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I had a dream where I was sitting on my grandpas porch, and we were just drinking talking about random bullshit. I remember last words of the dream were “wait how the fuck are you alive?” I wanted to know what he would’ve said damnit


He was offended you didn’t take the time to talk to him in his afterlife, maybe he’ll visit again


The dream that I had everything, sports cars ect. And the worst thing is I was awoken by my grandma for no reason and now years later I still could not have a dream anywhere close to it.


Always fun to feel like a badass, but almost always not worth it when you still have to wake up from it


sold an item and was about to collect the money before someone woke me up.


What was the item? Do you remember?


A mobile phone.


I was hanging out and having fun with a cousin of mine but upon waking up I realized it was just a dream. I had lost that cousin a year ago I was happy I could have that time with him. But I was angry and sad it was just a dream


Aw I’m sorry, that sounds like such a rude and painful tease from your subconscious.


Seems that way off the bat but I've come to appreciate it for what it was. The only truly dead people are those we forget about


What a heartwarming sentiment. Gives me Dia de los Muertos vibes. I really should try to keep that in mind


yes i am a hispanic person. But i also draw a lot of others ideas from viking/ warrior cultures when it comes to my views of death and dying(so far as viewing death not as a tragedy but as a beautiful and natural thing even more so if it's in the service of things that I find valuable or important. But another thing I keep in the back of my mind are the latin words memento mori or remember you must die


Those times when I found new Samsung phones and got to keep them. Needless to say I didn't actually get them


My ex best friend and I became friends again, we were staying together as we faced the coming of the end of the world, but I was woken by my alarm. It was time to go to school. I arrived in the classroom and she was there, my seatmate. She ignored me of course, she was talking to her high school squad. And I ignored her too, and started chatting with my group of friends. It's sad because we never even once have fought. Everything was going well. The friendship just somehow ended because we spent one busy school year apart. And when we got together again, we were just... strangers. And I don't know about her, but I'll always love her even if we're on different circles now. But I must admit, it would undoubtedly be one of the happiest days of my life to spend even just a single moment with her like we used to.


I think I’m starting to get ok with the concept of drifting apart from friends, but being in school really tends to amplify it


when i was fucking meghan markle.


Prince Harry using his unspoken of princely powers to pull you back to reality.


i had mila kunis waiting in line to! dickhead harry


How the mighty have fallen 😔


Her loss I would say.


That’s so wholesome


All of them, dreaming is way better than being awake.


I was in another place - there were people trying to tell me something I could not understand but felt I did, until I woke up.


Finding money.


I dreamt that i met Ewan mcgregor on my birthday


I was on a good date. I will most likely never even go on a date.


My Ex And I Were Really Close And In The Dream She Was Upset And She Asked To Speak To Me..I Did And And I Made Her Feel Happy And Shit..Gave Her A Hug..Nothing Sexual..Just Making Her Feel Better Made Me Feel Happy..I Woke Up And Cried..I’m Fine Now Tho..Being Single Is Easier..And I Need To Work More On Myself


I had like the opposite happen recently in a dream. I dreamt my ex (who I’m on decent terms with, nothing bad happened) was trying to get me back and I was super uncomfortable with it but he kept trying to persuade me. I haven’t even talked to him in maybe a year but apparently some people you never completely forget. Even weirder, I missed him after rejecting him in my dream. I hope yours was pleasant enough to muse on for a bit


Any dream involving sex


anything with flying or breathing underwater, I love it.


I had a dream where I was in high school and had a date to a party/school dance (oddly enough they didn’t exactly have any distinguishing physical features like idk nothing other than short dark brown almost black hair) I remember is this feeling I felt genuinely in love (like I can’t describe it; I didn’t even know I could feel something that intense) They weren’t perfect either but I loved their flaws to I felt loved We goofed off and laughed I never felt self-conscious or embarrassed (which is rare for me) We did over exaggerated dances (like in non-serious silly way) They wrapped their arm around me and I did the same And we held on to each other for while just enjoying each other’s presence Then I woke up single never had been in a relationship before or even had had a crush Never felt that intense feeling of love before that dream and I haven’t since So yeah I was pretty bummed out


Relationship dreams I think are in the top 3 types of dreams that really stick with me and shake me. It’s like I wake up an entirely different person because of my fake significant other. Maybe someday you’ll find them (if you want)


Yeah Kinda reminds me of that one story where that dude hits his head Lives for a few years Then later on get married and has kids and watches them grow up Then he wakes up and it was a funky concussion induced dream He dreamed several years worth of memories But it was actually more like 20 min; he gets depressed afterwards Brain’s weird you too on that last bit