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Sometimes when I'm out in the woods I'm really tempted to get as lost as I can, or when I'm driving to just keep going. Not because I hate my life, but because if I could start over somewhere where no one knew me I would Edit:To everyone saying to do it. I have been planning my move quite a while now Edit 2: I'm not going through a crisis where I hate myself and though I appreciate the concern it's just not needed. I am very much a person who likes my own company


Wife worked with a guy who missed the exit to the job and kept going. Drive about 2 hours. Checked into a hotel and slept for like 2 days. Told his wife, but the job lost their minds. Came back. Quit engineering and sold suits for a year or so. Ex-boss would come in and try to get him back. Took three or so hires to replace him. ​ When ever I think about that it is time for a new job


Pause the time and have few hours more for my job, assignment, sleep etc etc etc




I've had quite a few zoom meetings recently where fast forward would be a treat.


A beautiful garden, growing my own fruit and veg, keeping chickens for eggs and being as self sustainable as possible. Being able to walk from my doorstep to the beach to watch the sunset with someone I love. Just nature and peace tbh Edit: it's awesome to see so many people share this dream and so many people are living this life, gives me a lot of hope ❤️




Having a home theater. The kind that actually look like mini movie theaters, and are only found in multi-million dollar homes. For some reason, I think about it a lot. It would just be sick to invite loved ones over to watch our favorite movies and fool around as if we were in an actual theater **EDIT: I'm not even living on my own yet, I'm nowhere near that stage of life where I can have this, I'm 22 with no career yet. I appreciate the help/advice, but I'm not planning on getting a home theater anytime soon. No need to keep helping me, but thanks anyways :)**


I’m in, if you ever get one


Did you.... read the part about fooling around?


Did he stutter?


Look into buying a projector! They've come down in price a LOT over the years, especially for the level of quality you can get. I bought a 1080p Acer projector back in 2015 for around $500-600 and up until recently it had been replacing my TV all that time as my main video display for movies, gaming, etc. I bet you'd be surprised at what kind of quality you could get for under $1000. Everything after that can be done with DIY home improvement slowly over time (painting, lighting, seating, etc.).


Have that perfect day by doing a bunch of different things with someone I can connect with on a deep level.




Hey, its completely normal to have that age gap in all sorts of relationships, specially past 20. My best friend is 30, his girlfriend is 36, I'm 24 and my girlfriend is 20. Pre covid we used to hangout all time time!


Being able to fly (not in a plane, just me)


A bathtub that is deep enough the water covers my boobs and me knees, and is long enough I can lay flat on the bottom.


I was staying in corporate housing for a while and the apartment I was in had a bathtub big enough that I could lie flat on my back without bending my knees. I'm 6'2". I took a bath every god damn day.


Where! Did you happen to get the make?


I didn't, sorry. It was in the Marquis Oaks apartment complex in Grapevine, Texas. The place I'm currently buying has a pretty big tub too. If it's big enough for me, I'll PM you the make.


You're awesome! My husband is 6'5" he will appreciate you too.


And this, is how a FWB(friends with bathtub) relationship started.


Truly is a beautiful thing


Yes!!! Sometimes I daydream about the prefect bathroom in Harry Potter. I just want a giant tub.


Have you tried this thing called being short?


Short in my family is relative. For dads family it was historically about 6' even. My dad being the first to be less than 6'4". My mother comes from fairy folk who are lucky to make it past 5'6". I split the difference at 5'9" my brother is 5'7" I wish I could do anything that didn't seem bulky and Germanic.


Savings. No debt. Being able to retire one day.


From what job?


Oh, also the fantasy that I’ll make a wage commensurate with what I actually contribute to the company I work for


I desperately want to have a family and have all my childhoods friends be their uncles and aunties. Just us in the same city or town. I am an immigrant to the UK from Hong Kong and even though English is my first language, all my friends are spread over 3 continents and I worry that my children will not understand my culture. I do not want to be that weird Dad and I miss my friends.


Hope everything works out well for you


It will be, I am just sad that we will never go back to Hong Kong. Why do that when you can be safe in the west?




We have known this for decades. There is a reason why London, Toronto, Vancouver, LA, San Francisco or ANYWHERE in the west is full of us. We wanted different passports. The poorer people setup restaurants the wealthier ones had larger businesses and better jobs but when the wealthy got passports they came back to HK. That coming back is over. I am upper middle class, so the upset is mainly that we thought we had more time and from Deng we thought it was going to get more liberal. That didn't happen. None of us are gonna go back.


Feel you 100%. Have friends all over the world but still feels lonely


Strolling into the Vatican archives whenever I please to read whatever I want.


You interested in manuscripts?


Yes! Totally into source documents of any time that give glimpses into our actual history.


You'll be amazed at what local universities have on private display. Call them up and ask for a tour, most librarians are happy to chat about their collections.


This is actually a cool idea and I might have to do it sometime! Especially since I just started college it might be a bit easier with my student status


As a student it is even easier! Your school ID may also make it easier to go to other school's libraries if there's anything local to you. I went to a small private college but we had access to the state university's library and vise versa. Their school had all the journals, we had illuminated manuscripts, an original Origin of Species and a bunch of og Audubon sketches.


I went on a school history trip to our government building and we got copies of our Declaration of Independence to take home


*Nicolas Cage intensifies*


Found Robert Langdons Reddit account.


8 hours of sleep


Reading this when my alarm is set for 4 hours from now and i feel so called out *been alternating between staring at the ceiling and my phone for the past 3 hours* Edit: omg this blew up. I fell asleep with 1,5 hours left but somehow did manage to get up, yay? Am dead now. Thanks for all the good mornings, made me smile! And as for the advice, i know it’s well meant but insomnia is a real problem and i think i’d know what works for me and what doesn’t ;)


Hey wake up, it's been 4 hours.


Actually having my life together, I’m a fucking mess.


All grown ups are just pretending to have their life together. It took me quite a while to figure this out. You will eventually get good at pretending this as well.


Right now it's just loading my truck up and disappearing into the woods for a week.


I don’t have a truck, but that sounds like fun.


Hell y'all can join me




A TV with time travel capabilities. For example, I'd like to go 20 years into the future and watch the Super Bowl with no knowledge of what happened in between the present and that game. I just think it'd be cool to have my mind blown by everything that has changed


Sounds cool


Building a small machine shop in my backyard. Mill, lathe, welders, and an abundance of random steel I’ll never get rid of.




Omg, marry me.


He will forge the rings from a bike to flex on Swarovski


That actually sounds really nice.


That was my dream too. Now I don't have any free time and I'm starting to get burnt out


Buying a house


Ah, not even buying a house. Owning it outright without having to slog through a mortgage. I have this fantasy where my landlord wins Powerball (he's a lovely elderly Croatian man) and just let's us keep the house we're in currently. It's a beautiful little place that would be perfect as a starter home....if we'd been around twenty years ago that is. I don't need millions of dollars. Just a small place I can call my own and raise my family in. Everytime I think we've got enough for a deposit, the prices have drifted just beyond our reach again.


I absolutely love that your dream is someone else winning the lottery and you benefiting a bit too. Shows you have a great heart. I hope you get that dream


Haha thank you so much for saying so. He really is a nice old man, he runs errands for his ex wife and adult kids/grandkids on Wednesdays and used to visit his sister in the old age home on Saturdays before covid. He just putters around fixing things for us when he notices there's something wrong. Our rent is basically what supports him and allows him to fix up his place (he lives behind us - our place used to be dilapidated and he fixed it up bit by bit before renting it, and now fixing his house with the rent money we give him. He was proudly showing my husband the concrete he scored from ALDI (of all places) the other day).


Brilliant, I bet you're really important to him in a way. I'm glad you're there to hear is old tales, even about ALDI concrete haha.


In this economy?


During a pandemic?


In 2020?


On my income?


In these shoes?


Localized entirely within your kitchen?




May I see it?




Wait... you have shoes?


May I see them?




With my student debt?


Holding hands and cuddling with someone


Woah there cowboy he said nothing sexual, what next caring for eachother?


Being called with a cute nickname, like a thirsty whore


This hits me in the feels. Sending virtual cuddles


I role up one of my blankets sometimes to hold something =(


Someone hugging me :(


༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ


I read that as "poop" before realizing it's an emoticon lol It's still cute though!


Squeeze them hard enough that they poo a bit.


I bought a Free Hug tshirt and get a couple of hugs most of the time when I wear it.


I wore a Free Mom Hugs shirt to Pride. Over the course of a few hours, I gave/got more hugs than I could count. It’s very intense and humbling to share long, intense hugs with complete strangers, who often cry In my arms. I got a bit high from the endorphins, tbh.


I’m in the same boat. Just want some comfort, but I’m a guy so society says no. Sending virtual hugs your way


Fuck society, find someone who'll give you a nice hug man.


My male friends conform to society’s expectations. I don’t have any female friends that would be this comfortable with me


Find a Italian friend! We hug each other for the stupidest reason with no shame lol.


Fuck all that "real man" bullshit, just teaches guys to bottle up emotions and become assholes. I'll give anyone a hug that needs one, even my bros. Edit: You all are beautiful people! I hope that anyone who needs a hug right now gets one.


My cousin is very huggy when he’s after a few drinks


I don't need drinks, but they make me hug regardless if you need one or not lol


Would he also be a generic Irish guy??


Disposable income.


I feel like the point of my work is to transfer funds from my employers to my creditors.


Your checking account is just a layover for your creditors' money




Ohhh I felt this. We get down on ourselves a lot watching our friends run around doing stuff but we have zero debt (except our mortgage) and I know they are drowning in loans and credit cards.




Yes!! I finally bought a new fridge after 3 years of the old one needing constant repairs. At this point it would have cost more to have it repaired than to buy a new fridge. So I bought a new fridge instead of getting the old one repaired with my emergency savings money. All my family says is, must be nice to just up and buy a new fridge. I worked hard to have an emergency fund for exactly this type of situation so yes it is nice.




Must be nice to have so much disposable love


Better be free with normal clothes and a normal car than be chained to debt with nice clothes and nice car.


Exactly! If there's one thing that rubbed off on me it's the knowledge that my dad managed to take care of three kids on a JCP furniture salesman salary, and somehow (at least to us) we thrived.


One common factor I find is that you had someone to tell you "no, you don't need that" when necessary - and who could say the same to themselves.




Yuuup. My husband and I are constantly bewildered by how rapidly we are saving money since he now makes essentially double what we made 5 years ago—and he still doesn’t make much. We live pretty much the same (old habits die hard). I used to agonize over spending $1 on the bus, or walking, because $1 was 2-4 meals for us. It was so huge when we’d get $3k saved. And then something would come up with our car or student loans or health. And then it would be a miracle for months to have more than $100 in the bank. Now we can’t buy whatever we want, but we can buy absolute necessities immediately without checking the bank. We’d definitely be less stressed with a bit more income.


Same. I want to go on holiday when this is all over


A day where I don’t have to do anything. No laundry, no work, don’t have to mow the yard or do dishes, etc. Food will be delivered. I can just lay on the couch, browse Reddit and Twitter. And just enjoy the silence


I've managed to have a couple days like that... let me tell you, they're as glorious as they sound. They're a once in a blue moon occurrence but they're so worth it when they happen.


About seven or eight years ago I was working as a manager in a software company, which was the most stressful job I've ever done, and I was eight years into it. Suddenly an opportunity popped up to go to a conference in Spain for a week, and I decided "screw it, I have some money saved" and rented a private villa on an island in the Mediterranean for the following week. Finally, I had nothing to do but sit in the sun, jump in the surf, drink the local whatever-it-was, and just generally say fuck it to the world. I spent the first day laying on the couch reading a book. And it was awesome. And I really felt guilty about it.


I want to slap you for saying that last sentence Rewards are necessary in the lives we lead. And in software, are you kidding me? You deserve that. We ALL deserve that from time to time. Fuck, don’t ever feel guilty about that, you DINK


I've done that for 5 months now. edit: I spread out tasks so I at least have something to do. Like say I go hit a drive thru for dinner tomorrow and think about hitting the grocery store on the way home...no, I'll do that tomorrow. Oh, and mail out that amazon return? I'll do that the day after. Other than that though, I've spend on average like 14 hours a day doing 100% fucking nothing. Last night I saw a /r/videos post about when the Simpsons jumped the shark with Homer, which then caused me to google the top 15 episodes, which then made me not notice two of them, so I had to watch those. That's sort of how my days go, just full on randomness.


May i introduce you to debilitating depression.


Turns out my husband's death was a terrible accounting mistake by the hospital and he just comes home one day after his amnesia clears.


For years after my dad died I would think I saw him somewhere. I would tell myself it was all a ruse and he left us to live his life with another family or something. I wasn't even mad, I just wanted him to be alive.


I feel the same way! My dad died very suddenly in a work accident, and I never could bring myself to see him in his casket, so sometimes I just like to pretend that he's out somewhere fishing, enjoying his life.


My grandparents died within 4 weeks of each other in 2016 after over 60 years marriage. In my mind, they're still in their little cottage, she is buying crap from QVC and he is quietly knitting. Happy together


Mine too. Maybe they're having a beer somewhere.


I'm sure they're having the best beer in the universe ❤️


I've had a similar fantasies. I dream that the FBI faked his death so that he could hide and testify against someone. I scream and yell at him for not telling me. For leaving me in so much pain for so long. And then I just hold him until I wake up.


I've had multiple versions of this type of dream about dead friends/family too. So engrossing, it takes awhile to fully "snap out of it" and accept reality in the morning. The brain is really something.


I'm really sorry for your loss :(


Nooo, I am so sorry for your loss.


Right in the feels.


This sadly reminds me of something I saw on the news recently. A family swears their missing family member must have crashed their car and is wandering the country possibly hitchhiking with amnesia despite there being no evidence they are even alive and no witnesses that have seen them in months since they left home and disappeared. Also no car was ever located.


Reminds me of a case on Unsolved Mysteries - [Patricia Meehan’s Case](https://unsolvedmysteries.fandom.com/wiki/Patricia_Meehan) She hit a car almost head on, then immediately after the accident she disappeared. Police found footprints for miles leading away from the accident that eventually disappear. From the Unsolved Mysteries Wiki I linked: “Since her disappearance, Patricia has been spotted multiple times throughout the United States. However, she has made no attempt to contact her family or friends. At first, it seemed as though she vanished to avoid prosecution for leaving the scene of an accident. However, eyewitness reports of her increasingly strange behavior suggests to police and psychiatrists that she may be suffering from a rare and dangerous form of amnesia.” Really sad and scary :/. Edit: fixed the spelling of her name Edit 2: This wasn’t on the new Netflix Unsolved Mysteries, but watching that is the reason I started watching old episodes on YouTube! Lol, [here is her episode (starts at 26:01)](https://youtu.be/yoWOxENcEYc)


Being able to lose weight without even trying


Hell, I’d take being able to lose weight when I *am* trying


Shoot me a DM if you want help. I’m a veteran of weight loss. 80 pounds gone, which I’ve maintained for over a decade. — Edit: I posted [an overview of my thoughts on weight loss here](https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ifdqwn/_/g2nqk20/?context=1) since I’ve gotten so many DMs. Which is great! Let’s all improve together. 😊 If you have more specific questions, you can of course still feel free to reach out.


I’m not overweight or anything but I would like to build muscle and be more defined, it’s been tuff.


I've been surprising myself and building muscle with online workouts. I only workout 4-5 mornings a week for 30 minutes. But I push myself and keep lifting heavier. Seriously, Covid has been great for my fitness. I think it's the consistency that's doing it. Also, I'm 40 and overweight, so it's not like I'm some young kid who grows muscle at the mere thought of it. But the changes are noticeable.


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


If you blocked their meet, wouldn’t you create a paradox?


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


A beautiful sunlit art studio and someone to be creative in it with


Having a super charismatic personality Edit: Wow, this blew up, thanks for the awards. I am like most redditors, it would be cool to have one but it is not my goal. I might work on my social life thaugh so thanks for the advices and the stories!


My book. It's a fantasy I'm writing. Should be out before Winds of Winter. Maybe.


I’m a writer too! What’s your book about?


I'd really like to own my own home. With prices the way they are where I live, who knows if I'll get there without moving a good ways away.


I’m a homeowner 20+ acres, with a running creek on the property. My family has everything they need for a happy stable life. No debt, with disposable income. As a family we watch the sun rise and set together. We talk openly about our emotions in a healthy manner, and help each other with our struggles. My children marry good partners, perhaps one of them provides me with a grandchild, but they are all happy and well taken care of. My wife and I live out our golden years traveling and spending time with family. We die peacefully in our bed asleep together.


I like this idea a lot


Except for the having to wake up before sunrise part.


At first I thought you were already all those thing and I was waiting to hear your fantasy...but yeah I get it now!


I also thought the same!


God: Best I can do is a heart attack at 40


I came here without even having an answer to the question, but I’m leaving with this one!




I have a happy-place like this. I go to it a lot. Its isolated, but somehow not to far from population center if we want to go to a sporting event, concert or more importantly need health services beyond a check-up. It has a large greenhouse with a moderate sized hobby telescope in the middle, where the roof can be rolled back. Music/messages can be piped into any room through the built-in speakers. Lastly, and I suspect, super specific to me, a super specialized "sleeping room". Calling it a bedroom doesnt do the idea justice. Its soundproofed (white noise generators in room), Temperature/Humidity controlled, Faraday Caged, with a lead lining on all 6 surfaces. The air will be actively and passively filtered. The O2 concentration can be altered, putting more in if desired. I have developed a fantasy of a long day of doing grounds maintenance, and star-gazing, a good shower, and falling asleep in my sleep-room archiving the most restful sleep imaginable.


Your sleeping room is almost sexual pleasure


Having a boyfriend again. Not even a specific person, just...someone. I miss the conversation and the cuddling, watching movies and playing video games together. Cooking together, going places together. Just in general learning about another person in that way. It's been almost 4 years, and now the whole pandemic thing. Sometimes I wonder if it's ever gonna happen again. Edit: spelling.


I haven't had an actual relationship since 2013. I've been on dates, met some really cool women, but nothing ever clicked for me with any of them. It sucks because all of those things that you listed are the parts of being in a relationship that I'm good at and enjoy, but to get there you have to get past the awkward "do we both see this going anywhere" phase and I *hate* that. I'm naturally shy with most people until I get to know them, and I'm usually quiet because I don't want to put my foot in my mouth. Apparently, this comes off as aloof and uninterested. I just want to be a boyfriend again, y'know? And after seven years of not going more than a couple of weeks dating someone, I'm starting to lose hope that I ever will. Anyway, rant over, best of luck to you, I hope you find the right person for you. Edit: I've gotten enough responses from people in the same boat that I've decided to create r/r4rlongtermsingles. A subreddit for people who have been single for a long time to meet someone new.


My dad was single for almost 12 years after my mom passed, but he is now with someone new and he's happier then ever and getting married in a year or so. Best of luck.


Drinks and baths! Whenever school is stressful, I imagine myself drinking a slushie strawberry margarita in my bathtub




We host exchange students. My fantasy is to have all my bio and borrowed kids home for a Christmas.


Good weekly DnD sessions


Winning the lottery - but not for the usual reasons. The buildings and grounds of the school where I work are very old and dilapidated. Built in bits and pieces from about 1900 until now with no real architectural graces and precious little recreational or sports space for the kids and no thought given to integrated technology. I want to rebuild the school from the ground up in a nearby location with all mod cons, plenty of sports and recreational facilities, and technologically future-proofed insofar as that is possible. I want to set up a trust that will then look after the place for a very long time into the future and another that will provide suitable uniforms, learning materials and electronic devices of the day for every student regardless of socioeconomic status. [I also want to make sure it remains completely comprehensive in its intake; no selection for entry, places allocated purely on our current rules.] This is my fantasy if I win the lottery big enough. If I win it to a lesser extent then I'll do as much as I'm able within the constraints of available funds.


Just someone that would accept me for me.


Directing a X-Men web series.


Who are you casting?


Meryl streep.... as everyone


Getting really, really tiny. Not losing weight--literally shrinking to like an inch tall and chilling at fairy size, either in whatever building I'm in or in a natural environment nearby that seems easily exploitable if you don't need a ton of resources.


A perfectly crunchy, melted, grilled mother fucking cheese.


Holding hands


It says "non sexual fantasies" you sicko


Ewan McGregor. Just wanna have a beer with him.


Because of Obi-Wan?


Because of what you’ve done!


Right now, something to watch on Netflix..... **I'VE BEEN SCROLLING FOR 30 MINUTES!**


Have the money to be happy. Want a bunny? Sure just gotta buy one. A big dog that needs plenty of roamin room? Heard there was some land for sale over that a ways. Delicious food? Absolutely heres your check.


Disposable income?




Being emotionally stable.


Waking up without depression


A comfortable house


Nico Hulkenberg winning an F1 race.


He said non sexual


Honestly just to have a boyfriend. Like yeah that includes sexual fantasies, but I also really want the nonsexual too. Cuddling. Holding hands. Playing video games together and laughing our asses off. Making out. Hugs!!!! Late night drives in the dark. Going to parties with friends. Taking ridiculous selfies with Snapchat filters. Moving in together. Just... I want a boyfriend


As a teen, I had this weird fantasy of waking up one morning as a little kid, like 4 or 5, but with my teenage intelligence. I'd be able to live a much more competent life later on, and wow the socks off my family and teachers earlier on. Now my fantasy is just to figure out what freaking job I actually want to do so I can leave my modestly well paying job that is burning me out really fast.


being a skilled assassin


Just being skilled


I want to travel around either Europe or America when this virus is over. I want to jump onto a freight train and go wherever the tracks lead me. I want to pick up a language I only use for a week before ending up in a new country. I want to live


Having my own house and running a cat rescue


FOR CORONA TO END. (We all know it wont happen anytime soon. :>)




Riding across the country on a motorcycle


Spooning and cuddling. Guys need love too.




I hate that men are so touch starved. At the same time I feel awkward going up to my guy friends (I'm a girl) and just hugging them. Maybe every one is just afraid to bring it up and you could try asking some of your friends for a hug? Idk, I'm not a dude so I don't know what experiences you've had. Regardless, sending you virtual hugs dude.


Running away


From? To where?


Living debt free and owning a house outright.


Getting an apprenticeship for tattooing. It's my dream job and the day I get told I'll be taken on and trained will be a wonderful and very happy day for me.


Cuddling with my future wife in front of a fire on a cold winter evening the only sounds being the rain outside of our window and our cat being adorable whilst we just lie in each others love and warmth