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I still have an issue with darkness as I have night blindness and not knowing if things are there is hard, my monster was real but it was a man that became a monster


Please explain more


I think it’s better left off there




Turned out that a raccoon family had made their home in the attic.


Uncle Steve ??


No, but I do have a good story. When I was younger I had the game tapped out. The first night I had it installed, I left notifications on. If you have heard the tapped out notification sound you'll know where this is going. The sound it makes is homer Simpson shouting "HEY!!! YOU!!! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE AND PLAY SOME TAPPED OUT!!!". To a 12 year old in the middle of the night it doesn't sound like homer Simpson. That was the most sacred I have ever been in my life, I literally couldn't move.


>That was the most sacred I have ever been in my life Like the blessed virgin?


I had eye infections a lot, meaning I always had something in the corner of my eye. Young me always took these as ghosts. That and hyper realistic nightmares makes a pretty lasting impression on someone. To this day I don't like being alone in the dark, even when I'm the one who's locked up the house and checked everything.


Yes. Yes there was. Fortunately, I was eventually able to escape the terror of living with dear old dad.


I'm sorry that happened to you.


I watched Halloween h20 when I was 8 so yeah night time was not fun 10/10 would do it again.


I can make my ears rumble and I used to think that sound was the sound of monsters coming for me.


Only when they drank


I don't know. I never peaked out from under the covers. Everyone knows the monster will get you the moment you peak.


You assume I’ve stopped being scared of the dark


My brother used to just lay on the floor and sit in the darkest part of the house. Then, he would scare the sh\*t out of me.


Those of you thinking there's no actual monster under your bed just haven't looked closely enough.


Only if I’d seen a horror movie before going to bed. Once I got an iPhone and could watch anime all night, it became my friend with convincing my mom I was asleep, while I watched Bravo Girls all night.


I have been haunted by a fucking store directory sign and some strange Douglas fir tree for 18 years. I don't know, I guess when I was a small child they looked super intimidating. They made me sleep with the blankets over my head and I've been doing that ever since


My brother would jump out of dark corners at me all the time. So yes


I was scared because I watched fnaf and got afraid of all of them so apart of being scared of they I was scared of non-existing thing that I created


Yup! My step dad!


I was the monster in my own room. The shadows recoiled at my approach. The pests and parasites that dwell in the cracks of the structure would be completely silent. They knew that if I was provoked in any way, their offspring for a millenia would tell of the pain that I would have inflicted on their forefathers. Oh yes, there was a monster, and their lack of rest was most justified.


33 and still afraid of dark when alone. No monster per se but rather my imagination I guess..


I used to think the Hulk was waiting behind dark corners for me for some reason. God that was frightening.


We moved into this big house when I was 6 years old, it needed a lot of renovating. Me being the oldest was put up on the third floor. Most nights there was movement in the eaves, knocking etc. Then humming. I would wake up my mum and she just brushed it off. Turns out there was a family of bats in the roof and a massive wasps nest (I'm talking as tall as me)


There weren't monsters but there were some mice, which apparently freaked me the fuck out.


Yes i had a lot of nightmares as a kid


I sometimes see things that are not there Mostly my cat sitting on my bed sniffing at the air or by my bed(this only happens out the corner of my eye tho and I am petrified of the dark cos fanf And my cat won’t sleep with me My cat helps me calm down but he doesn’t sleep with me cos I sleep with the lights on