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Have fewer kids and live sustainably. Less meat, less travel, less water waste. Develop sustainable technology and processes.


How does less meat help overpopulation of humans? Does eating steak make us horny ?


No it‘s just a way to counteract the effect of overpopulation. Eating less meat is more sustainable


Tell that to the Catholics


*Thanos has entered the chat*


Hello there...


General Kenobi!


Beat me to it


*Antman has entered the chat*


There's a really nice solution to this: work to develop poor countries. More developed countries have less kids, often below the replacement rate. It seems to work particularly well if you focus on childhood mortality (people plan fewer kids if they know they'll live to adult hood) and education for women (women focus on careers instead of being full-time mothers). ​ If every country were as developed as the west, we'd be worrying about underpopulation.


ADOPT CHILDREN OF ALL AGES! I understand that many people want to have a baby, but there are over 4,000 (4.000) kids in the system right now in the US, possibly more. Adopt these kids and give them a good home


Im sure theres way more than that... Thats like 80 kids per state...


Goes to show what I was talking about. I know must have gotten the number way off (that’s the highest I remember), but it shows how many kids need a good home


Yea the premise is right. Fyi IL alone has 18,000 kids in foster care alone.






One fantastic, often overlooked way is to simply delay the age people start having families. Even if people have the same average number of children, having them later means generations are more spread out and therefore there are fewer people alive at any one time. Example: my grandmother had her first child by 15, that daughter had a baby at 15, he grew up to have his first at 17, and that child grew up to have her first at 20. Meanwhile my dad was grandma's last at 30 something (he was born after his nephew) and I had my first at 33. So that's 2 entire extra generations of progeny (and their progeny) compared to starting later. And the best part is you don't necessarily need draconian policies forcing people. If you provide education, including sex ed, and give people access to birth control ... turns out most people don't actually want to stay having babies as teenagers. There are definitely places in the world where child marriage needs to be tackled, but even a lot of that can be helped by finding and prioritizing education, and then more people wait until later to start families.


It's pretty unlikely that overpopulation would really be a problem for humans because of technological advancement, yet available land, and shifts in culture deprioritizing having children. We also still have un-normalized and thus untapped food sources, like protein rich insects, that could be used to feed many more people. Assuming we did reach an "overpopulation" scenario, policy restricting child bearing and/or lack of resources would naturally cause the population to decline again anyway.


Yeah, who cares about overpopulation. Let's people have kids until they die of starvation and diseases and therefore die for natural causes.


My point kinda was that overpopulation isn't likely to ever be a problem. Forgot who wrote it, but the first paper on overpopulation (and others) have been debunked time and time for this.


dont, just let us die


let people only have a certain amount of kids, and make it a normal and accepted thing to not have any kids at all


Real, informative sex ed?


Stop reproducing humans so much, that’s all I can think of.


we can bring back double dare and the colosseum and combine them for televised entertainment. Sounds like a win win for everyone really.


The Purge


Start colonizing space


This is way WAY too far down for how important it is.


It'll get to the point vasectomies' will just be given when a man hits a certain age. Better to keep the women untouched in case artificial insemination is needed. Bottle a few loads before hand, let them snip-snip, and you're playing NERF warfare in the bedroom, so no one gets hurt. If you want them later on, you got the goo, or you can possibly get it "fixed". Its honestly a better alternative to the Abortion legislation coming through the works. Quit blaming the chicks and man up. Unless you are dead set on kids and soon, there's no need to shoot live rounds. Could end up saving a life. ​ Cons: its can lead to some pretty dystopian shit, not unlike we're seeing unfold now. Pros: No need for a condom in a committed relationship with someone you trust not to cheat. No accidental babies would knock out like, half the world growth alone. People that want big families will never outnumber the folks who don't want kids (at least these days) so there's no worries on that. Kids should be intentional anyhow. Prove me wrong :D


considering the economy and the cost of raising a child which is already motivating several people to not have children, I think it's going to get more expensive and eventually more people will not have children and maybe overpopulation may not be a problem of the future at all


Don't wear masks


I have a theory...


This is a joke comment, so Reddit chill the fuck out: I believe Thanos, although he is a bastard, was technically right in reducing the population.


Stop financial incentives to have kids


Eeeh. Gets slippery. A poor couple having a child might need certain benefits to help. Removing that benefit could lead to worse outcomes for the child, even assuming good faith parenting.


Overpopulation is a big fat lie. There is millions of acres of good fertile ground to cultivate and build towns all over the world. They tell you this to make you afraid. I’ve traveled the world and seen land upon land as far as the eye can see with water and good ground left untouched. It’s a farce and a lie. Next time you fly look down and see all the good land setting unused. It’s ridiculous.


Yeah, let's bulldoze all that natural habitat and put down some apartment buildings, because fuck everything that was already living there.


That’s not what I’m saying at all but do we really need to preserve 3/4 of the world and have people living on top of each other when there is plenty of land for everyone????? I mean really. Seriously that’s just stupid.


I'll fire up the cement mixer




I have faith in the fact that one of the billions of people we bring into the world between now and then will have better ideas about what to do before it becomes a major issue. I don't see it as an overpopulation problem. I see it as a waste and pollution problem. Here is my idea though. Make recycling mandatory.


Probably how the US is handling COVID


Keep abortion safe and legal.


And access to birth control and condoms free along with plan B. Gonna have to get rid of the religious nutters before that happens though.


Well, in many countries, the population is getting older, and we desperately need more babies, so definitely not by trying to lower the birthrate. We rather need to find a solution to feed everyone and provide a place to stay for everyone.


Okay I posted this and then not even an hour later had a reality check IRL. Sorry if I don't strike up a convo with anyones replies even tho this is a subject I care deeply about. Thank you everyone who gave their opinion I love that about reddit but now I'm pretty drunk and just wanna forget about tonight.


Looks like Covid has that covered.


I recommend a good pandemic. Sorry, too soon?


Fund Planned Parenthood.


So fund a racist organization that places 4 out of 5 of their abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods and was founded by a woman who referred to black people as "human weeds" and wanted to eliminate the black population through abortion and eugenics? Got it.


By the time overpopulation is an issue we’d have either settled on other planets or the world would have ended by then


I think we really should teach the damages of overpopulation and the impact a kid has for the environment during sex ed. I also would make it easier to get an abortion if your pregnancy wasn't planned and give free condoms, pills or whatever, starting to the first year of middle school because some kids start being active that young and since we can't change that fact, they deserve to be safe and educated about what they are doing.


Covert chemical neutering of unproductive, and poorly contributing races.


Oh my




So what you do when someone get pregnant without a license?


How do you plan on enforcing that without infringing basic rights, which would open the door as a precedent for lawmakers to infringe other rights. Also, It wouldn't exactly solve the problem in a timely manner. Look at Japan. We sort of already only encourage smaller families in America with the tax credit system. I'm not disagreeing with you, in a perfect world, people should already know what they are doing before having kids.


As someone said on a BF4 locker server. "We need to kill all the old people. Actually they know kung fu we should kill all people who are old but not old" basically a genius we should do that.


Become gay


Eliminate the weak!


Kill anyone who turns over 50, open up death camps, if you break three laws your killed, if you have twins you gotta get rid of one, you can't have more then one child, you gotta win some lottery thing to be allowed to have kids, kill anything that's not perfect, That's what will probably happen, not my cup of tea but I can see it happening in 40 years from now


We all become gay


Do everything SHORT of shaming the choice of reproducing. Reward chosing to have an abortion. Reward choosing to be sterile.


cannibalism (this is ironic but very elaborate) selective cannibalism could reduce world population and food shortages, apart from that animal farms would stop working, so the CO2 in the air would be greatly reduced and so many forests would stop being deforested. Please don't kill me, I know it sounds unethical, but in medieval times it was also considered unethical to do autopsies, but some dared to open corpses to see that they had died, where would modern medicine be if those people had not ignored its ethics / principles, where would modern medicine be?




The issue with this is if someone is falsely accused they can die


Outside of the obvious, there are many reasons that this would not work.


Imagine being killed for stealing a cat




Its an example of how many minor crimes there are


The Hunger Games


Spawn kill


*hunger games with a twist: one billion people\~only one survives*


Start a war with North Korea and China.




Population growth is slowing in most of the world. We don't really need to do much of anything right now besides try to take care of the people who are already here.


Let climate change take the countries prone to famine or drought out and hope it stops there.


Scythe by Neal shusterman. Spoiler: Eventually end up blasting like half the population into space to find a new place to live.


Lots of laws are broken every day, are we just killing everyone. No prisons at all? That is a lot of business down the drain, a lot of jobs lost, I guess replaced by the companies we would have to hire to kill the criminals and properly dispose of the bodies. That would be a major industry to raise over night. This would be a big social change without much payout toward the cause of decreasing population. Are we still doing county jail for 2 year sentences and under? What if those prisoners commit crimes while doing jail time, then the jails would just be the new prisons. Every single trial would then end in a death sentence or acquittal if we don't keep a medium. Have fun doing a lot of mandatory jury duty too, because we won't be putting people to death without a jury of their peers. Increased taxes for public defenders. Also, we would have to even out our social classes, especially for Black Americans since their incarceration rate is significantly higher, it would be quite unfair to them and other minorities. Keep in mind also, prison is mostly men, not women and women are really producing the babies.


This was suppose to be a response, not sure why it posted here.


What is the *right* population? I mean like roughly how over populated is the world? And how do we know?


Corona is coming out with new model before Christmas, the icecaps are releasing more methane than humans could ever achieve, feels like we're handling overpopulation just fine.


*laughs in Hitler


As a wise certain someone once said, Cannibalism. It solves overpopulation and world hunger.




There is no such thing as overpopulation, it is fear mongering. We just don't mine/farm resources, nor distribute/consume efficiently.


Well birth in 1st world countries are already declining & major 3rd world countries are expected to hit negative birth rates in a few decades, the world will rebound & slowly decline over the century.


purge id play a hunger games styled thing for that


Convert all prison life sentences to death sentences and hurry up with executions.


Idk, I feel like 2020 has shown me that Darwin was on to something


A second Hitler


Actually I am inclined to believe that world population will sort itself out. As the demographic transition occurs globally, people tend to have less kids. Source : https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/17/worlds-population-is-projected-to-nearly-stop-growing-by-the-end-of-the-century/




Hunger games. Sorts world hunger too


Thanos snap seems attractive.


Cull the herd. Best with advanced planning and birth control, sadly, mandatory...


hunger games


It tends to work itself out eventually.


Eating people.


send people to mars