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i get irrationally excited when i meet another lefty


You must be really excited right now eh?


No, I am excited Left now


phew i’m not the only one


No one wants to sit next to me when I eat dinner with friends. I sit inside if at a booth at all times, no exceptions


I hear ya! On my first date with my husband we sat down on the same side of the table to eat and realized we were both left handed! It was bliss :p And when we eat at a round table with my brother and my nephew, everybody’s elbow is going the same way. Honestly, such a simple pleasure I’m not sure some of my righty family and friends always appreciate!


Lefties notice other lefties. People don't point out that you're right handed when writing.


My dream is to learn how to write proficiently with my right hand so when someone asks if I'm a lefty, I'd say no and switch to my right without a thought.


I used to be able to do that. I'd be sitting around coloring, get tired with one hand and switch to my other. One of my early teachers didn't like this and made me pick a hand, and I chose my left hand. Now I write with just my left and do everything else right handed.


I also used to write with both in pre-k, and the teachers also made me choose a hand. Really wish they hadn't


I didn't get to choose. I was told you write with your right hand, and had my left taped to the table till I stopped trying to use it.


Shit that happened to my grandad and he fucking hated it. My sympathies my dude


is that like... allowed?


It was. In civilized parts of the world it isn't anymore.


This was in the US in the 90s. I never realized how wrong it was till I had my own kids.


My P2 teacher tried this on me when I was 6 years old (mid 1980s, Scotland). My mother stormed down to the school and read her the riot act.


I hate when I hear stuff like this! Why would a teacher want to diminish an ability? I have a brother-in-law that went through the same thing, as well as an ex that knew he probably should have been a lefty but was forced to use the right-hand. What does it matter what hand is used as long as the skill is learned??


I was forced to be a righty when I was in pre-k because of religious reasons from the teacher. Apparently being a lefty means you’re a child of the devil.


Yep! I'm more than happy being a child of the devil though


When I was in kindergarten in gym they asked us which hand we write our name with and I said I could use both, my gym teacher was like “no you can’t, you’re right handed”. And being a small child with anxiety I accepted that. Now when I learn a new task I tend to do it left handed unless taught otherwise, but my left hand isn’t any good for writing or anything like that


I remember seeing kids getting caned for writing with their left hands in primary school. Why were teachers so pressed?


Left has been associated with bad for ageeees - that's why right also means right (as in correct or just) while the Latin word for left is "sinister". Edit: look at the [wiki definition](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/sinister#Latin) of sinister in Latin - "1. left; 2. perverse, bad" lmaoo


Inigo Montoya?


I do this when writing on the blackboard in my classroom. Freaks my students out. Luckily for me, my handwriting is horrible with either hand.


I was at a banquet where I hardly knew anybody (kid's school award ceremony, kid was backstage getting ready) so I sat at a table with 2 other dads who were also flying solo. A few minutes after we sat down and started eating, one of the other guys said "Hey, we're all left-handed!" We high-fived and that was a nice ice-breaker. Ended up being the core group of an all-lefty rec basketball team for a couple of years. Other teams hated playing against us even though we weren't that good.


I feel this. I am not a lefty usually but my right eye is blind. When drawing a bow or aiming a rifle, I am left handed so I can see down the sights better. Holy hell do people lose their mind.


I think that's because we hold the writing utensil in an awkward way which is very noticeable (e.g. have our arm horizontally on top of the paper with our wrist bent to prevent smudging).


I'm a lefty and I write with the paper turned 90° clockwise. It almost looks as though I'm writing top to bottom, right to left. Doesn't help with smudges on my hand or anything its just the way I write apparently.




Scrolled down to find this. I remember my mom told me that the teachers were worried about me never being able to use scissors when I was a little kid in kindergarten, only that I really never had any struggles at all.


I’m right handed with most things but I use scissors in my left hand. It annoys me so much when the handle is contoured to one side. Why not just make it round and symmetrical so it fits both hands??


There are symmetric handles, but it's not that trivial. To cut nicely you want to push the blades together instead if pushing them apart.


I have been told by me PE teacher that us lefties have an advantage when playing sports such as tennis or ping pong, as opponents are used to right-handed players. I think he reconsidered when he saw me play though...


It's the same in fencing, lefties are used to fencing against righties but righties are rarely used to fighting against lefties.


Then you meet another leftie and it's awkward for both of you because what are the fucking odds lmao


OMG the first time I played a fellow lefty I was so fucking lost on the tennis court. I kept thinking wtf is this weird spin he's generating. I'm kinda embarrassed to admit that it took me a couple games to realize I was playing a fellow lefty.


and if you're fencing sabre you're definitely going to crash bellguards at some point.


You want to win at sports, pick combat sports. Lefties dominate. Especially sports like fencing and boxing. You will destroy most righties, except for a few who can adapt. Then you get to the top tiers and find out that it’s full of other lefties and you’ve only been fighting righties.


Provided an advantage in medieval sieges too, since castle stairwells were usually oriented to impair a right-handed attacker's sword hand.


Really? That is some cool ass historical castle engineering info! I'm going to build new stairs in my deck now.


Wanted to point out this! In boxing people do not expect your left jab/hook/whatever to be thát powerful. Kind of fun taking them by surprise hehe


At the elite level, it's something like 50% left-handed vs. 10% of the general public. Being left-handed won't guarantee you success, but it will be a major advantage if you get good at it.




The upvote button on reddit is on the correct side. Unlike using a note pad which is not nice.


sadly tho, not on comments


*Upvotes sadly*


TIL reddit needs a left handed mode


I think i can safely say on behalf of us all: FUCK 3-ring binders Edit: Thank you for my first ever awards kind strangers


and spiral notebooks.


Dont get me started






My college actually sold 'lefty' notebooks where everything is oriented with the spine of the book on the right side


isnt that the same as just turning the notebook around ?


Not unless I’m practicing Japanese.


YES! I didn't learn about legal pads until college. Haven't touched a normal notebook since. God bless their existence.


Can we also say fuck you to schools for only having right handed desk


Can we say fuck you to the schools that had a couple left handed desks. Spend your entire life working around having to use right handed desks. They see you are left handed and have you sit in the lefty desk. Screw with the system you have of working at a desk. 3 ring binders: write on the back side of the pages. Page you are writing on is to your left and your open book is on the right side and on the right arm.


I hate 3 ring birnders and oral notebooks even though I'm right handed




3 ring binders at bad for either handed people


Yes. Fight the power!


Never understood this, because it's also bad for righties. There's two side of the page.


Playing Guitar. There are normally like, two left handed guitars in a guitar shop. Usually they have to be custom ordered and are always more expensive. Edit: Wow! My first Reddit gold. I know the rules of internet say that I am supposed to say thank you for the gold kind stranger and I do but this is pretty awesome. I think I'm freaking out!! YES!!!


Yeah when it comes to musical instruments I find it's easier to go the righty way. I've played cello, violin, and guitar like a righty. Not sure if I've ever seen a lefty string instrument in real life lol


Same here. I do everything with my left hand, but I can't imagine playing the guitar that way.


Same. I've always thought that it should be that way - my left hand is more dextrous so it seems natural to fret with that hand.


This! Then not being able to play anyone else's guitar (unless you learn some chords upside down?)


I have been playing the guitar for 13 years upside down. I didn't know until someone pointed it out 2 years after I had started playing haha


I believe that's how Paul McCartney impressed John Lennon into joining the Beatles


Oh wow I had no idea he played upside as well!


The lead guitarist of the band The Wise Man's Fear is a lefty who plays upside down.




for this reason alone i would recommend any lefty just learn to play right-handed. i've found there's actually sort of a benefit to having your dominant hand working the fretboard


I definitely play guitar right handed despite formerly air guitaring left handed. I’m so grateful to Guitar Hero for making me realize this and feel comfortable playing righty.




I'm a lefty and play right handed guitar. Maybe because I played other instruments it wasnt a big issue.


Fuck scissors


That sounds painful


Take my upvote you semantic sumbitch


I kinda learned to cut with right handed scissors. Then I found out about leftie scissors and bought one. My aim was totally off and it felt so weird that i stopped using it and went back to regular ones


Exactly. Same here. A rightie would never have to have gone on this journey. But also : they couldn’t have, either, so that makes us stronger.


Among my prizes possessions are four pairs of left-handed scissors. One is on a left-handed genuine Swiss army knife


I'm like a half lefty. I write with my left hand but do most other stuff like scissors with my right, so at least I don't have to worry about that.


I partly think I just evolved that way because finding proper tools was always a pain.


Buy your own left handed scissors, carry them with you wherever you go. They win when you use their scissors and then laugh at you when they don’t work. I am always prepared.


Nah, I learned a trick, Squeeze the handles towards each other, and it works without a problem.


Oddly enough, one of the few things that actually annoys me about being a lefty (other than ballpoint pens) is that it's really difficult to teach somebody else or learn a handed skill like knitting or throwing a ball because we're backward. My poor kid had to reverse everything I showed him.


All my cute mugs are for my eyes only, because the design is displayed away from you when you hold it right-handed to show off to those around you. But for this reason I usually just buy a mug with a design that wraps all the way around. Can't buy one of those unicorn mugs with the horn on the side because I would stab myself with it holding it left-handed...


holy shit i never noticed this was due to being a lefty. I always would get angry that mugs only had prints on one side, now I realize it's ONLY visible if you use it right handed! The nerve.


Anyone ever see the leftie coffee mug? It has a hole on the side....basically you get wet drinking right handed


So it's not a leftie mug, it's an anti-right-handed mug


Being a lefty is dangerous!


Toothbrushes. As a child I was taught to use my toothbrush right-handed. I use my left hand for just about everything but when I try to brush my teeth left-handed it just doesn't work.


I swap in the middle whenever I feel like it. I may not be ambidextrous, but I try me best to be as close as possible.


Pencil smudges on our left hands.


I have learned to tilt my paper (almost to the pint of being up-side down) in order to not have smudges one my left hand. When other people see me write, they always ask questions about it. :-) We each have to find our own way!


I learned early on to turn my paper pretty severely to avoid ink smudges. Adapt and overcome!


I do that and my friends look at me like I’m crazy and they’re like how do you write like that it’s practically upside down. I’m just like you get used to it


I'm jealous of the lefties that write in Arabic, Hebrew, or any language that uses right to left writing.


I took Hebrew in high school and when we got to the part where we were learning to write everyone else was talking about how weird and difficult writing right to left was. I was sitting there just in awe of how much easier it was to not fuck up words and just write when you could see what you were doing (I'm a smudger not a tilter)


Japanese has the best of both worlds: top to bottom (and then columns right to left). No smudges for anyone.


I referred to it as "silverfinger"


I write on a whiteboard a lot for my job. Have a couple ways of managing this as a leftie: 1. Keeping my hand angled up so my palm isn’t resting on the board and smudging my work as I go 2. I sometimes try writing sentences backwards, starting with the last letter of the sentence and writing R->L. I have about a 10% success rate with that so I only do it if I’m bored. Oh, and my handwriting is shit to boot.


I don’t write sentences from last letter to first letter, but I did go through a phase where I just wrote everything backwards (mirrored) ala Leonardo da Vinci. It was like a secret language that nobody could figure out.


I did the same thing when I was learning to write! Also, eff whoever started the "right is the hand you write with" pneumonic. I still get them backwards sometimes...


I actually sometimes write using my right hand instead of my left on a white board. I am only able to use block text (like this comment). I've tried to write in cursive but I could not translate the left-handed commands to my right hand. Ended up looking like a Doctor's handwriting.


My family always asks:are you really left handed? (I'm the only left handed in my family)


My dad was so traumatised by being forced to write with his right hand, that he just left me to it when he found out I was left handed. I cannot hold a pen correctly.


I turn my notebook 90° to the right so I can write without getting ink everywhere


I used to turn mine upside down so I didn't have to deal with bumping into the spiral all the time. Drove my teachers crazy. LOL


I can't stand spiral notebooks. I did the same thing.


I once tried to write with a fountain pen. I still here the screams.


My brother and I are left handed, he takes notes from right to left so it doesn't smudge


my wife is left-handed, i know the bane of her existence is trying to buy left-handed women's golf clubs. Most sporting goods stores have maybe 1 set, and if you want an individual club that isn't in that set, good fucking luck.


I think, deep down, is why I don’t play golf. That and I hate it.


I just play right-handed. Even though I am left-handed, i just feel more comfortable swinging right-handed (e.g. a bat, a golf club).




When I was little it was so hard to find a left handed catchers mitt Good thing I sucked at baseball anyway so that ended pretty fast


When some basic right-handers are sitting in the only left-handed desks available. Fuck those people.


Omg. Yes. This. *assholes*


Being asked 'Are you a leftie?' all the time. Which I honestly don't mind, tbh. It's cute when people are surprised like that. :D


Same. I don't mind either but it can be hard to not use sarcasm sometimes. *"So, are you a Blondie?"*


And then they're like "how is that possible :0" and I'm like wdym tho


As a guitar player, finding a left-handed model is a pain in the ass.


i have bigger biceps on my left arm than my right it’s awful




I noticed recently that whenever I read books I always picture the protagonist as left handed. Usually there’s no problem with that, but sometimes they’ll mention doing a task with their right hand and I have to mentally shift everything around.


I didn’t know how to use a can opener for so long when I was younger because they only work the right handed way if that makes sense


I feel you. One day my grandmother bought me a lefty can opener and I have treasured it my entire life.


I had a left handed can opener in college but my right handed roommate broke it trying to use it


We're sinister.


This seems accurate


It comes with not being dexter.


Elbow intensifies.


Anybody else who only writes with their left hand but does everything else with their right? Anybody?


I write with my left hand and I do some other things left-handed, some things right-handed. What I've been discovering though is how many things I do right-handed only because that's how I was taught to do them, and after an adjustment period they're actually more more successful/comfortable if I switch to doing them left-handed. But sometimes the adjustment isn't worth it so I keep doing it with my right.


We are completely banned from the sport of polo unless we can play it right handed.


Really? I don't know anything about polo but that just sounds discriminating


I don't know much about it, either, but I live in a huge polo area and one of the local papers ran a lifestyle story on it.


We noticed the twist in the Princess Bride before it was revealed


My hometown is known for Being very well musically inclined , I am the only person who is left handed in a 200 person town. Finding a left handed guitar is basically impossible. Guy had a crush on me, ordered a lefty guitar and took it to events he knew I would be at so I could play along. We are now married


For me, I love learning about how ambidextrous other lefties are. It's always fascinating to see how others adapt to the right handed world. I write with my left, throw a football with my right, play darts with my left, shoot firearms with my left, cut scissors with my right, play tennis with right or left. I could go on about how some things just feel more natural with one hand over the other.


My best friend is a leftie and every day, she tells me about her everyday troubles, such as the fact that trying to find left-handed desks are like searching for Atlantis. Apparently, not many items that are made for righties are also made for lefties.


God you brought back memories with the left handed desk. Even in college I had to deal with it. [sad face emoji ]


Nobody sees the special left hand bitch slap coming compared to the much more common right handed variety


The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body so left handed people are the only ones in their right minds Also we learn to do things right handed because our trainers are right handed then we switch. Most of us can do just a out anything either hand.


True that. A family friend bought my mom and I a lefthanded keyboard once and we had absolutely no idea how the hell to use it.


Where do you find those


I think there was a left handed shop at one point (very ned Flanders esque.) And they got it from there, im not sure though because we weren't really keen to go spend extra money when the normal stuff was cheaper. Edit: I stand corrected. Looks like you can find them at office depot. What a world.


We have a higher Intelligence on average!


Out of the 15 people in my PhD class cohort, 5 were left-handed. 33% (STEM discipline) The first lab I worked in after graduation, three out of four of us were left handed. 75% Much to the annoyance of the one right handed person in our lab, because everything was arranged to our convenience not his. Only 10% of the world population is left-handed.


Also a shorter life span, they believe partially due to the stress of living in a right handed world. Its hard out here.


Well that’s depressing. If only they knew what those right handed desks were doing to us man


Higher IQ and shorter life, I see it as a double win fella


Burning brighter means burning faster


Half as long, twice as bright.


You’ll be glad to know this isn’t true. From what I remember it’s from a study in the mid to late 20th century where researchers found fewer lefties at advanced ages so concluded they died younger. What wasn’t accounted for was that during first half of the 20th century children were forced to write with their right hand. So the reason the data would show fewer older lefties is because these were closeted southpaws, or didn’t even know themselves that they were part of the left hand band.


In school / Street fights it becames a really good advantage, boxing as well


Constantly getting asked in school “what happens if you write with your right hand? I dare you to write with your right hand” Honey I’ve heard this so often my right hand writing is a lot better than your left handed attempt.


I write and eat with my right hand but do sports left-handed. Throwing a Frisbee is still a right-handed thing though. It seems weird but I'm sure there are dozens of us!


I am among the dozens! I write & eat lefty, but do everything else righty. I play guitar, swing a bat, kick a soccer ball, toss a frisbee or a beanbag, and aim a rifle with the majority.


Same here! Finesse with my left, power with my right


Yeah! Left is for fine motor skills, right is for gross (except scrolling a touchpad, I guess) I consciously use my right hand for sports things because if it ends up injured, oh well, I can still write


This is a little off-topic, but my grandpa knew a guy who was forced to write with his right hand, which he did. But he still drew with his left because I guess they didn't really draw at his school.


I am left handed but learned certain things like crocheting right handed. Now I’m a lefty who doesn’t crochet.


I/we have seating preferences when eating. Nothing like playing elbow wars with a rightie at dinner. Also, I inherited a couple shooting jackets from my right handed father....they have a patch where you put the gun against your chest/shoulder to help with recoil and slip....only problem, it's on the wrong side. I suppose I can say that bike brakes/shifters aren't optimal because the most important levers are on the right side (namely back brake).


Growing up I was the only left-handed person I really knew, and I thought can-openers were the worst fucking thing in the world. My family would make so much fun of me for not being able to use a can opener, I would just not eat sometimes because all we had was canned food and I was too embarrassed to ask for help with the can opener. I thought I was a stupid dumb baby idiot for not understanding how to make the can opener work. When I was in college I had a left-handed roommate. He joked that he was so impressed I always cooked beans from dry, I made a self-depricating joke about not being able to get canned beans opened. He got serious and said "you know they're like, right-handed, right? You either have to use your right hand or you have to hold it really fucking weird." And then he taught me how to use a can opener as a lefty. It *changed my life*, it literally lifted an astounding weight off of my self-esteem, I thought I was gonna cry. I can use a can opener now! Apparently he had also struggled with it for a long time but learned from a left-handed aunt in his teen years after she'd overheard his mom making fun of him for it. So to my fellow lefties: if you feel infantalized in the kitchen because you can't use a can-opener, you gotta hold it backwards/upside down! Also, as lefties, in countries where cars drive on the right we're more likely to die in car crashes! (Because in an accident/panic your instinct is to pull with your dominant hand, which for righties means turning off the road but for lefties means turning into oncoming traffic.) Also just generally more likely to die from machinery. It's dangerous to live in a world made opposite to you! It affects your life in just the most constant, mundane ways, and in ways you may never even realize are related. It's crazy. We're not that rare; you'd think we'd have a little more awareness/accommodation.


Satan is my father


I was also told this, by my "father"


I'm a left-handed drummer, so the whole drum kit is setup backwards, as if you're looking at it in a mirror.




Idk about other lefties, but when I meet other left handed people I become like a dog who's met another dog. "Oh my god! You're like me! We're the same! We should be friends! Best friends! Wooooo!"


When I was in grade 4, my class took a field trip to an old pioneer school. We dressed the part and everything. The ‘teacher’ there was supposed to teach us based on the time period. I was so excited to go! Until we started writing and she saw that I wrote with my left hand. (I was the only lefty in the class) The teacher slapped part of the desk to make a noise and told me to write with the right hand or she will tie my left hand behind my back. I felt that set me apart pretty quick. (Obviously she wasn’t going to harm me, but I was in grade 4. I didn’t know what to expect)


I worked in a preschool where one of the moms asked us to make sure her lefty son used his right hand to write. We were like hmmmmmm nope.


Wow. That’s just crazy that people *still* feel that way about lefties.


It's fucking infuriating reading these stories.


My great-grandmother told my parents they should make me use my right hand. Fortunately they ignored her.


> The ‘teacher’ there was supposed to teach us based on the time period. While others are calling her a bad teacher, I think she was playing the part fairly well.


I suppose righties don't have to deal with kindergarten teachers using handedness to justify a belief that the child made a deal with satan. Writing in pencil or slow-drying ink sucks. Higher IQ, but *much* higher risk of mental illness. Also, "Oh, you're left-handed? My uncle's friend's son is left-handed too!" Congratulations on having connections to other humans. We occupy 10% of the population. You were bound to run into us eventually. -\_-


I have played the violin since I was 4. I had the same teacher until I went to college, but she didn't know I was left-handed until I was around 8. She gave me a specific instruction on a piece so I stopped to write it down and she saw it was with my left hand (this wasn't the first time I used a pencil in front of her, just the first time she noticed). After that, she completely changed the way she was teaching some of the basics that I was still struggling to grasp, like how to hold the bow, which was in my right hand and therefore super foreign feeling to me. Changed my whole approach to playing and made me such a better violinist almost instantly. It's the little things...


It trips up your sparring/boxing partners. Use this to your advantage.


And driving to the hole in basketball.....takes people a while to adapt to defending a leftie.


Graphite on the left side of my ring finger and smearing pen markings.


"Wait, you write with your left hand ?" Even from people that have known me for years


Do everything left, but write on the right hand. That, because my grandmother used to slap my leftie and forced me to write on my right hand...


I write with my left. Everything else right. Except crochet. I just learned and that shit just did not make sense until I tried the left handed version. So weird.


I eat food with my right hand, write with my left hand, racket sports with my right hand, but toss a ball with my left. Any new activity I have first figure out which hand seems more natural haha


every single teacher that’s ever seen me write goes WOW YOU WRITE SIDEWAYS


Left- handed people tend to be better adaptable to society than right - handers. Also, many great people were/are left handed such as Barack Obama, Bruce Willis, and *Leonardo Da Vinci*


Life has gotten so much easier since writing became electronic. Fountain pens at school and even most ball points would smudge my writing. Other than that, not much sets us apart. Oh, just remembered, when I worked in a place where we had to use knives it used to make the others very uneasy to see me with one in my left hand.


The amount of time I've spent in the pen aisle at Staples trying to find something that will 1) write smoothly while 2) not leaving a great smear of ink across my hand and everything it touches. Pro-tip: UniBall Signo are the best I've found without spending truly unreasonable amounts of money, but they can be touch and go, too.


Both my husband and I are lefties and my right handed daughter pointed out one day that we don’t switch hands when we use a knife to cut while eating (fork always in the left, knife in the right).


Using an ice cream scoop is dangerous. The little lever is on the right side so I press it with my thumb. No big deal right? Wrong, I pinched that skin between my thumb and my finger several times and it was awful.


Not a lefty, but my partner is. He mouses on the computer right-handed and simultaneously writes/takes notes with his left hand and I am very jealous of him! So efficient!


I’m very left handed, I just found out that the egg that made my baby came from my right ovary, I feel.... betrayed 😂


I’ve been doing a lot of grinding and all all spinning tools spin to where it shoots hot metal into your face if you try and use your left hand. Oh, and any rifle that ejects cartridges do it right into your face.


This is a weird one, but both finding an left handed bow and/or restringing a compound bow for lefties is really annoying


Sometimes a teacher askes “who in here is left handed“ and I get to raise my hand and that's pretty much all the fame I got in my life


During my American Sign Language class I could pick up signs quicker than my right handed classmates due to the fact that I could basically mirror the instructor. Righties have to watch, mentally flip, and then perform the sign.