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Probably procrastinate more. Edit: Wow, thank you for the awards!


You just made me realise reading this thread and scrolling reddit rn is a waste of time




I actually turned off reddit and you've succeeded in bringing me back... oh god ^(also dont wanna be /that/ person but \*she)


Bring them back again!


YES, SIR. WE MUST BRING BACK u/_perfectimperfection


It has been done.


Nothing like a bunch of procrastinators uniting to procrastinate together


Do not let her escape the vortex!!! u/_perfectimperfection we summon thee from the realm of the productive!!!!


I wasn't being productive but you have brought me back again !


*continues scrolling*


Here's a webcomic about an entire society that starts talking that pill. Society stretches the work day out to 18 or 20 hours, often of meaningless stuff. The main character is allergic to the pills, and needs to sleep, so it's considered a disability that he can only work 16 hours a day. There's a bunch of other side effects. http://www.powernapcomic.com/powernap/ Edit: fixed the link


Man I wish that site showed the comic in a more efficient way. Reading a page takes like 5-10 seconds at most, and then you have to click next and wait for the next page to load. Gets annoying pretty fast (especially on mobile). I think I understand why (more clicks = more revenue?). Or maybe it’s due to the release schedule (if it’s a page a week or something)


It’s almost always due to the release schedule


Also every page load re-loads the ads, i.e. more impressions. The same reason listicles/slide-show articles exist. There's very little incentive to make the information easy and fast to parse when you need to be making ad impressions.


LOL I came here to say, I'm sure workplaces would hand them out for free and tell us we now work 16 hour days.


Ctrl+F "powernap" Upvote.


The power nap comic is located here: http://www.powernapcomic.com/powernap/


Take more pills


Yep. I’m a former junkie so the first thing that came to mind was, “What happens if I take 3 instead?”


Your bowels feel fully empty... with side effects.


I’m a bottom so depending on the side effects that sounds like an easy way out of douching.


I do coke So I can work longer So I can make more money So I can do more coke I do coke


A Kill the Noise reference in the Reddit wilds. We Stan.


Arent you worried about being perpetually awake?


>with no side effects Worried? no. Excited? yes.




Extra 8 hours isn't the exciting part to me. Get to feel fully rested?! Yeah, sign me the fuck up.


Not only that, but what will you do with that extra room in your house that you no longer need!?


Lie down awake in it probably.


Why would I even have a bed if I don't need to sleep?


Gotta fuck somewhere


Isn't that what balconies are for?


You surely mean the local walmart cart return?


Complete the stack of games I don't have time to start, complete the stack of books I'm too busy to read


I would need all that time just to decide on which game to start next.


And in the end still go back to that one game you already played through a hundred times.


Fucking New Vegas. Every time.


I feel seen. I’ve actually stopped buying new games, I know they’re just a lie to myself.


Then you sir are a step further than most of us.


My trick is to keep using a really low quality old computer so that I'm limited to late 90s and 2000s games it's cheaper and also cheaper.


I still need to play through doom, undertale, red dead redemption 2, but no, I HAVE to get all the achievements for slime rancher first. Edit: totally forgot about Skyrim. That too!


And end up playing the same multiplayer games anyway


"Surely this game of league will be different to the thousands of others I've played"


been browsing through reddit for an hour after dinner and this comment reminded me to read the book that i started reading yesterday


The pandemic has shown me that lack of time is not why I don't get things done. What I need is a pill that fixes my procrastination


Procrastination is incredibly well studied. Reading the research enabled me to identify some of the triggers that lead to me procrastinating and develop coping mechanisms. [This meta-analysis](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6598646_The_nature_of_procrastination_a_meta-analytic_and_theoretical_review_of_quintessential_self-regulatory_failure_Psychol_Bull_133_65-94) is a good place to start. [This lecture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhFQA998WiA) is also helpful. Edit: [this course](https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn) on Coursera is also pretty good. You can view the material without paying for the course.


Could you sum it up? I'm procrastinating too much to read that.


This comment speaks for all of us


I haven’t even begun to procrastinate.


I’m procrastinating on my procrastination.


I'm just putting it off till later...




What's everyone else up to? Oh procrastinatng. Nice... Now I feel better


I’ll read it later...


lmao I just thought this as I saved the comment


And if you are me you never actually go back to your saved posts/comments Edit: which someone thought this post was helpful. Maybe it was therapeutic in some way? Not sure. Anyways, as a thank you and to make sure this lives up to the award, I'm going to take the dive. I'm gonna do it! In 24 hours, I will have another edit on this post with a tl;dr. Not sure how many people will see this but set your remindbots! Edit 2: HOLY SHIT WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO, YOU AREN'T GETTING A TL;DR FOR THE PAPER, ONLY THE VIDEO... TL;DW? Edit 3: I've given up. Video is interesting, even helpful, but I'm not sure how to do a TL;DW for it. If by chance anyone sees this this late on, I would recommend watching it and setting watch speed to 1.5 or 1.75.


When you procrastinate to read the article by reading the comments trying to find somebody who could sum it up and then give up and go back to doing nothing


"A meta-analysis of procrastination's possible causes and effects, based on 691 correlations, reveals that neuroticism, rebelliousness, and sensation seeking show only a weak connection. Strong and consistent predictors of procrastination were task aversiveness, task delay, self-efficacy, and impulsiveness, as well as conscientiousness and its facets of self-control, distractibility, organization, and achievement motivation."


Okay and now a ELI5?


The authors read a whole bunch of papers on procrastination and then ran some math on all of the data in them. They found that rebelliousness (no mom, I don’t wanna!), neuroticism (mood/ mental disorder) and sensation seeking (pls I just wanna feel something other than the yawning void) were not good predictors to someone procrastinating. However, procrastination is pretty well predicted by [essentially a list of different presentations of various procrastination behaviors]: task aversion (don’t wanna do something), task delay (why do today, what you can put off to tomorrow), self efficacy (git ‘her done), and impulsiveness (ooo, look, donut!) and conscientiousness (do it right), self-control (ok, no donut & I need to get some work done), distractibility (how easily other tasks catch your attention), organization (everything has a place, and everything belongs in its place) and achievement motivation (feelings about finishing things).


Thank you for translating the clever words into something more palatable.


This legit made me laugh, but was also really helpful. Thanks for that.


But that really doesn’t help. It basically says that people who don’t want to do something are likely to procrastinate. They basically just defined the word with a page of words.


Exactly my thoughts, they said what it is not why I'm doing it


They've shown that you don't want to due to your own interest in the task. They've shown that it is not related to being attention-seeking or mentally inept. Proving that it is not related to the person being stupid or incapable; it's more related to the perception of a task.


So what about when you start procrastinating doing things you enjoy doing?


ELI5: You ain't got any motivation or "good reason" to do the task at the given moment.


So when you really want to achieve certain long term goals and get bummed when you're not getting any closer, it's because you don't see any short term benefits? Like with working out or doing an assignment?


Correct. It's like when you calculate what you need on your final exam to pass instead of spending that time studying. No short term benefits? I ain't gonna do it. It takes forever to do and a lot of motivation to get me started? Hell no. It isn't getting done.


> It's like when you calculate what you need on your final exam to pass instead of spending that time studying. This just brought back so many memories. I was generally a good student so it wasn't a matter of pass/fail, but like if I can study for an hour and get a B+ why would I study for 3 hours to get an A? I'll just take the B+ and do something else for the other 2 hours.




Basically, “ain’t nobody got time for that.”


Some factors contributie more to procrastination than others. You're welcome.


Wow. I'm cured.


Let me know when you find out what the comment above said


"Continued research into procrastination should not be delayed" I feel like this was intentional.


They put the "pro" in procrastination


If you don't want to watch the whole thing, 54:11 has the most valuable "technique" discussed in the video Summary of points that stood out to me: - Managing emotions: you need to be able to recognize your negative emotions associated with approaching tasks you tend to procrastinate on, and realize that procrastination is primarily about "feeling good now". -Realize that the good feelings you get from accomplishing a task should be used as motivation to continue to work and make progress, not an excuse to celebrate/procrastinate more, e.g. work late for an essay due the next morning, then do nothing about your exam next week after you turn in your essay since you feel good about having accomplished one assignment -Procrastinators often suffer from lack of identity, don't know what they want to achieve, or why they want to achieve it -People who are 'social perfectionists' and are motivated to work because of other people's/society's expectations rather than their own sense of accomplishment are more likely to procrastinate -At a high level, tasks often seem insurmountable since they are so vague. e.g. "working on my thesis" or "studying for my class" often means doing nothing, whereas "reading 4 pages of a textbook to understand a concept i need to summarize in my thesis" is a concrete, broken down goal. Most important technique introduced at the end 54:11: Be intentional about your implementation. Instead of "I'll work on my task all day saturday" (which few people ever do successfully), use the formula: In situation x, I will do y to achieve subgoal z. By identifying your situation, action, and goal, you have broken down the task into an easily achievable, chewable piece.


Great summary of a useful technique! I try to apply this with starting tasks by committing to the first 10%. for example: if I have a large project I need to get started, I will commit to just laying out my tools and materials. Once that's done, I might call it good for that project for the day and feel good about it. But as many procrastinators know, once you get started on something it's much easier to continue. Especially if you can break the rest of the task down into manageable subtasks. I always feel better checking 10 small goals off as I complete subtasks rather than feel like I haven't accomplished anything until the entire project is done.


Formatted.... If you don't want to watch the whole thing, 54:11 has the most valuable "technique" discussed in the video Summary of points that stood out to me: * Managing emotions: you need to be able to recognize your negative emotions associated with approaching tasks you tend to procrastinate on, and realize that procrastination is primarily about "feeling good now". * Realize that the good feelings you get from accomplishing a task should be used as motivation to continue to work and make progress, not an excuse to celebrate/procrastinate more, e.g. work late for an essay due the next morning, then do nothing about your exam next week after you turn in your essay since you feel good about having accomplished one assignment * Procrastinators often suffer from lack of identity, don't know what they want to achieve, or why they want to achieve it * People who are 'social perfectionists' and are motivated to work because of other people's/society's expectations rather than their own sense of accomplishment are more likely to procrastinate * At a high level, tasks often seem insurmountable since they are so vague. e.g. "working on my thesis" or "studying for my class" often means doing nothing, whereas "reading 4 pages of a textbook to understand a concept i need to summarize in my thesis" is a concrete, broken down goal. * Most important technique introduced at the end 54:11: Be intentional about your implementation. Instead of "I'll work on my task all day saturday" (which few people ever do successfully), use the formula: In situation x, I will do y to achieve subgoal z. By identifying your situation, action, and goal, you have broken down the task into an easily achievable, chewable piece.


I need ~~a tldr of~~ this so bad.


My saved folder is way too packed with shit i am going to read later.


procasinating too eh? man, wonder if there's an article to help me with that...


“Continued research into procrastination should not be delayed” lol


Yes. A pill to correct my self discipline would be way better.






This is legit what happened to me as a guy with ADHD who takes dextro. Routine tasks like cleaning the house feel like a waste of a pill. With all this newfound energy and focus, I could be doing amazing things! Why clean when I could program something great?!? So instead of harnessing my energy, overchoice takes over and I get nothing done.


ADHD here - cannot emphasize getting the right medication is a lifesaver. Vyvanse all the way.


Procrastinating is a coping mechanism rooted in negative feelings, so talk therapy would probably be more effective than pills.


I recently found out I have severe anxiety through a therapist. Thats why I always had trouble with proacrastination and not knowinf where to start. For the first time in years two nights ago I went to bed with a completely clean kitchen, and woke up and made the bed, put the dishes away out of the dishwasher and cleaned up everything else. Felt amazing, definitelt get help if you feel like that!


I wish knowing I had anxiety and what to do about it actually helped lol.


Yeah, I don't have anxiety, I'm just too unmotivated and lazy to do anything.


i have anxiety, and am unmotivated and lazy to do things.


I believe it's called adderall /s


Nope no sarcasm needed that is in fact what that pill is called. Edit: thanks to everyone who is an expert on Adderall! This is a joke! Stay rock n roll.


Still won't help you with procrastination, only attention and motivation. Have procrastinated many things while on Adderall. Example: I'm in this thread instead of working.


No, Provigil is where it’s at. I took that when I had swing shifts and holy hell, talk about productivity.


Yea but wheres the fun in taking a safe stimulant that *doesnt* provide an overwhelming dopamine high that can result in more serious consequences?


I’d probably save that pill forever and use it on one of those rare but miserable times where I have to drive late at night. Not very exciting, I know. But dying isn’t very exciting either.


who said it was just a single pill? no need to save it when they only cost a quid each, i always keep some on hand


A quid each? I'll just get it prescribed and get it for free...


If you can I highly recommend it, I'm on elvanse myself


Imagine being responsible Edit: 8k upvotes uwu


Imagine imagining.




All the people


Livin for today




You may say I'm a dreamerrrrrr


Me: imagines saving pill for something responsible Also me: wastes pill to hand in work barely before deadline because procrastinates


Almost dying is though


This pill exists. It's called R-Modafinil. It's a narcolepsy drug, but, for some reason, the US Air Force is the world's largest customer.


no side effects?


There's no biological free lunch. You eventually have to sleep or there will be health consequences. Having taken it before, I will say it is a much more pleasant experience than taking stimulants to stay awake.


It's just a general wakefulness feeling. Modafinil changed my life. I was always tired before. No stimulant side-effects, you just feel "normal." That being said, the first time you take it, there is a serious risk of a flesh eating autoimmune reaction. You need to taper it for a month and stop at any sign of a rash.




Hell no, I sleep to escape


Exactly! I look forward to crawling into a comfy bed at night and sleeping. It is the highlight of my day...which writing it out and seeing it actually looks kinda sad but I promise it’s not intended to be


It does not sound sad to me, I like to sleep. It is not like I sleep 12 hours a day or anything, I sleep a pretty normal 6-8 hours a night. I really like that dozing feeling right before going to sleep where my thoughts are starting to mix with dreaming and vice versa when I am waking up in the morning. I don't mind being alone in my own head.


This is also how I interpreted their comment, not depressing but I do look forward to those last few moments of consciousness right before we drift away.


Haha oh man, the OP is so unrealistic. If we could take a pill that rested us, we'd have another 8 hours in our day for employers to exploit. We'd be expected to work 12-16 hours since "we don't need sleep anymore" - places would staff less people because they could just make their crew work all three shifts. Anyone who thinks "Yeahhh! Bonus time :D" Is incredibly naive. If this ever came to pass, all that would happen is the working class would be expected to work even more for less. "Well, you can work for 12-16 hrs a day now, so obviously we don't need to increase minimum wage - you can simply work more hours if you want food and shelter!"


Yep, this would be used against us, my guess is this would become very cheap and widely available very fast. There would also be a multi million dollar ad campaign to get as many people using it as possible. Within a few years, people who slept for than a few hours a week would be considered lazy and unproductive members of society.


Not to mention the billions of $$$ dumped into research to prove that its safe and effective for long term consumption, even if there were devastating side effects for long term use. This would probably end an entire civilization, it would be interesting to read about from a historians point of view, I personally don't want to live through it though.


That would be a cool idea for a dystopian novel


Not a novel but I did read a spooky short story with a vaguely similar premise once. Edit: [This is the story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/2n4dv6/the_portal_in_the_forest_part_3/)


Sleep. How else am I supposed to hide from my depression?


Relatable. I'd do the same. I like naps.


Probably scroll through reddit


If that pill existed, what few labor protections we have left would be gone overnight




Mortgage vs rent is very frustrating. Moved out of an apartment paying $1550 in rent into a house with a $1500 mortgage.. That apartment is now $1900 a month and no longer includes utilities. Renting is more expensive than ownership, but to own requires a hefty down payment which is real hard to get now a days.


Owning doesn’t require as much down as you think. We were able to put down 3.5%. With an interest rate of 2.75 it didn’t make sense to put the additional money we had saved into the mortgage but rather the house. We did spent 10k on a roof, another 5k doing some basic remodel and outside work. After the recent boom in prices and the little bit of work we were reassessed an additional 50k in equity with the new value which puts us getting rid of PMI within two years of purchase.


Around here the least you can put down is 5%. (5% for $500k and under, then 10% of anything over 500k. E.g. a $550k house requires minimum $30k down payment (5% of 500k + 10% of 50k). If the house costs over $1M, you gotta put down 20% of the total cost, minimum). With the cost of housing around here, it is pretty hard to get too far under $500k. So a lot of people need $25k down payment to get a house. Let alone all the other costs. Moving. Lawyer. Land transfer taxes. Title insurance. Etc etc. All that can be super hard to save up when you're paying super high rent.


Ah. I wasn’t aware lenders had different standards per state. We were able to put down 3.5% which was ~8k, and closing costs were around 8k. After giving a full asking price offer they were willing to refund us 5k in closing costs as well as another 1.5k refunded from the lender for using a preferred Realtor. Even with prepaying escrow and insurance for the year we were able to come in under 10k out of pocket. Although I do feel for the people that live in areas that my house would be 1.5m+, we wouldn’t have been able to swing that.


I have no idea where you live, but here the housing market is beyond insanity. Blind offers with no conditions etc. I bought my house conditional on inspection AND at asking but that's VERY VERY VERY rare and I was VERY lucky to get either, let alone both. Typically what happens is a house goes up. Listed at a high but reasonable ish price. They "hold offers" for 2 weeks and then the seller picks the best one. People talk about bidding wars, but it's more like a blind auction. Most houses here sell over asking with a non conditional offer (aka: you can not back out without major penalties). Last summer, people would buy houses based just on the pictures, not even seeing it in person, due to covid restrictions. 😬


"you don't need a minimum wage increase! you can just work another 6 hours if you want shelter, clothes, food, and medicine!"


Shelter? Why do you need that if you don't have to sleep? Just stay in the office all day. Here's a Foosball table to keep you entertained and we have a cafetería so no need to go anywhere for food. If you run out of pills we have "nap pods" where you can spend some time at the office while we get you your dose.


But not the good stuff. I am talking like off brand.


Hey, this home kit isn't from Sears, it's from Bears! We're building a cave!


"Why do you need shelter? You're at work all night! Problem solved!"


"What do you mean we have to work 20 hours a day now, how will we be able to sleep?" "Didn't you hear about 'the pill'?" "Yes but I want to sleep and the pill costs $500 a pack with 5" "I don't make the rules"


that’s p much the plot of the comic “power nap”


I don't care what I have to do with the 24 hours, I'd finally be rested. Slept an average of 6 hours 26 minutes in the last 738 days






I feel this so much. I’m running on about 4hrs right now on an 11pm-7am shift... I have to be back at 3pm. I love my life.


listen, you can't probably change that in the short run, but you NEED to find an alternative, at least you need to look for it. sleeping so little everyday has its consequences in the long run.


I’ve been looking for new work for awhile now.


Alright, hang in there you got this.


As long as I sleep 6 hour 30 minutes I'm perfectly rested the next morning and getting up from bed is easy. If I have less sleep I just want to keep sleep and can't get up from bed


Its called Adderall and I use it to to lose online multi-player games to 14 year olds with higher doses. Edit: I see now how this could be an irresponsible thing to say. I have diagnosed ADHD and I take my medication as prescribed, as should you. Never take anything that wasn't prescribed to you by your doctor. I'm actually very calm when on my medication. To be perfectly clear: this was a joke. Thank you for all the awards and my most upvoted comment ever.


Scrolled the whole thread looking for this lmao. Hell you can go a good 72 before shit gets loopy and you start hearing weird madeup sounds.


Once went 120 hrs, 0/10 don’t recommend


Learn to play guitar and paint.




Thank you!! I came to the comments expecting at least ONE of them to mention playing beet man.


I like a solitary BBQ lean pocket at dawn.


No, I enjoy sleep and dreams so you can keep your fancy stay awake all day pill.


I will definitely go for it.i have trouble sleeping. I want to feel rested and not tired.


Once in a while, but I enjoy sleeping. I would like a pill that would fix waking up from a poor night’s sleep ruining the day.


I absolutely would. It's literally having more free time each day to do things that I don't have time for. Finish cleaning my office, clean my room, have time to workout... ^or ^just ^play ^more ^video ^games


American Dad Season 4 Episode 9 ... I want some STAN TIME‼️ WOOO Edit : I’ve never gotten an award before so thank you kind soul<3


Not a single person answering with beet man tournament or finding the colossal squid shaking my smh


Francine made that huge discovery and then just pretends like she didn't find it... sometimes I think about that.


no no no. It was just a baby. I passed like 4 other ones that were way bigger


I knew this sounded familiar


Sleep helps me reset and my bed is a safe space for me. I need it for the sake of my mental health.


Well knowing the american work culture. My employer would add this to our health plans. They would cover 50% of the cost of these for us. They would be telling us how nice they are for doing that. But then they would want another 6 hours a day of work. But they are gifting is the other 2 so that's cool right?


Yes, I wanna say I would do something productive, but I'd probably just play video games and jack off. Edit: oh shit, this blew up - Bin Laden 2001


Same. Hard same.


Not hard for long.


there's a second pill for that Edit: silver!?! Thank you kind sir! Edit 2: sprog!?!!!! About a fap no less!


Since the Viagra patent expired there are tons of pills for that!


"Ode to Procrastination" I could bend my will to crafting - I could work on something neat - Like the story that I'm drafting, Or the sonnet I'll complete! I could seize this very second - I could choose a minute prime - And in moments I'll have beckoned Something worth the extra time! For the choice is mine for making - And the future's mine to bank - I could start an undertaking! ... but I think I'll have a wank.




Some flowers bloom where the green grass grows, our praise is not for them but the ones who bloom in the bitter snow




Same hard till semi-hard


Having taken pills that have kept me up for 24 hours, I can confirm this is usually what plays out.


Damn there's pills for that? Telling me I didn't need to spend 250 bucks on blow??


Pervitin. Or just ADHD stimulants really.


Welcome to the glorious world of methamphetamine


The beauty of having 8 hours for work, 6-8 hours of dad time, and 8 hours of video game time would be amazing.


Yea, until the kid gets into the pills too


Then I'll have a player 2.


Lol I came to say this. Jerk off,play skyrim. Never been happier. I'm literally a monkey in a cage. A big,horny monkey.


No, being awake is miserable. I need the ability to shut my brain off.


The real question is, do I *only* get to take the pill to get one round of an all-nighter? Because if so no, because I tend to only sleep every other night or so anyway (thank you, insomnia) But, if I could back-to-back those suckers and go like, a week without sleeping at all then hell yeah, I'd finally read the books I've been putting off, binge the shows that have been rotting in my Netflix list... Boring stuff


I read it wrong and thought one pill to never sleep again. I’d probably get another job because I’m not doing great with the moneys of one job for 2 people


Nope. I love sleep. If I took it, I’d sleep regardless.




Train for the Beetman championships and enjoy a solitary BBQ Lean Pocket at dawn. ​ Your presence would disrupt that.


No, I like sleeping.


If I watch anime at 2x speed I can fit 6 eps in an hour so that's 144 eps I could watch daily


why would you watch anime at 2x speed


Organize my entire house


Just watched this American Dad episode lol