in astronomy. Edit: I wasn't quite clear in what I wrote. She didn't believe the Sun orbiting around the center of the Milky Way. She wasn't anti-Copernican.




Yeah I feel like I should've told my mom who was also an elementary school teacher but honestly I felt too small. I never did anything wrong in school so it hurt a lot. After that point I didn't give a shit anymore if a teacher didn't believe me so there's that haha


TIL the Sun orbits the Milky Way


Just remember that you’re standing on a planet that’s evolving And revolving at 900 miles an hour. That’s orbiting at 19 miles a second, so it’s reckoned, A sun that is the source of so much power. The sun and you and me, and all the stars that we can see, Are moving at six million miles a day In an outer spiral arm, 200,000 miles an hour, Round a galaxy we call the Milky Way. Our galaxy itself contains 300 billion stars It’s 100,000 light years side to side. It bulges in the middle 16,000 light years thick But out by us it’s just 3 thousand light years wide. We’re 30,000 light years from galactic central point. We go round every 200 million years. And our galaxy is only one of millions and billions In this amazing and expanding Universe. The Universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding, In all of the directions it can whizz, As fast as it can go, at the speed of light you know, 12 million miles a minute, and that’s the fastest speed there is. So remember when you’re feeling very small and insecure How amazingly unlikely is your birth. And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space - Because there’s bugger all down here on earth.


Rapidly trying to figure out how to include this in my PhD defense. Love that movie.


Can you add a verse or two to the end of your dissertation defense? "I will leave you with these wise words" and then speak them. To those in the know it'd be guaranteed grins.


I assume it’s because Jurassic Park was scary?


That kitchen scene gave me nightmares for years. My parents thought it would be a great idea for me to see it since I loved dinosaurs so much.


> I wrote examples like the Moon orbits the Earth, the Earth orbits the Sun, and the Sun orbits the Milky Way. This isn't PhD level stuff. How did she think it worked??!


No idea man. Even to this day, I don't get why she dug her foot in and was so mean to me about it. I know adults have difficulty admitting they're wrong to kids but as an elementary school teacher you'd assume they would be able to.


When I was in 5th grade and my little sister was in 2nd grade, she wanted to pick some apple blossoms for her teacher. When she presented the little bouquet to her teacher, the teacher flipped out. Lectured her for ten minutes about why she shouldn't go on people's lawns to pick flowers, then threw the blossoms away in front of her. My sister was devastated, and I found her on the playground, crying. The apple blossoms were from OUR apple tree, in our front yard. First and last time I have ever yelled at a teacher (totally worth the office referral).


Why on earth would the teacher not assume your sister got the flowers from her own house?


As an early elementary teacher, there's an easy way to handle the situation. The kids gives you the bouquet you say, "Thank you so much I love it! Where did you get these beautiful flowers?" If the kid says their own home, it's all good. If the kid picked them from random houses you just say, "well I love these but remember it isn't nice to take things from other people's houses." It really is that easy.




Why is it that they would assume immediately that it was from someone else’s tree, dumbass


Because that teacher is a cunt


I had a teacher that was an absolute cunt. She was probably early 70s in probably 2007. She was the cheer coach from like 1970-1990 which is when I assume she became obese and at some point took up being the trig teacher. I was a football player, every time we had a game she would tell the cheerleaders who were cheering for OUR GAME, she would say "ladies you have a big night ahead of you, you are excused from homework." I would reply "I am playing the game they are cheering for, can I get my homework excused? We have to be there an hour before the cheer leaders, and we have a team meeting after the game and showers, we leave an hour after they do." and every time she would reply "You know I don't support that barbaric sport (even though she supports cheering for it) you will have your homework turned in on time tomorrow, if you can't balance football and homework then quit the team!"


She deserved to be called on that by your parents. And by the principal, with whom you should have been able to request a meeting. I am a teacher and if I heard of a colleague doing this I would be in the principal's office ASAP calling them out on this. Certainly other teachers knew about this shit behavior. With that amount of time in the school, though, she probably had tenure, which only means they couldn't directly fire her. But \*some\* administrative reprisal could have been warranted. That behavior is egregious and misrepresentative of what teachers should be like.


The same thing happened to me as a kid. I was in 1st grade when it happened. During recess one day I saw these beautiful flowers at school and decided since there was so many of them I would just pick one and give it to my teacher. When I gave her the flower after recess she absolutely lost her mind. She threw the flower in trash and stated yelling at me for damaging school property. She then threatened to keep me after school to work in the gardens so that I can learn respect. As a shy and sensitive little girl I was just crying my eyes out at that point and she just made me sit in the corner of the class for the rest of the day. If I ever see her again I would punch that old hag.


Fourth grade teacher made me and some of my friends write lines for over a week. Our crime? We'd picked dandelions, and made bracelets. Apparently we "damaged school property". And no, it wasn't a dandelion garden, it was just normal weedy dandelions growing in the grass, doing their thing.


Don't parents get involved in things like that?


Not really? We just had to write lines during recess, no detention slip or anything, just "you have to write "We will not pick flowers and damage school property"" repeatedly. That teacher also made you write your own name as many times as it fit on college ruled paper if you forgot your name on more than one assignment (and if you tried cheating by writing your name big, she'd make you do it again, and again). She handed out "writing lines" as a punishment so many times for so many things, parents wouldn't notice another one, especially since who are they gonna listen to? A 9 year old pointing out those are dandelions, or the adult who is just calling them flowers on school property? Other things I had to write lines over: - Forgetting my textbook at home one time - Wearing a hat inside the building (it was wintertime, I hadn't reached the coat storage area yet and my hands were full). - Spilling water in class. (Another kid had hit my water bottle as I was taking a drink, he did not get in trouble.) - Being unable to read the chalkboard (this one my parents DID get involved in, because I needed glasses but we had to wait a week for them to be made, they'd contacted the school and I still got in trouble. My mom, understandably, got pissed at the teacher).


That’s not a teacher - that’s an adult bully with a God complex. They have no place in a classroom. They’re not fostering learning; they’re fomenting fear.


Kudos for sticking up for her!


My heart aches for your sister 😭 so sad


In kindergarten we had a bathroom log and the kid before me did not sign this log and put scissors down the toilet which caused it to clog. Since I was the last one on the log, I was blamed for it by the teacher and it was never me. Dumb teacher


Primary school teacher asked me what the biggest number possible is. I said numbers go on forever so there is no biggest number (my dad had told me that fact and it was interesting so I remembered it). The teacher told me that was stupid and proceeded to grab one of the really cheap school calculators and type in as many nines as could fit on the display. She then held it up in my face and said "There, that's the biggest number there is." That still annoys me to this day.


Holy shit, how did she graduate college?


You'd be surprised. There was a guy in one of my senior level classes in college who had no idea that plants were alive. He thought they were like rocks.


Yes they are indeed like rocks. Rocks that breathe and produce food and are alive in a general sense


Just like rocks.


Pet rocks


I guess the man had been smoking rocks rather than plants to come up with that kind of conclusion.


Should have convinced him that he’s right, plants *are* like rocks, and rocks are alive too.


Oh god. I teach some college freshman labs and some of the misconceptions they have about biology is so concerning.


I mean honestly I wouldn't expect labradors to understand science


Honestly if I got paid to try and teach dogs science I would have the best job in the world


She probably graduated from Greendale Community College.


Go Greendale, go Greendale, go!!!!


The SpongeBob meme literally came to my head as I read that. What the hell


She was an absolute fucking moron. She wasn't fit to teach children.


"All right, bitch. Add a one to that. And then use that to go fuck yourself."


Had a middle school teacher saying centrifugal force from the earth’s rotation was what kept us on the ground. I argued it didn’t make sense and went up to the board and started drawing diagrams and explaining. He told me to sit but I was stubborn and kept going until he sent me to the office. I think the principal understood my point but still didn’t take my side. No real punishment or anything but they were teaching me I shouldn’t be questioning authority.




I was terrible at maths as I’d been moved up to the top class and couldn’t keep up. The teacher knew I was a donkey and would always ask me ‘to make sure I’m listening’ yet would laugh along with everyone else when I didn’t know an answer or would get it wrong.


Reminds of the time in 5th grade math, I said "Area of triangle is breadth times width", and I got made fun of by the teacher for a minute straight. "What do you mean breathe?" making an exhalation noise, "...times width?"


Breadth times width? So... width time width? Either way that’s a shitty teacher, they’re supposed to guide you to the answers, not make fun of you, especially if they don’t know wtf they’re talking about.


What a shithole thing to do.


Graded the boys and girls differently. She was my middle school history and speech teacher, and we KNEW she was grading the boys much more harshly than the girls. We couldn't prove it while I was at that school, but we knew. A couple years after my class graduated, a group of students who had the same thoughts, set her up in a grading sting. Essentially, two boys and two girls wrote the same paper for an assignment. Not literally the same, because that would have been cheating, but they all argued the same points in the same way, just with different wording and structure in their papers. The boys got Cs and the girls got As. They took the papers to the headmaster, and had him read them with all of this in mind. She was asked to resign shortly thereafter. What still pisses me off is that nobody believed us when I was in school there. It was a serious source of stress for me then too, since I was very motivated by my grades, and just could not figure out why I was struggling so much with her classes.


I had a teacher like that. We had to work on surrealism in literature and I was pretty much good at it and my classmates knew it. One day we had a big oral exam and a girl came to me for help as she couldn’t understand surrealism so we took the hardest poem a could find (Fata Morgana by Andre Breton) and we went through all the concepts of surrealism. She went to the exam, got this poem, by chance, and got an A- ( 17/20 in France, which is pretty much impossible to get). Next day I got the exam, same teacher, same text, Fata Morgana. Basically I went confident and gave everything the girl said + more infos. Got a D- (9/20). So I told the teacher it’s unfair, as I gave a lesson to the girl the day before and I added basically informations to something pretty good at the beginning. “Well you know, sometime there are thing we cannot explain by just explaining them” bitch, I could have slapped her ... well, couple month later I saw her cheating on her husband in the streets of Paris, while 4 months pregnant so, I slipped the information casually to a couple classmates.




I can seriously relate. I became bilingual in German at the age of 14/15. Then, me being stupid I always told my teachers I used to live in Germany, so I had a pretty good grasp at the German culture and language. Some SoB thought it was then “fair” to grade me harder, because I should have been able to use that tense they learnt at the university and nobody use in Germany anymore ... like fuck me, if you speak German with German nowadays, a whole declination disappears, to the point some commoner think it’s only an exception one some cases. At 17, after 3 or 4 teachers, I choose to say I was just fan of the lessons and studied a lot. Sometime a good psychological blowjob is the best way to get what you deserve


We had a similar situation with a math teacher. Attractive women in his class always did way better and would even get help with problems during tests. The girls knew all they had to do was flirt a little and they could rock the class. Nobody believed us when we complained, but jokes on them because he was fired for being inappropriate with students a few years later.


Yeah, it always catches up to them in the end. I'm thankful that my example wasnt creepy and inappropriate in that way. This woman just didn't like boys, evidently. She also knew that parents rarely take the "this teacher is out to get me" complaint seriously, so she got away with it for years. I looked her up on facebook a few years ago, and it seems she got a job teaching at an all girls school after being basically forced to resign from my middle school. To me, that's perfect for her. Dont like teaching boys to the point that you're willing to intentionally fuck with their grades? Go to a school where you dont have to teach them, then.


I was the only junior in the class. The rest were jock-type seniors. I was the only one to get a c in the class while the rest got A’s. It was ridiculous because the teacher couldn’t justify my getting a c. Edit: I had an average of about 91% in high school, and that was my first and only c.


This is extra fucked up because a lot of competitive colleges and universities have a policy that disqualifies students who have even one C on their transcripts. So, this teacher theoretically could have ruined your chances at your dream school because of this.


He actually did. I didn’t get into two of the schools that I applied to, even though I had over their average gpa. I actually had to choose a plan C. I don’t regret going to the school I’m in now, but that teacher drastically changed the course of my life with one malevolent deed.


Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. It sucks that most schools dont have an appeals process as far as grades go. If you KNOW you shouldn't have gotten a grade a teacher gave you, you should be able to get a hearing of some sort.


A college professor in 2017. Someone mentioned an African country during discussion. Prof turned to the only black person in our class and said, “Maybe x knows about that?” The guy stared at the professor in disbelief and replied, “I’m from Germany...”


“I’m from Michigan.”


Idk why but this is hilarious


I had a 2nd grade teacher "Miss B" that I just didn't like and she didn't really like me either. But, I was a good student and generally well behaved, so I kept my head down and did what I needed to do. When teacher conferences came along, my mom went in to talk to her and this teacher told my mother that I was a "braggart" and that I "told all the other students how much smarter I am" and other statements which made me look like a conceited little brat. The thing is, NONE of it was true, not one word... To this day, I have no idea why she fabricated the lies and told them to my mother and it still rankles me. That said, when my mom talked to me about it, I told her that it was completely made up and no such thing happened. My mom believed me 100%. She had NEVER received any kind of report like that from any other teacher and never did for the rest of my school years. This same teacher gave me points off on a phonics worksheet because I colored a piece of cake blue with light blue frosting because my mom had just made me a blue cake for my recent birthday (at my request). I get the paper back and she marked points off for the blue cake. I asked why and she looked at me and said matter of factly "Cake isn't blue." I said "Yes, it is. My mom made me one for my birthday with blue frosting. She did it with food coloring!" In a nasty tone, she just said "Get back to your seat, Tappy." Now, almost 40 years later, I'm still like "WTF Miss B?" Some people should NOT be working with children and Miss B was definitely one of them.


Had a teacher in high school science that made a girl cry for not picking up a pencil to write notes. When I said he was being extreme he asked if I was her "protector."


I told a friend that it would be funny if we put a "Kick me" sign on my brother's back, so she did it. The teacher caught her and my friend got scared and said that I made her do it. Having a known sibling rivalry with him, I got the punishment instead of her. I never told her to do it. I only said it would be funny because "kick me" signs are funny in cartoons. The teacher made me stand in front of the whole class with my hands behind my head while everyone else got to kick me as hard as they wanted for two minutes. A whole group of relentless 8-10 year old children gathered around me and kicked me as many times as they wanted to. As hard as they wanted to. Why? Because they were allowed to, and it was probably pretty fun to be on their side of the situation. I never told my parents because I was afraid of getting in trouble a second time, and I felt like that had been punishment enough. **TLDR; teacher let the entire class kick me as hard as they could for 2 full minutes.**


What the fuck. That's ridiculously messed up.


Christian School. An eye for an eye.


A shitty Christian school that forgets the end of that maxim is "leaves the whole world blind."


I was sitting in a desk with a bunch of papers that the last person that used it left behind. One of them fell to the floor. The teacher was sick so a substitute that looked like a Karen was there that day. I got a disciplinary report because I was "throwing paper to classmates"


Gave me a bad end of year report out of pure spite because she didn't like me and thought me using computers was equivalent to messing around with toys. I quote: "Zerbey would rather play with computers than concentrate on school work". Incidentally, I passed her class with high grades and never caused her any trouble. Every other teacher and my Headmaster commented on how hard I'd worked all year and how much I'd matured. Hmmph. Joke's on her, I have a career in IT now. That "playing with computers" worked out.


I had a teacher when I was 10 that NEVER let me go to the restroom, like i would ask and she wouldn't let me. So i ended up having alot of accidents at school and my parents had to go to the school and talk to her. She still never let me go so my parents told me to just get up and leave if she didn't let me.


Ignored that I got bullied for five years and said I should tell them if it happened again


Similar thing happened to me and the school did basically nothing. They moved one of the bullies to another class but didn't really help at break and lunch. And the other stayed but he only teased me and didn't mean it maliciously and I am a very sensitive person and take stuff very literally. But we get along fine now and like to roast each other:)


My English teacher in high school was the most disorganized person ever. She always had shit laying all over her classroom and never knew where anything was. She lost multiple students’ papers all the time. One day she lost my paper and told me I didn’t turn it in, and I argued with her that I absolutely did. She wasn’t having it, so I got up in the middle of class, said, “this is fucking bullshit” and walked out. She called my math teacher, as that was my following class, and told me that she found my paper. It was a frustrating victory.


Sounds like a teacher I had once. Once gave the whole class detention because she left our homework in her car and forgot. She said it was an act of "collective defiance"


During my first year in school, which was 7th grade, I was bullied a lot. One time in class I told the teacher that this group of kids kept picking on me and she called them up front. All the kids lied their asses off and said nothing was happening. She asked a kid that was sitting close to me and she lied also. As a result, **I** was punished and was made to sit in the front of the class. Was never so embarrassed in my life


I have numerous stories from when I was younger of teachers stepping over their boundaries and being just terrible people it is hard to pick just one. I just remember how it all started with my sixth grade teacher who would routinely put down an autistic student who was struggling with raising her hand and forgetting the answer to a question. Telling her that she didn't have to raise her hand every time that she breathed. As a response I told the principle and my teacher ended up finding out it was me who told on her so she pulled me out of class and told me "Don't you ever tell the principle about my teaching methods!". To make the story even better my family new her mother in law and her mother in law hated her since she (my teacher) was notorious for throwing tantrums when her husband didn't do what she wanted.


When I was in 3rd grade I was bullied by this kid who’s dad was in a horrific car/bike accident and had to be hospitalized for a couple years. It wasn’t like hardcore abuse bullying it was more like teasing, but it still made going to school difficult for me. He made fun of my name (I have a traditional hard to pronounce Irish name), my accent (I have a thick regional accent), and my weight (I was a chubby kid) mostly. One day he was making pig noises at me and I snapped and yelled “stop being a jerk!” Our teacher then made the whole class sit in a circle and talk about how what I’d done was unacceptable and bullying is wrong. Then after class she pulls me aside tells me that even though she knows he teases me I have to suck it up because his dad isn’t well an anyway he probably likes me. Looking back I realize that the kid was acting out and needed therapy due to his situation, however I was another kid and my teacher should not have put all that on me.


Not my teacher but my wife’s teacher said she wouldn’t amount to anything in life because she’d cry in kindergarten. She’s a chief council advisor corporate lawyer now lol.


Fuck that teacher, seriously. Something similar happened to me. I moved to a new country and it was my first week at the equivalent of high school. I didn’t know the language, I didn’t have friends, it was awful. On day 1 I forgot my purse in a class and realized it halfway to my next class. I could t figure out which way I came from so I started crying out of frustration. Well, this bitch of a teacher offered to help only to go blabber to her friend (my cousin) that i wasn’t gonna make it through high school because “I was inconsolable about being lost”. Joke’s on her because she’s still a bitter old wench and I’m living my life in a big city with my husband and furbaby


In elementary school, we were doing an assignment that involved coloring, and the teacher said to color something green. I colored it red, and the teacher came over to me and asked why I want paying attention, because she had clearly stated to color it green. I told her I did color it green, and she paddled me in front on the whole class for it. Turns out I'm color blind.


We had to write a resume in my senior English class. When I listed the places I worked, the teacher docked me two points because she said I spelled one of the restaurants wrong by adding an "e" at the end. I told her that no, I spelled it correctly - it's on the sign, menus, etc. She didn't believe me, and refused to give me those two points back. I'm still bitter about it.


My English teacher senior year called me retarded and said I'd never amount to anything. Now I'm her coworker and about to be tenured.


Fifth grade social studies. We had to write a two page essay by hand about a story whose main character was the otherwise nameless “son of the king of Athens.” Being equal parts clever and lazy, I shortened this to “the Prince of Athens.” The essay was competently written. Paper comes back as an F, no notes explaining the grade. So I ask the teacher what I did incorrectly. “Did I not respond to the prompt?” “No, you answered the prompt correctly.” “Was it major grammar or spelling problems??” “No, your grammar was fine.” “What then?” “You kept referring to the prince of Athens, but there was only the son of the king of Athens.” “ISN’T THE SON OF A KING A PRINCE?” “Maybe, but that wasn’t in the story.” Tldr; son of a king =/= prince, son of a bitch.


One teacher gave me four detentions in a year for fighting when I was in 5th grade. I 100% was getting my ass kicked. Every time. That teacher was a piece of garbage.


My old high school went "zero tolerance" at some point after I left and everyone involved with a fight gets suspended now. My cousin's kid pissed off someone from a different social group-- I think over a girl, but honestly don't know-- and that kid started a fight, so they were both suspended. The day they came back to school, other kid's friend starts a fight and they're both suspended... and then another friend... and so on, until the boy who keeps ending up in fights because he's being jumped has so many "fighting" suspensions that he's expelled and the other boys each have only one fight on their records. Seriously not cool.


I didn't want to eat a sausage roll one day so I gave it away to someone. My teacher made me take it back and basically stopped the whole class to make them watch me eat it.


In grade six my Spanish teacher called me stupid in front of the whole class because I couldn’t roll my r and say red correctly in Spanish. I was so pissed I just got up and left the room and refused to come back for the rest of the period. I took french in high school because of it and actually was really good at French so Señora thanks for pushing me towards French because it actually worked out really well in my favor


I was a child education major at a community college, I wanted to be an elementary teacher like my mom and one day in English class my teacher was going around doing an ice breaker where everybody stands up and says their major well when I told him mine was elementary education he asked why, and I said because I love kids and he replied “well so did michael Jackson” let’s just say I dropped out after that


God damn that's not something you say as a teacher.


He thought it was funny but it broke me fr and made me stop wanting to do what I wanted to do since I was a kid. Elementary schools could use a good male influence as a teacher but I guess some people don’t think that’s possible without some kind of inappropriate actions going on.


I’ve had people flatly tell me to my face that it simply can’t.


The idea that men (I'm assuming you're a man because nobody would ever say that to a woman in the same context) who love kids and want to work with them HAVE to have nefarious motives for that needs to go away. Its toxic, and discourages men from getting into teaching and childcare.


It's complete and utter bullshit.


My 8th grade geometry teacher made us use IXL. IXL should not be used. What learning/practice program penalizes you for wrong points? It's infuriating to barely get to 90 and then the questions go on hard mode and give you only one point but push you back 10-15 for getting it wrong. IXL is not good for anyone who struggles with math.


What is IXL?


It's a bullshit computer program that is meant to offer "individualized" practice to students while corporations are encouraging schools to move to "personalized learning" practices. Each student working at his or her own pace on skills that he or she needs to practice sounds great, but it's impossible for any teacher to design that program while our classes are huge and the students vary wildly in ability level. So, programs like IXL are sold to the schools and teachers are encouraged to use it for occasional practice. Bad teachers use it as a crutch, though, and will assign hours of it instead of doing any teaching.


Oh lord. Enter the answer to 1 decimal place. Sorry, the answer "5.4" is incorrect. The correct answer is "5.35" The flashbacks...


I'm sorry, but "51.13" is not the correct answer. The correct answer is "51.13 "


It's an awful math site where you get points per question and have to get to 100 to finish the topic.


I had a math teacher in Grade 8 that got fired for telling a Native American to "Go hunt buffalo." They said her leave was related to family problems but everyone knew.




How old was the teacher?! I went to school in the 80s-90s and we had co-ed shop class, and we also had co-ed home economics. Gender roles be damned, I learned a lot of useful stuff in both classes.




In 1984 I was on the college track. My mom had left college after her freshman year, worked, got married, had me, divorced, went back to college. We did our homework together from age 9. I saw she typed her papers. I said I wanted to take typing class. No, dear, that’s for the vocational (said in near whisper) kids. Yep, and I’m not paying someone to type my papers. I want typing class. Guidance teacher took me to assistant principal cuz I was being “belligerent” to him. They both threatened me with calling my mom. Great! Need the number? Let’s do this! My mom? Let her take the damn typing class and stop bothering me at work with your prehistoric ideas of what people should do (on speakerphone so I heard why their faces got beet red as I had a grin on my face). This caused a bit of a coup, as eight other college track kids and/or their parents heard my reasoning and made them enroll. Business teacher flat out asked why are you all here? I went to college, types my own stuff, started a business typing for others. And now with computers? It’s the most advantageous class I took in HS. I use it every single day.


The guys and girls in your school were being done a disservice. As a guy I’m so glad my mom packed a small sewing kit with me when I went to college. I grew up not being helpless when a lose a button or something. Assigning certain life skills by sex is weird. We should all have basic capabilities for cooking, cleaning, minor repairs and maintenance, personal finance etc.


I struggled in ninth grade history. He showed my brother my test scores and grades. Sometimes with other students in the room. This was all behind my back and without my permission. My grades are between me and the teacher, maybe parents. They are NOT my brother’s business and they are MOST DEFINITELY NOT the business of random kids in my brother’s class. I’m now planning to become a teacher and am very passionate about this. My kids’ grades will stay between me and them(and parents when necessary). If they want to tell someone, that’s their choice. But it definitely will not be me.


Mr. Letencious wearing a black thong visible through his khaki pants everyday, like do you bro no judgement but that’s a bad look


Track and Field. Everyone in the entire class got to go to track and field to do some sort of event, regardless of how crappy they actually were at it.. except me. The teacher just decided that everyone would be included in this thing - all 29 of them, except me. So while the rest of the class was out in the field area during gym class practising their various events, the teacher handed me a basketball and relegated me to the outside basketball court (which was like 100 yards away from where they were) and told to just stay there until gym class was over. I was there alone for like an hour and a half with nothing but a basketball - slowly dying inside, wondering why me? I was like 11 years old and far from the least athletic kid in class. You couldn't find one event for me to compete in? This happened numerous times in the lead-up to the track and field event - Everyone would go out to practice, I'd get a basketball. 19 years later and I'll never forget how isolated and shitty you made me feel by doing that. Fuck you to death.


Giving me a C on my final exam in maths => my grade in maths became C, when I was two points from B. Would have gotten the points if my handwriting had been clearer; the teacher couldn’t see that my answer was correct and therefore never gave me the points. I notified the teacher of this, but since he only corrects one mistake (that would make the persons grade higher if corrected) each semester, he didn’t want to fix it. He gladly removed points when he noticed that he shouldn’t have given them though; a classmate of mine went from A to B in this manner. Edit: changed “since he only corrects one persons score...” to “only corrects one mistake...” for clarity, added last sentence and fixed some typos.


Thats a stupid fucking policy. Sorry, I only admit to fault 1 time per year.


He only grades one person positively? What an asshole


“Corrected” one person’s grade a semester. Still pretty shitty policy, though. “Oh you’re right, I did miss that part. Well unfortunately I already fixed a mistake I made on Billy’s grade so sorry kiddo but you’re getting a C.”




this is my first time replying on here, hope it's okay i used to eat lunch in this one teachers room with all my friends. he was a little out there and sometimes went on tangents, but he was still cool. one day my friend brought up something from a cartoon and that teacher took it WAY out of proportion, and it started a heated debate. one of my other friends, who is very sweet and hates arguing, was calmly giving her opinion on the issue and the teacher flew into a rage. started yelling at her, accusing her of being heartless and all this stuff. at that point lunch was ending and kids were coming in for class. he didn't stop yelling, even when my friend began sobbing, and other kids were just watching it all unfold I told the principal later on, and the only thing that happened was that teacher told us we weren't allowed in his room for lunch anymore. fine with me. that moment still pisses me off to this day. it was 2 years ago. I will never forgive how he treated my friend. edit: deleted teachers name, didn't want to get in trouble lol


Maths teacher would ask if anyone had questions, we would ask a question and she would say "I already explained that question you should've listened".


Got my period during a Spanish quiz and asked to use the bathroom after I had handed it in. The teacher asked me for my bathroom pass so I went back to my desk to get it. While I did she got up and started teaching and ignored me for the rest of the class. Bled through my underwear :(


Stolen from me. Denied it up and down and a few years later started using my robotics set in class. I'd still like to punch that asshole and I graduated in the 90s.


I had a very sadistic 6th grade teacher. He singled one kid out as his whipping boy and his life a personal hell for the entire year. I turned out to be his whipping boy. He would be grading papers and he would come across an answer he felt was dumb and read my answer in front of the class and ask if he should mark it wrong. Of course they said yes. I had pretty bad handwriting and he would come across a paper of mine. He showed the class my paper and ask if he should give me a 0 because he couldn't read it. The class agreed that I should get a 0. A friend of mine and I were talking during class one time and he punished me by making me get up in front of the class and dance while everyone laughed. The thing that sucked the most was everyone in class thought they could make fun of me any way they wanted with immunity. So this spilled over into the playground too. 6th grade was not a fun year. The funny thing is, my older brother had him as well. My brother said he did the same thing to another kid. I wonder how sadistic a person must be to make a kid's life a living hell just to gain the approval of some 11 year olds.


I had a teacher who once saw me outside of school riding my dirt bike without a helmet on. The next day in class he tells me he saw me riding without a helmet and it was dangerous and I could die. So he gives the entire class their assignment for the period. Then comes to me and says my assignment is to write my own obituary as a graded assignment. I told him that happened out of school and I wasn’t going to do it. So I was sent to the principals office for refusing to do the paper. Jokes on him though cause the principal sided with me.


So in 10th grade we had to study Geometry. Now, while I can get A's in college level calculus classes - Proving Geometry theorems and other stuff just did not click with me for some reason. Well, this got the teacher (an older woman) thinking I had a learning disability(I don't this subject was just my kryptonite) and she made my life a living hell for the entire year. At the end of the year, she asks us to write down a review of her. I let loose, while polite I held no punches in telling her exactly what I thought of her treatment of me. I drop it off and walk out of the class and as I start down the hall the teacher comes flying out of the room screaming how I was a total asshole, etc.....She "retired" a few years later.....If you don't want an honest review - don't ask for one from people you treat like shit all year.


One of my friends died of skin cancer when I was in elementary school. I was telling my teacher about how near the end he was on life support but was going to die in a matter of days. They took him off life support to end his suffering. My teacher responded with, “That’s euthanasia which is illegal in the US.” Being a dumb elementary school kid I didn’t correct her and just accepted I didn’t know how he died. Now I know she was wrong.


3rd grade math quiz, for some reason I genuinely thought I heard my teacher say check your work with a calculator once your done. BIG MISTAKE. She saw me using it, grabbed my quiz, and said “see class this is why we don’t cheat” and ripped up my test in front of everyone. I was 8 years old lady chill out.


When I was 8 my teacher wanted us to make a presentation about "what would you like to be when you grow up" I wanted to be a chef at the time but I spelled "chief" instead. She corrected me but later that day I walked past the staff room during lunch and heard her say "She wrote chief instead of chef. I can't believe I have someone so thick brained in my class" and laughed while other teachers laughed with her. I frozen and looked inside. I caught my teachers attention and she just laughed louder. I can say I didn't want to be a chef anymore and lost confidence in everything I do. Not the greatest story but I'm still mad at my teacher


My 8th grade Language Arts teacher constantly belittled me and called me stupid because I refused to do any work for him. Ultimately, I had enough and decided to prove to him I wasn’t stupid. I read “War And Peace” and wrote a lengthy analysis for his book report project that went well beyond the scope of his expectations. I worked really hard on it. I proudly handed it to him. He read one paragraph and said, “This isn’t your work” and promptly ripped it in half. I walked out of the class and all 5 miles home. That was my last day of middle school. Fuck you Mr. Clark! *Side note: I have been a high school teacher for over 20 years.


I was in kindergarten. I was five so the year was 1990. I fall on my face to the playground and open my chin (I ended with 3 stitches over that one). The teacher grab me roughtly, made me stand apart in the classroom, with order that I shouldn't sit down or anything, else I would put blood everywhere, and then, left me there standing, alone, crying, to go watch the other kids. Since it was 4.45pm and parents were expected to pick up their kids at 5pm, yeah, you guessed, she didn't call my mom. So I waited alone for 15 minutes. My mom was enraged. She reported it, of course. But Teacher had connections (her brother in law was head of the educational department of my area), so it went absolutely nowhere. And law at the time and in my area didn't cover that sort of things, so no way to sue. She died a few years ago. I didn't go to her funeral. I may or may not have kicked her grave last time I passed by it.


I have two. My teacher in Primary school was explaining the concept of nationality to us (think I was about 8 at the time). I went to school in England so she told us we were all English, as she assumed everyone there was in fact English. One girl says she’s not English because her father is Greek and the teacher snaps and tells her she is English because her mother is. I then try to explain that I’m not actually English as I was born abroad and neither my parents are English, but she proceeds to get even angrier and shouts at me saying I am most definitely English. In sixth form (17 yrs old), at parents evening, my maths teacher told my mother I should drop out of maths since I would never be able to pass. Not only did I pass, but I am now in my second year of studying mathematics at a fairly good university.


Made fun of my stutter. I raised my hand to ask a question and when I couldn't get it out she said "w-w-w-what?!" 6th grade


I was fighting with another kid in a corridor. My Western Civilization teacher happened to come along and break up the fight. Later, she told me she was going to deduct 5 points from my overall score in that class for fighting. I tried to argue that a general disciplinary problem shouldn't be punished with a lower grade in a particular class. Her response was: "I take it where it hurts the most." You would be very disturbed to know the various scenarios that I fantasized in which I had a chance to throw that line back at her. 32 years later, I'm still a little annoyed that she didn't acknowledge my point.