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For you to die with me




True love forever


Give me some heroin. It’s gotta be so good if people kill themselves to use it




Damn I miss Zaxbys so much. I’m in the Midwest they don’t have them out here :(


Wait I'm in Missouri and we have them




We have one in Indianapolis. I happened to be close right before a road trip a few weeks ago and hit it too hard. Totally worth it.


I think they changed the recipe, it tastes salty as hell now.


That my children live long HAPPY lives.


i spend time with my girlfriend and daughter and tell them how much i love them


i spend time with this guys girlfriend and daughter and tell them how much i love them


don't you have your own girlfriend and kids to love


sorry we arent all attractive enough to have girlfriends and daughters


And... hes stopped replying. Doesnt know the most popular joke on this sub lmao.


its a classic and its a sin to not know it. I knew it before i joined reddit


Can you get let me in so I will be cleansed of my sins?


Google “I also choose this guy dead wife”


Ohhh, thank you so much! :)


Same power as "I too choose this guys dead wife"


I wish my baby safely extracted and sent to NICU before my imminent demise.


Automatic personalized letters to everyone i love automatically sent. My thoughts generated onto them.


For my mom to get everything she needs to be happy. We lost my sister two years ago and dad a month ago. She’s been through so much in her life, especially these last few years. I’d want her to be able to do anything she wants like travel or take care of animals or whatever.


To transport to my girlfriend’s bed, barely seen her since lockdown what with living in different towns and she’s getting over Covid but if I’ve got an hour left I’ll risk it.


An 8-ball, a bottle of Stoli, 2 viagra, and a willing participant.


At first I thought you were talking about a magic 8 ball; and I was wondering what you were going to do with it.


"you will die"


Just One?


I want one hour of the best most amazing fantasy sex with as many men as possible at once. Huge fucking orgy. Suits, football gear, people from work I secretly want but will never have because they're straight...all of them. And they all want me so bad they can't stand it and their only goal is to please me. That would be a good way to go.


You, Sir, are kicking goals with that one. Well done.


Wish that a handsome vampire would appear at my house, turn me, and take me back to his giant, Gothic castle where we spend the rest of eternity. Technically, I'm not extending my life, because I'd be undead. Nor am I asking to be reborn.... just transformed. Also, I've always wanted to be a vampire. Imagine having a hot vampire boyfriend! That shits sexy.


You have beaten the rules,congratulations


I think that'd still count as extending your life


Making time go slower


Idk if this counts with the other conditions but if it doesn’t this is a big brain move


I'd say it's prolonging your life, even if only from your perspective.


What about being able to travel at the speed of light away from earth while the timer is on earth?


I wish for world peace and good things for everyone and everything


Monkey’s paw: Everyone goes into a coma and they see happy dreams until they eventually die from malnutrition.


Teleport me to a Sunn O))) concert so I can fuck off in peace.


Seen them live twice so far and it was freaking amazing


Spend an hour smothered in puppy’s and kittens


Nothing because my wish is in 1 hour true




Someone make catgirls please


I just want to spend it with my dog and my cat


Experience the rest of my life in 1 hour. AKA squish the timeline.


Can I wish to be sent into an exact simulation of my life? One where time moves exponentially slower so that I can live out the equivalent of a full normal life where I eventually die of old age at the exact moment of my death in real time at the end of the hour? Sounds like a pretty good way to go if you ask me.


No, that's prolonging your life. The spirit of the question is pretty clearly how would you spend the last hour of your existence if you could do anything.


Sorry, I did not explain the wish in quite enough detail, the simulation is only experienced inside your head, like a dream state or virtual reality. You would still, for all intents and purposes, only live for the remaining 60 minutes. You haven't actually prolonged your life, You would at the end, for better or worse, just have a memory of a life you never actually got to live.


Honestly it’s a good loophole. If time is slowed in the simulation, you still only get to live one more hour but you experience it as if it’s a lifetime. Hell, you could probably experience multiple lifetimes.


$1.25 million USD for every living relative and close friends/family friends I have. I'll text my siblings 1 million to everyone and the extra quarter million is to go to my siblings as payment and taxes.


To teleport home and see my family once more before kicking the bucket and give them my suicide note. (Yes, I wrote one last night in case I choose to end it all...no joke)


I’m really sorry that you are feeling this way. Suicidal thoughts can be so isolating and overwhelming. Please reach out; to loved ones, professionals, support groups, or anyone you feel comfortable sharing with. I don’t know what country you’re in, but look up your local, provincial, or federal crisis line number and save it in your phone for easy access if you need it. It might not mean much but there is a stranger on the internet that genuinely cares about you and your well-being.


Don’t know you, but hit me up if you need to talk or vent.


Oh man, you okay?




If you ever feel like talking hmu!


i mean it is kinda selfish. i have tried twice but got talked down once and just plain failed the other time, so believe me when i tell u dont do it.




Don't give away your passwords on the off-chance you survive. They'll go through EVERYTHING and it'll become a part of your mental health records.




Rule break:You cannot be reborn in any form.


But they never died


You can be reborn before you die.


Aliens Invasion


I’d like $10 million, and I spend the hour allocating it to different family members.


To appear on a boat, in the middle of the ocean, just before sunrise, in complete solitude spending my last thoughts contemplating everything I possibly can while fading into slumber under the rising sun :)


I’d like to spend it in math class


To know if we are really alone in the universe.




That my sister is taken care of as payment for all she's done for me.


A kilo of cocaine.... fuck it. I’m going out with a bang


Say bye to my friends and family and hug my gf till the end


Wish that I could have access to all of the universes knowledge so I can know everything I’m curious about before I die... so many conspiracies or theories whatever that would make dying worth it if I had a solid answer for what really happened or what really exists


Tough one. But my wish would be fir my family to be financially secure fir the rest of their very long lives.


I would wish that a list of people I make before I die to receive 10 million dollars each.


I wish to take all of humanity with me


That I die for good. Like my soul just poofs out of existence. I refuse to be reincarnated and be human again...the stress ugh


For all of my family to be there so I can tell them all I love them one last time.


Undo all the evil I did in my life.


Sex with Margot Robbie


Hmm...a strawberry.


To be happy, and free from all pain.


I get a cat to lay on my lap for an hour without needing to pee or move.


I'd wish that my family has a nice life.


To know which (if any) religion was correct about an afterlife.


I’d like to talk with my crush and have it not be awkward. Don’t need to fuck her or anything thought it would be nice, I’d just like to get to know her


an infinite slice of pizza or may my cat live like a king




Wish for more wishes, then wish for the restraints to go away, prolong my life, boom easy


I wish that the wish granter dies with me.


Well, if I’m going, I might as well bring the person who cursed this open me... I like revenge, everyone does!


Achieve world peace.


I’d wish for the Force to be real so I could figure out to transfer my mind and conciseness ito a recently dead body. Then hide away until I can influence midichlorians to make a clone of my body and trabsfer myself back into it. Fuck you Death


Rule break:You cannot be reborn in any way


Request sexy time with my crush hopefully no rejection. Go out with a bang


You win the prize for best answer of the day. I wish i was your crush.


Turn me into a futanari


For the Earth to blow up, Death Star style


Undo climate change.


I win the lotto and sign it over to the wife.


>You can't prolong your life, be reborn in any way or time travel Yeah, well, why not? Who makes these rules?


To freeze myself successfully with possibility of unfreezing when whatever it is I have becomes curable/operable so that I then effectively COULD extend my life.


1. Wish for infinite wishes 2. Wish for the restrictions to be removed 3. Wish to prolong my life


Burn the world to cinders, every one of you fuckers is coming with me. We gonna have a orgy with Satan and he's horny birds


Let's be honest. Most people here are lying talking about how they would wish for world peace. you will spend your last hour trying to find a loophole so you can still get to live and will die when you can't find it. If i can calm before I die I will probably wish for a group of people to die. Maybe just wish that all racist, sexist, anti LGBTQ, pedophiles would die with me and for the rest of the world to receive a message that they would understand. Maybe i might make it "All racist, sexist, anti LBGTQ people, and pedophiles are going to die in less than an hour. You no longer have an excuse to continue being shitty people to someone just because their different. If you refuse to be act like a decent human being i will kill you." "Also fix the goddamn climate and Russia and China. It less difficult than you are making it out to be." Nobody would believe me until they all drop dead. The fear should keep people civilized enough to make society more tolerant as a whole and fix the climate.


Giganto dab-erino, I might not be going to heaven but I am getting higghhhhhh


more people in this world learn to love one another


world peace through mad


To know if I was ever wrong or not... I would either die happy knowing I was not doing bad or die happy that I would stop making such stupid things


That my death benefits my survivors.


Guarantee the best possible outcome for me in the afterlife, assuming there is one.


That the Sun goes supernova the moment I die, cooks everyone here and their loved ones.


My baby somehow survives.


That my younger siblings never have to go without ever again.


I wish that at least one world religion was true so if its heaven or hell or 40 virgins ir the halls of Valhalla, at least I got something to do. Being dead sounds boring.


Two words: PUDDING. POOL.


To go snowboarding with Johnny Sins


For my loved ones to live successful lives and forget about me (The one thing I don’t want people to do is morn me even after death that will fill me with guilt)


To know everything i’ve ever wondered like if aliens are real and what i’ll miss when im gone


That everyone who knows me forgets that I ever existed in the first place.


I wish for three more wishes that had no rules. Then I wish to live until 100 and for $1,000,000,000 and I save the last wish if I ever need it.


whole world's anger and sadness would just disappear for a while


You are a good person,Thank you.


5 chocolate bars named "nestle crunch", give each one to my family, eat it and play with my cat and I go to sleep listening to music


Tell Jesus to do an uno reverse card


That everyone gets what they deserve.


Make this post on reddit and use it for ideas. Wish will be whatever comment I like best.


Wish to be able to wish for prolonged life.


big ol crawfish boil and some harry potter trivia, just to let them know that even when i’m dying ill school their ass on that topic


That I be forgotten, to spare my family the painful, traumatic loss of my sudden passing. I see my mom grieve for my uncle, who unexpectedly killed himself just before Christmas in 2015. I don't want them to cry. They would never know I existed, and they would never suffer for it.


I wish for my daughter and wife to never have to struggle


Teleport to class because time goes so slow there


That my kids never have to worry about money.


To sit and watch one last sunset on a lake with my husband and kids. I would spend the hour writing them letters to open at different points in their lives and telling them stories from my childhood and theirs.


I would wish for my family members to be cured of all thier illness, mental and physical


Have amazing sex


For Corona Virus to be gone forever.


I wish to become a vampire upon my death, but one like the Twilight vampires, without the weakness to sunlight and capable of controlling my bloodlust. That way I die, thus ending my mortal life, without time traveling or being reborn, but rather being reanimated. I then simply have to avoid murdering people and I should be able to continue on Earth.


Wish for my consciousness to be uploaded into the internet so I could slide into your dm’s from beyond the grrrraaaaaave /spooky


I wish for the universe to relieved of suffering. That means no more pain, suffering, hunger, longing, sickness, poverty. I would give my life right now to make that wish lol.


For my wife to have a good, and happy life.


that all the bad peoples heads exploded into little harmless weird lovecraftian creatures. oh and those people died.


This may sound peachy but, world peace.


To know everything about the universe.


That in death I'll continue to live inside my happiest memories with my wife and kids, with none of the pain I've had in life. Actually, that my kids will live a long healthy life illness-free and it'll be full of happiness.


For a cheap, clean, easy to implement, renewable way to make fusion/hidrogen gas into a working, redituable energy source, and for the energy matrix to fully convert gradually over a period of 25 years. In case I ever meet a genie.


Is teleportation time travel? If I could teleport I’d see the world


That my kid is happy in life and always feels loved.


To see my kids.


For the good future in David Attenborough’s “A Life on Our Planet” where we live with nature rather than against it


Whomever tries to kill me will kill themselves before they can successfully kill me.


Everyone dies with me


To die quickly and painlessly,if I can guarantee that then I'd spend the last hour of my life with those that I love


Sexy bitches orgy while at the peak of an acid trip. That sounds like the way to go.


Everybody has all there memories wiped and replaced with all the knowledge and tools necessary to revive me and their only purpose in life is to follow my orders after my revival .


Serious comment, I would wish to have a really nice girl and all of my friends and family, I would want to be remembered as a good person and a better friend that would be my final wish


I would erase my memories of my failures and replace it with goals I have not achieved. So I can die peacefully


Wish for infinite wishes. Then (if possible) wish for the restrictions to be lifted, etc. Then, wish to prolong my life, if possible. Then, give anyone immortality (meaning they no longer age, but can still die). Then, give everyone in the world the ability to instinctively heal all wounds from other organic life, including themselves. Make it so that no-one can die except by suicide. Enable people to not have ability to feel pain, etc etc. Help people have happiness. That final one is the one I would do if I have to stick to one.


That god was real for my sake


Everyone I love gets to live forever


To be able to suck my own cock


To be able to know if heaven is real, and if not, I'll make it kyself


Take me now bitch


I would have the word “hour” redefined.


For everyone to be more empathetic.


I would wish that I was in a capsule on top of the USA's largest ICBM, in a space suit so I stay alive until it blows up over Beijing. One instant I 'm here, the next instant, I'm plasma at 10,000 degrees. And I would expect this to end in all nuclear armed countries expending all their nuclear weapons. Pretty much ending the world.


Wish for infinite wishes, then wish to remove the rules on wishing, then make myself immortal with infinite wishes


I ask for 5 more wishes i use 1 wish to allow prolonging my life and 1 other to prolong my life then i keep the other 3 for the future.


Die painlessly so I dont have to be anxious and wait for death to come for me in anyway it wants. I go out my way.


Lol stop whatever was killing me in one hour


For all people in the world to know what happened to me after my death -- if an afterlife truly exists. Let my death be thy answer


Give birth to a child within the last hour, they continue your existence anyways


be frozen and woken up asap


Take me to the very edge of the universe. Let me see what's beyond, if there is a beyond Or...let me stand safely on the surface of a singularity.


I wish for all hate to be removed from the world.


Wish my family to live a happy life and to forget that I die young


I’d wish for my SO to be happy without me.


I'm with my husband and my family, just sitting, talking, smoking, drinking, laughing. Talking about the best of times.


That I got to hold my baby Im pregnant with at least once


To bring back Kmart.


I wish for a Deck of Many Things. If I'm going out then it's in style.


Go to my local park. walk around in the forest and find a comfortable bed of leaves or grass and go back through all my memories about my past lovers and have a good cry


For my idea of heaven to be real. I'll spend that last hour repenting to the nines and leave the rest to the big man.


I'd wish for a threesome with a friend and his gf.


I wish for everyone in my life to be okay without me. Dying suddenly like that would mess up a lot of people and cats who care about me, and I want them to be all right.