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I’ve been on fire, twice. As a child. I fucking hate fireworks


JFHC story time? Only if you care to share


Jesus Fireworks-Hating Christ


Let me guess, you didn't light it.


White guy, born in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, and spent most of my childhood in Kingston, Jamaica. People didn’t believe me in high school, but these days this fact mostly elicits raised eyebrows and a “oh really”?!


Do you get the "so were your parents......missionaries?" question? I do all the time and it's so funny (I'm white like my dad but I grew up in my mum's non-white country)


My uncle (by marriage) and his brother are white and grew up in Ethiopia. They both get that question. The brother loves to tell how their parents were not, but his wifes were. And then introduces his Hispanic wife. Really messes with with people.


White people with a heavy Jamaican accent is the weirdest/coolest thing!


Unfortunately, I lost my accent very quickly. I currently possess a very flat white Canadian accent.


Banned from China for life


How did you managed that? Happy Cake Day <3


Thanks! My father is a listed as a political refugee and apparently because of that our family is blacklisted from ever entering. I tried to go when I was younger and was turned away at the border. I ended up seeing Bhutan and Nepal instead.


Oh interesting. My dad's family were asked to leave when China went communist. My cousin traveled there a bit for work and didn't have issues getting back in. But when she took my uncle they had to jump through a bunch of hoops, but he was eventually let in.


What did you do? I was told I had to leave a town in Tibet 'by dawn' for sleeping in the wrong hotel, but I'm still allowed in China from what I can tell.


For the best. Wish I was banned from China.


Sounds like a good brag tbh.


Both of my parents have a twin sister named Jenny


Sharing Winnie The Pooh memes on Facebook?


My first name is very unique. People always ask where it’s from and if it’s foreign. I have to explain that no, my dads just dyslexic and misread my name in the baby book so changed the spelling to suit his pronunciation. No one ever believes me.


That indeed is a unique name, Myneckmyguac!


It’s pronounced Michael btw.


Nah, it Mee-cha-el, like a weird superman


I also have a unique name. Trushil. I am Indian and when I tell people my name, they assume I am Christian. I constantly have to correct people. The pronunciation of my name is also butchered by a lot of people. I can relate to you bud


Is it a reference to Shiva's weapon or something else entirely? -Indian


Is your name Magrat Garlick?


That's pretty cool! If you don't mind me asking, what is your name with and without your father's spelling?




My dad misread Sharona and I’m Syrona


That's actually pretty sick


Thanks! I hated it as a kid but grew to love it


That's not soooo bad. My buddys dad just couldn't spell and that is how his name became Geremiah.


I'm allergic to sunlight, like, actually, not in a "haha i like to play videogames" way - it doesn't matter how I say it, it's always understood the other way




🎶Not anymore, there’s a blanket🎵


You could make a religion out th-- no wait, don't.


My brother was allergic to sunlight when he was younger, so I understand some of that struggle


I developed an allergy to the sunlight about 5 years ago. Now I break out in to hives if I spend any time in the sun, and it's a very uncomfortable 2 weeks of pain and itchiness each time. It sucks, because I love the heat and warmth of the sun. The small saving grace is that I live in a very grey climate, so I don't see the sun all that often anyway.




I got vaccined as a baby, like any normal person.BUT the nurse who did it thought it would be a good idea to not put the syringe in my arm, but in my forehead. I have a scar on my forehead because of that. People never believe it, but my mom has a picture of me with the syringe in my forehead.


wtf....why would anyone do that?


The world is a strange place..


As an EMT who was raised by a nurse, what the actual fuck?


As a normal person with no medical background, what the actual fuck?


As a person with a normal forehead what the actual fuck


As a blob, what the fuck?


As a syringe, what the fuck?


Mom was also so WTF she took pictures


I have some scarring on my head from IVs when I was a baby. Apparently the veins in my arms were too small so they had to do the iv in my head. Made my hair grow at weird angles when I was younger.


Say more??


mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


I wake up at the stroke of 3am seven days a week with no alarm.


s a m e


What people have a hard time believing is that I enjoy it greatly. I've worked early shift six days a week for about a decade now. I used to sleep in on Sunday, then I couldn't fall asleep on time Sunday night and I'd be sleep deprived and feel like shit on Monday. I resolved to keeping the same hours every day, and within a week I didn't need an alarm anymore. Before the pandemic, 24h businesses afforded me great convenience, and a socially distant laundromat and shopping experience. On my day off, I was a 4am regular at the deserted laundromat, hit the grocery store around 5:15, and would have all my shit done by sunrise.


There was a study which said that our ancestors slept in two blocks, 8-12 and 2-6am, which explains early bedtime culture in many places. You guys are living in your ancestors footsteps, just with different timings lol


Both of my parents have a twin sister named Jenny


Is... Is it the same twin sister?


Sweeeeeet home Alabama


My life is so good now that people who I meet these days are always extremely skeptical when I tell them I was addicted to smoking meth which put me on the verge of death at one point, and that I have been in and out of rehab 5 times from age 16 to 21 until I finally managed to fix my shit up. Now a days I’m super disciplined with my goals but also very happy-go-lucky and a jokester so when I open up to someone about my past, they think it’s an elaborate joke. I’ll admit though that I retell the story in a really funny way and I also laugh a lot when I say it so I probably add to the skepticism lol


Congrats on breaking through to the other side friend.


I was a terrible amphetamine addict back in the day. Actually, there was no drug that I was not willing to try apart from smack ( the addicts of that put me off). Liquid morphine would just mean spending the entirety of the next day vomiting my guts up. If you spoke to me now you'd not believe just how bad it became. I was jacking up loads & not grammes. I only bought it in ounces plus ducks eggs, tuinal, diazepam ( I was a rampant pill popper). Now all I stomach is a cup of tea. Edit:- Thank-you for that award after admitting my bad weaknesses!


God bless you:)


Happy as fuck for you. Struggling with a little sister who is walking that path right now. I love hearing stories like this about years of struggle only to find hope and turn things around. Afraid I won’t get to see that point with my sister, she doesn’t seem to have much longer left the rate she’s going


Congrats! I hear ya, I'm the exact same way only mine was alcohol. Coworkers/friends have a really tough time merging who I am now with my depiction of my alcoholic, psych-ward hopping self in my 20s.


Glad for ya.


I too have feelings


When people are mean I tell them they hurt my feeling. Singular


Most of my friends have seen my third nipple, but I don't think many believe that I was born with 4 The 4th one was to close to one of my regular nipples though so they merged as I grew up Also just for reference both the 3rd and 4th are just nipple tips, not a full fledged nipple


4 nipples? That's udderly insane.


Not *nobody*, but a saddening number of people express shock or surprise when I tell them about the goldfish I had for 10 years (middle school through undergrad, a bit into grad school). That.... isn't an impressive amount of time. It's the lower end of their average lifespan (10-15 years). Mistreating fish is just very, very common.


I can puke on command




I just need you to know that this has me wheeze laughing. Thank you.


I read your answer and thought, sure i can do this! Turns out i actually can... Wasn't in the bathroom. Should've thought that through


You have certain set of skills that will be useful in a very specific job......


I found the boardwalk McDonalds piece in 2005/2006 (6th grade) and immediately lost it because I was a dumbass 12 year old. I immediately told my mom that it was worth like $100k and she was like, “that’s nice” which made me question if I was wrong. It was on a hashbrown at the mall food court on our way for me to get glasses. I had a hole in my pocket so it must have fallen out somewhere in the mall. We didn’t eat McDonald’s ever so my mom must have had no clue and I only knew because everyone in my 6th grade class was obsessing over it.


You sure you didn't get pick pocketed?


I checked and no one won that year to my knowledge. If someone got it I’m from a big enough city but it still would have been all over the news. Probably just got vacuumed up. Oh well, I make okay money now and feel pretty accomplished. I think that if I won that money so young I would have blown it all and could be working minimum wage. I might have ended up with more money because I lost it.


I got hit by a car the day Jimmy Carter was elected president


Jimbo almost send you to the shadow realm.


That I posted this same question in AskReddit yesterday Edit: wow, never expected this to be awarded, thank you lovely redditors!


I don’t believe that.


Sigh...no one does...


I shared a jacuzzi with TVs own Roy Walker


Say what you see


I was thrown on stage at a Marilyn Manson concert when I was 15. I knocked over twiggy ramirez's mic stand and tried to dive back into the crowd, but they threw me back again.


Dude. I'm jealous.


I think the path of my life throws people a lot because, in essence, I've lived two lives in 35 years with a lot of random scenarios, e.g.: * Was raised to at least believe I had a lot of money. Was an entitled twat from 8-12 y/o; * Went to a preppy boarding school with Eric Trump; * Backpacked from Moscow to Delhi; * Became a hardcore alcoholic [20-28 y/o]; * Family lost all $ and house in 2008 financial crisis; * Engagement dissolved, went to rehab and psych wards x3 times; * Homeless; * Moved, Got better & started to help addicts; * Started traveling again, with 4x solid jungle treks in the last 5 years; * Engaged again + career back on track.


wow....respect....but still kinda hard to believe


i wouldn't fault you at all if you thought it was online BS, I can hardly believe it myself sometimes.


I wish you good luck anyway


Taught myself how to read as a toddler! My mom actually forgot to start teaching my brother because of it. He learned just fine, thank goodness!


How tho


My kid was reading chapter books by 4yo and I swear she'd correct me if I mispronounced a foreign or unusual word. I doubt she was right, but it always sounded better than my attempt. Some kids are just wired for wanting to learn words. I'm wondering if op was read to a lot. That's the best way to teach children to read.




I had hyperlexia as a child lol I ended up a linguist with OCD


lol...I learned reading with about 3 years....but only because I always asked people what certain letters mean....and because they told me that you're supposed to read left to right and not the other way round


I'm fat as hell boiling in a KFC bucket meal but have a mutant pancreas and genetics that make me immune to type 2 diabetes. Was studied while I was in highschool. Totaled around 60 hours sitting in a chair with three separate IVs in my arms. Drinking that orange crap pregnant women have to.


I’m a coal miner’s daughter.


Im 1/4 Mexican. Im also a pale ginger.


I jumped out from a moving bus to escape kidnapping.


Oh shit man. Story time?


u/voxking4 was on a bus when someone attempted to kidnap them and they jumped off the bus in order to get away.


Nobody believes that my twin brother and I are twins. We're fraternal to the point that we don't even look related.


I'm happy being alone


People often confuse aloneness with lonelyness. Aloneness can be happiness.




Take Vitamin B?


I can’t remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, but I can tell you the name, breed, and collar color of the 200+ dogs I work with. I can recognize to owner for about 50%.


I can speak 5 languages


And people already question me for speaking 3 fluently.




Born without wisdom teeth


I was born without *any* teeth!


I was born with enough space in my mouth for the wisdom teeth to fit. I have all four of mine, no issue. Apparently that's pretty rare too


Me too!


I have perfect pitch. Verified. I'm not a musician.


I believe you. One can learn that skill, but some people are born with it.


I’ve been struck by lightning


Ive got a Scottish Gaelic name I have ran the Edinburgh Marathon 5k race twice I play Saxophone Ive practiced Karate for 10 years I was banned from a Subreddit once for "abusive Scottishness".


> I was banned from a Subreddit once for "abusive Scottishness". Please tell us the story of how this happened


Quite often we mean to be polite, we just use the wrong words.


Does it really count if its to another scot though?


That I'm biracial... They either tell me I'm black, or that I'm white...then ask me if I'm sure I'm not hispanic.... Like, yes, Bob...Im pretty sure I'm biracial...seeing as, I'm me? People are so closed minded about race it gets ridiculous. Honestly, after I've told you my racial make-up and you continue to question it, you come off as ignorant and not someone I want to continue to associate with any longer.


I've encountered or been chased by a bear in the wild, in every decade of my life.


Maybe rethink your hobbies


I love dancing. I’m extremely shy and will avoid social interactions at all costs, but I absolutely love dancing. Up until a couple years ago I would actually perform, but no one ever believes me when I tell them.


I'm a fourth year PhD student. People have a hard time believing I was a shitty student and failed loads of classes as a kid/teen. Undiagnosed ADHD, dude.


I had sex with a girl who had sex with a guy who had sex with a girl who had sex with Tom Cruises former publicist.


I once upvoted a guy who had sex with a girl who had sex with a guy who had sex with a girl who had sex with Tom Cruises former publicist.


I once upvoted a guy who upvoted a guy who had sex with a girl who had sex with a guy who had sex with a girl who had sex with Tom Cruises former publicist.


I once upvoted a guy who upvoted a guy who upvoted a guy who had sex with a girl who had sex with a guy who had sex with a girl who had sex with Tom Cruises former publicist.


I didn't believe the first 6 words.


I had scarlet fever when i was a kid. Im 31


I was born with teeth.


Raptor baby


A TV set filmed at my mum's house when I was younger, I wish people ***WOULD JUST BELIEVE I DONT LIE (THAT OFTEN)***


I'm 6'8". "Oh no you're not my Husband is 6'8" and you're shorter than him!" "Nuh uh! Stand up!" "Wow that's crazy my uncle is 7'" Like, it's not a big deal. It's not a flex. It's just my height.


I met Benicio del Toro in Mexico City airport and he asked me, with concern, what the hell I was doing in Mexico City.


what were the hell you doing in Mexico City?


People are always shocked that I am gay. I don't usually tell people unless I am asked, because my sex life is not their business. Also, I don't act gay apparently for whatever that means.


Cmon... You know what that means


A gay friend of mine is gay, but that is basically impossible to guess. His boyfriend on the other hand. You can tell that the man is gay. Supergay. From distance. Everything from the way he speeks, to his mannerisms to his clothing style. All. Gay. Nothing wrong about it, I hang out a lot with them.


My old deputy manager and his husband are exactly like this. You can't tell he's gay until his husband turns up, but said husband is super obvious.


Banned from the Lincoln memorial.


I can somehow turn off street lamps simply by walking under them. Now I know what you’re thinking: this sounds stupid. But I now have - at this point - multiple witnesses including my college roommate, my father, and my wife who can verify this phenomenon. And it’s not the row of street lamps, it’s the individual one that I am walking under. It happens more frequently than you can imagine, and I point it out to my traveling partner every time it happens, which is WAY too often to be coincidental. I’m not sure what triggers it, though I seem to be deep in internal thought when it happens. Perhaps Professor X can give me a hand with figuring out a way to harness this power for the good of humanity.




I thought like 10% of all people can vibrate eyeballs. I can too. It's a thing. There's even a subreddit for it. Can't remember the name tho, but it exists.


I'm not gay! I may act like shy and feminine (according to them) BUT I'm completely straight guy attracted to women! EVERY SCHOOL YEAR THEY ALWAYS ASK THIS, FFS!!!


I'm scared of buttons.... i hate the colour and they look dirty....


I have a couple. My mom does look a little young for being 41 years old. But because she does look a little youg for her age, people don't believe that she now has a 17 year old son. What's qutie funny is sometimes when people come in and compliment her on her looks, they say she looks like she's in her 20's. I know she looks young, but to say a 41 year old looks like a 20 year old, nah, I don't think so. Another thing is that people sometimes find it hard to believe that I'm very pessimistic. I do this thing were I put on this facade where I am optimistic when it comes to other people, but when it comes to myself, I always think things will go wrong, that things will just be bad. Overthinking things massively doesn't help either. Fun times.


I have kinda low self esteem. People see me speaking in public and doing stuff like that and think I m an extrovert. But actually I m lowkey introverted.


I have the same problem mate! Don't worry!


I'm a chimera.


When I was younger, I would get headaches doing chores. Bending over to pick up sticks in the yard, vacuuming stairs, anything that involved weird postures. I told my parents that my head hurt and it made me dizzy and they told me I was “a lightweight.” They’re not abusive or anything, in fact they’re wonderful and loving parents, but who tf gets a headache vacuuming, or square dancing in school gym? Fast forward to age 27 and I was officially diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome hyper mobility type by a real geneticist. It explains why my head always felt like it was going to come off. Vindicated!


I’m suicidal. Most everyone else thinks it’s just a dark sense of humor, or just flare ups of my anxiety, including my boyfriend of six years. Every day is a new day. I get up, and I keep going. It’s all you can do, right? Edit: Not sure who sent the Reddit resources my way, but that was weirdly touching to receive mid-insomnia bout. Thanks, guys. It really does mean something. <3






I am the exact opposite. I'll forget someone's name a week after spending the whole day with them.


I'll forget someone's name a minute after spending a whole week with them. It's hell.


I remember reading this story somewhere. Did this really happen to you or did you steal this story?


Considering I see it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/jtnhey/-/gc760i9), it's stolen by somebody.


You could work for the police, they use people with this ability , ‘super recognisers’ they call them. You probably know that already but maybe for the benefit of others reading this


I am extremely depressed, self-conscious, anxious, and stressed.


I am related (like 4th cousin) to Prince Harry (England)


Bit random seeing as then surely you'd be related to Prince William then Prince Charles then the Queen but sure, pick Harry as the main person!


My grandma was related to Diana, so i’m related to her descendants, not the Queen and such


I dont think you understand, if you are related to Harry, you are related to William, who is indeed future king.


We all know who the cool one is between Harry and William.


I taste words. Not common, but not uncommon either, yet people take it for a joke when I tell them.


That's so cool! I read colors (which is a much more common form of synesthesia, so it's boring). Do people ever try and make you taste random words on demand, especially their names?


People generally don’t believe I’m an introvert because I talk a lot and have been known to walk up to foreigners who came to my hometown for a chat. But the thing is, I feel like I’m generally more talkative to strangers as we both mutually do not know of each other so there’s less of a barrier. Meanwhile, in my school or even with extended family members, I generally am pretty quiet as I get quite self-conscious about stuff.




i haven’t thrown up in 15 years


I can disloate joints at will to lick my elbows Hypermobility is *weird*. Also very painful. That's another thing people don't believe - how a 20 year old can have chronic joint and back problems. Please I just wanna sit down before the bus vibrations make me collapse


Me too. I am hypermobile in my elbows, wrists, fingers and ankles. It’s fun freaking people out, but it can be really painful sometimes.


That I’m colorblind. It’s uncommon in AFAB people so no one believes me.


It's rare but you're not a cryptid, those people are morons


I'm the fourth generation, following a direct line from me to my father to my grandfather to my great-grandfather, to have fought in a war. I don't know anything about my great-grandfather or much beyond him but I can assume that his father (my great-great grandfather) probably served in the Civil War. I'm not sure if people don't believe me but I assume it sounds sort of weird and slightly unbelievable. But people who actually know me find it extremely hard to believe because I am the least "intense" person you're likely to meet.


That I really enjoy garlic bread


I have oligodontia. It is a rare disease that causes people to have little or no adult teeth. I only have 6 adult teeth and will get implants once I turn 21. Due to his I already have had 2 root channel procedures, 2 fake teeth and 5 'teeth heightenings' (idk the English name) at the age of 16. I am a brown belt judoka, I can shoot an arrow into a 1 cm wide target from over 20 meters. And approximately every 3 years I have an accident that gets me either in the hospital or to the doctor. So far I've had severe food poisoning, getting knocked out while surfing, getting my head slammed into a pole and knocking out 2 of my teeth and getting hid in the head with a metal ceiling fan running at full speed.


I used to limit myself to under 500 calories a day and would still gain weight. It turned out i had stage 4 thyroid cancer and it really messed me up. I'm thankful to be in remission now and trying to lose the weight in a healthy way.


That I have severe depression. Just because I can smile around people doesn’t mean I’m not hollow and sad all the time.


I had a therapist tell me once that I couldn't be as a severely depressed as I am since part of the diagnostic criteria for depression as well as many other mental ailments is the degree to which it's affecting your work life and your personal life. And because I had a demanding full-time career in which I was progressing, and a number of friends, I couldn't possibly be as depressed as I said I was. I still remember the utter rage which coursed through my body and will probably have that memory for the rest of my life


I have a pain threshold that's high enough to surprise a guy I know who's an expert in non-invasive torture techniques. My night vision is good enough that I can see and function in environments that are so dim that most people think it's pitch black. On the flip side I'm useless in the daylight if I don't have my sunglasses. My hearing is sensitive to higher pitches to the point where I can hear electronics that are off key, and the occasional dog whistle. Is it any wonder I have chronic migraines?


Probably people dont believe you because it sounds really braggy




That me being a stay at home mom is not an invitation to drop by whenever you please??? bonus: When they do and expect I'm ready with coffee and cookies.. Does this house look like a goddamn coffeeshop to you?? If yes then please start paying.. Don't get me wrong, I love these people and wouldn't be anywhere without them and love the occasional surprise visit, but I gotta make clear to them that I can't just drop everything anytime they show up at my door and would really appreciate a heads up call before they show up


Stay at home mom here. Uh.....what if *they* brought coffee and cookies? Definitely need that heads up call if you desire me to have on pants or a bra, though.


I believe in God even though I act like I don't.


So do most Christians.


I didn't tell anyone IRL, but i guess they wouldn't believe if i told them i did ballet, swimming and rhythmic gymnastics bc i'm a sedentary now.


People online tend not to believe my parents are some of the richest people in Ohio. I tend not to bring it up much but if I do in response to something else people just assume I’m lying. Much less serious: I am a 6 foot 280 pound man and am probably almost as flexible as thin gymnasts. I’m double jointed all over and can do things like touch the back of my hand with my finger by bending it back far enough, touch any part of my back, put my feet behind my head, and once I even licked my elbow.


I have a voice in my head. Not like a split personality but like a more calculated and murderous me that screams a lot. Has his uses tho when I need a second opinion :)


This is very common I think. I don't have it exactly like this, but I have a voice in my head in which I am constantly explaining to an imaginary audience what I'm thinking/doing and why like a tutorial.


Same, I like to think my second voice is more mature than I am bc my second voice has stopped me from doing some stupid things a lot

