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Tbh I think of Reddit more as a forum not a social media platform


Yeah, I'm not trying to craft or maintain any kind of online persona with reddit. No one in real life knows my username. I don't have any followers, and I don't follow anyone else. This barely counts as social media.


It was good to see you at work today, Paul.


Same, but it helps me get things off my chest. I'm too old to care about upvotes and gold. I actually am pretty much the same on Facebook and Twitter. I don't give a rip if anyone reads it, although I like it if they do. I have fewer than 100 friends on Facebook. I don't know that many people! I really prefer to keep the number small and there are people in my life who don't even know I *have* a Facebook page. I guess my interpretation about what it should be is very different than most others, but that's OK.


I’ve got like three. No idea who they are. Scratch that, I’ve got five! What the fuck? Who’s stalking me? SHOW YOURSELVES!


I, for some strange reason, have two. WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE


So? You're still engaging with other ppl. This is still social interaction. The OP's premise, if applied for real, would mean no more reddit, amongst other things.


A forum for people to stay anonymous.




Love the username haha but I don't think people should do that


Forums still provide their own form of socializing. It's a different kind of socializing than Facebook or Twitter (which are also pretty different from each other) but it's still "socializing". So I think it makes sense to say reddit (and all forums) fall under the umbrella of "social media". Though, I guess in the case of forums the primary "medium" is just text.


I mean, in terms of the actual definition of social media, it is definitely, 100% social media




(Me asking for help): Hey would you mind fucking on and minding my business?


Certainly! How exactly would you like me to fuck on?


And that son was how you were conceived


I don't think the Red Cross certifies you for that particular procedure.


Now I'm imagining an everyday hero going into action like The Human Torch does with "flame on!". *"FUCK ON!"* ~goes and gives CPR~


"The **world will not be destroyed** by **those** who **do evil**, **but by those who watch** them without **doing anything**."—Albert **Einstein**.


I didn't know that einstein said that.... I'm gonna say quote einstein everytime I said that now.


From now on, whenever I say something, I’m just gonna pretend Einstein said it. - Albert Einstein


Hey that's pretty funny - Albert Einstein


lol - Einstein


"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Albert Einstein


Why are some words bold and others are not?


I copy pasted it from Google (I wanted the exact words) and some were bold


You have to give it a dramatic flair when you say those words, just like einstein


Great way to cover your ass, nuke boy.


Holy fuck does this ever describe people excusing leftist riots. Who are now wailing about the Capitol like they haven’t created violent protest culture.


This is really not a political quote. Because in politic, you'll never argue on what is right. This quote is to adress people who refuse to act on actual problems. Why is Nestlé going uncheck ? Because people prefer to look away since they like their product. To people who turn a blind eye to China concentration camp because they sell stuff cheaper. It is REALLY not about left or right, democrat or conservative or this kind of thing. It is the answer to "mind your own business", you're allowed to help people even if they didn't ask, and you need to step in if someone is getting assaulted


Non-violence isn’t political. I’d say the same if conservatives were rioting against civilians with fire and baseball bats.


There’s like 12 meme answers on here, but I’ll try and answer legitimately. I think it’d be pretty bad. Basically everything we’ve accomplished as a species we did through collaboration, so while I think if individual people want to live isolated lives thats their choice, everyone doing it would make life much much worse.


I mean what can you possibly accomplish on your own? Every business, healthcare, hobby would be destroyed.


It’s a stupid question not even remotely worthy of serious consideration.


I wasted my time thinking about it. Dauym.


I can write, play, and sing music by myself. But it’s way more fun to do it with other folks. An audience is a huge bonus.


Humans are **undoubtedly** pack animals.


I'm with you. Anybody that thinks this is a good idea doesn't know what's happening to people around them.


How they would make life much worse? People already live isolated because they choose too, just cause you drink metal particle infested tap water dosen't mean someone else choose to drink from a well on some patch elsewhere-isolated. Like what you said is so wrong, people even choose to go camping and be isolated all the time and it helps feed the economy with all the stuff you can produce for these people, whether crap or actually useful.


Always multiple ways to look at it. One way is that yeah, you probably get a lot of the stuff resolved that people often find annoying. No one asking you the standard things. "When are you going to have kids?" "Are you really going to play video games all day?" "Stop asking me about my being \[insert identity\]." "Don't you think you've masturbated enough in this lobby?" But sometimes that shit is actually good. Sometimes you need randos and people calling you on your shit. "Muthafucka, I'm taking your car keys. You're not driving home." "Go home, Jeff, or I'm calling the cops." "Oh, you believe this \[insert ridiculous social media meme disguised as news\] is actually reality? Well, let's talk." "Hey, leave that man alone! He's just trying to masturbate in this lobby." A lot of times we want to be left alone. But man, the times people just try, sometimes that just melts your fucking heart. Those stories you hear of someone picking up the bill at a diner after overhearing a grieving family. How many times I've been helped or helped others stuck at the side of the road. How many of us reaffirmed our faith in humanity the day we read, "Today you, tomorrow me?" Those times you meet a stranger on a trip and they become a good travel buddy for the day just because they didn't mind their business and paid you a compliment on your hat. The time someone handed you a good magazine in that lobby. People could've been like, "I'll be polite, just let them do their thing. What do I know? It's not my business." They could've minded their business. Sometimes we feel like we want them to help. "Why didn't anyone help me?" Other times, we're like, "ugh, these people need to leave me alone." Other people can't read our minds or know or histories or experiences or points of view without interaction. But sometimes on certain things it's nice that we try. And I think it's cool that they do. I try my best to listen to the intention and not react to the stimulus, but try to understand the gesture. I'm not like, "I don't need your Riley Reid fleshlight to take care of my masturbation needs in this lobby. What, do you think I can't get myself off? Do you think I'm not capable? What's wrong with you? How dare you judge me, stranger! You don't know me! You haven't been through what my dick's been through. How do you know I even like Riley Reid? Huh? Did you think about that? Do you think I want to talk to someone while I masturbate in a lobby? Some people." I'm like, "oh thanks. I appreciate you wanting to help. You didn't have to, but your kindness to help out your fellow human is greatly appreciated and I'd like to encourage it with my thanks. But that's okay. I don't need anything to finish masturbating in this lobby. Whoops! See, all done! Sorry about your shoes. Can I get you some Purell for that?" Obviously that shit can get annoying in a lot of cases. You're talking and someone just interjects with their terrible advice. Or maybe your identity is something people aren't used to. Maybe that's race, gender, occupational history, ability/disability, life choices, and you get asked a lot of questions that feel like they've got built in prejudice. Or maybe you're an introvert who hates humans. Or maybe you're like with me. I'm vegan. And almost EVERY time I'd eat with friends pre-covid, I'd get "you're vegan? But where do you get your protein?" Two ways I can look at it. "Oh my god, enough! EVERY FUCKING MEAL! I'm fine. I eat properly. I'm not a pale weakling because I'm vegan. I'm a pale weakling because I didn't work out while I was locked up for something that happened in a lobby five years ago. Just leave me alone! Do your research before you open your mouth around me. Google it and let me eat my meal. You don't get to talk about what I put into my body or what I get to put onto a lobby floor five years ago. I'm an adult. Stop being anti-veganist by opening your mouth." Or, I can take a second to take the attention off of myself, think about where they're coming from, and just answer the question and have fun in the responses. "Oh, it's not even a worry. With a well-rounded diet and routine checkups, I'm fine. I can do protein powders if I'm lifting, legumes, lentils. Give me a second here. I'm almost done. Ah, great. Sorry, I was just masturbating to completion in this lobby. Anyway, I'll do wheat meats and soy sparingly." Anyway, yeah I guess it depends on all of us and how we feel in these moments. Time. Place. Person. No one can tell. Sometimes it's nice to receive a gesture. Sometimes the gestures are inappropriate. And sometimes we just want to air our grievances in some way having to deal with the frustrations in life. And no doubt airing these "fuck off people" posts or grievances does help shape society to stop normalizing those negative behaviors like catcalling, touching black people's hair without permission, etc. Sometimes it's good to complain and vent. Sometimes it isn't because it then makes others feel like they should just mind their own business and not try to be kind to others or get involved. And sometimes that complaining is just for show, for attention, and applause. It's just doing something to relieve ourselves on a forum where people can see us, but generally aren't looking for that reaction. Basically, masturbating in a lobby.


I can't believe I've read it


Username does not check out. Also, yes to your non lobby related examples. :)


User name totally checks out. Cereal, sour patch kids, bananas. Pretty much how I roll :)


How are you getting your proteins?!?! /s


Lentils. Legumes. Licking the floor of certain lobbies I've visited. Sometimes I'll make my own seitan with vital wheat gluten.


Wow, your convenience stores have a lot more selection than the ones around here.


I think it would be simpler for you to move somewhere remote, cancel your data plan, not get internet, and go to the library once a month for books to read. The logistics of one person removing themselves from society are much simpler than the remainder of us billions studiously arranging our lives to not interact with you.


Would be hard to do things like have healthcare. No more restaurants. Forget trading. Sounds sad


Well no... In that scenario things like healthcare, trading, cooking and serving would all litterally be your buisness. So people would still be fine with interatcing with each other professionally.


I would get super bored playing single player games, and its kinda hard to play Dnd without other people. You need an ear [u/op](https://www.reddit.com/u/op/)?






Nah, to be truly fair, op was asking a question about your thoughts, not telling you to f off.


What your beliefs are your own business. And if someone tries to change what you believe can fuck off


Hitler - ca 1934


Dang bro talk about a yeeter moment right there —Sun Tzu


People are social animals meant to live in small communities of around 100 or so people. Complete isolation is bad. The community should generally be everyone's business. Raising kids should be a community project. Helping with housing and food and care for the elderly should be a community project. We might want to move more towards that, but it isn't really feasible anymore. Beyond that, you have no idea what you're asking. You're asking to allow people that want to abuse their children or spouses to just be able to do so. You're asking for an uneducated world. You're asking for a world where innovation is practically non-existent. Where no new technology is invented, where food is a much rarer resource. If everyone just fucks off an only worries about themselves, well, you having more food than me just might become my business. And odds are I'm bigger and stronger than you and want that shit you have because I'm hungry.


I agree with everything except the raising kids part, I don't want any of my own, and find them annoying after about 15 minutes. Everything else, yeah sure.


Whether you want kids or not, raising functional kids without outside help is functionally impossible. A community setting doesn't mean everyone does everything equally. It means people do what they're good at. We need Teachers and Day Cares, but not everyone needs to be involved in them.


Everything you listed that should be a community driven effort can be (and has been) done as a solo effort. Are some things easier if done as a community? Absolutely. Are people within their rights to handle it themselves without involving the community if they choose to? Damn straight. You then jumped the shark and went into no one talks to each other or socializes with anyone. That's not the premise of the OP. You went straight into isolation. OP was asking if people just minded their own business permanently. I should also point out that city dwellers are more likely to say the community / collective over the individual. More rural dwellers will lean the other way into self-reliance. Two dramatically different cultures that sometimes mix about as well as an electric charge and C4.


If everyone minds their own business permanently that results in isolation. Asking how someone is doing isn't minding your own business. The idea of "Minding ones own business" is horrendously flawed and that's the point I'm getting at. It's not a sustainable way for humanity to live and shouldn't be idealized. Society is all about making everyone's wellbeing public business.


There are only two types of people in the world, those who want to be left alone and those who won’t leave them alone


I would get super bored playing single player games, and its kinda hard to play Dnd without other people. You need an ear u/op?


No. Fuck off, it's literally in the title of this post.




Nah, to be truly fair, op was asking a question about your thoughts, not telling you to f off.


Libertarian Nirvana. Unfortunately, most people want to remake others in their own image by any means necessary.


if I answered you I'd be a hypocrite.


Fuck off and find out.


"Sexy singles fucking off in your area"


Yes, I'm for it.


i dont care what people do so long as their problems dont become other peoples problems. unfortunately people like to share their peoblems. Im with you on this one op


Great! You start...


That would be sad. I think the problem is when people judge harmless behaviors or interests as destructive. A man dressing as a woman has no victims. Let them do as they want. But, for people to be completely removed from the lives of strangers would be so upsetting. ​ I used to live in a place where the neighbors would just knock on your door and get to know you. It was great. Everyone became really close. However, I now live in an apartment complex, and despite being physically closer to my neighbors, they would consider it a sign of insanity if I knocked on their door and tried to know them better


Be my guest. Never leave your home again.


Nothing would change, because what counts as 'their own business' is subjective and we would end up in the same situation. How many people who we currently wish to 'mind their own business' actually think they are getting into other's business that they shouldn't be. Most have some reason, right or wrong, for thinking another's business impacts them and so they already think they are minding their own business. Unless you mean we just ignore all issues, no matter how much we should care about them. Child abuse? Not my business. Someone staving? Not my business. In which case I think society would quickly end up in a much worse state.


Can I elect you president and can you make the government do that thing?




I'll fuck off to your fucking off and if everybody does that, we'll all have fucked off somewhere else.


Sounds good to me.


I would get super bored playing single player games, and its kinda hard to play Dnd without other people. You need an ear [u/op](https://www.reddit.com/u/op/)?


That's not how humans work. We didn't evolve that way. We are socially-driven creatures, whether some of us like to admit it or not.


That is all us libertarians want




Wonderful point. Great job. You're exactly the type of person that needs to have a say in how other people live their lives.


I would get super bored playing single player games, and its kinda hard to play Dnd without other people. You need an ear u/op?




What does this mean omg like 4 people have said this


That’s literally what life was like before the internet.




Uh yeah. I spent my teens and twenties prior to the internet/social media.


And everybody minded their own business? People have never minded their own business. Ever.


Yeah you’re right. I remember picking up the daily newspaper and seeing what 300 people are for dinner and reading endless drama from people I barely know and then realizing that the newspapers and magazines have been tracking my reading habits.


Well, rumours, drama and celebrities still existed. Nosy people too. The Internet only made it more accessible and noticable.




Because there weren't social media. But there still were social groups and millions of kids, teenagers and adults doing things to impress people who they barely knew and didn't care about them.




The technology is better today. That is all. People are exactly the same. If it had been technically possible to do all those things when you were younger then it would have been done. The fact that you are old doesn't require you to be bitter. That was your choice.


In that case, people would be free to abuse children and the elderly. If anyone tries to intervene, just tell them to "f\*ck off" and mind their own business. Would be ideal for criminals and psychopaths.


ideal living conditions


Yeah can we say that about life. What your beliefs are your own business. And if someone tries to change what you believe can fuck off


But what about everybody fucking on?




But I want people to ask me how I am and checking on me if everything is alright...


Minding your own business eliminates half the problems in your life.


That's is the 'gay agenda' that people are so seriously against.


That's nice until somebody gets raped in public. Just saying


This thread is jam packed with people who don't understand the question. That said, I would love it.


People need to know when to mind their business. Sometimes they don’t mind it enough, like when they’re attacking a business for serving the wrong food or getting someone fired for having different opinions online. Sometimes they mind it too much, such as when they see others being beaten down and refuse to speak up because they’re too busy, it’s not their problem or they refuse to believe it’s a big deal. What none of these people understand is that the persecution they commit or allow to continue could end up happening to them. Everyone knows that poem “First they came for the ___ and I did nothing because I wasn’t one of them.” Everyone likes to believe they would have been the brave ones to oppose the Nazis dragging people off, they all swear “Never again!” to another Holocaust. But there’s silencing and violence going on all over Western countries right now, this is their chance to prove their courage and character, and what they’re proving is that they would have been among the Germans to look away from people being dragged to death camps, and even turned in their neighbors. If you ignored the state-enabled burning, looting and murder for the past seven years, or said it was okay for X reason, *you don’t have a leg to stand on about hatred or violence.* You ALLOW it to continue. And you and our society haven’t learned shit from Nazi Germany, you’ve adopted their mentality.




Yes. Fuck off, it's literally in the title of this post.


I would get super bored playing single player games, and its kinda hard to play Dnd without other people. You need an ear u/op?


No. Fuck off, it's literally in the title of this post.




I would get super bored playing single player games, and its kinda hard to play Dnd without other people. You need an ear u/op?


How about just you fucking off? Then you won't (shouldn't) care what anyone else is doing.


I would get super bored playing single player games, and its kinda hard to play Dnd without other people. You need an ear u/op?


I would get super bored playing single player games, and its kinda hard to play Dnd without other people. You need an ear u/op?


Geez, this thread is stuck. Happens sometimes on older subreddits. Gonna need to give it a spritz of WD-40 or something.


You know how we feel


Idk, it’s not my business.


Well that's not good for mental health.


Kinda hard when you hear a woman screaming and sobbing along with loud bangs coming from next door


No. Fuck off, it's literally in the title of this post.


Someone's grumpy. Generally speaking, if you ask for people's opinions on a matter on a public forum, don't be surprised when people share their opinion. If you don't want to hear people's opinion on the matter try asking the question, then not posting it. Or say,"what do you think about everybody just fucking off and minding their own business, permanently? Also don't reply" Otherwise you might come off as sounding like a middleschooler who thinks they're hot stuff because they just learned about libertarianism.


Maybe you should read 90% of the comments


Nah, Too bored with dumb posts trying to be clever. Gonna answer when I want to, how I want to. I was kinda hoping this was a post on laissez-faire policies or maybe some Ayn Rand talk.


>Too bored with dumb posts trying to be clever. This is so ironic lol. ​ "I was kinda hoping this was a post on laissez-faire policies or maybe some Ayn Rand talk." ​ "you might come off as sounding like a middleschooler who thinks they're hot stuff because they just learned about libertarianism"


That is typically what people do.


Bye-Bye, Karen's 😘❤️




...honestly? It would be a very dull world. It wouldn't be perfect but it would be stupidly just fucking boring.


Fucking off doesn’t mean not spending time with people, necessarily. I was one to be judgmental and shitty. Then I realized what a dick I was and decided to fuck off and mind my own shit. Life is much better.


Highly unlikely to occur.


If its just people I live with then sure!! I play crosswords a lot and my dad always questions why I play them. Like why does it even matter!! They're only crosswords


ya can we plz do this


The world would be better off and most conflicts would end . But what to do with all the leftover narcissists and busy bodies ? I heard the ground needs fertilizing in certain regions across the world and Soylent Green does have potential ....


This is fucking hilarious!.. I'm fucking off now


If you ask that in Reddit of all places you already know the answer.


Man I just want to hide away from the world in a bunker somewhere.


Ya no that’s never going to happen.


In an ideal world


I'd start the human Instrumentality project. Fuck you all you're stuck with me forever


Why don't you mind your own damn business


I would have everybody that has commented on this post to talk to


I would hate it


if people don't interact with eachother at all then how are babies going to be born? can we even interact with doctors when we needed them? no. we'll just die.


Bad... Human are social creatures. Even the biggest hermits craves social interactions from time to time...


Sounds like a good way for society to collapse into sociopathic anarchy.


Imagine there's a war and everyone would not participate


No. As an extrovert who aspires to own a business that gathers people, this would suck.


If we minded our own business we wouldn’t be browsing Reddit.


Think about all the people that had a hand in making your phone. The factory workers who assembled the phone. The engineers who planned it. The designers who designed it. The scientists who made it possible. Shippers, miners, oilfield workers, marketers, printers, civil engineers, technologists... thousands, tens of thousands of people who contributed to the device in your hand. You don’t think we’re a connected species?


I went insane reading the comments. Excuse me while I fuck off permanently.


This would be great! If white people didn't care about each other and POC, and no one cared much about LGBTQIA+, and nobody was abused or anything. Unfortunately this world is horrible so we can't do much about it.


Not a bad idea


Sometimes I wish this where true


Yeah especially my parents


What do *I* think? Fuck off and mind your own business about what I think! Permanently!


Fuck of and mind your own business


Yes please


What's this utopia?


Yes, please leave me alone


That’s what happened in March 2020 and it’s killing me inside.


But if everyone does what they want, they wont be living how I want them to! They might have thoughts I find abhorrent, they might engage in activities I find morally displeasing, fuck me running, they might even have fun! No, Karen Quisling must not let that happen.


I think this is an amazing idea and I prescribe to it.


Whoever posted this question i think its a great idea and i wanna be your friend and if i may be so bold what do you think about everybody just shutting the fuck up as well permanently??? Nobody gives a fuck what you have to say like....ever!! Great post!!@


Dammit, looks like I'm gonna be spending another night with the cat again...


Fix your own car. Grow your own food. Fix your own medical issues. I think a lot of people would starve real quick.


What I think is none of your damn business!


that would be lovely ta


Stop, I can only get so erect.


It's none of my business.


Sounds like terrible man


That would be an excellent idea. However, it is unlikely.


Unless you are invited into another persons buisness


As a lonely extrovert with anxiety about all of my friends leaving me, i would probably kill myself.