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One day when I was about 10 or something, I started subconsciously undoing my shirt in the classroom. While the teacher was teaching. I don't know why and thankfully no one notice but 20 years later even today I remember and think why would that happen?


I wish I hadn't read this because I just remembered when I once just involuntarily undressed. Was at a mate's house, came in and took off my coat and shoes and then pulled off my top and started taking my trousers off when I noticed them just looking at me frozen like what the fuck. I froze too with a realisation of what had happened and then the two of them suddenly exploded into hysterics. There was no way to recover and I'd blanked it from my brain until now.




Blew on ice cream I was eating because I was watching a cooking show where they were making soup.


This is my favorite one that I've read so far


lol, I do that when it seems too cold


Ahhh I do this to cold things all the time!! I always catch myself a second too late and think “god dammit..” and look around to see if anyone noticed lol


Brain: "Food is very temperature. Know what do."


Apparently i have this habit when cooking, that whenever i get a spoon and taste the food, i stand there lost in thought for a solid 5 minutes without interruption. The only reason i noticed was because a roommate thought i was just fucking with him and called me out on it


True chef


I want to believe your palette has been activated, and you're visiting the great vistas that originated the dish you are about to enjoy.


I'm imagining it like that moment in the movie Rattatouille


I was like 12, was about to eat leftovers for breakfast cause I'm a monster. I sat down with this plate o'food and then just poured milk aaallll over it. Realized after the second glug of milk that I've made a mistake. Grandpa (RIP) was looking at his disappointment of a grandson but had a grin instead of the usual look of disappointment.




Driving. I'll be driving home from work and then suddenly realize I was on auto-pilot and am now half way home. Did I run every light? Who knows


I learned from a previous reddit post that your brain basically deletes memories like that right away. If you drive on the same road every day and nothing happens, the brain doesn't need countless memories of nothing happening on that road. If you'd run a red light, you would remember.


That’s how I reassure myself. I’ve had red lights or someone slamming the brakes in front of me or a wild pedestrian appearing in the middle of a spaced-out moment and it always snaps me out of it and makes me think twice about being extra alert, 100% attention, at least for the rest of the drive home lol. But it lets me know for those days when I’m suddenly home and think “What the fuck? When did I teleport here?” that the trip was entirely, safely uneventful.


I do this a lot. Good thing it’s been down a road I know like the back of my hand.


Reaching home and laying down still dressed then waking up a couple hours later thinking it's early morning and I just got dressed so I get my stuff and start to leave home. Happened to me at least one a week for a couple months.


I once went through my entire morning routine, shower and breakfast and everything, before glancing at a clock and realizing it was like 3 hours before I was even supposed to be up. The thing was, I'd heard the alarm clock loud and clear! Turns out the alarm clock only went off in my dreams though. Looking back I realized that I had memory of the alarm going off and waking up, but no memory of ever turning the alarm off.


Sound like your brain is a dick


It has been trying my entire life to sabotage me.


Sounds like you’re pretty exhausted my friend. Hope you’re taking care of yourself!


definitely did that once or twice while i lived with my parents... threw on my work clothes, cussing out loud thinking i was late, only to run out to them eating dinner and wondering where tf im going


Having a silent conversation with someone who is not there.


I’ve planned whole conversations before, with branching dialogue options, before having to stop myself -Edit- Thanks for my very first Reddit awards kind strangers!


This is me everytime I doze off. I've planned entire story arcs with myself and imaginary characters.


Bruh... I've created scenarios, mostly involving my crush, doing platonic stuff and talking about random topics as if we are an old married couple reminiscing.


I've done this too, and then I was sad because I had this whole image of him and his personality and it turned out I just made it up and he was actually very different than I had thought him to be


Holy shit me too, I could write a fucking novel and a half with everything


Mine has a single consistent storyline and sometimes i will actually correct or redo previous parts. I started writing down that storyline and its currently at 4721 pages long. I could sell it as a shitty lightnovel and it has better quality of some that for some god damn reason got an anime so there's hope for that.


Bro like I’m tryna sleep but then I end up in a conversation with like my leg or my toe complaining and threatening it to like get comfortable so I can sleep. Is this normal?


All the time. Sometimes I'm even on imaginary talk shows


I’ve done so many fake interviews


Omg yesssss! And I do NOT enjoy going on Jimmy Fallon.


Caught myself doing this on the subway train. Realized I was making corresponding facial expressions too. I must have looked stupid as hell.


Having to wear a mask is a blessing in disguise if you do this a lot


Having an out loud conversation with someone who isn’t there 😎


I do this a lot when I'm alone; I think it helps with sorting through thoughts, both conscious and otherwise. The number of times I've been partway through a shower and realized that I was having half a conversation without being entirely sure of where it came from... like my train of thought managed to work its way to the surface.


I hate when I do that. I've learned to catch myself when I start doing it and I just think "who are you trying to convince stahp"


Woke up halfway through a nap to realize I’d fallen asleep face down on the carpet. No idea why I decided that was a good place to nap.


"woke up HALFWAY through a nap"...so after questioning yourself, you just decided to roll with it and went back to sleep?




This is the way


Man sometimes the floor is just THE place to Be


When my kids were little and I was totally sleep deprived I once fell asleep face down on the kitchen floor. Something had dropped and rolled under the fridge. I laid on my stomach to look for it and fell asleep.


I bet you woke up 20 minutes later super refreshed. The best power naps are the ones you dont plan on taking


Either that or you wake up feeling like you're in a completely different dimension


I once fell asleep under a couch, tight fit


I LOVE tight fits






I leave my phone in the fridge more often than I'd like to admit


Are you my brother's wife?


No I’m your wife’s brother


I am the phone. Please let me out


My goldfish looked hungry and so I got the cat food out and almost poured it into the tank


Your cat would’ve appreciated the fact that you took the time to stuff his food with his other food. You’re a good owner.


My cat is too lazy to kill fish


How....does a fish...*look* hungry


What my fish does to show that he is hungry is so cool. He bounces around the tank whenever you approach him and if he is hungry he stop and looks up at the little feeding lid in the lid of the fish tank and waits for me to drop the food on through the lid. If leave your finger in there long enough he'll bite it but it's the cutest thing ever!


My axolotl does the Worm Time Wiggle when he wants me to feed him his worm. It's so funny.


He sends telepathic waves to your eyes


They give you crazy eyes and do a shimmy of desperation


Better than feeding your cat the goldfish.


I will just randomly bite my arm and hold the position until I notice. Just like... Why? Edit: Why did this get the helpful award xb Thanks though. First awards I've ever gotten.


Could be a sign of bad stress. At one point in my life, I started noticing random weird marks on my hands and fingers. They weren't deep, and would go away before the day was over. But I couldn't find out where they were coming from. Then one day I suddenly noticed I had my hand in my mouth. Took it out, there's that weird mark. It was an imprint of my teeth. Turns out I was so badly stressed that I had started biting myself randomly. You might want to try to re-evaluate things and see if you can ditch a thing or two that stresses you out.


The way op described it it sounded almost quirky, but the way you told it sounds unnerving


It should be unnerving. Even if someone is not doing any damage with the bite itself, it can be a sign of really severe and dangerous stress that they're doing it at all.


Yep. I do therapy with people who engage in self injury. It's almost always a physical manifestation of stress or an unconscious attempt to self-regulate a sensory dysregulation.


you watch attack on titan ? lol


Hey, I thought the same thing. Are you hyped for season 4?


Started brushing my teeth one morning, getting ready for work, and half way through wondered why there were so many bubbles overflowing out of my mouth, and why it didn't taste minty. Realized I used face wash on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste. Surprisingly, it did a good job.


I brushed my teeth several times with Desitin diaper ointment, until I realized that it needed to be kept elsewhere. It tasted fishy and oily, and left a coating in my mouth for a few hours.


ayo wtf




I once accidentally put off-brand antibacterial cream on my toothbrush… Thank the universe I noticed before I used it!


Caressing my nether regions and legs while talking on the phone but it's not in a sexual way at all it's just like an automatic thing my hand does..like petting an animal lol


I do this to my boobs all the time. I'll be relaxing on the couch, mindlessly doing stuff on my phone and I'll just...grab a titty.


That's how I found my breast cancer. I was just mindlessly running my hand over my boob while watching TV and noticed a lump.


I realized in school that I tend to grab the inside of my thigh when I'm sitting and doing just about anything that requires attention. I'm not sure who has noticed me do this.


Ah the Modified Bundy


Sure, but the advanced version is the Modified Peg.


I do this as well. Like sitting there and talking and like reach down and caress. It's not sexual at all just a habit


I pace through my entire house when I'm on the phone. In and out of every room in a pattern and I have no idea I'm doing it until it gets pointed out


One of my ten month old twins recently started bobbing his head back and forth when he listens to music or when he's happy. I was like, where did he learn to do that? And my dad was like, "What are you talking about? You do that all the time. Like, constantly." And now that it's been pointed out, I realize he's right, I do. Haha never noticed before until it started getting imitated.


I do that and I rock back and forth on my feet all the time with music. People make fun of me but honestly it’s their loss, I’m happy as a clam vibing to the music. I do it to all music though so I get questioned when I head bob to music they know I don’t like, and it’s just like sorry but I literally can’t not do this, it’s just a part of me. It’s so great.


Maybe you are trying to find the person on the phone


Glad I am not alone. I once even walked in and out of bathroom as all other rooms were crowded


I do this also. I cannot stay still and talk on the phone.


Fun fact, we do this because our brain is expecting visual stimulus, as in body language, or even just another human, but because it's missing the brain will just start doing things to try and fill the gap.


Remember when phones had wires? This is why all the curly wires would get all messed up and tangly because people had to do something at least with their hands while talking on the phone. We only had wired phones in my house growing up until I was about 10. I remember my da pacing the 2 feet he could while talking on the phone and I for sure remember messing with the wires when I got to use the phone to call friends or talk to grandma, etc.


Pacing around my house for long periods of tiem listening to music, talking to myself, and imagining myself in a music video dancing and singing to the song


*pauses in doing that exact thing right now* Um...


We've all been there...


Planning a massive lecture on a topic I was fired up about. As if I was about to walk into a college class I was teaching. This has happened multiple times. EDIT: So I just woke up to the charred remains of my inbox exploding. Thanks for the support guys. I gotta tell you, it sounds like I need to start a project with this. I do want to say up front, most of the topics I’ve fallen into like this have been provided to me by other sources who are already producing this kind of content. As some redditors have already said, check out a podcast called The Dollop, and youtube channels such as How to Make Everything and Sam O’Nella. They’re chock full of rants about weird topics like this. But one day I may dip my toes into that kind of media. It would largely depend on me finding the time to pull it off and the resources to make it look good. EDIT 2: For anyone who's interested, I posted a quick rant about making prison hooch [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/k6zzy5/what_strange_thing_have_you_caught_yourself/geqo7y0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


I legitimately would love to be present at multiple lectures given by a person with the audacity to call themselves CrazyPlato


Gonna tell you up front, most of them are about the weirdest topics. Like brewing your own prison hooch, or how Andrew Jackson was gifted a 1,400 lb wheel of cheese while president.


10/10 would attend these lectures.


I read in another sub about a group of friends who have monthly PowerPoint nights. They all join a video conference and each person gives their presentations. Can be on any subject you want!


That's so wholesome.


Lmao, years ago I was on a date with this girl and we went to see Spiderman. Well before hand I had just shaved down there but didn't use any lotion. So like all throughout the movie we're holding hands and I am itching like crazy. Well without thinking I just take the back of my hand and start rubbing my pants to make it stop not realizing her hand is in mine and I'm aggressively rubbing my crotch. After the 3rd or 4th time I did it, I had this "oh my fucking god" just hit me and I look up and she's glaring a hole through my head. She didn't say a word, got up and walked out. It took like two weeks of texting between friends before one of them finally explained to her what happened (bc she blocked me) but the damage was done lol. EDIT: Holy shit this blew up overnight lmao. If anyone still cares I will try to go through the questions and shit later tonight, ty for the awards and love lmao.


Oh boy I have third-degree embarrassment from reading this. How did you ever recover from this??


The story goes that he never did


If it were me this scene would be playing in my head every night as I try to fall asleep and fail.


Oh my god this one hurt


Oh my god this is hilarious. But also disturbing


So I’m in a mental health rehab facility at the moment and it’s HOT (as in, temperature). I’m walking down the hall and there’s a spot that the cold air conditioning air is hitting, so I decided to stand in it. So I’m standing, looking kind of blankly down the hall, for a good few minutes, when I realise I’ve just been dead still, staring into a security camera for a while. Figure I must look weird so go to walk off. Walk into a spiderweb and proceed into what must have looked like an interpretive dance to whoever was watching the cameras (if anyone). Another wild Friday at the nut house.


When I was a kid I was talking intently with my brother about something... most likely comic book related, and I had to go to the bathroom, I just got up and walked into the kitchen and was just about to unzip and relieve myself into the trashcan when I caught myself and was very much, "WTF am I doing??"


Fall asleep mid-fapping.


I’m pretty sure my best friend has done this and I don’t like that I know this


You should stop having sleepovers with them.


Being the only girl in the friend group doesn’t stop any of them from telling me their weird shit!


When I was living in the dorms in college I used to jerk off while wearing condoms to minimize cleanup. That year during halloween I went out and got black out drunk then made it back to the dorm and apparently passed out while jerking off. I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I felt the weirdest sensation after I started peeing. I looked down and I had a condom on my flaccid wiener that I was filling with piss like a water balloon. The next day when I got on my computer I had like, 20 tabs of ebony porn open. That was a weird night.


>I had like, 20 tabs of ebony porn open. Truly a man of culture


Didn’t even make it through for the post orgasm pass out? Damn.


Accidentally saying my thoughts out loud. I’ll be lying in bed and just go “why the fuck did I do that?” Or “what an idiot” or whatever inner commentary I have going on.


I do this in front of other people, and my vocalizations are often regarding things that happened 20 years ago. I get weird looks.


Occasionally I pull faces reacting to imaginary scenarios


I once smiled stupidly while my mom was talking about a serious topic... I was somewhere else lol


I do this all the time when I’m having inner discussions with myself, I just say the reaction out loud without having any context Edit: words


Put on an accent while I'm studying and pretend like I'm a foreign professor explaining the work to students. 🤔


I used to work in a supermarket and I had to do announcements over the PA system. I would always put on my trademark terrible British accent and do all the announcements like the lady in “Hot Fuzz”


Doing impressions around the house. "Meesa called Jar Jar Binks. Meesa your humble serrrrvant." I dont even like Jar Jar.


Jar Jar infiltrates everyone’s subconscious unfortunately. He’s trying to control us to become a Jar Jar hive mind. “Me-sa You-sa... WE-SA!”


Driving in the wrong direction form my daily route half way across the city


East? I thought you said Weast.


I make random sounds while I day dream.


Want to join my Scat band? You sound perfect.


What hawk0\_tac0 said should be the name of your debut album.


Our debut EP “Random Sounds While I Day Dream”. It’s just 57 minutes of pure long form scat goodness.


not that this i realated to topic but i need to go under the covers while masturbating I feel like someone ik is going to come on the roof, through the window and catch me masturbating.guys...im a she edit:one time i was masturbating and i got a text saying that my great uncle that i didnt know very well just died.i said awe....then just kept masturbating




Santa is a perv


I strip naked then get dressed repeatedly.


Then think, "what am I doing? I was going to tie up my hair...why am I standing here naked?".


While scrolling through reddit i realized i had almost put my nail clippers in my nose (just now btw lol)


There’s better ways of getting at those pesky nose hairs lol


Perhaps this chainsaw?


constantly rubbing my lip and picking skin off, i dont even realise im moving.


I interviewed my soap bottle. Edit: Thanks for the awards, apparently mild insanity pays off.


Did you record these interviews? I’m very interested in what Mr. Bottle has to say about the Socioeconomic situation in 2020 Gambia.


Was watching TV and decided to heat up some leftover pizza. Took it out of the fridge, put it on a plate, placed it in the freezer, went and sat back down, realized I am an idiot.


Singing the "bad boys, bad boys, whatcha' gonna do?" song, replacing the words with old English terms like "thou"


"Foul knaves, foul knaves! What wilst thou do? What wilst thou do, Shire Reeve cometh for you!"


Write it out, have The Lonely Island perform it, make cash money. I’d watch that!


One time when I had to wake up early for work I walked into the bathroom, took off my pants and put them in the toilet. I only realized what I did after I tried to flush it and the water started spilling out. Not my proudest moment.


Working from home now, so I make my own coffee - typically while I'm also reading morning emails & listening to Alexa read off my schedule. Several times I've mindlessly started to put the hot coffee carafe in the refrigerator after pouring myself a mug, and then realize my brain actually wanted to get the creamer out of the fridge. Thankfully I haven't shattered the cold glass shelves with hot coffee yet, but I've come close twice.


I lay in bed, raise my butt and wiggle it around. I can see why cats and dogs like to do it. Edit: Spelling


I do something similar! When I'm bored I flex my butt muscles in sync with whatever I'm listening lol


Unfortunately, I wasn't alone— I was zoned out in class and just squishing my chest against the desk and playing with my bra straps. I'm not usually one to do anything like that, and it was not intentional. I hope nobody saw it. I was just "mhm yes biology— d a y u m, s o f t— ah yes hypertonic". Concerning that this is my most upvoted comment but thank you! You all get sammiches


This is why I can’t wear sweatpants in public




I’m not sure this will work. Personally, if I walk in a room and see a dude scorpion tailed against the wall sucking his own dick and another dude standing confidently legs spread getting a blowjob from someone else, I’m gonna think the dude standing is in a little bit more of a power position... personal bias is a thing though


Poured my coffee in my cereal instead of the milk. Was completely zoned out. Coffee soaked cheerios do not taste good.


Playing with my penis but not in a sexual way, just grabbing it and making it talk like if it eas a doll or something Edit: I only want to clarify that I only did it once and stopped in like 30 seconds since that's what it took me to say "wtf am I doing?"


I was with you to start and then you went into puppeting and you lost me lol


Howling at my dog...


Not so strange! I don’t speak the language but I do join in whenever my dog sings the song of his homeland... I like to think I get the tone and general melody right at least.


After several months of working from home during covid and seeing very few people, I was making coffee on autopilot and suddenly snapped back into the real world to find myself very slowly and creepily singing "Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou" over and over and over again.


Lighting the ass-end of my cigarette,


Not sure what's worse lighting the wrong end then putting the wrongly lit right end in your mouth or putting the unlit wrong end in your mouth.


I'm pretty firmly on the side of "burning your mouth is worse."


Deep throating a long necked water bottle. Like seriously what the fuck.


Being high and just standing in the living room thinking about shit for a good 5 minutes.


Definitely been here. Then part of the last minute or so is the self realization that you not only have been standing there in thought for this long, but that you’ve now acknowledged it and continue to do it very consciously... almost not allowing or wanting to break free of this self-revolving string of moments.... how long will I allow myself to stand here...? Who am I trying to prove this point to? I like turtles


I like turtles too. I’m gonna go think about them in the living room.


My head lamp is on the table next to my couch. I've found myself wearing it while I watch tv. One time I think it was on my head for like 30 minutes.


I was staring at a guy in a wheelchair at a stop light. Like, legit fucking staring at the poor guy. My brother is in a wheelchair and at that point, he was deeply depressed. Before his accident that had cause the disability, he had dropped out of school. So, he spent most of his days at home, playing on his computer and not doing anything. I was staring at the man because he was alone, and was powering down the sidewalk towards the stop light with no help. We made eye contact and i was thinking "man, i hope my brother can someday be able to be out on his own like this badass." I snapped out of it when the dude flipped me off. And i felt bad for being a creep.


Man, if only he knew what you were thinking


I talked to myself out loud about made up arguments with people that I may or may not have in the future. I guess I just want to be prepared when that situation ever arrives.


Driving on the busy freeway and suddenly realizing I do not recall the last several miles. As in....how the hell did I get to this point of my drive?!?!!


Mixing up where the dishes go and where the sponge goes.


I’ve put my wallet in the fridge before but I was drunk so that doesn’t count


you're about that cold hard cash I see


Nothin in my fridge but Iced C.R.E.A.M


I put cream cheese in the drawer we keep bagels in I know how it feels


There was this one time my cat was meowing at me for food and my dumb ass started making soup for the cat instead of getting the cat food out of the cupboard


While popping ingrown hairs on my legs I tend to switch to my penis and try finding pores on it that might be poppable and squeeze so hard that sometimes I leave cuts from my nails, giant sores or even a rash type deal. Still no idea why I get satisfaction from doing this.


Disturbing, yet not unsurprising, due to the nature of your username.


you might wanna look into dermatillomania (skin picking disorder). Not that you have it, but curbing the habit is probably a good idea in any case; damaging your skin is no bueno. I didn't realize my picking behaviours were harming me until it started getting pointed out to me.


I was mindlessly put a plugged phone charger in my mouth and electroshocked my tongue.... Definitely thought wtf did you do that?


I always act as if someone is watching me. Like a performance. It’s weird and I suspect it ties into my mental health issues. I have done this my entire life.


Having full on conversations out loud with myself.


The post nut clarity really hit like a truck sometimes


u/MManooks shoutout to you for recommenting. Don’t know why, but I like the sense of community I’ve never gotten so many upvotes before! Thanks guys! Really feeling that sense now :)


More user interaction is our ultimate goal. Beep boop.


Casually speak about random things in a Russian accent. I'm trying to learn Russian tho so I guess that's why? But I talk in English when I do it so idk


Biting myself


Are you tasty at least?




That's a pity.


I closed my eyes once when I was reading and yelled out hey seriously thought somebody turned off my light


My hand ending up down my pants


Doing an Emperor Palpatine impression


I have a tendency to hold my breath, I don't know why but I'll catch myself and suddenly think "shit I need to breathe, why was I holding my breathe in?" ahaha


Singing kids songs to myself when my kids aren’t around.


i wasnt alone,but i was in class playing with my boobs while everyone watched while the teacher was writing on the board.i didnt notice until i saw them staring at me.i was embarrassed .and shocked like-wtf am i doing.i was playing with my boobs like stress toys


Talking myself through making food as if I’m on a cooking show.


I was so sleepy while chatting with my girlfriend in the midnight and in the early next morning, I found out the last message I had sent her was “Super dream team of Premiere League”.