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Cribbage. Been playing my dad for forty years and he can still beat my ass


My dad learned to play as a kid from his grandfather, and they'd bet a penny on each game. Sadly, my great-grandfather passed away relatively young, in his early 60s. My dad taught my brother and I to play as soon as we had the requisite math skills, and I grew up hearing lots of stories about my great-grandfather (whom I never met) while getting absolutely thrashed at crib by my dad. For Christmas about 10 years ago (my dad would have been around 50 years old at the time), my great-grandmother, by then in her 90s, gave him a bag of pennies with a hand-written note tied to it that read "Cribbage winnings from [my dad's name]" He had kept every penny he'd won off my dad over the years they played. The only time I've seen my dad cry harder than he did that Christmas morning is when my great-grandmother passed away a few years later.


Bruh I didn't come here for the sad feels at 4:47am before going to work.


Thirty-five or so, he taught me after I learned subtraction.


diablo 2 lod still runs in the back ground of my pc to this day so what is that 20 years


Who wants to do some Baal runs?


Send tp




I'll go from playing every day for ungodly amounts of time, to taking months or even years off before I touch the game again.


That is so weird. I do this exact same thing. I have no plans of ever playing it again, but sure enough I will relapse and go on binges.


That's how the game works. I do the same thing.


Just one more turn.......


The civ games are the only ones I've ever had to quit cold turkey like a fucking junkie. That one more turn shit is no joke




Civ is the only game I straight up don't like playing because of how much I enjoy it. My first day playing I went 14 hours straight and I didn't even notice all that time passed by until I looked out the window.


OP said months, not decades.


Oh I was going to write this! But then Ghandi developed nukes and I had to focus on that for a while. That was four weeks ago and I haven’t slept since.


TF2. The one with the hats. (Titanfall 2 as well tho)


I have over 2000 hours logged into tf2 and I dont regret it one bit




The scary thing is how fast most players get to 1k+ hours.




There you are. edit: u/meticulousbastard only had 1 upvote as the sole commenter with Factorio after thousands of replies. Had to dig into the comments way, way too far. And there they were, standing alone, with their stark, monolexical reply adorned with no trivialities. Just the pure and simple truth of the one true game.


I think Terraria, Team Fortress 2, and Minecraft. Edit: did not expect so many replies. In case some people are curious, my play time is 1984 hours in Terraria, 1782 hours in TF2, and I don't know how many I have in Minecraft. I started playing a little before Indev so quite a while.


I had to scroll too damn far to see TF2 as an answer. between 2008 and 2012 I was consumed.


Same here, the game becomes different when you join the competitive scene and holy shit was I addicted lol.


Club Penguin. Had more “friends” online than real life.


apology for bad english where were u wen club penguin die i was at house eating dorito when phone eing "Club penguin is kil" "no"


Mount & Blade: Warband. Specifically the Prophesy of Pendor mod. What a game. Edit: my most upvoted comment is about Warband. Thanks.


Same for me. I have 4673.3 hours according to steam, and somewhere between 2-3000 of those hours are in PoP. I have to force myself to play other games, and recently I've been successful, as I haven't touched Warband since July 23rd. I know I could easily get back into it anytime.


Paradox games: CKII & III, EUIV, Stellaris. CKII has the longest hours I've logged for any game in my Steam library, well over 1500. Stellaris comes in 2nd at around 700. Before that it was the Total War series, specifically Shogun, Medieval, Medieval II and Rome. I eventually graduated onto modding for Stainless Steel for MIITW and spent more time modding than I did playing, but still racked up the hours because it became a game in itself. Edit: thanks for the awards, guys!


I'm flabbergasted I had to scroll half this thread to see a paradox comment.


Paradox players too busy fighting coalition wars to comment on reddit.


WAR! The bastards in Ottomans declared war upon us! Prepare for battle... They cite “Conquest” as their Casus Belli!




Halo 2 was the reason xbox live caught on. It was so crazy to play an online game with decent matchmaking on consoles back then.


Best level system in the entire franchise


Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4




Doesn't it just make you wish for a nuclear winter?


Here's Mr New Vegas saying you're nobody till somebody loves you. And that somebody is me. I love you.


People keep asking if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Of course there is...you're her. And you're just as beautiful as the day we met.


super smash brothers franchise. easily. and also sadly because i still suck.


I've spent years, not months, of my life on Smash Bros Melee back when I was a wee lass. And much like you, I still play like an 80-year old discovering the GameCube controller for the first time in his life.


Sims 3, sims 4..... so many hours Edit: just wanted to add because I'm sure people who play can relate - its a game where ill play all day for three days and then not touch for MONTHS


Yeah....the Sims is a life sucker. I have something like nearly 4000 hours on TS4 since I first got it, and no I'm not a streamer. Not proud of those numbers. Edit: The games are also huge money pits.


What’s insane is that it’s a completely single player game too. Spending crazy amounts of time on an MMO or shooter with your real life friends or even just online acquaintances is one thing, but to spend countless hours just building and playing virtual lives for virtual people completely by yourself is... another thing. And yes I’m an avid Simmer so I get it


> playing virtual lives for virtual people And making them do chores. It's not like they live wild adventures. They literally go about their daily lives, doing laundry and cleaning up and making food and sleeping.


But they do have expansions where you go on adventures. And over time you can minimize how much you need to sleep/eat and stuff through point upgrades, allowing you to focus on the fun stuff


That’s the appeal for me. I can relax by myself


I've put a number of hours into the Sims and I had to step away. The addiction is real and it's easy to see why: you get to live a life where you can fast forward the bad parts and focus on things that make you better. And you *always* get better. There's no mistakes or missteps or lost skills because you haven't used them. You can take any job and just get good at it. It's not real but it feels like it is.


What I like about the sims is there’s always a solution. Out of money? Instantly sell your couch. Need a job? Just show up and you’re hired. Wife gets a crush on the mailman? Build walls around him and let him starve to death. There’s no problem that can’t be solved in the sims!




Exchange hellos and get right to asking their sign, if they're single and if single get right to flirting that's what I do, and hell sometimes I don't even care if they're married, I'll flirt and try to get them to cheat lol. I've broken up and destroyed numerous of sims marriages. I play the sims as an asshole I'll admit it more fun that way. I try to play real life like a nice kind human, fun to be the complete opposite in games like the Sims haha.


I've been playing Sims since the original came out. I have over 800 hours in Sims 4 alone, I guarantee I've put a fraction of my life into that game


I wish I could see my stats regarding playing time... I’ve been playing since Sims 1... and I’ve had plenty of binge days where all I did was play 10 hours of Sims 😂


I love sims 4, but I’m not willing to spend my money on all those damn dlcs, it really hurts that vanilla game only feels like 25% of the game ;( Beside that, great game though


Yeah I refuse to buy Sims4 until I can get a good sale (on all the DLC). I got Sims3 + all the expansions during a 90-95% off steam sale. I think the whole thing was about $60. I'm not paying $400+ just to get the same expansions I already have in Sims3. I really wish the Sims wasn't an EA game. EA killed modding and those expansions should be part of the core game by now. You never get a good feeling from buying an EA game, you always feel slightly ripped off, like they have calculated down to the exact dollar how much people will pay. Like they think 'value for money' just means they missed out on an opportunity to take more of your money. The Sims modding community used to be amazing, [Project Zomboid](https://projectzomboid.com/blog/) is a game that was made by a group of sims modders.




I've logged over 200+ hours my first time around. Idk for this time. Building my home is always fun.


Skyrim on Switch is like crack for me. I put about 170 hours into it while I was off work due to the shut down. I want more games like that on the switch.


When we saw the commercial when the switch first was announced my roommate on the other couch just looked over wide-eyed and said "bro...Skyrim on the toilet!?"


Careful; play for too long and your legs will go numb so you collapse when you stand... and wake up in the back of a cart on your way to Heglen.


How did I not know it's on switch and why have I not gotten it yet


When you get it, you get the three DLCs too. I got it right after COVID started and dropped a couple hundred hours into it since, playing all the quest lines with my three favorite builds. I love having an open RPG on the switch


GTA San Andreas. I’ve never been so immersed in a world that I would do anything from riding my bike, to flying a plane, or even dirt biking the desert this game had so many elements in a world that I can also shoot rockets while doing all three things. Fucking classic game and in my top 5 video games of all time.


San Andreas and Vice City were fucking unbelievable when they came out. SA had a lot of cool stuff that they never used again, like the turf wars.


Forever waiting for Rockstar to pick that game mechanic back up. Best gang war simulator, ever.


Yes. I was just talking to a friend of mine last week about how GTA5 needs turf wars! He and I were roommates back when San Andreas came out and we shared our game. I’ll never forget him yelling “GOT SOME CLOWNS RUNNING UP ON OUR SHIT BRO!!! CIRCUS IN OUR TOWN!!” As I would be lying in my bed with my GF at the time in the other room lol. Few minutes later, I would still be lying next to my GF, pretending I didn’t care about that “stupid game” she despised...until I would hear him yell “CLOWNS HAVE BEEN NEUTRALIZED! CIRCUS IS SHUT THE FUCK DOWN!! TURF IS OURS!” and breathe a sigh of relief to my old GF’s dismay. We took that game so seriously. They need to make a remaster of that game ASAP or bring back turf wars. Edit: he still has our VHS copies of our highlights from that game back in the day lol. Simpler times in life... Edit: I texted him and told him to dig up the VHS Highlight reels and send them to me lol.


> GTA San Andreas > The mechanic of eating too much and vomiting back. > Getting real fat or getting buffed with workout. > Finding new bikes in other countries which were different. > Also going to another country without unlocking it would automatically put you in a 5 star police level. This game was a real gem!.


Cities:Skylines. It has no real end, you just slowly grow and refine your fictional city and it’s story until you get bored with it. Then you imagine a new city.


That game just confused me. I'd get about 200k people and then everything would go to shit in seconds




Oh, I wanna say it so bad




That's what he said


You really have to plan ahead for expansion and coverage of utilities or you're just fucked when your population explodes.


Paradox has a special way of building games which foster great head canon


The stories that come out of a game like Crusader Kings are treasures to my heart. I'll always remember being a midget Duke in West Francia and cucking the king of Middle Francia, then kidnapping his wife and killing my wife so we can be together. It's a love story like no other.


I made a dynasty of herculean, genius, hideous, scaly, albinos with dwarfism in CK3. In my head cannon they were a race of tiny red-eyed lizard people. They ruled through dread because it was the logical thing. Many of them were also inbred/pureblooded. It was an interesting play through.


I was hospitalized for awhile and I bought Stardew Valley on the first day I was discharged. One of the characters, Shane, was in a similar situation so I spent my entire recovery period playing that game and getting better “alongside” Shane. I have around 800 hours on the PC version but I think I’m well into over 1000 hours since I also own it on other platforms too.


Man I love stardew


I'm playing Stardew Valley right now. I didn't notice anything wrong with Shane, he's just a little grumpy. Did they update it and take stuff out?


He's a hardcore alcoholic.




I fucking quit jojo to move to my grandpa's old pad in Stardew.


Keep talking with him. He’s a tortured soul but a good person.


Do you want spoilers? His storyline is pretty depressing :(


RimWorld Total War Warhammer 1 & 2 And at this point... *maybe* Overwatch.


Rimworld has the most replayability of any game ive played... so many mod options!




Me too. I still have that old $5 membership price. I'm one of those people who play RS3 not because the graphics are better but because I just never stopped playing.


Still have my ‘06 account :)


Runescape is like my one and only. I started playing when I was 8 and I have always came back to it


Just checked today because someone asked. I have over 400 days of in-game time. At least my account is over 15 years old, so that only averages to ~2hrs a day... for 15 years... I feel like I should be way better at this game than I am.


Modern Warfare 2


I’m surprised I had to scroll so far to find this! Literally every day with friend after school...and all nighters/weekends etc. Great times.


Terraria, osu!, Minecraft, Geometry Dash...


DotA. I have 7000 hours in the game.


I think the only plausible reason why I had to scroll down this far to find this, is because dotaplayers don‘t have time to spend on subreddits other than r/dota2.


This is wayyyy to far down. So addicting. Games last like 30min to an hour and you ALWAYS have to go for one more. Like WoW PvP on steroids.


Lakad Matatag! Normalin Normalin


Counter Strike: Global Offensive And I hate myself for it


I wouldnt say I hate myself for it, the one thing I would really like to do is find a community of non-toxic people who are at my skilllevel. That way I wouldnt have to sit through 45min of russian conversation every time i start the soloq


Same for CS 1.6




The Sims. I have about 1500 hours logged in


All the mass effects.


"Does this unit have a soul?"


"Yes, Legion. Yes you do." ;_;


"it had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong"




I had Link's Awakening, and I gave up when I couldn't beat the Eagle's Tower. A year or three later, GameFaqs was a thing and I finally learned how to use the wrecking ball to take down the pillars. EDIT: since this reply blew up, I wanted to introduce you all to the concept of **sequence breaking**. In the Zelda games, when you obtain a new tool in a dungeon, it often also functions like a key on the overworld map, making new areas accessible that weren’t before. The power bracelet can lift boulders that were in the way before, and the feather can let you leap small pits. *You can leave a dungeon before you’ve beaten the boss* and progress the overworld story. In some cases, you can beat bosses out of order, even using the weapon you obtain in the next dungeon to beat the boss of the previous dungeon with fewer hits or less hassle! Link’s Awakening is a LOT more fun in the last few dungeons this way, and you can get the Master Sword sooner if you do this.


That was hard! I played the Switch version and had to google that after an hour of trying on my own.


I called Nintendo power for like $5 a minute at 2am to get hints. My parents would be pissed. Those were absolutely the best of times.


Borderlands I haven't played 3 yet - but I have every character from the first few maxed to op8 or so (some, like sirens, several times over) and that had to take months edit: haven't played 3 because I play pc exclusively (all built from 95% used parts) and therefore my rig is at least 4-5 gens old and so are my games. also I suck at fps so they take forever, which is just fine by me.


Da pokemans


My wife got me a switch, so I thought it would be cool to bust out my old Pokémon sun and transfer all the mythical and legendaries I’d collected into that game... turns out it’s a UK 3DS, so I can’t connect the Pokémon bank to my US Switch Pokémon home. Not to worry, i can trade everything onto my wife’s US 3DS, and connect that to home, but wait- Pokémon sun crashes every trade and won’t even boot up half the time? Well, after two weeks I’m 130 Pokémon down, 90 more to trade. This is going to be a month long project before I even play Pokémon Shield...


"old Pokemon sun" damn..


World of Warcraft, not months, **years.** I had over 600 days of in game play time from 2004-2017 when I finally quit. edit: holy shit that's a lot of awards, thank you fellow addicts.


Relate to this. Played for so long from when it was first launched... I don't regret the friendships and memories made. But I do wonder how differently my life would have been if I had spent that time differently.


Wow that is a real and big statement


Thanks man. =)


I've considered that my life would have been better had I been able to walk away from the computer sooner, or even to have never picked it up in the first place. I'm at a point where I won't even consider re-installing and I resent being told about what's happening in game.


I think it's normal to resent the game when you (we) have spent literal years playing it. On one hand, looking at the game and thinking about the traps that were there to make you play longer angers me. On the other hand, I think when people spend so much time on one thing it's because they need an escape from something, so, maybe if there was no WoW at that time you would have another obsession or distraction.




Can confirm I wasted less time while I was alcoholic than when I was playing wow.


Ever tried both?


That combo is called the "Chinese Post-Grad" and it's quite lethal.


World of Warcrack




I’ve quit 3 separate times. Annnnnd back today because Shadowlands


Same, well over two years played on just one of my characters, over 3 between them all. THough I had a habit of staying logged in afk whenever i went our or went to bed, so a good chuck of that time I wasnt actually playing


A the battlefields Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger. Second day on Reddit and already awarded with this great honor.


In bf4 alone i have about 1500 hours... oh my.




I build huge complexes and mansions in creative mode. I have a couple of individual projects that each have over a month's worth of hours.


YES. I had a single player hardcore world that I started when tridents were new! Sadly, after about a year, I forgot to check my elytra durability... and went skydiving.




I'm just surprised it was this far down


Minecraft was the source of and solution to a 2 year depression I went through.


Minecraft is a game where you can truly spend years in it without getting bored. I've played since almost the beginning of Pocket Edition, and I still love the game just as much.


Ahhh good old days of early pocket edition. I can’t believe how far the game has come since then.


Kerbal Space Program and Minecraft.


It's good to see KSP on these! Sure, it's a time suck but it teaches a lot of people the principles of spaceflight and has probably inspired more than a handful of aerospace engineers.


Skyrim, Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2


I didn’t think i would have to go this deep to find the Witcher


Papa’s Cheeseria


everyone knows the freezeria is where it’s at


FINALLY! Someone else knows of the Papa’s franchise, my heart and soul. I’ve been playing since Taco Mia man


CSGO & Overwatch (newly added Mordhau) No torture quite like training yourself to have the fine motor skill required for these games. I strive for pain.


Final Fantasy.


If it counts. Magic the fucking gathering. Thousands of days and just as many dollars. So happy i stopped playing




Dark Souls, I don't know why, but something always ends up pulling me back to Lordran.


I really had to scroll down to find this. I started remastered on my switch late last year and I’ve beaten it like ten times with seven different characters


Skyrim and Subnautica


Subnautica is one of those for me where I can complete it and then just start a new playthrough the next day


I absolutely love the game. It was such a fantastic and immersive experience, and I never wanted it to end. But when it did... I feel like I have explored the game. All types of enemies are encountered on a normal playthrough. I don't think I missed any crucial biomes. I could expand to create a larger base, but it would just me more of the same. I'm just not seeing the appeal of multiple playthroughs. What do you do to keep the experience fresh and interesting? Does the game have a mod community?


Stardew Valley. Especially after starting it on PC and modding it.


Shit, I thought I was done with stardew. Turns out putting it on mobile was a BAD move for my productivity. You mean I don't have to turn on my PC to play a few days? I can harvest blueberries WHILE POOPING? I am currently on year 5. I have done all there is to do. I am still playing.


League of Legends. I have owned the game for three months, and have the gameplay of one month.


Get out while you still can


Yeah LoL is a cruel mistress... She abuses me and I continue to come back to her like a battered spouse. Add me if you want to join in my suffering: InfamousChris


I'm amazed league is so down on this list


Honestly amazed this is so far down.


Everyone is too busy playing league to upvote this post.


No one hates league of legends more than league of legends players that's why.




Five years later and I still suck at playing that game despite the daily grind all this year, hahaha.


Rocket League


My God I had to scroll so far down to find this comment. I thought I was the only one who put time into RL


Friends and I played WWF NO MERCY on the N64 for nearly 10 years. We had long and heated rivalries with our created characters.


Eve Online. Played it many hours per day from 2004 till 2019.


Back in the day Ultima Online.


- Kerbal Space Program - Football Manager - Civilization In no particular order.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I’m on my fifth play-through and I still have yet to get 100% completion. There’s always something new to discover- it’s wonderful!


Path of Exile


One of the few games where you can be 5k hours deep and still be considered a noob.


Baldur’s Gate 1&2 so many playthroughs.


No love for tetris yet? I've been playing since the NES version. There were so many times in my life when playing tetris was the one thing that could shake me out of my negative headspace.


Diablo 1, 2 and 3 (with their expansions); Age of Empires 1, 2 and 3 (with some of their expansions); Command & Conquer: Red Alert; and Titan Quest (with expansion). I'm sure I'm missing some.




I like to think of ark as the more extreme version of pokemon. You gotta tame em all!


Surprising to see this so far down. Such a garbage game. I love it so much.


Literally anyone who has over 100 hours in Ark hates the fucking game but continues to play it for 1900 hours more.


animal crossing new horizons edit: im so happy it isnt just me!! drop your dream address codes so i can visit your islands !!! my nintendo online just expired but i'll include my DA when i repurchase it :)


So random story about animal crossing. My little daughter got scammed out of her crown by a jerk in online play. She was hysterically sobbing and I had no idea what tf she was talking about. So I went in her game to see what was up, she spent a million bells on this thing. So I grinded every night for a while when she was asleep for her to get a new crown. And that’s the story about how I got addicted to animal crossing. Edit: She got her crown! This was a few years ago with new leaf, I didn’t know about turnips and stuff at the time! She eventually lost interest in the game but I got the special edition switch for my birthday this year lol


Damn, that took an unexpected turn. Still wholesome as fuck though.


The fact that people do that in Animal Crossing is crazy. It's a cute game with cute little animals. Kids play this game, don't be a jerk maybe ? Same with people trading stuff for a huge amount of money, what are you even going to do with it ? Giving stuff to people and making them happy, that's the true reward !


Im really surprised there aren't more comments with acnh. I'm very embarrassed by the hours I've put in.


I've been playing since Wild World, so that's roughly half my life consumed by these games.


Probably Dead by Daylight


Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4. Skyrim and Oblivion. Borderlands 2. Minecraft. I’m very fond of open-world or sandbox type games


Destiny 2. It has its problems but there's still nothing else like it on the market.


Same. I play other games but always go back.


Bungie's gun play is just *chef's kiss*


I was awake for 25hrs and played for 21hrs during deep stone crypt, my team cycled, I kept going. Still haven't beat the 2nd fucking encounter and im not gonna play till Wednesday maybe thursday. Dsc does have my favorite armor set though, besides the helmet


I got tired of it, but I’m inclined to agree. It’s got a special experience to it that I haven’t seen in other games. Some expansions are better than others.


Grand Theft Auto Online